Entertaining performance. What is an enterprise? How long does the average setting pay off


ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE (French entreprise, from entreprendre - entrepreneur), a spectacular enterprise created and led by a private entrepreneur - an entrepreneur (manager, impresario, producer). Enterprises have existed since the emergence of professional troupes (theatrical, circus, etc.). Many European theater groups were entreprises, headed by entrepreneurs and famous actors at the same time - Molière, D. Garrick, E. Rossi, E. Duse, etc. In Russia, among the well-known entreprises are N.N. Solovtsova, N.N. Sinelnikova, S.P. Diaghilev, F.A. Korsha.

Modern Encyclopedia. 2000 .


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    ENTERPRISE, entreprises, for women. (French entreprise) (theatre). Exploitation of a private theatrical entertainment enterprise. Keep the entreprise. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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    G. Private entertainment enterprise (theater, circus, etc.), a small (of 3 5 actors) troupe, usually created for some time and performing with a minimum of scenery. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

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    - (French entreprise enterprise) a form of organization of theatrical business, in which a private entrepreneur (entrepreneur) gathers actors to participate in a performance (as opposed to the form of a repertory theater with a permanent troupe). An example of modern ... ... Wikipedia

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For the vast majority of Russian critics, entreprise has been and remains terra incognita. After talking with ticket distributors and tour organizers, we found out some interesting facts that help to map this land.

1. What is an enterprise

Legally, such an organizational and legal form as an entreprise does not exist. Anyone who registers as an LLC, ANO and even PBOYuL can rent or release performances. According to the Theatrical Russia directory, there are several dozens of autonomous non-profit organizations, limited liability companies, non-profit partnerships and limited partnerships in our country that produce and distribute performances. At the same time, it is possible to separate the usual entreprise from, say, the Theatrical Art Studio under the direction of Sergei Zhenovach or the Sound Drama Studio under the direction of Vladimir Pankov (these are also non-state theaters) only with the help of creative criteria. The easiest way is to use the wording proposed by one well-known distributor: an entreprise is a privately produced performance, the main purpose of which is to make a profit.

2. How many entreprises are in Russia

It is almost impossible to count the number of entrepreneurial offices, because they often change their names: they exist under the same name for three years, and then, when they are attacked by the tax inspectorate, they change their sign. Only the most solid and stable enterprises, founded by former graduates of RATI - GITIS, like the Independent Theater Project of Elshan Mamedov or the Art Partner of XXI Leonid Roberman and Anna Kostyukova retain their name. In addition, it happens that a company (or several companies) produces co-productions with the state theater. The performance is under the heading of the theatre, but it is not completely its property, since the right to it belongs to some production companies. This, of course, is not advertised.

3. Why is there almost no enterprise in the province?

In fact, they are. It's just that private production in the provinces is almost always done under the heading of state theaters. And in order to travel around towns and villages, the director of the local theater can open the office of Horn and Hooves - and for 10 rubles she will take his performance for a guarantee.

4. Rehearsal period of a private performance

From one and a half months to one week.

5. Prices

Price ceiling - 5000 rubles. Such prices for tickets were at Lady's Night (Independent Theater Project, director Viktor Shamirov), at Figaro. Events of one day (Evgeny Mironov Theater Company, director Kirill Serebrennikov), at the performances of Oleg Menshikov (Tovarishchestvo 814). Prices for the Quartet with Alisa Freindlikh, Oleg Basilashvili, Valery Ivchenko and Zinaida Sharko reach up to 3,500 rubles (director Sergei Pinigin's performance is under the heading of the BDT, but the rights to it, as they say, belong to the theater only partially). But these are all exceptions to the rule. Usually, prices for private performances do not rise above 2,500 rubles. And they go down to 250. And even lower. Ticket distributors talk about a certain semi-mythical Mr. Vasin, who sells sets of tickets at a discount. For three hundred rubles, you can buy a ticket for a private performance from him, having received a ticket for Smehopanorama as a load. The posters of such laugh panoramas usually contain the names of long-dead clowns.

6. How long does it take for an average production to pay off?

A successful performance can pay off during a big tour (20 performances) in America or Israel. But it also happens that a project that looks solid from the very beginning does not sell well - and after 5-7 performances it is removed from the repertoire. If the project does not pay off and the owner cannot pay off the profit for renting the hall, he, as a rule, pays his own money. However, even if he did not pay for the rent, such an unfortunate producer is rarely sued - this is not profitable and is not accepted.

7. Who and where travels in Russia

Basically, the so-called low-budget performances go on tour. Large-budget ones, whose guaranteed cost is 600-750 thousand rubles, can only be accepted by a big city. A performance with a guaranteed cost of 120-150 thousand rubles - any corner of our country. In Moscow, these performances, as a rule, are not performed. They have practically no scenery, costumes - from the selection. In addition, about thirty people should leave with a major performance - make-up artists, costumers, lighting, and so on. And eight people can serve a low-budget one. Therefore, a decent performance goes to the regional center, and indecent - to any place where there is a House of Culture. A tub with a palm tree will replace the scenery, the light will be set up somehow, the props will be transported as hand luggage. Prices for such a spectacle range from 100 to 700 rubles. It is most profitable to travel around Siberia, to Ukraine (Kharkov - Kyiv - Odessa - Dnepropetrovsk - Nikolaev). There is another route: Krasnodar - Rostov-on-Don - Taganrog. Enterprises try not to go to Crimea - it is too poor there. In Sochi, by tradition, only the stage is in demand. Enterprises also go to Samara, Saratov and Tolyatti, but the audience there is much more demanding, so it’s better not to go there with three suitcases of scenery. You can earn decent money on tour in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, but to go there, you need a sponsor who will pay for travel and transportation.

8. The lifespan of a private performance

The average life span of a strong setting is four years. For five consecutive years, Lady's Night was the most successful show. The Pinter collection (theatrical agency Art-Most, directed by Vladimir Mirzoev) sold out and even more - for 7-8 years. Now Figaro is the most successful. One day events. However, according to ticket distributors, both Figaro (premiere - December 2006) and Lady's Night (premiere - October 2002) live out the last season - the excitement around these performances began to fall. At current prices, tickets for them will be sold for a maximum of a year. Then it is necessary either to shoot performances, or to sharply reduce prices. Performances with the participation of Maria Aronova - Love Potion, Free Couple (Art Partner XXI), Little Comedies (Oasis Production Center) and others are in consistently high demand. A successful project was Moonlight, Honeymoon - the directorial debut of Tatyana Dogileva (LeCour theater agency). The St. Petersburg play Intimate Life with Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian and the Moscow Sheep with Inna Churikova staged by Boris Milgram, released by producer Oleg Berezkin, lived for a very long time. Another long-liver is the play The Old Maid, staged by the same Milgram and again with the participation of Inna Churikova. It has been noticed that practically none of the producers strives to close the performance beautifully, on the crest of success. Except for Oleg Menshikov, who does just that with all his productions.

The word "entreprise" is surprising to many. What's this? What is an enterprise? Let's explore this concept in more detail!

The well-known Wikipedia site says that enterprise is a special form of organizing theatrical business, in which the organizer (the organizer is called the "entrepreneur") invites actors from various theaters to participate in the performance. By the way, the word "entreprise" itself comes from the French entreprise, which is derived from entreprendre - an entrepreneur, and conditionally the word "entreprise" can be interpreted as a spectacular enterprise, which is not so far from the truth.

Historically, many actors wanted to bring their art to a wider audience, and these actors were not always from the same theatre. There were many reasons - each theater has its own rules, customs and practices. And this state of affairs did not always allow the actors to fully realize themselves. As a result, many actors began to unite in groups to stage a particular performance. This is the essence of the entreprise movement - the unification of different actors for the performance.

It is believed that the entreprise has its own characteristics, for example, this type of theater usually does not have a permanent cast of actors. In fact this is not true. After all, the staging of performances largely depends not only on the talent of the actors, but also on the coherence of their actions, their organization, the actions of the director, rehearsals and much more. Therefore, the cast itself is usually more or less constant. Feature entreprise in another.

In the entreprise, unlike the usual theater, the actors are given complete freedom of action, where they can realize all their wildest plans and desires, reveal their creative potential. There is no ban on improvisation, and therefore each performance is unique.

Another advantage of the entreprise is the opportunity for young and promising actors to show their creativity, the opportunity to work shoulder to shoulder with eminent masters, the opportunity to learn from experience and not be in the rigid framework of classical theater.

This is how we created our theater - the Theater of Antreprise Afanasyeva. The performances performed in the so-called non-repertory genre are intended, to a greater extent, to entertain the viewer. Even everyday problems shown in performances are presented in such a way that they cause a storm of delight and laughter in the audience. The best praise for an actor is the joy of the viewer. And we are very pleased that at almost every performance our actors see a standing ovation in the auditorium.

Each performance is unique and individual. Each production is full of creativity and energy, which we charge our viewers with! We are always glad to see you at our performances!

enterprise ) - a form of organization of theatrical business, in which the organizer (entrepreneur) invites actors from various theaters to participate in the performance (as opposed to the form of a repertory theater with a permanent troupe).

An example of a modern theater company operating on a non-repertory basis is Art Partner XXI and Theater Association 814. In the modern theatrical world, many European and world theater groups are switching to a system of self-organization, which is not necessarily a sign of the commercial dominance of their activities. The growth of independent entreprise groups in the world was facilitated by the reform in the financing of cultural institutions and the possibility of obtaining grants and subsidies from the state both for individual directors, producers, actors or performers, and for organizations involved in the creation and distribution of entreprise performances.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Antreprise

At this time, the door opened.
“Here he is at last,” shouted Rostov. And Berg is here! Oh, petizanfan, ale kushe dormir, [Children, go to bed,] he shouted, repeating the words of the nanny, over which they once laughed with Boris.
- Fathers! how you have changed! - Boris stood up to meet Rostov, but, getting up, he did not forget to support and put the falling chess pieces in their place and wanted to hug his friend, but Nikolai moved away from him. With that special feeling of youth, which is afraid of beaten roads, wants, without imitating others, to express their feelings in a new way, in their own way, if only not in the way that elders often express it feignedly, Nikolai wanted to do something special when meeting with a friend : he wanted to somehow pinch, push Boris, but just not kiss in any way, as everyone did. Boris, on the contrary, calmly and friendly embraced and kissed Rostov three times.
They had not seen each other for almost half a year; and at the age when young people take their first steps on the path of life, both found in each other great changes, completely new reflections of the societies in which they took their first steps in life. Both had changed a lot since their last meeting, and both wanted to quickly show each other the changes that had taken place in them.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word entreprise

entreprise in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


entreprises, (fr. entreprise) (theatre). Exploitation of a private theatrical entertainment enterprise. Keep the entreprise.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


and. Private entertainment enterprise (theater, circus, etc.).



Entreprise- a form of organization of theatrical business, in which the organizer (entrepreneur) invites actors from various theaters to participate in the performance (as opposed to the form of a repertory theater with a permanent troupe).

An example of a modern theater company operating on a non-repertory basis is "Art Partner XXI" and "Theatrical Association 814". In the modern theatrical world, many European and world theater groups are switching to a system of self-organization, which is not necessarily a sign of the commercial dominance of their activities. The growth of independent entreprise groups in the world was facilitated by the reform in the financing of cultural institutions and the possibility of obtaining grants and subsidies from the state both for individual directors, producers, actors or performers, and for organizations involved in the creation and distribution of entreprise performances.

Examples of the use of the word entreprise in the literature.

Two years before the war, an officer of the general staff, Colonel Madritov, acted on the forest concessions near the Yalu River as the chief representative of the Russian Timber and Mining Trading Society in the Far East, as Bezobrazovskaya was then called. enterprise.

Opening of the festival Subscription 39 Piano music evening Played by Naum Shtarkman Program: Beethoven Entreprise MSM Evening - 18.

Program: Alyabyev, Bulakhov, Varlamov, Dubuc, Vielgorsky Oval Hall Enterprises MSM 18.

Entreprise MSM Evening of guitar music Program: Giuliani, Aguado, Kost, Vinitsky, Osipov Performed by the laureate of International and All-Russian competitions Anastasia Bardina Big Hall of the Polytechnic Museum Concert of an old romance and Russian song Program: N.

Schumann, Liszt Entreprise MSM Piano Music Evening Program: Schumann, Schubert, Liszt Performed by laureate of the International Competition Alexander Gindin A.

Program: Schnittke, Farkas, Freitag, Ravel, Enescu, Stravinsky Moscow House of Composers Concert of Young Composers Entreprise MSM Evening - 18.

To the 10th Anniversary of the International Foundation for Slavic Literature and Culture Gala evening-concert Entreprise MSM Evening - 18.

Season ticket 40 An evening of piano music Played by Tatiana Pikaizen Program: Chopin, Liszt Entreprise MSM Evening - 18.

Clerambault, Du Mage Entreprise MSM Evening of guitar music Program: Weiss, Bach, Giuliani, Belyaev, Raka, Koshkin, Domeniconi Performed by the laureate of international competitions Evgeny Finkelstein Hall of the Central House of Scientists Day - 15.

An evening of romantic piano music Played by Tigran Alikhanov Program: Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Liszt Entreprise MSM Evening - 18.

Piano Music Evening Vladimir Ovchinnikov Rachmaninov's program Oval Hall Enterprises MSM Evening - 18.

Yuri Bashmet Oval Hall Enterprises MSM Laureates of international competitions, students of the Higher School of Music in Moscow

Grigoriev, when the latter returned to Tambov from his trips to small towns, which he loved more than a solid enterprise in Tambov.

Then if he saves some money, he opens a boxing enterprise and soon he was drinking water without a hitch - to death or to ruin.

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