Andrew characterization of the name and meaning. The true meaning of the name Andrei is character, health, profession


Andrey combines such qualities as sober calculation and extravagance, calmness and emotionality, seriousness and gaiety, while it is important at what time of the year the bearer of this name was born.

Autumn Andrey has an analytical mindset, he is punctual, disciplined and used to building his life according to a clearly drawn up plan, in which there is no place for accidents. It is not surprising that he gravitates towards the exact as well as natural sciences, which subsequently helps him become a successful entrepreneur.

Winter Andrew - a creative person who will find himself in the field of director, actor, singer, poet or artist. He is fair, but at the same time soft, does not accept lies and indifference. Due to his gentle nature and adherence to principles, he often makes enemies because he fiercely defends his beliefs. In relations with girls, winter Andrey is charming, courteous and romantic.

Spring Andrew characterized by frivolity and careless attitude to life. His generosity will not leave anyone indifferent, so he has many friends. But the second half of the summer Andrey will have a hard time, because he craves adventure and entertainment, while caring for the maintenance of his family is of little interest to him.

Summer Andrew - a real merry fellow and joker, who is welcome in any company, because his funny stories and great sense of humor cheer everyone up. Due to his easy nature and love of life, he enjoys increased attention from women.

Stone - talisman

The stones-talismans of the bearers of the name Andrey are amethyst and amber.


This is a stone of peace, peace, spirituality and grace, which is able to drive away bad thoughts, strengthen the will, give spiritual and physical strength.

Another useful property of amethyst is considered to be a decrease in craving for the unreal. In addition, this stone prevents the negative impact from the outside.

Our ancestors endowed amethyst with healing properties, including:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • healing of burns;
  • calming the nervous system.

This stone, which patronizes air signs and sets exclusively in silver, is not recommended for Leo, Capricorn and Pisces.


Amber is a stone of creative people, to whom it gives inspiration and faith in the future. The wearing of this stone is also shown to those who want to strengthen their fighting spirit and increase physical strength. Amulets were made from amber, bringing happiness and good luck.

Red amber is able to neutralize the magical effect, warn against damage and the evil eye.

Interesting fact! Amber cannot be set in silver, it is better to wear it in copper.


The name Andrey is patronized by lilac, yellow and brown colors (more on the meaning of these colors can be found in the article).


Andrey's lucky number is two (the meaning of this number can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").



Animal - symbol

The animal-symbol of the bearers of the name Andrey is considered to be a reed cat, personifying wisdom, cunning, courage, courage and fortitude.

In addition, this animal has always symbolized power, since only rich people could afford to keep them.


The happiest zodiac signs for Andrey are Cancer and Sagittarius (you can read about the influence of these signs on fate in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").


The plants that patronize Andrei are anemone and fir.


This flower symbolizes loneliness, sadness and suffering. According to legend, the red spot on this flower is the personification of the blood of Jesus, while the triple leaf is a symbol of the Trinity.


This beautiful tree with cones growing upwards is a symbol of pride, patience, perseverance and loneliness. Fir represents people who have given up all base desires, and therefore deserved life in Heaven.


The metal that brings good luck to Andrei is silver, which can drive out evil spirits and protect from magical influences. Also, this metal symbolizes purity, chastity, hope, wisdom and eloquence.

Silver has a high degree of bactericidal action, thanks to which it protects against various infectious diseases.

Interesting fact! Silver helps to open the "third eye", thereby contributing to the manifestation of a person's superpowers.

auspicious day


bad day


origin of the name Andrew

Name translation

From the ancient Greek name Andrew is translated as "courageous", "strong", "brave".

Name history

The name Andrew has ancient Greek roots, namely, it comes from the word "andros", which means "man".

In Russia, this name became popular after the adoption of Christianity. Today, the name Andrei, which came to us from Byzantium, is rightfully considered a traditional Russian name.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Andrey are: Andryusha, Andreyka, Andryushenka, Andron, Dron.

The legend about the name Andrey

Andrew, who is the brother of Peter and a disciple of John the Baptist, was the first whom Jesus called to be an apostle (which is why they call Andrew "the First-Called").

According to legend, he converted the peoples living in the Balkans and the Black Sea region to the faith of Christ. Andrew the First-Called was captured and crucified by order of the Roman magistrate in the Greek city of Patras, while they crucified him on a cross that had the shape of the letter X.

It must be said that in Russia this apostle enjoyed special respect and love, as evidenced by the fact that he is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. So, the Apostle Andrew reached with his sermons to those places where in the future such cities as Kyiv and Novgorod were founded. It was he who once blessed these places.

In addition, during the time of Kievan Rus, Andrew the First-Called was considered the patron of Russian statehood, while in Imperial Russia he was revered as the patron of the Russian navy (Peter I, by his decree, established the St. Andrew's flag with a blue cross and the St. Andrew's Order).

The secret of the name Andrey

name patrons

  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
  • Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery.
  • Martyr Andrew Stratilat.
  • Saint Andrew of Mesukevia.
  • Prince Andrei Vologda.
  • Prince Andrei Smolensky.
  • Presbyter and Hieromartyr Andrew of Ephesus.
  • Blessed Andrew of Constantinople.
  • Archbishop Andrew of Crete.
  • Holy Martyr Andrew of Lampsak.
  • Venerable Andrew of Oxyrinthus (or Egyptian).
  • Rev. icon painter Andrei Rublev (was a student of St. Sergius of Radonezh).
  • Holy fool Andrei Totemsky.
  • Martyr Andrew of Syracuse.
  • Venerable Andrew of Thebaid.
  • Martyr Andrew of Chios.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 26th and 27th.

February: 17th and 21st.

March: 7 number.

April: 28 number.

May: 31 number.

June: 3rd, 5th, 11th, 15th, 23rd, 25th and 26th.

July: 3rd, 13th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 25th.

August: 5th and 17th.

September: 1st, 16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and 28th.

October: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th, 23rd, 30th and 31st.

November: 9th and 11th.

December: 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 23rd.

Famous people

Famous actors named Andrew:

  • Andrey Mironov;
  • Andrey Krasko;
  • Andrey Leonov;
  • Andrei Panin;
  • Andrey Merzlikin.

Famous singers and musicians named Andrey:

  • Andrei Makarevich;
  • Andrey Danilko;
  • Andrey Gubin.

Andrey Arshavin - captain of the Russian national football team.

Andrey Shevchenko - Ukrainian football player.

Andrei Voznesensky - Russian publicist and poet.

Andrey Tupolev - Soviet aircraft designer who developed more than 100 types of aircraft.

Andrey Sakharov - Soviet physicist and theorist, who is one of the creators of the first hydrogen bomb in the USSR.

Andrei Tarkovsky - Soviet director and screenwriter.

Andrey Vasnetsov - Russian artist.

The meaning of the name Andrey

For a child

Little Andrei is a real dreamer who dreams of incredible adventures, his energy can only be envied. But Andryusha is interested not only in active games: he will be happy to assemble a designer or fix a broken toy.

Andrei, despite his dreaminess, is cunning and reasonable, he has his own point of view on everything, which he will defend both in front of his parents and in front of his peers. As a child, the naughty and imperturbable Andryusha does not get along well with girls (he cannot even find a common language with his sister, while he communicates with his brother with pleasure).

Andrey's diligence and diligence are manifested both at the household level (he knows how not only to repair, but also independently make amazing toys from improvised means), and at school (he can be called a successful student without a twinge of conscience).

What cannot be taken away from little Andrei is a heightened sense of justice (the boy will always protect the weak and help those who need his support).

The negative qualities of the boy can be called arrogance, capriciousness and excessive authority.

For teenager

As a teenager, Andrey pays special attention to his physical education, so he attends sports clubs and schools, achieving great success in his chosen sport.

Andrei the teenager is a contradictory and fickle personality: for example, today he can ardently confess to one girl in love, and tomorrow he will easily invite another on a date.

Andrei skillfully knows how to hide his emotions, so he remains a mystery to many people. He has a clear mind, ingenuity, balance and selfishness. His sociability, ability to find a common language, high self-esteem and self-confidence help him gain respect from his peers. He is cheerful, generous and good-natured, so he often acts as the "soul of the company."

The bearers of the name Andrei are excellent psychologists, so do not even think of deceiving or outwitting them. If Andrey suspects a lie, then in his person you will make an irreconcilable enemy, while his pride and vanity will not allow the first to come closer.

For a man

Having crossed the line of adolescence, Andrei does not give up playing sports, because the way he looks is very important for him. He does not mind playing chess or checkers with a worthy opponent.

Adult Andrei is courageous and charming, he quickly finds a common language with others, so he is welcome in any company (especially considering the fact that Andrei has a truly sparkling sense of humor).

For conscientiousness, patience, accuracy, honesty and responsibility at work, he is respected by both colleagues and superiors (and this despite the fact that Andrey can firmly defend his opinion). It is also important that he knows how to admit his mistakes, which appreciates his environment.

Andrei is a philosopher who loves to have measured conversations about the meaning of life and the secrets of the universe. Calmness and stability - this is what Andrei strives for, while he tries to avoid risky enterprises.

But Andrey also has disadvantages, for example, mood swings, which is fraught with bouts of despondency that no one will notice (Andrey, like a true man, keeps all his worries to himself). In difficult situations, he can show both determination and perseverance, as well as cowardice and indecision (it all depends on Andrey's mood and motivation). Inspired by success, Andrei can become vain, arrogant and self-confident, which can alienate people from him.

Description of the name Andrew


Andrei can be called a highly moral person, while he not only tries to comply with high moral principles, but also demands this from those people who surround him. He is an attentive and affectionate son, a devoted friend, a faithful husband and a responsible worker.


Andrei is the owner of good health, which is not least due to the fact that he devotes a lot of time to his physical education. If he gets sick, it's mostly a cold.

But Andrei should pay special attention to his state of mind, since stress and depression can cause the development of many other diseases. The best cure for Andrey from the blues is natural optimism and the care of close people who should restore his faith in himself.


Andrey's inconstancy manifests itself in his personal life: despite his morality, until the moment of marriage, he is not distinguished by constancy, justifying this by the fact that he must choose the best woman to whom he will devote his whole life. This behavior leads to the fact that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are offended by Andrei.

Andrei is extremely selective in choosing his beloved, who simply has to be beautiful, spectacular, smart, caring and emotional. But the inner world of the beloved woman is of little interest to Andrey, since her main task is to idolize her betrothed, to create coziness and comfort. He is always gentle and attentive, but most often he is guided not by a feeling of love, but by the desire to look like a knight and benefactor in the eyes of a woman.


Andrei chooses a beautiful and spectacular woman as his wife (often it is the appearance that becomes the decisive factor when choosing a spouse), who must be liked by his acquaintances and friends (the wife becomes a kind of business card of Andrei). At the same time, it cannot be said that Andrei still marries for love, but if his wife does not meet his high "standards", then he may be carried away by another woman. It is interesting that he carefully hides his betrayals, continuing to play the role of an exemplary family man (divorce for Andrey is tantamount to recognizing his failure as a real man).

Family relationships

It is hard to call Andrei an economic person (for this he has a wife, on whose shoulders all domestic problems fall), while he considers himself a full-fledged head of the family, whose main task is to provide the family with material benefits. Therefore, next to Andrey, only a caring and gentle woman will get along, ready to forget about her career and devote her life completely to her family.

The selfish and jealous Andrei requires maximum attention to himself, so he may well be jealous of his wife for the child.


In his sexual life, Andrei is extremely receptive and sensitive, he loves flattery, compliments, and increased attention. He is ready to give women tenderness and passion, but only on condition that they pay him handsomely.

It is interesting that such concepts as love and sex are indivisible for Andrey, so he will not spend either his mental or physical strength on a woman for whom he does not at least feel in love. The fact is that for Andrei, even love is a form of self-affirmation in the sexual sphere and recognition of his remarkable abilities.

Andrei can completely surrender to sexual pleasures, or he may want to take a break from an active intimate life. Therefore, he needs a patient and understanding woman who can put up with Andrey's mood swings.

In his partner, he will not tolerate rudeness and lack of femininity.

Mind (intelligence)

Andrey has a well-developed intellect, thanks to which he is able to quickly build logical chains, which, combined with his analytical thinking, helps to achieve great heights in any field.


Andrey's high self-esteem and self-confidence undoubtedly contribute to career growth. If we add conscientiousness and diligence to these qualities, it becomes clear why he is respected by his superiors. Andrei also gets along well with subordinates and colleagues, and all thanks to his charm, sense of humor and the ability to find the right key for each person.

Andrey's artistry and his desire to be always in the spotlight will find a way out in creative professions (Andrey will make a good actor, composer, artist, singer, writer or director). The responsiveness and good nature of the bearers of this name will come in handy in the profession of a rescuer, firefighter or doctor.

But Andrei is not an altruist, and therefore he will choose a profession that can bring him financial stability and independence. An important factor for him is the prestige of the chosen field.


Andrey's practicality and rationality contribute to the fact that he achieves great success in entrepreneurial activity. He does not like to take risks, and he thinks through all his actions several moves ahead, therefore he knows in advance the outcome of this or that enterprise, this or that transaction. At the same time, he conducts his business honestly, for which his partners respect him.


Andrey's hobbies are versatile and sometimes incompatible. He can do boxing or martial arts, or he can play chess, he can be fond of football and designing model aircraft.


At first glance, Andrey gives the impression of an optimistic, open, cheerful, simple and cheerful person, but you should not trust the first impression. In fact, Andrei rarely opens his soul to people, because he is very hard going through insults and betrayals.

He cannot be openly criticized and doubted in his abilities. It is better to stimulate him with praise and encouragement.

In relation to his enemies, Andrei is irreconcilable, therefore it is better to think a hundred times before entering into a confrontation with him.


Andrei has a developed intuition, which helps him not only build personal relationships, but also successfully run a business. I must say that Andrei, despite his pragmatism, often listens to his intuition, especially since it almost never fails.

Horoscope named after Andrey

Andrew - Aries

This is a rather unbalanced personality, prone to frequent and abrupt mood swings. Andrei-Aries can show aggression towards others, but such behavior is only a defensive reaction, behind which vulnerability and resentment are hidden. It is not easy for Andrei, born under the sign of Aries, to find a common language with the opposite sex.

Andrew - Taurus

Self-doubt and painful perception of criticism in his address contribute to the fact that Andrei-Taurus often closes and fences himself off from society. He has few friends who are able to accept him for who he is. For Andrey-Taurus, the most important thing is the family in which he must feel care and support.

Andrew - Gemini

This is a person with a very developed imagination, so it is easy for him to find himself in any field and get along with any people. His disadvantage is that he is too dependent on the opinions of others, which prevents him from expressing himself and his abilities to the fullest. Andrei-Gemini is a freedom-loving nature, but he limits his freedom to his chosen one.

Andrew - Cancer

A sharp mind and a wonderful memory help Andrey-Rak to achieve incredible success in his work. He is moving steadily towards his intended goal, and no obstacles can stop him. His sense of ownership extends not only to his beloved, but also to friends.

Andrew - Leo

Nobility, ambition and vanity - these are the main characteristics of Andrei-Leo, who is accustomed to always and in everything to be the best. These qualities help him make a great career. Women like him, but, having chosen that one, he will not cheat on her, because his family comes first.

Andrew - Virgo

This is an insecure person who treats everything incredulously and wary. Andrey-Virgo has an inner fear of making serious decisions, so he needs a woman who can give him maximum warmth and love, support him in all his endeavors.

Andrew - Libra

This is a serious, pragmatic and thorough nature, for which the moral and ethical aspects of life are important. Andrey-Libra is a devoted husband, a loving father, a conscientious worker. His words are never at odds with deeds.

Andrew - Scorpio

A sentimental dreamer, the last romantic - this is how Andrei-Scorpio can be characterized, who takes everything too close to his heart. He also tends to show such qualities as capriciousness, stubbornness and aggression, so his soulmate needs to be patient and understanding.

Andrew - Sagittarius

This is the conqueror of women's hearts, in whose life one love adventure is replaced by another, while Andrei-Sagittarius sincerely loves all his women, but his ardent feelings cool down very quickly. Only an original and unusual woman can keep such a Casanova near her.

Andrew - Capricorn

This is a hardworking, persistent and extremely conscious person who is ready to work 24 hours a day to achieve his goal and the well-being of his family.

As a wife, Andrei-Capricorn chooses an economic and domestic woman who can become a real rear for him.

Andrew - Aquarius

This is a soft, good-natured and sensual person with a rich imagination who tends to idealize people (which is why Andrei-Aquarius is often disappointed in people who, in the end, do not meet his high ideals). A strong union is possible only with a strong and self-confident woman who knows her own worth.

Andrew - Pisces

Life's difficulties can lead the timid, vulnerable and impressionable Andrei-Pisces to nervous breakdowns. He treats the people around him with understanding and is always ready to help. He is loved by children and his wife, whom he simply idolizes.

Andrey name compatibility with female names

Andrey and Olga

This is a creative union that is built on common interests, and these interests can be both personal and business. But one should beware of a certain frivolity in relations, which may call into question the trust between partners Andrey and Olga.

Andrey and Anna

This is a very interesting couple, which may seem strange, because Anna and Andrey are far from the realities of the modern world, in which money and power rule. They are focused on each other and on self-development, but still you should not forget about reality, otherwise the relationship will not work out.

Andrey and Elena

Andrey and Anastasia

This strong union is based on trust, respect for traditions, diligence and purposefulness of both partners. The love between Andrey and Anastasia is a symbiosis of tenderness, friendship and trust. But passion in these relationships is not enough, which over time can negatively affect the intimate side of life.

Andrey and Tatiana

The spirit of adventure unites Andrey and Tatyana, they are attracted by changes and new discoveries. Undoubtedly, such adventurism will not let the couple get bored, but the lack of stability can negatively affect family life, especially when the couple has children.

Andrey and Ekaterina

Principles, the desire for leadership and authoritativeness both unite partners (if Andrei and Ekaterina conduct a joint business, then success is guaranteed to them), and separate them (often partners start a struggle for power in the family). Only patience and understanding will help maintain this union.

Andrey and Natalia

This is far from a harmonious and not easy marriage, in which a woman lives with emotions, and a man with a sober mind. Natalia wants more freedom, while the selfish Andrei is not ready to make concessions to his beloved.

Andrey and Irina

This is a strong union in which mutual understanding, support, love and absolute trust reign. Irina does not seek to take on the role of the head of the family, on the contrary, she will gladly subordinate her life to the interests of the family. Andrei loves and appreciates his wife.

Andrew and Maria

In this pair, both partners know how to enjoy life, while they prefer to spend their strength on achievable goals, and not on illusory dreams.

Andrey and Alina

Andrei loves Alina and idolizes her for her femininity and tenderness. Alina appreciates in her partner the care and ability to defend her interests. But the careerist Andrey can lose his family if he does not pay due attention to her.

Andrey and Diana

Such independent individuals as Andrey and Diana can create a wonderful partner tandem, while in family life their ambitions and uncompromisingness can interfere with building strong relationships.

Andrey and Evgeniya

This is a very strong union in which partners try to surprise each other, give new emotions that feed feelings. Andrei and Evgenia love to travel, and the birth of children does not prevent them from wandering. This is an active family in which conflicts and misunderstandings rarely occur.

Andrey and Daria

This couple can be called ideal, because the goal of both is to create a strong family in which harmony and understanding reign. Andrey and Daria do not fight for leadership, preferring equality in relations.

Andrey and Olesya

Devotion, love, passion - this is the basis of the relationship between Andrey and Olesya. They know how to find new colors in everyday things, which helps them discover new facets of each other every day.

Andrey and Alena

These are harmonious relationships in which one of the leading values ​​is assigned to sexual life. At the same time, the passion between Andrey and Alena not only does not cool down, but, on the contrary, ignites. The main thing in this pair is to prevent a war of interpersonal interests.

Andrew and Margarita

Andrew and Alla

This is a union in which there is no place for everyday life, and often this negatively affects the relationship between Andrei and Alla. They know how to love passionately and hate passionately, be gentle and aggressive. Excessive emotionality of partners leads to the fact that the couple eventually breaks up.

Andrew and Elizabeth

These dissimilar people feel great in each other's company, but different life guidelines can become an insurmountable obstacle for Andrei and Elizabeth on the way to a happy family life.

Andrew and Veronica

This is a very promising union that unites two cheerful and energetic people who can turn their lives into a real holiday. In addition, Andrei and Veronica are wonderful lovers, which is important in family life.

What a firm and strong name - Andrey! The secret of the name informs about the high energy that the owner of the name constantly feels.

The meaning of the name Andrei suggests the interpretation of something reliable, tough and powerful, active and joyful, therefore, its owner is loyal, hardy, self-confident, stands out with physical strength.

Andrei usually proudly bears his courageous and courageous nickname, showing himself to be a reliable friend, a frightening opponent and an ardent lover.

According to statistics, it has been established that the nickname was especially popular in Moscow in the 50-80s of the last century, then there was a decline in popularity. Now his rating is growing rapidly again.

Patronymic names: Andreevich, Andreevna offer such a description of their owner: a benevolent, hardworking, choosy, eloquent person.

Would you name your child by this name?

It can be assumed that its interpretation is "courageous." The meaning of the nickname Andrei is based on the root of the word "andros" - husband, man. The origin of the name Andrei finds its roots in ancient Greece.

It penetrated the Russian lands from Byzantium at the time when Christianity was introduced in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that for so many centuries this name has become so familiar and traditional.

Among the brightest representatives of this name are the Holy Apostle A. the First-Called, the holy prince A. Bogolyubsky, who was elevated to the rank of saints due to his piety and efforts for the needy and sick. He was the founder of the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, and later he was killed by his own servants.

Andrei can be proud of his origin, because he is the namesake of many famous prominent personalities. The history of the name Andrei remembers such glorious people as Voznesensky, Gromyko, Kolmogorov, Makarevich, Mironov, Nikolaev, Rublev, Sakharov, Tarkovsky, Tikhonov Tupolev and others.

Name Forms

Simple: Andrey Full: Andrey Affectionate: AndryushaOld: Andrey

As a child, Andryusha is a restless, noisy and active child. Cunning and impressionable. During his school years, he shows himself as a capable student. In adolescence, he is independent and arrogant, surprising his classmates with his truthfulness. This young man is a fighter for justice, a defender of the weak.

The characteristic of the name Andrey endows an adult with determination and charm. Everyone likes him, easily makes new acquaintances, loves to be the center of attention of a cheerful company.

Andrey is responsible, takes any work seriously, and does not complain about difficulties. It contains the desire to move forward: it does not sit still, but it will not take risks in vain.

He is not afraid to express his opinion to the management, to protect the interests of colleagues. He is respected by his superiors.

Getting acquainted with the characteristics of Andrei, we conclude that the man has a literary talent, owns oratory. Achieves success in creative professions - actor, writer, director, artist. Can be engaged in natural sciences.

Andryusha is an optimist, he treats everything with humor and fun. It turns out that he tries to be what others want to see him: an attentive son, a devoted friend, a passionate lover, an excellent student or a conscientious worker.

The nature of the name Andrei is generous. He loves to give people positive emotions. However, if a person becomes his ill-wisher, the representative of the name shows himself from the completely opposite side. We do not recommend that you make this man angry - it is not known how everything will end. He is impulsive and unpredictable. His character is unstable.

Analyzing what the name Andrei means, we learn that the owner of this nickname is a clever, lucky, sometimes cruel person. The secret of the name reveals his enterprise, which contributes to Andrey's achievements. It is characterized by a quick reaction to changing situations.

Andryusha is not simple, as others see him. He has a philosophical nature, enters into conversations with smart people, shares ideas. Andrew has a need to express himself.

Wants to be a leader in society. Self-confident, and he only dreams of a quiet life.

The name Andrei describes a person who knows how to restrain his emotions, control his actions. Mandatory and punctual. Purposeful, always achieves goals.

Representatives of the patronymic name Aleksandrovich, Olegovich, Igorevich are conflicting and have a complex character.

Character traits










Girls complain about this guy's inconstancy. Today he speaks words of love to one, and tomorrow, forgetting about her, he walks next to the other.

Andrei strives to start a family, but he approaches the choice of his wife very carefully. The compatibility of this man with a beautiful and sensual woman is ideal. He is not interested in the inner world and the character of the chosen one.

The owner of this name does not listen to the advice of relatives about a serious approach when choosing a bride.

According to the description, Andrei is selfish, has a high opinion of himself, and requires increased attention from his wife to his person. He can be jealous of his wife for the child if he feels a lack of self-care. Impulsive, you never know what to expect from him.

He cares deeply for his relatives.

The meaning of the name Andrei for a boy

The name Andrew appeared in ancient Greece and came to us from Byzantium. It means "courageous, brave". Describing Andrei, you can pick up the expression - "on his own mind." The meaning of the name rewards the child with insight and observation, which are hidden under the mask of carelessness and fun.

Andrei grows up as a naughty and mobile child. Since childhood, he is firm and cold-blooded. A vulnerable boy, painfully experiencing failures. This is a physically strong child, distinguished by endurance, endurance, self-confidence. He has a fiery temper. He is valued and respected for his original humor, goodwill, reliability and generosity.

Where will Andrew be successful?

At school, Andrei is usually successful, because he is able to quickly absorb the material. But, due to innate inconstancy, he does not complete the work he has begun. Has a penchant for the humanities. Often this child is interested in history.
Andrew can become a good leader. Creative professions are perfect for him. He strives to achieve success in his career, responsibly treats his work.

No need to scold Andrei for disobedience. This method will not work. The main thing in education is to find an approach to the boy and talk to him like an adult. The only method that will give tangible results is persuasion.

What games will Andrey like?

Each name has a unique energy and gives its owner good luck. It can take many years to find this luck. But knowing what the secret of the name Andrei is, you can come to victories much faster by using your best sides.

The meaning and origin of the name

This is a Greek name, which means "courageous" in translation. With the development of Christianity, it became part of both Orthodox and Catholic culture. The name Andrei is a native Russian variant, the Western alternative to which is Andreas or Andrew.

This name is spread all over the world, so it can be safely called one of the most popular. It is curious that throughout history the name Andrey has been stable, especially in the Orthodox and Slavic world - they have been called and are called children very often.

Fate and character

Andrew is incredibly hardworking. Anyone can envy their agility and interest. Most often they become programmers, engineers and mechanics, although successful businessmen, actors and artists are often found among them. It's all about their hard work and perseverance, because if the goal is set, Andrei is unlikely to back down.

At the same time, men who are named by this name are sometimes characterized by uncertainty in their abilities. Andrei always tries to make his life better with all his might, and he succeeds, but he often does not notice this. He may think that everything is much worse for him than for the rest, although this is absolutely not the case.

Andrey's hobbies and preferences are different from the usual, because he is attracted to everything non-standard, bright and interesting. It cannot be said that he does not like money, because the representatives of this name are very prudent. Andrey strives to show everyone what he is capable of, never misses the opportunity to brag and loves to be envied, although he does not show this trait of his character.

Connecting fate with Andrei can be difficult, because he forgives very “slowly”, family values ​​are not a priority for him, and he himself is rather selfish. Sometimes he demands more than he does or is ready to do himself. Family for him is not something high and secret, but something taken for granted. That is why Andrei often gets divorced and has several children from different marriages. Only a spouse who looks like him can stop the series of divorces and become the only one for him.

Andrei is unpredictable, he is characterized by painful pride, so even his friends are not easy with him. Andrei can ask for advice from loved ones, but he will still act in his own way. Even life rarely teaches him something, because he can step on the same rake an infinite number of times.

Most often, abbreviations are not used for this name, calling all Andreev Andrey. It's quite rare that people choose not to shorten their name. Short forms such as Drone, Drew and Andy have the opposite energy and are very different in pronunciation and perception from Andrey.

If, nevertheless, abbreviations are used in relation to Andrey, then this indicates that this person is less secretive. Those who like to be called Dron or Drew are even more imprudent, although they have a simpler attitude towards life than a serious Andrey.

The meaning of the name Andrei for a child: we select a name for children

All names in alphabetical order:

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Career, business and money

Developed vanity determines Andrey's far-reaching career aspirations, the purpose of which is to increase his authority and achieve material prosperity. The presence of business abilities and ambition allows him to work successfully in a team, to run his own business.

Personal qualities help to move up the career ladder: he tries not to let him down, he treats his work conscientiously. Acts deliberately, does not like aimlessly taking risks. The bosses quickly begin to appreciate a responsible, reliable worker. Retirement does not mean retirement. He wants to feel needed and continues to work, to do business.

In business, he keeps his word, you can rely on him, a good partner for business relations. Sociability, diplomatic skills help to make profitable acquaintances, to defend their point of view. Able to quickly navigate, draw conclusions from mistakes. A developed mind, flexible logic, analytical abilities allow him to successfully run his own business.

Marriage and family

Great family man, loving father, husband. And he himself is not inclined to treason, and will never forgive treason. The very thought of a wife flirting lightly with another man is unacceptable. Therefore, Andrei's entire family life depends on the correct choice of his wife. The ability to build a family nest, intelligence, kindness, tolerance will create the prerequisites for a happy marriage. Necessarily understanding, respect for a long life together.

Avarice in material terms does not show, generous soul. Often overloaded with a responsible attitude to life, family, work, takes on too much burden, which inevitably leads to a breakdown and overwork. Sometimes there is a desire to quit everything, to run away to the ends of the world, but a sense of duty stops from extreme measures. Then it is necessary to report the desire to relax and disconnect from all worries: go fishing, go to the forest or enjoy country life. It is recommended to choose a suitable activity that will restore mental and physical strength.

Sex and love

Nature endowed him with the qualities of an ideal lover: energy, vivacity, great sensitivity, the desire to please his partner at any cost. Gentle, attentive man, caring lover. In order for all the properties of nature to manifest, love must take possession of his heart.

He is attracted to feminine, charming partners, corresponding to personal ideas about beauty. He will fall in love with a girl who is patient enough, able to understand the difficulties, share the excitement and joy of a loved one.


Has weak lungs, heart and stomach, he has a predisposition to colds. Work associated with strong odors, polluted air is contraindicated. Staying in the fresh air is essential to staying healthy. It is recommended to introduce fish oil, oat infusion, food enzymes into the diet. Of the foodstuffs, oatmeal porridge is the most useful.

Andrey's state of mind is especially important, since a long traumatic situation, depressive thoughts can give rise to many diseases. If loved ones help to overcome stress and restore spiritual comfort, this will be an invaluable help on their part. An understanding, sensitive person is able to understand his experiences, help restore faith in his own strength, optimism.

Interests and hobbies

He is fond of sports, chess, football. Often gravitates towards art, loves theatrical performances, cinema.

Can be engaged in painting, singing, amateur productions of plays. So he realizes the craving for beauty, gives vent to emotions, aesthetic feelings.

The name comes from the Greek word "andros", meaning "courageous" or "brave". Sometimes the name Andrei is translated as "man" or a person, which is similar to the word man in English. The name has enjoyed exceptional honor since the time of Hellas. Andrews corresponded to lofty norms of morality. They are affectionate sons, loyal friends, fiery lovers, excellent students or workers, the most responsible head of the family. Andrews create an image of courage, bravery, activity, loudness, joy, brightness and kindness.

The meaning of the name Andrei for a child

A boy in childhood looks like a mother, although this similarity is more external. The character of little Andrei is mobile and restless. He loves active games, which does not at all exclude perseverance with sufficient interest. If Andrey has awakened interest in something, then his perseverance can be envied. He studies well, but requires constant attention and control. He plays well with animals and becomes a true friend to pets. If there is no pet in the house, get ready. He will bring it himself. Like any other child, it requires a lot of attention and consistency in education.

Short name Andrew

Andryukha, Dron, Andre.

Diminutive names Andrei

Andryusha, Andryushka, Andryunya, Andreyka, Dronchik.

Patronymic of Andrey's children

Andreevich and Andreevna. In the folk form, it is sometimes pronounced as Andreich and Andreevna.

Name Andrew in English

The name Andrew in English has the following spelling - Andrew. Sometimes in the English tradition to use the abbreviation Andrew to Drew.

Name Andrey for a passport according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in 2006 for Russian government agencies - ANDREI.

Translation of the name Andrey into other languages

in Armenian - Անդրեաս
in Belarusian - Andrey
in Bulgarian - Andrey, Andro and Andreshko in Hungarian - András
in Greek - Ανδρέας
in Georgian - ანდრო
in Spanish - Andrés
in Italian - Andrea
in Chinese - 安德烈
in German - Andreas or Andie
in Polish - Andrzej
in Ukrainian - Andriy
French - Andre
in Czech - Ondrej
in Japanese - アンドレイ

Church name Andrew(in the Orthodox faith) may not change. Of course, Andrei can choose another church name, but he can also be baptized under a secular name.

Characteristics of the name Andrey

Andrew's character is impulsive and unpredictable. It is difficult to predict what he will do in the next minute. This may interfere with his life, but for the most part, Andrei does not regret what he did. Impermanence also manifests itself in personal life. A declaration of love to one girl or woman will not prevent him from showing his ardent sympathy for another the next day, for which the female sex is often offended by him. In a relationship with a woman, he can be affectionate and courteous, but there is more in this desire to please and look good than a true relationship. All this before marriage. In marriage, Andrei is truly a knight and his woman will be under reliable protection. Andrei adores his wife and in every possible way shows his feelings for her.

The secret of the name Andrey

Andrey can be influenced by flattering treatment, which is his weakness. Those who know this secret of Andrey periodically use it. The main danger is the combination of flattery and impulsiveness of his character. This can lead Andrey to undesirable consequences. Andreys need to avoid flatterers so as not to get hooked on them.

Planet affecting Andrew- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Crayfish.

Andrew's totem animal- Reed cat.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree named Andrew- Fir.

Andrew's plant- Anemone.

Andrew's stone- Amethyst.

Guardian angel named Andrew and his patron, depends on Andrey's date of birth. Read about the patrons named after Andrei in a special article.

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