9 is a lucky number. Numerology: lucky and dangerous numbers


People are trying in any way to catch luck by the tail. There are a huge number of options for this. One of them is to find your secret, lucky number and always be on top thanks to it.

folk wisdom

It should be noted that some nations have their own unlucky and lucky numbers. So, for example, quite a lot of people in the world are afraid of the number 13. In some states there are no floors with this number, houses and even apartments. As a counterbalance, a seven or even three sevens is often considered a lucky number. Why this is so, no one knows for sure. But one thing can be said: this number is mentioned quite often in the Bible - almost 400 times. There are a huge number of sayings and proverbs where this figure appears. And magicians consider seven to be the number of enlightenment. Therefore, it is 7 that can safely claim the title of the most successful number.

Memorable dates

The lucky numbers of a certain person can also reflect certain events in his life. So, very often various memorable dates are used for this - birthday, wedding day, etc. People who gamble most often use this method. And as a result, they often win. Why this happens, no one knows for sure. But the fact that an important date for a person has a magical meaning is a fact!

Selection method

To find out which numbers are lucky for a particular person, you can simply use the method of selection or analysis. So, think carefully before jumping to conclusions. After analyzing your life, you can see that a certain number occurs more and more often than usual. Here it is in danger of becoming happy for the owner. By the same principle, one can trace the warning numbers that can signal a person about an impending disaster.

Zodiac sign

Lucky numbers for a certain person can be suggested by their own zodiac sign or a science such as astrology. So, Pisces, for example, are helped by sevens and twelves, Lions - by fives, and Scorpios - by the numbers eight and twenty-one. You can also focus on your planet-assistant and thus designate your lucky number. The people of the Sun will take a unit as an assistant, the "lunar" representatives - a deuce, the "Martians" - a four, etc.


How to find out your lucky number? To do this, there is a method described in numerology. You will need a special table, thanks to which a person will have to translate the letters of his full name into numbers. Then flatten everything. Add the date of your birthday to the result, and - voila! - personal lucky number found. It is believed that it will help a person and guide him throughout his life.

Life is a game

There are also certain lucky numbers in some games. So, in roulette, seven is considered successful, or more precisely, “7 is red”. In poker, the eight is the favorite. B - again the number seven.


Knowing lucky numbers is very good, but don't get hung up on it. This is especially true for people who love to gamble. After all, there are not so many situations when a lucky number helps in a casino. But there are many stories about the complete bankruptcy of individuals who, with the help of numbers, wanted to catch luck.

Surely, each of us has his own lucky number. As a rule, it is associated either with a certain important date in our life or simply became successful due to a strange coincidence. Many people believe in lucky numbers and use them in their lives. However, numerologists assure that sometimes a person’s lucky number is just a figment of his imagination. Numbers truly attract good luck only when they are chosen by a special numerological calculation. Find out your lucky number right now!

lucky number

In order to find out your lucky number, you need to refer to numerology by date of birth. Write your date of birth on a piece of paper, add up all these numbers and bring the result to a single digit by adding.

Example: 12/19/1977 = 1+9+1+2+1+9+7+7 = 37 = 3+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The resulting number will be successful in this case.

When you make a numerological calculation of your date of birth and get your lucky number, then you should find out its meaning and the magical power that it radiates.

Meanings of numbers in numerology

  • Number 1 - you are lucky in money, business, in leadership work and in dealing with people. Use this number everywhere, then you can achieve brilliant results in your career and increase your wealth.
  • Number 2 - you will be lucky in friendship and in relationships with people. You can easily benefit from communication with others, as well as make useful contacts. This number will also make you a more harmonious and confident person.
  • Number 3 - luck will come to you through creativity and creativity of thinking. The number three will help you gain respect and authority in your social circle, and will also reveal all hidden talents and abilities.
  • Number 4 - this number gives you stability and confidence in the future. It will protect you from surprises and troubles. According to the numerology of numbers, the four gives all the material benefits that one can only dream of.
  • The number 5 is a rather unpredictable number. If you like to take risks, then it will help you. In addition, the five will push you to action and activity.
  • Number 6 - good luck in love and family. With this numerical talisman, you can find your soul mate, build relationships with relatives and strengthen the bond with your loved one.
  • The number 7 is the number of ideal and harmony. If you strive for perfection, then it will help you achieve this. Also, the seven favors the acquisition of knowledge, personal and spiritual development.
  • Number 8 - you will be lucky with money. Using the figure eight in everyday life, you yourself will not notice how your financial situation will gradually improve.
  • Number 9 - This number will bring good luck in all areas of life. It will attract money, love, success, new acquaintances, knowledge to you.

The meaning of numbers in numerology will allow you to know the magical power of your digital talisman. But how to use this magic to attract good luck? To do this, you can make a talisman with the inscription of your lucky number. In this case, the magical vibrations of the number will affect you 24 hours a day.

You can also use your lucky number when choosing something or when making an important decision. For example, if you are in an exam and you have to draw a ticket, then choose the one that matches your luck number. Lucky numbers can also be used in everyday life. For example, if your luck number is 3, then you can enter a phone number that contains three.

With help, you will be able to attract into your life what you dream about. Using your luck figure, you will be able to change your life for the better and enlist the support of Fortune. Be successful and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.02.2014 13:14

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Different methods of predicting successful incidents, coincidences, cases have existed for centuries. People use for this everything that you can think of - from the flight of birds to coffee grounds, from Tarot cards to the location of stars and planets in the sky.

However, all these methods require additional "inventory". The same coffee, in order to guess on it, you need to purchase and brew. Nevertheless, there is a fairly ancient science, which today belongs to alternative knowledge. It helps people get to the heart of the matter through simple arithmetic and the knowledge of a few principles. Next, you will figure out how to find out your lucky number.

Numerology as an aid in revealing personality

Today we will consider and learn how to apply an amazing technique. Just imagine, for its implementation, any material at hand, on which you can make notes, will do! You can even do all the calculations in your head, with the proper skills and inclinations.

This science originated a very long time ago, even the Egyptians did divination based on calculations.

However, the ancient Greek Pythagoras popularized this knowledge by developing a special table. Next we will talk about it.

So, how to find out your lucky number by date of birth? There are several traditions that go back to antiquity. Let's look at them in turn.

First approach. Quantitative counting, no values

This method involves a simple count of the number of letters, without further analysis.

Let's take an example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, March 12, 1967
We write all the data in words in a column and count the number of letters in each line:
Ivan - 4
Ivanovic - 8
Ivanov - 6
Twelve - 10
March - 4
1967 - 32

An important caveat: if it turns out 2 identical numbers, in our case it is 4, then we add 0 to the second one. It turns out 4 and 40.

In total, the lucky numbers in our example are 4, 8, 6, 10, 40, 32.

What to do with these numbers? It's simple - play with them! Compare with a phone or floor, apartment or car sign. Make appointments for these dates or for this time, visits to doctors, hairdressers, shops. Plan trips, etc.

It is also considered in this technique that by combining the numbers, you can improve the chance. For example, a meeting from 8 to 10 on the fourth (4) June (6) with a high probability will be very successful.

Second approach. Lucky number by date of birth. Classic variant

It was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Each result - from 1 to 9 - has its own characteristics. This is a kind of analogue of the signs of the zodiac in the ancient world.
Here we simply sum up all the numbers of your lucky event until we get one and only.

1+2+0+3+1+9+6+7 = 29 => 2+9 = 11 => 1+1 = 2

What lucky numbers matter:
  • The unit symbolizes pressure, the desire to achieve one's own, activity.
  • Two is harmony, balance, equality, the need for peace.
  • Three - creativity, the connection of times (from the past to the future through the present).
  • The Four is a realist and a pragmatist to the core, that says it all.
  • Five - adventurism, enterprise, thirst for risk and adventure.
  • Six - stability, traditions, responsibility.
  • Seven - thinker, scientist, researcher.
  • Eight is the most favorable number for achieving happiness in the material world.
  • Nine - hidden potential, it can be used to receive all the benefits or successfully derail life. All in your hands.

Third approach. The connection between man and higher powers

However, today a new trend has appeared in numerology, which is trying to find a connection between a person and a guardian angel. This technique tells how to find out your lucky number by the time of birth. If we add to this the calculation and decoding of the Pythagorean approach, it is possible to obtain a powerful tool for influencing fate.

Let's take a look at the table. On the left you see a column - time of birth. It has an interval of one hour. The following bars are the days of the week before noon (AM) and after noon (PM).

So, 14.25 - a gap of 2-3 hours in the afternoon (PM), Wednesday. We look - this is 5. Next, turn on your intuition, understand yourself, based on the data of the Pythagorean approach, play with this figure.

Have you figured out how to find out your lucky number?

The listed three methods are only the base, the basics, the beginning of a journey into the magical world of numerology. If you are interested in this article, then understand further. You will certainly find that separately the birthday figure affects the physical side of life, the month - the emotional side, the year - the mental side. You will learn how to calculate the number of a name, based on various alphabets and traditions, you will be able to make horoscopes and forecasts. With the proper skill, you may be interested in a sweepstakes, racetrack or other entertainment, especially if you like gambling, lottery or roulette. The calculation of the probability of falling and the chance of winning, the pot and the bet in poker is all mathematics, but it is also numerology. The reverse side of academic science hides the mystical secret of age-old wisdom.

You still have a long and informative way to go in this magical dimension.
Good luck dear reader!

Numbers have been of interest to people since ancient times. Today the science of numbers is called numerology; she is able to tell a lot of interesting things, for example, determine lucky numbers. For any of us, numbers are associated with mathematics, and this is an exact science. Perhaps that is why everything that relates to them, the majority inspires confidence. The most important numbers for a person are those that accompany him all his life. They can help determine compatibility when choosing a friend, life partner, business partner, tell about the nature of a newborn child.

Almost no one doubts that any person has a certain program for life, which is determined by the forces of the cosmos at the time of birth. Therefore, it is the date of birth that is considered the most magical number. After all, both the name and surname can be changed during life, but the date of birth remains unchanged.

To calculate the number of the date of birth, you need to count the numbers indicating the year, month and day of birth and reduce to a simple number (from 1 to 9). For example, if a person was born on June 27, 1975, then his magic number is calculated as follows: 2+7+6+1+9+7+5= 37=10=1.

In addition, a certain planet corresponds to the number indicating the date of birth: “1” corresponds to the Sun, “2” to the Moon, “3” to Jupiter, “4” to Mars, “5” to Saturn, “6” to Venus, Mercury - "7", Uranus - "8", Neptune - "9", Pluto - "0" and "10".

The talisman number is the number that is obtained if you determine not only your magic number, but also the magic numbers of your parents, count them and divide by 3. For example, if a person was born on July 13, 1988, and his mother was on August 14, 1965, and father - November 4, 1961, then:


If the number is not an integer, it must be rounded up. In this example, it will turn out 32. Numerologists say that the image of the talisman-number should always be carried with you. For example, embroider on a handkerchief, write on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, write on a watch strap, order a pendant with his image, get a tattoo. The number-talisman protects from failures and troubles, gives strength and self-confidence, attracts good luck in life.

There is an opinion that such a talisman appears at the right time and helps to make an important decision. For example, it appears as the number of a house, apartment, bus, trolleybus. A person ceases to be nervous in difficult situations; fate and the world present him with pleasant surprises, for example, winnings in lotteries (of course, if the talisman number is present in the ticket number). Whenever a person catches the eye of his talisman, any, even a very difficult situation, will certainly be resolved favorably.

Another lucky number is the one that is obtained from the first name, patronymic and last name. After all, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to some number: a, i, c, b - "1", b, d, t, s - "2", c, k, y, b - "3", g, l, f, e - "4", d, m, x, u - "5", e, n, c, i - "6", e, o, h - "7", f, p, w - "8 ", s, p, u - "9".

For example, Maria Anatolyevna Ivanova:

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For this woman, the lucky number is 3.

Problems can arise if a person changes their first or last name. Most often, this happens to women after marriage. Numerologists believe that a change in a lucky number can radically change not only the character, but also the fate of a person, especially if the values ​​​​of the numbers differ sharply. Therefore, experts advise before changing the surname to determine the number that will be obtained after changing the surname.

You can refer to the following characteristics:

  • "1" - the predominance of male character traits - leadership, independence, the ability to independently make decisions in difficult situations;
  • "2" - the desire in any situation to seek a compromise, to work in a team;
  • "3" - enthusiasm, optimism, creative thinking, sociability, the ability to influence others with words;
  • "4" - the desire to overcome difficulties, the refusal to build a life according to the rules, diligence;
  • "5" - unwillingness to take responsibility, passion for extreme sports, frequent changes of residence, work, partners;
  • "6" - a pronounced sense of responsibility for others, the desire for balance and harmony, the search for benefits in communication;
  • "7" - the ability to analyze, meticulousness, closed character;
  • "8" - competent handling of finances, the desire to translate everything into a monetary equivalent, craving for power and hoarding;
  • "9" - humility, submission to the desires of others, inability to make decisions independently, a tendency to romanticism and daydreaming.

Nothing good awaits a woman in family life if, after changing her last name, her number changes, for example, from 1 to 9. After all, her husband loves her not only for her appearance, but also for certain character traits. If an independent woman begins to turn into a romantic dreamer, pleasing others in everything, her husband will be at least unpleasantly surprised.

Numerologists consider 11 and 22 to be special numbers. “11” is a double unit, but at the same time the number 2. Numerologists say that all those born on the 11th are psychics from birth, guides to other worlds, prone to hypnosis, alchemy and the occult. They have a well-developed intuition, so they easily adapt to people and any conditions, have knowledge that is not available to others, and achieve success in any endeavor. The only drawback is the desire to divide everything into separate components, that is, pettiness, meticulousness, pickiness.

People who were born on the 22nd in character combine the properties of the number 4 and the doubled two. They are contradictory, prudent, both logical and emotional, have an analytical mind and intuition at the same time. They can achieve success both in the economy and in creativity. The disadvantage is too much attention to one's own failures and an inability to see successes. In everyday life, these people need a partner who constantly reminds them of their virtues.

Lucky numbers for everyone

In addition to individual lucky numbers, there are numbers of luck for anyone and everyone. For example, if you need to determine what is the best thing to do on a particular day, you can use a table compiled on the basis of the fact that single-digit numbers “command” double-digit ones.

It turns out that each day of the month is intended for some specific work and deeds:

  • 1 (10, 19, 28) - any problem is solved favorably, especially if it is related to work or the implementation of legal ideas;
  • 2 (11, 20, 29) - suitable for analyzing the past and planning for the future, you should prefer things that are associated with minimal energy costs and bring satisfaction;
  • 3 (12, 21, 30) - these days are suitable for entertainment and adventure, the start of new projects;
  • 4 (13, 22, 31) - not suitable for complex cases and acute entertainment, it is best to complete the usual, not very difficult cases;
  • 5 (14, 23) - days for risky cases and surprises;
  • 6 (15, 24) - days of comfort, harmony and mutual understanding, not suitable for starting new business at work, but favorable for housework, meetings with family or friends, risk and uncertainty are unacceptable;
  • 7 (16, 25) - days for reflection, study, creative work. Many consider these days happy;
  • 8 (17, 26) - designed for the most important things, solving complex problems, making important transactions and investing (investments will definitely be profitable);
  • 9 (18, 27) - to start large-scale, important things in business, finance, art.

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Another way to determine a lucky number for yourself is to find out your zodiac sign and the lucky numbers corresponding to it:

  • Aries -7, 9, 10, 19, 28, 29, 39, 47 and all subsequent numbers containing the number 9;
  • Taurus - 6, 15, 24, 25, 75;
  • Gemini - 3, 7, 13, 16, 25 and all numbers that end in 3;
  • Cancer - 2, 8, 12, 26, 72;
  • Leo - 1, 9, 18, 27, 81, 91;
  • Virgo - 3, 7, 16, 23, 25, 35;
  • Libra - 5, 6, 15, 24, 25, 35;
  • Scorpio - 5, 7, 14, 23, 47, 87;
  • Sagittarius - 4, 13, 14, 24;
  • Capricorn - 3, 8, 12, 18, 28, 30;
  • Aquarius - 2, 9.11, 20, 39, 49;
  • Pisces - 1, 4, 10, 14, 19, 24, 28.

Those who are fond of feng shui know that in the East, the numbers that bring good luck are determined separately for each number. 8 is considered the most important and lucky number, followed by 1 and 6. If you put 2 in front of them, the positive properties are doubled. Therefore, now not only in the East, but also in the West, there are people who are ready to pay big money to get a number for a car or apartment containing 28, 66 or 88.

The numbers 2 and 5 or 2 and 3 are considered unlucky in the East, but only if they are located nearby. But the worst number is 4, which is pronounced “death” in Chinese. To reduce the level of negativity, Feng Shui experts advise circling the number in a red circle. The exception is people who were born on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 23rd or 25th.

In Chinese, the number 8 is pronounced the same as the words "prosperity and growth." The sign "8" is very very similar to the sign of infinity, drawing positive energy from space. Particularly happy are people whose phone number or credit card number ends in 8. The number 28 (according to Feng Shui) gives success in all endeavors, happiness and a lot of money. In China, all spells are cast exactly 28 times. For people who were born on the 28th of any month, luck is tripled.

According to Feng Shui, the critical age (when energy changes) for women is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ... years, for men - 19, 29, 39, 49, 59 ... years. It is believed that at this time it is impossible to go on long trips, move, perform operations using anesthesia.

With the help of numerology, you can not only learn a lot about your character, hidden abilities and talents, but even change your life for the better. The main thing is to correctly determine your personal luck number.

In numerology, the main numbers from one to nine are considered. Each of them has its own sphere of influence, which must be taken into account. You can’t just take and assign to yourself any number you like: for this there is a special calculation that will help you determine your lucky days and achieve your goal.

How to use lucky numbers

Number 2. Your happiness in life lies in creating a family, which is favored by the deuce. Surrounded by close people, you will not be afraid of any adversity, but loneliness can play a cruel joke on you. High hopes should be placed on this number, especially for people who are unsure of the correctness of their choice. Lucky days can be considered 2, 11, 20, 29.

Number 3. An exalted figure with sacred power. Patronizes people who have lost their life orientation, helps to gain faith and shows support in difficult situations. On the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, you can count on luck, which will help in building a new destiny and save you from someone else's interference.

Number 4. Imposes restraint, incorruptibility and justice on its owner. Helps people make informed decisions, keep their word and strive for self-improvement. Numbers 4, 13, 22, 31 double the opportunity to find happiness.

Number 5. Symbolizes love and learning. Days 5, 14, and 23 are the days to dive headfirst into learning something new or making dates that can change your love life. The Five is able to challenge excessive modesty and self-doubt. Usually people under her patronage are happy in marriage and have great opportunities in the working field.

Number 6. Six helps people to be loyal, never lose heart and reckon with other opinions. Usually the owners of the number 6 achieve success through the work of others. Happiness tends to those endowed with resourcefulness, sociability, prudence on the 6th, 15th, 24th of each month.

Number 7. Luck smiles at the owners of the seven throughout their lives. This is the lucky number, it helps to find luck and success, especially on the 7th, 16th, 25th. Favors the acquisition of personal qualities with the help of which a person finds himself in life.

Number 8. The owner of the eight is often lucky on the 8th, 17th, 26th. Good luck accompanies from the very beginning to the end of the day, regardless of what a person does. However, the fair sex should take note of the fact that conception on days under the auspices of 8 can complicate pregnancy.

Number 9. Helps people to sum up, avoid serious consequences, achieve what they want. On the 9th, 18th, 27th, forces should be mobilized to finish something important. The energy emanating from the nine can help close current affairs profitably. However, everything new these days fails and runs the risk of ending not in your favor.

Helps people to attract good luck with the help of lucky numbers. Based on the date of birth, you can calculate for yourself the days that are suitable for making fateful decisions. be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

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