Academy of Civil Service and Management. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (ranhigs)

State License, No. 1471 dated July 1, 2008
Accreditation, No. 1262-06 July 4, 2012

The Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" is considered the leader in training specialists for public service in government apparatus and municipal administration. Unfortunately, most leaders do not have proper training, so government orders are not executed. Managers need appropriate training. The RAGS is developing a methodology for training management personnel for the state machine. The Academy provides professional development and retraining services for employees holding managerial positions.

Educational programs at the RAGS

RAGS specializes in training personnel for the civil service and municipal government. Accordingly, curricula include information on personnel management, organization of productive work of various structures and other subjects, knowledge of which can increase the productivity of a manager. The institute trains both young people and established professionals who need to retrain to improve their leadership skills or improve their skills. At the same time, the effectiveness of training does not depend on the age and position of students. Useful information will be available to all trainees.

Scientific activity of the Institute

For the successful training of personnel for the government, the institute is constantly improving its educational programs. That is why he is in high positions in. Successful activities are ensured by huge analytical and computing complexes that collect relevant information, classify and analyze it. The results of research and sociological surveys are used in the process of teaching students, thanks to which the most relevant information is taught at the university and the best methods of teaching leadership are used.

Strategic role of RAGS

The RAGS trains the leading cadres of the country, from whom the future of Russia will depend, starting with district administrations and ending with ministries. The teachers of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation have a responsible mission to prepare the future elite of Russia. If the professors of the institute fail to teach their students how to properly manage personnel and state property, then this can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, the leadership of the Institute carefully selects a teaching staff that can cope with the mission entrusted to it.

The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest university in Russia and Europe in the socio-economic and humanitarian profile, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 902 dated July 7, 2011, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for the educational programs of higher professional education it implements.

The mission of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is:

  • preparation of globally competitive and adaptive managerial personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;
  • implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and development in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;
  • scientific and expert-analytical support of public authorities of the Russian Federation.

The main principles of the Academy's activities:

  • continuity of education. Modern education accompanies the manager and specialist throughout his professional activity;
  • individualization of education. Students and listeners are given the opportunity to form their educational trajectory from a set of proposed modules in order to implement individual training and development programs;
  • internationalization of educational programs. Any professional activity involves the use of modern approaches, including advanced international experience. This necessitates taking into account the experience of leading foreign educational organizations when developing educational programs, inviting foreign teachers, increasing the share of foreign students in the general contingent of students, passing foreign internships by students and trainees, as well as developing student and teaching academic exchanges;
  • new educational technologies. The practice of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations convincingly demonstrates the effectiveness of active teaching methods in comparison with the passivity of the classical lecture and seminar teaching model. In this regard, active learning methods (“situational cases”, simulators, computer simulators, business games) and a project-based approach to learning (projects focused on achieving practically significant results by students during and after the end of the educational program) become the basis of the Academy's programs;
  • competence approach. Educational programs are guided not by a standard set of lectures and the number of hours of classes, but by the mastery of students with certain practical competencies. Programs should clearly record what set of new qualifications and competencies the trainees will receive at the end of the training program;
  • identifying centers of excellence that provide competitive educational services, and creating on their basis the methodological and organizational core of a modern system of continuous education of managerial personnel.

The Academy is the only educational institution in Russia under the President of the Russian Federation!

A graduate of this university: In addition to the previous leak "about the forge of ministers and officials" under the name of IPNB RANEPA.
1. Let's start right off the bat. Does the Academy's presidential status correspond to reality?
From the literal interpretation of the name of the Academy, it is clear that there is some kind of connection between the Academy and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Is it so? On the website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we can see organizations and institutions that are part of the structure or financed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We will not find RANEPA there. However, until recently, there was the Higher School of Economics, the late RAGS, and now the Alekseev Institute of Chemistry (RSCHP). However, the Academy was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. But let's remember how many times the President visited this Academy. Recall four years ago, but not to meet with students, but as a platform for the ONF forum. Speeches by prominent statesmen are not for students, but for people who are undergoing additional education. Students are not allowed. The process of retraining civil servants is the result of a competition, along with other universities. The bulk of famous graduates are mainly those who participated in advanced training programs.
2. Relationship with the administration.
Yesterday's schoolboy, crossing the threshold of the RANEPA, submitting documents to the selection committee, does not yet suspect that public opinion and the ratings of the notorious agencies have little in common with reality.
Firstly, the relationship with the administration is built on the porcupine dilemma, in other words: you, the person who came there for the minimum services due, which are due to you by right (request for information, characteristics, about the opportunity to learn about some event, postgraduate holidays, etc.) you run into "porcupine quills" represented by representatives of the Administration, that is, with excuses, breakfasts, despite the fact that the management says that they are trying to help you, but cannot do anything.
Secondly, remember: “You are here, no one owes you anything. If we do something, we do it out of good intentions.” In practice, the situation looks like this, you must definitely pay for your studies, at a price that grows every year, which is not set from the real state of affairs (to the question of the quality of services). Forget that you are obliged to inform about planned events in time, organize meetings, public lectures and support you in every possible way. The dean's office does not provide students with information about student competitions, scholarships, and olympiads. If the dean's office does not do this at all, then at the level of the Academy, the information appears (if it appears) after the fact, or in a couple of hours. In other words, the administration is not at all interested in the promotion of its own students, the popularity of the faculty itself.
Thirdly, we advise you, if you nevertheless entered, try (not to start your studies with conflicts), because an additional option for you will be an explanation of your real state of affairs, since the Academy has an “eye for an eye” principle, in relation to those who demand "too much" (see earlier). Once "guilty", no longer hope for a normal relationship with individual representatives of the Administration, booking audiences, you will fall into the category of "problematic", with a constant reminder of your "successes".
Fourthly, any actions of the administration (organizational, structural) that affect the rights of students, interests take place either regardless of the opinion of the students, or with "unanimous" support. For example, people entered the "brand" faculty, and graduate from the Institute of National Security.
P.S. For corruption, anon. do not know.

3. Student life.
Firstly, the bodies of student self-government are pro-administrative, there is no question of any representation of the interests of students. There is no reporting from self-government bodies, only formal reporting to the Administration. Obvious problems are not solved, the organization of events is low (information, logistics and quantity). Consideration of issues that are important for an ordinary student is highly discouraged (meals at affordable prices, problems with providing the Academy with Internet access, living in a hostel).
Secondly, there are very few events for students, except for a skit, a well-publicized New Year's ball and random fests where you can get a free can of Red Bull.
Thirdly, if any initiatives are carried out through the Student Council, they usually implement the benefits that students of other universities have been using for a long time (to the question of competitiveness).

4. Education.
First, "practice-oriented education" has two sides. The first side completely splits the whole meaning of the practice. As noted in the previous leak, teachers really share their cases: personal, domestic and economic content. Where the household is cleaning the garden and weeding vegetables, the household is fascinating stories about life, and the personal is the accumulated experience of their social activity.
Second side. There are some practicing teachers who really share their professional experience and help to decide on a profession. There aren't many of them.
Secondly, scientific schools. The only meaning of the “school”, in this case, is the school of life, where you really understand that life is not so rosy, and no one will convince you with illusions about a wonderful future. Science is in a sad state here. Representatives of scientific schools are either simply listed, or they themselves don’t care about the level at which this bursa is. We say hello to the youngest doctor in Russia, a specialist in public law with a pedagogical education, a master of public speaking and an expert on the basic principles of Roman law.
The stronghold of science - two dissertation councils, the rays of the sun in a dark kingdom, have recently been closed.
Thirdly, a little about the typical teachers of the Academy. As noted earlier, the learning process is the solution of unnecessary tasks to anyone and indifference to results or their absence. Failure to interest in the subject and motivate students to learn. The teaching of each discipline is expressed in the study and discussion: history, subject and object of the industry, bare theory. The knowledge of some teachers is especially striking. This can be seen in the complete ignorance of judicial practice, approximate information on the subject, and all educational activities consist in retelling topics from the textbook. Most of the teachers are invited (but not Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics), so draw your own conclusions.
P.S. Single teachers are the absolute opposite of what was said (Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics and several from the RANEPA).
Thus, the assumption of a good attitude towards the RANEPA, from the submission of documents to the receipt of a diploma, is overcome. In fact, each point can be reasonably expanded to a full-fledged post. As a result, without calling for anything and without discouraging anything, draw your own conclusions. All matches are random.

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) provides you with ample opportunities to receive higher education in bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. If you have not yet decided on the choice of the necessary educational program, we are always ready to help. To do this, you can contact the Admissions Committee or the faculties of the Academy.

RANEPA regularly hosts open days - we highly recommend visiting them. General academic open days are held, where all faculties are represented, and open days of individual faculties, for those who have already decided on a specialty. Follow the news of the "Open days" section, which contains up-to-date information for applicants.

To help applicants, the Academy conducts various preparatory courses for the unified state exam.

RANEPA is one of the leading universities in our country, the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Russia and Europe. The Academy occupies the top lines in all national rankings.

Knowledge, quality of education

High-quality study programs will help you gain unique knowledge and build a career in your chosen field. Already during your studies, you will have the opportunity to complete internships in large Russian and international companies, as well as in state authorities.

The international cooperation

RANEPA cooperates with leading foreign educational institutions. Double degree programs and internships provide training at partner universities in the UK, France, the Netherlands (for full information, see the "International Partners" section). In addition, there are exchange programs with partner universities abroad. Foreign languages ​​are taught at the Academy at the level of the best linguistic universities.

The science

Our students can engage in science under the guidance of leading teachers and scientists from Russia and the world, continue their education in a master's, postgraduate or doctoral studies. The Academy has a unique scientific and expert potential and is the largest expert center for the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, ministries and departments.

Extracurricular activities

One of the priorities of the Academy is the development of student life and self-government. The range of events is very wide: from vocal, dance competitions and KVN clubs to intellectual summer camps and schools. The Academy has all the opportunities for sports - numerous sports fields and a swimming pool are located on the main campus.

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