Archaic period of ancient Greece briefly. archaic greece


The archaic period in the history of ancient Greece (750-480 BC) occupies a special place. At this time, the foundations of culture and the development of society were laid, which were continuously improved over the next centuries. Greece of the archaic period is the improvement of crafts and shipbuilding, the appearance of real money and the widespread use of iron. The timing of the archaic period is disputed. It is customary to consider it within the 8th-5th centuries BC.

Economy and society of the archaic period

Changes in all areas were due to the economic recovery. The use of iron made it possible to develop viticulture and increase the amount of olive production. As a result, the surplus began to be exported outside of Greece, and the profit-making stimulated agriculture. Relations between the policies were strengthening, economic transformations markedly changed Greece. As a natural result - the appearance of money, and the amount of land is no longer an indicator of wealth. In all Greek policies, the number of artisans, merchants, workshop owners increased, peasants sold their products at public meetings - the cities of Greece began to form a culturally, politically and economically complete society.

The pace of the economy grew rapidly, and the stratification in society grew just as rapidly. Social groups and classes appeared in Greek policies. Somewhere such processes proceeded more intensively, somewhere more slowly - for example, in areas where agriculture was of greater importance. The very first class of merchants and artisans stood out. This layer gave rise to "tyranny" - the coming to power with the use of force. But among the tyrants there were many who in every possible way supported the development of trade, crafts, and shipbuilding. And only then did real despots appear, and the phenomenon acquired a negative connotation.

A special stage of the archaic period is the Great Greek colonization. The poor, not resigned to stratification, were looking for a better life in the new Greek colonies. This state of affairs was beneficial for the rulers: it was easier to extend influence to new lands. The most common was the colonization of the southern direction: the east of Spain, Sicily, part of Italy, Corsica and Sardinia. North Africa and Phenicia were settled in the southeast direction, and the shores of the Black and Marmara Seas were settled in the northeast. An event that subsequently influenced the course of history was the founding of Byzantium, the progenitor city of the great Constantinople. But its development and growth belong to other, subsequent eras.

The result of the socio-political development of the archaic period was the birth of a classic polis - a small city-state: several villages around one urban center with an average area of ​​100–200 square meters and a population of 5–10 thousand people. (including 1-2 thousand citizens). The city was a place of socially significant events - religious rites and festivities, public meetings, theatrical performances, sports competitions. The center of polis life was the central city square (agora) and temples. The spiritual basis of the polis was a special polis worldview (the ideal of a socially active free citizen, patriot and defender of the fatherland; subordination of personal interests to the public). The small framework of the city-state allowed the Greek to feel his close connection with it and his responsibility for it (direct democracy).

Culture of the archaic period

Detailed article -

Ceramics and vase painting. During the archaic period, the earliest forms of ancient Greek art - sculptures and vase paintings - developed, which become more realistic in the later classical period.

In a vase painting in the middle and 3rd quarter of the 6th c. BC e. The black-figure style reached its peak and around 530 BC. e. - red-figure style.

In ceramics, the orientalizing style, in which Phoenician and Syrian influences are noticeable, displaces the former geometric style.

Associated with the Late Archaic period are styles of vase painting such as black-figure pottery, which originated in Corinth in the 7th century BC. BC e., and later red-figure pottery, which was created by the vase painter Andocides around 530 BC. e.

Elements gradually appear in ceramics that are uncharacteristic of the archaic style and borrowed from Ancient Egypt - such as the “left foot forward” pose, “archaic smile”, a stereotyped stylized image of hair - the so-called “helmet hair”.

Architecture. Archaic - the time of the addition of monumental pictorial and architectural forms. In the era of the Archaic, Doric and Ionic architectural orders developed.

Sculpture. The main types of monumental sculpture are being formed - statues of a naked young athlete (kouros) and a draped girl (kora).

Sculptures are made of limestone and marble, terracotta, bronze, wood and rare metals. These sculptures - both free-standing and in the form of reliefs - were used to decorate temples and as tombstones. The sculptures depict both scenes from mythology and everyday life. Life-size statues suddenly appear around 650 BC. e.

archaic period

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: archaic period
Rubric (thematic category) Literature

Pre-literary period

The form of folklore that passed into literature

Greek mythology. Myth captures a phenomenon, a stage of development. Bears echoes of the communal system. The concept of ʼʼthe way of the heroʼʼ is spreading

Genres: dedactic, heroic, genealogical epics, poetry, novels, tragedies, mythographic literature

The tale is undeniably unbelievable.

Features of the Greek: there are almost no samples, except for the plot from Cupid and Psyche. (2nd century BC) in Roman literature. Disregard for the story.

Elements of a fairy tale: epic, classic comedy (in stories about a hero who descends into Hades, a place where life goes according to an ideal principle that differs sharply from reality)

Labor and ritual songs

Labor In epics, epigrams, lyrics, comedies.

Ritual in the heroic epic and early Greek lyrics.

Riddles, aphorisms, proverbs - a small form of folklore

The fable retained the features of the archaic era. Her heroes were most often animals and birds. They were used for allegory, explanation of something, turned into an element of the social struggle between the aristocracy and the masses.

The earliest dates back to the 8th century BC. Hesiod ʼʼFable of the Nightingale and the Hawkʼʼ

5th century BC The appearance of a collection of Greek fables by Aesop. Includes about 400 fables of different centuries of 7-4 centuries of writing. Translated in the 1st century AD. Phaedrom, became part of Roman culture. Fables of Barbius 2nd century AD Lafantin France (17th century), Krylov (the chain of passage of fables from one culture to another)

Chronology. Began with epic poems (heroic epos).

Created on the basis of a mythological plot (does not coincide with the mythological cycle, only an episode) Reflected the oral tradition of the pre-literary period.

The Trojan cycle began a quarrel of three goddesses, the end of the return and the fate of the surviving heroes of the Trojan War

Homer (problems dedicated to the authenticity of Homer's personality, his life time and authors were called the Homeric question. 2 stages: in Antiquity (He was considered a real person, the author of a number of works of the Iliad, the Odyssey, Homeric hymns, Some Kiklik poems, early epigrams) (Main issues: time life of Homer (2nd half of the 10th century BC or 9th century BC. Or 9-8 centuries BC); place of birth (about 20 cities of Asia Minor (Colophon, Smyrna, Chios, Argos, Athens)), how real the travels described by Homer are, in our time).

The place of creation of the poem Ionia (region of Asia Minor). In the root of the Ionian dialect.

The meter is the size in which epic works are written. Became obligatory, as was the Ionian dialect.

They were performed by the Aeds to the lyre or cithara.

In the 6th century BC Aeds were replaced by rhapsodists (performers)

Homerids - rhapsodes from the island of Chios, descended from Homer

Distribution of the Homeric Poems. Balkans, because episodes of the Iliad and the Odyssey were reflected in the Greek vase painting. In the 6th century BC. The emergence of competitions of rhapsodes in the heroic epic. Pesestratus ordered that the Homeric poems be recorded in Athens for the rhapsodic competition. Athenian version.

The playwrights treated Homer like a god.

Appearances of criticism of the works of Homer in the 6th century BC. Interpretation of the episodes of Homer's poems, from the point of view of the reality of what is happening.

In the 5th century BC. Herodotus and Thucydites seriously considered the texts of Homer.

Xenovan from Colophon, the poet, philosopher, was the first to criticize Homer for reducing the image of the gods, for their depiction as people (Plato develops this theme)

The most vicious criticism of Homer in ʼʼBiche on Homerʼʼ Zoilus of Amphipolis (Zailov's criticism)

In the era of Elinism, the Library of Alexandria was formed. From the 3rd century BC There is a study of manuscripts of early Greek and Homer, attracting scientists Aristophanes of Byzantium, Aristarchus of Samothrace. The library contains many versions of Homer's manuscript. Named for location.

Systematization of texts, an attempt to remove new fictional characters, the destruction of inconsistencies, the identification of the earliest version. Arist. Samofr.
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He tried to return the Homeric text to its original meaning. Soma (body, but then corpse) Phobos (fear, later flight)

Broken into songs in order to make it easier to store. Title alphabetically.

Modern translations are based on the version of Aristarchus of Samothrace.

3rd century BC Gelannik and Xenon Horizons (separators), having analyzed the texts, found different interpretations of images and events and said that the Iliad and the Odyssey were written by different authors. Criticized by Aristarchus of Samothrace (stated that this may be due to different versions or due to a change in the age and views of Homer)

Came in the form of scholia (comments on Homer)

The most valuable version is the Venetian 10th century BC.

In modern times, the Homeric question:

In the 16th century, the first discussion ʼʼDisputes between old and newʼʼ between fans of the epic talent of Homer and fans of Virgil. Arguments about who is better. Mainly in France (Homer won silently)

1664 François Daubignac defended his dissertation on the Iliad, in which he declared that Homer did not exist. Homer is not a proper name, but the term ʼʼblindʼʼ' referred to the early storytelling poets, denoting Aeda or a group of Aeds. The Iliad is a collection of songs by several singers. Collection of songs of blind singers. Whence then the unity of the text? The reason for everything is the revision of the 6th century BC.

1715 edition of Daubignac's dissertation

1713 - the work of Bentley, who did not deny the existence of Homer, but said that the Iliad was based on the songs of several singers, and Homer edited them

1795 - Fiedrich August Wolf from gave ʼʼIntroduction to Homerʼʼ. He argued that there was no unity of the poem and the common text, there was no written language yet, but in oral form there were small songs created by several aeads. He did not deny Homer, but this is only one of the Aeds, the rest of the names have been erased from memory. Poems are artificially combined from songs.

1. The theory of small songs (Karl Lachmann) tried to find the original components.

2. Unitary or the theory of Unity (Heinrich Nitsch) said that then there was already a written language and believed that the Odyssey and the Iliad were single poems. He considered Homer a real person, one of the aeds who took part in the creation and gave unity.

3. The Theory of the Main Core (George Grott) they were expanded by other aeds.

The heroic epic is written on the basis of myth, except for some of the later ones. At the root of the Iliad and the Odyssey are the episodes of the Trojan mythological cycle. The content is dedicated not to the hero, but to the action. The poem is not about Achilles, but about the wrath of Achilles.

The Iliad is a war poem. Dedicated to the second part of the cycle, the course of the Trojan War, the last year of the siege of Troy. There is a detailed list of all heroes. Later it becomes obligatory (on the basis of the catalog of ships of the Iliad) The most important thing is the description of the war. The war is shown through individual fights and exploits of the heroes, and not through large battle scenes. Detailed description of the weapon.

There is an image of the Homeric warrior. War from the main occupation, for the sake of the glory of descendants, prey

Odyssey - a post-war poem, describing a peaceful life. The War of Remembrance.

Many descriptions of feasts, on which you can see the figure of Aed.

Women shown: Elena, Penelope, Kirk. The domestic life and work of women is shown. Many labor and ritual songs.

Fairy tale elements.

The poem ends with the return and reprisal against the suitors.

The main features of the heroic epic of Homer: the large size of the poem, necessarily about the past, usually the distant past; it is on behalf of the author, there is a layering of epochs due to the fact that life and rituals are taken from the contemporary era; the obligatory participation of the Olympic gods, the scene of the meeting of the gods and their active participation in the lives of the heroes; lack of an author's position on events and characters, an objective presentation, the author does not analyze, does not judge, only narrates; deliberate archaization, the ancientization of terms and rituals, detailed descriptions of objects, weapons, everyday life, the heroes themselves are god-like, strong, beautiful; retardation - a detailed description of an object or event (a kind of plug-in design); repetitions of the most important events in several lines with the same words; epithets (shows attitude towards the hero) firmly fixed for the heroes of the definition, there must be a huge number; the epithets of the gods are associated either with their functions or with cult nicknames; comparisons are associated with actions, and not with a person or thing, have an independent meaning, are used for an emotional impact on the listener, are associated with the desire for clarity; chronological incompatibility of individual events (the author cannot show the simultaneity of two actions, in this regard, he jumps from describing one event to another (the duel of Paris and Menelaus and Helen and Priam are discussing the Achaean warriors)); uneven description of events (due to the oral creation of the poem. Preparation for action is described longer than the action itself); common places (stencil verses showing repetitive actions (sunrise, sunset, arrival, departure of the hero) 2-3 lines)

The language of the Homeric poems:

Formed in Ionia. Written in the literary language (the earliest Greek literary) is cut off from the Greek colloquial speech, practically did not reflect it. Metonymy is the replacement of one word with two or three others, similar in meaning (spear - sharp copper).

Pleonasm - an abundance of synonyms, conspicuous (he said a word and said).

Hexameter 6-foot verse, created for the heroic epic. Each line begins with a long syllable. Became indispensable for all epic poetry.

A number of other works were attributed to Homer, for example, the Homeric hymns. Appeal to the Olympic gods (34 appeals). Hymn here is a conditional concept, mini-epics. Also in the Ionian dialect in clear imitation of Homer (epithets, stenciled verses). Themes: the birth of the gods, description of the deeds and battles of the gods. Possibly used in rhapsodic competitions as an introduction. ʼʼStarting with you, I will move on to another songʼʼ was listed at the end of each hymn. Created (7 (1-5 Apollo (2), Demeter, Aphrodite, Hermes) -5 (god Pnau) centuries BC). The traditional image of the gods is described in terms of the ascension of the images of the gods (strong, mighty, beautiful).

A number of cycle poems (kikly) are also attributed to kikl - ʼʼcircleʼʼ. Practically not preserved (8-6 centuries BC). They were collected by Alexandrian scientists. They closed the circle of some big mythological cycle (the Trojan cycle. Starting from Cyprus, Iliad, Ethiopia (the Amazons and the army of the Ethiopian king Memnon come to the aid of the Trojans, ends with the death of Achilles) Small Iliad (the burial of Achilles and the dispute over his armor (between Odysseus and Ajax Talamanidom) Destruction of Ilion (Feloctetes kills Paris, the Trojan horse and the fire of Troy) Poems of the Return (Odyssey, about Agamemnon, Menelaus, Ajax the Small, Nestor, Deamed, Neaptolen, son of Achilles) Theban cycle (Edipodia, (about the murder of Oedipus' father) Thebaid ( struggle for power), Epigones (second campaign against Thebes), Alcmaeonides (Alcmaeon's campaign against Thebes)). The Cycles did not have unity, had several storylines. The authors tried to include as many characters as possible. as confirmation of various histories.
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Parody of the heroic epic. (9-7 centuries BC) were written in the Ionian dialect, in hexameter with classic Homeric epithets and comparisons, but the characters are present in a different context (Margid (7th century BC is poorly preserved. In the center of the parody is a cowardly, greedy glutton , cat does not want to fight, but glorifies himself as a hero) and the War of mice and frogs (5th century BC Parody of the Iliad)

Translations of Homer in Russian literature:

12th century mention in the manuscripts of Metropolitan Klement Slavyatich.

17th century, the first translations were related to the War of Mice and Frogs, and not to the Iliad and Odyssey.

18th century fragmentary translation of Tredyakovsky, Lomonosov. An attempt to create a Russian gezmeter

1760 Konstantin Kondratovich first translated the Iliad from the Latin version. Not published.

1820-30 first prose translation by Dmitry Lykov

1829 translation by Gnedich translated for 20 years. Approached as a researcher, together with historians. Tried to accurately convey the customs, weapons, clothing, terms. Archaization of the language. He translated fragments and songs, presenting the translation in magazines and salons. Discovered ancient literature for Russia

1842-49 translation of the Odyssey by Zhukovsky. Translated without knowing Greek. I ordered an interlinear and gave this interlinear a poetic form. Free translation of the poem. 1850s. Vasily Ordynsky made an attempt to translate the Iliad in the language of epics

1896 ᴦ. Nikolai Minsky new translation of the Iliad in more modern language, but it was believed that he was inferior to Gnedich.

Veresaev 19-20 centuries. Iliad, based on Gnedich's translation. Attracts historians and folklores. Translation of the Odyssey.

Archaic period - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Archaic period" 2017, 2018.

  • Ancient Philosophy: Idealistic Schools and Directions of the Pre-Socratic Period (Pythagoreans, Eleatic School).
  • Ancient philosophy: materialistic schools and directions of the pre-Socratic period: the Milesian school, atomists.
  • Ticket number 10. Food industry. General characteristics of the industry. OS impact.
  • Archaic period (VIII - VI centuries BC)

    The archaic era is the time of the most interesting and frisky ancient society, when the specific features of the civilization of the ancient type were finally determined. Greece has already far outstripped in its development all neighboring countries, incl. and the states of Western Asia, which used to be at the forefront of the cultural progress of mankind.

    In the Archaic era, the foundations were laid: classical slavery; money circulation and market systems; the main form of political organization - policy; the concept of people's sovereignty and democratic form of government. At the same time, the main ethical norms and principles of morality, the aesthetic ideals of antiquity, were developed. Finally, during this period, the main phenomena of ancient culture were born: philosophy and science, the main genres of literature, theater, order architecture, Olympic and other games.

    Worldview foundations of culture.

    In the era of archaic, the main features of the ethics of ancient Greek society are formed. Its distinctive feature was the combination of the emerging sense of collectivism and the agony (competitive) beginning, which was associated with the formation of a special type of state structure in Greece - a policy, a civil community with a republican, in contrast to the countries of the Ancient East, form of government. A polis is a city-state in which all citizens have certain rules and duties. The polis ideology and its system of values ​​were also relevant: the highest value was the community itself and its benefits, ensuring the benefit of every citizen. The polis morality was basically collectivist, since the existence of an individual outside the polis was impossible. the polis system brought up a special worldview among the Greeks. He taught them to appreciate the real abilities and capabilities of a person - a citizen. It was they who were elevated to the highest artistic principle, to the aesthetic ideal of Ancient Greece. Democracy and humanism are the main ideas underlying ancient Greek culture and civilization.

    A distinctive feature of the ancient Greeks was the agon, i.e. the competitive beginning. Noble aristocrats in Homer's poems compete in strength, dexterity and perseverance, and victory in these competitions can only bring glory, not material wealth. Gradually, in Greek society, the idea of ​​winning the competition as the highest value, glorifying the winner and bringing him honor and respect in society, is being established. The formation of ideas about the agon gave rise to various games that were of an aristocratic nature. The oldest and most important games were held for the first time in 776 BC. in honor of Olympian Zeus and since then repeated every four years. They lasted five days, during which time the sacred peace was proclaimed throughout Greece. The only reward for the winner was an olive branch. An athlete who won the games three times (“olympionist”) received the right to install his statue in the sacred grove of the temple of Olympian Zeus. Athletes competed in running, fisticuffs, chariot races. Later, the Pythian Games in Delphi (in honor of Apollo) were added to the Olympic Games - the winner was a laurel wreath, the Isthmian (in honor of the god Poseidon) on the Isthmus of Corinth, where the award was a wreath of pine branches, and, finally, the Nemean Games (in honor of Zeus). The participants of all the games performed naked, so women were forbidden to attend the games under pain of death, but the beautiful naked body of an athlete became one of the most common motifs of ancient Greek art.

    Writing and literature

    One of the most important factors of Greek culture VIII - VI centuries. BC. considered to be a new writing system. Through the Phoenicians, the Greeks adopted the Semitic alphabet, improving it by adding a few signs to represent vowels. The alphabetic writing was more convenient than the ancient syllabary of the Mycenaean era: it consisted of only 24 characters. The Greek alphabet had a number of variants, the most common of which was Ionian, adopted, in particular, in Attica (Athens).

    In the archaic period, a new trend was formed in Greek literature. The age of the Greeks has gone with Homer; now the attention of poets is attracted not by the heroic deeds of past centuries, but by today's life, feelings and experiences of an individual. This genre is called lyrics.

    The emergence and development of lyric poetry is associated with the name of Archilochus from Fr. Paros (VI century BC). With unprecedented strength, he conveyed in his poems both impulses of passion, and offended pride, and a desire for revenge, and a willingness to endure the vicissitudes of fate. Instead of the hexameter, Archilochus introduced new sizes into literature - iambic and trocheus. Another Ionian, Anacreon from Fr. Theos (VI century BC) remained in the memory of mankind as a singer of friendly feasts and love, who had many followers and imitators in later centuries. It was the lyrics of Anacreon that created the well-known image of cheerful, joyfully and serenely feasting Greeks. Archaic lyrics found its best representatives on about. Lesbos at the turn of the 7th-6th centuries. BC. This poet Alkey and the poetess of the finest lyrical talent Sappho, known as the author of love poems and epitalam (wedding songs). Ancient Sparta became the center of the development of choral lyrics, one of the most common forms of which was the dithyramb - a song in honor of the god Dionysus.

    Throughout the Greek world, fame spread about the poet Pindar (VI-V centuries BC), who sang the highest virtue - arete - an innate property of an aristocrat, which meant valor, physical perfection, nobility and dignity.

    Hexameter is a meter characteristic of Homeric poems and other epic works.

    Ionia in ancient Greece was called the western coast of Asia Minor, as well as some of the islands of the Aegean Sea.


    In the archaic era, the main types and forms of Greek art already arose, which would then be developed in the classical period. All the achievements of Greek architecture of that time, both constructive and decorative, are associated with the construction of temples. In the 7th century BC. there was a system of orders, i.e. a special ratio of load-bearing and carried parts of the building in a beam-rack structure. The artistic features of the two main architectural orders were determined: Doric and Ionic.

    The Doric order, distributed mainly in southern Greece, was distinguished by the heaviness and massiveness of the columns, simple and austere capitals, the desire for monumentality, masculinity, and perfection of proportions. In the Ionic order, on the contrary, lightness, grace, whimsical lines were valued, the capital had a characteristic shape similar to the horns of a ram. A little later, in the 5th c. BC, the Corinthian order appears in Greece - magnificent, spectacular, with a complex capital, similar to a flower basket.

    Typical examples of Doric buildings of the archaic era were the temples of Apollo in Corinth and Poseidon in Paestum. We know more about the Ionic temples of this era from ancient literature: a significant part of them were destroyed. So, throughout the Greek world, the sanctuary of Artemis in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor (one of the wonders of the world) was famous for the temple of Hera on about. Samos, Apollo in Didyma (Asia Minor). A feature of the archaic temple was a rich polychrome painting. Ancient Greece was the birthplace of marble structures, but by no means only sparkling white, as is sometimes thought. The masterpieces of ancient architecture shone with all the colors: red, blue, gold, green against the backdrop of the shining sun and radiant sky.


    The sculpture of the archaic period was characterized by imperfection, creating, as a rule, a generalized image. These are the so-called kuros (“youths”), also called archaic Apollos. Several dozen such statues have survived to our time. The most famous is the marble figure of Apollo from the Shadows. The conditional “archaic smile” characteristic of the sculpture of that time plays on his lips, his eyes are wide open, his hands are lowered and clenched into fists. The principle of frontality of the image is observed in full. Archaic female statues are represented by the so-called kors (“girls”) in long flowing clothes. The heads of the girls are decorated with curls, the statues themselves are full of grace and grace. By the end of the VI century. BC. Greek sculptors gradually learned to overcome

    The name "Doric" is associated with the Dorians, the conquerors of the Archean cities. The Greeks considered the Doric order to be the embodiment of strength and courage.

    The capital is the top of a column. The capital supported the horizontal part of the building - an entablature consisting of an architrave, a frieze and a cornice. The architrave was a smooth beam; on the frieze, as a rule, sculptural compositions were placed; the cornice formed a gable roof.

    The rhaic period is not separated from the Homeric period by a sharp chronological boundary: its beginning is determined approximately by the 8th century, its end by the beginning of the 5th century, sometimes by the end of the 1st quarter of the 5th century. The historical background of the period was the Great Greek colonization, which pushed the limits of the world known to the Greeks. In the archaic era, lyricism arises and flourishes (Sappho 29, Alkey, Alkman, Ivik, Anacreon, and many others), epic poetry continues to develop, a special genre of historiography is born (the logograph of Hecateus of Miletus), the first playwrights appear (Thespid, etc.), the very system of dramatic theatrical action.

    A characteristic feature of the Greek archaic culture and the entire Greek civilization as a whole is becoming agonistics thirty . Competitiveness permeates all spheres of Greek activity: from sports, musical, theatrical, poetic competitions to competition in the field of art, which has an undeniable influence on the ever accelerating development and change in all branches of knowledge and experience among the Greeks 31 . Philosophy was born in the archaic period - Pythagoras was the first to call himself a philosopher 32 . The greatest philosophers, or rather sages in the ancient sense, were the representatives of the Milesian (Ionian) school, Thales, Heraclitus and others. from the rods connecting Greek thought up to the end of the ancient civilization proper.

    For Greek art, this is an era of discovery: innovations in architecture, sculpture and painting determined the appearance of the entire Greek culture as a whole. Never before has Greece known so many art schools, paths, richness, diversity and originality of search. In the 7th-6th centuries. a type of Greek temple is being formed with a cella surrounded on all sides by a colonnade, with a pediment dominating over the facade portico with a sculptural group, two main orders of Greek architecture are formed: strict Doric and graceful Ionic. The oldest of the Greek temples, known to us largely from the remains, are the temples of Hera at Argos and Olympia and the temple of Apollo at Therma (Aetolia).

    In Greek ceramics, stylistically very diverse, in the 8th century. the so-called Orientalizing (Eastern) manner, which was affected by a strong Middle Eastern influence, is widely distributed. In the 7th century Athenian black-figure vase painting acquires a dominant position, and when the Athenian ceramists (Andocides) pass into the middle. 6th c. BC e. to the red-figure technique, this step is decisive for all Greek territories.


    Greek classic

    the highest point in the development of Greek culture and art of the era of antiquity was the classical (from lat. classicus - exemplary) period , the beginning of which is usually attributed to the time after the Greco-Persian wars (480-470 BC), the end - to the time of the beginning of the conquests of Alexander the Great at the end of the 4th century. BC e. The political background of the flourishing of culture and art in the era of the classics, a kind of its analogue, was the flourishing of democratic policies, the city-states of Greece (for example, Athens during the reign of Pericles 33). In the 5th c. Greece survived the worst wars in its history and came under the rule of a stronger and more politically united Macedonia.



    Physical perfection and spiritual beauty as a reflection of the highest nobility and dignity of a person is the main meaning of the search for classical art. The great masters of sculpture of the Greek classics were Polykleitos - the creator of the famous "Spearman" ("Dorifor"), in which he calculated the "correct" proportions of the human figure and for the first time tried to imagine a person in a calm movement-step; Myron, who developed the theme of complex foreshortened movement (the statue of the "Disc Thrower" - "Discobolus"); Phidias- probably the designer of the entire architectural and sculptural complex of the Acropolis in Athens, the highest creation of the Greek world, Praxiteles - the creator of the most famous statue of antiquity, Aphrodite of Cnidus, who for the first time presented a human figure in a state of rest and rest (Hermes with Dionysus, Resting Satyr, etc.); Scopas and Lysippus, who for the first time depicted pain and suffering on a human face and no longer followed the canon of Polykleitos, but according to the ideas of pure artistry and plasticity. It was the art of Praxiteles, Lysippus and Scopas that had the strongest influence on Hellenistic sculpture.



    The architecture of the classical period created exemplary types Doric and Ionic temples(peripter, dipter, prostyle, amphiprostyle, etc.). In the 4th c. BC e. lush and graceful was introduced into the arsenal of architecture Corinthian order, gradually replacing the two main ones - Doric and Ionic. The temple building of the era is represented by the temple of Zeus at Olympia, the Parthenon on the Athenian Acropolis, the temple of Apollo at Bassae. The best architects of this time were Iktin(Parthenon, temple in Bassae) and Callicrates(Parthenon, temple of Nike Apteros on the Acropolis). The appearance of architectural buildings of the classical period is distinguished by clarity and simplicity, rigor and purity of lines. The great experiment of the era was the Acropolis complex in Athens, which combines buildings of different orders, elements of different orders in one building (an Ionic frieze with a Panathenaic procession in the Parthenon, a Doric peripter). In the 5th and 4th centuries. BC e. the famous theatrical buildings of Greece are created - the theater of Dionysus in Athens and the theater in Epidaurus.



    The literature of the classical period is the most representative body of the ancient world. Considered the father of tragedy Aeschylus, whose younger contemporaries were Sophocles, the king of poets, and Euripides, the father of comedy and its largest representative - Aristophanes, the father of history - Herodotus. An outstanding historian of the 5th century. BC e. was also Thucydides- author of the history of the Peloponnesian War.

    In the field of philosophy of the 5th-4th centuries. BC e. - the time of its true and great flourishing, the expansion of the activities of philosophical schools (Socrates 34, Plato 35 - the founder of the Academy, Aristotle 36 - the founder of the Lyceum 37 and the Peripatetic school, etc.).

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