And the rest, beautiful Marquise, All is well, all is well! Lyrics from the Soviet cartoon - All is well Beautiful Marquise.


The song was translated by the Soviet poet Alexander Bezymensky (according to other sources - Anatoly Frenkel). The song entered the repertoire of the famous pop artist Leonid Utyosov, who performed it in a duet with his daughter - Edith - and accompanied by his jazz orchestra. In his memoirs, Utyosov wrote that during the preparation of the concert program “Songs of my Motherland”, he received a letter from Bezymensky, in which he offered a translation of the French song he liked. Despite the fact that the song fell out of the general program, Utyosov included it in his repertoire.


For the first time this plot is found at the beginning of the XII century. Around 1115, the Spanish Jew Pedro Alfonso (Lat. Petrus Alfonsus), theologian, astronomer, translator, prepared a collection of entertaining stories in Latin "The Cleric's Book of Education"(lat. Disciplina Clericalis). The compiler took plots for the book from oriental literature - Arabic, Persian, Indian. The collection circulated widely throughout medieval Europe, including translations into French, Spanish, English, and German. The 27th chapter of this book tells the story of the black servant Maimund:

“The owner was returning from the market, very pleased with the good earnings, and saw that Maimund was coming towards him. Fearing that he, as usual, wants to report bad news, the owner warned:
- Be careful, Maimund, do not come to me with bad news!
The servant replied:
“There is no bad news, Your Grace, except for the death of our dog Bispella.
- Why did she die?
- Our mule was frightened, broke off the leash, ran and trampled the poor thing with his hooves.
- What happened to the mule?
- Fell into a well and died.
- What was he afraid of?
- Your son fell off the balcony and crashed to death. This frightened the mule.
- And my wife? What with her?
- She died of grief, losing her son.
- Who looks after the house?
- No one, because now it is a pile of ashes - and the house and everything that was in it.
- Why did the fire happen?
- On the very night your wife died, the maid forgot to put out the memorial candle, and the fire engulfed the whole house.
- Where is the maid?
- She began to put out the fire, the beam fell on her head and killed her.


original text Tout va tres bien, Madame la Marquise

Paul Misraki, Charles Pasquier, Henri Allum

Allô, allô, James, quelles nouvelles? Absente depuis quinze jours, Au bout du fil je vous appelle, Que trouverai-je à mon retour? Tout va très bien Madame la Marquise Tout va très bien tout va très bien Pourtant il faut il faut que l'on vous dise jument grise, Mais, à part ça, Madame la Marquise, Tout va très bien, tout va très bien! Allô, allô, Martin, quelles nouvelles? Ma jument gris" morte aujourd'hui! Expliquez-moi, cocher fidèle, Comment cela s'est-il produit? Cela n'est rien, Madame la Marquise, Cela n'est rien, tout va très bien, Pourtant il faut, il faut que l'on vous dise, On déplore un tout petit rien: Elle a péri dans l'incendie Qui détruisit vos écuries, Mais, à part ça, Madame la Marquise, Tout va très bien, tout va très bien! Allô, allô, Pascal, quelles nouvelles? Mes écuries ont donc brûlé? Expliquez-moi, mon chef modèle, Comment cela s'est-il passé? Cela n'est rien, Madame la Marquise, Cela n'est rien, tout va très bien , Pourtant il faut, il faut que l'on vous dise, On déplore un tout petit rien: Si l "écurie brûla, Madame, C'est qu'le château était en flammes, Mais, à part ça, Madame la Marquise, Tout va très bien, tout va très bien! Allô, allô, Lucas, quelles nouvelles? Notre chateau est donc detruit! Expliquez-moi, car je chancelle, Comment cela s'est-il produit? Eh bien voila, Madame la Marquise, Apprenant qu'il était ruiné, A pein" fut-il rev'nu de sa surprise Que M'sieur l'Marquis s'est suicidé, Et c'est en ramassant la pell" Qu' il renversa tout's les chandelles, Mettant le feu à tout l'château Qui s'consuma de bas en haut, Le vent soufflant sur l'incendie, Le propagea sur l'écurie, Et c'est ainsi qu'en un moment On vit Mais, à part ça, Madame la Marquise, Tout va très bien, Tout va très bien!

Russian version by Alexander Bezymensky

"It's all right, beautiful marquise"

Hello, hello, James, what's the news? I haven't been home for a long time, Fifteen days since I've been away, Well, how are things going with us? Everything is fine, beautiful marquise, Things are going well and life is easy, Not a single sad surprise, Except for a trifle: So, nonsense, an empty thing, Your mare has died, But otherwise, beautiful marquise, Everything is fine, everything is fine! Hello, hello, Marten, a terrible case, My mare died, Tell me, my faithful coachman, How did this death happen? All is well, beautiful Marquise, All is well as never before, Why grieve over a stupid surprise, After all, this is really nonsense. With a mare, what is an empty business - She burned down with the stable, But for the rest, beautiful marquise, Everything is fine, everything is fine! Hello, hello, Pascal, the mind is turbulent, What an unheard-of blow, Tell me the whole truth at once, When was the fire in the stable? Everything is fine, beautiful marquise, And things are good with us, But fate, apparently, out of a whim, gave you another surprise: Your house and stable burned down together, When the whole estate was on fire, But otherwise, beautiful marquise, Everything is fine, everything is fine! Hello, hello, Luke, our castle burned down, Oh, how hard it is for me, I'm beside myself, tell me straight, How did it all happen? Your husband, beautiful marquise, found out that he ruined himself and you, He could not bear such a surprise And shot himself at the same hour. Falling dead at the stove, He knocked over two candles, The candles fell on the carpet, And it blazed like a fire, The weather was windy, Your castle burned to the ground, The fire burned the whole estate, And in it the stable engulfed, The stable was locked, And there was a mare died, But otherwise, beautiful marquise, Everything is fine, everything is fine!



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  • All the mornings of the world
  • All is well that ends well

See what "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise" in other dictionaries:

    All is well, beautiful marquise- see. And the rest, beautiful marquise, / Everything is fine, everything is fine. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ...

    And the rest, beautiful marquise, / All is well, all is well- The original source is the French song "Everything is fine, Madame Marquise" ("Tout va tres bien, Madame la Marquise", 1936). Words and music (arranged by R. Ventura) by the poet Paul Misraki (1908 1998), in collaboration with Charles Pasquier and Lnri Allum. In the USSR, this song ... ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    , everything is fine- Razg. Shuttle. About troubles that can be reconciled with. /i> Slightly modified beginning of the French folk song “Everything is fine” (translated by A. Bezymensky, 1936, translated by L. Utesov). Dyadechko 1, 16 ...

    Otherwise, beautiful marquise, everything is fine- (from a song by L. Utyosov) there are no other troubles other than the previously mentioned ... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    Otherwise, beautiful marquise, everything is fine- It is said as a consolation after some kind of unpleasant incident; an appeal not to dramatize the situation ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    marquise- uh. marquise f. 1. Wife or daughter of the marquis. ALS 1. The seventeen-year-old Marchioness, Polina, was beautiful, kind, and virtuous. MM 4 118. The wife, Marquise Teresa, is in charge of the house, she is an intelligent and energetic woman. Grigorovich Ship Retvizan. || trans. In… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    marquise- MARQUISE, s, wives. Marquis's wife or daughter. Everything is fine, beautiful marquise (colloquial jest) is said when in fact everything is bad. II. MARQUISE, s, female. Lightweight, usually lowered and raised canopy over a window, balcony, showcase to protect from the sun ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    MARQUIS- And the rest, beautiful marquise, everything is fine, everything is fine. Razg. Shuttle. About troubles that can be reconciled with. /i> Slightly modified beginning of the French folk song “Everything is fine” (translated by A. Bezymensky, 1936, translated by L. Utesov). Uncle… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

Hello, hello, James! What news?
I haven't been home for a long time.
Fifteen days since I've been away.
Well, how are you doing?
- It's all right, beautiful marquise.
Things are going and life is easy.
No sad surprise
Except for the rubbish.
So ... nonsense ... Empty business ...
Your mare is dead!

All is well, all is well.

Hello, hello, Martel! Terrible case...
My mare died...
Tell me, my faithful coachman,
How did this death happen?
“It’s all nonsense, beautiful marquise.
Everything is fine as never before.
Why grieve over a stupid surprise?
Indeed, this is nonsense.
With this mare is an empty business ...
She burned down with the stable!
But otherwise, beautiful Marchioness,
All is well, all is well.

Hello, hello, Pascal! The mind is shaking…
What an incredible blow!
Tell me the whole truth at once...
When was the fire in the stable?
- Everything is trifles, beautiful marquise,
And we are doing well.
But your fate, as you can see, from a whim,
She gave me another surprise.
Your house burned down... with the stable together...
When the whole estate was on fire!
But otherwise, beautiful Marchioness,
All is well, all is well.

Hello, hello, Luka! Did our castle burn down?
Oh, how hard it is for me!
I'm beside myself. Tell me straight
How did it all happen?
- Your husband, beautiful Marquis, found out,
That ruined himself and you.
He did not bear such a surprise.
And he shot himself at the same time.
Fallen dead by the stove
He knocked over two candles,
Candles fell on the carpet
Instantly he blazed like a fire,
The weather was windy
Your castle burned to the ground
The fire burned the whole estate,
Then he seized the stable,
The stable was locked
And in it the mare died...
But otherwise, beautiful Marchioness,
All is well, all is well! "Hello, hello, James!" What news?
For a long time I was not at home.
Fifteen days, as I "m away.
Well, how are things going with you?
"It's all right, beautiful marquise."
Things are going, and life is easy.
No sad surprise
With the exception of a trifle.
So ... nonsense ... It "s nothing ...
Your mare is dead!

All is well, all is well.

"Hello, Hello, Martel!" A terrible incident...
My mare is dead ...
Tell me my faithful coachman
How did this death happen?
"It's all nonsense, beautiful marquise."
Everything is good as never.
Why greeve for a stupid surprise?
After all, this is, really, nonsense.
With the mare this empty case ...
She burnt to the stable!
But otherwise, the beautiful marquise,
All is well, all is well.

Hello, Hello, Pascal! Minds the mind ...
What an unheard-of blow!
Tell me the whole truth at once ...
When was the fire in the stables?
"All trifles, beautiful marquise,
And we have good deeds.
But you fate, apparently, from a whim,
Another surprise was presented.
Burned your house ... with the stables together ...
When the whole estate was burning!
But otherwise, the beautiful marquise,
All is well, all is well.

"Hello, hello, Luke! ... Did our castle burn out?"
Oh, how hard it is for me!
I "m beside myself. Tell me directly,
How did this happen?
"Your husband found out, beautiful Marquis,
What ruined yourself and you.
He did not take such a surprise
And he shot himself at the same hour.
Falling dead at the stove,
He overturned two candles,
The candles were dropped on the carpet
In a moment he was as hot as a fire,
The weather was windy
your castle burned to the ground,
The fire burnt down the whole manor,
Then he stole the stable,
The stable was locked
And in her mare died ...
But otherwise, the beautiful marquise,
Everything is good, everything is fine!

Hello Hello?
Jam what's the news?
I haven't been home for a long time
Fifteen days since I'm away
Well, how are we doing?

Things go on and life is easy
None, sad surprise
Except for the rubbish

So nonsense, empty business, your mare died
All is well, all is well

Hello Hello?
Martel, a terrible case
My mare is dead
Tell me my faithful coachman
How did this death happen?

All is well, beautiful marquise
Everything is fine. more than ever
Why grieve at a stupid surprise
After all, this is nonsense

With a mare that is an empty business
She burned down with the stable
Otherwise, a beautiful marquise
All is well, all is well

Hello Hello?
Pascal is confused
What an incredible blow
Plant me the whole truth at once
When was the fire in the stable?

All is well, beautiful marquise
And we're doing well
But you are fate, as seen from the whim
Got another surprise

Burned down your house with the stable together
When the whole estate was on fire
Otherwise, a beautiful marquise
All is well, all is well

Hello Hello?
Luka burned down our castle?
Oh how hard it is for me
I'm beside myself, tell me straight
How did it all happen?

Recognized by your husband, beautiful marquise
That ruined myself and you
He could not bear such a surprise
And shot himself at the same time

Falling dead by the stove, he knocked over two candles
Candles fell on the carpet and it blazed like a fire
Windy weather was your castle burned to the ground
The fire burned the whole estate, and with it the stable was engulfed
The stable was locked, and in it the mare died

Otherwise, a beautiful marquise
All is well, all is well

Translation of the text of the song Leonid Utesov - Everything is fine, beautiful marquise

Hello, hello?
Jem what news?
Long time since I was not home
Fifteen days, as I "m away
Well, how are we doing?

Things are going and life is easy
None , sad surprise
Except trifle

So nothing, empty case, your mare Okolelov

All right, all right

Hello, hello?
Martel, horrible accident
my mare died
Tell me my trusty driver
How did this death occur?

All is well, beautiful marquise
All is well. ever
Why grieve from silly surprise
After this nonsense right

With a mare that - empty case
She stable burned
And the rest, beautiful marquise
All right, all right

Hello, hello?
pascal turbid mind
What unheard kick
Sazhite me the truth at once
When was there a fire in the stables?

All is well, beautiful marquise
And we have good business
But you fate, as seen from the caprice
Another surprise was presented

Burned your house with stables with
When flushed the entire estate
And the rest, beautiful marquise
All right, all right

Hello, hello?
Luke burned our castle?
Oh, what am I to hard
I am beside myself, tell me straight
How did all this happen?

Learned your husband, beautiful marquise
What ruined myself and you
He has not made a similar surprise
And shot at the same hour

Fallen down dead in the furnace he knocked two candles
Put candles on the carpet and he blazed like a fire
The weather was windy your castle burned up
The fire burned the entire estate, and with it covered stables
Stables was locked, and it died mare

And the rest, beautiful marquise
All right, all right

    Razg. Shuttle. About troubles that can be reconciled with. /i> Slightly modified beginning of the French folk song “Everything is fine” (translated by A. Bezymensky, 1936, translated by L. Utesov). Dyadechko 1, 16 ...

    - (from a song by L. Utyosov) there are no other troubles other than the previously mentioned ... Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    Otherwise, beautiful marquise, everything is fine- It is said as a consolation after some kind of unpleasant incident; an appeal not to dramatize the situation ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    - “Everything is fine, beautiful marquise”, the French song “Everything is fine, madam marquise” translated into Russian (French “Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise”, 1935). The author of the original text and music is the composer Paul Mizrachi at ... Wikipedia

    For the rest, beautiful Marquise, / All is well, all is well. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Moscow: Locky Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    marquise- uh. marquise f. 1. Wife or daughter of the marquis. ALS 1. The seventeen-year-old Marchioness, Polina, was beautiful, kind, and virtuous. MM 4 118. The wife, Marquise Teresa, is in charge of the house, she is an intelligent and energetic woman. Grigorovich Ship Retvizan. || trans. In… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    As for the rest, beautiful marquise, everything is fine, everything is fine. Razg. Shuttle. About troubles that can be reconciled with. /i> Slightly modified beginning of the French folk song “Everything is fine” (translated by A. Bezymensky, 1936, translated by L. Utesov). Uncle… … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Everything is fine, beautiful marquise "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise" translated into Russian French song "Everything is fine, Madame Marquise" ("Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise", 1935). The author of the original text and music is the poet ... ... Wikipedia

The popular expression "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise" is known to many. However, not everyone knows about its origin.

In order to most appropriately use one or another and, an educated person must know not only their meaning, but also their origin.

The origin of the expression "All is well, fair marquise"

“Everything is fine, beautiful marquise” is a French song translated into Russian “Everything is fine, madam marquise” (French “Tout va très bien, Madame la Marquise”, 1935).

The song was included in the repertoire of the famous pop artist Leonid Utyosov, who performed it accompanied by a jazz orchestra in a duet with his daughter, Edith.

What does "All is well, beautiful marquise" mean?

The meaning of this catchphrase comes down to clumsy attempts to hide the real state of affairs. For example, they ask you how you are doing. By answering “everything is fine, beautiful marquise,” you show irony, implying that everything is really bad.

A similar ironic answer to the question "How are you" - "Like soot is white." That is, it means not at all what is pronounced, but just the opposite. Now check out the original.

What was good at the Marquise

According to the plot of the song, the Marchioness, who is away, calls her estate to find out how things are going there. She is told that in general everything is fine, except for a small nuisance, a “trifle” - a dead horse.

However, in the course of communication with other servants, the Marquis finds out that the cause of the death of the horse was a fire in the stable, which in turn was caused by the fact that the entire estate caught fire.

And it all started with the fact that the husband of the Marquise, having learned about his bankruptcy, decided to shoot himself. When he shot himself, then falling to the floor, he accidentally knocked over a candle. A fire broke out that destroyed the entire estate, the stable, and the notorious horse.

The song ends with the words: "And the rest, beautiful marquise, everything is fine, everything is fine!".

How about in the original?

For the first time, a story with this plot is found back in the 12th century, when the Spanish doctor, astronomer and thinker Pedro Alfonso wrote a book in 1115 with entertaining stories from life.

It was written in Latin and was called the Cleric's Book of Instruction.

So that's where the story of the black servant Maimund is told.

The owner, returning from the market, was in a great mood, as he managed to get a good income. On the way he met his servant Maimund. Fearing that he, as usual, would want to report bad news, the owner warned:
“Be careful, Maimund, do not come to me with bad news!”
The servant replied:
“There is no bad news, Your Grace, except for the death of our dog Bispella.
- Why did she die?
“Our mule was frightened, broke off the leash, ran and trampled the poor thing with his hooves.
“What happened to the mule?”
- He fell into a well and died.
- What was he afraid of?
“Your son fell off the balcony and fell to his death. This frightened the mule.
- And my wife? What with her?
- She died of grief, losing her son.
Who is looking after the house?
- Nobody, because now, after the fire, it is a pile of ashes - and the house, and everything that was in it.
- Why did the fire happen?
“The very night your wife passed away, the maid forgot to put out the memorial candle, and the fire destroyed the whole house.
- Where is the maid?
- She began to put out the fire, the beam fell on her head and killed her.

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