US acting universities: the best universities for future stars. Ranking of theater universities


Moscow theater universities are a cherished goal for thousands of applicants from all over the country, and even MGIMO and Moscow State University can envy competitions in these educational institutions. Let's try to understand which theater institute in Moscow is better to apply for.


GITIS, founded in 1878, is the largest theater university not only in Russia, but also in Europe as a whole. It trains actors (for drama, music and variety theatres), directors, theater critics, choreographers, producers and set designers. Actors are produced by four faculties of GITIS: acting, directing, variety and musical theater. Moreover, only in this theater university in Moscow, joint training of directors and actors takes place on an ongoing basis. And it is the famous acting and directing workshops that make GITIS attractive to many applicants. However, some students complain that directing is excellently taught at the university, but acting skills are not developed in them.

It is important to note that GITIS, unlike other theater universities in Moscow, is not "assigned" to any theater. There is not and cannot be a single acting school in this educational institution. Boundaries, sometimes fundamental, pass between faculties and workshops, which are headed by artistic directors and directors of major Moscow theaters.


The Moscow Art Theater School is the youngest (founded in 1943) and open to new trends classical theatrical higher education institution in Moscow. Students here speak confidently about the future and feel needed. Unlike other theater workshops, students are 100% loaded here: acting classes are held daily in the morning and evening, sometimes you have to prepare two sketches at once. Teachers of the Studio School believe that an actor must have something in his soul. Something that he can give to his audience. Therefore, here a lot of time is devoted to communication, the formation of a civic position and talk about the meaning of things.

It is often recommended to include modern authors in the listening program, for example, Viktor Pelevin, Evgeny Grishkovets or Lyudmila Ulitskaya. However, the radicalness of the innovations of the Studio School still has limits, which can be understood by reading the announcement hanging on the walls cherished for future actors: “Entrance in beach shoes and shorts to the Moscow Art Theater School is strictly prohibited.”

There are three faculties in the School-Studio: acting, production and scenography and theater technologies.

For non-standard:

On the Pike, as the people call the theatrical institute. Shchukin, founded in 1914, should pay attention to applicants with a typical acting appearance - tall, dark-haired beauties and handsome men. However, the rector of this theater institute in Moscow, Yevgeny Knyazev, assures that they often receive applicants who could not get into other universities: small in stature and with a non-standard voice, since in Pike they can find individuality in such people. The institute has two faculties: acting and directing.


Sliver is the oldest theatrical university in Moscow, whose history goes back to the theater school, established in 1809. And, as it should be for the oldest, the Shchepkinskoye school is a zealous guardian of classical traditions. The plays are staged here as written, discarding any possible vulgarity. When recruiting students, university teachers also adhere to a certain type: preference is given to stately Russian heroes and well-bred girls with long braids and a high voice.

During his studies, a student of Sliver, in contrast to universities, where teachers recruit their own workshops, learn from all teachers. Preparation is carried out only in the direction of "Acting art".


VGIK, founded in 1919, is a Mecca for applicants who dream of basking in the glory. Indeed, in our days, only cinema and television can make a truly famous. It is in these two areas that VGIK specializes.

It is worth noting that, unlike purely theatrical universities in Moscow, where only very young students are recruited, they can enroll in the Institute of Cinematography even at the age of 25. In addition, VGIK is the only film school in the country with its own film studio, where it is possible to shoot educational films of all existing genres.

For people with disabilities:

GSII, founded in 1991, today is the only university in the world that allows students with disabilities to receive higher theater and music education. For 4 years at the acting department, you can get a diploma in the specialty "Acting Art".

university Faculty Number of budget places Number of "contract" places The sum of the USE scores of the weakest enrolled
Russian University of Theater Arts acting 58
(of which 4 are for targeted intake)
288 63 233 198 900
-//- Director's 514 476 198 900
-//- musical theater 357 247 198 900
-//- Bandstands 316 213 198 900
All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov acting 17 276 8 209 161 779
School-studio (institute) them. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov acting 23 no data - no data 235 000
Theater Institute. Boris Shchukin at the GAT them. Evgenia Vakhtangov acting 30 no data - no data 210 000
Higher Theater School. M.S. Shchepkina (Institute) at GAMTR acting 25 374 - 271 160 000
State Specialized Institute of Arts Theatrical 8 114 - - -

In addition, you can become an actor after a non-state theater university. There are 9 such educational institutions in Moscow. But before applying to such universities, think about how many actors who graduated from a commercial theater university do you know.

university Faculty Number of seats The sum of points on the Unified State Examination of the weakest enrolled Tuition fee (rubles per year)
Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies Theatrical art not limited 200 125 000
Russian Theater Institute - not limited 68 (2 items) 130 000
Institute of Contemporary Art acting 30 131 138 710 (135 850 if paid before July 1)
Institute of Theatrical Art. P.M. Ershov - not limited - 134 700
International Slavic Institute acting 40 - 142 400
Institute of Modern Management, Film and Television Creative professions and performing arts not limited 68 (2 items) 120 000
Moscow Humanitarian University Philosophy, culture and art 20 128 118 000
Moscow Academy of Education Natalia Nesterova Film and television not limited 168 90 000
International Humanitarian-Linguistic Institute Theater and cinema not limited 150 (3 items) 85 000

The final decision always remains with the applicant. However, students of theater universities in Moscow give their future colleagues one good piece of advice: “Be yourself! Do not adapt and do not try to please - you still can’t guess who likes what.

Veronica Gebrial

candidate of sociological sciences

Among the applicants there were always many who wanted to become actors. This profession attracts with its bright appearance, giving rise to many myths. But sooner or later, the young talent understands that theater studios and courses are not enough for professional growth. There are many cities in our country where this attractive profession is taught. But still the most popular are theatrical ones. We have compiled their rating in terms of popularity and prestige.


This university is considered the largest in our country and in Europe, it is also famous in other countries. Here you can get education in various specialties for working in the theater at several faculties.

GITIS is distinguished by a variety of teaching methods, depending on who is the artistic director of the course. Specialists are trained here for various types of theatrical art, not only for drama theatre. The university is considered to be creatively freer, as it is not tied to any theater, unlike some other institutions. The local directing school is very quoted. Date of foundation - 1878. In Moscow, GITIS is the oldest theatrical theater. But if you look, you can find even older ones. For example, SPbGATI opened in 1779.

School-studio at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov

The studio was founded in 1943. Despite the fact that the word "school" appears in the name, in fact this is a higher educational institution. In the theater circle it is considered very prestigious, open to everything new, although it opened later than others. True, there is an opinion that the level of the teaching staff is uneven: from all recognized masters to little-known masters.

There are three faculties: acting, scenography and theater technology, production, as well as a variety of departments. Students here are fully loaded, unlike GITIS: the actor's skill takes place twice every day. The educational theater is popular with the audience. Open exams are held in specialized subjects, which may be interesting for applicants. Students also advise: in order for admission to a theater university to be more likely to succeed, it is useful to learn more about the master recruiting students.

Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin at the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov

The year of foundation is 1914. Among themselves they call Shchukinsky, or Pike. The institute is distinguished by the fact that it is focused on the bright individuality of the future actor, which is facilitated by the atmosphere of a creative mood in the educational process, which is actively supported by the rector Evgeny Knyazev.

There are two and director's. There is also a master's program in Theatrical Arts, where they study for two years, and postgraduate studies in two areas: Theory and History of Art and Art History, where they study for three years. It is believed that Pike tops the list of theater universities for a special approach to the selection of teaching staff. It is mainly taught by those who themselves grew up in these traditions and continue to pass them on to new generations.

Theater School. Mikhail Shchepkin at the Maly Theater

Year of foundation - 1809. This is a small institute, because it graduates only artists. They say that here, upon admission, the positive decision of the commission is influenced by the type: Russian heroes and beauties have more chances. The people call this university Shchepkinsky, or Shchepka.

Basically, they are also trying to develop pedagogical continuity. All theatrical universities are distinguished by their strict adherence to the rules of internal institute life, but Sliver among them is more conservative. Acting skills are taught in the traditional classical style - this gives the university its characteristic feature.


The year of foundation is 1919. There are various faculties at VGIK, where specialists are trained for television and cinema. At the same time, training is built on a system of creative small workshops. Communication between teachers and students is built on a trusting attitude towards each other, which helps to create a favorable friendly atmosphere.

VGIK is distinguished by the fact that it accepts children aged 25 and older, which other theater universities cannot boast of. This educational institution has such an advantage as its own film studio with technical equipment sufficient to create diploma films. The institute conducts scientific and research work, there is a postgraduate study where they prepare for pedagogical and scientific activities. There is full-time and part-time education. There is a full-time form at all faculties, a correspondence form - at the camera department, screenwriting and film studies and economics.

Features of admission

To start learning, you need to pass a creative competition, which is decisive. This is what distinguishes admission to a theater university, here the USE affects the opportunity to study on a budgetary basis, but does not guarantee the fact of enrollment. One talent and desire is not enough, you need to work hard on yourself, sacrifice time and effort. These requirements remain relevant for the entire period of study, since theater universities stand out among others with a very high dropout rate.

At each of the above institutes, there are preparatory courses for specialties. Experts advise preparing for admission at least six months in advance, and preferably a year. It is necessary to choose a program, learn, disassemble and read to the public (you can read to friends and relatives) in order to learn in practice how to cope with stiffness. You can hire a tutor and study individually if your financial situation allows. The choice of a tutor should be approached very carefully: make inquiries, ask to show a diploma. It makes sense to enter all of the above theater universities at once - so the chance to pass the competition will increase.

The main thing is to really want

Not everyone can be lucky to study acting in Moscow, but if the desire is really strong, then you can try your luck in another city. For example, theatrical universities in St. Petersburg are also highly rated among professionals. The main thing for an applicant is to have a fighting spirit and maximum readiness to sacrifice oneself.

For real actors, this profession is perceived as serving the audience, and not just as an ordinary job. Because the dedication in it is the highest. Daily rehearsals with full physical and mental gear, almost round-the-clock work on the role, publicity. And only then can the actor count on applause and success from the audience.

Finally, once again we list the best so-called famous big five: GITIS, Moscow Art Theater, Shchukinskoye, Shchepkinskoye, VGIK.

To give a facet to your abilities, to gain certain knowledge, to learn skills from incomparable teachers. Theater universities in Moscow give them that opportunity.

The best theater universities in Moscow

1. The largest is Russian University of Theater Arts (GITIS) . Its foundation is marked in 1878. This university is considered the largest in both Russia and Europe. Its departments produce actors of musical, drama, variety theaters, directors, choreographers, theater critics, stage designers and producers. The four inimitable faculties of GITIS prepare unforgettable actors and virtuoso directors. These are the directing department, the acting department, the musical theater and variety department.

GITIS differs from others not by subordinating to any theater, it lacks a single acting school. It is no secret that the workshops and faculties of the largest theater universities are separated by strict and sometimes fundamental boundaries, headed by directors and artistic directors.

The cost of education is 198,900 rubles per academic year. The number of budget places is 58, and contract places - 63. The number of USE scores ranges from 213 to 514.

2. It is considered prestigious School-studio (institute) them. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov . This young school-studio at the Moscow Art Theater was founded in 1943, open to new trends. Students feel their need and demand within the walls of this institute, do not hesitate to talk about the future. At the same time, the students' day is fully loaded, because classes related to the study of acting skills are organized twice every day. Often students prepare two studies at once.

The specificity of this university is the selection of students. Teachers are sure that every great actor should have something hidden in his soul, hidden in his heart. This “something” the actor must give to the viewer. For the formation of the soul at school, a lot of time is devoted to simple human communication, conversations about the significance of all kinds of things, in the learning process, a civic position is formed.

Contemporary authors are often included in the program for listening by students. This is Viktor Pelevin and Lyudmila Ulitskaya. This list can be continued for a long time. Students are taught at three faculties: acting, production, scenography, theater technologies.

The cost of training in the specialty "Acting Arts" is 235,000 rubles, and the number of budget places is 23.

3. Suitable for non-standard applicants Theater Institute. Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theatre. Evgenia Vakhtangov . This institute began its work in 1914 and recruits young people who are characterized by the typical appearance of an actor into the ranks of students. These are dark-haired tall handsome men and beauties. The rector of this excellent theatrical university is Yevgeny Knyazev. He accepts under his warm, cozy wing applicants who are distinguished by their small stature and non-standard voice: everyone who did not manage to get into the relevant universities. University teachers help to reveal individuality in such students at two excellent faculties: acting and directing.

The cost of studying at the acting department is 210,000 rubles, the number of budget places is 30.

4. Conservative and oldest is considered Higher Theater School. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia . 1809 was the year of its foundation in the form of a theater school, which eventually grew into a university. Its walls preserve and observe classical traditions. Teachers recruit students with a certain type. These are strong Russian heroes and magnificent well-bred girls of Slavic appearance, striking with amazing long blond braids and beautiful high voices. Students are trained by all the wonderful teachers of the university in the direction of "Acting Art".

At the acting department of the university, it will be possible to study on a budgetary basis with USE scores of 374. A total of 25 budget places. You can enter the contract basis with 271 points, but you will have to pay 160,000 rubles a year.

5. Cinematic is considered All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK) . 1919 is the year of its foundation. It's just a mecca for applicants who are hungry for fame. VGIK specializes in two areas: television and cinema. They can enroll in the institute even at the age of 25, if the applicant has the desire and ability. VGIK has a film school with its own unique film studio. It allows you to make good educational films in various genres.

The university meets applicants with 17 budget places. Those who scored at least 276 USE points get into them. The university has 8 contract places. They are occupied by those who scored 209 points while passing the Unified State Examination and are able to pay 161,779 rubles every year.

6. Suitable for those whose physical abilities are limited State Specialized Institute of Arts . 1991 is the year of its creation. This is the only university in the world that provides people with disabilities with the education they want. After studying for only four years in the direction of "Acting Art", you can become a graduate.

At the theater department of the Institute of Arts, applicants are greeted by 8 budget places, the minimum number of USE points is 114.

Non-state theater universities are also located in Moscow. Let's provide information about them.

7. Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies teaches students at the Faculty of Theater Arts with an unlimited number of places and 200 USE points upon admission. The student pays 125,000 rubles for his education.

8. Russian Theater Institute accepts students with very low USE scores of 68 in 2 subjects. He teaches on a contract basis with a tuition fee of 130,000 rubles.

9. Institute of Contemporary Art at the acting department, it has a limited number of places, equal to 30. An applicant, in order to open the treasured doors of the university, must score 131 USE points and pay 138,710 for the year of study.

10. Institute of Contemporary Theatrical Art. P.M. Ershov strikes with an unlimited number of places, and the cost of education is 134,700 rubles.

11. International Slavic Institute at the acting department meets 40 free places. Tuition fee: 142,400.

12. Institute of Modern Management, Film and Television meets applicants with the Faculty of Creative Professions and Performing Arts with a tuition fee of 120,000 rubles per year with the Unified State Examination equal to 68 points.

13. Moscow University for the Humanities teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy, Culture and Art, has 20 free places, opens the door for those who scored at least 128 points on the Unified State Examination, and is ready to pay 118,000 rubles for education per year.

14. AT Moscow Academy of Education Natalia Nesterova there is a faculty of "Film and Television" and an unlimited number of vacancies. Applicants with 168 USE scores can enter the academy, the tuition fee is 90,000 rubles.

15. International Humanitarian-Linguistic Institute meets applicants with the faculty of theater and cinema with a large number of vacancies. USE scores are 150 for 3 subjects. Tuition fee: 85,000.

An actor is not just a profession, it is a dream, a vocation, sometimes it is a whole life. Which of the girls, watching their favorite films, did not dream of becoming an actress? It's so romantic: touring, filming, rehearsals. The sweetest thing is fame and popularity: walking down the street, and everyone recognizes you and asks for an autograph to see yourself not only in the mirror, but also on the big screen. But becoming an actor is not at all easy, for this you need to have great talent and pass all the tests. An actor is a constant work on himself, on his voice, on his body, and most importantly, on his soul.

Actor Alexander Petrov left the Faculty of Economics and entered the RATI-GITIS

Top best theater universities

Historically, Russian applicants go to study acting in two capitals. Most of today's actors are graduates of theater universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since April, you can see long queues around acting schools, where girls and boys from different cities of our country are crowding. They came to enter the best theater institutes in Russia:

  1. , Moscow. This is the largest theater university not only in Russia, but also in Europe. It was originally established as the School of Music and Drama in 1878.
  2. Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater of Russia, Moscow."Sliver" is the oldest higher theatrical educational institution, which was founded already in 1809 by decree of Emperor Alexander the First.
  3. Capital at the theater. Vakhtangov, Moscow."Pike" was formed as a theater group at the Moscow Art Theater for in-depth study of the Stanislavsky system.
  4. , Moscow, aka VGIK- for those who dream of the red carpet. VGIK was founded in 1919 as the world's first public cinematography school.
  5. , Moscow. It was founded in 1943 by Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko.
  6. . The university was founded in 1918 by the decree of A.V. Lunacharsky as the School of Acting and is still popular among applicants.
  7. . It was founded in 1918 as the Higher Institute of Photography and Phototechnics, and since 1931 became the Leningrad Institute of Film Engineers.
  8. , Yekaterinburg. This is the only theater university in the Urals.
  9. , Novosibirsk. It was originally founded as a theater school in 1960 and in 2003 transformed into a theater institute.

In order to master the profession of an actor, it is not necessary to go to the capital, where there are many applicants and places are limited. In other cities of Russia, such as Yaroslavl, Smolensk, Ufa, Khabarovsk, there are also theater universities, which are much easier to get into. But how to understand the quality of a small university? We understand.

The best in the world Sherlock Holmes Vasily Livanov is one of the graduates of "Pike"

How to choose a theater university

If you have dreamed of fame and popularity since childhood, then you should carefully consider the choice of a theater university or an art institute. You should choose according to the following criteria:

  • Training programs. Theater universities are not only actors, they are also directors, screenwriters, etc. Choose a university according to the faculty you are going to enter, and according to the competition in each of these universities.
  • university status. Theater school can be state or non-state. In respect more state. The level of education there is higher and it is more realistic to find a job after them.
  • competition for a place. As we have already found out, metropolitan universities are very popular. But the competition is higher there and getting there is more difficult. In addition, there are fewer groups in regional universities, and each student has more opportunities for direct communication with a teacher to learn theater skills.

We recommend that you apply and prepare for admission to several universities and programs at once - you have the right to apply to 5 universities for 3 programs in each. So you will have more chances to enter a theater university on a budget. You need to start preparing in advance, for example, sign up for a theater group - talent is nurtured over the years!

Danila Kozlovsky graduated Russian State Institute of Performing Arts in St. Petersburg

What are the artistic specialties

Artistic specialties are not limited to acting. In fact, there are many theatrical professions:

Speciality Training period Profession
52.03.05 Theater studies 4 years Journalist, Producer, Art manager, Art critic, Theater critic, Theater critic
52.05.01 Acting art 4 years Musical theater actor, Dramatic theater and film actor, Variety artist, Radio and TV presenter, Choreographer
55.05.04 Producing 5 years Game Producer, IT Producer, Film Producer, Line Producer, Music Producer, Director, TV Producer
52.05.03 Scenography 5 years Make-up artist, Decorator, Fashion designer, Art critic, Culturologist
52.03.06 Dramaturgy 4 years Playwright, Journalist, Film playwright, Literary critic, Literary editor, Writer, Producer, Radio presenter, Screenwriter, TV presenter
52.05.02 Theater directing 5 years Actor, Film director, Music journalist, Music critic, Music editor, Event organizer, Producer, Theater director, Variety director, TV director
55.05.01 Film and television directing 5 years Art Manager, Radio & Television Host, Film Critic, Film Director, Producer, Animation Director, Internet Program Director, Multimedia Program Director, Production Director, Screenwriter, TV Director
55.05.05 Film studies 5 years Art critic, Film critic, Film playwright, Film critic, Film director, Literary critic, Editor of magazines, books and programs about cinema, Screenwriter, Stage designer
55.05.03 Cinematography 5 years Video operator, Cinematographer, Editor, Director of photography, Editing director, Cameraman

The star of the series "Interns" Christina Asmus is a graduate of the Shchepkinsky school

How to apply to theater school

To enter the theater institute, it is not enough to get a high score in the Unified State Examination, you need to prepare for the DWI. This is a creative test, during which the applicant must demonstrate their talents. Much of your admissions success depends on this stage. It's hard to impress the jury. It is not enough to memorize a verse.

It is advisable to start preparing in advance, as soon as you decide to become a star. Sign up for a theater group or studio. If you want to conquer the stage, start practicing vocals with a teacher, learn to dance. All this will be useful for you to successfully pass this stage. The type of DWI depends on the faculty you want to enter.

As a creative test can be:

  • Reading a monologue, verse, fable
  • Acting
  • Performance of the song
  • Dance

An example of a creative test at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture:

Many try to impress the commission and do the following: errors in admission to the theater institute:

  1. Trying to make the "right" impression. There are various gossips among students and applicants about how the admission committee will like it - appearance, images, manners. And applicants try to look as original as possible, reaching outrageous. This is the most common mistake. On viewings, it is not enough (and not necessary) to be remembered for pink hair, you need to show your talent and ability to get used to the image.
  2. The wrong image. If you are 19 years old and you choose the image of a wise old man, then this will be a mistake. It is best to choose a hero of the same age and gender as you, for reincarnation you will not need to make much effort, and you will have a better chance of successfully passing this test.
  3. Don't get used to the role. Many try to play a certain character and “crush” with emotions that they don’t really experience. Try to imagine how you would act in the place of the hero, what emotions you would experience.
  4. Choose an educational institution, not a master. If you want to become a professional in your field, then first of all determine which mentor is closer to you in spirit - with your creativity, experience and just as a human being. Decide for yourself which master will best be able to reveal your talent.
  5. Give up on dreams. Yes, to enter the coveted theater university is not an easy task. This requires a lot of work. But you don't have to set yourself up for failure in the first place. Just do everything in your power, and the rest, in any case, does not depend on you, so you should not worry again. You can try again and again. Many famous actors did not enter the theater school the first time.

You can learn more about admission errors in this video:

How to increase your chances of getting into a theater school? As we said, start preparing in advance:

  • Rehearse a lot. Acting is hard work and hours of rehearsal with little breaks.
  • Cultivate charisma. Ordinary personalities are of no interest to anyone, learn to reveal all the facets of your personality.
  • Read a lot of fiction. Classics will help you feel the heroes of those times.
  • There are many acting videos on the Internet. Subscribe to channels and learn something new every day.
  • Go to theaters and learn from the experience of professional actors. This will help you on admission.
  • Subscribe to the group of your favorite theatrical university VKontakte, follow the news, you can also learn a lot of useful things there.

© V. Bogdanov / RIA Novosti

Those who want to study as an actor often try out at all theatrical universities - the Shchepkinsky School, the Shchukin School, the Moscow Art Theater School and the RATI / GITIS (and even one non-theatrical VGIK). Most do not care where - as long as they take it. The average applicant has no idea where he goes and how one school differs from another. Therefore, already standing under the cherished door, they share rumors, more or less fantastic. Most of the myths are about what university they look at. The price includes any details: “it all depends on the type”; “VGIK can take even 25-year-olds, but young people are taken to theater universities”; “The Moscow Art Theater needs boys”; "GITIS and Pike - schools are more playful"; “The pike is like a circus: here you need to throw out some number”; “and GITIS is like a big mental hospital”; “Ryzhakov is recruiting to the Moscow Art Theater this year: there are rumors that at the audition the boys are asked to rap.”

In Sliver, they say, a certain type is welcomed: stately Russian guys of a heroic physique and well-bred girls with a scythe and a high voice. A student of the acting and directing course at GITIS says that during her studies at Sliver, she played only grandmothers from the Urals, because the Shchepkin school is focused on roles and appearance is everything. Students of the Moscow Art Theater School believe that in GITIS it is easier to get a discount on the invoice: “In the Moscow Art Theater I was never, never asked to present a characteristic, but in GITIS they immediately told me:“ Read like a drunk. And the Gitisites themselves say the opposite: “Our teachers do not adjust you to a ready-made scheme, but try to discern your individuality and go from it. In GITIS they look at your inner world, and in Pike - at your appearance. About what kind of appearance is valued in Pike, the testimony differs exactly the opposite. Who says that they take the same type of handsome men and beauties, from year to year the same ones: tall, dark-haired and “heroic”. And who - what in Pike love funny, wonderful, sort of fools, and the younger, the better. The rector of the Shchukin School, Yevgeny Knyazev, assures: “Sometimes, those who do not go anywhere come to us: they are small and their voice is not like that - but we find some kind of individuality in them.”

The Moscow Art Theater School is the university most open to new trends. Students here feel in good standing, speak confidently about their prospects and are easily compared with other theater schools: “In Pike they pay more attention to movement, but there students have too much free time: actors study for an hour and a half a day - this is on the third - the course! We don't have a free minute. Mastery classes are held twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, sometimes you have to prepare two sketches at once. And in GITIS, mastery classes three times a week - how can this be?

© Sergey Pyatakov / RIA Novosti

The Shchepkinskoye school is a leader in providing security first and foremost. At the GITIS watch, I dialed the number of the dean's office of the acting department, introduced myself, and they immediately let me through. In Pike, the guard himself volunteered to catch actors in the crowd of applicants for me. And I completely passed the security of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio unnoticed. The Shchepkinsky school was the first (and, frankly, the only) school in which they demanded from me an official letter addressed to the rector and a service pass certifying the right to ask questions to students and applicants of the Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia. This was the first tradition that I encountered as soon as I crossed the threshold of the oldest theater school.

From new trends, students are guarded here about the same zealously. Raised in the spirit of patriotism. Shchepkintsy in a conversation with me were not shy about pathos and lofty words: Sliver keeps classical traditions, and traditions are good; classics are harder to capture than modernity; theater has always been a reflection of social life; plays must be staged as written; theater should weed out vulgarity; any action must be psychologically justified; everything should be real, as in life. I ask: “Which of the last performances did you like, remember? In what theatre? - “In the Small. The last amazing performance is “The Queen of Spades” ... I don’t remember whose production.

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