Alla Mikheeva: biography, personal life, husband, children (photo). Alla Mikheeva: “I found a common language with Ivan Urgant thanks to my dad

  1. Alla Mikheeva is considered by many to be a “television fool”, a real blonde with a low IQ level, who asks stupid questions to famous people. Some of Mikheeva's colleagues in the St. Petersburg theater "BUFF", with which the girl once collaborated, say that Alla behaves quite "directly" in everyday life.
  2. In 2014, Mikheeva participated in the popular television project "Ice Age" and showed her fighting qualities. Her partner on the ice was the famous figure skater Maxim Marinin. This couple took 3rd place in the show.
  3. The audience spoke enthusiastically about the performance of Mikheeva and her partner, and Tatyana Tarasova gave the popular TV presenter a playful nickname "mad dog", although the press wrote that the famous coach called the famous TV presenter a stronger word "moron".


The future star of "Sharp Reporting" was born in one of the Ukrainian cities in 1989. When she was little, her parents moved to Western Siberia in Mezhdurechensk. Then the family moved to the Northern capital.
Mikheeva's father's name is Andrey. His field of activity is tourism. Travelers studied with him:

  1. Tyva.
  2. Siberia.
  3. Altai and other places where a human foot rarely sets foot.

Andrey Mikheev organizes extreme rafting for tourists on fast rivers with rapids. Alla's mother's name is Maria. For a decade, she headed one of the technical universities in St. Petersburg.

Strict parenting

As a child, the girl was called "fast fox." The TV star has an older sister, Anna. They have a five year age difference. Parents were engaged in strict education of their daughters. They were assigned to work around the house. Girls:

  • stroked;
  • washed;
  • cleaned;
  • prepared to eat.

If the head of the family liked the dishes prepared by the daughters, then he “rewarded” them with pocket money. Alla still believes that her father greatly influenced her development in a positive way. While studying at school, the girl asked her to be called by her last name. Mikheev Sr. wanted the second child to be a boy. He dreamed of extending the lineage under his own name.

First steps on television

At the age of fourteen, Alla visited the Komissarzhevskaya Theater. The girl saw the production, which was based on the work "The Pit", written by Kuprin. Mikheeva dreamed for a long time about the role of Zhenya from this performance. After graduating from school, Alla decided to enter a theater university, but failed in the entrance exams.

In 2005, Mikheeva was accepted to Channel Five, where she worked for two years. Alla participated in the casting for one of the roles in the series "OBZH-2" and successfully passed the selection.
A little later, Alla was invited to the film "Rainy Season", but during the final editing all the scenes with her were cut out, but Mikheeva received invaluable experience in cinema.

Student years and theater BUFF

In 2008, the girl entered the theater academy. According to the teachers, Alla was a purposeful, persistent and stubborn student. When Mikheeva was in her second year, she entered the BUFF theater. Alla was busy in the productions of "L'amour in Serbian" based on the comedy "PhD", which was written by Branislav Nusic, and "Eliza" based on "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw. Together with her fellow students, Alla participated in the performance "Ship" Nadezhda "".

According to the artistic director of the BUFF cabaret, Isaac Shtokbant, Mikheeva is not suitable for serious roles. Alla did not acquire friends and lovers in the theater. In addition, as the press later wrote, some of her stage partners behind the girl's back made fun of her.


  • the famous TV presenter is today an enviable bride. Alla's colleagues on Channel One say that cameraman Sergei Kancher at first actively supported Mikheeva and worked on creating stories for Alla until they began to satisfy Ivan Urgant in quality;
  • the girl thanked her assistant with warm hugs, but as soon as she established herself in the evening show, she distanced herself from Kancher;
  • Mikheeva constantly attracts rich men who become her fans and give Alla foreign tours, a car, bouquets and expensive gifts.

Leading colleagues claim that she does not have any love relationship with Urgant. According to rumors, Alla started an affair with a wealthy but married businessman who owns a company that produces and sells plastic windows.

Mikheeva's corona exit

  1. In 2012, the awards ceremony took place at the Mikhailovsky Theater, where Mikheeva came in a beautiful outfit, the main feature of which was a long train. The authorship of this dress belongs to Alla's friend, designer Sofia.
  2. During the announcement of the winner in the next category, it turned out that he was Igor Rasteryaev, who served in the BUFF theater together with Mikheeva.
  3. But he was not in the hall that evening. The presenter Mikhail Shats asked Rasteryaev's acquaintances to receive the prize instead of him and later pass it on to Igor. At the call of Schatz, Alla rose to the stage for an award. Everyone present in the hall paid attention to the unique outfit.

How Urgant laid eyes on Mikheeva

After this release, the girl was invited to the presentation of the Golden Gramophone. Alla did an excellent job with this task. The prize from her hands was received by the members of the group "Degrees" as "the most rotated Russian group." The show was hosted by Ivan Urgant. According to Mikheeva, he really liked the dress that Alla again sewed by her designer friend Sofia. A little later, the girl received a call from Channel One and was invited to try herself as a correspondent for Sharp Reporting in the Evening Urgant program.

In addition, Mikheeva was a participant in the New Year's Eve on the First show, and in 2013 she starred in a candid photo shoot for the famous Maxim edition. The TV star can be seen in the Big Races program. In 2014, Alla entered the list of the fifty most famous Petersburgers.

What do you think of Alla Mikheeva? We are waiting for your answers!


Alla Andreevna Mikheeva(born February 7, 1989, Molodogvardeysk, Luhansk region, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian actress and TV presenter. Best series: Foreign area. — official website of Alla Mikheeva

Alla Mikheeva on Facebook:
Mikheeva, Alla on Twitter:
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Zodiac sign: Aquarius Eastern horoscope: Snake

In 2014 was nominated for the award "TOP 50. The most famous people of St. Petersburg" in the GEG nomination of the year together with Sergey Shnurov, Ivan Urgant and Ksenia Sobchak.

Since 2014, she has participated in the Ice Age-5 show (Channel One) paired with Maxim Marinin. They took 3rd place.

In 2014, she participated in the show "Big Races" (Channel One).

In 2015 she was a participant in the show "Together with Dolphins"(First channel).

In 2016, she replaced Irina Slutskaya paired with host Alexei Yagudin in the Ice Age (TV show).

Everything related to the personal life of this funny and very charming blonde is covered with a veil of secrecy - she is in no hurry to share with the public what is happening to her behind the scenes, but to answer the question of who husband of Alla Mikheeva still, it is possible, because, according to some assumptions, it can be said that the girl is not yet bound by marriage. The “Fast Fox”, as she calls herself, was born in the Ukrainian city of Molodogvardeysk on February 7, 1989, she spent her childhood in Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region, and later the family of the future TV presenter moved to St. Petersburg.

In the photo - Alla Mikheeva with her father

After graduation, Alla became a student at the Academy of Theater Arts. She dreamed of being an actress since childhood and never missed an opportunity to speak in front of numerous relatives who came to visit them. When Mikheeva, still a fourteen-year-old teenager, found out about the casting conducted by Channel Five for a role in the school television series OBZH-2, she immediately rushed to the television studio and was approved for a small role. Even before entering the Academy, Mikheeva managed to work on Channel Five, and later became an actress at the BUFF Music and Drama Theater. The young actress gained nationwide popularity after participating in the Evening Urgant project.

In the photo - on the program "Evening Urgant"

This program has completely changed Alla's lifestyle - she has to fly a lot, sometimes she makes up to eight flights a week to film stories for her Sharp Reportage. The girl says that when her dad came to the program, colleagues began to actively praise her, but her father wisely remarked that time would tell how talented his daughter was. She loves her father very much and wants Alla Mikheeva's future husband to be like him. She likes his sense of humor, which allows him to solve many problems. But Alla is in no hurry to radically change something in her life - she loves reporting from all over the world and interviewing celebrities, including even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, with whom she danced a slow dance. But most of all, Alla Mikheeva loves to communicate with ordinary people, whom she considers the most sincere and benevolent.


Hobbies: Alpine skiing, snowboarding.

Weight: 54 kg Height: 172 cm

Alla Mikheeva look photo (Yandex pictures)
Artem Gusyatinsky. Alla Mikheeva: “Always ready to help Ivan Andreevich with advice!”, Komsomolskaya Pravda (December 26, 2012)

Anatoly Lysenko. Anatoly Lysenko: Ivan Urgant has a good girl!, Interlocutor No. 20 (June 1, 2012).

2009 golden ratio Character name not specified
2012 alien area Lera
2015 Bet on love Character name not specified

Theatrical work
Roles in the musical and drama theater "Buff":
The play "Eliza" (based on the play by Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion"), roles - Eynsford Hill, Clara Hill;
The play "Doctor of Philosophy" (based on the play by Branislav Nusic), the role is Clara.

Alla Mikheevafrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The girl has a lot of fans among the representatives of the stronger sex, but in order to please Alla, they need to try very hard. She is sociable, but not in a hurry to make new acquaintances. Mikheeva says that she is a closed person and communicates closely only with people whose friendship has been tested by time and life. She has been called to marry more than once, but so far she has not met a man who could be called the husband of Alla Mikheeva. She always compares applicants for her hand and heart with her beloved dad, but so far she has not met a guy who has all the virtues inherent in her father - honesty, worldly wisdom, a sense of humor. In addition, Alla believes that it is still too early to tie the knot. She has already managed to try on wedding dresses, but so far only at photo shoots in wedding magazines, and, despite the fact that she was pleased to feel like a bride, the host of Sharp Reports is not in a hurry to get married.

September 29, 2016

After the filming of "Ice Age" in the media inflated the scandal. Allegedly, the producer of the show is extremely dissatisfied, if not completely disappointed, with the new host of the project, Alla Mikheeva

After the filming of "Ice Age" in the media inflated the scandal. Allegedly, the producer of the show is extremely dissatisfied, if not completely disappointed, with the new host of the project, Alla Mikheeva.

- The situation was presented in a slightly different vein. I am actually very glad that the winner of one of the last seasons, Alla Mikheeva, is the host of our project, - Ilya Averbukh commented specifically for our site. “For her, running such a big project is a debut. The debut is exciting. But Alla coped with this excitement. And I think her spontaneity, lightness, this organic will bribe viewers. She is an excellent interviewer and I think she will be even better in the future. Alla is the decoration of our project. And I would like to emphasize that I am very pleased with her.

We got through to the “debutante” herself and asked her to comment on the situation as well.

“All these are working moments,” Alla said. For me, this is the first great experience. Of course, I will try and improve. I really fell in love with the project during my participation in it. He became my third family (after a real family and Evening Urgant). I hope that my return to the "Ice Age" as a host will please not only me, but all viewers. Thanks to Ilya Izyaslavich for his trust and Alexei Yagudin for his patience!

Alla Mikheeva was born in Ukraine, and spent her childhood and youth in Mezhdurechensk. Her family was neither rich nor poor. As soon as she graduated from school, Alla moved to conquer theater universities. Twice reached the last round, but was able to enter only in the third year.


Once, a casting was announced on Channel Five: actors were recruited for the TV series OBZH-2. Mikheeva immediately responded. They say that the film crew was amused by her monologue about the talker girl, and the girl was approved for the role. After the film debut, Alla was invited to the film by Sergei Debizhev "Rainy Season". However, during editing, the role of Alla was cut out of the picture. But, having gained experience, Mikheeva was able to enter the theater, and in her second year she got a job at the musical and drama theater "Buff".

"Everyone is wondering: Is Alla as stupid in real life as she is on screen? I answer: "Yes!" She worked in a cabaret and always played ugly girls. She was on her mind. The whole troupe made fun of her. It was enough to approach with the words: "Alla, I have a serious conversation with you!" You should have seen her eyes! Mikheeva began to have a real panic. She had no friends in the theater, no lovers, either," Express Gazeta quotes theatrical lighting designer Fyodor Martynov.

Mikheeva’s teacher, artistic director of the Buff Theater Isaac Shtokbant noted that Alla was always very purposeful: “When she studied, I often thought that she couldn’t play anything serious. But Alla stood her ground - stubborn to impossibility. screen, you might think that in her personal life Alla is a windy girl. Popularity does its job - all sorts of temptations appear. Once she came to the theater in a luxury car - a Moscow fan brought it. But I call this the production costs of media personalities. It seems to me funny what Mikheeva is doing now in "Evening Urgant". The main thing is not to play too much and be able to stop in time".

By the way, there are persistent rumors on Channel One that the host of Sharp Reportage is having an affair with cameraman Sergei Kancher. As if the young man was the only one who supported her at first. “Urgant killed her first story. Mikheeva then roared like a beluga. And Serega was right there. Allochka spent all day with him. But if at first Mikheeva reciprocated, then she suddenly began to keep her distance - as soon as she was invited to the "Great Races", and then to the "Ice Age".The girl caught the star. Someone suspected that she was sleeping with Urgant. Bullshit! He does not look at her", - shared an employee of "Ostankino" Irina Malets.

However, she noted that Mikheeva has wealthy fans. Malets said: “They will send a chic bouquet with a courier, then they will give a car, then they will call for dinner, and some of them even paid for her vacation in the Emirates. she is especially close to a tough businessman who, among other things, has a highly publicized window company. I won’t name him – the man has a wife and young children. And, as I understand it, the wife is not particularly aware of his trips to the side. And our girl is not tense. Married until the desire to run does not burn. Enjoy life and today. What else do you need at 26?

She is a TV presenter, model and contemporary actress. She is a pretty fair-haired girl with a smile that almost never leaves her face. She received her first fame when she began to lead the “Sharp Reporting” column in the program of Ivan Urgant.

But the face of this girl became truly well-known after filming in a humorous advertisement for Beeline in tandem with Sergei Svetlakov. She is the personification of the poor quality of access to the World Wide Web, and Sergey, on the contrary, represented the corporate Internet, yellow-striped. The merry squabbles that Alla Mikheeva (her biography is the topic of the article) and Sergey Svetlakov constantly conduct among themselves have been broadcast on many channels of the country for more than one month.

Oh, this Allochka!

She always performs in the image of a "TV fool", a real blonde who looks rather stupid and constantly puts ridiculous and strange questions to many celebrities. But if you rely on the reviews of her colleagues at the St. Petersburg theater "BUFF", in which she served for several years, in the ordinary, everyday life of Alla Mikheeva, whose biography is an extravaganza of various events, exactly the same as on the screen - "immediate" and smiling.

And yet, despite all this, in the Ice Age show two years ago, the girl showed herself to be a real fighter, performing no worse than the rest of the participants. She went out on the ice in a pair with Maxim Marinin, an Olympic champion, and skating with him, became the winner of this project, winning 3rd place. The audience was delighted with each of her performances, giving the girl unceasing applause. And the long-term mentor of the participants in the show, Tatyana Tarasova, affectionately called her "mad dog."

Childhood. Family

Alla Mikheeva, a biography whose personal life is of genuine interest to many viewers now, was born on February 7, 1989. According to one information, this event took place in Ukraine, and in which city is unknown. According to another, it happened in the small Siberian city of Mezhdurechensk. In any case, she spent her childhood years there, in the Kemerovo region.

Her parents have nothing to do with television. Her mother is the rector of one of the technical universities, and her father (a professional athlete in the past) works as an agent in the field of extreme tourism. The family has another daughter, five years older, Anya.

From childhood, Alla Mikheeva, whose biography is of interest to the inhabitants, loved to look pretty and dress beautifully. True, this was not the only thing that interested her. The girl attended sports sections, played music, fell in love with skiing. Even now, she likes to go down the ski slope, especially if there are ski jumps.

"I'll be an actress!"

Alla was only fourteen when her family moved to St. Petersburg. One day she saw a theatrical production and realized that she really wanted to become an actress. She managed to enter the local theater institute on the third attempt. This was in 2008. By that time, Alla Mikheeva (biography, her personal life is often discussed on the Internet) already had some experience in television programs and called herself a professional. She began her activity in 2005 at the Channel 5 TV and Radio Company.

The girl understood how to use her extraordinary acting talent correctly and where to successfully use it 6 years ago when she went on tour with the BUFF acting group. At that time, she played in the performances of "Eliza" and "Doctor of Philosophy".

After the "Ship" project, Alla Mikheeva became quite recognizable. Her biography began to attract the interest of the audience. At the same time, her debut appearance on the screen in the film "Golden Ratio" took place. The next time the audience saw Mikheeva only a couple of years later in another film - "Alien District". True, it was only an episodic role.

On Pervoi with Urgant...

In 2012, Alla Mikheeva reached unprecedented popularity. Personal life, husband, photos of them together or separately - all this has been of interest to ordinary people for years. And not by accident. Many people wonder what her husband would be like, who could withstand such a huge waterfall of Alla's energy.

This happened after her participation in the Golden Gramophone award ceremony of one of the modern groups. The host was Ivan Urgant, who spotted an unconventionally behaving girl and after a while invited her to his program. From that moment on, Alla began to write the “Sharp Reporting” column (she interviewed many famous people), which showed her as sweet, funny, periodically falling into “the wrong notes”. But the audience loved it. Now Mikheeva calls herself a "fast fox", drawing parallels with her Western colleagues, who very accurately feel when all sorts of "hot" events occur.

The TV format of today very quickly adopted a new diva. And its pearls were taken away by users of the World Wide Web at the same second to their pages.

...and with Marinin

The autumn of 2014 was expected by Russian audiences with some trepidation. Indeed, according to the tradition that has developed over the past ten years, the beginning of each September was marked by the release of the next season of the Ice Age. This year was no exception.

When the premiere day came, twelve couples took to the ice, which from the next release became rivals according to the scenario. One of the duets was the figure skater Maxim Marinin and Alla Mikheeva (she and her husband, despite the expectation of her fans, have not been published until today for a simple reason - the girl is not yet married and is in no hurry to tie the knot).

That summer, she put on skates for the first time, but she managed to master them pretty quickly. A little later, she admitted that she deliberately chose an Olympic champion as her partner. Maxim, before the project, did not know anything about his partner.

Knowing Alla from her previous teleworks, many thought that nothing special could be expected from her. But ... How wrong the incredulous spectators were! After the first two episodes of the show, the audience roared with delight, watching the extraordinary performances of this couple. Even Tatyana Tarasova admitted that the duet of Alla and Maxim was the most beloved this season.

Alla's diligence and Maxim's coaching abilities did not go unnoticed: they won bronze. Moreover, many have noticed that this fair-haired "television fool" is quite sweet, sociable, with a great sense of humor and crazy performance.

Also, Alla Mikheeva (she will not appear in front of her fans soon with her husband and children) took part in the projects “Together with Dolphins” and “Big Races”.

Personal life is personal ... Not for everyone

About her personal life, Alla Mikheeva (with her husband - real or fictional - several photographs appeared on the expanses of the World Wide Web, and the girl did not give any comments on this) prefers not to say anything.

At first, Sergei Kancher, the cameraman of Sharp Reports, was put in the place of her soulmate. They said that it was he who supported her when she failed the casting at Urgant. So it was or not, but there are many photos of them together on the Internet. They said that this fair-haired boy is her secret husband. A little later, all doubts were dispelled: when the girl became recognizable, she stopped all communication with Sergei.

Maxim Marinin was named the next contender, supposedly they made a very beautiful couple on ice, maybe in real life...

Another alleged husband was called Sergei Svetlakov (showman, actor), because it seemed to the townsfolk that they played the scenario of Megafon commercials too warmly. But this turned out to be untrue, despite the huge number of common photographs. Their teamwork was successful, but only on the screen.

Photos showing Alla Mikheeva with her husband and children are unlikely to be seen by her fans in the near future. Yes, yes, it may be hard to believe, but this fair-haired beauty is still not married.

Alla herself believes that her future chosen one should be smart, courageous, they should have the same interests.

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