Face painting for children and adults. Face painting for children - girls, boys


Today we are visiting Natalia Lodygina , blog author "Mittens Joy" and mother of two children from the city of Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region. Natalya will talk about what children's face painting is, what you need to do face painting for children at the holiday, and give practical advice on applying makeup to children's faces.

Taking this opportunity, we once again invite you to, timed to coincide with the 2nd anniversary of our community of mom bloggers and dedicated to children's holidays. Looking forward to your ideas and tutorials.

What is children's face painting?

Face painting or children's body art is gaining momentum more and more. Now at many children's parties you can see cute animal faces or recognize your favorite characters in makeup.

face painting- These are special paints for the face and body on a water basis. They are easy to apply and just as easy to wash off with water. Such paints are hypoallergenic, so they are widely used for painting children's faces.

But in addition to aesthetic pleasure, face painting also carries a psychological burden, helps to relieve mental and physical stress and helps to easily get used to the image of your favorite hero and beat him. And if you are planning a children's holiday, or you just want to please your child, then you can master this simple task yourself.

Before proceeding to the master class, I will give a few recommendations that I came to through trial and error.

* Never force a child to put on makeup if he does not want it, not all children tolerate the touch of brushes on their face and body.

* Before you start drawing, move a dry brush over your face so that this does not come as a surprise to the baby.

* Do not offer him the pattern that you like, the child will wear it, not you. Even if you have to look at it. 🙂

* Do not draw for more than 10 minutes, a small child gets tired of sitting still in one place. If you see that he is getting uncomfortable, let him jump or breathe freely (some children are afraid to breathe when drawing on their face).

* Be sure to keep a small mirror in front of you, the child just needs to see what is being painted on his face, besides, it will distract him and help him relax.

* Talk to your child about something interesting during the procedure, this also helps him relax.

Here you go. Valuable instructions have been received, now we can proceed directly to practice. Here I will show you how you can create several images on one basic basis.

For watercolor you will need:

  • Paints. I use Snazaroo Paints.
  • Tassels. You need 2 brushes No. 1 and No. 5-6.
  • Sponge or sponge.
  • Cotton pads, sticks, napkins.

My niece Olya agreed to become a guinea pig. Her naughty bangs we cleaned up under the bandage.

Kitten, hare or tiger cub?

We apply white paint with a wide brush to the areas between the nose and upper lip. With a thin brush, paint the tip of the nose with black, then draw a strip from the nose to the upper lip, circle it and round it up. Cheeks are obtained. You can apply dots and antennae on them. We apply white color on the bridge of the nose, and slightly blend it with a sponge so that there are no sharp borders.

Here is our basic base ready. From it you can already make several animals with characteristic features.

Any color is suitable for the Kitty, we chose blue, applied it to the face along the contour, without capturing the eye area, and drew triangular ears above the eyebrows. The red tongue on the lower lip, in black, slightly emphasized the coat and ears. We deliberately did not include the eyes to show that it is possible not to touch them, because in some children the area around the eyes is very sensitive.

The next beast has big teeth, and everyone immediately guessed who it was. 🙂

For the Bunny, we chose pink, applied it completely to the entire face, except for the cheeks, they are white. Shaded the paint with a sponge, it turns out a more even color. The cheeks were taken a little to smooth out the borders of the flowers.

With white color, draw a rectangle on the lips and below. We denote the teeth in black, make a few strokes near the eyes and nose.

Then you can think of the characteristic features of the animals yourself. For example, a mouse has a gray color, round ears, a small tongue or small teeth. The squirrel has an orange color, triangular ears with tassels, you can have a small tongue without a tongue.

And another animal - the Tiger. You can draw it on a basic basis, but we changed it a little for a change.

The base is white in the area of ​​the upper lip and eyelids, and above the eyebrows. The rest of the face is covered in orange. We draw the nose in black, as if we circle it from below and designate the wings of the nose. Outline the eyes from above and below making them cat-like. We draw in black the lower lip, dots on the cheeks. And tiger stripes on the face. You can draw fangs sticking out of the corners of the lips, but we have a kind tiger cub, and we did not draw them.

This concludes my master class on children's face painting. I will be glad if it is useful to you. Good luck with your creativity!

I invite you to watch works from the photo exhibition of body art "Beautiful Vision".

First of all, face painting is a technique for applying paints to the skin. Since the time of interaction of dyes with the skin can be quite long, special face painting paints are used that are safe for health. They must have a water base and be fat-free. In this case, you can not be afraid for the health of even the smallest participants in the holiday. In addition, children's face painting should be washed off well. If the cosmetics are of high quality, then ordinary soap and warm water will be enough to remove them. Another feature of face painting paint is that it should dry quickly, which allows you to make makeup without getting dirty, even on your own.

In order to make face painting on your face with your own hands, you need to purchase not only paints. You will also need special tools for applying makeup. All the necessary materials can be found in art supply stores. The paint can be powder - requiring dilution and conventional. It is most convenient to apply makeup with sponges and brushes. It is better to purchase several tools of different diameters at once. There should be at least two brushes - a thin one for small details and a wider flat one. You should pay attention to the fact that the brushes are made of natural materials.

Before applying the paint to the face, you should test it on a small area of ​​​​the body. Although dyes should be hypoallergenic, there is a possibility of individual intolerance.

Beginning of work

The technique of applying face painting is quite simple - it is similar to drawing on plain paper. However, when drawing on the skin, you should be extremely careful. One mistake - and all makeup will have to be washed off and start all over again. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you think over the sketch in advance and take your time. Do-it-yourself face painting should be mastered from the simplest ideas. With each new performance, skill will grow and making makeup at home will be easier and more interesting.

After choosing a picture, you can get to work. You need to act step by step, in strict accordance with the following instructions.

  • First of all, the base paint is applied. Apply the base color in a smooth and even layer. To do this, it is most convenient to use a sponge or sponge. The main tone is applied in stages from the hairline to the chin. Particular attention should be paid to the areas around the mouth, eyes and nasolabial folds. Eyebrows are also processed at the first stage. They need to be made as invisible as possible.

  • The next step in the scheme is the treatment of the areas around the eyes. Here you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a wide and soft brush. The hand should be held at a right angle to the skin. With the help of a pencil, eyebrows are drawn, this detail will set the mood for the whole makeup.

  • Next, face painting is applied in stages, from top to bottom: cheek area, mouth, chin.

  • Then the outline is made with thin contours. It can be difficult to apply contours to yourself.

In cases where face painting for children is created with their own hands, you can skip the stage of applying the base and immediately draw the details. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the time of makeup removal.

Face painting for children - ideas

We list the main types of face painting that are popular among kids.

  • First of all, they are animals. All children like to imagine themselves as tiger cubs, bunnies, butterflies, chanterelles, fish, hedgehogs, mice, horses and so on. Before you start drawing, you should clarify with the child exactly who he wants to become. Further, in accordance with his wishes, an image is created. Here you will have to try and identify the most characteristic features of a particular animal: mustaches, stripes, spots, and so on.

  • Another popular motif is fairy tale characters and superheroes. Spiderman, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, princesses, dragons and others can be written in this category. All of the above images are created not only with the use of face painting, but also with the appropriate costumes. Without them, sometimes it can be difficult for a child to explain to others who he reincarnated into.

Face painting for adults

Face painting for adults is used, as a rule, in two cases - for the entertainment of children and for their own joy, for example, for a Halloween party.

  • If the task is to please the children, you can use the following images: princess, snow maiden, fairy, snow queen, little mermaid. The appearance of such a guest will be a real gift for the guys. Especially if you dress up according to the chosen image.

  • If there is no opportunity to change clothes to match the makeup, it is better to transform into a super-hero or a clown. Here it will be enough just to paint the face. These images are also advantageous in that they do not require special elaboration and detailing. It is enough to draw a bright outline of the lips and a stretched smile or Batman mask - and you are already recognizable.

  • Face painting is also popular at various themed parties, such as Halloween. As a rule, images of witches, skeletons and all kinds of evil spirits are created here.

  • In addition, face painting is used by adults at various entertainment or promotional events. For example, it can be used when working on a photo shoot or an exhibition.

Face painting is drawings on the face with special paints that are easily washed off and completely safe. Such entertainment is ideal for a children's holiday: birthday, theme party, graduation. How to make face painting for children with your own hands?

DIY face painting: materials and tools

In order to draw funny patterns on children's faces, you will need:

  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponges;
  • pure water;
  • sheet;
  • hair band or headband;
  • napkins;
  • mirror.

Now about all the points in order. Paints for face painting are used special. You can buy them in holiday or creative stores, as well as in face art or body art studios.

Paints for face painting are dry, similar to ordinary watercolor. For painting, they will have to be diluted with water. There are liquid paints - in jars and tubes. They are completely ready to use. To make the images of children brighter, the drawings on the face are decorated with glitter, special rhinestones. All this can also be easily purchased at makeup stores.

Paint for face painting can be made by hand. To do this, mix:

  • 3 tablespoons of starch;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of water;
  • 10-15 grams of baby cream.

In the resulting mass, you need to gradually add any food coloring - drop by drop, until the desired color is obtained.

To draw face painting on the face, you will need tools: brushes and sponges. Brushes can be purchased at the craft store. For a beautiful drawing, you need several brushes: thick and medium - for large details, thin - for contours. The background of face painting is done with the help of a sponge - a piece of washcloth.

Additionally, for applying face art, you should prepare a sheet - to cover the shoulders and clothes of the child while drawing. Although face painting is easy to wash, it is better to play it safe and save your holiday outfits. To remove hair from the face of the model, a hoop or bandage is suitable.

And, of course, before drawing face painting, you need to stock up on napkins: dry, wet and clean rags. Clean water is on the list. It will be required for diluting paints, washing brushes and sponges.

Applying face painting to children is complicated by their restlessness, but for a beautiful drawing it is important that the baby sits still. A large mirror installed in front of the child can solve the problem - the fidget will admire his magical transformation with admiration.

Children's face painting: how to draw on the faces of kids

Face painting is a creative process. But still there are some face art rules that you need to follow.

The drawing is applied in two stages:

  • Facial toning for a smooth foundation. It is convenient to apply the tone with a sponge: wet it with water, wring it out and rub it on the paint. It is better to tint the face in a circular motion - then after drying the base will be even. If the mask is drawn on the whole face, it is important to paint over the eyelids and corners of the eyes well. For small patterns on the cheek or forehead, tone can be dispensed with.
  • Drawing individual elements. For beautiful and even contours, a thin brush is used. It must be held at a right angle to the face.

Before applying one paint over another, you should wait for the first layer to dry.

Children are special clients for face painting masters. Kids are not only fidgety, but are often ticklish. Therefore, before applying face painting to a child, you need to sweep the face with a dry brush. If the baby feels comfortable, you can start drawing. And if he is very ticklish, you should choose a simple face painting, which will take no more than a minute. It can be a flower, an asterisk, a cobweb, etc.

Before drawing face painting, the master always talks to the child about his character. It is important that the baby likes the proposed image. Professionals who make face painting for children have the ideas of drawings on the face collected in catalogs. The child only needs to choose what is more to their liking.

It is dry, creamy and liquid. But, bold face painting can not be. From the name of the paints it is clear that they are water-based.

There are no fats in the composition. This makes makeup much easier than theatrical. Aqua version dries instantly on the skin, does not clog pores and is simply washed off.

There will be no trouble, neither with pencils, nor with aerosols, nor with crayons, or pressed powder. Water-based paints are also sold in palettes, tubes, and jars. But what do they contain besides water? Let's start with the composition of the product.

The composition of paint for face painting

The components of the mixture vary depending on the manufacturer. But, the mixture is always natural. Only dyes can be artificial.

At the same time, they are safe for health, as are pigments for, components of lipsticks, eye shadows and other cosmetics. The main composition of face painting is as follows:

- Calcium carbonate. It is a mixture of the element with carbonic acid. Carbonate is the basis of chalk, calcite, eggshells.

It's no secret that they are good for the body, strengthen bones. No harm from external use face painting for children. A photo works, just please.

— Glycerin. It belongs to trihydric alcohols, captures water molecules. This property makes the substance an excellent moisturizer.

There is even a glycerin skin cream. So that, buy face painting akin to buying cosmetics.

— Vaseline. It is a mixture of mineral oils and solid group paraffins. The substance forms a thin film on the skin, which also retains moisture in it. But, the main role of Vaseline in water makeup is its easy distribution over the body.

- Stearyl alcohol. It is stearic acid, but saturated with hydrogen. The substance, like glycerin, is found in cosmetics.

Stearyl facilitates the distribution of creams on the skin, evaporating during application. This is what happens with face painting. Paints remain, and the alcohols evaporate.

- Paraffin. A wax-like mixture is a mixture of alkanes, that is, saturated hydrocarbons. Their harmlessness is evidenced by the existence of paraffin masks and baths, offered even in beauty salons.

From the above, it is clear that face painting for children and adults is safe. Therefore, you can safely give your body as a canvas to artists.

Basically, water paints are applied to the face. But, if desired, the masters color clients from head to toe. By the way, you don't have to buy paint. There is an opportunity to create face painting with your own hands. Let's find out how to do it.

Homemade face painting paints

As with industrial paints, the ingredients for home mixes are simple and environmentally friendly. You will need: a teaspoon of corn starch and half a teaspoon of boiled water and cream. All components must not be hot. First, mix the starch and cream.

Water is added only after obtaining a homogeneous mass face painting. A photo the resulting product does not differ in color. It remains to add pigments. They use food coloring in tubes.

Do-it-yourself face painting for children not inferior to the factory in ease of application and rinsing. In addition, homemade paints can be stored for a long time without spoiling.

All you need is airtight containers and low temperatures, that is, it is best to place the face painting in the refrigerator.

Scope of face painting

Face painting photo and people with it tend to stay after parties. Often, paints are ordered for children. This is a budget option to flourish the holiday, entertain teenagers and enjoy yourself. Adults use water makeup less often, but they do not ignore it at all.

Paints are used for theme parties, graduations. Tassels "arm" and football fans. For them face painting- a way to show which country or team they support.

Drawings for face painting varied. So, in a series of sketches, suitable and newlyweds are found. The patterns on their faces are a memorable touch, which is not only a holiday, but also the photographs that remain after it.

For the sake of pictures, pregnant women also order the service. They ask not face painting face painting and painting your belly. The plot can be simple and elegant, or creative.

For some, for example, artists draw storks carrying children in their beaks, babies themselves, looking through the belly-window at the outside world, and crumbs peeking out of cabbages.

More often buy face painting want professional actors. Theatrical make-up is more harmful to the skin, and in general, there is more trouble with it.

So modern actors are switching to lightweight options, especially since modern productions rarely require a thick smearing of the face. More often, some kind of makeup is required, drawing wrinkles, or bags under the eyes.

I will buy face painting say those who do not dare to do. A temporary pattern for them is a way to check if a permanent tattoo is needed. A person asks for the desired plot and gets used to it for several hours, analyzes his emotions and the reaction of others. If everything suits, many go to a real tattoo parlor.

Rules for applying face painting

Face painting for children is a reason for their joy. But, so that the paints do not become a source of concern for adults, it is better to test a drop of the mixture on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, for example, on the crook of the elbow.

30 minutes is enough for an allergic reaction to occur. Given the naturalness of the colors, irritation is rare. But, no one is immune from allergies even to natural ingredients.

face painting easier to apply if the hair is removed. Otherwise, the composition may turn out blurry. Attention will be distracted by the paint that has fallen on the curls.

The mixture can get on clothes. The face painting comes off easily. But, if you want to stay clean during the celebration, it’s better to put on something “working” for the time of painting, or use a salon cape.

For application face painting ideas are as follows: you need sponges and brushes with soft pile. So, it is better not to take synthetic samples. Firstly, they are unpleasant to the skin, and secondly, they draw small elements on it worse.

The first stage of work is applying the tone. For example, if a person transforms into a leopard, you will need to dye your skin orange.

Dark spots will fall on it only when the paint dries. Otherwise, the pigments of the base and decor will merge, the boundaries between them will be smeared.

A cosmetic sponge is used to apply the foundation. It is pre-moistened and immediately squeezed out with force.

Then, the sponge is lowered into face painting. Drawings will be divided into stripes if the strokes are long and straight. An even tone is obtained with circular, slightly pressing movements.

The second stage of work is the imposition of contours. The brush is comfortable to hold just above the bristles. People also hold pens and pencils while writing. But, the brush is more convenient to have to the skin at an angle of 90 degrees.

If you need a thick line, the bristles are laid, slightly pressed on them and a line is drawn. If a thin line is drawn, only the tip of the brush touches the skin. The same scheme works when drawing dots.

Photo face painting for children and adults, at times, amaze with their value. Fairy-tale characters and intricate pictures are recreated on human faces.

Taking on such, knowledgeable craftsmen first draw a sketch. Otherwise, you can not guess with the composition, forget about an important element. As a result, you have to ask the model to wash off the makeup and start re-applying paints.

Face painting removal

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