Watercolor autumn. Master class of a beautiful landscape with step by step photos


If you always wanted to learn how to draw, but for some reason you didn’t succeed, then our article will definitely come in handy for you. Here you will find simple golden autumn drawings with step by step explanation.

Even without a special talent for drawing, you can draw fairly simple but beautiful drawings. There are already many articles on our site that explain in detail how to draw various drawings with pencils, gouache or watercolor.

This article will help you draw not very complex autumn landscapes with colored pencils and paints.

How to draw a beautiful autumn landscape of nature with a pencil step by step for beginners?

Now we will tell you how to draw a bright autumn landscape using the most common simple pencils that you can buy at any stationery store.

On a blank sheet of paper, we first outline the approximate location of our fence. To do this, draw a short vertical line below the middle of the sheet and slightly to the right. Then we draw a horizontal strip crossing it and two stripes below, going to the vertical one.

We outline the trees. To do this, draw, as shown in the figure, two vertical lines. We draw a crown for trees - large ovals of irregular shape. In the background, we mark the forest with a curved horizontal line.

We draw the fence in detail. There should be 7 vertical stakes in total. The two bottom horizontal lines we drew at the beginning are the bars behind the stakes. We also circle them. Grass can be marked under the fence.

We make our trees voluminous - we add a lush crown, not very thick trunks. Be sure to draw branches in the crown so that the picture looks more natural. In the foreground we mark the path. You can take the path into the distance, or you can do it as in the photo.

. "There is no place for more details." That could be the name of this part of the work. All the details that were conceived must be transferred to paper. These are clouds, drawing leaves, bark, grass in the foreground. Draw a little bird on the fence.

Take an eraser and remove all unnecessary strokes. so to speak, "clean up" the picture. The lines should be smooth, single. Since a person is not a robot, the hand of even an experienced artist can sometimes tremble and give out less than ideal lines.

We take colored pencils in the amount of 5 pieces: 3 shades of green (from light to dark) and two shades of yellow (one lemon, the other warmer, a mixture of lemon and ocher). And with the help of these pencils, with vertical short strokes, we begin to draw grass in the foreground and in the background. Please note that the grass in the foreground is drawn in more detail, unlike the far one.

With the help of red, gray and yellow color we draw a path and stones. On the path we leave a few red small spots - these are fallen leaves.

With a black pencil we draw trunks and branches of birches. Do not forget that the birch trunks are painted with stripes (we use black and gray pencils for this), and the branches can be drawn in black. At the bushes, we paint over the trunks brown.

Now let's play with colors! We take green, brown, red, orange, yellow and lemon pencils (if there are more shades in the set, be sure to use them too!). With all these colors we draw a crown near trees and bushes. To do this, we recall autumn and what colors the foliage is usually painted in autumn. For birch, you can take yellow and orange, for other bushes - red, green, yellow, lemon, brown gray. Burgundy, marsh, emerald are also suitable. Lastly, we add colors to our bird.

With the help of gray and brown pencils we draw our fence. Do not forget that the fence is in the foreground, which means it should be drawn well enough and in detail.

With the help of green, yellow and orange pencils draw a distant plan. And in the background we have a forest. Draw a forest so that looking at it, you would like to go there.

At the beginning of the work, we outlined the clouds with a simple pencil. Now with the help of blue and purple we will paint the sky and those same clouds. With light vertical movements of the blue pencil, mark the sky, and with even lighter movements, but with a purple pencil, add volume to the clouds.

Bring the drawing to perfection, correct minor flaws. Purple pencil on clouds can be lightly shaded with a finger or a dry brush. The drawing is ready! Now you can draw a simple autumn landscape with a box of crayons!

How to draw a beautiful autumn landscape of nature with paints, watercolors, gouache? Step by step for beginners?

What kind of gouache drawing can even a beginner draw? The answer is: "The one that does not contain clear lines, shapes and can be almost anything, depending on the mood and desire of the author of the work!". In this part of the article, we suggest you learn how to draw a beautiful and colorful landscape with a brush and gouache.

We take two colors: blue and white. Mentally divide the sheet horizontally into two halves, the top should be slightly smaller. Now with wide horizontal strokes we paint over the upper part with white gouache, and the lower part with blue.

We create a background. Now our task is to somehow mix these two colors, to make the transition smoother. We continue to go with white with the same wide strokes on the blue part, the colors will begin to mix and a gradient will turn out. Highlight the middle with white color, as shown in the figure.

At this stage, we mark the horizon line and right on it, with the help of white, gray and brown colors, we mark the forest in the background with strokes. With a pencil, we denote a narrowing path to the horizon from the near edge of the sheet. Along this path with a thin brush and black paint we draw trees. Try to make the trunks not equally straight. There must be bends, fractures - everything to make the tree seem "alive".

We let the trees dry and with yellow paint we literally press the leaves into the paper. To do this, take a pony brush No. 4-6, dip it in water, then dry it with a towel or a rag, make the brush fluffy by running your finger over it a couple of times and dip the brush into the paint. Then, with this “ruffled” brush with paint, we put it on paper in those places where the foliage should be, “blots”, as in the photo below. These "blots" will be the leaves.

In the palette, mix yellow and white paint until a light yellow pastel shade is obtained. In exactly the same way as in Step 4, we denote the background. On the path marked with a pencil, draw the reflections of the trees.

Adding red and orange to work. A few strokes of red in the foliage of the nearest trees. Asphalt on each side is visually divided into 3 sections, separated by blue. Color each section in red and orange. You can make a few strokes of yellow paint in the foreground on the asphalt - these are fallen leaves.

Designate the border, as shown in the figure, add more detail to the work. You can add more leaves, draw a few branches to the trees.

Your work is now complete! Let it dry and place it in a frame.

If such a drawing seems too complicated for you, then try to draw a simpler version - just a very beautiful tree.

Take clean watercolor paper, visually mark where your tree will be located. We recommend choosing a place for it in the middle. Now we take the yellow watercolor, dip the brush into the water, then into the paint. We will need an additional item: a toothbrush, a stick, a ruler, in general, something that you can lightly tap on. We bring the brush as shown in the figure and with tapping movements shake off the paint on a sheet of paper.

Add another color - red. We get beautiful splashes.

Important! Don't get too much water on the brush, otherwise the drawing may turn out too blurry!

Add green, orange and a few drops of blue to yellow and red.

You can add a few more colors: pink, lilac, raspberry.

With the help of a spray bottle, we slightly blur the crown of our future tree so that the colors are not so bright and beautiful overflows are obtained. It is enough to sprinkle the drawing with water only 2-3 times.

When the paint spreads a little - let it dry, before that, a little shading with a brush.

With a thin, sharp brush, we draw branches here and there. Use brown paint to mark the bottom of the trunk and the ground - the tree is ready!

How to draw a light landscape in autumn with a pencil for beginners?

The landscape that we suggest you draw below is actually quite easy. And our step-by-step guide will allow you to avoid mistakes in your work. Good luck!

We mark the horizon line just above the middle of the sheet. Then, with an inclined line, we denote the foreground - a hill where our trees will grow.

We draw the silhouettes of the trunks with two vertical lines. We try to avoid straight lines.

Between the hill and the horizon line we will have a lake. We mark its far and near shore on the left side.

On the right, in the distance, the far shore is also visible. Designate a low forest in the upper part of the shore, as shown in the picture.

In the foreground, where we outlined the hillock, draw grass. To do this is quite simple. Again, try to avoid straight lines.

Now try to be as realistic as possible, as far as your skills allow, to draw tree trunks with branches. The tree on the right should be quite sweeping.

Now draw the left tree. In some places, draw leaves on the branches, draw leaves of the same shape on the ground near the tree. Where you drew grass, draw reeds in addition.

Shade the lake with a simple pencil with wide strokes, not tightly, leaving a large distance between the lines.

Take a simple pencil and shade the hillock on which the trees are located. Do not forget that the shadow falling from the trees will be darker.

Shade the background as well, sorting out the shadows. Paint over the reeds with a shade of medium intensity.

Paint over the entire background, including the lake and the left bank of the lake, as shown in the figure. And try to make part of the lake along the banks a little darker than in the center.

Shade the sky with a slight pressure on the pencil. Then, pressing the pencil a little harder, draw light clouds.

Using the eraser, highlight the small circle on the left side, as shown in the picture - this is the sun. Now the atmosphere is not so gloomy, and your drawing is finished! Congratulations!

Simple and light and beautiful autumn landscapes: drawings for sketching

These three drawings are very simple. you can make them in color, or leave them as sketches.

drawing in color 2

Video: how to draw a golden autumn?

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's golden time autumn- an extraordinarily beautiful phenomenon in nature, but so fleeting, and is given to us, as if as a consolation before a long winter. I so want to keep such beauty in my memory and keep it.

Today we will try draw the simplest,elementary landscape using natural material accessible to older children. We will need watercolor and gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, yarrow inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wet the sheet with water.

2 On a still wet sheet, draw clouds. Fill the sky with different shades of blue and purple watercolor. Closer to the bottom of the sheet, the sky should be lighter.

We also depict the earth on a raw sheet. Take soft colors, with shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the ground below is darker, closer to the horizon, lighter.

3 On the horizon line, draw a strip of forest.

4 We depict trees. Hold the brush vertically start drawing from the ground,and not vice versa.

5 With a thin brush from the trunk we draw branches, with the tip of the brush we draw small branches, "worms" on thick branches.

6 We mix brown paint with a little black and put a shadow on the trunk.

7 We tint the birch in the same way. We add a drop of black to white gouache, mix it, we get a shade of gray, we also apply a shadow on the trunk and branches.

8 Spread yarrow inflorescences with gouache of red, yellow and a little green. Firmly compress into a bundle and "print" the foliage. Experiment with paints, achieving interesting shades.

9 We also cover the leaves with gouache and apply to the drawing. It turns out the image of small trees or bushes. Draw the trunk and branches. Yes, and do not forget to "print" foliage under the trees.

That's all. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

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Drawing an autumn landscape for primary school students. Master class with step by step photo

Master class on painting an autumn landscape with watercolors.

Author: Anastasia Morozova, 10 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov
Teacher: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.

Description: work can be done with children 8-10 years old, the material can be useful to teachers, parents, children for independent creativity.

Purpose: interior decoration, organization of creative exhibitions.

Target: drawing an autumn landscape with watercolors.

- to introduce children to the beauty of the autumn landscape, to give an idea of ​​the significance of autumn in the cultural heritage of the Motherland;
- learn to draw an autumn landscape from memory and imagination;
- develop imagination and creative imagination, the ability to work with watercolors;
- to cultivate love for nature and the need to focus on the spiritual values ​​of folk art.

Hello dear guests! The theme of nature, one of the most beloved in the work of artists, poets, musicians, it is she who is very closely connected with the boundless love for the Motherland and beloved Russian expanses. The heart of every creator is simply overflowing with tender feelings and reverent awe of the beauties of the Russian land. The theme of autumn is especially beautiful and charming with its delightful colors and emotional experiences. There is no person living in Russia who would not be able to feel the delightful autumn landscapes.

The theme of autumn beauty did not pass by the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. There are many periods of creativity in the poet's biography, but "Boldino Autumn" in Pushkin's life is considered the brightest period of his work. It was in the village that he revealed himself in many genres and created the maximum number of works in a short period of time (he stayed in Boldino for about 3 months).
In 1830, Pushkin, who had long dreamed of marriage and "his own home," sought the hand of N. N. Goncharova, a young Moscow beauty without a dowry. Having gone to take possession of the estate, donated by his father for the wedding, due to cholera quarantines, he was imprisoned for three months in the village of Boldino (Nizhny Novgorod province). Pushkin's "Boldino Autumn" gave the world a lot of interesting and talented works, both in prose and in verse. The village had a beneficial effect on Alexander Sergeevich, he liked solitude, clean air, beautiful nature. In addition, no one interfered with him, so the writer worked from early morning until night, until the muse left him.
The days of late autumn are usually scolded,
But she is dear to me, dear reader,
Silent beauty, shining humbly.
So unloved child in the native family
It draws me to itself. To tell you frankly
Of the annual times, I am glad only for her alone ...
("Autumn" excerpt by A.S. Pushkin)

"Boldino Autumn" opened with the poems "Demons" and "Elegy" - the horror of the lost and hope for the future, difficult, but giving the joy of creativity and love. Three months were devoted to summing up the results of youth (Pushkin considered its thirtieth birthday as its borderline) and the search for new ways. "Eugene Onegin" was completed, "an abyss" of poems and articles was written, "Belkin's Tales", revealing poetry and the fundamental complexity of "ordinary" life, "Little Tragedies", where the historical and psychological concreteness of characters and conflicts, taking symbolic forms, led to "last" existential questions (this line will be developed in the story "The Queen of Spades" and the poem "The Bronze Horseman", both 1833; "Scenes from Knightly Times", 1835). Pushkin's "Boldino Autumn" is, perhaps, one of those periods when creativity flowed like a river from the great Russian genius.
Sad time! oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
("Autumn" excerpt by A.S. Pushkin)

Tools and materials:
-A3 sheet of paper
- a simple pencil, brushes
- palette (A4 sheet of paper)
-cloth (for the brush)
- jar for water

Master class progress:

Let's start with a preliminary, light sketch with a simple pencil. We draw light silhouettes of trees, we need trunks, several branches, we will immediately draw a crown with autumn decoration with paints. We draw the horizon line and the Pushkin bench in the park. We will paint with watercolors, so we need to prepare the paints - moisten them with clean water, this will help create more transparent and sonorous colors in the picture.

We start painting with the sky background, using blue and purple colors (a little paint and a lot of water), achieving the lightest shades.

Now the earth, we apply almost transparent shades of brown and green colors to the entire remaining unpainted space of the picture, up to the horizon line. Then we work with smears on a wet background (multi-colored fallen leaves).

It's time to work on the golden decoration of the trees, paint the crown in yellow. And, again, on a wet background, we add orange and red colors with strokes, so that the volume and outlines of the leaves of the tree are created.

In a similar way, we draw the crown of a tree with still green foliage, with brown strokes we draw the bark of trees, trunks.

To make the landscape more picturesque, we darken the horizon line, use green color with a small addition of black (we work with a palette). We slightly blur the dark strip of the horizon with water to get a smooth transition of color to color (from dark to light). We decorate the bench with the main tone (dark gray).

Add shadows on the ground from the trees and the bench.

Now we need to make our autumn landscape more realistic. To show the volume of the bench, we add shades of black on the back, at the junction of the back and seat, and the edge of the seat closest to us. We give the tree trunks more volume, draw the outlines in brown-black color (working with the palette) and blur the outlines with a clean brush with water inside the trunk. We also act with the crowns of trees, but we are already working with the colors corresponding to them.

The autumn sky is distinguished by its depth, to show this in the picture you need to intensify the color in its upper part, add a more saturated blue color. And, our work on the autumn landscape is over.

Pushkin's autumn shines in my soul.
Oh, the secret of the golden valley,
The heavens above him are divine blue...
Burn in my verses, the fire of the verb!
Touched the miracle of Pushkin's word
The nature of the modest Boldino shelter.
She is warmed by the heat of autumn
Keeps the love of spring and summer.
Oak hangs like a bronze wall.
He keeps the estate like a knight of honor.
I cling to him, and it seems that together
The globe freezes with me.
Pushkin worked here, looking into these distances.
For Boldin, poetry became a prayer.
(Boldino sonnets. Magomed Akhmedov)

We offer detailed instructions for writing an autumn landscape with gouache. The finished picture will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help you improve your gouache skills, learn how to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line in light blue.

2. Cover the upper part of the sky with dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint over the rest of the sky to the horizon line.

4. Draw water, painting the background with light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. We draw clouds with white gouache.

6. We draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. In the background, draw a tree

8. Against the background of water, draw a mirror image of this tree

9. In the same way, draw a few more trees

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors with a semi-dry brush using the poke method, and in the water reflection we use less saturated shades.

11. By the same principle, draw the rest of the trees.

12. We can finish the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. In the foreground, draw a pine trunk and branches.

14. Draw a pine crown with green paint in horizontal strokes.

15. Let's draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush with white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine.

16. With a semi-dry brush using the poke method, draw the crowns of trees, fallen leaves in small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now it can be decorated with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

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