Anastasia Dashko - for which she was in prison. Anastasia Dashko: why the participant of the project "House" was imprisoned Daria dashko in prison


A month ago, the ex-participant of "House-2" Anastasia Dashko, where she served time for fraud. The release of Anastasia was actively discussed by viewers of the popular reality show, those who remember the girl from the time of participation in the project, and media representatives. Now Dashko went to the federal TV channel to tell her story. On the air of the “Live broadcast” program of the Russia 1 TV channel, Anastasia Dashko spoke frankly about what she had to endure in the colony, about her relationship with her mother and her new love.

The first thing Anastasia shared was her first impressions of being behind bars. Before, the girl had never been in such situations and had no idea how she should behave. “The first fear is when you end up in a pre-trial detention center,” Dashko admitted. - It's terribly scary, terribly hard. And in the colony, it’s like that in general ... This is a thousand women. Women angry, angry, unsatisfied. Mostly drug addicts and murderers. Of course, there were fights and scandals. I had to take care of myself. At first, everyone wanted to prick me with the fact that I ended up in a colony from television. Then they accepted me when they realized that I could stand up for myself.

Svetlana Petukhova also appeared in the LIVE studio - a girl with whom Anastasia Dashko had a chance to make friends within the walls of the Chelyabinsk colony. Together they took part in various cultural events, embroidered and read books together. The prison friend of the ex-participant of "House-2" spoke about the behavior of the star in prison. “Nastya, as such, had no conflicts with anyone,” Svetlana said. “She embroidered, read books, and was engaged in cultural events.” By the way, Dashko personally embroidered the icon of the Mother of God, which her friend brought to the studio.

When it came to the future plans of Anastasia Dashko, she frankly announced her intention to become a mother. “I am 31 years old, I have no children,” the girl explained. - Every age has its own priorities. Now I really want a baby!”

Dashko's relatives also appeared in the studio. Aunt Anastasia came to support her niece, while another relative turned to her via teleconference. Both women spoke about Nastya's difficult relationship with her mother, who wrote her out of the apartment while she was in prison. Despite the scandalous interview with her own mother, in which she stated that she was ready to abandon her criminal daughter, Anastasia Dashko herself said that she was not angry with her mother and understood her feelings. In addition, the girl publicly admitted her guilt and noted that her mother was good. Interestingly, the program also included a meeting of the ex-participant of Doma-2 with her father, whom she had not seen for 20 years. The man came to support his grown daughter, but he was still laconic on the program.

The guests of the program paid much attention to the theme of the girl's personal life. Anastasia does not hide that she is currently in a relationship in which she is very happy. According to Dashko, her current young man is an athlete, a world champion in kickboxing. The couple plans to legalize their relationship, as Nastya herself told on the air of a talk show.

Many fans of "House-2" want to know what Anastasia Dashko is sitting for. People are divided into two camps: those who condemn the girl, and those who believe in her innocence. It's time to shed some light on this story. After reading the article, you will find out why Anastasia Dashko was convicted and when she will be released.

Participation in the project "Dom-2"

The heroine of our article - whose biography began on November 25, 1982. She is a native of Salekhard. She grew up as an ordinary child, no better and no worse than others. But from an early age, the girl dreamed of becoming a popular person. As a teenager, Nastya fell in love with a guy who was much older than her. Mom was against their relationship. But the daughter, in spite of her, married her lover. True, the marriage was short-lived. Soon the girl decided to try her luck on a popular reality show.

On October 22, 2004, she appeared on the Dom-2 project in Russian national dress. Slender blonde liked many guys. Nastya spent 3.5 years on the project and was remembered by the audience for her scandals and fights with girls.

At first, Dashko showed her sympathy for Stas Karimov, but they did not reciprocate her feelings. In April 2005, the girl started an affair with a black member of "House-2" Sam Seleznev. Mom again did not approve of her daughter's choice. Because of this, Nastya often quarreled with her on the phone.


In February 2008, a competition was held on the project, the main prize of which was an apartment in Moscow. Who do you think was the leader in the ranking? Of course, Anastasia Dashko. "Dom-2" gave her such a good opportunity to become a Muscovite. And she couldn't refuse this chance. It soon became clear that the blonde was playing a dishonest game. The girl herself sent SMS, voting for herself. And this is prohibited by the rules of the competition. Nastya managed to "ruin" the sponsors for a round sum - about 160,000 rubles. At some point, the deception was revealed. The Seleznev-Dashko pair was disqualified, they had to leave not only the competition, but also the project.


Citizens who want to know what Anastasia Dashko is sitting for don’t even know what a serious matter she “stumbled into”. The girl was charged with 11 episodes. But first things first.

Anastasia Dashko ("Dom-2") enjoyed her popularity, acquired during her stay on the project. She made acquaintances with businessmen and offered cooperation. Nastya allegedly sold foam blocks at low prices. In fact, buyers have never seen the offered product. They completely trusted the girl who flashed on the screen yesterday, and gave her an advance payment.

The director of the Chelyabinsk Concrete Concrete Plant became the first "victim" of the reality show star. According to the agreement, he gave Nastya 220 thousand rubles. But after that, the pretty girl disappeared. Dashko changed phone numbers.

If you think that the blonde then sat “quieter than water and lower than the grass”, then you are greatly mistaken. She continued to deceive gullible businessmen. Her new "victim" was the head of a construction company. At first, the man did not want to give money without goods, but in the end he agreed to Nastya's conditions. In the future, he did not see either foam blocks or 206 thousand rubles. And the pay slips turned out to be fake.

The scammer didn't stop there. Dashko continued to act according to the worked out scheme. After the police received a statement from the first victim (the director of the Chelyabinsk concrete goods plant), the girl was detained. During its illegal activities, the star of "House-2" deceived 11 heads of large enterprises, causing them a total damage of over 1 million rubles.


Many are interested not only in what Anastasia Dashko is sitting for, but how long she has been appointed. Indeed, with a guilty verdict on 11 episodes, she was threatened with up to 10 years in prison.

In August 2013, the city court of Chelyabinsk ruled in the case of A. Dashko. She was found guilty. The girl will serve her sentence in a general regime colony. The term of imprisonment is 3 years. When sentencing, the judge took into account the fact that she partially compensated the damage to the two deceived businessmen.

Anastasia Dashko in prison

Such qualities as sociability and artistry were useful to our heroine behind bars. The ex-star of "House-2" quickly acquired friends and like-minded people. Anastasia Dashko in prison has never been a gray mouse. She actively participated in amateur performances.

In September last year, a competition of wedding dresses was held within the walls of IK-5. The condemned girls themselves made and decorated dresses, and then defiled in them. At this competition, Nastya stood out noticeably from the rest. She was wearing a white short dress, which she complemented with a vintage hat with a train.


In February 2015, Nastya was released from prison on parole. The leadership of the colony thus noted her exemplary behavior and active participation in the cultural life of IK-5. At the gates of the prison, the blonde was met by a guy who supported Dashko all this time.

For several months, Nastya lived in the apartment of her boyfriend. But the other day she decided to return to her native Salekhard, where her mother lives. Oddly enough, but the parent did not want to be the first to see her daughter after a two-year separation. Anastasia herself does not condemn her mother, because she understands that she caused her a lot of suffering.

Dashko appeared on television almost immediately after her release. She was invited to the program "Live" ("Russia-1"). In the studio, the girl honestly spoke about her fraud, relationship with her mother and life behind bars. She was waiting for a meeting with one of the deceived businessmen, a friend from the colony and former colleagues from Dom-2. Nastya's father, who has been living in Ukraine for more than 20 years, also came to see Nastya.


The question “what Anastasia Dashko is sitting for” disappeared by itself. Firstly, we voiced the reasons why the former participant of Doma-2 was convicted. Secondly, she has already been released on parole.

Member Name: Anastasia Dashko

Age (birthday): 25.11.1983

City: Salekhard

Height and weight: 170 cm

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Reading this article:

Anastasia Dashko was born in an ordinary family as the fourth, the youngest, child. The family lived in northern Salekhard, and little Nastenka herself was loved by all adults.

She was distinguished from her peers by her angelic appearance, the docile nature typical of a child, and attracted many eyes on the street. Anastasia Dashko studied well at school, and got married in her last year of study. True, this marriage did not last long.

In 2004, the girl decides to conquer the capital and moves to Moscow., and in the autumn of the same year, various auditions of the program are actively taking place. The casting for the Dom-2 show, which she successfully passed, was no exception.

The project at that time was only gaining momentum and existed for only two months. A tall blonde with a hot temperament, who knows how to stand up for herself, but also in time to become an affectionate and gentle girl, hooked many guys on the perimeter.

Dashko enjoyed her popularity and openly flirted with many men, but she had real feelings for only one participant - Sam Seleznev. The couple is still considered the brightest and most interesting in the history of House 2.

Their relationship was not without conflicts - Nastya constantly gave vent to her accumulated negativity, scolding Sam on what the light stands.

It was clear to everyone that it was rather difficult to be in a closed space and that the feelings of the beloved were real.

Nastya tried to beg Sam to propose to her, but Seleznev refused all the time, delaying the moment. Sometimes quarrels occurred on this basis. In addition, Dashko assured everyone that Sam is a real man, corresponding to her ideals, and therefore she will never want anyone else.

In 2008, before the competition in honor of Valentine's Day, Nastya Dashko was seen in fraud. The fact is that for their favorite couples, the audience had to send SMS, which cost a certain amount. Dashko decided to beat this moment and sent SMS for herself from a mobile phone, which was provided by the sponsor for free.

As a result, the girl sent SMS in the amount of more than one hundred and sixty thousand rubles, the sponsors were furious. At the same time, there was an unpleasant rumor about Nastya's unconventional orientation, she was accused of having a sexual relationship with Olga Motsak.

Relations with Sam also began to deteriorate, and the young people decided to go beyond the perimeter and live separately. Dashko was tested on a lie detector to prove her innocence to the lesbian sentiments of her friend, but failed him.

After leaving, rumors spread that Nastya gave birth to a daughter and wants to return to the show, but they were not true.

In fact, there was a desire to give birth and return, but the former participant thought it over carefully and decided that she still wanted to live for herself. Sam and Dashko broke up and began to live separately.

In 2011, Nastya was convicted of illegal trade from a concrete goods factory she served time. After Anastasia Dashko was released from prison, programs with her participation were filmed about this case.

At the moment, Anastasia Dashko married Konstantin Kuleshov and gave birth to a son, Klim.

Anastasia's photo

The paparazzi followed the girl for some time.

Anastasia Dashko spent more than 3 years on the Dom-2 project. Despite such an impressive term, Dashko and her chosen one Sam Seleznev were disqualified for violating the rules. However, Anastasia was not in free swimming for long. In 2013, the ex-participant of the TV show ended up in the dock.

Fraud on the project

Anastasia Dashko appeared on the Dom-2 project in 2004. For several months, Anastasia was unable to build relationships with any of the participants in the program, until she drew attention to the black Sam Seleznev. Dashko and Seleznev remained one of the brightest couples on TV until 2008. It was then that young people were disqualified for fraud.
The fact is that in February the creators of the reality show announced a competition, the main prize of which was an apartment in the capital. A native of the city of Salekhard, Anastasia Dashko could not miss the chance to become a Muscovite, so she decided to vote for herself, which, of course, was forbidden. When the deception was revealed, Dashko, and at the same time her boyfriend was asked from the project.

Perimeter Fraud

Anastasia did not return to her native Salekhard. She went to one of the former participants of the project in Chelyabinsk. There Dashko went into business. At least that's what she told everyone. In fact, Anastasia continued her fraudulent career, which she started on a TV project. Only now she has switched to building materials.
Together with her accomplice, Dashko got acquainted with Chelyabinsk entrepreneurs and offered them cooperation. Anastasia convinced businessmen that she could sell foam blocks to them at a surprisingly low price. Naturally, they immediately agreed to the deal. Dashko received an advance payment and forever disappeared from the field of view of the “partners”, who, judging by the published data of the case, numbered more than ten.


After the deceived businessmen filed statements with the police, Dashko was arrested. The ex-participant of "House-2" was threatened with a 10-year term. However, Anastasia promised to compensate the victims and even returned the money to two of her victims, so she was sentenced to 3 years in prison. Dashko went to serve her sentence in a general regime correctional colony.
Later, Anastasia complained that she had a hard time behind bars. According to Dashko, other prisoners bullied her all the time, so at first she even used her fists. But in all other respects, Anastasia behaved with restraint. Therefore, already at the beginning of 2015, she was released.

On the loose

Once in the wild, Dashko first of all announced that she was dreaming of children. And soon Anastasia's wish came true. She met the athlete Konstantin Kuleshov and in September of the same 2015 she married the chosen one. A few months later, the couple had a son.
According to Olga Nikolaeva, whom everyone on the project called the Sun, Dashko tied up with a criminal past. Moreover, now she has everything for this: a happy family and a favorite job.

Anastasia Dashko from Dom-2, her biography on Wikipedia (height and weight, how old), her personal life and photos on Instagram (she gave birth to a child), for which she was in prison, are of interest to many viewers.

Anastasia Dashko - "Dom-2"

Anastasia came to the project shortly after it started on the screens. At that time she was 22 years old, and she was very confident, knowing that she looks spectacular, because she had victories in beauty contests in her native Salekhard, where she was born and raised.

The girl, who enjoys male attention on the project, did not start a serious relationship with anyone until the spring of 2005, until Sam Seleznev appeared, with whom she began dating. It soon became clear that the guys had rather serious feelings, however, this idyll was overshadowed by frequent quarrels, but they always ended in violent reconciliations. A couple of Nastya and Sam have been favorites for a long time. Taking part in various competitions of the project, Nastya showed what she was capable of - she appeared before the audience in such roles as a fashion model, dancer and singer.

Anastasia's popularity on the project grew more and more, until "a bolt from the blue." The girl got into the epicenter of the scandal, which was associated with the manipulation of data for the audience award, moreover, the prize was an apartment in Moscow. The leadership of the couple was called into question, as it turned out that Dashko herself sent numerous SMS from a free phone number provided by the sponsors of the program. On the one hand, she caused them significant losses, and on the other hand, she falsified the data. Anastasia's tarnished reputation became even worse when rumors began to spread that she was in an intimate relationship with another participant in the project, Olga Motsak. To prove to everyone that she does not belong to people with a non-traditional orientation, Nastya agreed to take a lie detector test, and failed miserably.

Anastasia Dashko - life after "Dom-2"

As a result, after all these events in the winter of 2008, the couple decided to leave the project. They continued to quarrel and hold different points of view regarding their future life, and, ultimately, Anastasia Dashko and Sam Seleznev broke up after the project.

Until 2011, almost nothing was heard about Anastasia, and then rumors began to leak that she settled in Chelyabinsk. This, as it turned out, was true, unlike those rumors that claimed that she got married and had a baby. It was this information that turned out to be a newspaper "duck".

It seems that everything began to improve for the girl, and she began to move up the career ladder, doing business, when she suddenly got into a mess again, and quite a serious one at that. Dashko was accused of organizing the theft of slabs from the territory of a local reinforced concrete plant in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, and when the investigating authorities took care of her, it turned out that the girl already had 11 similar episodes, and the total amount of theft was more than 3 million rubles. A trial took place, and the fraudster was sentenced to two years in prison in a penal colony and a fine of 80,000 rubles.

Many are interested in where Anastasia Dashko is now and what she is doing. There is little information on this. It is known that after serving her term, she left the colony at the age of 32, and six months later Anastasia Dashko got married (photo from the wedding). Her husband was 28-year-old kickboxer Konstantin Kuleshov. The wedding took place in Zlatoust (Chelyabinsk region), where the newlyweds still live.

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