Relevance of the topic project of the editorial board of a music magazine. Coursework a kind of development of a music magazine


The topic of the thesis submitted for consideration is the relevance of music journalism in the Russian Federation. The very wording already contains the concept of updating information in this area of ​​journalism in our country. The study of the issue is all the more timely in the context of the rapidly changing global information space and, as a result, the entire music industry and its accompanying areas of public life. From the historical picture of the development of music journalism, presented below, the fact of its heyday and subsequent decline in the second half of the 20th century becomes obvious.

Relevance This work is also due to the fact that it reflects the opinions of people for whom this topic was not indifferent, and who took the time to give their answers to the questions below.

Some of them showed interest in the full finished text of this work, which can also be regarded as an indirect sign of its relevance.

The respondents of this study were divided into two groups. The first includes musical artists of various ranks, group managers, music critics and chief editors of music magazines and portals, representatives of some labels. The second group includes ordinary listeners.

Novelty of this study lies in the method of studying the stated topic - a qualitative analysis of the respondents' answers to the questionnaire created by the author in conjunction with other modern publications on this topic.

object of our study can be called music journalism and information processes associated with it.

As subject research is a reflection of the musical process on the one hand and the satisfaction of public demand on the other.

Conditional chronological framework research - a decade from 2005 to 2015.

Under research goal we understand the possibility of establishing the social significance of contemporary music journalism.

Tasks placed in front of us, we see as follows:

· Reveal the essence of the nature of today's music journalism;

Analyze the processes taking place in it;

· Offer a vision of the prospects for this branch of journalism.

Theoretical significance of this work lies in the totality of authentic expert statements of representatives of the musical and journalistic spheres that are relevant at the moment. In the future, these same statements, as well as excerpts from English-language articles translated by the author, and conclusions from the work can be used for subsequent research involving consideration of the dynamic development of music journalism.

In turn, the possibility of creating your own music media based on the information we received and the conclusions drawn reflects practical significance work.

Music journalism did not appear yesterday. Already at the end of the 18th century there were such publications as “Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung” (German: “General Musical Gazette”) and “Neue Zeitschrift für Musik” (German: “New Musical Newspaper”, founded in Leipzig by Robert Schumann), from the middle of the 19th century there was “The Musical Times” in London. It is quite obvious that the focus of attention of these publications was academic music. Some articles were also written by journalists from general newspapers, such as John Davidson of The Times. The composer Hector Berlioz also published a number of articles in Parisian editions between 1830 and 1840.

The popularization of this area of ​​journalism began just in the 1840s, when, under the general influence of a growing level of education, the influence of romanticism and the popularization of composers and performers such as Franz Liszt and Niccolò Paganini, not only specialized magazines became interested in music. Accordingly, the level of competence of journalists began to vary greatly even then.

The UK's longest-running magazine is "BMG Magazine" (an abbreviation made up of the first letters of musical instruments - banjo, mandolin and guitar). BMG was founded in 1903 and continues to this day. The materials in it are concentrated mainly around acoustic fretted instruments, they are educational and allow you to improve your playing skills. Thick magazine is published quarterly.

The example of Western mass music media clearly shows that the peak of their popularity falls on the times of the most tangible social changes. The background for these shifts was the emergence of a post-war new morality, the culture of rock and roll, the struggle against racial segregation (including the activities of Dr. Martin Luther King), the hippie counterculture, the popularization of drugs, the sexual revolution (including the recognition of sexual minorities) .

Music journalist Ilya Smirnov characterizes this time as follows: “… anti-realism in behavior and in art. The rejection of the surrounding reality, not provided with an alternative, took the form of ESCAPISM - an escape into the narcotic hallucinations of LSD, into psychedelic music, into the world of Maoist political dogma, which is absolutely not connected with real life.”.

And further down the line: “ A direct consequence of this attitude to life was mysticism (especially eastern) and sublime lyrics of that time. A striking example is the philosophical surrealism of the English group Pink Floyd; - pessimism, a sense of their own doom, again uniting hippies with the "militant" representatives of their generation. With amazing accuracy, Antonioni conveyed this hopelessness in the film Zabriskie Point. The music for the film was written and performed, by the way, by the same Pink Floyd”.

Since March 1952, there has been an influential New Musical Express magazine in London, also known by the abbreviation NME (homophone for the word "enemy" - "enemy"). Then he went out in the form of a tabloid. On November 14 of the same year, NME, guided by the experience of the American "Billboard", launched the first UK Top 20 singles chart.

Music journalism and criticism gained real popularity with the advent of pop and rock music to a wide audience after the breakthrough of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other representatives of the British Wave in 1964. In the first half of that glorious year, New Musical Express reached its highest ever circulation of 306,881 copies.

The first wave of the “British invasion” was replaced by the wave of the aforementioned psychedelics. In a sharp controversy with the same "NME", whose circulation was firmly held at around 200,000 copies a week, entered his eternal rival - the British magazine "Melody Maker". He was one of the first to support the rapid development of new forms of pop music in the late 1960s.

Melody Maker, founded in 1926, was one of the world's first music weeklies. Initially specialized in jazz and its main propagandist Max Jones, "MM" did not have time to respond quickly to the emergence of rock and roll, thus giving the palm to "NME". In 1958, Melody Maker launched their own Melody Maker LP charts, two years after Record Mirror first published its UK Albums Chart. It was Melody Maker who, in March 1965, proposed to the British government that the Beatles should be knighted.

The audience of the magazine was older than that of "NME", which is mainly aimed at teenagers. There were more specialized, musician-targeted ads; whole pages devoted to unpopular musical genres - folk and jazz; one could read detailed reviews of musical instruments.

The third main rival with NME and Melody Maker was Sounds, a weekly newspaper published from October 1970 to April 1991. It was founded by Jack Hutton and Peter Wilkinson, who left Melody Maker together. Hutton even stressed that the paper was "a progressive Melody Maker". Characteristic features of "Sounds" were posters on the spread of the edition, designed to be pulled out; focus on the new wave of British heavy metal (Iron Maiden, Saxon, Def Leppard, etc.), Oi! (“Sham 69”, “Cock Sparrer”, etc.). Sounds was the first music newspaper to cover punk. John Robb, a member of the punk band Goldblade and the influential post-punk band The Membranes, contributed to the newspaper. It was he who, in his characterization of the Manchester music scene, came to designate it with the term “Britpop”.

Of the notable materials of the newspaper, there are also articles by Keith Cameron about the Nirvana group and the first interview for them, taken by the same John Robb. Sounds closed in 1991. However, the Sounds legacy lives on in Kerrang!

Named after the sound of a rock chord being played, "Kerrang!" Since its inception on June 6th, 1981, it has been a supplement to “Sounds” dedicated to heavy music. Initially published monthly, it gradually began to be published once every two weeks, and since 1987 it has been completely weekly.

In the 2000s, the magazine became the most popular music publication. Kerrang! adhered to the course of heavy music, which has not changed in the entire history of the publication, which ensured their success. Starting with thrash and glam metal in the 80s and early 90s, moving on to grunge, journalists came to cover nu metal as a mainstream genre in the 2000s with bands like Slipknot and Limp Bizkit at the forefront. Later, thanks to the staff of Kerrang! such genres as emo (imo) and metalcore became widely known.

Among the really big magazines, “Q” is also worth highlighting. Founded in the UK in October 1986, it differed from most of the music press in that it was a monthly publication and in general high quality photography and printing. The original name was "Cue" - a word for the launch of the record. It was later changed due to confusion with a billiards magazine of the same name. As a result, according to the publishers, single-letter titles are much more visible on newsstands. The magazine's format was distinguished by its focus on a more adult audience than that of the "Melody Maker" and "NME" of those times.

The publication was also characterized by a voluminous section of reviews: reviews of releases, musical re-releases, compilations, reviews of films and live concerts, radio and TV shows. "Q" use a five-star rating system. The magazine's ratings are often used in print and television advertisements in the UK and Ireland.

The magazine's "best lists" are also widely known, ranging from the "100 Greatest Albums" to the "100 Greatest 100 Greatest Lists".

One of the interesting promotional practices “Q” uses, for example, is the “Cash for Questions” section. In it, some artist answers questions sent by readers, the authors of those that will be published receive a reward of 25 pounds sterling.

In November 1993, the editors of the same magazine established another monthly music magazine - "Mojo", the appearance of which is associated with a sharp increase in interest in classic rock. Despite being criticized for its superficial coverage of some historically important musical figures, Mojo has managed to discover some really new and different artists. For example, Mojo became the first mainstream magazine in the UK to take The White Stripes into consideration, giving them as much space in their pages as big-name artists.

In 1998, a similar magazine was launched - "Classic Rock". The September issue in 2010 had a circulation larger than that of NME. Classic Rock has a sister publication, Metal Hammer, about heavy music.

Already in 1894, in Cincinnati, Ohio, there was a publication that remains one of the flagships of music journalism to this day - the Billboard magazine (literally, “bulletin board”), initially published as an industry newspaper for the poster-posting industry. Over time, news about all areas of the entertainment industry began to appear on the pages of the newspaper, and in the 1930s, with the popularization of jukeboxes, Billboard began to regularly publish charts of the most listened to songs. At the very beginning, there were three genre charts: country and western music, pop music and rhythm and blues. In the 50s, ratings of television programs appeared. However, as we know it today, “Billboard” became in 1961 - then everything that was not related to music was spun off into a separate publication “Amusement Industry”, while the main platform was renamed “Billboard Music Week”, and then back to Billboard in 1963.

Then, in 1967, the well-known and still existing magazine “Rolling Stone” appeared in the USA. His popularity is mainly due to the combination of music criticism and political journalism, in the 8th presented in his pages by the writings of Hunter S. Thompson. At first, RS was published as a tabloid.

At first, the work of the Rolling Stone employees was directly associated with the hippie counterculture. However, the magazine distanced itself from other publications of the underground press, at that time not getting into politics and using higher traditional journalism standards. In 1977, the editors moved from San Francisco to New York. Editor Jan Wenner felt that by then San Francisco had become a place of "cultural stagnation".

It is Rolling Stone that is the most criticized of the music magazines. This is due to the tendency to intentionally bias towards the coverage of fashion trends instead of assessing the content of a particular phenomenon, which was already established in the 80s. Nevertheless, "RS" is one of the few magazines that are still successfully published today.

An important page in the history of music journalism was the appearance music TV channels. Their appearance was preceded by the emergence of such a type of information product as a music video. Richard Lester, who in 1964 created the video sequence for the song "Can't Buy Me Love" by The Beatles as part of their musical film "A Hard Day's Night", is considered its inventor.

The most famous of the music channels is "MTV", launched on August 1, 1981. The original format of the channel was to broadcast music videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, interrupted only by lead-ins, music news, interviews and concert announcements.

Over the past decades, the channel has been widely criticized on completely different grounds. Among the most important of them are:

· Homogenization and average vision of rock and roll (in particular, indicated in the song of the punk band "Dead Kennedys" "M.T.V. - Get Off the Air", released in the wake of the growing authority of the channel in 1985);

· Censorship on the channel, which does not allow references to drugs, violence, weapons, homophobia, advertising, devil worship and anti-religious topics.

Both of these factors had a negative impact on the image of music journalism at a time when MTV was truly a music channel. Subsequently, in the 90s, with the increase in the share of reality shows and other non-music programs, as well as the increase in the number of sister TV channels (for example, "VH1" - Video Hits 1), the channel, in fact, ceased to be considered a music media.

Music journalism in Russia really flourished during the period of perestroika, although, just like in the West, academic publications had already existed since 1774, when the monthly magazines “Musical Entertainments” began to appear, a little later “Musical Entertainment Store” and “St. Petersburg Musical Store”.

A significant contribution to treading the road for Russian music journalism at the dawn of its heyday was made by Seva Novgorodtsev. In his book “The Time of Bells. Life and death of Russian rock” Ilya Smirnov characterizes Seva and his activities in this way:

The same age as Lennon, a seafarer, a jazzman and a member of the old ensemble GOOD FELLOWS, Seva Novgorodtsev took up a military post at the microphone of the BBC Russian service in 1977 - the year of the Brezhnev constitution. He was probably the only one who took her free speech seriously.”.

“…Seva introduces the presenter's live voice into the program. He doesn't just comment on albums - he talks about the hard life of musicians in England, about the horrors of capitalism... About religion, about politics, about human dignity (matter that is little known to us). Just talking pro-life, witty and untethered like Lenny in a Bob Foss movie.
It is more convenient for us to stupidly and gloomily sentence to quartering than just to laugh at what is stupid and funny. And now - the second discovery of Novgorodtsev: a style unusual for Soviet taste, like meat sausages. Later, the independent rock press in the Union will speak in a human language - Sevin's students. And a cheerful voice from London will, year after year, introduce us, without distinctions of estates and registration, to the world civilization, which since the time of the Great geographical discoveries is still one

In the period before, during and a little after perestroika, the most interesting publications were “Zerkalo”, which turned into the samizdat “Ear” (by Ilya Smirnov and Artyom Troitsky), “Urlight”, “Counter Cult Ur'a” (Sergei actively collaborated in the last two Guryev). Of course, a much larger number of samizdat presses were published, but often these were exclusively small-circulation (up to a single copy) publications, represented by one or two issues.

Among the publications of post-perestroika new Russia, the publications “Fuzz”, “Ptyuch”, “OM”, “MuzOboz”, “Stas”, “Play” were notable. For the musical mass media, there was even a professional award "Quality Mark", established by Andrey Wulf and the "Wulf-Group" holding, but disappeared into oblivion.

“Ptyuch”, which appeared in September 1994, became the first glossy analogue of the foreign “The Face” and “Wired” and at the same time the flagship of the propaganda of the Russian club rave culture with all its specific attributes. “Ptyuch” also stood out for its language. Igor Shulinskiy, editor-in-chief: “ Now you read it and think: “… how could I write this! How could you read it!” From many articles in "Ptyuch" such a feeling. But we tried to speak a living language, tried to formulate this language”.

“OM” favorably differed from “Ptyuch” both in the layout through which it was possible to read the materials (“less schizophrenic”), and in a greater degree of responsibility to the reader. On its pages, unlike Ptyuch, domestic show business stars also appeared. The well-known rock and jazz musician Sergey Kuryokhin also wrote his own column in Om.

It was these two magazines that became the fashionable founders of the genre in Russia. They were created for the very same generation of Titanic Club regulars and listeners of Radio Maximum, launched in 1994.

However, today most of the publications that were significant in the nineties and zero years are closed. The reasons for this are formally different, but it all boils down to about the same thing - lack of funding.

For example, according to the former editor-in-chief of the licensed Russian publication NME Ruslan Shebukov, the reason for the decline was the lack of money invested by advertisers in placing advertisements on the pages of music magazines. Most advertisers, he said, consider the audience of these publications insolvent.

At the same time, Ilya Buts, former editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Billboard, believes that the crisis is connected with the absence of such an expense item for our labels as “marketing budgets for promotion in the press”.

Igor Shulinsky, editor-in-chief of the first of them, considers the format of these publications to be the reason for the decline of the Ptyuch magazine, as well as OM and Matador. He considers it "generational", capable of "existing only at a certain time." All of them were part of the Russian “show-off gloss”, which appeared against the backdrop of those same “dashing nineties”. According to Alt. Ussery, they "were exuding vivacity and arrogance, and in the cultural sense they were a Babylonian pandemonium."

Today there is a negligible number of printed music publications. These are, first of all, Russian versions of “Rolling Stone”, “Classic Rock”, small-circulation, but primordially domestic “InRock”, “Rockcor”, “Dark City”, “Bunker”. There are also such highly specialized ones as the quarterly “Issues of Ethnomusicology”. As before, academic “Music and time”, “MusicuM” and others.

Despite a considerable number of articles on the topic, the current situation in the world of domestic music journalism seems to us absolutely unclear.

The theoretical basis of a music journalist is represented by only one relatively relevant textbook - the book by Tatyana Alexandrovna Kurysheva “Music Journalism and Music Criticism. Textbook”, which is also extremely small, as well as a large amount of “populist” literature, which does not give a clear idea of ​​​​the modern process of music journalism.

A tabloid is a newspaper characterized by half the size of the printed page, the volume of articles and a large number of illustrations. Often a cheap low-quality edition.

A single is originally a 7-inch record containing one or two tracks. As a rule, if there were two, then the main one was placed on side A, the other on B - which later entered the terminology as the concept of “b-side” (B-side).

British wave (or British invasion) - the period of musical hegemony of British rock bands in the world charts 1963-1967.


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1 Requirements for materials submitted for publication in the Music Director journal WHAT MATERIALS WE ACCEPT The journal accepts materials that meet the objectives of the educational field "Music" and related areas of upbringing and education of preschool children. The material should be of interest to practitioners of preschool educational institutions, reflect the professional competence of the author and his creative approach to work. The submitted material can be placed in one of the sections of the journal. The content of the sections The section "Main topic" includes relevant articles on the musical education of preschoolers. The "Programs and Technologies" section contains articles reflecting new developments in the field of musical and aesthetic education of preschool children, lesson notes and scenarios corresponding to the content of various musical education programs. Notes of various types of classes, musical games and exercises can be placed in the "Author's methods" section. Submissions for publication in this section must be original and reflect an innovative approach to working with children. The “Music in Correctional Work” section publishes materials (summaries of classes, games and exercises, scenarios, etc.) that correspond to the capabilities of children with disabilities. Articles of a scientific and practical nature are also of interest for this section. one

3 Inclusion in class notes and scenarios of holidays and entertainment of materials from other modern magazines on preschool education is a violation of copyright. HOW TO SEND MATERIAL The material (article, lesson summary, scenario of a holiday, entertainment, leisure, etc.) can be sent to the editorial office in one of three ways: by regular mail or registered mail (not a valuable parcel post); by email; delivered personally by the author or his representative. IN WHAT FORM SHOULD THE MATERIAL BE PRESENTED? If the material is sent by mail or sent directly to the editor: text (manuscript), illustrations (photos) and notes on electronic media (CD-ROM); printouts of the manuscript (1 copy), illustrations and photographs (1 copy), musical texts (2 copies). On a separate sheet, which must be attached to the material, the surname, name, patronymic of the author, place of work, position, mobile and landline phone number, e-mail address of the author (if any), title of the material, age group to which it is addressed. If the material is sent by e-mail: text, illustrations (photos), notes (each of the components of the material must be contained in separate files). Illustrations (photos) and notes are issued in the most common formats TIFF, JPEG, PDF. 3

4 In the cover letter, the author indicates the last name, first name, patronymic (in full), place of work, position, mobile and landline phone numbers, title of the material, age group to which it is addressed, as well as the title of the journal section corresponding to the material. Note. If it is not possible to arrange illustrations (photographs) and musical texts in electronic form, the following must be taken into account: photographs (printed only on photographic paper) and musical texts (handwritten, copied from the original) must be of good quality. They are sent by regular mail along with the material. HOW TO FORM THE MATERIAL The text must be submitted in Microsoft Word doc or rtf format. The text is typed in Times New Roman font, font size 14, line spacing 1.5 (there should be no indents between paragraphs). The text should have paragraphs and be justified, verses should be typed from the beginning of the line. Two-column typing is not allowed. Pages should be numbered. Abbreviations of words in the text (except for generally accepted abbreviations: etc.; etc.), as well as typing words in capital letters, are not allowed. When typing, it is necessary, where required, to use the letter "ё". Font highlighting in the text (bold, light and bold italic writing), as well as underlining is not recommended. The exception is articles in which words or phrases are highlighted to enhance their meaning. Illustrations (photos) and notes are not included in the main text, but are given in separate applications (an application with illustrations or photographs and an application with notes). Illustrations (photos) and notes should also be numbered. Number of illustration (photo) or musical score

5 of the application should be indicated in the place of the main text to which they refer. It is obligatory to set the words of the songs (including the first verse) after the main text in the order in which the musical appendices are placed. Before the words of the song, you should indicate the name of the song, the author of the words (on the left) and the author of the music (on the right). The interlinear text in the notes of the songs must strictly correspond to the text typed separately (punctuation marks, etc.). Descriptions of dance movements and exercises (description of games), if they are performed to music (song), the notes of which are given in the application, should also be typed after the main text. The manuscript must indicate: under the heading the age of the children or the name of the age group; surname, name, patronymic of the author (in full), place of his work and position; sources (books, manuals, disks, Internet sites, etc.) that were used by the author (they can be indicated directly in the text or arranged as a list after it). When referring to a literary source, it is necessary to indicate the surname and initials of the author (compiler, editor-in-chief), title, place of publication, publisher, year of issue; when referring to a disc, its exact name, place and year of release are indicated. authors of mentioned poems, musical works (when mentioning a song, the author of the music is indicated first, then the author of the words). If the author proposes, but does not provide any song for children to perform or listen to in the application, it is necessary to indicate the collection in which it is placed (the formatting rules are the same as for a literary source). Descriptions of dance movements and exercises (if they are performed to music) should be provided only with notes (bars should be numbered in them, parts should be indicated). 5

6 WHAT ELSE AN AUTHOR SHOULD KNOW The volume of the manuscript (including titles and lyrics for appendices) should not exceed 12 pages. The number of illustrations (photos) should not exceed 4 6 pcs. The number of illustrations (photographs) in materials devoted to the design of the hall or the manufacture of costumes and scenery can be no more than 8 10 pieces. Take note! Photos with the date of shooting, blurry or cropped details of the main element of the image, taken against the light, with traces of a printing device (on paper) may be rejected by the editors. The author's signature must be on the last page of the printed text. If the author sends his material to the editorial office for publication in the journal, but at the same time he does not mind posting it on the website of the Educational Preschool Child Publishing House in the section “MR: publications on the site” (instead of publishing in the journal), you can fill out and sign the Agreement in advance and Application (see the main page of the site, section "For authors", "Rules of publication on the site"). In this case, the editorial board decides where exactly to place the material (in a journal or on a website), and informs the author about it. If the material is published in a journal, the Agreement and the Application are cancelled. The Agreement and the Application can be filled out and signed by the author later (after the decision of the editors on the place of publication), however, the consent of the author to publish on the site (set out in free form) must be attached to the material. Note. Placing material on the site is more efficient than publishing in a journal. For publication only on the site in the section "MP: publications on the site" the material should be sent to the e-mail address of the magazine "Musical

7 head" marked "For publication on the site." The completed and signed Agreement and Application are sent with the material. The conditions for posting materials on the site can be found on the page "For authors", "Rules of publication on the site". If the manuscript is recommended for publication in a journal, a license agreement is concluded with the author (with each member of the team of authors) (in order to comply with the rights and obligations of the author and the publisher). The contract is sent to the author (authors) for signing and forwarding to the editors of the magazine "Music Director". We remind you that the editors reserve the right to edit and reduce materials. 7

Requirements for materials submitted for publication in the Music Director magazine WHAT MATERIALS WE ACCEPT The journal accepts materials that meet the objectives of artistic and aesthetic education

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "SHADRINSKY STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY" Faculty of Humanities Department of Pedagogy Department of Philology

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Group, experts. etc.) on the basis of the main educational program of a preschool educational institution, which should ensure the achievement of target targets; tool with which

EDUCATIONAL PORTAL for preschool educational institution "Preschoolers - Planet of Childhood!" Website address: Address of the jury - parnacimc, conducts all-Russian Internet projects pp Project name Dates 0

Mastering the educational program of preschool education, adapted for students with disabilities (with severe speech disorders, with mental retardation) of the State

State state educational institution of higher education "Russian Customs Academy" RUSSIAN CUSTOMS ACADEMY Department of Commodity Science and Customs Expertise Department of English

REGULATION the key to quality education "I. General provisions 1. This provision determines the procedure for conducting pedagogical readings for teachers of professional educational organizations

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Volga Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Automobile and Road

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky Tauride Academy (structural subdivision) Faculty of Geography Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational Center for Socio-Economic

Annex 1 to the letter of OGAOU DPO "BelIRO" 26.01. 2017 80 PROGRAM of the regional scientific-practical conference "Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO as a condition for improving the quality of preschool education"

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Journal "Jurisprudence" Guide to style 1. Title of the article 1.1. The title should include no more than 7 9 words, and it should be formulated in such a way that it does not use punctuation marks,


This project is dedicated to the creation of a children's magazine. The project involves the organization of publishing activities in the classroom. Represented project work plan and the end result of the children's work - presentation children's magazine. During the implementation of the project task, students acquire the skills of project, organizational activities. The presentation contains creative works of children of the 2nd grade.

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"Educational project creation of a children's magazine"

MBOU Ozernenskaya secondary school №1

Educational project

Creation of a children's magazine

(from work experience)

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

Vlasenkova Tatyana Mikhailovna


Creation of a children's magazine

  1. Project theme:

Creation of the children's magazine "Connoisseurs of Literature"

  1. Subject, class:

Literary reading grade 2

  1. Brief summary of the project:

This project is dedicated to the creation of a children's magazine. The project involves the organization of publishing activities in the classroom. During the implementation of the project task, students acquire the skills of project, organizational activities. Develop the skills of independent search for the necessary material with the help of information technology. Develop communication and analytical skills. They get acquainted not only with the basic material of educational topics, but also receive additional knowledge in literary reading, computer science. They learn to find and use interdisciplinary connections in practice. The project is student-oriented, since it implies the possibility of participation in it of a different contingent of students with different interests and abilities.

The relevance of the project problem: the culture of reading periodicals in families is lost. The younger student is interested in everything that happens around. Children's magazines help to develop and educate a child in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way. The project will give children the opportunity to get to know different children's magazines. A variety of topics will allow everyone to choose reading according to their interests.
Problematic situation: insufficient knowledge of children about children's periodicals.

During the implementation of the project, the participants will solve the problem: how to create their own not only colorful, but also interesting children's magazine.

  1. Planned learning outcomes:
    1. personal:

    awareness of the importance of reading for one's further development and successful learning;

    formation of the need for systematic reading as a means of knowing the world and oneself;

    perception of a literary work as a special kind of art;

    emotional responsiveness to reading.

    1. metasubject:

    mastering the methods of searching for the necessary information;

    mastering the rules and ways of interacting with the outside world;

    formation of ideas about the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society;

    on a practical level, awareness of the importance of working in a group and mastering the rules of group work.

    1. subject:

    formation of the required level of reading competence;

    the ability to independently choose the literature of interest;

    1. specific expected result:

    students will be able to navigate in a variety of children's periodicals;

    get acquainted with the professions involved in the creation of the magazine;

    will be able to navigate in the headings of children's magazines;

    get an idea of ​​the value of children's periodicals for the development of horizons, logic, intelligence and creativity;

    will be able to show their creative abilities and cognitive interests in the process of creating a project of their own magazine.

  1. Questions guiding the project:
    1. Fundamental question:

How creativity affects personality development

    1. problem questions:

    what are the versification, genres;

    How can creativity be developed?

    what new technologies can be used to form the creative activity of students;

    how to create a magazine;

    how to involve students in the creation of a magazine;

    what role do the cover and illustrations play in the creation of the magazine;

    Do you feel any specific result of the project for yourself? What has the project given you?

    1. study questions:

    People of what professions are working on the creation of children's magazines?

    What is the job of an editor, artist and magazine writer?

    How do the magazine staff work with readers?

    What is an illustration?

    What information should a children's magazine contain?

    What types of magazines are there

    History of children's magazines

  1. Technical equipment:

    A computer;

  • Internet access;

    Digital camera.

  1. Project plan:
    1. preparatory stage:

Lesson #1 Literary reading on the topic "Children's magazines. Who creates magazines?"

The work on the project began with me warning the children that next week we would have an extracurricular reading lesson, to which they should bring their favorite children's magazines. A survey was conducted, which showed that the guys know very little about the periodical press. Most children prefer publications in which comics, puzzles, coloring books ...

The lesson began with a visit to the school library, where a
magazine exhibition.

Read the title of the books at the exhibition.

- "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist", "Prostokvashino", etc.

Why do book titles repeat?

This is the title of a magazine, not a story or fairy tale.

What is a magazine?

A book that comes out periodically.

What is printed in these books?

They print stories, fairy tales, games, contests, various tasks, information about animals, plants, etc.

Let's read in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov what a magazine is.

"A magazine is a periodical publication in the form of a book containing articles and works of art by various authors."

- What will we consider and read today at the lesson?

Children are looking at magazines.

Reference material for the teacher.
The first magazine was published in France 340 years ago. It contained a review of books on literature, natural sciences, and art. In Russia, magazines appeared 100 years later. And the first children's magazine was published in the 18th century. It was called "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind". Its publisher was Nikolai Nikolaevich Novikov, writer, scientist and public figure.

    1. search stage

Lesson number 2. Group work.

Choose a magazine that interests you.

The class is divided into interest groups:

    Nature lovers ("Toshka", "Cat and Dog", "Young Naturalist")

    Travel lovers ("Sinbad", "GEOLenyonok")

    Entertainment Magazine Lovers: (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Tom and Jerry)

    Fans of educational magazines ("Poznayka", "Znayka", "Why and why").

    Fans of magazines in which, in addition to informative articles, you can find literary pages (Murzilka, Kolobok, Prostokvashino).

Each group prepares a story about magazines according to the plan:

    Name of the journal.

    Who is the magazine for?

    What article, story or note did you particularly like?

Children talk about magazines.

As a result of a collective discussion, the students come to the conclusion that they are more interested in reading magazines, in which, in addition to educational material, one can also read literary pages.

I wanted to create my own magazine. Issues arose:

    Can we create a magazine ourselves?

    What do we need to know to be able to create a magazine?

    What information will we fill our magazine with?

    What should we name our magazine?

    cover sketch

As a result of the discussion, it was decided to name

magazine "Connoisseurs of Literature".

It will consist of the following headings:

    poetry page;

    literary page;

    page of laughter;

    in the world of mysteries;

    entertaining page.

Homework: compose stories, poems, riddles, compose puzzles, crossword puzzles, pick up cover sketches.

In the class, 5 folders were created, in which during the week the students put the material under their rubric.

    1. practical stage:

Lesson number 3. Practical stage of work on the project began with solving the problem:

    What professions are people working on creating children's magazines?

    What is the job of an editor, artist and magazine writer? (Application)

Practical work on the layout of the magazine has begun. An individual sketch of the cover was created; the arrangement and content of the headings are agreed upon using the material collected collectively.

The material was handed over to the editor, proofreader and graphic designers who worked on the creation of the magazine in electronic form. After it was decided to turn to the parents to help publish the magazine.

    1. presentation stage:

    Presentation of the magazine during the literary week. Self-evaluation, mutual evaluation.

    Conference for parents


    Beloborodov N.V. Social creative projects at school. Moscow: Arkti, 2006.

    Zemlyanskaya E.N. Educational projects of junior schoolchildren. // Primary School. - 2005. - No. 9.

    Ivanova N.V. Possibilities and specifics of the application of the project method in elementary school. // Primary School. - 2004. - No. 2.

    Yandex, catalog of children's magazines.

    Yatsenko I.F. Universal lesson developments for extracurricular reading: Grade 2. - M .: VAKO, 2011. 13)

2 Project topic: 2

3 Subject, class: 2

4 Brief abstract of the project: 2

5 Planned learning outcomes: 3

5.1 personal: 3

5.3 subject: 4

5.4 specific expected result: 4

6 Questions guiding the project: 4

6.1 Essential Question: 4

6.2 problematic issues: 4

6.3 study questions: 5

7 Technical equipment: 5

8 Project plan: 5

8.1 preparatory stage: 5

8.2 search phase 7

8.3 practical stage: 9

8.4 presentation stage: 10

References: 10

Vlasenkova T.M.

"Personal Action Plan"


Primary school teachers MBOU Ozernenskaya

Secondary school No. 1 of the Dukhovshchinsky district of Vlasenkova Tatiana Mikhailovna

Ozerny 2014

  • Using the approaches of the 21st century, improve the methods and techniques of your professional activity
  • Create conditions for understanding the importance of reading for further development and successful learning
  • Contribute to the development of creative skills and cognitive interests, project and organizational skills

  • formation of the required level of reading competence
  • the ability to independently choose the literature of interest
  • self-awareness as a competent reader capable of creative activity

  • analytical
  • conversation
  • story
  • independent work
  • individual and group work
  • reading literature on the topic



  • Poor technical equipment
  • Different levels of student development
  • Increased excitability of students
  • Assistance to the school administration
  • Help from parents
  • Accounting for individual characteristics

  • computer technology
  • experience of colleagues
  • literary sources
  • Internet resources



1. Working with sources

2. Preparation of a summary of lessons

3. Creation of multimedia accompaniment

4. Work on the project

02.12. - 13.12. 2013

5. Presentation of the project, introspection

View presentation content
"Magazine Connoisseurs of Literature presentation"

Educational project Creation of a children's magazine

Completed by primary school teacher Vlasenkova T.M., 2 "A" class

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

connoisseurs of literature

Children's creativity. Literary week. 2nd grade

Publishing house Ozerny "Literature" 2013

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

  • Noisy, flew… Vitkovsky Matvey
  • First snow. 2-a.
  • White blizzards...
  • Winter has come. Antipkina Dasha
  • First snow. Vitkovsky Matvey
  • Bike. Semchenkova Alina
  • Vintage lamp. Khodyuk Maxim
  • At my sister. Vlasova Diana
  • Winter dream. Silaeva Xenia, Sorvalova Vera
  • In the world of mysteries. Korneenkov Vlad, Antipkina Dasha
  • In the world of mysteries. Korneenkov Vlad, Antipkina Dasha, Baranova Lena
  • Counting. Drozdova Nastya, Kuzmenkova Lisa
  • Rebuses. Baranova Lena.
  • Rebuses.
  • puzzles
  • Crosswords. Sorvalova Vera
  • Crosswords. Varivoda Alena

Poetry page

Noisy, a white blizzard flew in,

Covered with a warm spruce shawl.

Vitkovsky Matvey

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Poetry page

The first snow lies on the field,

On the porch and on the fence ...

Wonderful fairy tale - look!!!

Do not say anything!

2nd grade

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Poetry page

white blizzards

under my window

Songs sang

Winter evening.

Nastya D., Lisa K.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page

Winter has come

Finally, we all waited for white fluffy snow. How wonderful to walk at this time in our wonderful yard!

Our mothers knitted warm mittens. And the sled with skis has been ready for a long time. I want to quickly ride down a huge hill in the same yard.

You are lovely, winter! I love you.

Antipkina Dasha

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page

First snow

Here comes the first snow of the year!

A white blizzard piled up huge snowdrifts. Children play snowballs, make a snowman, build a snow fort.

The children have fun skating, skiing, sledging down the hill.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year!

Vitkovsky Matvey

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page


I have many different toys, but most of all I love my bike.

My bike is black. It has big wheels and a strong frame. On my bike, my dad and I go to the forest to go fishing.

I really like to ride it in the yard of our house.

Semchenkova Alina

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page of laughter

vintage lamp

Once Kolya found an old lamp. It turned out to be magical, since as soon as the boy opened it, a genie came out. The genie promised to grant three wishes. To celebrate, Kolya asked for a pipe (telephone), a wheelbarrow (car) and a lot of grandmas (money). After all, the genie lived in the lamp for a long time and misunderstood the boy. He gave him a musical trumpet, a country car, and instead of money - a lot of grandmothers. Kolya, seeing such gifts, was confused. And the Genie smiled slyly, looking at the boy.

Khodyuk Maxim

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page of laughter

At my sister

Long pigtails.

Faith teases her:

Terrible vixen!

Vlasova Diana

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page of laughter

Winter dream

It was winter. I was walking with my sister along the frozen river to school. The ice was thick, clean and very slippery. Suddenly, we plopped down on him with all our might - and froze in surprise .... Below us was a real fairy-tale ice palace. The golden fish rules in it, and served it .... old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale. The dream seemed to never end! How much, how little time has passed, suddenly we hear: “Are you asleep? Come on, march to school!”

We open our eyes and we

really sleep peaceful sleep

in soft snow.

That's what miracles are!

Xenia, Vera

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

In the world of mysteries

Without arms, without legs, but running.

Korneenkov Vlad

Natural wealth, source of life.

Antipkina Dasha

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

In the world of mysteries

What is not visible on the street, but it is impossible to live without it.

Korneenkov Vlad

We do not see, we do not hear, we wave our hand - we feel.

Dasha Antipkina

We live with him all our lives

and have never seen it.

Lena Baranova

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013


One, two, three, four, five

Bunny went out for a walk

Others have come running

They began to tease the bunny:

You still have to drive!

Nastya and Lisa

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Interesting page

Baranova Lena

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Interesting page

Aleksich Igor

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Interesting page

Kurkin Maxim

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Interesting page

Sorvalova Vera

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Interesting page

Varivoda Alena

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Creative groups:

Author group: Igor Aleksich, Diana Vlasova, Nastya Drozdova, Liza Kuzmenkova, Matvey Vitkovsky, Dasha Antipkina, Vera Sorvalova, Xenia Silaeva, Artyom Solovyov, Sasha Ryakhin, Alina Semchenkova, Maxim Khodyuk, Lena Baranova, Alena Varivoda, Vlad Korneenkov

Group of artists: Vera Sorvalova, Igor Aleksich, Alena Varivoda, Lena Baranova, Diana Vlasova, Maksim Kurkin, Roma Shiryaev

Editors: Artem Gaikov, Nastya Egorova, Vanya Ershov, Seva Trapeznikov

Proofreader and editor-in-chief: Vlasenkova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Chief publisher: Ershova Olga Vladimirovna

Year of publication 2013

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

View presentation content
"presentation of who is working on the creation of the magazine"

APPENDIX to lesson number 3

Prepared by a primary school teacher MBOU Ozernenskaya secondary school No. 1

Vlasenkova T.M.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Who makes the magazine?

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

  • Poet, writer
  • Painter
  • Corrector
  • Editor
  • printing house

We want everyone to know How do we make a magazine? It has no blank pages. Composed poems poet . BUT writers for us Write a fairy tale and a story.

But stories alone are not enough There is no magazine without pictures! Ants and elephants Winter forest and summer rain Will draw us painter .

And corrector busy with business He will place commas And all the mistakes will be corrected.

to collect material And come up with the whole magazine, Plan everything, consider Even the smallest factor There is a special person called editor.

All is ready. Our magazine AT printing house hit.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Faculty of Philology

Department of Mass Communications


Music journalism on the example of Rolling Stone magazine

Completed by: Daurova S.O.

2nd year student of FJB - 27

Scientific adviser:

Pisareva Marina Nikolaevna

Moscow - 2014


.The development of the musical genre in journalism


1.2History of the development of music publishing

1.3Music journalism in Russia

The Rolling Stones magazine as a type of publication

1 Role of Rolling Stone magazine in social reality

2 International editions of Rolling Stone. Russian analogues and influence on modern culture


List of used literature


We are accustomed to believe that the main task of journalism is to satisfy the needs of society for information. However, music journalism does not set this goal for itself in the first place. Music journalism is an evaluative activity that is aimed at creativity, implemented by special narrowly focused texts. This is, first of all, analytics and criticism, which serves as a guide to the world of music and art. Today, few people work competently in this area, that is, as a genre, this direction, unfortunately, is gradually degrading. That is why there are not so many quality music publications on the Russian market. That is why, as a journalist, it is very important and interesting for me to understand what role music journalism plays in the life of society and why such a small number of publications specialize in this area.

In the first part, we will look at the history of the emergence and development of music journalism in Russia, and in the second, I will look at The Rolling Stones magazine.

The relevance of this topic is due to the decrease in the quality of materials of work in this area. The number of music media is small, and the regional level practically does not take it into account. Therefore, I believe that the topic of my course work is relevant and has a place to be.

1. The development of the musical genre

Music journalism - reflects the implementation of a special musical activity, it can also serve as a way out of both musical criticism and enlightenment, PR, propaganda.

Prior to the rise of the periodical press, musical-critical thought was shown in philosophical treatises in the 18th century, and took shape as a separately positioned field of activity. Masters of their craft, enlightened people and professionals in music, such as Alexander, Serov, Boris Asafiev, Vyacheslav Karatygin, Caesar Cui, Yuri Arnold, stood at the origins of domestic music journalism.

Musical journalism in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was plentiful and varied:

."Chord. Bulletin of the guitar and other folk instruments, Tyumen

2."Russian Musical Newspaper", St. Petersburg

.“Music, weekly edition”, Moscow

.Music Scene, Moscow

."Bayan" musical and literary magazine. Tambov

Musical editions of Soviet Russia were no less popular:


2."Music and life"

."Music and October"

."Music and Revolution"

."Soviet Music"

In modern Russia, this topic is not particularly popular and thorough, not studied. This leads to the fact that society is deprived of the opportunity to adequately judge the situation due to the incompetence of journalists. Knowledge in this area must be accurate, there must be enthusiasm. The activity of a music journalist can be imagined as an exchange of socially significant messages with the audience and society as a whole. I would like to note that music journalism performs somewhat different tasks than music criticism, thereby ousting it from the media.

Closed journals

The most popular music magazines could not compete with licensed products such as Rolling Stone and sunk into oblivion.

"Muzoboz" was aimed at teenagers;

Bulletin for fans of the rave culture "Ptyuch";

The best, according to experts, was "Om", in which self-confident ignorance dressed up in extravagant originality.

"Stas" did not so much regularly inform as summarized.

Music apps

"Joker" - "a newspaper for those who watch movies and listen to music"; a separate supplement to the "Evening Club". A rather original and colorful sample of the so-called. yellow press.

Musical Pravda is a separate supplement to Moskovskaya Pravda. Declaration: "a good newspaper for those who love scandals, music, video, theater and all kinds of cinema." Became the winner of the first "Silver galoshes". There was no criticism as such.

Although film criticism and literary reviews, in fairness it should be noted, in this publication are presented at the highest professional level.

1.1 Features of the music edition

Music journalism was born, as is known, on the basis of the periodical press, that is, the already existing platform for the printing business. And, as I already wrote, only in the 18th century did music criticism turn into a separate independent field of activity, when a new channel for the release of musical critical thought arose.

Journalism is one of the forms of outlet for both musical criticism and musical enlightenment, popularization, propaganda - different types of familiarizing society with music. That is, music journalism in its activities is addressed to everyone - to musicians and non-musicians. Its main functions are to inform and evaluate, to educate. The main rule of journalism is the focus on "today", on the "current moment". Her attention is drawn to the cultural situation of the present day. The subject of illumination, analysis, evaluation can only be the processes of cultural life that are relevant to our time. Journalism is extremely fast in its activities. It does not presuppose the indefinite. The faster the reaction of journalism to what is happening, the more valuable it is for society and the publishing house. But having fulfilled its direct function, journalism eventually degenerates into another cultural phenomenon - a document of the views of the time. And it is in this sense that it is able to enter the history of culture.

Written journalism took over long before oral journalism. Today - critical activity is carried out, first of all, through the periodical press.

In different periods of the development of music journalism as an independent field of activity, the function of a music critic was carried out by professionals in music and enlightened professionals in their field. A word about music, which the public consciousness needed more and more, could be said by someone who knew how to do it professionally. The first Russian musical magazine was Musical Amusements, published in Moscow in 1774. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, numerous music magazines were published in St. Petersburg and Moscow, designed for various social circles. They published piano, vocal, guitar pieces, excerpts from popular operas. The first musical music magazine that was not published in the Capital was the Asian Musical Magazine.

In 1842, the music magazine Nuvellist began to be published in St. Petersburg, which came out in 1844 with a literary addition, which can be regarded as the first Russian proper musical magazine.

In the 50s, magazines of a mixed type stood out in terms of the level of published musical materials - "Musical and Theater Bulletin", later - "Music and Theater".

In the 60-80s of the 19th century, musical magazines were published in St. Petersburg: "Musical Season", "Musical Leaflet", "Russian Musical Bulletin".

Different in their orientation, they published serious articles and were special organs of the Russian musical periodical press. The musical periodicals of pre-revolutionary Russia at the beginning of the century were numerous and varied. In the cities of Russia (and in the provinces), publications were published with musical appendices for various instruments, for voice with accompaniment:

"Chord. Bulletin of the guitar and other folk musical instruments "(Tyumen),

"Bayan" - a monthly public musical and literary magazine (Tambov);

"Tula Harmonist" - a monthly illustrated music magazine (Tula);

in Moscow and St. Petersburg - “Music, a weekly publication” (M. Appendix - 1915 Belyaev V. “Summary of the doctrine of counterpoint and the doctrine of musical form”),

"Russian musical newspaper" - a weekly publication, during the summer season - twice a month,

"News of the St. Petersburg Society of Musical Meetings" (since 1909 - serial publication "On Music and Musicians");

musical and theatrical: "Modern theater and music",

"Stage and Music";

pedagogical: "Russian musical literacy" and others.

A separate layer can also be distinguished academic musical publications, which began to appear in Russia in the 30s of the XX century. Academic publications have never been intended for a wide range of readers; most of the articles in them are scientific, and not purely journalistic. Their problematics, style, lexical norms correspond more to scientific requirements than to the requirements of journalism, which is based on topicality, intelligibility, which implies not condescending to the reader, but communicating with him in his language, individual approach - a subjective view of the problem, an element of creativity.

The scientific “we”, if not even written, is implied. And this is not compatible with the creative "I", a sine qua non of journalism. Academic publications are of great interest to specialists and are very important for students of special educational institutions, but are quite far from the non-professional reader. And therefore do not have a genuine public outcry.

A striking example of this type of publication is the magazine "Soviet Music", which has been published since 1933 (since 1992 under the name "Music Academy"). The publication was monthly with a musical supplement (since 1949), today (according to the publication's own definition) it is a quarterly theoretical and critical journalistic journal. This is a special edition aimed exclusively at the musician reader. Another academic publication is the magazine Musical Life, which has been published since 1957. This publication is conceived as more democratic, with a larger circulation compared to Soviet Music. The titles of the sections - contests, in the theaters of the country, interviews, problems of music education - appeal to a wider readership. Interviews with film composers, television personalities, rock music reviews on the pages of the magazine coexist with traditional academic topics - talks about music, opera houses of the world. The magazine is doing a lot to expand its readership. A lot of attention is given to the lighting of the musical process.

The only musical publication of that time, designed for the masses, was the peer magazine, published since 1962. It was the first music magazine for young people in Russia. And only in the 90s, when the rapid development of musical periodicals began, this publication began to have competitors. ("Cool", "Hammer").

"Rovesnik" existed under the auspices of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League and the KMO of the USSR and wrote on the most interesting topics of that time about rock music, as well as about the life and culture of Western youth. The circulation of the publication reached millions. "Rovesnik" is known for the fact that in the 1980s and 1990s it published the "Rovesnik Rock Encyclopedia" - the first attempt at a rock encyclopedia in Russian.

In the 1990s, the new historical conditions of life in Russia became an important factor in the formation of a new type of journalism. It was necessary to determine the place that the press was to take in the established democratic system. The information process in the country was differentiated under the new conditions. The social, spiritual, and professional orientations of journalism have changed.

The emergence of the media, which unfolded in the early 1990s, experienced many difficulties. At the beginning of November 1991, the Ministry of Press and Mass Information of the Russian Federation registered 1,269 newspapers, magazines, news agencies. More than 2,200 mass media received certificates for the right to operate in the former union agency. In general, it was established that in 1991 4863 newspapers were published in the Russian Federation.

During this period, the country began an intensive development of the musical press. Numerous music magazines and newspapers began to open, designed for different age categories, different musical tastes of readers. The profession of music critic was in great demand. But already the quality of their reviews and articles depended on the publication in which they worked. Musical editions of the nineties can be divided into the following groups:

youth: "Hammer", "Bravo", "Cool", "Neon" and others;

rock publications: "Fuzz", "Rockcor", "Classic Rock", "In Rock" and others;

publications for musicians: "Moscow Musician", "Guitar Magazine" and others;

secular gloss: "Hello", "OK", "Star Hit" and others;

televisions (secular NOT gloss): “7 days”, “Antenna”, “TV7”, “Telenedelya” and others;

announcement publications: "Afisha", "Time out", "Vash leisure", "Kommersant-Weekend" and others.

When writing about the history of music journalism, one cannot fail to take into account such an interesting event as samizdat. In the 80s of the 20th century, under the conditions of a strict party-state monopoly on culture, as well as on publishing and mass media production, the publication of prohibited, ideologically alien materials could only be carried out illegally. The work of underground publishers and journalists was qualified by Soviet law as a criminal offense.

The beginning of "perestroika" stimulated the creation and development of hundreds of amateur periodicals, including rock samizdat (the first musical samizdat appeared in the USSR as early as 1967). Music lovers all over the country became aware of such magazines as "Roxy", "RIO", "UrLight", "CounterCulture", "DVR". Many famous musicians, writers, producers, public figures associated their names with this phenomenon: Boris Grebenshchikov, Anatoly Gunitsky, Artemy Troitsky, Alexander Kushnir and many others. With the adoption in 1991 of the Russian law "On the Mass Media", citizens received the right to establish and publish their own mass media that have passed the state registration. Article 12 of the same law stipulates the possibility of issuing amateur periodicals without state registration, provided that their circulation is less than 1,000 copies. In Russia, samizdat was legalized, but the former need for it as a method of publication has almost completely disappeared. Nevertheless, in the 90s, amateur musical publications still existed (“Noisy Mouse”, “Shards”, “Nash Drive”, “Absolutely”, “Chernozem”, “Walks of the Wounded”, etc.)

Significantly losing to the official media in terms of efficiency and quality of the information component, the current Russian rock samizdats focus mainly on the originality of the design and the conceptual integrity of publications. The content of samizdat issues consists in the vast majority of interviews, reviews, journalistic articles, public disputes with colleagues in the shop and other materials that are minimally tied to a specific time and specific events.

1.2 Music publishing history

Initially, the first Russian musical publication was the Musical Entertainment magazine, which was published in the Capital in 1774. Then, in the 18-19th century, various music magazines were published in St. Petersburg and Moscow, which were designed for various social strata. They published both piano and vocal, guitar pieces, all kinds of excerpts from popular operas at that time. The first music magazine to be published in the provinces was the Asian Music Magazine.

I would like to note that until the 40s of the 19th century, there were only musical journals in Russian musical periodicals. Thus, the problems of musical art were supplemented by almanacs and various encyclopedias.

One of the best pre-revolutionary musical publications was the Russian Musical Newspaper, which was published in St. Petersburg from 1894-1918. After a while, at the beginning of the 20th century, music magazines began to be published in a larger volume, such as "Musical Worker", "Orchestra" - which dealt with the life of orchestral musicians, "Music" - was devoted to the achievements and innovations of European musical art.

In modern Russia, foreign publishers have appeared on the market, thereby displacing Soviet magazines, since they have ceased to be exclusive sources of information. Only such publications as "Rovesnik" and "Interlocutor" survived, but they are designed for older people, as they are too old to be considered a youth press.

To date, new magazines on a given topic continue to appear on the Russian market. So in 2003 the magazine "YES! Factory of Stars" appeared, and in 2004 - "Teens". In 2005, the TNT channel, together with SPN-Media, released the Dom-2 magazine, the 100,000th edition of which was sold on the first day. To date, the circulation of the magazine is 600 thousand copies. Getting the publication in the relevance of youth topics is the key to success. The publishers are confident that the youth press market is in an active phase of development. The peak of the popularity of this sphere is yet to come, because the culture of consumption is only at the beginning of its journey, at the stage of formation. At the same time, according to the State Statistics Committee, the number of births in the country is falling, which indicates that the number of potential readers of teenagers and young people is decreasing. Today, young people are actively exploring the Internet, so the weakening of interest in the print media is drastically weakening, and this is very noticeable.

According to TNS Gallup AdFact, the TOP-100 publications in terms of advertising space in magazines for the period January - April 2005 (Moscow) included three youth magazines - Molotok (56th place), Cool (69th place), and Elle Girl (88th).

1.3 Music journalism in Russia

Today, we can safely say that music journalism in Russia is in crisis. Approaching the newsstand, it is difficult to make a decision and make a choice. With a large selection of press, it is quite difficult to choose a publication with high-quality and interesting information about music. The crisis of music journalism has befallen not only Russia. In the 60s of the 20th century, music and youth movements went side by side. Parents and children began to listen to different music. That is, who loved John Lennon did not listen to Joseph Kobzon. In the 70s, musical life began to wane, at the same time musical intellectuals came, later, who became well-known culturologists. Music journalists write good reviews to order, for this or that album, there is no independent opinion. Thus, music journalism turns into an additional and very important focus, facilitating the process of finding music.

In Russia, most music blogs are run by professional journalists, however, amateur journalism is also successfully making its way into our country, that is, a person writes what is interesting to him and often it develops into serious media projects. Every day, many thousands of songs, videos and albums enter the Internet. Most of them can be downloaded legally, and the rest can be downloaded from pirate sites. Music has become largely - free, which has a serious impact on music journalism. Already now, any Internet user can set up Internet streams that will be convenient for him. Thus, the filtering of information flows can be carried out in a variety of ways. The democratic nature of the Internet environment leads to the fact that journalists must offer the information they have selected, and not try to impose it. The easiest way to do this is with tags or labels. The paradigm outlines the path of information from the newsmaker to the end user. There is a single information flow from which journalists isolate more interesting information for their audience. The consumer, after getting acquainted with the principles of such work, will choose for himself what is more interesting to him. It turns out that a person receives only the information that is interesting to him. The comments and analytics of the journalist in this case fade into the background.

music journalism rolling stone

2. The Rolling Stones as a type of publication

ing Stone is an American magazine that deals with music and pop culture. Founded in San Francisco back in 1967. It turns out - twice a month, with a circulation of about a million copies, and since 2004 the magazine began to be published in Russian. Today Rolling Stone is one of the most authoritative and respected music and culture magazines in the world. In December, the magazine publishes lists of the best albums and films of the outgoing year.

Initially, the magazine was designed for the hippie generation, but the publication quickly grew and gained a reputation as the most anticipated and respected magazine about music. At the end of each issue, there was an invitation for readers to send their articles to the editors of the magazine, after which the careers of many of today's famous music critics began. The 1970s - the peak of popularity for the magazine, then many musicians passionately wanted to get on the cover of the magazine, thereby arranging competitions. During these years, the magazine largely determined the musical tastes of American audiences. Most of the published materials received a national response. In 1977, the editors of the magazine moved to New York, which to this day is considered the center of fashion trends in music, despite this, many noticed that the magazine did not keep up with the rapid development of trends. The magazine touched on punk rock and punk culture, but hip-hop and grunge were still unnoticed for a long time.

I would like to note that Kurt Cobain decided to be photographed on the cover of the magazine in a T-shirt with the inscription "corporate magazines - still sucks." Then, in the 2000s, in order to gain the attention of a teenage audience, the magazine began to write a lot about young Hollywood movie stars. Such an attempt to modernize the magazine caused discontent among the magazine's loyal readers, many accused the publication of slipping into a simple tabloid. However, the Rolling Stones today publishes interviews with the most status musicians, such as Bob Dylan. In 2002, in the course of a large-scale poll, the magazine created a list of the 500 best artists of all time, and in 2004, a list of the 500 best songs of all time.

2.1 Rolling Stone's role in social reality

Today, modern civilization can be called informational, which is why the mass media system is the most influential tool for creating social reality.

From the point of view of the apologists for the phenomenological sociology of knowledge T. Luckman and P. Berger, social reality does not exist as a given, this category is constructed consistently. From the point of view of T. Luckman and P. Berger: “For our purposes, it is enough to define “reality” as a quality inherent in phenomena, to have an existence independent of our will and desire (we cannot “get rid of them”), and “knowledge” can be defined as the belief that phenomena are real and have specific characteristics"

It is through the media, including through the Rolling Stone magazine, that each member of society can receive as much information as he needs.

It is through the media, including through the Rolling Stone magazine, that each member of society can receive the necessary amount of information, thanks to which his ideas about the world and personal knowledge will be formed. And accordingly, the general picture of the world, which representatives of society accept as reality, depends on this.

Rolling Stone doesn't just convey facts to its readers. This journal also draws certain conclusions... This approach fully reflects the theory of the social construction of reality. Particular attention here should be paid to the fact that the main authors of the construction are ordinary journalists, and not representatives of the intelligent elite, who are able to assess complex political and socio-economic phenomena.

The Rolling Stone publication itself does not have the initial information that is needed to create a social reality. In accordance with this, the journal should act as a transmitter of information, broadcasting it from one member of the society to another. But in the process of transmission, information is often transformed - the magazine, exposing the data to various influences, produces some accents, which are then broadcast.

The media, including Rolling Stone, influencing the creation of the social reality of members of a particular social group (or society), are themselves not protected from outside influences and are subordinate to the state and society.

At the same time, each member of society lives in his own world, his own social reality, which is created by a few. Any knowledge is distributed in society, the same can be said about "everyday knowledge".

The creation of social reality in Rolling Stone is also carried out in the process of understanding the ongoing social, cultural, and other events. In this case, even the peculiarities of the language can have a significant impact on the understanding of reality. The choice of specific words to describe socio-cultural phenomena provides an opportunity to form ideas and assessments in relation to these facts, to contribute to the emergence of reactions that justify certain actions. Also, one cannot fail to note the importance of the journal in collecting information, commenting on this information and its visual accompaniment, due to which it has a direct impact on the state of the audience's emotions, and provides the necessary point of view on the problem under study, as well as attitude towards it. The data acquisition system tends to emphasize the negative aspects of the surrounding reality. It should also be noted the role of Internet communication, which is presented in the Internet magazine as user comments.

A feature of Internet communication is that it is completely free from censorship and is built on the statements of independent points of view of Internet users. The Internet is a separate source of information that provides a versatile, multifaceted vision of the situation and makes it possible to form one's own opinion about current events. The World Wide Web is today an inextricable part of social reality, which has the most direct impact on it. Thanks to communication in the virtual space - in thematic blogs, on social networks, forums that are dedicated to discussing any problems raised in the Rolling Stone edition - the magazine is able to constitute public opinion and social moods.

In addition, it should be noted that the love of society for specific individuals does not always occur as a result of objective reasons. To create an image is added a real arsenal of special methods of influencing the target audience, and specially designed tools.

Thus, Rolling Stone magazine plays an important role in the construction of social reality, shaping the tastes, attitudes and opinions of readers.

Summing up the chapter, it should be noted that the socio-cultural phenomenon of the Rolling Stone magazine consists in the considered originality and uniqueness.

.2 International editions of Rolling Stone. Russian analogues and influence on modern culture

Rolling Stone magazine has international editions:

Argentina - published since April 1998 by Publirevistas S.A.;

Australia - published as a supplement to the Go-Set magazine since 1969. It has been published as a full-fledged independent publication since 1972. Published by Next Media Pty Ltd in Sydney until 2008 and currently published by ACP Magazines;

Brazil - the publication of the company "Spring Communicações", produced since October 2006;

Germany - published by Axel Springer AG in Germany since 1994;

India is an international publication launched by Man s World" in March 2008;

Indonesia - published by JHP Media since June 2005;

Spain - published by PROGRESA since 1999 in Madrid;

Italy - published initially by IXO Publishing and then by Editrice Quadratum since November 2003 in Italy;

China - licensed by One Media Group in Hong Kong and published with the assistance of China Record Corporation;

Colombia - produced in Bogota, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama;

Mexico - the international edition of the company "Prisa Internacional", existing since 2002;

Russia - published by the SPN-Media publishing house since 2004. Internet version of the publication:;

Turkey - an international publication published by GD Gazete Dergi since June 2006;

France - released in circulation in 2002 and reissued in May 2008 by the 1633SA publishing group;

Chile - international edition of "Edu Comunicaciones" until May 2003. Since January 2006, El Mercurio has been published;

Japan - published since March 2007. Online edition:

The international monthly edition of the Russian version of Rolling Stone Russia was founded in 2004 and positions itself as a men's magazine about contemporary culture. Its circulation is about 110 thousand copies. The publication is sold in the retail network and by subscription in more than 300 cities and towns of Russia and the CIS, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Rolling Stone is the Russian version of the famous American publication founded by Jan Wenner in 1967. The magazine has established itself as an authoritative international publication on contemporary culture and social life in all its manifestations: in music, cinema, theater, literature, including even avant-garde and underground cultural trends. Also in "Rolling Stone" political and socially significant publications quite often take place. The magazine gained popularity over 16 million people living in North and South America, Asia, Australia and Europe. In Russian, the first issue of the publication was published in 2004. It is published by the SPN-Media Publishing House and licensed by the American publishing corporation Wenner Media LLC.

The journal contains the following headings:

"Rock&Roll", which publishes materials about the most relevant and significant people and phenomena from the world of cinema, painting, theater, literature, politics;

"Stephen Webster" - an interview and memoirs of the outstanding English jeweler and columnist "RS" Stephen Webster about the past times;

“To be or not to drink with Mikhail Efremov”, which features a Rolling Stone columnist's conversations about geopolitics, alcohol in Moscow bars, and parenting;

"Top-5", which includes in one block the outstanding music, cultural and sports information for the past month;

"Sport" - publications about famous athletes and just up-to-date information from the world of sports;

"Near Light", which produces informative materials from the sphere of gossip columns that are relevant today;

"RS Interview" - a rubric, on the pages of which there are interviews with outstanding actors, athletes, musicians in connection with current cultural news (sports record, new album release or film premiere);

"Big Materials", where translated interviews with stars from the world of culture and sports from the American magazine "Rolling Stone" are published or Russian travel reports are published;

"Ordinary tourism" - a column about non-standard and extreme routes on various modes of transport, mastered by the correspondents of "Rolling Stone";

"Lifestyle" - a large column about scientists, philosophers, adventurers with a strange or unusual life story;

"Consumer Society", which publishes materials of meetings over a bottle of strong liquor with prominent personalities, almost the most scandalous section of the publication "Rolling Stone";

"Fashion" - unlike the "fashion story" of other glossy publications, in "Rolling Stone" the rubric is built not on the basis of model shows, but on the basis of the style and fashion trends of the stars of culture and sports themselves;

"9 Circles of the Moscow Ring Road", which publishes interviews taken by correspondents of the publication from celebrities during extreme trips along city streets with professional racing drivers;

"Apparatus", on the pages of which materials are published on the most relevant innovations in technology. The section is presented by Mikhail Genin, Editor-in-Chief of Digital Magazine.

The main advantages of the Russian edition of Rolling Stone, according to the publishers, are:

Features of the preparation of the material.

The main nuances of preparing material in Rolling Stone are considered to be branded reports by the “immersion method”, when the correspondents of the publication spend as much time as possible with the future heroes of their publications: from several days to several weeks.

The authors on the pages of the publication, along with professional journalists and masters of their craft, are: Hunter Thompson, Zemfira, Britney Spears, Madonna, Eduard Limonov, Lenny Kravitz, Bono, Alexander Prokhanov, Johnny Depp, Ilya Lagutenko, Kurt Vonnegut, Sergei Shnurov, Elton John, Marilyn Manson and others.

Visual component

Graphic design and photography have always been of great importance in Rolling Stone. Acquaintance of writers with outstanding personalities and figures of our time occurs with the help of new and vivid images.

Influence and citation rate

This publication is rightfully considered one of the most influential and popular in the field of world culture and show business.

Wide audience

The main part of the readership, according to Gallup Media data for the previous year, is male, aged 20 to 33, with an upper-middle income. For the most part, these are socially active people with a firm life position who are interested in the most significant events from the sphere of world culture, fashion and prefer to spend their free time in clubs, concert halls, cinemas.

Each issue of Rolling Stone is read by more than 401,000 Russians, including 210,500 readers in Moscow and St. Petersburg alone. The official representative offices of this international publication are located in many large cities of Russia: Volgograd, Perm, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, and also in Belarus.


In this term paper, I examined the history of the emergence, disadvantages and advantages of music journalism using the example of Rolling Stone magazine.

Looking at the history of the magazine's creation, it has been established that Rolling Stone, an American music and pop culture magazine, was founded in San Francisco in 1967 by Yann Wenner (who is still editor and publisher) and music critic Ralph Gleason. . Since 2004, the journal has been published in Russian.

The role of Rolling Stone magazine in the construction of social reality was also revealed, which consists in shaping the tastes, views and opinions of readers. It was noted that the socio-cultural phenomenon of Rolling Stone magazine consists in considered originality and uniqueness.

In the course of the study, international editions of RS were identified, the features of the Russian version of the edition and its impact on modern culture were considered. So, "Rolling Stone" is the Russian version of the famous American publication, which was founded by Jan Wenner in 1967. In Russian, the first issue of the publication was published in 2004. It is published by the SPN-Media Publishing House and licensed by the American publishing corporation Wenner Media LLC. The magazine has established itself as an authoritative publication on contemporary culture and social life in all its manifestations: in music, cinema, theater, literature, including even avant-garde and underground cultural trends. The influence of this publication on world culture is undeniably great and significant.

Elena Yezerskaya

Editor-in-Chief of the Musical Magazine. Music and theater critic, journalist, playwright, librettist, writer, poet. Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. Graduated from the State Institute of Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (theatre sector) and the Institute of Philology and History of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Department of Theater and Cinema). From 1997 to 2012 she worked at the Musical Life magazine, from 2010 to 2012 she was the editor-in-chief. Founder and first editor-in-chief of the Musical Journal (from 2013 to 2014, and since 2017). Member of the Musical Theater Commission of the Russian Stranding House for operetta/musical (since 2013). Over the years, she was a member of the expert council of the Golden Mask for musical theater (Moscow, 2002); member of the artistic and expert council under the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region (2008 - 2010); member of the jury of the festivals "Kuban Spring" (Krasnodar, 2010), "Theatrical Olympus" (Sochi, 2011), "Theatrical Spring" (Krasnoyarsk, 2012); member of the jury of the IV International Competition for Young Artists of Operetta and Musical named after n. a. USSR V. A. Kurochkina (Yekaterinburg, 2012); member of the jury of the VI and VII All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Stars" (Moscow, 2013, 2014); member of the Organizing Committee and jury of the VIII All-Russian Festival-Competition "Crystal Stars" (Moscow, 2015); member of the Organizing Committee of the I International Competition for Young Artists and Directors of the Musical Theater named after P. I. Slovtsov (Krasnoyarsk, 2015); Chairman of the Jury of the V All-Russian Festival of Classical and Contemporary Music for Children and Youth "Musical Snowdrop" (Penza, 2017); and also - Executive Director of the XXV International Glinka Vocal Competition (Moscow, 2014); Executive, director, member of the Organizing Committee and Directorate of the I International Festival-Competition "Music of Friendship": festival of master classes and competition in Russian classical vocal music (Moscow, 2015-2016); Executive Director of the IV, V and VI Music Festival named after Irina Arkhipova (Moscow, 2014, 2015, 2016). Currently, he is the General Director of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Socio-Cultural Creative Center Musical Journal (ANO Musical Journal). As a music and theater critic, she was published in such Russian publications as the Musical Journal. "Musical Academy", "Musical Life", "Theatrical Life", "Screen and Stage", "Culture", "Theatrical Business", "Strasnoy Boulevard, 10", "Planet Beauty", "Musical Klondike", "Evening Moscow "and others. Performances based on the libretto by E. Yezerskaya were staged in various musical theaters: “Only love!”, “Give an operetta!”, “Trouble in the Forest”, “How the Nightingale the Robber Helped Ivan the Soldier” (Moscow State Musical Theater under the direction of Gennady Chikhachev) , "Thumbelina" (Seversky Musical Theatre, Musical Theater of Kuzbass named after A. A. Bobrov, Ural Operetta Theater - Drama and Comedy Music Theater, Stavropol Operetta Theater), "Bayadere", "King of the Waltz" (Karaganda Operetta Theater, Kazakhstan). E. Ezerskaya is the author of several book bestsellers. Including original books based on the television series "Poor Nastya" (in 4 volumes) and "NEXT-3" (in 4 volumes under the pseudonym Viktor Bagrov), original novels "Poor Nastya. Ten Years Later" (in 4 volumes) and the literary series "Secrets of the Noble's Nest": "The Curse of the Old Usurer", "The Prolonged Reckoning", "The Last Duel", as well as the novel "Under the Sign of the Sun" and memoirs and biographical books - " Moscow art theatre. View from behind the scenes" and "Vladimir Basov: director and man".

Galina Skorobogatova

Member of the Public Council of the National Fund for Support of Social Programs of the Russian Federation. Professional journalist. Higher education. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov (1972). For more than twenty years she worked at Central TV (“1st”): from editor to columnist, producer. Programs: "Kinopanorama", "Cinema Travelers Club", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", "Mark Zakharov's Serpentine". As an author and co-director, she made documentary television films Gerard Philippe, Sun. Pudovkin”, “Nikolai Cherkasov”, “Lyubov Orlova”, “Mayakovsky's Moscow” (with Galina Shergova) and others. Based on the scripts by G. Skorobogatova, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, films-performances “The Story of the Cavalier de Grieux and Manon Lescaut” (directed by Roman Viktyuk), “I can’t find peace for love” based on the plays by W. Shakespeare (director Roman Viktyuk). In 1991, she created and hosted the Maxim program for two years, based on conversations with prominent cultural figures from the CIS countries. (D. Banionis, S. Chaureli, R. Sturua, Yu. Ilyenko, R. Balayan, J. Budraitis, V. Zhalakyavichus, V. Naumov and others). As an author and producer, she participated in the creation of television versions of performances for Central Television: “La Divina” (Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova), “Quartet” (theater “A” by Alla Demidova), “The Servants” (Roman Viktyuk Theater), “Lolita” ( Roman Viktyuk Theatre), Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro (Lenkom) and others. In the period from 1996 to 2005, she worked at the "Author's Television" (ATV) as an editor, author and producer (Program "Vremechko", "We" with Vladimir Pozner, "Eh, Semyonovna" with M. Golub). As an author and producer, she participated in the creation of the television cycle “Readings. Russian Lessons” (more than 400 episodes), where great works of Russian literature were read by great Russian actors – Mikhail Ulyanov, Oleg Efremov, Alla Demidova, Lyudmila Chursina, Kirill Lavrov, Boris Plotnikov, Sergei Makovetsky, and others. For more than a year she was the first editor-in-chief of the Country Duty program with Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Andrey Maksimov. In the period from 2005 to 2009 she was the press secretary of the Cherry Forest international festival, the Cow Parade international art project, the producer and author of the Deillusionist art magazine, collaborated with many magazines (Domovoy, Atmosphere, Peasant Woman, Vogue and others), and newspapers (Vechernyaya Moskva, Evening Club, Komsomolskaya Pravda and others) as a correspondent, interviewer. From 2011 to 2013 - Press Secretary of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States. From 2010 to 2014 - editor-in-chief of Forum Plus magazine: publisher - MFGS. In 2015, as an editor-in-chief, she published two issues of the New Eurasia magazine - the publisher of the Yuri Dolgoruky Moscow Foundation for International Cooperation, a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. 2015, 2016 - editor-in-chief of the Musical Journal. Since 1917 he was the editor for special projects of the same magazine.

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