Angelo cut the man's faces. Lika star - biography, information, personal life


The main sex symbol of the post-Soviet stage is doing housework in Sardinia. And he does not regret leaving the stage.

Lika Pavlova, better known as Lika Star, appeared on the national stage in the early 90s. She was considered the youngest DJ in Russia, starting to stand at the "turntable" at the age of 15. Together with producer Sergei Obukhov, the girl recorded her debut single "BBC Taxi", followed by the album "Rap". Critics, however, scolded him for primitive texts, but Lika was not upset.

She always loved to shock. She was one of the first in the country to pose nude for a male gloss, released a candid video for the song "Let it rain." In 1993, Lika began recording the album "Fallen Angel" - by the name of the duet included in it with Vladimir Presnyakov - Jr. The recording was carried out at the studio of Alla Pugacheva, who patronized the singer and even invited her to "Christmas Meetings". But one day Lika was asked to vacate the premises.

According to rumors, the Primadonna learned about the singer's romance with Presnyakov Jr., who at that time lived with her daughter Kristina Orbakaite. Pugacheva was unhappy with this affair and allegedly cut off the oxygen to Lika Star. Dreams of a stellar pop career came to an end.

However, Lika was not up to the stage either. In 1995, the artist gave birth to her first child and decided to finish with singing. She became the mistress of AS-Studio, where she was going to record a new album and help young performers as a producer. At the same time, Lika studied languages ​​stubbornly and even entered one of the specialized Moscow institutes. Five years later, she married an Italian and moved to Sardinia.

It seems that Lika does not regret the fact that she had to leave her homeland. “Amazing metamorphoses have taken place in my mind. I don’t consider myself a star for a long time, and have I ever been one?! Now it seems to me that all this was in another life on another planet. funny, and life in the VIP style is unusual for my character. Yes, being famous is sometimes very convenient, many doors open to you just because you are a star. And you quickly get used to it. But the worst thing in this situation is that you cease to belong to yourself "Not immediately, day after day, your popularity makes you dependent on it. And there are many, many buts! It was at the moment when I realized that I depended on these buts that I jumped off this Titanic! And swam to the island of Sardinia , and settled on it away from success!" – Lika Star shared her thoughts on the social network.

From the Italian designer-businessman Angelo Sechi, the singer has two children - 12-year-old Allegrina and five-year-old Mark.

Lika runs the household, and in her free time she goes in for sailing with her children and her husband, translates and sings Italian songs. She could not work - her husband provides her with everything necessary, but Lika cannot sit idly by.

Photo: likastar_official@Instagram

She organizes gastronomic tours to Sardinia, offering guests to get acquainted with the culture, traditions and cuisine of the island. And tourists from different countries come to try "porchetto arosto" - a pig roasted on a spit for several hours in a special way, the world's best "pecorino" sheep cheeses, the traditional salsiccia sarda sausage and crispy "carazau" bread. Tasting of unique olive oil, homemade lemon and tangerine liqueurs is the culmination of the Leakey Star program.

Today, the name of the singer Lika Star is somewhat forgotten, but not so long ago she was a mega-popular person in the domestic show business. After all, Lika Star is the first female DJ in Russia. Lika also became a singer for whom the most expensive video clips were shot.

Lika Star, whose real name is Lika Olegovna Pavlova, was born in September 1973 in the Baltic States. Childhood and youthful years were spent in Vilnius. And the amazing name of the daughter was given by the father, who adored creativity and knew the biography of the writer well. Remembering that the classic's beloved was called Lika Mizinova, Oleg Pavlov gave the girl the same name.

It was dad, Oleg Vladimirovich Pavlov, who had a huge influence on his daughter. My father was a bright and talented person. A graduate of VGIK, who graduated from the directing department, Pavlov did not work in his specialty, but chose journalism for himself. Carrying out the task of the Izvestia newspaper, in which he worked in the late 1960s, Pavlov went on a business trip to the city of Vilnius, where he met the beautiful Lithuanian Aldona-Juoza Tunkeviciute and stayed there to live.

Lika Pavlova justified the hopes of the pope. The girl grew up as an extraordinary, bright child. Parents chose a linguistic school for their daughter with the study of French, after which they dreamed of seeing Lika in the ranks of MGIMO students. But fate decreed otherwise.

The two biggest hobbies between which the girl was torn were sports and music. In the first, Lika reached considerable heights. The title of "master of sports in swimming" came to Pavlova in her teens. But at the age of 14, the future star quit sports and focused on music. At the age of 15, after the death of her beloved father, the girl left home.


Having met with DJ Vladimir Fonarev (DJ Lantern), Lika Star "fired up" working at the console. Lika liked the duties of a DJ so much that the girl very quickly mastered the profession and learned the intricacies. Pavlova refuted the existing pattern that this is a job for guys, and proved it with her own example, becoming the first female DJ in Russia.

In Moscow, Lika Star met the future producer Sergei Obukhov. He liked the vocals and stage image of the young singer, and Obukhov undertook to "unwind" the girl. At the very beginning of the 90s, in collaboration with producer Lika Star, she was able to release the first single called "BBC Taxi". The song instantly became a hit, immediately followed by several more. The compositions collected together took shape in the debut album "Lika Rap".

The popularity of the new singer grew by leaps and bounds. Having relied on shocking, the girl, with the help of the producer, quickly turned into a star. Possessing model parameters of appearance (the singer's height is 173 cm), Lika turned out to be the first of the Russian celebrities who dared to appear in the nude for the Russian edition of Playboy. The effect was comparable to a bomb exploded in a crowded place.

A highlight of 1994 was the appearance of an unusually frank for that time video for the song “Let it rain”. The video was shot by a beginner and unknown director. The video hit the MTV channel, where it was broadcast for a half month. At the same time, the singer decided on her own pseudonym and began to officially call herself Lika Star. The musical composition was included in the second studio album of the singer, which was called "Fallen Angel". The tracks “Thirst for New Illusions”, “Somewhere Out There ...”, “Smell”, “Little Tramp” also got there.

The fact that the star of Lika Star has risen rapidly and brightly can be judged by the appearance of the singer at Christmas meetings. According to Lika, the Primadonna invited the girl to her own theater, promising to make her number 1 in the country. But, again, according to Lika Star, the singer refused such an honor, because she already considered herself the first number in the country. And the girl did not want to turn into a puppet in the hands of Alla Borisovna.

Scandalous articles in yellow publications dedicated to the singer with Baltic roots followed one after another. The girl was presented with monstrous "sins", most of which Lika did not commit. Perhaps this was part of the advertising strategy of the producer or the singer herself.

In 1995, Lika Star's creative biography took a sharp turn. After the birth of her son, the singer decided to interrupt performances for a while and devote time to the baby. At that time, a tour was taking place in support of the Fallen Angel album. Huge amounts of money were invested in it, and the producer demanded hard work and a tight work schedule. Contradictions ended in a stormy showdown. Lika Star won, which received the rights to sell 5,000 discs.

In 1996, the artist began recording the next album, More Than Love. As planned by the producers, the release of the disc was preceded by an all-Russian advertising campaign. A year later, the premiere of the video clip for the hit "Lonely Moon" took place, in which the editor-in-chief of the OM magazine, popular in the 90s, Ivan Salmaksov, TV presenter of the TV-6 channel Tanya Semkiv played roles.

In 1998, the star managed to open her own studio, calling it "AS Studio", and she herself took up producing emerging artists.

A new batch of "fresh" scandals did not slow down, which again brought Lika Star to the top of popularity. In addition to rumors of a romantic relationship with, the singer and producer added brushwood to the fire by appearing with two DJs - and Mutabor - in the scandalous show "The Naked Truth". Here the heroes of the program shared with the country the secrets of the underside of the country's show business.

After the scandal, Lika Star left for the UK for a long time. Here, in London, the girl began to collaborate with the musicians of the Apollo 440 group.

In 2001, the artist pleased her fans with the new album "I", which premiered on the station 2000 radio. The song "Fall" sounded on the air. The collection also includes the tracks "I'm melting", "On fire", "Wind", "Ibiza".

In 2003, Lika Star reminded herself of her homeland, becoming a member of the Last Hero project. In 2007, the artist once again appeared on the Russian television screen in a video clip for the song Krut-Mutim, where she starred together with Vengerov & Fedorov.

Personal life

At the age of 14, Lika Pavlova met Vladimir Fonarev. Then Vladimir was a rising star of discos. The couple had an affair. Fonarev and helped young Lika take her first steps in the profession of a DJ. But the relationship ended in a painful separation.

Lika Star's personal life received a new impetus after meeting with businessman Alexei Mamontov. Far from the world of show business, a man for some time became a reliable support for a 22-year-old girl. In 1995, Lika gave birth to their first child, Artemy. But after Mamontov was drawn into gang warfare, which happened often at that time, Pavlova, having taken her little son, was forced to hide from her husband's enemies. It was a difficult period in the life of the singer. Then Lika's mother died.

After the black streak, Lika Star was again at the zenith of fame and in favor with Alla Pugacheva herself. But after rumors about the singer's romantic relationship with the then son-in-law of Prima Donna, Lika disappeared from the domestic show business. They say that the sunset of a career happened at the behest of Alla Borisovna.

Today Lika Star lives in Sardinia. The husband of the former singer is entrepreneur Angelo Sechi. The couple had two children. In 2004 - the daughter of Allegrin, and in 2011 - the son of Mark.

On April 20, 2016, Lika Star reminded of herself. In the program “Alone with Everyone”, the artist admitted to the audience that at the beginning of her career she had an affair with Fyodor Bondarchuk. According to Lika, the girl then frankly spoke about this to the director's wife. At the same time, the star of the 90s claims that he does not feel guilty before. Like, Lika was a free woman. Therefore, the blame for the novels "on the side" lies exclusively with men.

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Russian singer, DJ and producer, infamous in the 1990s.

Lika Star(real name Lika Pavlova) was born in the autumn of 1973. Her father named her in honor of Lika Mizinova, the beloved of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The future pop star graduated from school with an in-depth study of the French language and received the title of master of sports in swimming. She always wanted to be in the center of public attention, so she was one of the first to be at the opening of the dance floor of the Orion cinema.

The creative path of Leakey Star

Fifteen-year-old Lika met Vladimir Fonarev, future disco star. He became her first big love and helped take the step towards recognition by entrusting his DJ console.

Lika Star: “- I was sitting at the TV from the age of six, and there was some kind of “Song of the Year”, and our stars came out ... And I have a sister Christina ... And I say: “Christina, the time will come when I will be better, than all of them. I'll be better, you'll see. " She gave me schelbans right away: "Where are you going?". And I say: "You'll see." And still I say that I will be better. "

Soon, DJ Lika began to engage in vocals and promotion of hip-hop, which is popular in the west. Under the direction of the producer Sergei Obukhov she released her debut single " BBC Taxi”, followed by the album "Rap".

In the early 1990s compositions Leakey Star produced the effect of an exploding bomb. It was she who was among the first naked domestic stars on the cover of Playboy magazine. Even Alla Pugacheva herself liked the scandalous and shocking singer, but things did not go beyond participation in Christmas meetings:

Pugacheva suggested: "Go to my theater - you will be number one in this country!" But I refused, because I'm already number one! I'd rather be nothing than a puppet in the hands of Pugacheva! I am a person. One that must be lowered before it can be elevated. Worse than what is written about me, and you can’t think of anything - a drug addict, and a zoophile, and a lesbian ... Mom grabbed her heart: “How can I look people in the eyes ?!”. She works at the Lithuanian embassy, ​​and well-wishers slipped these publications on the table of the ambassador ... So nothing can spoil me. And then, most journalists ask questions not to the point: no one asks about music, everyone is only interested in who I sleep with.

The last straw in the relationship between the scandalous singer and Alla Pugacheva was that Lika Star did not hide her close relationship with the son-in-law of the Primadonna, Vladimir Presnyakov.

In 1994, Lika shot a very explicit video for the song "Let It Rain". The then little-known Fyodor Bondarchuk became the director of the video.

A year later, she decided to devote herself to her newborn son, but this was not part of the plans of producer Sergei Obukhov. In the promotion of the new album "Fallen Angel" a lot of money was invested, and when it came to gang warfare, all rights to sell five thousand discs went to Lika.

Soon Lika Star opened her own studio AS Studio, started producing young performers and returned to the top of the domestic show business thanks to a rumor about her relationship with the frontman of the Mumiy Troll group Ilya Lagutenko.

The artist took part in the project "Naked truth", within which, together with DJs Groove And Mutabor spoke about the wrong side of the domestic show business. After the scandal associated with the release of the video, Lika disappeared from the television screen for a long time - she went to London to work with the band's musicians Apollo 440 and devoted herself to theatrical activities.

In 2003 Lika Star became a member of the show "The Last Hero » and then settled in Italy. Today she lives in Sardinia with her husband and children, and in her free time she translates and sings Italian hits.

Leakey Star's personal life

The name of the singer is associated with many prominent figures in the early 1990s. She does not hide the fact that she had stormy romances with her producer Sergei Obukhov, Fedor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Presnyakov and the infamous editor of the OM magazine Igor Grigoriev.

In 1995, the singer married the heir to a famous family Alexey Mamontov and bore him a son Artemia.

I just realized that for a very long time I was close to the wrong people, I loved the wrong ones. The values ​​they offered me were stupid - all this is a stellar life, threatening loneliness ... Even poor Madonna, in her old age, realized that money and the stage are not the most important thing. I have succeeded both as an artist and as a woman. The most important thing has already been done: I am a mother, and this sounds proud. In my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who has given birth.

In the early 2000s, she moved to Italy, where her husband was a designer and owner of a furniture chain. Angelo Sechi.

Their daughter was born in 2004 Allegrina. The singer found out about her second pregnancy on the island, in the midst of filming the reality project "The Last Hero". Despite the fact that during the show she got a lot of vaccinations against tropical diseases and lost twelve kilograms, the girl was born healthy.

Remarkably, even during an interview with OM magazine in 1996, Lika Star frankly stated: “I will have a second child. Seriously. Definitely, I will have a second child. And I even know when. I will have a girl. And here it is easy for me. I am 100% sure of this. I really want a second child. Really want to".

April 22, 2011 Lika Star became a mother for the third time - her son was born Mark.

In the fall of 2011, a scandal erupted. The singer was forced to return to Russia, as her son Artem Mamontov was deprived of a multi-million dollar inheritance after the death of his father. As it turned out, the owner of an apartment in the center of Moscow and a plot in the Moscow suburbs is an unknown woman, Vera Tsareva. Correspondents of the program “Let them talk” conducted their own investigation, on the air of which Lika Star appeared. This is her first interview on Russian television a few years after leaving for Italy.

Lika Pavlova (Lika Star, Lika MS), is the first female DJ in Russia. After becoming a disc jockey, the girl took up songwriting, production and singing. Later she became known for expensive music videos.

Lika Pavlova was born on September 3, 1973. Her homeland is the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. The girl's mother was Lithuanian, her father was Russian. They named the future artist in honor of the beloved writer and playwright Anton Chekhov - Lika Mizinova.

From an early age, the girl had an interest in art and sports. Hard work paid off - the young lady became the winner of swimming competitions and earned the honorary title of Master of Sports. My favorite subject at school was French. Growing up, the girl studied it in depth.

When Pavlova was fourteen, she met Vladimir Fonarev, also known under the pseudonym DJ Lantern. The guy taught her the basics, predetermining the girl's future work. So, seriously interested in an interesting profession, Lika improved her acquired skills day by day.

At the age of fifteen, Lika left her home due to the death of her father.

In the early nineties, Star made a living performing on stage. The basis of Lika's popularity was laid by the first duet with Sergei Obukhov, called "BBC Taxi". So the stage image of a girl who loves attention and scandals was invented.

The later tracks "Rap" and "Let It Rain" also received general publicity. In addition, Lika Star became one of the first women who agreed to a candid shoot for the Russian edition of PlayBoy, which certainly glorified her in male circles. Leakey's height-to-weight ratio is 173/48, so the magazine quickly agreed to cooperate.

The heroine of the most expensive domestic clips

Although Star started without outside support, she managed to reach unprecedented heights. Videos for the songs of Lika MC cost a lot of money. For the clips, the most popular producers and the best operators were hired.

Through them, the young lady talked about her lifestyle - constant parties, expensive restaurants. From the outside, Lika's everyday life seemed like an eternal holiday.

Since the beginning of musical implementation, Pavlova has released four albums - "Fallen Angel", "Rap", "More Than Love", "I" and released 10 clips, each of which can be viewed by going to her youtube channel.

Personal life

It is known about Lika's romance with Vladimir Presnyakov. Then he was married to the daughter of Alla Pugacheva and cheated on her with a scandalous singer. Pavlova has repeatedly expressed that she is not responsible for Presnyakov's betrayal, because the man himself makes decisions. Many believe that it was by entering into a relationship with a married man that Star said goodbye to her career.

Her first husband was Alexei Mamontov, far from show business. However, thanks to the criminal problems of her husband, Lika had to run away, taking the baby Arkady born in the mid-nineties. Later, she won the heart of the Italian businessman Angelo Sechi and left Russia. Now Angelo and Lika have two children - Allegrina and Mark. Also, a child from Lika's first marriage still lives with them.

Lika MS now

At the moment, the woman is 44 years old. She ended her musical career by exchanging the stage for family life. The girl raises children in sunny Sardinia and sometimes appears on Russian TV shows to give interviews. Sometimes a girl sings Italian hits in Russian, but she considers it only a hobby.

The husband dragged Lika into the tourism business. Now Sechi's wife is actively realizing her potential in entrepreneurship.


Although Lika was not a good girl, she was still seriously engaged in swimming, having received the title of master of sports, and studied at a French special school. It is interesting that Lena Perova (ex-Lyceum and Amega) studied at the same school, in which Lika Pavlova was a pioneer leader.

When Lika was 14, she left the big sport, and at 15, at one of the first Moscow discos, she met the future star of the dance floors, and then the novice DJ Lantern (Vladimir Fonarev). He stood at the remote control... It was love that opened the true path in life to the young talent...

MC "Master of Ceremonies" Cinema "Orion" witnessed the birth of the first girl DJ, they went to look at the miracle master as a national sensation. The lantern helped Lika master the intricacies of working at the remote control, and the work involved not mixing vinyl records, but a much more complex procedure for manipulating tapes. The city danced and everyone was happy...

DJ Lika Little by little, the talent moved to other areas - an advanced girl drew attention to the commercial trend of hip-hop that was emerging in the West. She took an active part in promoting it in Rus', besides, the girl developed singing vocals ... In this capacity, she became interested in one of the first producers interested in dance music - Sergey Obukhov. The first single "BBC Taxi" set the dancefloors on fire, and in 1990 Leakey's debut album "Rap" was released.

Lika Star And once grace descended from heaven - the great Alla Pugacheva honored the young talent with an invitation to the Mecca of domestic show business - "Christmas Meetings". The divine retinue was ready to accept her into their ranks. Even Valentin Yudashkin hastened to offer an outfit for the debut from his own collection, however, the masterpiece of the famous meter only made the girl want to cry all night. The dress had to be built on its own, which did not prevent Lika from agreeing with Alla Borisovna on the prospects for future cooperation.

The successful single “Let it rain” came to the court on MTV, and Lika at Alla Pugacheva’s studio, where work was painstakingly on the album “Fallen Angel”, in the creation of which Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. also took part, they sang songs, rattled the timpani, and here again from nowhere Alla Borisovna! Now there was no need to wait for mercy, Lika was urgently asked to vacate the studio, and the son-in-law too!

The dates for the release of the album were pushed back a year, the studio changed, Lika also began to grow up, the scandals around her name got tired, shocking turned into a different quality. In addition, Lika became a young mother! And unexpectedly for the producer, who invested a lot of money in the promotion of the album. And now the covers of fashion magazines are full of pictures illustrating the life of a young pregnant singer, in show business they don’t go on maternity leave! The situation was catastrophic, the amount for the penalty was called huge, and as a result of long trials, the sale of the album fell on Leakey's shoulders in the amount of 5000 discs. The singer did not sell them. The discs, according to some rumors, are still kept on her balcony.

Leakey's pregnancy was accompanied by scandalous rumors. The vast majority of admirers were sure that the father of the child was not Lika's husband Alexei Mamontov, but the editor of OM magazine Igor Grigoriev, who took part in the promotion of the subsequent album "More than Love" and even starred in the most famous of Lika's clips "Lonely Moon".

But over time, the situation in society and on the stage began to improve, Lika even acquired her own AS Studio. The projects included recording a new album and producing young performers. And then a new scandal broke out, which brought a lot of joy to secular gossip. The news of the romance of Lika and the new star of the national rock scene, Ilya Lagutenko, marched through the gossip column. And then the biggest grief in Lika's life happened - her mother, the closest person, whose death unsettled the singer for a long time, suddenly died of cancer.

However, they found the strength to return to show business, a longtime colleague back in the days of DJing Dmitry Postovalov (Arrival) created the Demo project, in which Lika took an active part, in addition, a new album "I" was being prepared for release, the first single from which "Fall" was recorded together with the famous Moscow rock band MEDDOG, who also took part in the filming of the video.

Philosopher Recently, a new scandal from Lika's camp has pleased fans of show business - the Naked Truth project, in whose creation ex-DJ Lika, DJ Groove and DJ Mutabor took part, shocked with revelations embodied in juicy and biting incorrect Russian language, telling about miracles, going on in show business. The single, as usual, was presented on the radio only once, after which it was banned forever, in a live performance in the summer, the visuals, supplemented by live elements of pornography, shocked. The Naked Truth project threatens to spill over from representatives of show business to other professions. The guys threaten to distribute products on video at retail for the greater devastation of the wallets of lovers of "naked" projects!

Lika Pavlova Recently, the singer has been disappearing abroad. In the UK, she is working on a joint project with the musicians of the Apollo 440 group. While in Russia, the artist was stubbornly studying languages, for which she even entered one of the specialized Moscow institutes.

In parallel with her work in London, the artist will perform on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire. The young Japanese director Mikhail Vozumi has approved Ms. Pavlova for the lead role in his new play Good Evening, Dr. Freud.

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