African passions of Valeria Makarevich. Biography of Andrei Makarevich And you were not afraid to give your own child to be torn to pieces by a monster called "stage"


At fifty years old, as people say, I was left with nothing: I divorced my husband, the children grew up. Nastya performed a lot with the Lyceum group. She already lived separately, and by that time she got married and gave birth to Matvey. Varya entered the institute, she had a young man. I felt like I didn't need anyone. Desperate, I realized that life is over ...

And it all started so unclouded. Happy childhood, parents treated each other with tenderness, loved each other with their brother. I grew up surrounded by adoration. Dad just idolized me, but he never spoiled me. He was a wonderful, open, interesting person (today he is no longer alive). Dad graduated from the Institute of Foreign Trade, worked at Sovfracht and traveled a lot.

Let's start with the fact that I was born in China. She spent three years with her parents in India, lived with them in Norway and Germany. Our family has always been surrounded by very interesting people. The father was friends with Sergei Kauzov, who married the daughter of Onassis. As far as I know, Seryozha met Christina during negotiations in Brazil. After getting married, they lived in Moscow for some time, and then left for London. Having settled in London, Sergey opened his own company in Moscow, and my father became its representative. I remember one funny incident. Dad arrived from Germany on the day of my brother's marriage and immediately rushed straight from the Belorussky railway station to the registry office. Kauzov, having met his father, brought his things to our house and only then went to my brother's wedding.

- Did you communicate with Sergey and Christina?

Not with Christina. When this whole story happened, I, a young girl, was busy with my own affairs. And I talked with Kauzov. My father told me: if something happens, I can always turn to Sergei, and he will help. So, going abroad, my parents completely calmly left me, then already a student, in Moscow.

I had no problems with the choice of the institute. Deciding to continue the family dynasty, following her brother, she entered the Institute of International Relations. Then it seemed that everything in my life would turn out wonderfully. But it is not in vain that they say: fate leads a route known only to her. And I naively believed that my life path was determined ... Sergei Lavrov, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, studied with me at the institute. His mother, a charming woman, also worked at Sovfracht, and we mostly met with Sergei during the holidays, when we visited our parents in Norway. Seryozha was a very serious young man and read a lot, and did not engage in all sorts of nonsense that we loved.

- I wonder what kind of nonsense you loved?

We fell in love endlessly, made crazy trips to the mountains, constantly came up with some kind of nonsense. And Seryozha sat with his books all this time. He is a very witty man and sometimes made sarcastic jokes about us. True, he enjoyed playing football with us, swimming and sunbathing.

At the institute, I met, as it seemed to me then, my fairy-tale prince. I dreamed that I would create a family with him, I would live happily ever after, raise children ... Sasha Kapralov, the son of Georgy Kapralov, a well-known screenwriter and film critic who worked in the editorial office of the Pravda newspaper and host of Kinopanorama, studied at the Faculty of Journalism . Charming, talented, brilliant Kapralov Jr. was two years older than me. He spoke excellent English, French and Arabic, played the guitar, sang and was the soul of any company, wherever we went with him.

After the wedding, I somehow very organically fit into their family, and Sasha's parents became close and dear people for me. After some time, our daughter was born. We named her Anastasia, which means “resurrected” in Greek. After all, after giving birth, I had a clinical death.

And then... Sasha, as an Arabist, was taken to the notorious "Shot" courses (after graduating from our institute, the guys were drafted into the army as officers). Dangling around Russia, Sasha spent a total of a year and a half on these courses. When he returned, he began working in the international department of Izvestia, flew to Libya, wrote wonderful articles. And it was then that trouble happened to him - he began to drink. At first, little by little - with friends, for the company. Then more and more often ... Problems began at work, at home. I was torn between Nastya - the child needed to be taken care of - and my husband, whom I was trying to cure. Sasha, when he realized what had happened to him, tried to stop drinking. Nothing worked. They coded it, it lasted for three months, then it broke, and everything started all over again. I decided to send Nastya to her parents, they then lived in America. My daughter came to us only for the summer.

The last years of my life with Sasha (and in total we lived with him for ten years) turned into a nightmare. The husband will be coded - everything is fine. Just relax, everything starts again. One doctor explained the situation to me: “Understand, alcoholism is a disease, not a vice. This is a vicious circle from which a person can escape only with a very strong will. Sasha didn't have the will. I felt very sorry for him, because I loved this man. She became nervous, irritable, afraid of everything. Everyone thought: now he will break again. On nervous grounds, I constantly felt sick. So I lived for several years: on one side of the scale - my beloved husband, who is seriously ill and it is impossible to cure him, on the other - my daughter, who returned from America, she was seven years old, it's time to go to school. I didn't want Nastya to see what was going on with her dad. Yes, and my strength was already running out. Then I decided to divorce. At that time I was thirty-two years old. When we were divorced, it became scary. I never thought that our family life with Sasha would end like this. I remember coming to my mother and saying: “Mommy, that's it. There will be nothing more. Now we will live - I, Nastya, a dog, and nothing will ever happen to me again in my life. Mom tried to somehow calm me down: they say, wait, everything will get better. It seemed to me that this was the end.

“It turns out Mom was right.

Absolutely. One day the phone rang, and on the other end of the wire I heard the voice of my classmate Alyosha Makarevich. We studied together with him from the eighth grade - he moved to us from another school. I was his first love. Everyone knew about it, but I didn't pay attention to it. And Lesha, it turns out, continued to love me all these years, and when he found out that I was divorced, he called and reminded me of himself. To his wish to come to visit, I immediately agreed: “Of course, come!” A classmate, after all, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, why not meet, not get worn out and not remember our youth.

Alyosha limped. The fact is that while doing a project for the next exhibition (Alyosha graduated from an architectural institute), he fell down the stairs and broke his leg. The funny thing is that at that time I was also limping and walking with a cane. After the divorce, friends advised me to change the situation, and I went to the mountains. While skydiving, she landed badly and injured her leg. That's how Alexei and I started to limp together. He came, we walked with my dog. In general, they limped, limped and limped to the point that they got married. Alyosha moved in with Nastya and me. And since we bought this apartment with Sasha Kapralov, Alyosha gave his one-room apartment to him.

Nastya had just gone to school, I was working, Alexei had episodic orders. In general, money to spare. Once we went to Izmailovo, and Nastya wanted a shish kebab (they had just begun to sell it on the streets), as I remember now, a skewer cost eight rubles. We raked out all the money, bought it, the smell was drop dead. Nastya ate, and Alyoshka and I watched. I thought that from this smell we would now fall, like People's Commissar Tsuryupa, into a hungry swoon. That's how we started. But we loved each other, life seemed long and amazing. They themselves made repairs in the apartment, re-pasted the wallpaper. I will never forget my mother's phrase: “Will you glue the wallpaper? Get divorced for sure. My dad and I tried once." Mom meant that at this moment you can easily quarrel. And we did it in three hours. I call my mother: “No problem, we are done and went for a walk with the dog.”

- You say that you lived hard, but didn’t Nastya’s dad help his daughter financially?

For some reason, Sasha decided (he told me about it himself) that his communication with Nastya could interfere with our family relations: “I don’t want to interfere in your family.” It seemed very strange to me. I never objected to Nastya's communication with her father, on the contrary, I tried in every possible way to contribute to this. But Sasha disappeared. No money, no participation. In the first year, I still received some ridiculous alimony (in Izvestia they paid well), and then I refused them. What for? If the father does not want to communicate with the child, then this is not necessary either. Grandma and grandpa didn't show up either.

A year later, Varya and I were born with Alexei. I quit my job to take care of the kids. I am sure that many talents lie dormant in each of us, we just do not know which ones. So I decided: I will involve children in a variety of activities, and then what is inherent in them will definitely manifest itself. We went to figure skating, sang, painted - in a word, we didn’t do anything. Nastya began to sing at the age of three. She didn't talk, she sang. She went out into the street and arranged concerts near the entrance. Moreover, she announced herself very funny: "People's Artist of the whole world." When it became clear that Nastya should be sent to a music school, I thought about choosing some kind of calm instrument so that it would not be heard from behind the closed door. Salon-shop "Optim-Yug" offers a rich assortment of interior doors at And for some reason I settled on a classical guitar. True, the piano appeared the following year, and when the Lyceum group was born, electric guitars were used ...

The first ten years of our life together with Alyosha were exactly as I dreamed: a family, children - beautiful, smart, talented, a husband whom I loved and who loved me, everyone took care of each other. Nothing marred our relationship. Maybe at first there was not enough money, but this is not the worst thing. And then, when you don’t think about it much, money always appears.

- And then the Lyceum group was created?

The fact is that Nastya grew up as a charming child, but at the same time a terrible tomboy, completely restless. All the time I tried to find something for her so that my daughter could throw out her frenzied energy somewhere. Nastya went to Yuri Sherling's studio, sang jazz, danced, attended a children's musical theater. When she was thirteen, Alyosha realized that something could come of Nastya. He is a musician and before our marriage he played in the cult group "Sunday", which, by the way, competed with the group "Time Machine". There was always music in our house. And Alyosha, without hesitation, decided to assemble a group. I took two more girls from the children's musical theater, and it turned out "Lyceum". The first rehearsals were held at home. I remember, in order not to disturb the girls, I took little Varya, the dog, and we went for a walk for several hours. The cover for the first disc was also filmed in our apartment. Most of all, in my opinion, Mura's cat suffered from this - for filming, she, poor, was dried for several hours with a hairdryer.

- Didn't the neighbors go crazy with rehearsals?

You know, we have a wonderful house. Ira Allegrova lived on the ground floor, she was just starting to work with the Electroclub group and rehearsed from morning to night in the room under our bedroom with Alyosha. You will not believe, but from Irina's rehearsals the bed was shaking. So the neighbors are people accustomed to everything. I remember one funny incident: when Ira became popular, her fans painted all the walls of the first floor with declarations of love. We rubbed it all together. Then they made repairs at the entrance, and ... then the popularity fell on the Lyceum group. And now everyone was scrubbing the walls of our floor together.

- Aren't you afraid to give your own child to be torn to pieces by a monster called "stage"?

How did I know that this was serious and for a long time? I didn't even think about it. After all, when it all started, Nastya was still at school. Together with the girls, we came up with costumes for them, I took out my rags, and the neighbors cut, sewed ... Their first television shooting was in the Morning Star program. They took the stage and sang a song in English from the repertoire of the ABBA group.

Alexey Lazarevich Makarevich(November 13, 1954, Moscow - August 29, 2014) - Soviet and Russian musician, ex-guitarist of the Resurrection group, producer of the popular Lyceum group since the group was founded in 1991, songwriter, artist.


Born on November 13, 1954 in the family of biologist Vera Grigoryevna Makarevich (1922-?), Andrey Makarevich's paternal aunt, and engineer Lazar Natanovich Meerovich (1922-?, worked at the Experimental Plant of the All-Union Research Experimental Design Institute of Electrical Household Machines and Appliances, author of several inventions). Alexei later took his mother's maiden name. Graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with a degree in Architecture.

In the 1970s, Alexei Makarevich had the Dangerous Zone group, which in 1976 he renamed Kuznetsky Most. From 1979 to 1980 he played in the Resurrection group. In 1994, he temporarily returned to the Sunday group.

In 1991, after attending a concert in the children's variety theater, where his adopted daughter Anastasia Makarevich studied, he created the Lyceum group, in which he became a producer, songwriter, stylist, and costume designer. Alexey Makarevich is the author of many songs of the Lyceum group, as well as the author of the words and music of the group's main hit - "Autumn", which was included in the author's album "Open Curtain", recorded by the Lyceum group in 1996.

In 2002, he was invited to the project "Become a Star" of the RTR channel as a judge for the selection of participants.

He died suddenly on the night of August 29, 2014 from heart failure at home.

A family

Ex-wife - Valeria Vernaldovna Kapralova (Gichunts)

Alexei has two daughters: adopted Anastasia Alekseevna Makarevich and native Varvara Alekseevna Makarevich (born March 27, 1987).

The elder sister - Elena Lazarevna Dymarskaya (nee Meerovich; 1947-2013), was married to Vitaly Naumovich Dymarsky; their children are Alexey Dymarsky and Marina Dymarskaya. Alexei Makarevich is Andrei Makarevich's cousin and Ivan Makarevich's cousin.

Albums of the group "Lyceum"

  • 1993 - House Arrest
  • 1994 - "Girlfriend Night"
  • 1996 - "Open Curtain"
  • 1997 - Cloud Engine
  • 1997 - "For you"
  • 1998 - "Living Collection"
  • 1999 - "Sky"
  • 2000 - "You have become different"
  • 2005 - "44 minutes"
  • 2008 - "Grand-collection"


The birthplace of Alexei Lazarevich Meerovich was Moscow, the date was November 13, 1954. The surname Makarevich, taken by the boy later, was nee by his mother. The life of Vera Grigoryevna was connected with biology. The family was related to creativity only through the father's line, and even then it was of a technical nature. Lazar Natanovich Meerovich, working as a factory engineer at a scientific institute, patented several inventions. In addition to Lesha, his sister Lena grew up in the family, she was older.

After completing his studies at a secondary school, Alyosha decides to connect his life with architecture and continues his studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Within the walls of the university, the young man is seriously interested in music, and connects his whole subsequent life with it. Together with Alexei Romanov, a colleague in several musical projects, they, being successful students, went through expulsion from the institute according to the crazy Soviet instruction “on the cleansing of students from hairy evil spirits” and the subsequent recovery.

Back in the last century, in the mid-70s, the young man created his first team, calling it the "Danger Zone", later, in the 76th, changing the name to "Kuznetsky Most", in honor of the famous street in the center of Moscow. Even then, he wrote several songs that later became famous in the performance of "Resurrection".


The history of the group, celebrating its fortieth anniversary in 1919, begins in the spring of 1979. The musically gifted architect becomes the band's lead guitarist.

Young, ambitious, musicians without proper equipment and any repertoire gathered for rehearsals in Makarevich's apartment. For 2-3 weeks, about 10 songs were created, which were included in the first album of "Resurrection". Alexey was the author of several of them. The genres of the works were very different: ballads, beats, rock and roll, funk, psychedelia.

The recording of the album took place at night in the recording studio of GITIS, a total of 16 singles were recorded. The last six songs belong to Konstantin Nikolsky.

The recordings were handed over to the familiar editor of the Moscow World Servise radio station, which broadcast to the Western world during the preparation of the Olympics - 80. It so happened that for this period the censorship was somewhat weakened, and the songs of the Resurrection group instantly became popular.

After a short rest, the team began preparing concert activities. Thanks to the fame of the repertoire, the audience enthusiastically accepted the artists. The song "Who is to blame" for many years became the calling card of "Resurrection", and the deeply philosophical work "Musician" corresponded to the worldview of the most serious public.

Having existed for a year and a half, taking off to the very pinnacle of fame, the project falls apart. Everyone had their own reasons. Makarevich, in particular, did not receive sufficient self-realization from his activities.

Fifteen years later, in 1994, the guitarist returned to the famous band, but not for long.


The idea to engage in producing activities came to the musician by accident. Adopted daughter Nastya invited him to a reporting concert at the children's variety theater, where she and her friends sang. Aleksey, who was working at that time as a theater designer, looked at the girls from a professional point of view.

They were fundamentally different, each had a unique timbre, but all together it looked and sounded beautiful. In addition, the 91st year was the graduation year in an amateur team, there were no further prospects. And Makarevich promised to create a girlish alliance out of them.

At the very beginning of the activity, the producer of the newly formed Lyceum group was responsible for every little thing: what the girls would wear, how they would go out and leave and look on stage, how they would cut their hair, what kind of gestures and facial expressions the singers would have. A lot had to be re-learned.

Alexey Lazarevich was a demanding person, sometimes to the point of tediousness, and Nastya and her friends worked a lot.

In the same year, the first performance of the group took place in the Morning Star program with the hit of the ABBA group. Charismatic girls were noticed. The first independent songs were the works of the producer from the Resurrection repertoire. In the future, Makarevich wrote many songs for the Lyceum. The most famous and beloved was, of course, "Autumn". During the life of the producer, the Lyceum group released 10 albums.

Over the 28 years of the band's existence, the composition has changed more than once, but the soloist and face is always the daughter Nastya, who became a producer after the death of her adoptive father and brought to life his mandate - to grow and move forward.

The year 2002 was marked for the accomplished producer by participating in the television program "Become a Star", where his task was to select applicants for participation. As a result of the project, a young group "Other Rules" was born.

Personal life

The famous rock guitarist and permanent leader of the "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich is Alexei's maternal cousin.

The then theatrical artist's wife was a classmate Valeria Vernaldovna Kapralova (surname after her first husband). When receiving a passport, her adopted daughter Anastasia took the surname and patronymic of her stepfather, who became not only a father for her, but also a leader in life. In 1987, a common child appeared in the family - the daughter of Varvara. Now she works as a TV presenter and is the soloist of the group "Grandmother Sugar".

The end of the biography of the well-known guitarist and producer Alexei Makarevich in musical circles was the sudden death from heart failure on August 28, 2014.

    Makarevich- (Belarusian Makarevich) Belarusian surname; formed on behalf of Makar. Famous carriers: Makarevich, Alexei Lazarevich (b. 1954) Russian producer, creator of the Lyceum group, musician, former member of the Resurrection group. ... ... Wikipedia

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