Analysis of the chapter "Crossing" from the poem "Vasily Terkin. Glorification of the military feat in the poem by A.T.


"A book about a fighter" ("Vasily Terkin") by Alexander Tvardovsky became a folk book during the war, because its author managed to tell about the war through the mouth of a soldier, on whom the greatness of Russia and its freedom have always been and will be kept. Even such an overly strict connoisseur as I. A. Bunin, who was openly hostile to Soviet literature, admired "Terkin" and the talent of its author. The features of the wartime determined the artistic originality of the poem: it consists of separate chapters that are not plot-related (“There is no plot in war,” the author says), each of which tells about some episode from the combat life of the protagonist. This composition of the work is also due to the fact that it was published in front-line newspapers, on separate leaflets, and the reader was not able to follow the plot - who knows if the “continuation” of the story of Terkin will get to him, because war is war, you can’t guess here ...

Analysis of the chapter "Crossing"

In the chapter "Crossing" Tvardovsky defines the difference between this war and all previous ones: "The battle is holy and right. A mortal battle is not for the sake of glory, For the sake of life on earth." These words express the author's position, the author's assessment of what is happening, which determines both his view of the events and characters, and his attitude towards them. The feat of Terkin, described in this chapter, became an integral part of the general feat of the "guys" who completed their task at the cost of losses: "This night, a bloody trail was carried into the sea by a wave." The “first platoon” that “clung” to the right bank was not left to the mercy of fate, they remember and worry about it, feeling their guilt: “As if someone on the left bank is to blame for something.” And at this dramatic moment, when the fate of the soldiers remaining on the foreign bank is unknown, Terkin appears, having swum across the winter river (“Yes, water .. It’s scary to think. It’s cold even for fish”) in order to report “The platoon on the right bank is alive and well in spite of enemy!" After he announces the readiness of the first platoon to "secure the crossing", Terkin returns to his comrades, again exposing himself to mortal danger, because his comrades are waiting for him - and he must return.

Analysis of the chapter "Two Soldiers"

The chapter "Two Soldiers" in a humorous spirit shows the connection between generations, which keeps the fighting spirit of the army. Terkin, a soldier of the current war, and the "grandfather-owner", who won back his own, gave his debt to the fatherland, quickly find a common language, and this happens not only because Terkin easily and simply solves all "economic problems", but because both they are the defenders of the Motherland, and their conversation is "the conversation ... of a soldier." This half-joking conversation, in which each of the interlocutors strives to "pin" the other, actually concerns a very important topic - the outcome of the current war, the most important issue that can only worry any Russian person now: "Answer: we will beat the German Or, maybe, shall we not eat?" This question is asked by an old soldier to Terkin, and Terkin's answer, given by him when the soldier, preparing to leave, was already "at the very door", is short and precise: "We'll beat you, father ...". Here the author remarkably uses punctuation marks: the ellipsis at the end of the sentence deprives this answer of "official patriotism", it shows that Terkin knows how difficult the path to victory will be, but he is also sure that victory will definitely come, that the Russian soldier will be able to achieve it. From such an intonation of reflection and confidence at the same time, the words of the hero acquire a special meaning, become especially weighty. The author ends the obviously humorous chapter (one suggestion by Terkin to "help" the old woman fry lard is worth something!) With serious, hard-won words of the hero that reach the reader's heart and become his own conviction in victory.

Analysis of the chapter "Duel"

The chapter "Duel" is of particular importance in the poem "Vasily Terkin", because in it the author shows hand-to-hand combat, a one-on-one fight between Terkin and a German who "was strong and dexterous, Well-cut, well-tailored," but in this fight both Russia and Germany, their armies, would converge in generalized, but individual images: "Like on an ancient battlefield, Chest to chest, like a shield to a shield, - Instead of thousands, two fight, As if a fight will decide everything." It turns out that the outcome of the entire war depends on the outcome of this duel of Vasily Terkin, and the hero understands this, he gives this fight all his strength, he is ready to die, but only together with the enemy. The description of the duel in some places seems to be epic in nature, in some places it is naturalistic, but the hero knows that his moral superiority over the enemy ("Are you a man? No. Scoundrel!", says Terkin about the German and proves this by describing the "exploits" of this warrior) should help him, he feels the powerful support of the whole country, the whole people: "A brave guy is fighting to the death. So the smoke is damp, As if the whole country-power Sees Terkin: - Hero!" Tvardovsky shows that the origins of the courage and heroism of the Russian soldier lie precisely in this - in the feeling and understanding of his unity with the people, in the awareness of himself as part of the people, which makes it impossible to retreat in battle, no matter how difficult this battle may be.

Analysis of the chapter "Who shot?"

Chapter "Who shot?" begins with a description of the landscape, a “wonderful evening”, which belongs not to war, but to peaceful life, and this evening “alarmed” the soldiers who were accustomed to war and now, as it were, have returned to that peaceful life for which they are fighting. They seem to be transferred to this peaceful life, but "with a terrible roar" a German plane appears, which brings death with it, and the pictures of peaceful life recede before the fear of death: "Now you're covered, Now you're gone." However, the author, understanding the reasons for this fear, still cannot agree that it is proper for a Russian soldier to be afraid of death: "No, comrade, evil and proud, As the law tells a fighter, Death face to face ...". And one of the soldiers responds to his words, who "knees from the rifle into the plane", and this "battle is unequal, the battle is short" ends with the German plane crashing into the ground with a "corkscrew"! The detail is magnificent: "The shooter himself looks with fear: What did he do by chance!" The chapter ends with the words of Terkin, addressed to the sergeant, who said that "the guy is lucky, Look - and the order is like from a bush": "- Do not worry, this German has - Not the last plane ...", and the author's humor helps to avoid unnecessary reasoning about heroism, about the feat that Terkin really did, and the author shows that the hero’s feat is not that he shot down a plane (this just could have been an accident), but that he managed to overcome his fear, defy death and defeat it.

Analysis of the chapter "Death and the Warrior"

One of the most psychologically deep chapters of the poem "Vasily Terkin" by Tvardovsky is the chapter "Death and the Warrior", in which the author shows the hero at perhaps the most difficult moment of his life: Terkin is seriously wounded, he is delirious, and in this delirium Death comes to him , with whom he talks and which convinces him that he himself should give up life: "We need a sign of one consent, That you are tired of saving life, That you pray for the hour of death ...". Complete surrender of the hero - if he himself begins to ask Death to "take" him, so she persuades him to give up the fight for life, explaining that it may happen that he will be picked up, and "you will regret that you did not die Here, on the spot, without hassle ..." The weakened hero seems to be surrendering to the persuasion of Death ("'And with Death, it has become beyond human strength to argue"), but he wants to bargain with her for at least one day "to walk among the living", but she refuses him this. This refusal is perceived by the hero as a sign that he must continue to fight for his life: "So go away, Kosaya, I am a soldier still alive." These words of the hero were not taken seriously by Death, she was sure that he would not get away from her, she was even ready to follow the fighters from the funeral team, who became orderlies and deliver the wounded to the medical battalion. The conversations of the soldiers - half-dead and those who save him ("They take care, they carry with caution"), giving him their gloves and the warmth of their souls, made Death "for the first time" think that she is not omnipotent, that her strength must retreat and is retreating before the strength of human souls, before the strength of the soldier's brotherhood, therefore she has to "reluctantly" give a "respite" to the wounded, who is torn out of her hands by the same simple soldiers as himself. In this chapter of Tvardovsky's work "Vasily Terkin", which we analyzed, the author managed to show the unshakable strength of a soldier who will never be alone and can always count on the help and support of his comrades in arms, in the common struggle for the freedom of the Motherland.

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote an outstanding work about the war - the poem "Vasily Terkin".

The literary hero of Tvardovsky rightfully deserved to have a monument erected to him. Indeed, along with him, millions of those who in one way or another resembled Vasily, who loved their country and did not spare their blood, who found a way out of a difficult situation and knew how to brighten up front-line difficulties with a joke, who liked to play or listen to music on a halt, receive a monument.

Who was Vasily Terkin? A simple fighter, which you can often meet in a war. Tvardovsky himself says of him:

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be frank:

Just a guy himself.

He is ordinary.

The work of Alexander Trifonovich is written in an easy, figurative, folk language. His poems are remembered by themselves. The author suggests:

In a word, a book from the middle

And let's start. And it will go there.

And he does not lose heart. Live and enjoy life. Today, this quality is so lacking for many people. Terkin cannot but rejoice with his love of life. After all, he

In the kitchen - from the place, from the place - into battle.

Smokes, eats and drinks with gusto

Any position.

He can swim across an icy river, dragging, straining, tongues. But here is a forced stop, "and the frost - neither stand nor sit down ...". And Terkin played on someone else's accordion.

And from that old harmonica,

Who was left an orphan

It suddenly got warmer

On the front road.

Terkin is the soul of a soldier's company. It is not for nothing that his comrades are so fond of listening to his playful, and sometimes very serious stories. Here they lie in the swamps, where the "wet" infantry is already dreaming even about "at least death, but dry". And Terkin grins and begins a long discussion. He says that as long as a soldier feels the elbow of a comrade, he is strong. Behind him is a battalion, regiment, division. And then the front. What is there - the whole of Russia!

He had such talent. Such a talent that comrades laughed while lying in dampness, it became easier for them.

In the chapter "Terkin - Terkin" we meet another fighter with the same surname and the same name, and he is also a hero. There were many such heroes on the roads of war.

However, the guy though where.

Guy like that

In each company there is always

Yes, and in every platoon.

Real fighters like Terkin are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of risk. They fight for their Motherland and perform feats without thinking about the reward, but "for the sake of life on earth."

Vasily Terkin has become one of the favorite literary heroes of many readers. In the image of Terkin, Tvardovsky portrays the best features of the Russian character - courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism and great devotion to his native land.

Our mother earth is ours,

Glorification of the military feat in the poem (chapter "Duel").

Tvardovsky's goal in writing the poem was to depict the military labor of a simple Russian soldier, four years of people's lives in war conditions, when heroic deeds are not performed every day, but the very desire to live and win, bringing Victory Day closer over the fascist invaders, is a feat.
An ordinary guy Vasily Terkin, like all soldiers, participated in the battles, had to risk his life, endure mortal fatigue when moving to new positions and spend the night either in the trenches or right on the ground, “shielding from death with only his own black back.” The strength of the spirit of the Soviet soldier, his high sense of duty to people and to the country, that special patriotism characteristic of the participants in the Great Patriotic War, Tvardovsky showed in the chapter "Duel".

Vasily Terkin, who was returning from reconnaissance, had to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the German. In some ways, this duel resembles a fight with a leopard in Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri". The enemy is also stronger, more powerful, more trained, but the person who wins is the one whose desire for freedom, thirst for life and will to win is higher than that of the enemy.

The German was strong and agile,
Well tailored, well sewn ...

Well-fed, shaved, cherished,
Fed with gratuitous goodness ...

Turkin knew that in this fight
He is weaker: not those grubs.

But also a German with his left eye
Does not conduct observations.

During the duel, Terkin becomes more and more embittered, recalling to the enemy how arrogantly and cruelly the Germans behave on Russian soil:

You arrange your...

With the old woman to cope in force ...

Vasily convinces both himself and the German that the Nazis are not people, but beasts, criminals who encroached on the lives of millions of people, on their land and on their good. That's why

The brave guy fights to the death ...
Like the whole country-power
Sees Terkin:
- Hero!

The guy pulls himself up, realizing that ostentatious prowess does not suit him:
That's not what you're going to die for
For someone to see.

Of course, the fighter wanted his comrades to know how bravely he fought, but this is not the main thing. Therefore, he is glad to have defeated a strong opponent and to be alive. He is also sure of how joyfully his brother-soldiers will meet him:

See, know that everyone you meet -
Transverse - this is your own,
Not familiar, but heartily glad,
That you returned alive.

A.T. Tvardovsky showed both the routine of military prowess and the greatness, the heroism of a soldier in the war, when

A terrible battle is going on, bloody,
Mortal combat is not for glory,
For life on earth.

The author of the poem "Vasily Terkin" constantly emphasizes the "ordinary" nature of his hero. He created the image of a soldier, taking the typical personality traits characteristic of many guys called to defend the Fatherland. The author's goal was to create a familiar image of an ordinary, who did not think about heroism, but was ready for a feat, so as not to let the enemy pass to his father's house. And this goal has been achieved. This was confirmed by letters to the editor from front-line soldiers who reported that such a guy was serving in their company, whom Tvardovsky wrote about, only his name and surname were different.

Terkin does not have a real prototype, because this is a collective image that has absorbed the common qualities of the character of a Russian soldier: courage and resourcefulness, perseverance and selflessness, optimism and love for the Motherland. At first glance, you can not notice anything remarkable in his appearance:
"... Just a guy by himself, he is an ordinary one ..."

The feat of a soldier in the war is shown in the poem as everyday, stubborn and hard military labor, when you have to dig trenches, and crawl through mud or snow, and shoot, and again overcome obstacles, perhaps even by swimming. It is not easy for a person to endure the hard everyday life of the war. In moments of rest, if you think only about losses, suffering, difficulties, you won’t gain strength for a new battle. It saved the ability to be distracted, to remember something good, to joke, as Vasily did:

A man of simple leaven,
That in battle is no stranger to fear ...

Serious, funny
He comes - a saint and a sinner ...

The confidence of such guys in the rightness of their military work and duty to the Motherland gave them strength, and they again went into battle "not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on Earth."
The proof that the author's intention (to show the "commonness" of the hero) was successfully implemented in the poem was the enormous popularity of Terkin. A.T. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" received nationwide recognition, and above all among the participants in the Great Patriotic War themselves.


Zoya! I am not a literary critic. I am a simple rhymer.
I hardly write prose. This is beyond me.
But I have my own opinion. In my concept:
in the 20th century the best novel written in Russia
This is Quiet Don. The best poem is "Vasily Terkin".
The best fairy tale in verse by Leonid Filatov
"About Fedot the Archer".

Yuriy, I can agree with your sympathies!
These are really very good and powerful works.
Thanks for reading and responding.

Already in the first chapter of his poem, Tvardovsky declares that one cannot live in a war without such a person as Terkin. Why did the hero deserve the author's sympathy so much? Let's try to figure this out.

Vasily Terkin is an experienced soldier. "Not the first shoes without a repair" he has to wear. However, the hero does not lose heart. Being on a halt, he gathers a crowd of comrades around him and starts some kind of story. Most often fun.

B alaguru look in the mouth,

The word is eagerly caught.

With his jokes, Terkin raises the general mood, makes you forget about all the hardships and smile. “It's good that there is such a guy on a hike,” the author states.

The image of Terkin is typical. Tvardovsky himself says that there are always such “in every company, and in every platoon,” and their role in the great victory is enormous. After all, it is “on the spirit of the army” that the “outcome of the battle” depends, and the Terkins know how to raise this spirit.

Outwardly, the hero is unremarkable. He is an ordinary guy, not endowed with "excellent beauty", but in the war he is a "hero-hero".

The image of Terkin is clearly revealed in the chapter "Re-rights". Risking his own life, he swims across the icy river, which saves his comrades. In a critical situation, Terkin does not change his sense of humor. Barely recovering from such a crossing, he jokes. The hero does not think about the fact that he has accomplished a real feat, does not boast of it.

Worthy of admiration is the behavior of Terkin, described in the chapter "Terkin is wounded." For days he alone holds the defense and almost loses his life. With the last of his strength, talking with his “friends” who arrived in time, Terkin still manages to joke. In another episode, Terkin one on one enters into a duel with a German. Their powers are not equal. But Terkin understands that "Russia, mother-old woman" he "cannot be lost in any way." The hero is ready to meet death face to face. He believes that “praying with one’s face is not good in war” and boldly knocks out a German plane from a rifle.

The hero performs his exploits "not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth." He treats receiving the award with humor. She is not important to him.

I do not need, brothers of the order,

I don't need fame

And I need, my Motherland is sick,

Native side!

This is how he motivates his truly heroic deeds.

The accordion is a folk instrument, and its importance at the front can hardly be overestimated. The accordion unfolds - the Russian soul unfolds, and then the Russian man is ready for anything, ready to give his life for a piece of his native land. The accordion in Terkin's hands sings especially loudly. He is irreplaceable here. The "memorable motif" makes the fighters forget about the fierce cold and the death of many comrades, and they all unanimously rush into a dance, hot, passionate, Russian.

The author admires his hero not only at the front, but also in everyday life. Terkin has golden hands. He will easily fix any breakdown, fix the malfunction, and all this with jokes, with humor. The ability to maintain presence of mind in any situation is the most important feature of Ter-kin. He infects other fighters with his optimism and love of life when there is a fight in the swamp, and in many other episodes.

And the younger fighters

That for the first time they go like this

At this hour, everything is more expensive

Know one thing, That Terkin is here.

Terkin's love of life is amazing. He behaves confidently and boldly in a conversation with Death.

I will cry, howl in pain,

Dying in the field without a trace

But you are willing

I will never give up.

With these words, the hero defeats Death. Terkin calls himself "a great lover of life."

The image of Terkin combines those national and universal features that the Russian people needed to win. “The symbol of the victorious people,” wrote researcher Yu. Burtin ,— became in Tvardovsky's poem an ordinary man, an ordinary soldier. His life and military work, his experiences and thoughts made the poet understandable and close to us, his modest feat is glorified, he awakened a living feeling of respect, gratitude and love for him.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky wrote an outstanding work about the war - the poem "Vasily Terkin". The book was very fond of almost everyone who read it, and this is no coincidence: after all, no one had written about the Great Patriotic War before Tvardovsky. Many outstanding commanders published their own books, in which they talked about the plans for grandiose battles, about the movements of armies, about the intricacies of military art. The military leaders knew and saw what they wrote about, and they had every right to cover this particular side of the war.

But there was another life, a soldier's, about which you need to know no less than about strategy and tactics. It is very important to understand the problems, experiences and joys of ordinary people. It is probably hard to imagine for a person who did not take part in the war the life of a simple soldier. Tvardovsky tells us about her very truthfully, without embellishment, without holding back anything. The writer himself was at the front, learned about everything firsthand.

Tvardovsky understood that the victory over Germany consisted of feats accomplished by ordinary people, ordinary soldiers, such as the main character of his poem, Vasily Terkin. Who was Vasily Terkin? A simple fighter, which you can often meet in a war. Do not occupy him with a sense of humor, because

In a one minute war

Can't live without a joke

Jokes of the most unwise.

Tvardovsky himself says of him:

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be frank:

Just a guy himself.

He is ordinary.

However, the guy though where.

Guy like that

In each company there is always

Yes, and in every platoon.

In the chapter "Terkin - Terkin" we meet another fighter with the same surname and the same name, and he is also a hero. Terkin speaks of himself in the plural, thus showing that he is a collective image:

And more than once in the usual way,

By the roads, in the dust of the columns,

I was partially scattered

And partially destroyed ...

The first feat of Terkin, which we learn about, is an escape from German captivity. In those days, he could be shot for not committing suicide. This is what the leadership of the country called for all the prisoners in Germany. But what is the fault of a person who has fallen into the hands of enemies? He didn't do it of his own free will. I think that because of this attitude of the country towards those who were captured (by the way, many were taken because of the miscalculations of the leaders, especially in the first months of the war), unfortunate people went over to the side of the Nazis. But Terkin was not afraid, he fled from there to once again defend the Motherland from the enemy. Despite this, he felt guilty:

Went into any house

Like something to blame

Before her. And what could he!

Yes, indeed, he could not do anything, the circumstances were so. We see that often in war, fighters feel guilty because someone died. When, during the crossing, one of the platoons remained on the enemy shore, other soldiers avoided talking about it:

And the guys are silent about him

In the combat native circle,

Like something to blame

Who is on the left bank.

The soldiers no longer hoped to see their comrades alive, mentally said goodbye to them, and suddenly the sentinels saw some point in the distance. Of course, they discuss what they saw, express different opinions, but they don’t even dare to think that someone could swim alive from the other side.

But the fact of the matter is that Terkin again committed a heroic deed - he got to his own through icy water, which is "cold even for fish." By doing this, he saved the life of not only himself, but also the whole platoon, for which people were sent.

Terkin acted very courageously, not everyone would dare to do such a thing. The soldier asked the colonel for a second glass of vodka: "there are two ends." Terkin cannot leave his friends in the dark, so he swims back to the other side to please them with a successful outcome of his journey. And the danger for him is not only the cold, but also “guns strike in pitch darkness”, because

The fight is holy and right

Mortal combat is not for glory

For life on earth.

Protecting life on earth is the main business of a soldier, and sometimes you have to sacrifice your own life and health for this. In war, one cannot do without wounds, and Terkin did not escape this. He got into the "cellar" to the Germans to check if the cannon was firing from there. The German who was sitting there fired and hit Terkin in the shoulder. Terkin spent a terrible day, "deafened by a heavy rumble", losing blood. His own guns hit him, and dying from his own is even worse than from enemies.

Only a day later they found him, bleeding, "with an earthy face." Needless to say, Terkin might well not have gone there, because no one forced him to go to the enemy alone.

Terkin's attitude to the award is interesting:

- No, guys, I'm not proud,

Without thinking into the distance

So I will say: why do I need an order?

I agree to a medal.

Everywhere and always there are people who strive for high awards, this is the main goal of their life. Of course, there were enough of these in the war. Many of the skin climbed, just to get the order. And usually these are people who do not really like to risk their lives, but rather sit at the headquarters, curry favor with their superiors. As we understand from the words of the hero himself, he even needs a medal not for boasting, but as a memory of the war, and he deserved it:

Provide, since I am worthy.

And you must understand:

The matter is the simplest

The man came from the war.

In my opinion, the refusal of the order is also a kind of feat. Terkin had a terrible duel with a German:

So converged, grappled close,

What are already clips, disks,

Machine guns - to hell, away!

If only a knife could help.

They fight one on one, "like on an ancient battlefield." Tvardovsky was well aware that such a struggle is completely different, here everyone relies only on their own strength, it is like a return to the origins of martial art.

The outcome of any battle depends not only on the physical strength of the opponents, but ultimately all feelings and emotions decide. And in hand-to-hand combat, this dependence of the result of the struggle on feelings is even more pronounced. At the beginning of the "Duel" chapter, the author shows the physical superiority of the German, "fed with gratuitous goods." But Terkin was angered by the fact that someone dares to show up in Russian homes, demand food for himself, restore “their own order” in the country. And Terkin was even more spurred on by the fact that the German swung his helmet at him:

Oh, how are you!

Fight with a helmet?

Well, aren't people mean!

And this action of the German decided everything, the outcome of the struggle was clear. Terkin took the "tongue" - the prey of the night. He again accomplished the feat by winning a terrible duel. Perhaps the most terrifying part of The Book of the Fighter is the chapter on Death and the Warrior. It tells how death came to our hero, who "lay uncollected." Death persuaded him to surrender to her, but Terkin courageously refused, although it cost him a lot of effort. Death does not want to lose its prey so easily and does not leave the wounded. Finally, when Terkin began to yield a little, he asked Death a question:

I'm not the worst and I'm not the best

That I will die in the war.

But at the end of it, listen.

Will you give me a day off?

From these words of the soldier, we understand that it is not even life that is most dear to him, he is ready to part with it, but he needs to see the victory of the Russians, he did not doubt it even at the very beginning of the war. Participation in the war against fascism, this most terrible and greatest event of the 20th century, is the main business of his life. Real fighters like Terkin are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of risk. They just fight and perform feats without thinking about the reward - the feats of a man in war.

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