Actress playing a role in the Bremen town musicians. Who voiced the Bremen town musicians


The cartoon of the middle of the last century “The Bremen Town Musicians” was not watched only by an ardent opponent of animation in general, but most viewers of different ages remember it very well, moreover, consider it one of the best musical cartoons, that is, stories told with the help of songs and melodies. Do you know what songs Magomayev sang in The Bremen Town Musicians, who else voiced the characters and how they were recorded? Indeed, until now, after so many years, some moments of the creation of this wonderful creation remain in the shadows.

Whose voices do cartoon characters sing?

Many viewers know that Magomayev sang the most popular song in the Bremen Town Musicians, it sounded from all radio stations and records. This is the Golden Ray of the Sun. But as for the rest, no less interesting, everyone is at a loss, sometimes giving out very interesting versions, up to such that the Princess sang in the voice of Alla Borisovna, and the song of the robbers was performed by the famous trio from the cinema, which became the prototypes for Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov. Of course, these versions are fundamentally wrong and invented by ignorant fans.

Here is a complete list of those who sing in The Bremen Town Musicians and all subsequent series:

  • Elmira Zherzdeva - the capricious Princess sang in her voice.
  • in the first series of the film, he performed all the songs of Troubadour, Atamansha and minor roles.
  • Muslim Magomayev replaced Anofriyev in the second series of the cartoon, and also voiced the Detective, showing unexpected timbres of his voice.
  • The Pesnyary group performed music for the famous song “We stopped by for an hour”, they also recorded a soundtrack with words, but the creators of the project abandoned it due to the pronounced accent of the performers.
  • The Cheerful Guys group replaced the previous Belarusian group.
  • Gennady Gladkov - solo of the King.
  • Anatoly Gorokhov sang the parts of all animals: Donkey, Rooster, Dog and Cat.

Who voiced Troubadour?

Even now, the lyrical ballad "Ray of the Golden Sun", better known as the "Song of the Troubadour", is pleasing to the ear: children, schoolchildren and romantic youth sing it with pleasure. This hit was performed by Muslim Magomayev in the second series of the cartoon, his popularity and employment in those years was already great, but at the same time he made a gesture worthy of a great man: he did not take the fee due to him for this work, saying that he was engaged in voice acting for pleasure .

In the first part of The Bremen Town Musicians, Oleg Anofriev performed almost all the male parts, unexpectedly discovering another talent in himself - voice imitation. Moreover, this happened unexpectedly, since the planned Accord group (quite popular in those years) did not come to the recording: either the time set by the Melodiya recording studio was inappropriate, or force majeure, but the fact remains: Oleg I had to sing not only for “my” Troubadour, but also for the Atamansha, trying to be like Faina Ranevskaya, as well as for the guards and robbers.

Why didn't he sing in later parts? The official version: the singer did not agree with some important moments of the recording of the songs, although the creators of the cartoon claim that Oleg simply fell ill with "star fever".

Quartet of musicians from Bremen

Who sings animal parts in The Bremen Town Musicians? Famous people were invited for this:

  • For scoring the Donkey - Oleg Yankovsky.
  • Dog - Yuri Nikulin.
  • Kota - Andrey Mironov.
  • Rooster - Georgy Vitsin, also the King was supposed to sing in his voice.

The famous actors did not come, because the exact time of the sound recording was not agreed, so they simply could not leave their sets, because even then they were famous people and did not have free time.

Therefore, they asked Anatoly Gorokhov, a songwriter who was at the studio at that time, to try to voice the quartet in different voices. Everything turned out so amazingly that they decided not to fix it and leave it as it is.

There is another version of the cartoon fans who claim that the parts of the Donkey sound like the voice of Leonid Bergman, the soloist from the Merry Fellows, who had already left the group and applied for emigration. Because of this, all data on his participation in the project was deleted, and Anatoly Gorokhov took over his merits.

Authors of poetry and music

We figured out a little about who sings in The Bremen Town Musicians, but it’s definitely worth mentioning the songwriters from all the episodes of this amazing musical masterpiece: Gennady Gladkov wrote the music, and the words were written by Yuri Entin, while witnesses of the film’s creation say that some of the words to Anofriev himself wrote the songs. Peru Gladkov owns the music for such famous films as "Gentlemen of Fortune", "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines", "Kill the Dragon", and many others.

The songs of another author, Yuri Entin, are known even to the smallest viewers and listeners, because these are familiar words from “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Dunno from Our Yard”. And what is “Beautiful Far Away” worth - after all, this is also the brainchild of a talented author. And now, to his merits, the texts of those who sing in the Bremen Town Musicians, a cartoon of all time, were added.

How many episodes are in the cartoon?

There are only three of them, because it makes no sense to create endless series in order to remain in the memory of the viewer: it is better to shine once as a bright star and leave a mark on the heart forever.

  1. "The Bremen Town Musicians" (1969 creation).
  2. "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" (1973).
  3. "New Bremen Town Musicians" (2000).

This year, the beloved domestic cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" turns 40 years old. More than one generation grew up on this musical fairy tale, while the cartoon did not receive a single award. The tale broke all records in terms of the number of records sold, but criticism and accusations of "the pernicious influence of the West" fell upon it.

Not original performance

The script for the cartoon was written in the 60s by the actor, who later created the most popular image of Sherlock Holmes, Vasily Livanov and songwriter Yuri Entin. The composer Gennady Gladkov worked on the cartoon, the director was Inessa Kovalevskaya (the future director of the cartoons "Like a lion and a turtle sang a song", "Katerok", "Scarecrow-Miauchelo", etc.). Based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians".

“We were horrified by this fairy tale,” the portal quotes the words of Kovalevskaya. “Well, what kind of plot is this: four retired animals roam the world, meet robbers, scare them and settle in their house ?! filmed, and the heroes are musicians! Therefore, we decided to work on this material after all."

"When I came to Vasily Livanov, I just accidentally wrote one rhyme:" As you know, we are a hot people, "Yuri Entin said in an interview with the KM.Ru portal. - I read it to him at first as a joke, and also said, that he read the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians", but did not understand anything from it. Some kind of nonsense: the young owners drove four pensioners out into the street, not knowing where. They decided to go to Bremen to become musicians. On the way they met a den of robbers, made pyramid<…>With the help of this pyramid they dispersed the robbers and began to live on their stolen gold. That's the whole work for you."

Vasily Livanov had more experience than Entin. By that time, he had published several collections of fairy tales, which Marshak himself praised. Livanov introduced the images of the Troubadour and the King. Composer Gladkov, in turn, noticed that love is needed in a fairy tale - this is how the fate of the Princess was decided.

As a result, a completely new work was created: new characters became the main ones, the plot spun around them. Only the title remains of the original.

The script was written quickly, it was immediately taken to Soyuzmultfilm, and a few days later the cartoon was put into production.

First, it was decided to record a soundtrack for the future cartoon, and then draw the characters.

The roles were distributed as follows: Oleg Anofriev was supposed to sing for the Troubadour, Zoya Kharabadze, the soloist of the Accord Quartet, for the Princess, the rest of the Accord members for the musicians, and Zinovy ​​Gerdt for the Atamansha. The phonogram was supposed to be recorded at the Melodiya studio, which was constantly busy, so the recording was scheduled for twelve at night.

“And now we come to the recording, but our artists are not there,” recalls Yuri Entin. “By the appointed hour, only Oleg Anofriev, who lived next to Melodiya, appeared and came to say that he could not record because he had a high temperature. Gerdt immediately called: he miscalculated somewhere at the party and drank a lot, they say, reschedule the recording. Then the guys from Accord called with the same request. But we could not reschedule the work and decided to cope on our own. In the night they called to the studio of our friends: the poet Anatoly Gorokhov (he owns the lines from the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult ...") and the singer Elmira Zherzdeva".

As a result, Elmira Zherzdeva became the Princess, Anatoly Gorokhov sang for all the musicians (he owns the famous donkey "E! E-e! E-e!". And Anofriev sang for all the other characters, including the Atamansha. When he asked Inessa Kovalevskaya, what she wants to see Atamansha, she answered, “Well, something like Faina Ranevskaya!” Anofriev sang under Ranevskaya.

“I remember I got so excited when they recorded the soundtrack that I offered to sing for the Princess,” recalls Oleg Anofriev. oh secret!" - this is his voice. When we finished work in the morning, I measured the temperature, but it turned out to be normal. That's the great power of art!"

The recording of the musical ended at five in the morning. According to Gennady Gladkov in an interview with Literaturnaya Rossiya, sound engineer Viktor Babushkin did an excellent job: "He did an incredible thing: he was able to make a great recording on rather primitive equipment. Magician!"

The artist Max Zherebchevsky made several sketches of the characters. “Max’s troubadour turned out to be in a cap, like a buffoon, which I absolutely didn’t like,” recalls the director. our future Troubadour has arisen."

And the Princess was "put on" the wedding dress of Yuri Entin's wife. “The very red dress that you see in the cartoon, I bought her for 40 rubles, she was wearing it at the wedding,” quoted Yuri Entin as saying. “And Gladkov and Livanov were our witnesses.”

The robbers in this cartoon were copied from the most popular trinity in the seventies: Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin.

In the light

“Before seeing the light, the record with the Bremen Town Musicians lay for 9 months, like a child, at the Melodiya recording studio. It was there that I worked as an editor,” the portal cites Yuri Entin’s memoirs. “The director’s signature was needed. I used official position and ... The record with "The Bremen Town Musicians" "slipped" on the counter when the director was on vacation. Then a cartoon appeared<…>That was the noise! My wife still remembers the artistic council, at which the "Bremen Town Musicians" were taken to pieces. Composer Rostislav Boyko called our musical "marijuana for children", and Natalia Sats spoke with indignation that only 3 million copies of Tikhon Khrennikov were sold, and 28 million records of The Bremen Town Musicians, which indicates the approaching collapse of the country.

Angry letters came to the Ministry of Culture - "How can children sing about robbers and about the dead ?!"

Especially, as Yuri Entin told the Arguments and Facts newspaper, two phrases in The Bremen Town Musicians were embarrassing for the editors: “We must protect the Majesty from all sorts of unnecessary meetings” and “The tempting vaults of our palaces will never replace freedom.”

By the way, there is even a story about how Oleg Anofriev, speaking at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, sang this second phrase, while he waved his hands around the whole palace and pointed to the government stands. It is believed that after that the actor had troubles, and they even "had a conversation" with him.

But most of all went to the director Inessa Kovalevskaya. She was not even accepted into the Union of Cinematographers - "for an unprofessional video sequence." Not without the stamp "the pernicious influence of the West," writes the portal

“Despite all the stones that were thrown into our garden, I remember that time with tenderness,” says Yuri Entin. “Then we were very sensitive to criticism, but now ...”

Despite the criticism that fell on the cartoon, despite the fact that it did not receive a single award, The Bremen Town Musicians gained overwhelming popularity. The songs from it became real hits.


Four years later, in 1973, a continuation of the cartoon appeared - "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians". The creators of the first cartoon did not even think about the second series, but the Soyuzmultfilm studio received a telegram signed by the director of the Barrikady cinema, where cartoons were being shown at that time, that continuation was required. Kovalevskaya refused to shoot the second series, and Livanov himself acted as director.

“At first we had no idea what to write about,” recalls Yuri Entin, “but then it dawned on me that since the princess had escaped, there must be a hired detective whom the king had equipped to search for his daughter. I wrote four lines and decided to read them to Livanov and Gladkov They were skeptical and asked: “Well, what else did you think up?” I said that the second series begins with the king sitting, pressing the button, a brilliant detective appears and the song sounds:

I am a genius detective
I don't need help
I will even find a pimple
On ... at the elephant. "

"They were silent for a minute, looking at me with completely crazy eyes," the songwriter continues, "and then we all just got hysterical, and we started laughing wildly. And we composed a sequel."

The main characters in the new cartoon were slightly redrawn and "re-voiced".

"Since some time has passed, we also decided to make Troubadour more mature, more baritone - for which Magomayev was invited," Gennady Gladkov told the Zavtra newspaper. Another reason why Magomayev sang for Troubadour in the second part, according to the composer, in that Anofriev "was a little capricious, he didn't like something ..."

By the way, Gennady Gladkov himself sang for the King in the second series of adventures of Troubadour and his friends - it happened by accident. “Muslim Magomayev was supposed to sing, but he was absent at that moment, and I filled the temporary void in the soundtrack. And he listened and said:“ I like the way Gladkov sings. ”So they left it,” says the composer.

Brezhnev musicians?

With the cartoon "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians" also not without "revelations".

"... Elvis Presley was seen in the Troubadour, in these four little animals - the Beatles," says Gladkov. Seriously, it was still a breakthrough."

The most scandalous speculation about the cartoon was the assumption that "hysterical daughter" is a direct allusion to Galina Brezhneva, and by the King, respectively, Brezhnev is meant.

In those years, the secretary general's daughter already had scandalous fame because of her eccentric behavior and numerous novels. Her first love and first husband was a circus performer Yevgeny Milaev. In the Chisinau circus, an acrobat held a pyramid of a dozen people. When the circus left, twenty-year-old Galina left with the circus (leaving the university). This marriage lasted 8 years.

The second love of Galina Brezhneva was Igor Kio, the son of the famous illusionist Emile Renard. When they met, she was 32 years old, and he was 18 years old. 9 days after the "hasty" wedding, the head of the regional police department and the head of the passport office came to the newlyweds, they took Galina away under escort. The marriage was annulled as illegal.

She also had an affair with the famous dancer Maris Liepa, who was 11 years younger than her. Already married to a policeman named Churbanov, she began a relationship with a gypsy actor, soloist of the Romen Theater Boris Buryatse.

However, the Art of Cinema portal writes, in an interview, Gennady Gladkov said about the cartoon like this: “We composed it for ourselves - it was interesting for us!<…>We laughed, we fooled around. It was something like a skit for themselves. For us, it was just a joke, and everyone else said: this is a parody of something, here is a hint of something else<…>Almost a new profession has appeared - to look for something where there was nothing."

Any roads

All this time, "The Bremen Town Musicians" lived not only in the cartoon, but also on stage. “We decided to put on the play “Il trovatore and his friends” based on the cartoon on the stage of the Leningrad Theater named after Lensoviet,” says Gennady Gladkov. “The premiere caused a real storm in the hall.<…>Each number was accompanied by applause, and the final song was generally sung several times. And together with the public. The success has been incredible."

“In the performance based on The Bremen Town Musicians, I think I outplayed the entire staff of the Lensoviet Theater,” the composer continues. “There was even a small incident with Alisa Freindlich. We considered that there was no suitable role for such a great actress, but she was offended. Then she played the role of Atamansha."

The first performer of the Troubadour on the theater stage was Mikhail Boyarsky. The princess in the musical fairy tale was played by Larisa Luppian, who soon became the actor's wife.

In 2000, the third cartoon appeared - "New Bremen", the scriptwriters of which were also Vasily Livanov and Yuri Entin, and the composer - Gennady Gladkov. Russian pop stars sing for the heroes in "New Bremen": for the Troubadour - Philip Kirkorov, for the king - Mikhail Boyarsky, for the Atamansha - Nadezhda Babkina, etc.

Also in 2000, Alexander Abdulov, who played everyone from Donkey to Troubadour in the Lenkomovsky "The Bremen Town Musicians", directed the film-musical "The Bremen Town Musicians & Co" - a fairy tale based on the cartoon by Yuri Entin and Vasily Livanov. Cast: Mikhail Pugovkin, Oleg Yankovsky, Leonid Yarmolnik, Alexander Abdulov, Semyon Farada, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Alexander Zbruev, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and others.

Housing problem

For many Russians, The Bremen Town Musicians are primarily Soviet cartoons. Therefore, it is not surprising that not everyone remembers what is being discussed in the original source - the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm.

In the original, a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, abandoned by their owners, go to Bremen to become street musicians there. On the way in the forest, they see a house of robbers, drive them away by cunning and settle in it themselves.

The material was prepared by the online editors based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Before we find out who voiced the Bremen Town Musicians, let's read a little about what the cartoon itself is about.

The cartoon tells about a group of bosom buddies-musicians: a Cat, a Donkey, a Rooster, a Dog and a young Troubadour. They travel around the fairy kingdom on a cart and entertain ordinary people with their songs. Their life is joyful and devoid of any worries.

But one day Troubadour meets a charming Princess and falls in love with her. With the help of his friends, he decides to win the girl's heart. But the King will never allow his daughter to love an ordinary musician. Therefore, the Troubadour decides on a desperate act, from which his adventures will begin, full of fun, danger and wonderful songs.

This story, which has already become a classic, is known to everyone from a young age. Its plot is uncomplicated, but funny and touching, reveals the eternal themes of love and true friendship.

In many ways, the cartoon owes its cult status to the wonderful dubbing actors. It was they who endowed the characters with bright characters, made them colorful and memorable.

Who voiced the cartoon Bremen town musicians

A huge contribution to the creation of the cartoon was made by the talented actor Oleg Anofriev, who voiced almost all the characters in the picture. Initially, he was supposed to voice only the Troubadour, and other prominent artists of that time were invited to play the role of other heroes. However, due to various circumstances - due to employment in other projects, as well as for personal reasons - at the appointed time, no one except Anofriyev appeared for the recording. In the end, Oleg Andreevich had to voice not only the main character, but also others.

An equally important role was played by the wonderful singer Anatoly Gorokhov, who was urgently called to record the cartoon. He gave his voice to the entire troupe of Bremen musicians: Donkey, Dog, Cat and Rooster.

But the list of dubbing actors would be incomplete without Elmira Zherzdeva and Gennady Gladkov.

Elmira Sergeyevna performed the role of the Princess superbly, although at first Andrey Anofriev wanted to voice the main character.

Gennady Igorevich, being also the composer of the cartoon, played the role of the King. And although this hero is silent for the most part, he was so fond of the audience that in the continuation of the musical "In the footsteps of the Bremen Musicians" he even received a full-fledged musical number, which was also performed by Gladkov.

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