Analysis of the lesson on fairy tales. Self-analysis of GCD on reading fiction "Literary Lounge" Books in our library


1. Methods of familiarization with fiction for preschool children.

The value of fiction in the development of preschool children

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. And in preschool childhood, the foundation is laid, on which all subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based. Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic education of children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech. It enriches the emotions, educates the imagination and gives the child excellent examples of the literary language.

Researchers note such a feature of the artistic perception of the child as activity, deep empathy for the heroes of the works.

For example, together with the heroes of a fairy tale, children experience a sense of fear in tense dramatic moments, a sense of relief, satisfaction when justice is won.

Direct empathy for the characters, the ability to follow the development of the plot, the comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shifters, fables.

Traditionally, in the methodology of speech development, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book in kindergarten:

    reading and telling fiction; memorizing poems in the classroom;

    the use of literary works and works of oral folk art outside of classes, in various activities.

Consider the method of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom.

M. M. Konina identifies several types of classes:

1. Reading or telling one work.

2. Reading several works united by a single theme (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or a unity of images (two tales about a fox). You can combine works of one genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (mystery, story, poem). In these classes, new and already familiar material is combined.

3. Combining works belonging to different types of art:

Reading a literary work and looking at reproductions from a painting by a famous artist;

Reading (better than a poetic work) in combination with music.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material:

Reading and storytelling with toys (re-telling of the fairy tale "Three Bears" is accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them);

table theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, according to the fairy tale "Turnip");

· puppet and shadow theatre, flannelograph;

filmstrips, slides, films, TV shows.

5. Reading as part of a speech development lesson:

It can be logically connected with the content of the lesson (riddles);

Reading can be an independent part of the lesson (re-reading of poems or a story as a consolidation of the material).

In the methodology of classes, it is necessary to highlight such issues as preparation for the lesson and methodological requirements for it, a conversation about what has been read, re-reading, and the use of illustrations.

Preparation for the lesson includes the following points:

reasonable choice of a work, taking into account the age of children, current educational work with children and the time of year, as well as the choice of methods for working with a book;

preparation of the educator for reading the work. It is necessary to read the work in such a way that the children understand the main content, the idea and emotionally experience what they have heard (feel it).

For this purpose, it is required to conduct a literary analysis of a literary text: to understand the main intention of the author, the nature of the characters, their relationships, and the motives of actions.

Next comes work on the expressiveness of the transmission: mastering the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness (basic tone, intonation); arrangement of logical stresses, pauses; development of correct pronunciation, good diction.

The preparatory work includes the preparation of children. Explanation of unfamiliar words is a mandatory technique that provides a full perception of the work.

The methodology for conducting a lesson in artistic reading and storytelling and its construction depend on the type of lesson, the content of literary material and the age of the children. The structure of a typical lesson can be divided into three parts. In the first part, an acquaintance with the work takes place, the main goal is to provide children with a correct and vivid perception through the artistic word. In the second part, a conversation is held about what has been read in order to clarify the content and literary and artistic form, means of artistic expression. In the third part, repeated reading of the text is organized in order to consolidate the emotional impression and deepen the perceived.

Show illustrations
A book intended for a preschool child must contain illustrations. The illustrations in such a book occupy an equal place with the text, because the child himself does not read, the book addresses him primarily with a picture. Among the illustrators of children's books there are wonderful artists: V. Lebedev (books by S. Ya. Marshak "Children in a Cage", "Color Book", etc.), E. Charushin (books "Big and Small" by E. Charushin, L. N Tolstoy "Three Bears"), E. Rachev (tales "Two Greedy Bears", "Mitten"), D. Shmarinov (N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares").
In cases where the illustrations in the book are large, clearly visible from a distance, they can be shown to children in class.
For older children, it is recommended to buy the same work, but with drawings by different artists, for example, "Moydodyr" by K. Chukovsky with drawings by V. Suteev, Yu. Uzbyakov.
Different drawings for one work will sharpen the interest of children, they begin to examine, compare, discuss, sometimes even argue more carefully.
In the group of six-year-olds, it is recommended to conduct several lessons during the year on examining illustrations in books known to children. The following books can be recommended for such activities: “Uncle Styopa” by S. Mikhalkov (artist D. Dubinsky), “When it happens” by A. Rylov (author and artist), “Different Wheels” by V. Suteev (author and artist).
Thanks to such activities, children's interest in the book is fixed, taste and aesthetic perception are brought up, perseverance and focused attention appear. In addition, children will learn what a cover, page, binding is.

After-reading conversations with children are held to enhance the impact of the work of art on the mind and feelings of children in order to enable them to remember and relive the content of the book.
1. Conversation-answers to the question posed by the author.
2. Conversation in connection with the reading.
When the content of the work is to some extent connected with the children's own impressions or facts from their lives, the teacher, after reading, directs the children to make statements about their impressions and observations. After reading to the children a poem by E. Blaginina “That's what a mother is,” you can offer the children: “Tell me how your mother dressed you up for the holiday.”
A conversation after reading a story or a fairy tale on the questions of a teacher is one of the methodological methods of teaching children storytelling and helps memorize the text.
The teacher must prepare questions for such a conversation in advance so that, answering the questions, the children consistently and fully convey the content of the work. When conducting such a lesson, it is necessary to achieve the active participation of all children in it, without requiring an exhaustive answer from one child. If the child answered briefly and did not convey the entire content in his answer, additional questions are asked, other children are called. If necessary, the teacher himself recalls what the children have forgotten, expressively quoting certain places in the book.

Methods of memorizing poems

When memorizing poems with children, the educator sets himself several tasks at once: to arouse interest in the poem and the desire to know it, help to understand the content in general and individual difficult places and words, ensure memorization, teach to read expressively in front of the audience, cultivate love for poetry.

When selecting poems for memorization, their volume is taken into account: 1-2 stanzas for younger groups, a little more for older ones. The lists of works recommended by the Kindergarten Education Program provide a selection of works for children to memorize. In addition, the teacher himself can select poems from newly published ones, taking into account the interests of the children. On average, children memorize 1-2 poems per month (in class).

The structure of the lesson for memorizing poems has much in common with the structure of the lesson for retelling, where children also learn to expressively convey the text they have heard. At first, it is desirable to prepare children for the perception of the poem: to conduct a short introductory conversation. You can show an object, a toy, a picture that is close to the theme of the poem. Then the teacher expressively reads the poem and repeats it. In older groups, before re-reading, children are warned that the poem will need to be memorized (such an installation improves the quality of memorization), and they conduct a short explanatory conversation about the poem itself, about the form of its reading.

The conversation is again followed by the reading of the educator. This contributes to a holistic perception of the work, the features of the performance. Then the children read the poem.

The poem is memorized in its entirety (not by lines or stanzas), which ensures meaningful reading and proper memory training. Children repeat the poem individually, not in chorus. At the beginning of the lesson, providing repeated listening to the text, repetition is assigned to those children who quickly memorize. In the course of reading, the teacher prompts the text, allows the children to finish the line from the spot.

The lesson should end with the most vivid performance: call an expressively reading child, bring in a toy beloved by children, with which those who wish can read a new poem, etc.

Usually memorization does not take up all the time allotted for the lesson. The remaining time is devoted to other activities: children repeat previously learned verses, listen to some prose work again, you can conduct an exercise familiar to them or organize a game using speech technique.

Psychologists note that 8-10 repetitions are required to memorize a poem, but it is advisable to do this not in the same lesson, but in several.

Reading and storytelling to children outside of class

Outside of classes, it is good to read works about nature, lyrical poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, etc. Another work, read not in class, but in a certain situation, will have a stronger effect on the mind and feelings of children. Such reading can be foreseen and outlined in the calendar, for example, reading poetry during a walk.

The proverb should not be memorized with children - you need to repeatedly use it to the point.

Mystery. The task of the educator is not to ensure that the children remember as many riddles as possible or learn to quickly guess them, but that, by guessing, the child learns to actively think, compare, and compare.

In addition to folk riddles available to preschool children, author's ones are also used. The teacher should encourage children who are trying to make riddles on their own, help them in this, suggest the right words, phrases.

One of the methods of acquaintance with fiction is dramatization literary works. There are quite a few types of dramatizations: a dramatization game, a theatrical performance of children, puppet and shadow theaters, a toy theater, a table cardboard or plywood theater, a flannelograph, etc. Children can be both spectators and performers. Issues of the content and methods of staging are considered in special literature - the authors are T. N. Karamanenko, Yu. G. Karamanenko, A. Fedotov, G. V. Genov, L.S. Furmina and others.

Another group of methods and means of using literature outside of classes is entertainment, holidays.

In preparatory groups for school, the following forms are used: literary matinees and amateur literary concerts.

The matinee can be dedicated to the anniversary or work of a writer beloved by children. The theme of the matinee may also be: “Russian folk tales”, “Soviet poets for children”, “Foreign fairy tales”, etc.

A child of senior preschool age is also able to perceive such types of staging as ballet and opera based on the plots of children's works of art. created by professional artists.

For kids, a so-called toy show is arranged. The play of toys is a staging of a fairy tale with the help of ordinary dolls and toys.
You can prepare a performance of toys based on the fairy tales “Three Bears” by L. N. Tolstoy, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina Hut”, according to folk songs “Cat's House”, “Sits, Sits a Bunny”, “Kisonka-Murysonka”.

Many works of art have been staged for preschoolers by means of cinema (filmstrips, cartoons, movies).

In the method of showing filmstrips (it is most often found in kindergartens), it is important to prepare children for viewing beforehand: reading a filmed fairy tale or another work close to it on the topic, viewing pictures that are similar in content to the film, talking with children. This work is carried out a few days before the show. Before the demonstration of the filmstrip, it is desirable to have an introductory word from the educator. Various display techniques are recommended: speech accompaniment of the session, repeated display in combination with a children's story. The effectiveness of the spectacle will be higher if the teacher consolidates the impressions received in the process of drawing, modeling, playing, talking, etc.

Each educator must master the technique and methodology of showing films and theatrical performances to children, know the hygienic standards for their conduct (duration, seating of children), and observe safety rules.

Book corner in groups

In order to instill in children an interest in a book and the most elementary skills to use it, that is, to look at pictures, each kindergarten group should have a so-called book corner, a place for storing and viewing books. Every child should be able to take any book, sit down at the table, look at pictures, talk about them with friends. For a book corner, a bright, comfortable place is chosen by the window. The book corner should have a shelf or display case to display books.

Books for each group are selected according to the kindergarten program. Additional children's literature, selected by the teacher, is stored here.
The display case in the middle group can contain books loved by children from those intended for the younger group, just as in the book corner of the older group there should be books loved by children that were read to them in the younger and middle groups.
In the younger group, each book is available in several copies (two, three), so that several children can watch the same book at once, so that they do not have a collision because of the book. The books on display should be changed from time to time. If the teacher sees that the children take any book less and less, it must be removed for a while, and then put back out; then the children will look at it with renewed interest.

Memorizing the poem "Snowman" in the middle group

Program content:

Teach children to answer the teacher's questions with a full answer.

Develop children's vocabulary on the topic Winter, exercise the ability to maintain a dialogue.

Develop memory, intonation and mimic expressiveness.

Develop the correct long speech exhalation.

To cultivate interest and skill in memorizing poems using mnemonics.

Preliminary work: Educational games, speech development exercises, speech gymnastics, viewing illustrations and reading poems about winter.

Vocabulary work: come on, my friend, the sun will bake, a snowball, it will turn.

Equipment: Easel, map-scheme, cards with the image of winter.

Lesson progress

Adult interaction with children

Intended responses and actions of children

Do you want me to give you a riddle?

“Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, the wind blows, when does it happen?”

Let's see if you guessed correctly. (I flip the picture on the easel)

Think and say what season is shown in the picture and why did you decide so?

What time of year is shown in the picture

Why do you think so?

Look, the artist didn't mess anything up here?

Tanya, tell me, please, what is superfluous here?

Well done, you are very attentive to me.

Do you like winter and why?

I also love winter very much, because you can go sledding and skiing and there is a lot of snow.

What did we do with the snow?

Well done, you remember everything.

Breathing exercises.

Imagine that you are snowflakes, the wind blew and swirled them.

Oh look, snowflakes are on your hand too, blow them away.

Tanya, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Well done

What beautiful and light snowflakes were spinning to the music. Well done.

Let's play with the word "snowflake" let's say it fun (pronounce it), okay. And sadly, (pronounce) well done. And now surprised. And Cyril, as surprised, will say. Well done. And loudly (pronounced) - ah well done, and quietly (pronounced) - wonderful.

Well, now sit down on the chairs and relax.

And I will tell you a poem .. Listen carefully, pay attention to what words I emphasize (ie, I speak louder than others).

The poem is called "It's snowing," wrote M. Poznanskaya.

Quietly it snows.

Fluffy white snow.

We'll clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

From the gate we hardly

We will lead the way.

Mom will come out on the threshold

He asks: “Who could

To lead a path to our threshold?

(I ask questions about the content of the poem).

What is the name of the poem?

How does it snow?

What snow?

What are we going to do in the yard?

From what we will lead the path?

Who will come to the threshold?

What will she ask?

Today, guys, we will memorize a poem. I will read the poem again, and you memorize and repeat after me in a whisper (I read the verse, put up diagrams - Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4 (Appendix 1)).

Well, did you like the poem?

Today, we will try to learn it again with the help of drawing helpers. And you help me.

(I draw a diagram when reading again).

Well, now let's talk together and look at the table.

(Choral pronunciation based on the table, showing each line).

Who is brave and will tell us expressively?

Well done, you remember almost everything and you will be able to tell it at home and friends.

Do you remember the name of the poem?

What good fellows you guys are!

Tell me, who wrote this poem?

Sitting up, tired?

Hey guys don't yawn

Snowball faster roll

We roll to you, we roll to you

Now roll to us.

(I take the ball, roll) The lesson turns into a game exercise with rolling the ball.

Winter, because snow and they are in a fur coat.

Snow all around

Berry, does not happen in winter.

She grows in summer

I love to make snowballs, make a slide, make a snowman

Hill, snowballs, snowman ...

Children spin to the music

Blow off the hand, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Pronounce with different expression and facial expressions.

(Children sit on chairs).


Quietly it snows.

Fluffy white snow.

We'll clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

From the gate we hardly

We will lead the way.

Mom will come out on the threshold

He asks: “Who could

Yes, I liked it

Repeat as you see the picture

(individual answers of children 5-6 people.).


M. Poznanskaya.

Children repeat the movements


Reference schemes for the poem "It's snowing" by M. Poznanskaya

Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4

Art reading class. Preparatory group.

Theme "Heroes of fairy tales"


To consolidate the ability of children to guess the name of a fairy tale from a short passage, to name the author, to guess the hero from the description. Develop attention, thinking, creative abilities of children.


Crossword puzzle, tokens, a letter from "Fairytale Heroes", a parcel with "magic circles", medals.

Lesson progress:


Guys, look, while you were sleeping, fairy tale characters sent us a package. Let's see what they sent. Heroes of fairy tales invite us to participate in a fun game. Come up with a name for your team that is colorful and fabulous, such as "The Storytellers".


We are waiting for you with the tasks that were sent to us in this package by the heroes from fairy tales. For each correctly completed task, the team receives a token, the team with the most tokens will win.


Listen to the 1st task: "Guess the name of the fairy tale from a short passage."

1) The sieve jumps across the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

Behind the shovel broom

Went down the street...

Educator:- What is this fairy tale? (Fedorino grief). Who wrote it? (K.I. Chukovsky).

2). In the house of eight fraction one

At the outpost of Ilyich

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed "Kalancha".

By the name of Stepanov

And by the name of Stepan,

Of the regional giants

The most important giant.


Who guessed the name of the fairy tale? (Uncle Styopa). Who wrote it? (S. Mikhalkov).

3). The mouse sang at night in a mink:

Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.


What is the name of this fairy tale? (The Tale of the Stupid Mouse). Who wrote it? (S.Ya. Marshak).

four). Once upon a time there was a pop

Thick forehead.

Went pop through the bazaar

View some product.

Towards him Balda

He goes without knowing where.


What is this fairy tale? (The Tale of the Priest and the Worker of his Bulldozer). Who wrote it? (A.S. Pushkin).

5). There was a woman; she feared how she wanted to have a baby, but where to get it? And so she went to an old witch and said to her: - I so want to have a baby; can you tell me where i can get it? From what! said the witch. Here is a barley grain for you; it is not a simple grain, not one of those that grow in the fields of peasants or that are thrown to chickens; put him in a flower pot, you'll see what happens!


Who guessed the tale, what is it called? Who is the author of the story?

6). An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was fishing with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.


Who knows the name of the fairy tale? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish). Who is the author of the story? (A.S. Pushkin).


Well done, each team coped with the first task. And now you have to complete the next task: solve riddles. For each riddle solved, the team receives a token.

1) Not a bird sits on the branches,

Above the river in the thicket:

Bewitch, call

And it will drag you to the bottom.

2) Above my simple question

Don't spend a lot of energy

Who is the boy with the long nose

Made from logs.

3) He loved the owner,

Yes, he served him.

Boots worn and evil

The ogre won.

4) I almost became the wife of a mole

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds.

5) The lawn in golden colors,

The sun shines in blue.

What Dunno liked to wear

On your head?

6) Red, pot-bellied,

In a gardening family

"Senior" himself

He calls proudly.

In vain he is angry

Threats in vain:

His Chippolino

Not afraid at all.

7) Lots of silver and gold

He hid in his chests.

He lives in a dark palace

And steals other people's brides.

8) The Kid has known him for a long time,

He flew in through the window.

9) Ivan's arrow,

Like a bird in flight.

Ivan's wife

Lives in a swamp. Who?

ten). As a child, everyone laughed at him,

Tried to push him away.

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan.


I see that you know fairy tales well, each team solved a lot of riddles, and thus coped with the task.


Now look at the board, what task did the fairy-tale characters prepare for you? (crossword). - That's right, if the names of funny little men are correct, you can find out which book is their favorite.


Well done, you guessed the crossword puzzle, you know a lot of fairy tales and their heroes. With this our journey came to an end. Now each team will count the tokens and we will find out the winners.

Our friendship won. Heroes from fairy tales have prepared small souvenirs for your participation. Each of you receives medals "Connoisseur of Fairy Tales".

Literary matinee in the preparatory group of KVN

"All children love fairy tales"

Targets and goals:

To continue to form in preschoolers an interest in fiction.

Learn to recognize familiar fairy tales by description, by illustrations and with the help of riddles.

To cultivate the ability to act together, as one team and show mutual assistance.

Bring joy to children.

Preliminary work.

The teacher reads fairy tales of different peoples to children (author's and folk tales, according to which a quiz is scheduled, examines illustrations for them with the children, invites parents to read these books at home. Children, together with the teacher, come up with team names and a sketch of the emblem. At home, together with their parents, they draw drawings on the theme "My favorite fairy-tale hero", to decorate the hall.The teacher, in secret from the children, prepares attributes for the quiz.

Organization of the game - quizzes.

2 teams of 5 people.

Fans, guests, host - group educator, music director.

The teacher conducts game competitions. Gives the children a task in turn to each team. For each correct answer or successfully completed task, the team receives a chip. At the end of the quiz, the number of chips is counted and the results are summed up.

Competitive tasks.

1 Competition "Fairytale Riddles"

The grandmother loved the girl very much,

She gave her a beautiful hat.

The girl forgot her name

You tell me her name. (Red Riding Hood)

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind Doctor (Aibolit)

Fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all. (Carlson)

She is beautiful and sweet

And the name was given to her by ash (Cinderella)

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden,

On land and under water

He was looking for a golden key.

Everywhere his nose stuck his long.

Who is this.? (Pinocchio)

2 Competition "Magic chest"

Who is in the box? What fairy tale character says these words?

I sit high, I look far away. Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. Take it to grandma, take it to grandpa. (Masha, from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Let me go, old man, into the sea. Dear ladies, I will redeem myself. I'll buy whatever you want. (Goldfish, from the fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

3 Competition "Make the right choice"

The first team from different toys chooses only those that relate to the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" (ram, pig, goose, bull)

The second team is those that relate to the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" (cat, rooster, dog, donkey)

Physical education teacher makes a riddle

Caught a pike in the hole

But he didn't take her home.

He came to us on the stove.

Welcomes you cordially. (Emelya)

Emelya enters and dances a Russian folk dance with children and spectators.

Game with the audience "Guess the heroes of the fairy tales of G. H. Andersen"

As a child, everyone laughed at him,

Tried to push him away.

After all, no one knew that he

Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

He endured adversity,

Nobody saw his tears.

Burned out with a beautiful ballerina.

Alas, a sad picture. (Tin soldier)

I almost became the wife of a mole

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

4 Captains competition "Fold the picture and name the fairy tale"

5 Competition "Recognize a fairy tale from a passage"

And behind them are saucers - saucers ding - la - la, ding - la - la, and they dance and laugh, ding - la - la

Suddenly out of nowhere, little mosquito,

And in his hand is burning, a small flashlight.

And next to the hippos, grabbed their tummies,

They have hippos, tummies hurt.

My dear, good, send me galoshes,

And me and my wife and Totosha.

The game is over, the chips are counted. The winners are awarded.



Target: Creative Storytelling Educational Objectives:

Teaching children to choose the right words

Learn to write descriptive stories

Learn to speak coherently and expressively


Develop children's speech, children's creative imagination. Educational tasks:

Teach children to respect each other.

Learn to listen to the stories of comrades.

Material: Whatman sheet, felt-tip pens, yellow circles according to the number of children.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like jokes? Let's have a joke today. Although, perhaps, at the end of the lesson it will turn out that this is not a joke at all, but even very serious. Well, let's start joking, shall we? Do you see what is on the board?

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right, it's a circle. And what does he look like? Children: This is the sun, a ball, a ball, a plate, an apple, etc.

Educator: It's not what you listed.

This is part of the animal. What is this part?

Children: Is it the head or the eye.

Educator: Let this be the head. Whose head is this?

Children: This is the head of a cat, a hare, a fox, a dog, etc.

Educator: The circle looks like a rabbit's head. What is missing from the hare's head?

Children: Missing eyes, mustache, nose, ears.

The teacher draws the parts of the body that the children name.

Questions for children:

Are the eyes of the bunny big or small?

Is the nose round or square?

Are the ears long or short?

Educator: We drew the bunny's head. What else is missing?

Children: Torso.

Educator: What is the shape of the rabbit's body?

Children: Round or oval.

Educator:(draws the body). What should I draw now?

Children: Paws.

Educator: How many paws does a bunny have?

Children: Four.

Educator: What is the bunny doing?

Children: Bunny walks, runs, stands.

Educator: I agree, let him run. Where is the bunny running?

Children: The bunny runs through the forest.

Educator: What should I draw so that it can be seen that this is a forest?

Children: Trees.

Educator: How many trees should I draw?

Children: A lot of.

Educator: What else happens in the forest?

Children: Flowers, mushrooms, other animals.

Educator: I drew flowers and mushrooms. But what animals are found

our bunny?

Children: Fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear, squirrel, etc.

Educator: I will now draw a hedgehog. What did we get? Forest, bunny, hedgehog, flowers and mushrooms. But we have a funny picture with you. Let's give her a name.

Children: Hare in the forest.

Physical education minute

Bunny, turn around

Gray, turn around

Like this, turn around like this (2p.)

Zainka, stamp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot,

Like this, stomp your foot like that (2p.)

Zainka, dance,

Gray, dance,

Like this, dance like that (2 p.)

composing a fairy tale

Educator: We drew a picture. Now you need to come up with a fairy tale based on it.

Questions for children:

Who will your story be about?

How will it start?

Where does the bunny live?

Where does he want to go?

What did he see there?

Who did he meet?

What did they do together?

How did your fairy tale end?

Educator: As you tell your stories, try to describe the bunny. What is he? Remember how we drew it together with you.

Telling stories to children

All stories are rated. Fairy tales that are unlike others are encouraged.

Educator: I think the bunny would like your fairy tales. He sent you his greetings in the form of these circles. They are all yellow, what does that mean? Children: So the bunny liked fairy tales?

Educator: Did you enjoy the activity? I also liked the way you did it. Thank you.



(On the screen - a hut, in the distance - a forest)

And now you are visiting

Puppet show,

Dolls will make you laugh

The puppets need to clap.

The theater opens

The story begins.

(Grandfather exits)

Guys, I'm an old grandfather,

Soon I will be a hundred years old

I don't want to eat pancakes

I don't need fritters.

Remember, children, I can not

What does the old man want?

You guys help

What does he want, tell me.

Our grandfather forgot a little,

He wants to eat ... (Kolobok)

Grandma, grandma, help

Bake a bun for me.

(Grandma exits)

Don't scream like that, grandpa,

I'm already going for the flour.

Look, I bought flour,

Kolobok blinded you.

(Kolobok appears)

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Stay with us, my friend.

I would lie here until the morning

It's time for me to run.

Kolobok has things to do,

Goodbye, bye!

(Kolobok rolls into the forest)

Our bun rolled,

And I found myself with a bunny.

(A hare appears)

Bunny Kolobok grabbed,

He shouted with all his strength:

I am a Bunny, jump and jump!

I'll eat you, Kolobok!

You don't eat me yet

Kolobok has things to do!

Our bun rolled

And found himself with a wolf.

(wolf appears)

Wolf wolf opened his mouth

He shouted with all his strength:

I am Wolf, Gray Side!

I'll eat you, Kolobok!

You don't eat me yet

Kolobok has things to do!

Our bun rolled

I found myself with a bear.

(bear appears)

Mishka immediately roared,

Kolobok managed to say:

Are you a cheerful Kolobok?

Kolobok, ruddy side?

And I'm Mishka Clubfoot!

Get on my paw!

You don't eat me yet

Kolobok has things to do!

Our bun rolled,

I found myself at the fox.

(Fox appears)

And Lisa said to him:

I didn't see that!

Play with me for a while

Sing me a song, Kolobok.

For a long time the Gingerbread Man rolled

And a little tired.

He sat on the nose of the fox,

He sang a long song.

(Kolobok sits on the fox's nose)

Sang about how he was born

How he was blinded from flour.

I sang about the old grandfather -

The fox has been listening.

He sang about the old grandmother -

She raised her ears.

He sang about the hare and about the wolf,

About the bear and about the Christmas trees,

About mushrooms and about stumps,

About flowers and bumps.

He began to sing about the weather -

Chanterelle's nose is tired.

(The fox holds Kolobok in her hands)

He began to sing to the Fox about the clouds -

Lisa's hands are tired,

The fox's legs are tired...

(Kolobok jumps to the ground)

The animals have heard the song!

(All animals appear)

They began to sing a song

They called grandma and grandpa.

(grandmother and grandfather appear)

Grandma and Grandpa came running

The bell was seen.

hugged, kissed,

And then they took him home.

Kolobok said to the animals:

Come join us guys!

I'll treat you to pies!

We will sing songs with you!

Friendly animals say goodbye

They were told:



It's good that Kolobok

I was able to return to my home.

We'll say goodbye:

Be obedient, Kolobok.

List of used literature:

1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina B.I. Methods for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Proc. allowance for students. higher and Wednesdays, ped. textbook establishments.

2. Borodich A. M. Methods of development of children's speech. - M., 1981.

3. Krupenchuk O.I. Poems for the development of speech. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

4. F.A. Sokhin. The development of speech of preschool children in storytelling - M., 1979.

5. V.V. Gerbova. Classes for the development of speech with children 4-6 years old. M., 1987

6. Gerbova V.V., "Classes on the development of speech in the middle group of children

7. Gerbova V.V., "Classes on the development of speech in the senior group
letskogo lard".

Task plan for thematic check

Deadline: October 15, 2012 - 18.10.2012

Purpose of control: To determine the effectiveness of the work of MBDOU in familiarizing preschoolers with fiction.

Control issues

Control methods

Content control


Who conducts

ZUN children

Observation and analysis of directly educational activities.

Organization of the GCD, observance of the GCD structure, the main stages of working with a literary text, a book.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

Observation and analysis of unregulated activities: joint activities of the teacher and children (observation, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations); independent activities of children.

Analysis of the work of the educator with children on familiarization with fiction in joint activities (daily readings "for the soul"); organization of the GCD in the educational field "Reading fiction"; creation of a subject-developing environment that introduces the child to the world of book culture.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

Planning for work with children

Analysis of software and methodological support, calendar plans of educators.

The system of work on familiarization with the literature of the GCD, the relationship with other activities, independent verbal communication.

The presence of a long-term plan of work in the direction, the reflection of work in the calendar plan.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12


Analysis of the subject-developing environment.

Creating a subject-developing environment that introduces the child to the world of book culture: availability of books in the Book Center in accordance with the age of children, a variety of types of books, adherence to the principles of selecting children's books, design aesthetics, showcases for drawings based on literary works, illustrations based on literary works, portraits children's writers.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Pedagogical Commission

ZUN educators

Observations. Conversations. Self-analysis of events.

Knowledge of software tasks. Methodology for conducting GCD in the educational area "Reading Fiction". Guiding the independent activities of children. Features of the organization of the pedagogical process.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Krasnova R.V. Biryuchevskaya O.A.

Working with parents

Analysis of documentation, visual ped. propaganda; monitoring the process of communication between the teacher and parents.

Work on this topic, the presence of joint activities.

15.10.12 - 18.10.12

Krasnova R.V. Biryuchevskaya O.A.


based on the results of thematic control

"Introduction of preschoolers to fiction"
In accordance with the annual work plan of the kindergarten of compensatory type No. 37 "Rodnichok" for the 2012-2013 academic year and on the basis of Order No. in the period from 10/15/2012 to 10/18/2012, thematic control was carried out in age groups on the topic "Familiarization preschoolers with fiction.

The purpose of control: to determine the effectiveness of the work of MBDOU in familiarizing preschoolers with fiction.

Control program:

  • planning work with children;

  • creating conditions;

  • ZUN children;

  • ZUN educators;

  • work with parents.
Control methods

  • observation and analysis of directly educational activities;

  • observation and analysis of unregulated activities: joint activities of the teacher and children (observation, conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations); independent activity of children;

  • analysis of planning educational work with preschoolers;

  • analysis of the subject-developing environment, conditions for organizing children's activities aimed at introducing the child to the book;

  • analysis of the forms of pedagogical education and interaction with parents to familiarize preschoolers with fiction.

During the inspection it was found:

Familiarization of preschoolers with fiction is carried out on the basis of long-term and scheduling. In the long-term plans, it is planned to familiarize with works of art in accordance with the program for the upbringing and education of children “From Birth to School” by N.E. Veraksa and the Regional Program for Preschool Education Shaekhova R.K.

Analysis of scheduling showed that educators understand the importance of children's fiction in the comprehensive development of the child. In this regard, teachers plan directly educational activities in the educational field "Reading fiction", "reading for the soul" before bedtime, artistic and speech activities with children in the organization of various regime moments. Poems, riddles are used during observations on a walk. The reading of various works of art is organized, followed by a conversation, dramatization of fairy tales, short stories. In younger groups, nursery rhymes, funny songs help to create a positive emotional mood during cultural and hygienic procedures, eating, putting to bed, dressing for a walk.

Attention should be paid to the planning of individual work with children in this area. In addition, it is necessary to think over and plan various forms of work with preschoolers to introduce them to reading fiction.

The study of the subject-developing environment conducive to the acquaintance of children with fiction showed that in all groups the Book centers were equipped, corresponding to the “law of age correspondences” and the “law of age perspective”. The centers have a rich book fund of various genres (fairy tales, poems, stories, encyclopedias), there are works by one author from different publishing houses. In the presence of portraits of children's writers, materials about their work, but little material about illustrators. In addition to books, the centers have various thematic folders and albums, illustrations for works, didactic games, and equipment for a “hospital for books”. But some minor flaws in the design of the centers of the Book were revealed. In the middle, senior and Tatar groups, the place for organizing the examination of books was unsuccessfully chosen. There are few books of various formats in the first junior, preparatory and Tatar groups. However, after consulting the Book Center in Kindergarten, all violations were eliminated and replenished with new books and aesthetic equipment. In addition, children's drawings based on favorite works, didactic games "Heroes of fairy tales" appeared in the centers of the Book.

An analysis of the directly viewed educational activities of the educational area "Reading Fiction" showed that educators have the skills of expressive reading, organization of a conversation about a read work, and can convey to children the meaning and ideological content of a work. Educators of the senior and preparatory groups (Chupakhina O.V., Natalina L.V.) use the demonstration of fragments of animated films; Salimova R.R. - puppet show.

In the process of reading, teachers interpreted words incomprehensible to children, showed pictures in books. The use of demonstration material, viewing illustrations for works contributed to the formation in children of independent examination of books, as well as love and interest in fiction.

Directly reviewed educational activities in the preparatory group for school (teacher L.V. Natalina) showed that children not only know many works, but they can also name and recognize the authors of these works, know and name various genres (fairy tale, story, poetry).

It is also worth noting that children are able to listen carefully to works, are active in speech dialogue.

The speech skills of children in the 2nd junior group also meet the requirements of the program. Children are able to listen to the teacher, understand his speech, emotionally react to the teacher's promptings to perform imitative actions characteristic of a particular character in a fairy tale or nursery rhyme. Many kids already use complex sentences in speech, answering questions from the teacher.

Thus, observations of preschoolers in the course of classes, an analysis of their speech activity and the correct use of lexical and grammatical structures, individual conversations with children indicate that, in general, the speech of preschool children corresponds to the norm, with the exception of its phonetic side. This result is an indicator of the system of work with preschoolers.

In order to improve the quality of work on the speech development of a child, it is worth paying attention to the following requirements:

In all groups, pay attention not only to the enrichment of the active and passive vocabulary of children, the construction of grammatically correct statements, but also to the development of figurative speech of preschoolers. Children must learn to use epithets, metaphors, and other means of artistic and speech expressiveness in speech. This can be helped by reading children's fiction, didactic games, live communication between an adult and a child.

An analysis of conversations with children showed that many children do not know the names of writers and poets whose works they read in kindergarten. To do this, it is necessary to think over interesting forms of work with children and parents. For example, designing thematic exhibitions or holding evenings dedicated to the work of writers, getting acquainted with their biographies, celebrating the name day of the work, holding intellectual marathons, designing layouts based on favorite fairy tales, encouraging the creation and enrichment of family children's libraries, visiting the children's library.

An analysis of the work with parents indicates that the work on introducing preschoolers to reading fiction is limited only to such forms of work as the design of folders and visual information, preparation for a thematic competition of drawings on works and a competition of readers.

Conclusion: the work of the kindergarten to familiarize preschoolers with fiction is effective.

  1. Plan individual work with children in the center of the Book.
Deadline: permanent.

  1. To diversify the forms of work with children to familiarize preschoolers with fiction.

  1. Conduct entertainment "We are friends with the book."

  1. To intensify and diversify interaction with parents to form preschoolers' interest in reading books.
Deadline: immediately.

  1. Design booklets, recommendations for parents on organizing family reading.
Deadline: not later than 01.12.2012.
Commission members:

Head of the kindergarten _________ Krasnova R.V.

Senior educator ____________ Biryuchevskaya O.A.

Educator ___________ Chupakhina O.V.


Vafina G.S.


Malykhina V. N.


Idrisova Yu.R.


Minnigaleeva N.I.


Koshel E.V.


Nabiullina F.A.


Krupenchenko I.V.


Natalina L.V.


Kurguzkina N.A.


Salimova R.R.


Lapshova N.V.


Chupakhina O. V


Analysis map

directly educational activities in the educational field

"Reading Fiction"

Topic _____________________________________________________________________________________

The date of the ____________________________________________

Age group ____________________________________

Amount of children ____________________

FULL NAME. educator ______________________________

Criteria for evaluating the work of the educator

Assessment level




Was the GCD structure for familiarization with fiction observed?

Did the teacher prepare the children for the perception of the work of art?

Was the goal of the preparatory work before reading achieved - to arouse interest in the main character or object, phenomenon depicted in the work?

Was the text of the literary work expressively read (told)?

Were observations made on the word, were the skills to see bright artistic details formed?

Was the interpretation of words incomprehensible to children carried out at the lesson?

Was there any other work done on the development of children's speech?

Has the ideological content of the work been clarified?

Has there been a group review of the book?

Was there a recommendation for independent individual work with a book or work?

Did this GCD contribute to the formation of children's love and interest in fiction?


Senior educator ________________

Educator _____________

Visual information analysis map for parents within

thematic control

"Introduction of preschoolers to fiction"

Analysis Criteria

Age groups

1 ml

2 ml.





Specificity of information

Availability of the proposed material

Brevity of material

Aesthetic design of visual materials

Pedagogical feasibility of the proposed materials

Material submission form




Information letters, memos, booklets for parents

Indicators: + optimal level; V acceptable level; - insufficient level

Card for checking the plan of educational and educational work within the framework of

thematic control

"Introduction of preschoolers to fiction"

Directions of educational work

Age groups

1 ml

2 ml.





Planning directly educational activities "Reading fiction"

Daily reading for the soul

Creative types of reading activities (graphic and verbal drawing, writing, making baby books, etc.)

Working with Book Center content

Joint activities with the city children's library

Leisure, entertainment

Family work

Indicators: + optimal level; V acceptable level; - insufficient level

Questionnaire for parents

"Raising a child's interest and love for the book"

1. Do you have a children's library at home? (Well no.)

2. What works do you have in your children's library? (fairy tales, poems, cognitive encyclopedias, etc.) / Underline whatever applicable/

3. How often do you buy books for your child? (Often, rarely.)

4. What are you guided by when buying a book for a child? (Check one of the boxes.)

I'm browsing the content

I take into account the age of the child,

Choosing an illustration book

I buy randomly.

5. How often do you read books to your child?


Two or three times a week

Once a month,

I don't read at all.

6. On whose initiative do you read books?

At the request of the child

On your own initiative.

7. Do you talk with your child about what you have read? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

8. Does your child tell you about the works of art that he met in kindergarten? (Yes, no, sometimes.)

9. Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which? ______________________________________________

10. What, in your opinion, is the role of books in the development of a child? (write) ____________________________


Thank you for your cooperation!

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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1. The role of fiction in the speech development of children

2. Methods of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom

3. The structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry

4. Methods of preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art

5. Features of the methodology of familiarization with fiction in different age groups




Fiction is a powerful and effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, which has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of speech. It enriches emotions, educates the imagination, and gives the child excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in verse they catch the musical melody, the rhythm of Russian speech, in folk tales, the lightness and expressiveness of the language, the richness of speech with humor, lively and figurative expressions, and comparisons are revealed to children. Fiction arouses interest in the personality and inner world of the hero. Humane feelings are awakened in children - the ability to show participation, kindness, protest against injustice.

The object of the work is fiction in kindergarten.

The subject is the features of classes on familiarization with fiction in kindergarten.

Purpose - to study and analyze the features of classes on familiarization with fiction in kindergarten.

Tasks set:

Analyze the role of fiction in the speech development of children;

To study the technique of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom;

Consider the structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry;

To study the methodology of preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art;

To analyze the features of the methodology of familiarization with fiction in different age groups.

1. The role of fiction in the speech development of children

The influence of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.

Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life.

A literary work appears before the child in the unity of content and artistic form. The perception of a literary work will be complete only if the child is prepared for it. And for this it is necessary to draw the attention of children not only to the content, but also to the expressive means of the language of a fairy tale, story, poem and other works of fiction.

Gradually, children develop an inventive attitude to literary works, an artistic taste is formed.

At the senior preschool age, preschoolers are able to understand the idea, content and expressive means of the language, to realize the wonderful meaning of words and phrases. All subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that we lay in preschool childhood.

The problem of perception of literary works of different genres by children of preschool age is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the events depicted to more complex forms of aesthetic perception. The researchers drew attention to the characteristic features of preschoolers' understanding of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is, first of all, the concreteness of thinking, a little life experience, a direct relationship to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creativity.

The culture of speech is a multifaceted phenomenon, its main result is the ability to speak in accordance with the norms of the literary language; this concept includes all elements that contribute to the accurate, clear and emotional transmission of thoughts and feelings in the process of communication. The correctness and communicative expediency of speech are considered the main steps in mastering the literary language.

The development of figurative speech must be considered in several directions: as work on children's mastery of all aspects of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), perception of various genres of literary and folklore works, and as the formation of a language design for an independent coherent statement. Works of fiction and oral folk art, including small literary forms, are the most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech.

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, phraseological units).

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, since, by expanding knowledge of the surrounding reality, it develops the ability to subtly feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

In the younger group, acquaintance with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive characters.

Younger preschoolers are especially attracted to poems that are distinguished by clear rhyme, rhythm, and musicality. With repeated reading, children begin to memorize the text, assimilate the meaning of the poem and become established in the sense of rhyme and rhythm. The speech of the child is enriched by the words and expressions he remembers.

In the middle group, children continue to get acquainted with fiction. The teacher fixes the attention of children not only on the content of a literary work, but also on some features of the language. It is very important after reading the work to correctly formulate questions in order to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships and actions. The right question makes the child think, reflect, come to the right conclusions and at the same time notice and feel the artistic form of the work.

In the older group, children are taught to notice expressive means when perceiving the content of literary works. Older children are able to more deeply comprehend the content of a literary work and realize some features of the art form that expresses the content. They can distinguish between genres of literary works and some specific features of each genre.

2. Methods of reading and telling a work of art in the classroom

The methodology for working with a book in kindergarten has been researched and disclosed in monographs, methodological and teaching aids.

Let us briefly dwell on the methods of acquaintance with fiction.

The main methods are the following:

1. Reading the educator from a book or by heart. This is a literal translation of the text. The reader, preserving the language of the author, conveys all shades of the writer's thoughts, affects the mind and feelings of the listeners. A significant part of literary works is read from the book.

2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free transmission of the text (permutations of words, their replacement, interpretation are possible). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract the attention of children.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary acquaintance with works of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of the method of transmitting a work (reading or storytelling) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

Traditionally, in the methodology of speech development, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with a book in kindergarten: reading and telling fiction and memorizing poems in the classroom and using literary works and works of oral folk art outside of classes, in various activities.

Methods of artistic reading and storytelling in the classroom.

Class types:

1. Reading and telling one sentence.

2. Reading several works united by a single theme (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or a unity of images (two tales about a fox). You can combine works of one genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (mystery, story, poem). In these classes, new and already familiar material is combined.

3. Combining works belonging to different types of art:

a) reading a literary work and looking at reproductions from a painting by a famous artist;

b) reading (better than a poetic work) in combination with music.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material:

a) reading and storytelling with toys (retelling of the fairy tale "Three Bears" is accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them);

b) table theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, according to the fairy tale "Turnip");

c) puppet and shadow theatre, flannelograph;

d) filmstrips, slides, films, TV shows.

5. Reading as part of a speech development lesson:

a) it can be logically connected with the content of the lesson (in the process of talking about the school, reading poetry, making riddles);

b) reading can be an independent part of the lesson (re-reading of poems or a story as a consolidation of the material).

In the methodology of classes, it is necessary to highlight such issues as preparation for the lesson and methodological requirements for it, a conversation about what has been read, re-reading, and the use of illustrations.

Preparation for the lesson includes the following points:

* a reasonable choice of a work in accordance with the developed criteria (artistic level and educational value), taking into account the age of children, current educational work with children and the time of year, as well as the choice of methods for working with a book;

* definition of program content - literary and educational tasks;

* preparation of the educator for reading the work. It is necessary to read the work in such a way that the children understand the main content, the idea and emotionally experience what they have heard (feel it).

For this purpose, it is required to conduct a literary analysis of a literary text: to understand the main intention of the author, the nature of the characters, their relationships, and the motives of actions.

Next comes work on the expressiveness of the transmission: mastering the means of emotional and figurative expressiveness (basic tone, intonation); arrangement of logical stresses, pauses; development of correct pronunciation, good diction.

The preparatory work includes the preparation of children. First of all, preparation for the perception of a literary text, for understanding its content and form. To this end, it is possible to activate the personal experience of children, enrich their ideas by organizing observations, excursions, viewing paintings, illustrations.

Explanation of unfamiliar words is a mandatory technique that provides a full perception of the work. It is necessary to explain the meaning of those words, without understanding of which the main meaning of the text, the nature of the images, the actions of the characters becomes unclear. Variants of explanation are different: substitution of another word while reading prose, selection of synonyms; the use of words or phrases by the educator before reading, during the acquaintance of children with the picture; question to children about the meaning of the word, etc.

The methodology for conducting classes in artistic reading and storytelling and its construction depend on the type of lesson, the content of literary material and the age of the children. The structure of a typical lesson can be divided into three parts. In the first part, an acquaintance with the work takes place, the main goal is to provide children with a correct and vivid perception through the artistic word. In the second part, a conversation is held about what has been read in order to clarify the content and literary and artistic form, means of artistic expression. In the third part, repeated reading of the text is organized in order to consolidate the emotional impression and deepen the perceived.

Conducting a lesson requires the creation of a calm environment, a clear organization of children, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere.

Reading may be preceded by a brief introductory conversation that prepares children for perception, connecting their experience, current events with the theme of the work.

Such a conversation may include a brief story about the writer, a reminder of his other books that are already familiar to children. If by previous work the children are prepared for the perception of the book, you can arouse their interest with the help of riddles, poems, pictures. Next, you need to name the work, its genre (story, fairy tale, poem), the name of the author.

Expressive reading, the interest of the educator himself, his emotional contact with children increases the degree of impact of the artistic word. While reading, one should not distract children from the perception of the text with questions, disciplinary remarks, it is enough to raise or lower the voice, pause.

At the end of the lesson, you can re-read the work (if it is short) and look at the illustrations, which deepen the understanding of the text, clarify it, and more fully reveal the artistic images.

The method of using illustrations depends on the content and form of the book, on the age of the children. The main principle is that illustrations should not violate the holistic perception of the text.

The picture book can be given a few days before the reading to generate interest in the text, or the pictures are reviewed, organized after the reading. If the book is divided into small chapters, illustrations are considered after each part. And only when reading a book of a cognitive nature, the picture is used at any time for a visual explanation of the text. This will not break the unity of the impression.

One of the techniques that deepen the understanding of the content and expressive means is repeated reading. Small works are repeated immediately after the initial reading, large ones require some time to comprehend. Further, it is possible to read only the individual, most significant parts. It is advisable to re-read all this material after a certain period of time. Reading poems, nursery rhymes, short stories is repeated more often.

Children love to listen to familiar stories and fairy tales over and over again. When repeating, it is necessary to accurately reproduce the original text. Familiar works can be included in other speech development classes, in literary and entertainment.

Thus, when introducing preschoolers to fiction, different methods are used to form a full-fledged perception of the work by children:

* expressive reading of the educator;

* conversation about reading;

* repeated reading;

*consideration of illustrations;

*explain unfamiliar words.

Reading books with moral content is of great importance. Courage, a sense of pride and admiration for the heroism of people, sympathy, responsiveness, caring attitude towards loved ones are brought up in them through artistic images. Reading these books is necessarily accompanied by a conversation. Children learn to evaluate the actions of characters, their motives. The teacher helps children comprehend the attitude towards the characters, achieves an understanding of the main goal. With the correct formulation of questions, the child has a desire to imitate the moral deeds of the characters. The conversation should be about the actions of the characters, and not about the behavior of the children of the group. The work itself, by the power of the artistic image, will have a greater impact than any moralizing.

3. The structure of classes to familiarize children with the genres of prose and poetry

fiction reading speech

In special classes, the teacher can read to children or tell stories. He can read by heart or from a book.

One of the objectives of the classes is to teach children to listen to a reader or storyteller. Only by learning to listen to someone else's speech do children gain the ability to memorize its content and form, to assimilate the norm of literary speech.

For children of early and younger preschool age, the teacher mostly reads by heart (rhymes, short poems, stories, fairy tales); For children of middle and older preschool age, he reads quite significant poetic and prose tales, stories, novels from the book.

Only prose works are told - fairy tales, stories, novels. The memorization by the educator of works of art intended for reading to children, and the development of expressive reading skills is an important part of the educator's professional training.

A lesson on familiarization with a work of art for children of different age levels is organized by the teacher in different ways: with young children, the teacher works individually or with groups of 2-6 people; a group of children of primary preschool age to listen to the teacher's reading or story should be divided in half; in the middle and older groups, they are engaged simultaneously with all the children in the usual place for classes.

Before the lesson, the teacher prepares all the visual material that he intends to use while reading: toys, a model, a picture, a portrait, sets of books with illustrations for distribution to children, etc.

In order for reading or storytelling to be educational, it is necessary to observe the same rule that was in effect during the pre-speech training of young children, that is, children must see the face of the educator, his articulation, facial expressions, and not just hear his voice. The teacher, reading from the book, must learn to look not only at the text of the book, but also from time to time at the faces of the children, meet their eyes, and watch how they react to reading it. The ability to look at children while reading is given to the teacher as a result of persistent training; but even the most experienced reader cannot read a work new to him “from sight”, without preparation: before class, the teacher performs an intonational analysis of the work (“announcer reading”) and trains in reading aloud.

In one lesson, one new work is read and one or two of those that the children have already heard before. Repeated reading of works in kindergarten is mandatory. Children love to listen to stories, fairy tales and poems they already know and love. The repetition of emotional experiences does not impoverish perception, but leads to a better assimilation of the language and, consequently, to a deeper understanding of the events and actions of the characters. Already at a young age, children have favorite characters, works dear to them, and therefore they are pleased with every meeting with these characters.

The basic rule for organizing reading (telling) classes for children is the emotional uplift of the reader and listeners. The educator creates a mood of elation: in front of the children, he carefully handles the book, pronounces the name of the author with respect, arouses the interest of the kids in what he is going to read or talk about with a few introductory words. The colorful cover of a new book that the teacher shows the children before they start reading can also be the reason for their increased attention.

The teacher reads the text of any work of art in prose or poetry without interrupting himself (comments are allowed only when reading cognitive books). Any words that children may find difficult to understand should be explained at the beginning of the lesson.

Kids, of course, may not understand everything in the text of the work, but they must be imbued with the feeling expressed in it: they must certainly feel joy, sadness, anger, pity, and then admiration, respect, joke, mockery, etc. At the same time with the assimilation of feelings expressed in a work of art, children learn its language; this is the basic regularity of the assimilation of speech and the development of a linguistic flair, or a sense of language.

In order to teach children to listen to a work of art, to help them learn its content and emotional mood, the teacher must read expressively, in addition, he uses additional methodological techniques that develop children's listening, memorization, and understanding skills. It:

1) re-reading the entire text,

2) re-reading separate parts of it.

Reading may be accompanied by:

1) children's play actions;

2) subject visibility:

a) looking at toys, models,

b) looking at illustrations,

c) attracting the attention of listeners to real objects;

3) verbal help:

a) comparison with a similar (or opposite) case from the life of children or from another work of art,

b) setting search questions after reading,

c) prompting, when answering children, words-epithets that generally name the essential feature of the image (brave, hardworking, loafer, kind, evil, decisive, courageous, etc.).

4. Methods of preliminary and final conversations with children on the content of a work of art

Work talk. This is a complex technique, often including a number of simple techniques - verbal and visual. There is an introductory (preliminary) conversation before reading and a short explanatory (final) conversation after reading. However, these practices should not be made mandatory. Work on a work of art can proceed as follows.

After the first reading of a story (poem, etc.), children are usually strongly impressed by what they hear, exchange remarks, and ask to read more. The teacher maintains a relaxed conversation, recalls a series of vivid episodes, then reads the work a second time and examines the illustrations with the children. In the younger and middle groups, such work on a new work is often enough.

The purposes of explanatory conversation are more diverse. Sometimes it is important to focus the attention of children on the moral qualities of the characters, on the motives of their actions.

In conversations, such questions should prevail, the answer to which would require motivation for assessments: why did the guys do it wrong, throwing their hats at ducklings? What did you like about Uncle Styopa? Would you like to have such a friend and why?

In older groups, you need to draw the attention of children to the language of the work, include words and phrases from the text in questions, use selective reading of poetic descriptions, comparisons.

As a rule, it is not necessary to reveal the plot, the sequence of actions of the characters in the course of the conversation, since in works for preschoolers they are quite simple. Excessively simple, monotonous questions do not cause the work of thought and feeling.

It is necessary to use the method of conversation especially subtly and tactfully, without destroying the aesthetic impact of the literary sample. An artistic image always speaks better, more convincingly than all its interpretations and explanations. This should warn the teacher against being carried away by the conversation, from unnecessary explanations, and especially from moralizing conclusions.

In the classroom for fiction, technical teaching aids are also used. As a technique, listening to the artist's performance of a work (or fragment) familiar to children, recordings on magnetic tape of children's reading can be used as a technique. Improves the quality of the educational process by showing transparencies, slides or short filmstrips on the plots of works.

5. Features of the methodology of familiarization with fiction in different age groups

A work of art attracts a child not only with its bright figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving the work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters. Direct empathy for the characters, the ability to follow the development of the plot, the comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shifters, fables. An insufficient level of development of abstract thinking makes it difficult for children to perceive such genres as fables, proverbs, riddles, and necessitates the help of an adult.

The researchers found that preschoolers are capable of mastering the poetic ear and can understand the main differences between prose and poetry.

Children of senior preschool age, under the influence of the purposeful guidance of educators, are able to see the unity of the content of the work and its artistic form, find figurative words and expressions in it, feel the rhythm and rhyme of the poem, even remember the figurative means used by other poets.

The tasks of the kindergarten in introducing children to fiction are built taking into account the age-related features of aesthetic perception discussed above.

At present, in pedagogy, to determine speech activity, which has a pronounced aesthetic orientation, the term "artistic and speech activity of children" has been adopted. In terms of its content, this is an activity related to the perception of literary works and their performance, including the development of the initial forms of verbal creativity (inventing stories and fairy tales, riddles, rhyming lines), as well as imagery and expressiveness of speech.

The teacher develops in children the ability to perceive a literary work. Listening to a story (poem, etc.), the child must not only learn its content, but also experience those feelings, moods that the author wanted to convey. It is also important to teach children to compare what they read (heard) with the facts of life.


The influence of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language.

Familiarization with fiction includes a holistic analysis of the work, as well as the performance of creative tasks, which has a beneficial effect on the development of poetic hearing, a sense of language and verbal creativity in children.

The art of the word reflects reality through artistic images, shows the most typical, comprehending and summarizing real life facts. This helps the child to learn life, forms his attitude to the environment. Artistic works, revealing the inner world of heroes, make children worry, experience, as their own, the joys and sorrows of heroes.

The kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and, on this basis, solves a whole range of interrelated tasks of moral, mental, and aesthetic education.

The researchers found that preschoolers are capable of mastering the poetic ear and can understand the main differences between prose and poetry.

The teacher develops in children the ability to perceive a literary work. Listening to the story, the child must not only learn its content, but also experience the feelings and moods that the author wanted to convey. It is also important to teach children to compare what they read (heard) with the facts of life.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methods of speech development and teaching the Russian language to preschoolers: Textbook. 2nd edition. M.; Academy, 2008. 400 p.

2. Gerbova V.V. Lessons for the development of speech with children. Moscow: Education, 2004. 220 p.

3. Gurovich L.M. Child and book: A book for a kindergarten teacher. Moscow: Education, 2002. 64 p.

4. Loginova V.I., Maksakov A.I., Popova M.I. Speech Development of Preschool Children: A Handbook for a Kindergarten Teacher. Moscow: Education, 2004. 223 p.

5. Fedorenko L.P. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. M., Education, 2007. 239 p.

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Occupation "Journey Kolobok» held with a subgroup of children of middle preschool age.

Target This lesson is aimed at developing the communicative function of speech and consolidating children's knowledge of Russian folk tales using fairy tale therapy.

Content selectioncarried out taking into account the GEF.

The lesson is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, socialization.

The plot of the lesson is built in the form of a game situation "Journey of Kolobok".

When planning the lesson, the principle was taken into account availability of content for pupils: games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected taking into account age characteristics groups of children and their individual abilities.

Scientific presentationwas implemented on the basis of the TRIZ technology adapted to preschool age by Svetlana Ivanova Gin and the methodology of Larisa Borisovna Fesyukova “Fairy tale education”

In preliminary workgames were used - dramatizations based on Russian folk tales, viewing presentations, didactic games based on Russian folk tales, cognitive games that contributed to search activity, the development of speech, and creative imagination.

At the organizational stagea positive attitude was created among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities. The pupils were offered to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, the children accepted the game plot with interest, tuned in to joint activities.

The main task of the main stageclasses - to expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of these tales, to teach them to retell fairy tales.

The structure of the lesson includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creative abilities, for the expansion and activation of the vocabulary, coherent speech.

The didactic game "Vegetables and Fruits" contributed to the formation of the ability to answer questions in full sentences, the expansion and activation of the children's vocabulary.

The didactic game "Hedgehog" is aimed at developing mental activity, logic, hand motor skills

Conducting didactic games "Name the fairy tale", "Guess the riddle", contributed to the consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

The physical minute "Behind the glass doors" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement and at developing the intonational expressiveness of speech.

At the final stageThe children were asked to remember what games they played while traveling through the fairy tale, what tasks they performed, what they were interested in and remembered the most. The participation of each child was marked by praise, a positive assessment. At the end of the lesson, the children received a gift……………….

The actual course of the lesson // matched the scheduled time. Throughout the lesson/ / the children were active, enjoyed the proposed games and exercises.

The aim of the lesson has been achievedthe children fixed the names of the Russian folk tale, its main characters, learned to recognize the tale from the riddle and models. The use of gaming techniques contributed to the lesson in a comfortable emotionally colored environment.

The cycle is designed for a year, there is one lesson per month. A lesson of this type allows you to continue working on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

Occupation Journey through Russian folk tales » held with a subgroup of older preschool children.

Target this lesson is aimed at consolidating children's knowledge of Russian folk tales and interconnected with the aims of other activities. Occupation is one from the cycle classes to consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of children in retelling fairy tales. The cycle is designed for a year, there is one lesson per month. A lesson of this type allows you to continue working on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

Selection of the content of directly educational activities carried out in accordance with federal state requirements. The lesson is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas: communication, cognition, socialization, reading fiction. The content of the work in the lesson is aimed at enriching children's knowledge of Russian folk tales.

Logical presentation of content education is based on a phased building a lesson interrelationships of stages and definition n transition from one stage to another. The plot of the lesson is built in the form of a game situation "Journey through Russian folk tales."

When planning a lesson, the principle is taken into accountaccessibility educational content for pupils: games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected taking into account age characteristics groups of children and their individual abilities .

Scientific presentation of content education was implemented in the classroom on the basis of the TRIZ technology adapted to preschool age by S.I. Gin and L.B. Fesyukova "Education with a fairy tale"

In preliminary work games were used - dramatizations based on Russian folk tales, viewing presentations, didactic games based on Russian folk tales, cognitive games that contributed to search activity, the development of speech, and creative imagination.

At the organizational stage a positive attitude was created among the pupils for their inclusion in educational activities. Conducting the mimic study "Our Feelings" emotionally colored the lesson. The pupils were offered to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, the children accepted the game plot with interest, tuned in to joint activities.

The main task of the main stage classes - to expand children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of these tales, to teach them to retell fairy tales.

The structure of the lesson includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creative abilities, for the expansion and activation of the vocabulary, coherent speech.

Didactic game "Help!" contributed to the formation of the ability to answer questions in full sentences, the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children.

The didactic game "Disenchant the heroes of fairy tales" is aimed at the development of mental activity, logic, coherent speech.

Conducting didactic games "Name the fairy tale", "Guess the riddle", contributed to the consolidation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

The physical minute "Fairy tales" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement and at developing intonation expressiveness of speech.

Children actively and with interest collected the pages of the Book of Fairy Tales: they named Russian folk tales and their main characters, modeled fairy tales, guessed riddles from fairy tales and collected fairy tales from pictures.

At the final stage The children were asked to remember what games they played while traveling through fairy tales, what tasks they performed, what they were interested in and remembered the most. The participation of each child was marked by praise, a positive assessment. At the end of the lesson, the children received a book of fairy tales, coloring books with the heroes of Russian folk tales as a gift.

The children were offered homework: to color the characters themselves and tell their parents a fairy tale about these heroes or compose their own fairy tale.

Apparatus for evaluation pupils' activities // became positive individually - a differentiated assessment of the participation of each child, summing up the entire lesson.

The actual course of the lesson / / matched the scheduled time. Throughout the lesson / / the children were active, enjoyed the proposed games and exercises.

The aim of the lesson has been achieved children fixed the names of Russian folk tales, their main characters, learned to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations, riddles and models. The use of gaming techniques contributed to the lesson in a comfortable emotionally colored environment.

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