Anna from the last hero season 1. How did the life of the participants of "The Last Hero" after the end of the reality show! I will be better


On Friday, May 4, it became known about the death of a participant in the reality show "The Last Hero" Sergei Sakin. A charming man from the first minutes of the program attracted the attention of the audience.

No one could have imagined how tragically Sergei's life would end. But this is not an isolated case. People who instantly get fame on television cannot always cope with it. Dni.Ru decided to remember the dead participants of the most popular reality shows.
In recent years, many reality programs have been released on television. Ordinary people thanks to such projects could become real stars. For some participants, the TV show served as a stepping stone to real fame and fortune, while others had to return to their normal lives. Others will forever remain only in our memory.

Sergei Sakin. "The last Hero"

Sergei was a participant in the first season of the show "The Last Hero", hosted by Sergei Bodrov. After the end of the program, he married a colleague on the show, Anna Modestova, and also wrote a book about his stay on TV. Sakin left two small children - a boy and a girl.
The exact date of death of the writer and showman Sergei Sakin is unknown. The man disappeared at the end of November 2017 on the way from Myshkin to Moscow, and the police found his body in the forest after the snow melted in May 2018.
It was established that in the Yaroslavl region a man was visiting his friend, whom he helped with the housework. At some point, he decided to go to Moscow to visit relatives. A participant in the show "The Last Hero" managed to cross the ferry from Myshkin to the other side of the Volga, but did not get on a minibus or on a ride. Friends suggested that Sergei was going to leave Myshkin by hitchhiking, since buses to Yaroslavl run poorly and irregularly, and it is not always possible to get on them. However, something changed his plans and Sakin stayed in the city.

Sergei's body was found during a planned combing of the area after the snow had melted. The body lay near the pier. The long search is explained by the fact that the star of "The Last Hero" was covered with snow almost immediately. Sergei's personal belongings remained untouched. The preliminary cause of Sakin's death is hypothermia, possibly while intoxicated. It is known that a 40-year-old man was treated for a long time for destructive passion.

Christina Kalinina. show "Hunger"

The lively, ambitious girl was immediately loved by the audience. She came to the reality show "Hunger", leaving her little daughter with her grandmother, and with the firm intention of succeeding. But she failed to win. Christina did not succumb to despondency and decided to try to find her happiness on the reality show "Dom-2". Then Kalinina was 22 years old, and her daughter was three years old.

She spent only two weeks on the project. The participants of the TV show disliked Christina. After the girl was kicked out of Dom-2, she became depressed, later Kalinina refused food and water. On July 2, 2007, Christina died of acute heart and kidney failure.

Ratmir Shishkov. "Star Factory"

A graduate of "Star Factory-4" died in a car accident on March 22, 2007. The car in which the musician was traveling rammed another car. The accident happened in the center of Moscow. For several days, fans hoped that Ratmir was not in the car at that moment. But the miracle didn't happen. Ratmir was only 19 years old. He left behind a newborn daughter.

Shishkov became known to a wide audience thanks to the Channel One project. The young man participated in the 4th season of the Factory. Despite the fact that at that time he was 15 years old, the producers drew attention to the bright teenager and gave him the opportunity to prove himself. On the show, Ratmir created a group with Timati, Dominic Joker and Anastasia Kochetkova. The team managed to release an album, but broke up after the tragic death of the soloist.

Ilya Yakovlev "Weighted and Happy" (Ukraine)

Yakovlev came to television with the hope of losing weight and, having changed, meet a soul mate. All Ilya's dreams came true: a guy from Donetsk dropped the hated kilograms and fell in love with participant Natasha on the project. A year later, the couple got married.

In 2013, during the show, Yakovlev was very afraid of harming his health. He did not seek to quickly lose weight, he refused heavy loads, deciding to lose a few kilograms a month. However, the guy reached the final and dropped 48 kilograms. Two years later, Ilya died. He was 32 years old. Yakovlev died of a stroke.

Maria Politova. "House 2"

Maria Politova came to the project three times, but she could not build her love in front of the eyes of the whole country. Masha has always been a "black sheep": she was distinguished by emotionality, imbalance, but she never wished harm to anyone. Most of the participants in the show perceived her as a little capricious girl.

Politova managed to meet love outside the project. Masha fell in love with journalist Artem. The guys did not hide their feelings - the girl published joint photos on social networks. However, a happy life turned out to be just a game for the public. In early December 2017, Politova disappeared. This was reported on the Web by her young man.
On December 13, Maria was found dead at her grandfather's summer cottage in the Shchelkovsky district. A man passing by noticed the body of a girl sprinkled with snow. Medications and alcohol were found in Masha's blood. What happened on that fateful day is still unknown.

Oksana Aplekaeva. "House 2"

The body of the strangled Oksana Aplekaeva was found on the Moscow-Istra highway on September 9, 2008. According to investigators, the girl was brutally murdered by her lover, whom she infected with a venereal disease. After her death, the blonde was raped.

Oksana became a member of "House-2" in 2005. Her appearance caused an ambiguous reaction from other inhabitants of the TV set. During her stay in the perimeter, she never managed to build a relationship, but becoming famous, Oksana began to receive interesting business offers. After leaving the construction site, the girl worked as a model, and also actively participated in television life, acting in clips, television series and various talk shows. But this did not bring happiness to the spectacular blonde. May 4, 2018, 15:05

The body of the writer Sergei Sakin was found in the Yaroslavl region. The man disappeared in November last year on the way from Myshkin to Moscow. Sakin was only 40 years old.

Sakin was born in Moscow and graduated from high school in the Novy Arbat area. Prior to that, he changed several schools (he was expelled for systematic conflicts with teachers and other violations of discipline). In one of the schools he received the nickname "Spiker" - from the Americans who came under the student exchange program.

Sakin was a participant in the first season of the popular reality show "The Last Hero". Later he married Anna Modestova, a participant in the same show (the couple later divorced), Sergey also published a book about his participation in the show.

Sergey Sakin has been treated for alcohol and drug addiction for many years. For the last two years, he lived in the courtyard of the Nikitsky Monastery in Pereslavl-Zalessky (Yaroslavl Region). The writer worked in a team of volunteers like him. Men were engaged in the restoration of the temple. In parallel, the journalist collaborated with an online publication (the last publication was in March 2017).

In the summer of 2017, Sakin moved to a village near the town of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region, to live with his old friend Alexander Smirnov. A large believing family accepted a man with a difficult fate as their own. The guest helped them with housework and enjoyed nature. From time to time, Sergei came to Moscow, where his parents live, as well as two children - a 12-year-old son from his marriage to Anna Modestova and a 9-year-old daughter from a civil marriage. In the autumn he came every month, in a good mood, and even brought village meat as a present. But, according to his acquaintances, the capital spoiled Sergei - on every visit he broke down.

On November 6, the journalist left for Myshkin and invited his old friend to live with him, with whom he was treated for addiction to hard drugs. Alexander Smirnov gave them a separate house with cattle, in which the men were supposed to equip their life, but instead the comrades returned to their old habits. Moscow, where he will put himself in order and return back. His friend was sent by taxi back home.

On November 24, 2017, Sergei was escorted to the ferry, on which he was supposed to cross the Volga and take the first regular bus to Moscow. Here the trail of the journalist is interrupted. Judging by the security cameras, he was indeed on the ferry. But his parents did not wait for him in the capital. According to some reports, eyewitnesses saw a man who looked like a well-known journalist buying alcohol in a department store in Myshkin on the same day at about 17.00 (and he was supposed to take the bus at 16.00). And on November 30, Sakin was allegedly seen in Pereslavl-Zalessky, also in line for alcohol (he was in a black knee-length jacket, blue jeans, a hat and sneakers with red laces).

In the latest photographs of Sakin, traces of use are evident. I remember how in school I eagerly waited for each issue of The Last Hero. Then it was something fundamentally new on TV! I don’t remember Sergey Sakin well, but I remember that I didn’t like him, he seemed somehow hysterical. And his chosen one, Anna, on the contrary, gave the impression of a very pragmatic down-to-earth girl.

Do you remember Sergei in "The Last Hero"?

Sergei Alekseevich Sakin. Born on August 19, 1977 in Moscow - found dead on May 3, 2018 (disappeared on November 24, 2017). Russian writer, participant of the show "The Last Hero". Known under the pseudonym Spiker.

During his school years, he constantly clashed with teachers, which is why he was repeatedly expelled. Changed several schools. As a result, he graduated from the well-known school No. 1234 in the Novy Arbat area. Writer Boris Zakhoder, actresses Lyudmila Kasatkina and Maria Mironova, Alexander Maslyakov Jr., singer Pavel Artemiev once studied there.

It was during his school years that he received the nickname "Spiker" - that's what the Americans who came on the exchange program for schoolchildren called him.

In 1998 he graduated from the Institute of Asian and African countries of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

In the late 1990s, with a friend, Pavel Tetersky, he went to London - almost without funds. We lived with a friend Tetersky, spent some time in a barn in an abandoned garden, in the airport waiting room. I worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant.

In the same place in England, Sakin got hooked on drugs. He recalled: “In order to fall asleep, like a homeless person, in an uncomfortable place, I drank. In the morning I had a hangover. And I had to go wash the dishes in a restaurant. ".

In London, Sakin and Tetersky kept a diary in which they wrote down their adventures. Upon returning to Russia, on the basis of the diary, they wrote the book “More Ben”, which was published in 2001, withstood several reprints and brought them a good income. In 2008, based on the book, the film More Ben was filmed, where the actor played the role of Spiker.

In 2001, he was cast in the show "The last Hero". In autumn 2001 he went to Panama. “For me, there were no difficulties on the project - I got used to sleeping on the ground, I was also used to being separated from loved ones, and eating anything was not new,” he said.

Sakin did not win the show, but became one of the favorites of the audience - they followed his relationship with another participant, Anna Modestova, with pleasure. Sergei and Anna met before the casting. On the show, they ended up in different tribes, on different islands. Sergey somehow even tried to swim across to Anna, the current was strong, and he could easily be carried into the ocean. After that, a guard was assigned to him.

Sergey Sakin and Anna Modestova in the show "The Last Hero"

The growth of Sergei Sakin: 173 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Sakin:

Was married twice. Has a son and a daughter.

First wife - Anna Modestova. Together they participated in the show "The Last Hero". They got married after returning from the project in June 2002 - they not only signed, but also got married. The participants of the show, Sergey Odintsov, congratulated the newlyweds, promised to come and the presenter, but he had shootings.

Together with all the relatives, they bought an apartment in Moscow. In 2005, their son Alexei was born.

However, family life did not work out - Anna filed for divorce. Sakin took the blame for the collapse of the family: "I was an egoist, a liar. I disappeared for weeks, explained it with work, but in fact I used it and could not stop. Anya was a primary school teacher, she earned a little, I published, collaborated with TV. But there was not enough money. Anya could not stand it, and we parted."

Sergey Sakin and Anna Modestova

Second wife (civil marriage) - Maria. I met her in 2007 when I came for an interview - to get a job as an editor on television. Soon they began to live together in Maria's apartment.

In 2009, the couple had a daughter, Vasilisa.

But in 2010, this relationship fell apart. Sakin said: “It was the bottom, the money almost stopped coming, I realized that I was unpleasant to my daughter and Masha, and left. I became homeless again - I lived at railway stations, I could fight and rob a store.”

Sergey Sakin with children

Addiction treatment:

In 2013, he underwent treatment at the Healthy Youth Center in Pyatigorsk. Spent six months there. Then he moved to the health camp of the TsZM in the Moscow region.

Then he went to work in the branch of the Central Health Museum in Kazan. At the same time he wrote a lot. At the end of 2013, he was offered to make a film - an art-house painting "Lesha's Prayer". Work on it took place in Abkhazia - Sakin acted as a director and screenwriter.

In June 2014, the actor was treated at an anti-drug camp in Sochi. Then for some time he lived in Pereslavl in a skete, trying to join the faith.

He is a close friend of Andrei "Pale" Pozdnukhov from the rap group "25/17". He actively and successfully promotes the group's work on the Reedus news resource, practically being a freelance pr-manager of the musicians.

Disappearance of Sergei Sakin:

In December 2017, Sergei Sakin was reported missing. According to friends, he left the town of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region, on November 24 and disappeared, although the next day he was expected in Moscow.

Later it turned out that Sergei could not get by public transport, by minibus, but by hitchhiking. Friends filed a missing persons report with the police, but three days later, according to them, the case was closed - the document was not drawn up by relatives.

Relatives also turned to law enforcement officers.

Volunteers also began to search.

Traces of violent death, the experts did not find. One of his friends reported: “Yes, the body has been found. I don't know what else to say. There are no injuries caused by cold weapons, fractures and other things on it. Experts are inclined to the version of non-violent death. It is only surprising that it took so long to search.

Filmography of Sergei Sakin:

Bibliography of Sergei Sakin:

The name of the winner is still a mystery. On the website of the program on the Internet, where the audience voting takes place, Ivan Lyubimenko is in the lead - 43% of the vote, Inna Gomez - 33%, Sergei Odintsov - 8%, Anna Modestova - 4%. It is also not entirely clear how the “last hero” will be determined. One thing is known: out of the four remaining on the island, two will first fly out, and the winner will be chosen from these two. Project producer Sergei KUSHNEREV told the readers of KP about the final shooting days. - What was the most difficult at the end?- It remained to shoot the last two episodes, when a typhoon of terrible force came from Cuba. For the last competition, four participants had to be transported by air on slings dropped from a helicopter to a very beautiful Bird Island. But they didn't take the risk. The episode on the impregnable Devil's Island, where the two finalists were supposed to spend the night before the last council, was abandoned. It was possible to throw them there, but it was practically impossible to take them back. - Was the wedding of Sergei and Anya real or is it a TV trick?- Yes, for two weeks we were looking for a way to marry them in Panama, for a week we persuaded the judge to fly by helicopter, for two hours we hid her in the bushes along with the court clerk, translator, champagne and glasses! - How did you manage to ensure secrecy around the name of the winner?- Even my close friends do not know who became the winner. Bodrov was stopped by traffic cops and threatened to take away his license if he did not tell. And the man himself, who became the “last hero,” thought for a long time whether to tell his family about this. - The winner will receive the same money from the box that is shown to us during the council?- Of course not, this money is not real. And the winner will receive real money in Moscow on February 14 during the concert "The Last Hero". Ilya OGNEV. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE PARTICIPANTS? Inna Gomez was invited to star in an American film. Sergei Sakin received an offer to publish a series of books, starting with a novel about The Last Hero. Another book on the same topic is written by Vanya Lyubimenko. Snezhana recorded her first song on a disc. Sergey and Anya want to get married in Moscow, but have not yet determined the exact date: April 14 or May 14. BTW Vanya sacrificed... his hair for the sake of the fire The youngest participant of the project is writing a book about how the events on the island actually developed Vanya Lyubimenko is finishing the future bestseller. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" got the opportunity to read some chapters from the book. It turned out that the most difficult test for Ivan was the return from Bocas del Toro. In Moscow, Vanya fell down with a tropical fever. Having recovered, he passed the session at the university with "five" and sat down to the book. - Vanya, did the book include a lot of what was left behind the scenes? This book was conceived for that purpose. She's pretty outspoken. The very climax is in the chapter "Before and after the fire." When the remaining five spoke candidly about everything... - Who did you dislike the most on the island?- Natasha Ten. I didn't like her for her regular lies. In her eyes she said one thing, behind her eyes another. Toward the end, I felt that they were going to “eat” her and offered me a deal: “Don’t vote against me. I will support you." Apparently, she took for a naive simpleton. I may have been, but I refused the deal. - Who was cute?- Anya. On our first night on the island, we agreed on three things: not to form alliances, not to vote against each other, and to share information. So it was before Sergei took a seat next to Anya. ...At the beginning of the game, the Turtles won 15 matches. But one day the fire went out, and there was nothing dry to kindle. Ivan decided to donate his hair. The ladies cut off a small bun, soaked their hair in cologne instead of fuel. And... nothing happened. It turned out that the remaining two matches got wet. Svetlana KHRUSTALEVA. BEHIND THE SCREEN Odintsov hid cookies in his shorts Anya Modestova slipped on the wet stage and fell (in the last episode her chin was covered with plaster) - there was a suspicion of a concussion. Sergei Sakin every evening tried to swim to Anya on a neighboring island. The raging current could carry him into the ocean. Therefore, the journalist who was on the island was ordered to be on duty near Sakin. All participants constantly experienced three sensations: I want to eat, I want sweets, I want meat. One day, one of the people preparing the shooting dropped a pack of cookies into the water. Seeing this, Odintsov quietly picked up the cookies from the bottom and hid them in his shorts, and then slowly ate them, sharing them with the others. Sergey Tereshchenko lost the most weight during his stay on the island - by 30 kg. Vanya Lyubimenko lost 4 kg, Sergey Odintsov - 14 kg, Anya Modestova - 6 kg, but Inna Gomez managed to stay with her.

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