Alexander Berdnikov took the twins from the hospital. Now there are six of them: Alexander Berdnikov took his wife and newborn daughters from the hospital (photo) Berdnikov's gypsy wedding from the Roots group


Our today's hero is Alexander Berdnikov. His biography will be discussed in detail later. We are talking about a charming brunette from the Roots group. Next, we will discuss his creative path and talk about the personal life of a musician.

Biography of Alexander Berdnikov

Alexander Berdnikov was born in 1981, on March 21, in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. The future musician comes from a gypsy family. However, his relatives have not wandered for a long time. Many members of his family received higher education and held important positions. When our hero was five years old, his parents moved with him to Minsk. This is where this man spent his childhood. The boy was interested in art at an early age. He collected recordings of concerts by performers known throughout the world. One of the main idols of the young man was Michael Jackson. Our hero even tried to repeat his "moonwalk".

Creative activity

Alexander Berdnikov learned to dance and sing on his own. He devoted whole hours to it every day. From the sixth grade, our hero began to actively participate in various amateur competitions. In Minsk, he was remembered by many people as a talented dancer. At the age of 14, our hero first went to an international competition. After graduating from high school, our hero moved to the Russian capital. There he entered GITIS. The young man wanted to build a singing career. He soon got the opportunity. In 2002, Channel One announced the start of casting for a musical project called "Star Factory". Our hero decided to take part in it. He managed to get into the list of contestants. As part of the show, they created the male quartet "Roots". The team included: Pavel Artemyev, Alexander Astashonok, Lesha Kabanov and our hero. This team became the winner of the Star Factory. The guys gained popularity among Russian youth.

Personal life

Now let's talk about what Alexander Berdnikov is off the stage. The musician has children. This is not strange, because the young man is not deprived of female attention. Girls in the musician's mailbox often threw notes with a declaration of love. The number of fans increased after the appearance of our hero at the "Star Factory". The age category of the performer's fans included girls from 16 to 30 years old. Alexander Berdnikov and his wife Olga got married in 2008. The girl was a student from Rostov-on-Don. The wedding took place in accordance with gypsy customs. Nearly 200 guests attended the celebration. At first glance, Olga is a Russian beauty. However, in reality, she has gypsy roots. She does not hide her nationality. The couple had their first child in 2010. It's about a girl. The daughter's name was Milan. The next addition to the family took place in 2012. Then the son Marcel was born.

Alexander Berdnikov joined a party called Rodina in 2016. This association was elected to the Duma of the seventh convocation. The Belarusian group "Syabry" decided to offer our hero to record a joint song and go on a general tour. Alexander Berdnikov starred in Yuri Kara's film called Hamlet. XXI Century". In this film, he got the role of Rosencrantz. The daughter of our hero Milan was baptized in Starye Cheryomushki, in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. The girl's godparents were Pavel Mazhartsev, her mother's brother, and Zarina Berdnikova, her father's sister.

In 2016, another replenishment took place in the family of our hero. This time, twins were born, they were named Valentina and Rosa. The musician also managed to take part in the reality show "The Last Hero". Many interesting facts can be recalled from the marriage of our hero, since it was very unusual. Let's start with the fact that the future couple met at a party with mutual friends, which was held in the girl's hometown. Two months later, our hero proposed to his beloved. Young people say that it was true love at first sight. The spouses signed in one of the registry offices of the capital. During registration, Olga and Alexander remained tied by the hands. This custom is a symbol of a strong family. At the celebration, women and men sat separately. This is required by tradition. Relatives of the newlyweds were able to meet only at the wedding.

Singer Date of birth March 21 (Aries) 1981 (38) Place of birth Ashgabat Instagram @sashaberdnikov

Alexander Berdnikov was born on March 21, 1981 in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. Now he is a famous singer, finalist of the TV show "Star Factory", soloist of the group "Roots". As a member of this group, he repeatedly became a laureate of the popular Golden Gramophone festival, took part in the Eurobest competition in Cannes. Together with the group he toured Russia and the USA. In 2016, Berdnikov became a member of the Motherland party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation. Takes part in TV projects, starred in the film "Hamlet. XXI Century".

Biography of Alexander Berdnikov

The singer has gypsy roots. When the boy was 5 years old, his parents changed their place of residence and moved to Minsk, where the boy spent his childhood. He became interested in music early, studied singing and dancing. At school, he took part in amateur performances. In Minsk, Alexander was known as an excellent dancer, he participated in the International Competition at the age of 14. At the age of 16, together with the famous Belarusian ensemble Syabry, he went on tour.

After graduating from school, Berdnikov went to Moscow and became a student of GITIS. In 2002, he passed the casting for the new project of the First Channel "Star Factory". It was a fateful step: he became one of the winners. The Roots group consisted of Alexander Berdnikov and three other finalists of the project.

The team quickly became popular, its songs occupied leading positions in the country's charts. After the completion of the project, its participants went on tour to the cities of Russia, and in 2008 the group made a tour of the cities of the United States. Currently, the composition has changed, but Alexander continues his creative career as part of the team.

In 2004, the singer became a member of the popular reality show "The Last Hero", and in 2009 the artist tried himself as a film actor. He played in the film "Hamlet. XXI century "in the role of Rosencrantz.

Celebrities who are raising twins

Alexander Berdnikov gave birth to twin girls

Photo: Vladimir Sokolov
Uliana Kalashnikova

The soloist of the Roots group, Alexander Berdnikov, at the age of 35, became the father of ... four children! Recently, the musician had twins. Thus, now this family has automatically become large.

This morning, Alexander took his wife from the hospital. He met his beloved wife not only with a bouquet of flowers, but also gave her a real surprise on the street. Berdnikov decorated the entrance to the hospital with a red inflatable arch. The older children, 6-year-old Milana and 4-year-old Marcel, were holding balloons for their mother. The artist arrived in a snow-white limousine. In general, Olga Mazhartseva was pleasantly shocked. Although she is no stranger to this: the last time the Roots soloist took his wife from the hospital, the limousine was purple!

Photo: Vladimir Sokolov
Uliana Kalashnikova

Berdnikov gave birth to twin girls. They were named by their spouses Valentina and Rosa. Valentina - in honor of the singer's mother, and the name Rosa for the second sister was chosen by the eldest daughter of the spouses Milan.

Rumor has it that until the last, Berdnikov and his family did not know who would be born to them. They only knew that there would be twins. In general, girls were discharged in envelopes of pink and pale lemon color. By the way, they were born completely healthy and with a very good weight for twins - 2.5 and 2.8 kilograms.

Photo: Vladimir Sokolov
Uliana Kalashnikova

Alexander was so busy with issues related to the birth of children that he had not even posted anything on his page on the social network, although fans are looking forward to revelations from the artist.

“When I found out that I was incredibly happy, but when it turned out that there would be twins, I was doubly happy! The daughters were born on Monday, August 22. At night, I took Olya to the hospital, sat for 7 hours in the emergency room, worried, nervous, but when I saw the children, I took them in my arms, all the excitement receded, there was inexpressible joy! - It seems to me that they look more like me, although they are still so small that it is too early to say. I spent the last week running and buying clothes for my daughters.”

Alexander Rafailovich Berdnikov is a Russian musician, member of the Roots group. Popularity came to Alexander after participating in the Star Factory project. Alexander Berdnikov comes from a gypsy family.

The musician was born on March 21, 1981 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. At the age of 5, the boy moved to Minsk with his parents. Music became a passion in childhood, so Alexander began to collect recordings of concerts of foreign stars, among which he was present. The famous "moonwalk" Alexander regularly honed.

Alexander Berdnikov in his youth

The boy learned to sing and dance. To achieve success, Berdnikov's training continued for several hours daily. Later, Alexander began to participate in dance competitions. At the age of 14, the singer went to the Czech Republic for an international contemporary dance competition.


As a child, Alexander was fond of dancing, but at the age of 16 he went over to the camp of singers. The voice of the teenager attracted members of the Syabry group from the Republic of Belarus. The result of the joint work was the recording of the song and the tour. School years ended, and Berdnikov went to conquer Moscow.

The young man from the first time entered GITIS at the pop faculty. In 2002, an advertisement was broadcast on television about a casting for the Star Factory. For Russia, the project is new, but the organizers promised to make show business stars out of talented guys. Alexander and this time proved his skill.

On the TV program, the producers gathered the male team "Roots". The group included, and Alexander Berdnikov. The guys managed to win the audience's love and win the main prize of the Star Factory.

The Roots group in 2003 began to conquer the international musical arena. Berdnikov and his comrades took part in the Eurobes competition, which was held in Cannes. Then the team was rated at 6th place. The loss in the competition did not overshadow the joyful event - the release of the group's disc "For the Ages". The musicians shot video clips for such songs as “I'm losing my roots”, “The birch was crying”, “You will recognize her”.

In 2004, Alexander Berdnikov participated in the television project of Channel One, The Last Hero. Only two years after the completion of the Star Factory, the team went on tour. Young people traveled all over Russia. At the same time, the single "Happy Birthday, Vika" was written and released into rotation. Gradually, Berdnikov's career as part of the Roots group was gaining momentum.

The musicians toured Russia, presented new songs and videos. And in 2006 they recorded the soundtrack for the television series "Kadetstvo", which was broadcast on the STS TV channel. Later there was another song used in the movie "Waiting for a Miracle".

In 2008, for the first time, the Roots group went on tour in the United States. Soon the team leaves several artists. From the original composition of the team, only Aleksey Kabanov and Alexander Berdnikov continue to work at present.

A musical career for Berdnikov is not the only source of inspiration, it is not for nothing that Alexander graduated from GITIS. A man is casting for Yuri Kara's project. The director planned to film Hamlet. Berdnikov got the role of Rosencrantz. In a modern interpretation, a young man must ride a motorcycle.

The cast of "Hamlet"

Immersion in the biker environment took place in the main Moscow club. There is an interesting history associated with this training. The first attempts ended in failure, the motorcycle did not want to obey Berdnikov. The regulars laughed aside at the process. At some point, a helmet flies off Alexander's head. Motorcycle owners immediately noted that this was a bad omen, but the musician proved the opposite.

Personal life

Alexander Berdnikov, a handsome man with a height of 178 cm, attracted girls of different ages. The mailbox after the end of the "Star Factory" was filled with anonymous notes in which young people confessed their love to the musician. Some came up after the concerts.

For the first time, Alexander met his future wife in Rostov-on-Don. In between tours, the young man came to visit friends. The girl was not a fan of the work of the Roots group, but she knew about the guys. Olga, that's the name of Berdnikov's chosen one, is a sociable young woman, so she quickly found a common language with the musician.

For a long time they called up and talked mainly by phone, as they lived in different cities. According to Alexander, he made an official proposal to his wife 2 months after they met. The nationality and upbringing of young people played an important role in this.

The future spouses did not see a joint life without a stamp in the passport. After registering the marriage, Olga moved to Moscow. Interestingly, the wedding took place according to gypsy customs. Just at that moment, conflicts began between the newlyweds. Differences were overcome fairly quickly thanks to compromises that both sides agreed to.

2 years after the wedding, in 2010, the daughter of Milan was born. An important event for the family took place in January, and already in July the girl was baptized in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, located in Starye Cheryomushki. The newly-made parents chose their relatives as godparents - brother Olya and sister Alexander.

In February 2012, Berdnikov again became a father. This time the couple had a son, who was named Marcel. The couple always wanted many children, so they did not stop at two kids. After 4 years, Alexander and Olga became the parents of twin girls, who received the names of Rose and Valentina.

Alexander Berdnikov now

At present, one cannot find high-profile roles in the biography of Alexander Berdnikov, and his musical career has stopped. Many critics argue that the Roots group is not able to show the level that it was immediately after the Star Factory. The guys, including Alexander, are regularly subjected to a flurry of criticism. But the musicians do not despair and continue to work, to please the fans.

Recently, Berdnikov decided to try himself in a new field - political. The man ran for deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. Alexander is a member of the Rodina party. The first elections in the musician's life were held in 2016, but he did not get the required number of votes.

Now, like many show business workers, Alexander Berdnikov is an active user of social networks, including "Instagram". The man regularly publishes not only photos of colleagues or family, but also videos from concerts and holidays.

The popular Russian singer Alexander Berdnikov became widely known among the Russian public, thanks to his participation in the 2002 Star Factory television program. He became one of the winners - finalists of this project and entered the Roots group formed on TV, which for several years was at the peak of fame, especially among young people, and successfully toured in our country and abroad. Alexander is a wonderful dancer and singer - these abilities are in his blood and were transmitted with gypsy genes. Alexander Berdnikov's wife is only half gypsy, she has a Russian mother.

Berdnikov met the 21-year-old blonde beauty Olga Mazhartseva in the spring of 2008, in Rostov, and at first in absentia. Arriving to rest with friends, he heard about a gypsy girl, very beautiful, unlike her fellow tribesmen due to the admixture of maternal blood, which made her blonde. Then they saw each other and liked each other very much. According to gypsy customs, a student and modest Olga came to a meeting with a group of friends, accompanied by her brother, and the young people did not manage to talk in private. Alexander could only take the girl's phone number. He went on tour to Germany, not even suspecting with what impatience Olga was waiting for his call. She both believed and doubted that Berdnikov would remember her.

But he did not forget, because when he saw Olga, he understood: he would like to unite his life with her forever. He even called his mother to tell her about how he liked the Rostov girl. Mother gave the go-ahead: “If so, come on, get to know each other!” Alexander at that time was already 27 years old and he still did not have a permanent girlfriend: only short-term, non-binding acquaintances. This does not happen in the gypsy environment, where decent people take on obligations that are always fulfilled. When they phoned Olga, they did not decide their fate for long. A month after they met, representatives of the Berdnikov family arrived in Rostov to woo a bride. The young people got engaged and Olga got the opportunity to come to her fiancé in Moscow.

After registering with the registry office, in the summer of 2002, Alexander and Olga got married: a gypsy wedding is for life "both in sorrow and in joy ... until God separates" and is observed to this day. More than 200 guests gathered, and the bride, in a dress and jewelry that Alexander chose himself, was dazzlingly beautiful. The young wife, despite the fact that she was a student at a financial institute with a degree in banking, was immediately determined to give her husband children. The financial resources of the family allowed her to postpone her studies: not only Alexander, but also his mother, who was engaged in business, earned good money. The first child in the family was Milana, born in 2010. In February 2012, she had a brother, Marcel.

Young spouses live in Moscow, together with their mother and grandmother, Alexander and Olga always have the opportunity to use their help in raising children. But she is not a burden to the household duties of a gypsy wife and she is happy to do all the housework in accordance with national traditions. According to them, Alexander should never do laundry, cooking, and other annoying little things at home: this is not a man's job according to the rules of gypsy ethics. Therefore, he continues to tour with his group, in which tangible changes have taken place since the beginning of their activity: they are now performing as a trio: Alexander Berdnikov, Alexei Kabanov, Dmitry Pakulichev. In 2009, Berdnikov starred as Rosencrantz in a modern interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet and often participates in concert programs and events.

True, taking advantage of the care and attention at once of “three beauties, as he calls his women, Alexander completely spoiled himself and now Olga half-jokingly - half-seriously, often reminds her husband that he should carefully monitor his weight. He also likes this: in relation to marital criticism, there are no specific regulations in gypsy families. The life of the Berdinikovs is amicable and fun, especially now that their family has replenished: in August 2016, Alexander and Olga had twin daughters, named Rosa and Valentina. Having become a father of many children at the age of 35, Alexander is very proud of his achievements and declares that he is not going to stop there: the gypsy family should be big. Moreover, the family of a person who is the leader of the youth of the national-cultural autonomy of Russian gypsies, and therefore an example for others.

The 29-year-old wife of Alexander Berdnikov is also not afraid of a large number of children. She is an excellent hostess and a caring mother, and besides, she is confident in her spouse, who is able not only to provide for her relatives financially, but also spares neither effort nor time to communicate with her growing heirs. Milana is already a schoolgirl and actively participates in amateur performances, Marcel, who recently celebrated his 5th birthday, is not far behind his older sister, and Rosa and Valentina have very little left until they take their first steps on earth. Olga sacrificed her career for the family and never regretted it. She feels like a perfectly happy wife and mother.

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