Arguments for the careful attitude of man to nature. Ege Russian language


Collection of N.A. Senina (2016), version 3.

Russian writer K.G. Paustovsky reflects on the problem of respect for nature.

How important is it to preserve what surrounds us? In an effort to answer this question, the author draws a dull autumn landscape: “The forests were drizzling with a rain of falling foliage.” Even bird calls are reminiscent of "the sound of broken glass." Man is responsible for everything that happens in nature. This idea K.G. Paustovsky expresses it in allegorical form, recalling the fairy tale of the basket-maker Prokhor about autumn. Nature takes revenge on people because a certain Fool once killed an oriole flying under the sky. Since then, the autumn storm began.

The author's position is concluded, in my opinion, in the words of Prokhor: "... we must not spoil anything, but take good care of it." The writer is convinced that the protection of nature is a very important and necessary matter: as the basket-maker says, "... otherwise you will be thrown by the earth and you will be thrown to death."

Firstly, a person is a part of nature, which means that caring for her is quite natural and reasonable. Nikolai Rubtsov wrote about our blood relationship with all things in the poem “My Quiet Homeland”:

With every hut and cloud,

With thunder ready to fall

I feel the most burning

The deadliest bond.

It turns out that by causing damage to nature, we harm ourselves.

Secondly, the world around us can influence us very beneficially. There are many cases when nature literally heals a person. In O. Henry's short story called "The Last Leaf", for example, the seriously ill heroine counts the remaining leaves on the ivy. Jonesy is sure that with the fall of the last leaf, her life will end. However, the leaf desperately clings to the ivy, resisting the weather. Fights for life and Jonesy. It turns out that it is important to protect nature also as a source of health and energy.

Thus, the topicality of the problem raised in the text is obvious. Nature is our home, and we, rational beings, must protect it.

We continue to prepare together for the essay on the exam in the Russian language. Message archive>>>>> .
The literary argument is not a simple element in the composition of a work. Recall, re-read some of the works indicated below.The book by E.V. will help us. Amelina "Writing an essay for the exam (part C) / Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015 /

" The problem of confrontation between man and nature, the destruction of the surrounding natural world by man, environmental problems

F.I. Tyutchev
"There is melodiousness in the waves of the sea...",

Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. This is an element indifferent to human needs, destinies, deeds. It is uncontrollable, unknowable, in the storms of those who have fallen asleep - "chaos stirs." This is the essence of the eternal conflict between man and nature. Man, according to F.I. Tyutchev, is just a "thinking reed".

I.S. Turgenev
story "Trip to Polissya" ,
prose poem "Nature" .
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. Man is a child of nature, like any other creature. But nature knows neither good nor evil, reason is not a law for it. She does not know art, freedom, does not tolerate anything immortal. It easily gives life and easily takes it away from living beings. She has nothing to do with the fate of mankind. This is the essence of the conflict.

ON THE. Zabolotsky
"I'm not looking for harmony in nature..." ,
"Yesterday, thinking about death..." ,
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. In the natural world there is no harmony, no intelligence. Man is just a thought of nature, "her unsteady mind." Human consciousness is unable to connect "death and being". Human life is transient, but a person can leave himself in this world, appearing there again as a "breath of flowers", branches of a large oak.

V.P. Astafiev
storytelling in stories "King fish" .
The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how they exterminate white and red fish on the Yenisei, destroy the beast and bird. The dramatic story that once happened on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin becomes the climax. Checking the traps, he fell out of the boat and got tangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he recalls his earthly sins, recalls how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of his deed, begs for mercy, mentally addressing both Glashka and the king fish, and to the whole wide world. And all this gives him "some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind." Ignatich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe's thesis: "Nature is always right."

Ch.T. Aitmatov
novel "scaffold" .
In the novel, the writer talks about the destruction of wildlife by man. Three times the wolf family loses their cubs. And Akbar's she-wolf begins to take revenge on the man, takes his cub. The solution to this situation is several deaths: the she-wolf herself, a small child, the son of Boston, and also Bazarbay, who abducted the cubs, die. Akbar's she-wolf embodies mother nature in the work, which rebels against the man who destroys her.
B.L. Vasiliev
story "Don't Shoot the White Swans" .
The hero of this story, forester Yegor Polushkin, and his son Kolka are opposed to poachers, people who soullessly destroy nature.

The problem of interaction between man and nature. How to achieve harmonious coexistence? How does nature affect the human soul? and etc. - in the next issue.

Hello dear blog readers! Last time we reviewed an ESSAY on the topic: ““. In this article, I bring to your attention an example of an essay on the topic “ man's relationship to nature: arguments from literature“.

  • In the presented work, I will use the following argumentation: I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”; M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of our time”, Sergei Yesenin “Goy you, Russia, my dear”.

With the development of science and technology and the urbanization of society, less and less attention is paid to the conservation of nature. The idea became habitual for a person that he - the higher mind - conquered her. Every day, millions of wastes enter the environment, rare species of animals die out, and news about the current state of our ecology does not bring comforting results. That is why this problem is relevant for each of us.

For the sake of its passions and interests, humanity is ready to sacrifice everything that surrounds it. “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” This position is held by the protagonist of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” Yevgeny Bazarov. For the author, he appears in the image of a modern person, for whom the whole world is just a springboard to meet their needs.

On the contrary, in the story of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" there is a close, inextricable connection between nature and the main character, Grigory Pechorin. Turning to the duel scene, this connection is clearly traced: looking at the corpse of Grushnitsky, the sky and everything around seemed dim to the hero, while before the duel they appeared before him in bright colors.

Love for nature, of course, can be traced in the works of the great poet of the XX century Sergei Yesenin. Considering the poem “Goy you, Russia, my dear”, we understand that the poet is ready to give up paradise for the sake of his homeland, the Russian land. Here you can see the inextricable connection between the author and nature, which is a leitmotif for a sense of patriotism.

Thus, the authors of their time once again urge humanity not to forget that they do not live alone in this world. After all, if this problem was relevant even then, each of us needs to listen and make the world around us better by our example.

Today we have covered the topic man's relationship to nature:arguments from literature“. If you liked this material, write your essay in the comments, and together we will analyze them. All the best!

arguments for writing

The problem of admiration for the beauty of nature was raised in many works of world literature. The ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, to bow before it, to sing of its beauty and greatness, the authors most often endow people with a fine mental organization, who feel our world as a whole and a person as an integral part of this world. Often the ability to admire the beauty of nature becomes almost the only characteristic of the hero that allows the reader to understand him: his soul, his ideals, motives, hidden desires.
This is what we can observe

The protagonist of the work, Major Kuzmin, goes on vacation after being wounded and stops in a small town to deliver a letter to the wife of a military man whom he met in the hospital. There are practically no direct author's characteristics of Kuzmin in the story. But here we see how he wants to stay in this town, rent a house and listen to the rain knocking on the burdocks at night. And he also talks about how it happens that you see a clearing in the forest from a moving train, a cobweb shining in the sun and you want to stay here for a long time. A moment lasts a second, and you remember it for a lifetime. And then the reader begins to understand that the major is a person with a poetic soul, deeply feeling the world and people, philosophically related to life. And we see this through the prism of Kuzmin's attitude to the world around him.
we see the sea through the eyes of old man Santiago. For him, a fisherman, the sea is not only a breadwinner, for him it is filled with poetry, joy. The sea makes the old man stronger, as if giving him energy from its bottomless storerooms. Santiago admires the sea like a woman, and we understand how beautiful his soul is, forgetting about the hardships of human existence and able to endlessly marvel at the greatness of nature.
Also, writers often invite us to think about how great is the role of the beauty of nature in the revival of the human soul. So,

we see how the narrator bows before the beauty of the blossoming bird cherry. Inhaling its aroma, he hardly imagines how during the blockade, when any “crumble of warmth” was happiness, people managed to save this old tree. And he asks:

Thus, throughout the course of the work, E. Shim claims: the human soul will live as long as it sees and appreciates beauty.

M.M. Prishvin is known for his philosophical views, which are reflected in the writer's diaries, stories, novels. In his work, the writer raises important environmental issues. According to Prishvin, the origins of the ecological crisis are directly related to the spiritual crisis. That is why the author pays special attention to the education of the soul of the child. Prishvin spiritualizes nature, reminding everyone that she is a living organism, she is able to feel, breathe, cry, be upset, frown and rejoice. The method of impersonation helps the child to find in each inhabitant of nature an interlocutor, comrade, friend.

In the story “The Forest Master”, a tree dies due to a cynical attitude to nature - arson. The writer reflects on the fact that one misfortune entails another. Fire from one tree can spread to the entire forest. This is the unreasonable, careless attitude towards nature. Prishvin calls the arsonist boy "a pest" and a "robber". At the end of the story, the author shows that any careless act, thoughtless action can lead to an ecological disaster: “... if that person had not come, if he had not put out the fire, the whole forest would have burned down from this tree. If only we could see!” The narrator not only saved the forest from the fire, but also showed the children the beauty and fragility of nature.

2. V. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

The characters in V. Rasputin's story are aware of their responsibility to the departed for the continuation of life. In their opinion, the Earth is given to man "for borrowing": it must be protected, preserved for posterity. In the dialogue between Andrei and Daria, the grandson tries to convince his grandmother that "man is the king of nature." And Daria answers him: “That's it, the king. He will reign, he will reign, and he will burn.” “Man must be in unity with nature, with the Cosmos,” the writer is convinced. Civilization will never be able to prevail over what was created before it. That is why at the end of the story we see a mighty foliage that will protect the island until it is flooded. The tree did not succumb to man, retaining the dominant principle.

Speaking about the problems of ecology, it is impossible not to say about the cultural attitude of man to nature. One of the clearest examples showing the influence of the "king of nature" on the world around us is the episode of the destruction of foliage in V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera". Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Matera have treated the natural world with reverence and fear. They believe that the mighty "royal leaf" is the tree that anchors the island to the river bed. The legend says that "as long as the leaves stand, Matera will also stand." A team of workers involved in clearing the area of ​​vegetation and buildings before flooding is puzzled by the fact that they cannot destroy the age-old tree. Neither an ax, nor fire, nor a chainsaw takes him. The recalcitrant foliage becomes a silent witness to the burning of the mother forests: he "alone ... continued to rule over everything around." V. Rasputin bitterly says that a person is short-sighted in his actions aimed at implementing grandiose plans. In a world where the connection between generations is lost, where there is no respect for nature, there can be neither harmony nor happiness.

3. E. I. Nosov "Doll"

The story "Doll" begins with a description of a river familiar to the narrator. At first, she appears as the protagonist remembered her, and a little later we see what she became a few years later. “The channel narrowed, many unfamiliar shoals and braids appeared.” Old-timer Akimych, who loved fishing, sadly brushes aside questions. He sees the disastrous state of the river, as well as the surrounding nature as a whole, in the fact that people have ceased to notice beauty, “do bad things”, and have hardened their souls. Pointing to the narrator at the doll, which is lying in a roadside ditch, Akimych draws attention to the fact that they undressed the toy and tried to set it on fire, apparently not children. And the kids see a torn doll and "get used to such sacrilege." Most of all, the old man is struck by the fact that the teachers, who are called to educate the younger generation, silently pass by. Thus, E.I. Nosov brings us to the idea that people from an early age should be educated in a sensitive, caring attitude towards nature, towards all living things, so that in the future they will not be deaf to and blind to what is happening around. .

  • Updated: May 31, 2016
  • Author: Mironova Marina Viktorovna

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