Arx Fatalis Passage of additional tasks. Arx Fatalis Walkthrough


Arx Fatalis.

A source :

There will be many references to the map in the text. They might look something like this: (floor 2, 3). This means that the place in question is located on the map of the 2nd floor and is marked with the number 3 there. The orange circles on the map indicate the stairs, the number in them is the number of the floor where the stairs lead. The flash icon shows the main traps. Dirty way to get rich

A secret has been discovered in the game, obviously of a "fraudulent" kind, which allows you to acquire the most luxurious set of weapons and armor at the very beginning. It is done like this. After leaving the cell and slaughtering your first goblin, you find yourself in a room with a table and a chair. And in the corner are two bones. Take the left one and use it ten times on the chair. I don't know if Gumbs made this chair, but the content exceeds all expectations. This treasure, most likely, was intended for developers testing their program: in addition to treasures, it contains a lot of special items with which you can remake your character and do a lot more bad things!

The floors are one above the other: that is, if you step on the stairs, you will find yourself on the next floor in the same place.

The escape

You come to your senses in a dirty closet. Who are you, what is your name, why have you been brought to this vile place, and what is this place, by the way? Unknown. You can only judge by the introductory scene, which seems to indicate your outstanding origin ...

The cell is empty, the whole situation is a skull and a couple of toadstools. Nearby is a talkative neighbor who convinces you that somewhere "there must be a way out." And he says that you are sitting in a goblin jail.

The logic is doubtful, but there really is a way out: if you remove the staggering lower stone from the grate on the left, you will be able to push the bars apart. Immediately you have to deal with the goblin: as a weapon, at worst, the most common tibia will do. Now go to the neighbor's cell and open it in a civilized way, with a special lever.

The neighbor introduces himself: "Kultar, traveler." This title obviously does not tell you anything, and he finally believes that you really have lost your memory. As a sign of gratitude, he gives ... a name. Am Shegar, which means “Nameless” in some language.

But he is not yet ready to fight for freedom with you. Weak, tired and all. Therefore, break the hatch (with a weapon, in combat mode) and proudly step into it (floor 2, 1), while getting on (floor 3, 1).


Collect any trash (there is food, a couple of bones, some herbs). The main thing is that on the skeleton, in addition to bones, there are the first runes! Now you have access to the fire spell.

The goblin chiefs don't even dodge, it's beneath their dignity.

Your task is to repair the lift (floor 3, 2). Kicking rats and other animals with your feet, you get to the room with him. There are two slabs in it, stones are piled on one. You remove them from the stove, and on the other, on the contrary, put at least one: a secret door opens. Behind this door (floor 3, 3) find the rope and apply it to the lift (the lift mechanism is hidden behind the illuminated panel in the wall. Double click on the rope, then on the lift). Now on the elevator (it is turned on by a lever next to the mechanism) you can go back to the Kultar.

Just then, another goblin turns up, stronger than the previous one, but Kultar will help you (especially if you give him at least some kind of weapon). A stick is taken from the corpse, and with its help a lever is repaired that opens the exit (the stick is simply inserted into a groove in the wall).

So far, you have only left your section of the prison: in fact, there are places for more than two prisoners. Next you have to fight the goblins; although if you have trained enough stealth skill, there is a way to drastically reduce the number of fights. Here is the way:

Sneak south, passing another chamber with cameras, until you hear the conversation of the goblin leader with his minor chanter (floor 2, 2). The leader complains that “they always slip him a dirty plate”, and, they say, if they slip him at least once, he ...

Provide him with such a plate. It's not difficult: you return to the nearest camera compartment, so you find it and put it on the table in stealth mode;

- watch how he fulfills his promise. It should be noted, honestly performs!

However, we cannot open the door from their room yet.

Yes, in the compartment where the plate is, there is also the goblin Polsius imprisoned (floor 2, 3), who by hook or by crook persuades him to let go. Let him out, he promises to help on occasion and drowns away, saying that he should be looked for in a tavern.

Scratching his belly, the troll seeks inspiration.

Now we go to the north, where in a separate room (floor 2, 4) a goblin postman is sleeping. Make his sleep eternal (thieves may leave the poor man alive). Here you can take a lot of useful things, but the key to the door and paper are the most relevant - an unsigned, but completed permission to leave the goblin kingdom.

We will visit the leader who fell in the battle for the dirty plate again. Now we have something to open the door. We fall into a large cave (floor 2, 5). We can admire the views from above, but we can’t go down yet. Therefore, we go sideways, sideways ... Yeah, here (floor 2, 6) lives a rather good-natured troll Gru, who sculpts idols from clay, and in his free time is busy scratching his belly. He has nothing against us: he escaped from his brothers, whom the goblins harnessed to the mine work to become a free sculptor. The trolls are not too pleased with this turn of affairs; this might be useful to us. Gru also says that he is bored without friends (the only friend - Burvaka - works for goblins), and a real friend is the one who will give him a book for his birthday. Is the hint clear?

We return again to the late postman, and next to him, in the north, we find the stairs to the first floor. We find ourselves at a point (floor 1, 1).


The long gut of the corridor leads to the gates of the fort (floor 1, 2), whose architecture and coats of arms suggest that we are finally among the people. Looking closely, we specify: among the dead people. Mostly corpses or bodies that are hardly distinguishable from them lie here. In the midst of which pigs and chickens graze, sometimes sitting right on the heads of their former owners. Touching...

Maybe God won’t give it away, but I wouldn’t vouch for a pig!

There are some weapons, shields and so on that are bad here, so you can dress up a little. We go up the stairs - and we find the still almost alive, but wounded captain of the outpost, a certain Ortiern. He asks if he sees a mercenary in front of him, and urges (they won’t let him object!) So that we deliver to the main forces of people, in the city of Arx, his letter about the attack of the mysterious Ilsids, who for no apparent reason and effortlessly destroyed his detachment. He himself can not pass - the passage is littered with a recent earthquake. He's known downstairs as flaky, and you might be able to go down through the goblin tunnels...if you get his certificate of a gem merchant. Take it!

What a shame that here they don’t even let us choose a cue ... And you won’t bargain ...

Before returning to the goblins, visit the Yellow Tulip Tavern. It is located in the northeast of the map (floor 1, 3). Polsius is resting here, who, as part of a reciprocal courtesy, will sign a permit for you (he, of course, has no right, but he does it like ...). Basically, you can go; and you can also talk with the one-eyed Enoille, replenish your finances with a game of chance, or read an ad on the wall that a certain Oliver is organizing a treasure hunt. To join, you must throw the emerald into the chest. This hunt will be discussed in a separate chapter.

Now we can turn into a branch from the main goblin corridor and go through the entrance (floor 2, 7). The stairs will lead us to the third floor, at (floor 3, 4).

Polsius makes up for lost time during his time in prison.

The surroundings of the entrance are inhabited by spiders. After killing the creeping creatures (or evading the battle), through the bridge (floor 3, 5) we get to the mines, where in the south there is an exit (floor 3, 6) upstairs, to the second floor (floor 2.8).

Finally, having overcome the long gut of the corridor, stuffed with all sorts of small evil spirits, we reach the stairs upstairs (floor 2, 9), to the people!

Troll strike

We got off at (floor 1, 4). We will give the letter to the destination. To do this, go to the guard room (floor 1, 5). The guard shifts the responsibility to their boss, Carlo, who will already show you the whereabouts of King Lanshear (floor 1, 6).

Lanshear is very grateful to you... so much so that he is ready to do you a favor in the form of a new task. A littered passage can be cleared by trolls; you need to send a request to the troll king Pogue (by the way, read the letter: Lanshear wonderfully expresses his thoughts in a language understandable to the trolls).

Before you leave, equip yourself properly. Weapons and armor are sold in (floor 1, 7), runes and spell scrolls - (floor 1, 8), decorations - (floor 1, 9). If you are ready - go back the same way that you came to the third floor.

With the king's letter, you will be allowed into the miners' camp (floor 3.5). However, a goblin looks after the trolls, and he says that the trolls are on strike, they do not dig gems, and the poor goblins from this become even poorer.

Goblin Roulette: No numbers over 10.

The troll lord, Pog, is not far from here (floor 3, 7). On the way, get hold of a pickaxe: in some places in the walls you can personally break gold or jewelry for yourself, and sometimes even break through the wall. Pog, in general, does not mind helping the nice little Lanshear, but he also has grief - the idol was stolen, and until he is returned, no one goes anywhere, neither to work, nor to clear the tunnels ... Now we know the reason for the strike. Regarding the idol, the overseer directs you to the goblin city (floor 3, 8).

You can even before leaving to visit the troll Burvaka, Gru's ex-friend, whom he told us about. This unfortunate man is working in the farthest corner of the mine (floor 3, 13) and says that Gru will appreciate the picture book of the aboveground as a gift.

Their Majesty Lanshear, king of all the human floor...

The idol, apparently, is kept in the treasury, but no rogues are allowed there (floor 3, 11). We are convinced by the guard that we need royal permission. To the goblin king (floor 3, 10) they won't let you in that easily either. But if we trample around the palace and look into the lord’s bedroom (floor 3, 9: it turns out that we were very close to him when we repaired the lift), we will find a note in which the pharmacist warns the king so that he does not think of drinking wine in order to avoid bad consequences for a radiant organism; as well as the code for the royal safe, 5-5-9-9.

Aha! However, the king loves cakes very much, and therefore we sneak into the kitchen (floor 2, 10), where we add wine to the dough. The king, having tasted them, rushes to the bedroom for a pot, and then we can convince him that for the common good of the idol, Pogu must be returned. After that, you get the right to explore everything in the city to find an idol. In this case, it is necessary that you have already received a refusal from the guard at the treasury and the throne room.

We immediately climb into the throne room and open the royal safe using the code! And there is a note: if the king does not deliver gems by tomorrow, he will certainly be killed. Letter - from a certain brotherhood of dealers in precious stones. The lever opens the entrance to the king's treasury, and on the way there you can find the rune of frost - Fridd.

Now we go to the room near the kitchen (floor 3, 14), where a sassy goblin named Atok lives, who is very annoyed that he was not the king, and now another is eating delicious cakes. His, Atoka, cakes! Merrzavet!

In Atoka's room, under the pillow, we pick up the key that will let us into the warehouse (floor 3, 15). There, in addition to all sorts of usefulness, lies the lost idol!

Then Atok overtakes us, and we have to fight. The secret became clear: Atok stole the idol so that the trolls went on strike, and the king was killed for not supplying gems. And then Atoku will get the throne and cakes. Admittedly, not a bad plan for a goblin!

Let us return the idol Pogu. Pog, in joy, will send a team to clear the passage, and we can return to His Majesty.

By the way, Lanshear's task can be completed in another way. In fact, to clear the tunnel, it is necessary and sufficient to have only one troll at your disposal, and such a troll lodges in a prison in the troll mines (floor 3, 16). If he is released, he will be ready for anything for his liberator, and the lack of a key prevents him from going free. The key is with old Pog, and it can be stolen or taken by force by killing the poor bastard. Then you won't need to look for an idol.

The challenge looms

Now the nameless tramp is already admitted to the advice of King Lanshear. Architecture hasn't changed much since moving underground.

His advisors are Felnor, an alchemist, and the snake woman Chinkash. Subject: earthquakes, one of which blocked the passage to the fort (we ourselves witnessed the shaking earth at the beginning of our glorious journey). Here the captain of the guard comes running with the message that they killed the astronomer (a damn useful profession underground!) Falan Orbiplanax. You are assigned to investigate a murder. You become a permanent servant of the king, with a private room in the palace (floor 1, 10) and fairly wide powers.

First of all, let's talk with Chinkash. This most learned lady usually resides in the library (floor 1, 11). Chinkash claims, nothing less than nothing, that the murder of Orbiplanax is ritual, with the use of black magic. In the next room - in the laboratory (floor 1, 12) - visit Felnor, who will give the key to Falan's room and a letter from him with a not too cleverly encrypted code from the safe. Borrow runes from Felnor, if necessary - reagents (in the laboratory, by the way, it is very convenient to make potions), and return. On the way back

Call out every lot. And you control...

Chinkash will give you a wonderful picture book for the troll.

Falan's room (floor 1, 13) has a safe in the wall behind the carpet. We know its code from the note received from Felnor - 2-4-8. In the safe is a Falan diary, which briefly and clearly states that there is a certain evil god Akbaa, whose cult is trying to embody him in the Ark, that the focus of the cult is a meteor named Koltk, and only the guardian of Noden can destroy this latter. And that Falan intends to ask this most mysterious Noden for help. That's what he asked...

You can also talk to the new astronomer, Suiberis, but he has nothing smart to say.

Meanwhile, a council met again in the secret room (floor 1, 14), and a guard, a certain Erzog, had already been arrested for the murder. Of course, they immediately hung everything that was possible on him, and declared the high priest of this very Akbaa. Now it becomes completely clear that you are the very “Guardian of Noden” that the late astronomer called for. You, and only you (and someone doubted?) can destroy the meteor by throwing it into Mount Doom ... brr, I reported something.

Before it's too late, visit Erzog in his dungeon (floor 1, 15). Of course, he is not a priest, much less a supreme one, he was simply deceived and framed by real cultists. He is ready to tell everything, as if in spirit, including the password for the Akbaa temple (Faat Kaa Pell), which, it turns out, is located under the Yellow Tulip tavern, which you already know.

You see a teleporter - turn it on immediately. And then you can run away...

At the entrance to the castle, the king is arguing with half-snakes, who accuse him of not paying some old debts. It seems that here all the royal persons are solid debtors.

We leave the castle. Finally, Chinkash renders us the greatest service: he tells us how to turn on the teleporters, which will globally save us time running around the dungeons. This is done with a special spell. For teleportation, both teleporters - both the entrance and the exit - must be turned on.

Teleporters are those strange structures, one of which we have already seen near Gru's lair, the other in the city, next to the shops, and the third on the third floor, not far from the place where we entered from the second floor. On the map they are depicted as octagons with asterisks inside.

In the city square (the one where the teleporter is) we learn that Maria, from whom we buy runes, has lost her daughter Shani, who played near the jeweler's house. In the open house (floor 1, 16) there is a book that tells about a certain ritual of Akbaa human sacrifices. In general, where to look for Shani, understand?

Let's run through the familiar teleporters to turn them on once and for all, and then we'll get down to business. At the same time, we will visit Gru, wish him a happy birthday and give him a book. In response, he hands us an amulet, seeing which, not a single troll will touch us.

First meteor attack

We go down to the mines of trolls, where we pass along the bridge (floor 3, 17) to the stairs to the 4th floor.

Rats, hated creatures, lovers of disappearing and teleporting.

On this floor, there are enough rats and goblins already familiar to us, but there is also a much more unpleasant creature - a rat, a rat-man. They are, to put it mildly, somewhat stronger than all those with whom we have fought so far; with hits and damage, like a goblin leader, the rat is much superior to him in defense, besides, he has poison, invisibility and can teleport. However, you have already seen all this in the intro.

First of all, we turn on the teleporter, it is not far away. The door to (floor 4, 1) is opened or broken out. There, another diary awaits us - a certain Inut, a chicken-worshipping maniac who dreams of learning how to lay eggs. Please read carefully...

This is where the treasure hunt begins. See a separate chapter about it.

In (floor 4, 2) stands the Serpent Column, which we learned about from the book. Hide behind it (to the west of the pillar) - and you will see the priests of Akbaa, who can be followed to the altar (floor 4, 3). There you will find an unfortunate girl, and maybe, if you hurry, you will have time to save her. If not, you will have to fight not only with the priests, but also with the demon summoned at the expense of the stolen soul. Kill the priests, take the girl to her mother. The main thing is not vice versa ...

And now it's time to use the password from Erzog and visit the priests at home. If you remember, the entrance is under the “Yellow Tulip” (floor 1, 3).

Ha, and the meteor is not the only one. There are, in addition to the main one, a bunch of smaller ones. Our task is to collect five of them. The first one is found in (floor 2, 10), another one - in the central hall (floor 2, 11), on the corpse of a priest, which before that must be prepared from a living priest. There are also notes on the dead, another code from the safe (1-1-3) and a key. We will use the key in the room (floor 2, 12), and at the same time we will pick up a new spell that allows us to dispel the force field (floor 2, 13). We have already met such a field - on the fourth floor.

We continue to plunder the surroundings of the temple; in the room (floor 1, 14) lives a priest who has a golem's heart, and even a kind explanation that it is the key to the temple's security system.

Now we go to the main meteor. In the prayer hall (floor 1, 15), the blind priest Iguk (he donated his eyes to Akbaa) is ready to tell us something out of the simplicity of his soul. In particular - that access to the meteor is closed. Because of us, by the way.

Switches on the walls of this room open two secret passages. In (floor 2, 16) there is a lich who will most likely eat us without salt, but in the future it is worth dealing with him and confiscating another meteor from his pantry. And in (floor 2, 17) there is a golem and, accordingly, another heart.

Let's deal with the so-called "security system". To do this, follow to (floor 2, 18), dispelling the field at the entrance with the appropriate spell or scroll. Golems are found here, one of which is without a heart. Click on the slab in (floor 2, 19), which requires either a pile of stones or a golem, which you put your heart into and thereby force yourself to obey. A room will open (floor 2, 20), where you need to press the lever - one of the three that removes the “security system”.

Another room in the same wing (floor 2, 21) suggests either entering the found code 1-1-3, or fighting with the second golem. Here we press the lever number 2.

On the body of the priest was, among other things, a note with the words "The first closes the second." Close the door, otherwise the second one will not open. The third lever is waiting for you at (floor 2, 22).

Phew, we disabled the security system and we can proceed to the meteor (floor 2, 23). Here Iserbius, the chief priest of Akbaa, sacrifices a certain lady. He summons a demon and runs away. All you have to do is kill the demon, free the woman, destroy the meteor...

It wasn't there. Meteor doesn't give up that easily. We'll have to go with a sadly lowered head to report to the king and Felnor.

Second meteor attack

Meanwhile, bad news arrived at the castle. The Ilsids attacked the fort again, this time doing their job cleanly and leaving no survivors. Apparently the Ilsid serve Akbaa, or at least in league with him.

Iserbius, the mysterious high priest of Akbaa, is none other than Falan's disciple, Suiberis (their names, as you can see, are anagrams). He, of course, ran.

What, right, glorious worm!

As for your misfortune with the meteor, it's time to look for a suitable Ancient And Powerful Artifact. He must prevent the meteor from drinking your power. This artifact consists of two parts, named after the ancient gods - Kragoz and Zogark, it was handed over to people by the sisters Ederney (half-snakes). It was this duty that they commemorated to the king. Zogark has since reverted to half snakes, while Kragoz has been stolen by rebels who recently killed the king's wife and kidnapped his daughter. These are the rascals. I have to go and pick up the stuff.

What can you do, you have to go ... The thief, however, can try to steal Kragoz (floor 4, 5), but this is very, very difficult.

We go down another floor. A lot of goblins and trolls live here; if you make friends with Gru, then the trolls will see the amulet and will not be touched, well, and your hero at this level can already afford to lazily scatter the goblins with the little finger of his left hand.

The cave (floor 5, 1) is inhabited by twin merchants, one of the most important sources of runes. Buy from them (except runes) more aspen stakes, you will need them very soon. There are also two goblin clans living nearby, the people of the Earth and the people of the Water (floor 5, 2, and floor 5, 3). They can't stand each other, and invite you to chop up the enemy clan into cabbages for a bigger reward. As casus belli, global claims such as “Only vile stinkers can eat fish” are put forward. If you want, help the goblins reduce the number of clans to one (or even to zero), for which you will receive a completely empty “reward”. Turn on the local teleporter.

The remains of the zombie gracefully stand on the bridge and moan: "Die ...".

Now we go back to Ark, to Carlo, for the key to the crypt. Stock up before the trip with everything you can: serious fights are coming, everything that has happened so far is flowers. Don't forget to get a pickaxe, preferably more than one, for digging graves. The entrance to the burial ground is in the city square, not far from the teleporter.

Let's start the robbery of the tombs from the tomb of Falan Orbiplanax (floor 4, 6). In it you will find the key to his chest (which is in Falan's room, in the castle) and a lever that will let us in (floor 4, 7). Having repaired the lever there (by the usual method), we will get to (floor 4, 8), where ... a chicken runs. This is none other than our famous kuroman Lord Inut, which is easy to verify with the help of a “manifesting” spell.

In the surrounding tombs, if desired, you can still profit from weapons and armor, as well as replenish the supply of stakes. You will need a lot of them.

The tomb (floor 4, 9) must be opened: it contains the key to the next floor of the cemetery. To get there, you need to open the entrance to (floor 4, 10) and turn the sword in the hand of the knight statue.

On the fifth floor, the undead roam in herds, which refuse to rest for a long time, unless they are fixed in a dead position with a stake. Any body that you cannot search is not yet completely dead and is subject to test stabbing. There are also four traps (fire icons on the map) that must be deactivated by placing a stone on them.

For some reason, mummies do not respawn, unlike other undead.

Yeah, we've already been hunted here! In (floor 5, 4) lies the body of a hunter for the undead, a certain Azrael, with him - a diary. It says about stakes. He also has a note with another sequence of numbers: 1-3-1. This is the order in which to pull the levers in the tomb (floor 5, 5). This opens the way to (floor 5, 6). In the tomb (floor 5, 7) open the exit to the goblin domain.

Now you can press down the pressure plates with something (floor 5, 8) - and go further down.

We leave into the big hall (floor 6, 1), we kill the mummy. Each sarcophagus here contains booty guarded by a mummy, so decide for yourself whether the game is worth the candle. The only truly valuable loot is from the sarcophagus E, which is opened with a lever in the room (floor 6, 2). Pay attention to the stones with signs carved on them; you will find the same signs on the floor in (floor 6, 3). In this room, you will be greeted by a ghost guarding the Shield of the Elder.

It requires you to prove that you are worthy to wield the shield by solving its riddles. Well, that's not a problem. The first riddle is quite obvious, you just need to arrange the signs in accordance with their location in the previous hall. In the second - you need to rotate the symbols on the columns so that they correspond to the internal signs.

After that, you can open (floor 6, 2) and (floor 6, 4), pick up the shield and rune. At the exit, a lich attacks you, but it’s not from evil: he has the Mortis rune in his luggage, it would be disrespectful to bring it to you in another way, right? You can search one more room - (floor 6, 5). In any case, Lara Croft would not miss this if she were you, right?

Now you can exchange the shield for Kragoz and go to the Ederney sisters for Zogark.

The rebel lady says that the shield belonged to King Poksellis, well, and she herself is none other than the “kidnapped” Princess Alia, his granddaughter. And the rebels, according to Aliya, did not kill her mother at all, but only saved the child. Take Kragoz (floor 4, 5), and at the same time you can get hold of good armor along the way, but only with the help of a telekinesis spell.

And the snakes are nothing ... From above ...

Half-snakes are found on the same sixth floor where you just robbed the crypt. Entrance - to (floor 6, 6). You need to talk to the head of the Sisters, Zalnash's mother. She will give Zogark... again, for a reason. It would be a waste of a valuable artifact: without passing the test in the Temple of Illusion, you will be helpless before Akbaa. Why weren't they there last time? Anyway. Went to check...

In (floor 6, 7) we learn that the weakness of the snake is where the sword meets the scepter. In the next room, we shoot at this point - and a chest opens at (floor 6, 7), and in it is a golden snake.

We read on the levers in (floor 6, 8) the Reveal spell, we find the only correct one.

In the hall (floor 6, 9) you need to solve the riddle. This is a little trickier. First you need to mark the rooms along the edges, putting something in them, and then use the ball to figure out which lever to press when. Another golden snake appears - and the entrance to (floor 6, 10). Further, after defeating the ghost, pull the lever and go through the wall at (floor 6, 11).

To overcome the teleporter, it is necessary in the middle of the corridor (floor 6,

12) turn around and go back. Then you get to (floor 6, 13), where you must put the snake (necessarily the first one, the one that you got by shooting the snake) into the bowl - and pick up Zogark. You are attacked by two guardian snakes, but this is already the case, for a snack.

There is no need to be afraid of poison here - it acts weakly and for a short time

When returning, do not pass by the body of a half-snake (floor 6, 14) holding a note about a plot against Zalnash. There we are talking about crystal caves (2nd floor); All that remains is to arrive at the meeting point. In the caves (floor 2, 9) we save Zalnash - and again we step into the sanctuary of Akbaa.

The temple is chock-full of ilsids, and these are not meek priests! But we can enter, so to speak, from the back door: we know the way through the goblin prison, our hero has been there from the very beginning. Satisfied with ourselves, we chop the meteor - and do not forget to take the remaining Koltk powder with us.

Someone hoped that Akbaa would die from the destruction of the meteor? Three ha ha. He just “stops getting extra energy,” but he seems to need it now, like a fish needs a fifth umbrella. It's time to report...

Ultimate Weapon

The city of Ark is also full of ilsids! King Lanshear is in the dungeon. However, if you use the teleporter that is right in the castle and go through a secret corridor, then you will almost not have to fight with them.

In prison, an ambush awaits you, but here you will be saved by Kultar, whom you helped at the very, very beginning of your adventures. You will be taken out through the sewers. The Ilsids don't need Ark, they need a hero from Noden, and they leave the humans alone.

We return to the castle again. This time, Felnor proposes to forge (and not find, for a change!) an absolute weapon, with which it will only be possible to defeat Iserbius, in whose body Akbaa will be embodied.

To do this, you must, first of all, acquire a manual for the manufacture of such weapons. The secret is owned, of course, by the Ederney sisters. Librarian Sillash (floor 6, 15) will give you a book. You now know how to hex weapons and armor. I hope you saved the golem's heart - I already described why in the manual. Zalnash will add information. Of the ingredients you are looking for, you already have Koltk powder, but no dragon egg and mithril blade itself. In the library, read also another interesting book: about the races of Ark. You will need it soon.

As a small but nice addition to your weaponry, you can exchange Kragoz and Zogark with Alia back for Elder's Shield. You will need it more now.

Dwarves with their mithril are known to live deeper, and we need to go down to the lower floors. So far, we know only one way - through the crypt: theoretically, as we know, the burial ground continues to the very bottom of the caves known today (surprisingly, it should be noted, unproductive use of a very limited living space). In (floor 6, 16) dispel the force field blocking the path to the next level of the crypt. Here we are on the seventh floor.

Carlo, noble assassin

We switch levers long and hard. Another "maiden in trouble" turns out to be a hungry vampire. In the labyrinth (floor 7, 1) we have to deal with this with particular intensity. Finally, we get into a large hall with a statue (floor 7, 2). Now we can go to the 8th level, but first, in order to no longer suffer with the labyrinth, we will get the key and one more item from the tomb in (floor 7, 3): this luminous contraption will then need to be installed in the large hall of the crypt at 6 -th floor.

And with the key we open the tomb (floor 7, 4) - and we find ourselves drawn into a new story. The ghost requires us to find and expose our murderer before the king. If this is not done, then the ending of the game will be much sadder. All that is known about the killer is that he is one-eyed, but you have seen exactly one one-eyed one in all this time, and this sign is perhaps sufficient.

We can solve the riddle right now and then return to the crypt, or we can save it for later. Enoille is still in the Yellow Tulip. It is useless to blame him, it is better to drink him to the point of riza, pick up the dropped key and find in his house (floor 1, 17) a letter from Carlo, the captain of the guard, and other evidence. Carlo does not even deny, but claims that he killed the queen out of the most noble motives, in the name of the kingdom: as proof, he presents a letter from the queen, denouncing something like a conspiracy against King Lanshear. The king, however, does not consider this a sufficient justification.

Finally, let's get to the grave of Poxellis himself (floor 8, 1).

Ancient Evil kills with one blow, and it is pointless to fight it.

To do this, you need to open the peripheral graves of two captains and two generals - and insert the gizmos found into the columns around it. Inside we find the helmet of the king, allowing you to see everything that is hidden or masked by illusion. In particular, now (after all, you put on a helmet, right?) Arrows have become visible that show how you can get out of here. Liches will block our way, but without the help of a helmet, we would not have got out either with a fight or without: the gate blocking the exit simply does not open.

You need to find another staircase from the 7th floor to the 8th. You can see it on the map, of course. On the way we will meet a lot of rats, and at the very goal - a hefty worm. But all this has long been nothing to us.

We will have a hard time in the dwelling of the gnomes, especially if we have so far relied on magic, because here it does not work at all.

We enter (floor 8, 2): we are attacked by a scaly, spiked creature. You can't beat her, you don't even have to try. We run to (floor 8, 3), we cross the lava along the platforms - and in the same way, run to (floor 8, 4), where we search the body of the deceased gnome. We have: a key, a stone of power - and gnome meat, which we do not throw away in any case.

Now we open it with the key (floor 8, 5), but there the creature is already waiting for us, and we still have to run to the smelter (floor 8, 6). We insert a stone of power into the unit and climb the stairs. And now - we throw the meat of the gnome under the car, and as soon as I bend over it, we pull the lever. Hrrry!

No, the animal is not dead, it just smells like that. Without wasting time, we run to (floor 8, 7), privatize the diary here (it says that the dwarves, looking for mithril, woke up ... in general, you know further), the key from the chest of drawers - and pull the lever. We return to the smelter - the lever opens the failure with lava. We jump over and rush to (floor 8, 8) ... ba, old acquaintance, hello, cute animal. We run back, jump over the lava... but the animal does not jump over. Plop.

Flying over the abyss here is not an easy task, even with a spell.

Now more calmly, at the pace of the waltz, we search the gnome. In the bedroom (floor 8, 9) there are two keys, a stone of power and a form for a saber. Mithril we will find in (floor 8, 10). But you can’t just drag it with you: drag it to the nearest car and activate it with a power stone. The ore is moved to the smelter. There we crush the stone into pieces. We can bring a form for a two-handed sword with us, if we prefer it to a saber. We turn on the machine in the forge (floor 8, 11), insert two portions of mithril and one of Koltk powder, at the output we have a mithril ingot.

The second car takes a form at the entrance (one of two), insert it under the left press, and mithril - climb the stairs behind the car. We pull the lever - hurrah! We have a super sword with us.

Now, however, the blade must also be spoken. And for this you have to deprive the dragon of his egg. The dragon is waiting for us on the second floor, in a corner that we haven't explored yet (floor 2, 24); the only way to get there is by air, so I hope you've learned the appropriate spell. If not, get scrolls. To get into the dragon's cave, you need to jump into the pit (floor 2, 25) and melt your way through the ice with fire spells.

If you have read a book about races, then it is not difficult to negotiate with a dragon - just “guess” the number of its scales and bring exactly that many (4815) gold coins. If not, you can kill him; dragon bones are also useful in the household.

The slander should be read, in theory, by Zalnash herself. But for this, she needs a trifling favor: information about the whereabouts of the rebels. Decide for yourself whether to give them away - or manage witchcraft on your own. For the latter, you need to use the egg on the sword and cast the Enchant Object spell. You can also use a scroll, of course.

This is our last...

We go to (floor 4, 11): if you did not betray Aliya, she thanks you and asks you to give her ring to the king. Then the Ederney sisters appear - and grab Alia, saying that King Poxellis promised them a fourth descendant in exchange for Kragoz and Zogark, and now Alia will become their new queen. But here - if you are not too lazy to investigate the murder - Queen Florence, or rather, her spirit, will appear and tell that the fourth descendant was Alia's twin sister, Clarissa, whom she sent “to a safe place” a long time ago (I wonder where she is found?) with the help of the Guild of Travelers. Thus, half-snakes are cruelly deceived.

Illseed move faster than anyone else. Better to hit from a distance.

Now you can fight the Ilsid. Develop a force field - and enter. Right at the entrance, another aggressive priest will deliver the missing meteor to you. We go down to the fifth floor.

All doors are locked, the keys are on the priests. In the dwelling of Yserbius (floor 5, 9) we insert a candle into the right skull on the altar. In the bed you can now find the key that will open the chest - and there is the fifth meteor.

We place five meteors in places in (floor 5, 10) - a passage opens to (floor 5, 11).

Iserbius has already begun to summon Akbaa, so you will have to fight the evil god and the demons he has summoned. But no one doubts your valor and art.

The Moor saved Ark, the Moor can leave. Big uncles have no place in such a small sandbox, and the Guardian is forcibly returned to Noden. That's all...

Character He called us... but did not wait. The Arx role-playing system only seems simple. So that your character is not a chagrin for you, it is better to deal with her properly. Of course, you can always use the quick generation


Guides and Walkthroughs


The Arx role-playing system only seems simple. So that your character is not a chagrin for you, it is better to deal with her properly. Of course, you can always use fast generation - and what happens will not be so bad - but I have not met role players who would leave this vital business at the mercy of the computer. This is your hero, you decide what he will be!

We will give you the main tables showing the game mechanics of the world. It is not at all necessary to understand them thoroughly, but the one who is armed with them will not be stumped by what happens to his hero in battle.

Please note that the hero has only 11 levels. You start at level zero and can grow up to a maximum of 10th. To grow, you need to gain experience; here is his plaque.

Table #0
Levels and experience
Level An experience
1 2000
2 4000
3 6000
4 10000
5 16000
6 26000
7 42000
8 68000
9 110000
10 178000


The character in Arx has four main characteristics (attributes): strength (Strength), intelligence (Intelligence), dexterity (Dexterity) and endurance (Constitution).

Table 1
Force Damage hit Working with items
3 0 6 +1.5
4 0 8 2
5 0 10 +2.5
6 0 12 3
7 0 14 +3.5
8 0 16 4
9 0 18 +4.5
10 0 20 5
11 +1 22 +5.5
12 +1 24 6
13 +2 26 +6.5
14 +2 28 7
15 +3 30 +7.5
16 +3 32 8
17 +4 34 +8.5
18 +4 36 9
19 +5 38 +9.5
20 +5 40 10
21 +6 42 +10.5
22 +6 44 11
23 +7 46 +11.5

Force, traditionally affects the wounds inflicted on the enemy, the success of a melee weapon attack - and, for some mysterious reason, the skill work with objects.

It is easy to guess from the table that with low strength, the probability of hitting an enemy is catastrophically small, unless you have a melee skill trained to the maximum. To some extent, it can be compensated by high dexterity. The connection with damage is less significant, so even with low strength, you will still be able to kill some rat.

table 2
Intelligence mana Magic resistance Mechanics Intuition ethereal connection Working with items Magic
3 3x(lvl+1) 6 3 6 6 +4.5 6
4 4x(lvl+1) 8 4 8 8 6 8
5 5x(lvl+1) 10 5 10 10 +7.5 10
6 6x(lvl+1) 12 6 12 12 9 12
7 7x(lvl+1) 14 7 14 14 +10.5 14
8 8x(lvl+1) 16 8 16 16 13 16
9 9x(lvl+1) 18 9 18 18 +14.5 18
10 10x(lvl+1) 20 10 20 20 16 20
11 11x(lvl+1) 22 11 22 22 +17.5 22
12 12x(lvl+1) 24 12 24 24 19 24
13 13x(lvl+1) 26 13 26 26 +20.5 26
14 14x(lvl+1) 28 14 28 28 22 28
15 15x(lvl+1) 30 15 30 30 +23.5 30
16 16x(lvl+1) 32 16 32 32 25 32
17 17x(lvl+1) 34 17 34 34 +26.5 34
18 18x(lvl+1) 36 18 36 36 28 36
19 19x(lvl+1) 38 19 38 38 +29.5 38
20 20x(lvl+1) 40 20 40 40 31 40
21 21x(lvl+1) 42 21 42 42 +32.5 42
22 22x(lvl+1) 44 22 44 44 34 44
23 23x(lvl+1) 46 23 46 46 +35.5 46

Intelligence determines the amount of magical energy (mana) and resistance to magic. In addition, the following skills depend on it: Mechanics, intuition, ethereal communication, work with objects. The success of the use of magic is associated with it.

In other words, for a magician, this is the number one characteristic, but it is not recommended for anyone to underestimate it, so as not to become too easy a victim for enemy sorcerers. In addition, the thief's intelligence is very useful for detecting traps (intuition) and picking locks (mechanics).

Table 3
Agility Pause between shots Advantage in close combat Stealth Mechanics Working with items Shooting
3 -3% +140 ms 3 6 3 +1.5 6
4 -2.5% +120 ms 4 8 4 2 8
5 -2% +100 ms 5 10 5 +2.5 10
6 -1.5% +80 ms 6 12 6 3 12
7 -1% +60 ms 7 14 7 +3.5 14
8 -0.5% +40 ms 8 16 8 4 16
9 0% +20 ms 9 18 9 +4.5 18
10 +0.5% +0 ms 10 20 10 5 20
11 1% -20ms 11 22 11 +5.5 22
12 +1.5% -40ms 12 24 12 6 24
13 2% -60ms 13 26 13 +6.5 26
14 +2.5% -80ms 14 28 14 7 28
15 3% -100ms 15 30 15 +7.5 30
16 +3.5% -120ms 16 32 16 8 32
17 4% -140ms 17 34 17 +8.5 34
18 +4.5% -160ms 18 36 18 9 36
19 5% -180ms 19 38 19 +9.5 38
20 +5.5% -200ms 20 40 20 10 40
21 6% -220 ms 21 42 21 +10.5 42
22 +6.5% -240 ms 22 44 22 11 44
23 7% -260 ms 23 46 23 +11.5 46

Agility in combat, it is less important than strength, but significant: it also affects the accuracy of strikes (although twice as weak as strength), and also determines the probability of inflicting critical (double) damage. In archery, agility determines the chance to hit (instead of strength) and the interval between shots; so it’s better for a clumsy hero not to take a bow at all, not to make people laugh. In addition to combat, agility affects stealth, on mechanics and work with objects.

In general, it can be said that it is necessary for a thief / archer, desirable for a warrior, and much less useful for a magician.

Table 4
Endurance Hits Poison resistance Protection
3 6x(lvl+1) 6 9
4 8x(lvl+1) 8 12
5 10x(lvl+1) 10 15
6 12x(lvl+1) 12 18
7 14x(lvl+1) 14 21
8 16x(lvl+1) 16 24
9 18x(lvl+1) 18 27
10 20x(lvl+1) 20 30
11 22x(lvl+1) 22 33
12 24x(lvl+1) 24 36
13 26x(lvl+1) 26 39
14 28x(lvl+1) 28 42
15 30x(lvl+1) 30 45
16 32x(lvl+1) 32 48
17 34x(lvl+1) 34 51
18 36x(lvl+1) 36 54
19 38x(lvl+1) 38 57
20 40x(lvl+1) 40 60
21 42x(lvl+1) 42 63
22 44x(lvl+1) 44 66
23 46x(lvl+1) 46 69

Finally, from endurance depends on the number of hits, defense (and not at all on dexterity, as we are used to!) and resistance to poison, that is, everything that directly affects the damage received by the hero (except perhaps resistance to magic). Thus, no one is allowed to neglect it. The difference in hit points and defense between, say, the original 6th and 12th level of the characteristic is doubled!

At the start, you have all characteristics equal to 6, and there are 16 points to distribute between them. Later, with levels, you will only get 1 attribute point, so this is the most important choice at the beginning of the game.

For example, here is what a feature set might look like:

Strength 15, Intelligence 6, Agility 9, Stamina 12 (Classic Warrior).

Strength 6, intelligence 13, dexterity 6, endurance 15

Strength 6, Intelligence 16, Dexterity 6, Stamina 12 (mage designed for great success in the future, ignoring close combat. His life is very difficult at first).

Strength 6, intelligence 13, dexterity 17, endurance 8 (a thief or archer with elements of magic. He has the lowest endurance: it is assumed that he will practically not get into close combat).

Problems with characteristics can be partially compensated by the correct selection of skills.



At the start of the game, you have 18 skill points to distribute. You will get another 15 with each new level, so starting mistakes here are not so fatal.

Skills melee(Close Combat) and shooting(Projectile) are arranged in the same way. They determine the damage and the chance of a critical hit. It is alleged that they also act on the probability of hitting in general, but there has not yet been confirmation of this.

Only those characters who have good reason to believe that they will not be in such a battle can afford to neglect the melee skill. These are mostly thieves. Pure magicians can also try, but it will be much more difficult for them.

Table 5
Close combat and shooting
Combat Skill Plus damage. Critical hit chance
10 1 2%
20 2 4%
30 3 6%
40 4 8%
50 5 10%
60 6 12%
70 7 14%
80 8 16%
90 9 18%
100 10 20%

Skill protection(Defense) partly compensates for the lack of stamina (but does not increase hit points). Everyone needs it, except - maybe - thieves.

Table 6
Defense Skill Poison resistance Protection
10 3 0
20 5 1
30 8 2
40 10 3
50 13 4
60 15 5
70 18 6
80 20 7
90 23 8
100 25 9

Skill intuition(Intuition) manages the probability of detecting traps, secret passages, invisible objects and characters; there is no exact formula here, since this probability depends on the complexity of the problem. You can simply assume that for each level of this skill, your chance increases by 1% (assuming that the probability is "negative" at zero skill). In addition, the price that merchants offer you when buying or selling depends on intuition. Each unit of intuition improves the price for you by half a percent.

Approximately the same way the skill is arranged mechanics(Mechanical), responsible for picking locks, clearing traps and similar activities. Locks are found in abundance in the game - both in doors and in chests, and you should not completely neglect the skills of mechanics and intuition, even if you do not intend to go the way of a thief. Only a character who is seriously into magic and plans to get spells of the sixth level quickly enough can ignore this skill.

Working with items(Object Knowledge) is needed for repairing, identifying items, for mixing potions, as well as poisoning something. Let me remind you again that no there is no other way to determine the found thing, and therefore this skill can be considered a mandatory program. Moreover: it is also impossible to use a thing for its intended purpose without a definition!

In the case of repairing and identifying, the regularity is standard: one in skill - + 1% to the probability of success. With poisons, things are more tricky: the number of poison charges applied to the weapon depends on the skill.

The ability to make potions is also very useful in life, since a supply of cheap potions will repeatedly save the hero's skin. There are only five potions:

Medicinal is made from a water lily (water lily);

Mana potion - from the morning glory flower;

Treatment of poison - from medicinal herbs;

Poison - from a fern (fern);

Potion of invisibility - from a snowdrop (snow drop).

To prepare them, you need a distillation apparatus and flasks.

Stealth(Stealth) is a very useful skill on which to build an entire game. With it, you can not only move invisible, but also try to steal a thing from another character (including story items here - an alternative way to get them). To do this, the skill must be at least 50. And if the enemy does not see you, then the attack is considered a backstab: it gets an additional chance to hit, and damage is increased by half. This stacks with the effect of critical hits.

Stealth does not give complete invisibility and inaudibility, as is usually done in games. Here the logic is different. Your hero has a certain degree of visibility - in appearance and in hearing. For example, if light falls on you, you are seen better than in the dark, and in armor you make more sounds than when naked. At the same time, visibility is measured by a certain conditional number, which characterizes the chance that you will be detected at a certain distance. In order to hear you, it is not necessary to have a direct line of sight to you - you can hear from around the corner, but hearing does not allow you to determine exact the location of the sound source.

So, invisibility is just reduces visual and auditory level. You can read the numbers in the table. With a fully trained skill, you cannot be heard at all, but you can still see, so you should not expect that you will be able to defile invisible through the illuminated hall. But at some distance from the enemy, you can rightfully expect that they will not be able to detect you.

It is useful for invisibility to bend and crawl on all fours (key X).

Table 8
Stealth Skill Plus to hit on backstab Audibility Visibility
10 5% -10% -4%
20 10% -20% -8%
30 15% -30% -12%
40 20% -40% -16%
50 25% -50% -20%
60 30% -60% -24%
70 35% -70% -28%
80 40% -80% -32%
90 45% -90% -36%
100 50% -100% -40%

And, finally, magic ... Actually a skill of magic(Casting) affects the level of your spells and resistance to magic: every 10 points of the skill gives 1 level of magic and 5% resistance.

The magic in the game is very strong, although working with it is laborious; whoever you play, it is recommended at least a little, but to develop it.

ethereal connection(Ethereal Link) controls mana regeneration rate. Every 10 skill points increases this speed by 20%. In addition, the same skill gives you the right to determine the state of the enemy in battle. He also warns of the presence of enemies nearby, which is also useful, although you, in a good way, should have done it yourself ...

In fact, the only archetype of a character that this skill can actually be useful for is a pure magician who, in principle, does not touch weapons, and even he does not need to bully him to the skies.

Character options

Let's try using this to create a couple of characters.

For example, warrior mage might look something like this:

Strength 14, Intelligence 11, Agility 6, Endurance 9.

Melee +4, Magic +4, Item Handling +2, Intuition +3, Defense +5.

We don’t need an ethereal connection: firstly, we will get a considerable plus for it (+18) for intelligence, and secondly, the mana regeneration rate is not so significant: this character fires a volley of pre-prepared spells at an approaching enemy, and in the future counts on his sword. We will no longer train ether communication - and save space for more necessary skills. The hero always has prepared spells in stock; how to do this - we will tell in the chapter "Interface".

That's why we save on endurance. The combo "a series of spells - finishing with a sword" is one of the fastest in the game, it manages to work in less time than pure magic or a sword. Therefore, there is some hope that they will not have time to take too many hits from us. It is better to increase intelligence - and protect yourself from magical blows.

You can do it differently: take skills in large chunks one by one. For example, at the start, take protection, at the first level - equally melee and magic, and so on.

Thief Shooter(one of the most effective templates) is quite simple.

Strength 6, Intelligence 8, Agility 18, Endurance 8.

Marksmanship +2, Stealth +2, Intuition +5, Mechanics +4, Item Handling +2, Magic +3.

Note that intuition is more developed than that of the previous hero. This is not because he will have to deal with traps more often (all of them have to meet, and not of their own free will), but because he cannot compensate for the lack of this skill with intelligence. You can also save money on shooting and stealth: at the beginning of the game, such insane dexterity is quite enough "for all needs." But the magic can be grown.

Subsequently, magic can be left alone - and focus on the growth of shooting and stealth. But it's better not to leave it: magic becomes stronger as the game progresses, and you shouldn't neglect it.

pure mage, as befits a magician, is very difficult to perform at first - since spells do not appear in your book right away. But even then his life is not sugar at all; reading a spell is a long business, and in close combat, he is not at all fun. However, playing such a hero can be quite interesting. So:

Strength 6, Intelligence 14, Agility 6, Endurance 14.

In this way: this magician must live to win, and endurance is important to him almost to the same extent as intelligence! Then you can afford to grow intelligence more than stamina, but at the beginning of the game...

Magic +9, work with objects +2, defense +7. And that's it!

In the future, you will spend part of the points on ethereal communication and intuition. But in the beginning, the plus that gives 14 intelligence points is enough. Magic, defense and working with items remain priority areas: working with items from high intelligence without dexterity and strength is not growing fast enough.

First steps in the Arch

The game has a pretty reasonable tutorial (hope you're not using a pirated version?). Therefore, in the guide we will talk about the interface quite briefly. The main reason for this conversation is that not everything that the game tells us ends up in the diary so that we can look at it again.

All keyboard and mouse commands can be overridden in the settings. Keep in mind that under the key ctrl insidious toy understands only right Ctrl and it's better to customize. I spent ten minutes of my precious life while twirling the mouse around the screen (Ctrl turns on magic mode) and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong...

The blue and red wineskins in the lower corners of the screen are... Guessed? Of course, hits and mana. These universal glyphs have not changed since the days of Diablo the Great and Terrible, and if anyone paints mana green, the sky will fall to the ground.

Above the mana, a brown bug flaunts - this is your duffel bag. This icon both opens it and closes it. To use any item on another item, you must click on the used twice(bodies are searched in the same way and all sorts of stationary objects are turned on). Key H allows you to instantly drink a healing potion (if you have it, of course). Key M- Drink a mana potion.

Above - a universal book, which contains a map, and spells, and runes, and a diary. It can also be opened with the key F4.

(A little about the geography of the world. The Ark Dungeon is divided into floors, designated by numbers from 1 to 8 (from top to bottom). You start your journey on floor 2.)

The game has two main mouse modes: look and action. They are switched with the right button. Item selection - left button + Shift. Movement can be done with the arrows, or you can use the left keyboard ( W-A-S-D).


The spell consists of runes, which must be drawn on the screen. By clicking on the spell, you will see a set of necessary runes. Rune is drawn when the button is pressed ctrl(by default - right) and the pressed left mouse button. At the same time, the trace of the rune burns on the screen. By releasing the left button, you complete the drawing of the rune, and if you get it (at least some), then its name sounds, and the rune starts blinking at the top right. When the spell is finished, release Ctrl and it will work.

If the second spell rune failed, you didn't spoil anything - you can draw it again, most importantly, do not release Ctrl. Now, if a rune also came out, but another one, then it’s bad ...

What does it mean to draw a rune

on the screen"? Means - to hold the mouse at approximately the right angles along the given polyline. Thickness lines does not indicate the thickness of what you get, but the direction of drawing the rune: from the thick end to the thin one. For example, the runes Aam and Ni represent a horizontal line, but Aam is drawn from left to right, and Ni is drawn from right to left. The angles and length of the lines relative to each other are important: you can draw a larger rune, you can draw a smaller one, but the proportions should be approximately respected.

In fact, runes are very simple figures, usually from 1-3 segments. Only the runes Kozum and Tempus consist of four lines. So don't be afraid... You can find the entire list of runes with pictures in this guide.

You can cast a spell while holding the button Shift: then it will not work immediately, but will remain "prepared", and its symbol will flash at the bottom of the screen; by clicking on it with the mouse button, you will "release" it. You can prepare up to three spells this way.

The fight

To arm yourself with an item, press Enter. Combat mode entry and exit (default) - Tab: a hand appears in front of you, empty or with a weapon.

The fight is done simply: hold down the left mouse button and swing, release - and the longer you swing, the stronger the blow will come out. In this case, it is not necessary to hit the target with the mouse, but you need to be somewhere nearby. At first (and then too), opponents will often attack from below or from above, and that is why it is recommended to keep the mouse-look mode while walking through the dungeons (the mouse determines the direction of view), because this is the only way you can quickly look up or under your feet.

But a real fighter is not limited to a bunch of "swipe - blow": he uses maneuver. For a good swing, it is better to retreat, and strike with a step forward. This is the simplest technique, there are more interesting ones.

Weapons break down regularly. His condition can be seen from the color of the picture. When durability drops to 0, it breaks irreversibly. You can repair weapons either on your own or with the help of a blacksmith; for independent work you will need an anvil. With low item skill, the maximum reliability of an item decreases from repair to repair, so at first it may be better to spend money on a blacksmith.

Luckily, an item can be made unbreakable with Hex. Some items - among the most powerful - are indestructible by nature.

Hex is a special spell, Enchant Object (we'll talk more about the list of spells later). For him, in addition to the thing itself, you need to have a special reagent. Like that:

Stone Amikar- for the coveted invincibility of a thing.

bone dust- so that the weapon gives you a plus to strength (dragon bone is preferable).

Garlic- so that the weapon gives a plus to dexterity.

Golem Heart- so that the weapon paralyzes the enemy.


Eat in Ark! This may be terribly out of date, but the fact remains: hungry grumbling in the stomach makes it very difficult to save the world.

Moreover, the food must be prepared. Only shameful goblins crack raw fish. And they don't even eat flour. Sometimes you will come across ready-made food, but often you will have to make it yourself. Any fire is suitable for this (including those set on fire by a spell).

With fish, chicken legs, ribs (at first they will be mostly rat ones), everything is simple: light a fire and put the carcass there, take it out after a few seconds. The flour must first be mixed with water (we got the dough), then rolled out with a rolling pin, add apples to taste, and only then bake.

By the way, in addition to food, the game also has wine. And if you drink a lot of it, you can go numb. For scientific purposes, I recommend that you try this interesting experience sometime.

Big Book of Magic


The game does not help you find all the runes at all. So it's up to us to take care of it...

Each rune has its own meaning, and so you can, in theory, calculate spells; in fact, a list of enchantments is enough, and the meanings of the runes are more like this, for fun. But it’s better to remember the names so that you can realize by the magic words you say whether you did everything right.

A rune drawn in reverse order, as a rule, if it exists, does something opposite to the original.

There are several main places where runes are sold or mined. This:

Maria's shop, in the city of Arc;

The adviser of King Lanshear, a half-snake named sister Chinkash;

At the twin merchants;

Laboratory at the royal court.

They can usually be found elsewhere, but listing all these places does not make much sense. But some runes cannot be obtained there, and we will write about them in more detail.

Aam- rune of creation. You will find it from the very beginning, as part of the tutorial, in addition, it is sold in Maria's store in the city of Arc (1st floor).

Neither- rune of destruction. She is similar to Aam, but drawn from right to left. It can also be bought from Maria.

Mega- rune of improvement. It is given by Chinkash. There are also in the laboratory.

Yok- the rune of fire - is mined at the very beginning, along with Aam, but can be taken from the same Chinkash.

Taar- arrow - in the laboratory.

Kaom- protection - in the room with the golem on the 2nd floor, as well as on the gallery of the Ederney sisters (6th floor).

vita- life - in Maria's shop and in the laboratory.

Vista- vision - in the laboratory.

stregum- magic - the twins; besides them, there are only in the room of one of the priests in the temple of Akbaa.

Morte- death - in the crypt on the 6th floor. To do this, press the button in the tomb in the southeast of the floor and open a secret passage.

Kozum- item - in the room with the golem, along with the Kaom rune.

Communicatum- communication - in the caves on the 2nd floor, at the entrance to the lair of the ice dragon.

Movis- movement - the twins.

Tempus- time - can only be obtained after you get the Shield of the Ancients from the lich.

Folgora- storm - you will find Orbiplanax in the bedroom of Falan, whose death you will begin to investigate.

spatium- space - at Chinkash.

Tera- land - the twins.

Cetrius- poison - in the laboratory.

Raa- Weakness - Mary.

fridd- frost - in the palace of the goblin king, from where she gets only with the help of a telekinesis spell.


Enchantments are divided into levels; for magic of the 1st level, you need to get 10 units in magic, for the 2nd - 20, and so on.

Many spells have a duration; they can continue further, but the same amount of mana is spent as it took to activate.

1 level

fire(ignite). The very first spell you will learn. Ignites what can burn - torches, firewood, etc., whatever is in your vicinity. Costs 2 units. mana. Runes: Aam, Yok.

Extinguishing(Douse). Reverse spell. Costs 2 units. mana. Runes: Ni, Yok.

magical vision(Magic Sight). Allows you to see freely in the dark (it's better than a torch because it doesn't draw attention to you). But it costs as much as 3 units. mana per 10 seconds. Runes: Mega, Vista.

magic arrow(Magic Missile). Your first combat spell: Deals 1-4 hits to the enemy for each of your levels. Costs 1 per level. Runes: Aam, Taar.

Enabling the Portal(Activate Portal). This spell enables teleportation rooms. He is taught by Chinkash mentioned in the previous chapter. Costs 2 mana, runes: Mega, Spatium.

2 level

Treatment(Heal). Heals 1-4 hits per level, heals both the mage and those around him. Price - 2 per level. Runes: Mega, Vita.

Defeat(Harm). Reverse Spell (on enemy): Removes hit points a little at a time. Price - 4. Runes: Raa, Vita.

Protection(Armor). Increases defense by 1 per level. Price - 4. Runes: Mega, Kaom.

Reduced Defense(Lower Armor). Reverse spell (on the enemy, of course). Price - 4, runes: Raa, Kaom.

Trap detection(Detect Trap). Price - 5. Runes: Morte, Kozum, Vista.

3 level

Serious combat spells begin to appear here.

Fire ball(fireball). 1-6 hits per level, grows, costs 3 per level. Runes: Aam, Yok, Taar.

Ice arrow(Ice Projectile). Likewise. Runes: Aam, Fridd, Taar.

Creating food(Create Food). Removes the feeling of hunger. Price - 5. Runes: Aam, Kozum, Vita.

Speed(Speed). Speeds up movement. Costs 20. Runes: Mega, Movis.

disillusionment(Dispel Illusion). Detects false walls. Worth 7. Runes: Ni, Stregum, Vita.

4th level

Blessing(Bless). +1 for (+1 level) to all stats. Price - 5. Runes: Mega, Stregum, Vita.

Curse(Curse). Reverse spell, on the enemy. Price - 5. Runes: Raa, Stregum, Vita.

Field dispersal(Dispel Field). Dispels a magical field. Worth 7. Runes: Ni, Spatium.

Telekinesis(Telekinesis). Allows you to turn on or pick up something from a distance (helps in avoiding traps, something you can’t get to without it). Price - 9. Runes: Spatium, Komunikatum.

Cold protection(Protection from Cold). Protects from the cold. Price - 10. Runes: Fridd, Kaom.

fire protection(Protection from Fire). Protects from fire. Price - 10. Runes: Yok, Kaom.

5th level

Rune Guardian(Rune of Guarding). Trap. Those who get close take 10 points of damage. The cost is 10 mana. Runes: Aam, Morte, Kozum.

Levitation(levitate). Flight ... In the dungeon - not the most common spell. Price - 10. Runes: Mega, Spatium, Movis.

Treatment for poison(Cure Poison). Removes poison (1 charge per level). Costs 10. Runes: Ni, Spatium.

Poison Arrow(Poison Projectile). Places 1 charge of poison per level on the target. Worth 2* level. Runes: Aam, Cetrius, Taar.

Turning Undead(Repel Undead). Makes the undead flee. In fact, against the undead, from which it makes sense to defend, it helps quite badly. Price - 9. Runes: Morte, Kaom.

6th level

Creation of the undead(Raise Dead). Summons a skeleton for help. You can't summon two at once. Costs 12 units. mana. Runes: Aam, Morte, Vita.

Creating a Magic Field(Create Field). Creates an energy field. Costs 12 units. mana. Runes: Aam, Kaom, Spatium.

Paralysis(Paralyze). Roots the target (1s per level). Price - 3 units. mana per level. Runes: Ni, Movis.

slowdown(Slow down). Slows down the target. Costs 12 mana. Runes: Raa, Movis.

Disarming a trap(Disarm Trap). Destroys a trap. Costs 15 mana, runes: Ni, Morte, Kozum.

7th level

flying eye(Flying Eye). An observation device that allows you to look around the corner, behind the door, etc. Price - 16. Runes: Vista, Movis.

fire field(Fire Field). Deals 20 points of damage per second. Price - 14. Runes: Aam, Yok, Spatium.

ice field(Ice Field). Deals 20 points of damage per second. Price - 14. Runes: Aam, Fridd, Spatium.

Lightning strike(Lightning Strike). Removes 3-12 hit points per level. Costs 6 per level. Runes: Aam, Folgora, Taar.

Confusion(confuse). The enemy begins to behave chaotically and senselessly. The duration depends on the intelligence and the level of it and the magician. Price - 3 per level. Runes: Raa, Vista.

8 level

Invisibility(Invisibility). You become completely invisible. The price is 30 mana. Runes: Ni, Vista.

Mana Drain(Mana Drain). Removes 1-4 mana per second. Price - 10. Runes: Stregum, Movis.

expulsion of life(Life Drain). Transfers hit points from the target to you. Price - 20. Runes: Vita, Movis.

Chaos(chaos). Removes 3-24 hit points from all monsters within reach. Costs 30. Runes: Mega, Aam, Yok.

Hex(Enchant Object). Gives the object a permanent magical effect. Costs 35. Runes: Mega, Stregum, Kozum.

9th level

callcreature(Summon Creature). Summons a creature (based on the mage's intelligence). Costs 20 units. mana. Runes: Aam, Vita, Tera.

magic denial(Negate Magic). No magic can work within the radius of effect. Costs 20 units. mana. Runes: Ni, Stregum, Spatium.

Incinerate(Incinerate). 5-20 hits from target over time. Price - 100. Runes: Aam, Mega, Yok.

Mass paralysis(Mass Paralyze). Paralyzes everyone in range for 1s * level. Costs (3 * level * number of targets) mana. Runes: Mega, Ni, Movis.

level 10

Demon control(Control Demon). Controlling a demon. Costs 40 units. mana. Runes: Movis, Communicatum.

Stop time(freeze time). For everyone except the mage, time stops. Price - 60 units. mana. Runes: Ni, Tempus.

Mass Incinerate(Mass Incinerate). 5-20 hit points from all enemies around for some time. Price - 200. Runes: Mega, Aam, Mega, Yok.

Mass lightning strike(Mass Lightning Strike). 4-24 * HP level from all enemies around. Price - 8 * level. Runes: Mega, Aam, Taar, Folgora.

Passage of Arx Fatalis

There will be many references to the map in the text. They might look something like this: (floor 2, 3). This means that the place in question is located on the map of the 2nd floor and is marked with the number 3 there. orange circles marked on the map stairs, the number in them is the number of the floor where the stairs lead to. Flash Icon shows the main traps.

Dirty way to get rich

A secret has been discovered in the game, obviously of a "fraudulent" kind, which allows you to acquire the most luxurious set of weapons and armor at the very beginning. It is done like this. After leaving the cell and slaughtering your first goblin, you find yourself in a room with a table and a chair. And in the corner are two bones. Take left of them and ten times use on a chair. I don't know if Gumbs made this chair, but the content exceeds all expectations. This treasure, most likely, was intended for developers testing their program: in addition to treasures, it contains a lot of special items with which you can remake your character and do a lot more bad things!

The floors are one above the other: that is, if you step on the stairs, you will find yourself on the next floor in the same place.

The escape

You come to your senses in a dirty closet. Who are you, what is your name, why have you been brought to this vile place, and what is this place, by the way? Unknown. You can only judge by the introductory scene, which seems to indicate your outstanding origin ...

The cell is empty, the whole situation is a skull and a couple of toadstools. Nearby is a talkative neighbor who convinces you that somewhere "there must be a way out." And he says that you are sitting in a goblin jail.

The logic is doubtful, but there really is a way out: if you remove the staggering lower stone from the grate on the left, you will be able to push the bars apart. Immediately you have to deal with the goblin: as a weapon, at worst, the most common tibia will do. Now go to the neighbor's cell and open it in a civilized way, with a special lever.

The neighbor introduces himself: “Kultar, traveler". This title obviously does not tell you anything, and he finally believes that you really have lost your memory. As a sign of gratitude, he gives ... a name. Am Shegar, which means “Nameless” in some language.

But he is not yet ready to fight for freedom with you. Weak, tired and all. Therefore, break the hatch (with weapons, in combat mode) and proudly step into it (floor 2, 1), while falling on (floor 3, 1).

Collect any trash (there is food, a couple of bones, some herbs). The main thing is that on the skeleton, in addition to bones, there are the first runes! Now you have access to the fire spell.

Your task is to fix the lift (floor 3, 2). Kicking rats and other animals with your feet, you get to the room with him. There are two slabs in it, stones are piled on one. You remove them from the stove, and on the other, on the contrary, put at least one: a secret door opens. Behind this door (floor 3, 3) find the rope and apply it to the lift (the lift mechanism is hidden behind the illuminated panel in the wall. Double click on the rope, then on the lift). Now on the elevator (it is turned on by a lever next to the mechanism) you can go back to the Kultar.

Just then, another goblin turns up, stronger than the previous one, but Kultar will help you (especially if you give him at least some kind of weapon). A stick is taken from the corpse, and with its help a lever is repaired that opens the exit (the stick is simply inserted into a groove in the wall).

So far, you have only left your section of the prison: in fact, there are places for more than two prisoners. Next you have to fight the goblins; although if you have trained enough stealth skill, there is a way sharp reduce the number of fights. Here is the way:

Sneak south, passing through another cell bay, until you hear the goblin chief talking to his petty sing-along (floor 2, 2). The leader complains that “they always slip him a dirty plate”, and, they say, if they slip him at least once, he ...

Provide him with such a plate. It's not difficult: you return to the nearest camera compartment, so you find it and put it on the table in stealth mode;

See how he keeps his promise. It should be noted, honestly performs!

However, we cannot open the door from their room yet.

Yes, in the compartment where the plate is, there is also the goblin Polsius planted under the castle (floor 2, 3), who by hook or by crook persuades him to release. Let him out, he promises to help on occasion and drowns away, saying that he should be looked for in a tavern.

Now we go to the north, where in a separate room (floor 2, 4) the goblin postman sleeps. Make his sleep eternal (thieves may leave the poor man alive). Here you can take a lot of useful things, but the key to the door and paper are the most relevant - an unsigned, but completed permission to leave the goblin kingdom.

We will visit the leader who fell in the battle for the dirty plate again. Now we have something to open the door. We fall into a large cave (floor 2, 5). We can admire the views from above, but we can’t go down yet. Therefore, we go sideways, sideways ... Yeah, here (floor 2, 6) there lives a rather good-natured troll Gru, who sculpts idols from clay, and in his free time is busy scratching his belly. He has nothing against us: he escaped from his brothers, whom the goblins harnessed to the mine work to become a free sculptor. The trolls are not too pleased with this turn of affairs; this might be useful to us. Gru also says that he is bored without friends (the only friend - Burvaka - works for goblins), and a real friend is the one who will give him a book for his birthday. Is the hint clear?

We return again to the late postman, and next to him, in the north, we find the stairs to the first floor. We are at the point (floor 1, 1).



The long gut of the corridor leads to the gates of the fort (floor 1, 2), whose architecture and coats of arms suggest that we are finally among the people. Looking closely, we specify: among the dead people. Mostly corpses or bodies that are hardly distinguishable from them lie here. In the midst of which pigs and chickens graze, sometimes sitting right on the heads of their former owners. Touching...

There are some weapons, shields and so on that are bad here, so you can dress up a little. We go up the stairs - and we find the still almost alive, but wounded captain of the outpost, a certain Ortiern. He asks if he sees a mercenary in front of him, and urges (they won’t let him object!) So that we deliver to the main forces of people, in the city of Arx, his letter about the attack of the mysterious Ilsids, who for no apparent reason and effortlessly destroyed his detachment. He himself can not pass - the passage is littered with a recent earthquake. He's known downstairs as flaky, and you might be able to go down through the goblin tunnels...if you get his certificate of a gem merchant. Take it!

Before returning to the goblins, visit the Yellow Tulip Tavern. It is located in the northeast of the map. (floor 1, 3). Polsius is resting here, who, as part of a reciprocal courtesy, will sign a permit for you (he, of course, has no right, but he does it like ...). Basically, you can go; and you can also talk with the one-eyed Enoille, replenish your finances with a game of chance, or read an ad on the wall that a certain Oliver is organizing a treasure hunt. To join, you must throw the emerald into the chest. This hunt will be discussed in a separate chapter.

Now we can turn into a branch from the main goblin corridor and go through the entrance (floor 2, 7). The stairs will lead us to the third floor, (floor 3, 4).

The surroundings of the entrance are inhabited by spiders. Killing crawling creatures (or avoiding combat), across the bridge (floor 3, 5) we get to the mines, where there is an exit in the south (floor 3, 6) up to the second floor (floor 2.8).

Finally, having overcome the long gut of the corridor, stuffed with all sorts of small evil spirits, we reach the stairs up (floor 2, 9), to people!

Troll strike

We went out to (floor 1, 4). We will give the letter to the destination. To do this, step into the guard room (floor 1, 5). The guards pass the responsibility on to their boss, Carlo, who will already show you the whereabouts of King Lanshear (floor 1, 6).

Lanshear is very grateful to you... so much so that he is ready to do you a favor in the form of a new task. A littered passage can be cleared by trolls; you need to send a request to the troll king Pogue (by the way, read the letter: Lanshear wonderfully expresses his thoughts in a language understandable to the trolls).

Before you leave, equip yourself properly. Weapons and armor sold at (floor 1, 7), runes and spell scrolls (floor 1, 8), decorations - (floor 1, 9). If you are ready - go back the same way that you came to the third floor.

With the king's letter, you will be allowed into the miners' camp (floor 3.5). However, a goblin looks after the trolls, and he says that the trolls are on strike, they do not dig gems, and the poor goblins from this become even poorer.

Troll lord, Pog, not far from here (floor 3, 7). On the way, get hold of a pickaxe: in some places in the walls you can personally break gold or jewelry for yourself, and sometimes even break through the wall. Pog, in general, does not mind helping the nice little Lanshear, but he also has grief - the idol was stolen, and until he is returned, no one goes anywhere, neither to work, nor to clear the tunnels ... Now we know the reason for the strike. Regarding the idol, the overseer directs you to the goblin city (floor 3, 8).

You can even before leaving to visit the troll Burvaka, Gru's ex-friend, whom he told us about. This unfortunate man works in the farthest corner of the mine (floor 3, 13) and reveals that Gru would most appreciate an overland picture book as a gift.

The idol, apparently, is stored in the treasury, but there (floor 3, 11) no crooks are allowed. We are convinced by the guard that we need royal permission. To the goblin king (floor 3, 10) you won't be missed that easily either. But if you trample around the palace and look into the bedroom of the lord (floor 3, 9: it turns out that we were very close to him when we repaired the lift) , then we find a note in which the pharmacist warns the king not to take it into his head to drink wine in order to avoid bad consequences for the radiant organism; as well as the code for the royal safe, 5-5-9-9 .

Aha! However, the king loves cakes very much, and therefore we sneak into the kitchen (floor 2, 10), where we add wine to the dough. The king, having tasted them, rushes to the bedroom for a pot, and then we can convince him that for the common good of the idol, Pogu must be returned. After that, you get the right to explore everything in the city to find an idol. In this case, it is necessary that you have already received a refusal from the guard at the treasury and the throne room.

We immediately climb into the throne room and open the royal safe using the code! And there is a note: if the king does not deliver gems by tomorrow, he will certainly be killed. Letter - from a certain brotherhood of dealers in precious stones. The lever opens the entrance to the king's treasury, and on the way there you can find the rune of frost - Fridd.

Now we go to the room near the kitchen (floor 3, 14), where a sassy goblin named Atok lives, who is very annoyed that he was not the king, and now another is eating delicious cakes. Him, Atoka, cakes! Merrzavet!

In Atoka's room, under the pillow, we pick up the key that will let us into the warehouse (floor 3, 15). There, in addition to all sorts of usefulness, lies the lost idol!

Then Atok overtakes us, and we have to fight. The secret became clear: Atok stole the idol so that the trolls went on strike, and the king was killed for not supplying gems. And then Atoku will get the throne and cakes. Admittedly, not a bad plan for a goblin!

Let us return the idol Pogu. Pog, in joy, will send a team to clear the passage, and we can return to His Majesty.

By the way, Lanshear's task can be completed in another way. In fact, to clear the tunnel, it is necessary and sufficient to have only one troll at your disposal, and such a troll lodges in a prison in troll mines (floor 3, 16). If he is released, he will be ready for anything for his liberator, and the lack of a key prevents him from going free. The key is with old Pog, and it can be stolen or taken by force by killing the poor bastard. Then you won't need to look for an idol.

The challenge looms

Now the nameless tramp is already admitted to the advice of King Lanshear. His advisors are Felnor, an alchemist, and the snake woman Chinkash. Subject: earthquakes, one of which blocked the passage to the fort (we ourselves witnessed the shaking earth at the beginning of our glorious journey). Here the captain of the guard comes running with the message that they killed the astronomer (a damn useful profession underground!) Falan Orbiplanax. You are assigned to investigate a murder. You become a permanent servant of the king, with a private room in the palace ( floor 1, 10) and fairly broad powers.

First of all, let's talk with Chinkash. This most learned lady usually stays in the library ( floor 1, 11). Chinkash claims, nothing less than nothing, that the murder of Orbiplanax is ritual, with the use of black magic. In the next room - in the laboratory ( floor 1, 12) - visit Felnor, who will give the key to Falan's room and a letter from him with a not too cleverly encrypted code from the safe. Borrow runes from Felnor, if necessary - reagents (in the laboratory, by the way, it is very convenient to make potions), and return. On the way back Chinkash will give you a wonderful picture book for the troll.

In Falan's room ( floor 1, 13) there is a safe in the wall behind the carpet. We know his code from a note received from Felnor - 2-4-8 . In the safe is a Falan diary, which briefly and clearly states that there is a certain evil god Akbaa, whose cult is trying to embody him in the Ark, that the focus of the cult is a meteor named Koltk, and only the guardian of Noden can destroy this latter. And that Falan intends to ask this most mysterious Noden for help. That's what he asked...

You can also talk to the new astronomer, Suiberis, but he has nothing smart to say.

Meanwhile in the secret room floor 1, 14) the council met again, and a guard, a certain Erzog, had already been arrested for the murder. Of course, they immediately hung everything that was possible on him, and declared the high priest of this very Akbaa. Now it becomes completely clear that you are the very “Guardian of Noden” that the late astronomer called for. You, and only you (and someone doubted?) can destroy the meteor by throwing it into Mount Doom ... brr, I reported something.

Before it's too late, visit Erzog in his dungeon ( floor 1, 15). Of course, he is not a priest, much less a supreme one, he was simply deceived and framed by real cultists. He is ready to tell everything as he pleases, including the password for the Akbaa temple ( Faat Kaa Pell), which, it turns out, is located under the already familiar Yellow Tulip tavern.

At the entrance to the castle, the king is arguing with half-snakes, who accuse him of not paying some old debts. It seems that here all the royal persons are solid debtors.

We leave the castle. In the end, Chinkash does us the greatest service: he tells us how to turn on the teleporters, which globally save us time running through the dungeons. This is done with a special spell. To teleport you need both teleporter - both entrance and exit - were included.

Teleporters are those strange structures, one of which we have already seen near Gru's lair, the other in the city, next to the shops, and the third on the third floor, not far from the place where we entered from the second floor. On the map they are depicted as octagons with asterisks inside.

In the city square (the one where the teleporter is) we learn that Maria, from whom we buy runes, has lost her daughter Shani, who played near the jeweler's house. In an open house floor 1, 16) there is a book lying around, which tells about a certain ritual of Akbaa human sacrifices. In general, where to look for Shani, understand?

Let's run through the familiar teleporters to turn them on once and for all, and then we'll get down to business. At the same time, we will visit Gru, wish him a happy birthday and give him a book. In response, he hands us an amulet, seeing which, not a single troll will touch us.

First meteor attack

We go down to the mines of the trolls, where we pass along the bridge ( floor 3, 17) to the stairs to the 4th floor.

On this floor, there are enough rats and goblins already familiar to us, but there is also a much more unpleasant creature - a rat, a rat-man. They are, to put it mildly, somewhat stronger than all those with whom we have fought so far; with hits and damage, like a goblin leader, the rat is much superior to him in defense, besides, he has poison, invisibility and can teleport. However, you have already seen all this in the intro.

First of all, we turn on the teleporter, it is not far away. Door in ( floor 4, 1) open or break out. There, another diary awaits us - a certain Inut, a chicken-worshipping maniac who dreams of learning how to lay eggs. Please read carefully...

This is where it starts treasure hunt . See a separate chapter about it.

AT ( floor 4, 2) stands the Serpent Column, which we learned about from the book. Hide behind it (to the west of the pillar) - and you will see the priests of Akbaa, who can be followed to the altar ( floor 4, 3). There you will find an unfortunate girl, and, may be If you hurry, you can save her. If not, you will have to fight not only with the priests, but also with the demon summoned at the expense of the stolen soul. Kill the priests, take the girl to her mother. The main thing is not vice versa ...

And now it's time to use the password from Erzog and visit the priests at home. If you remember, the entrance is under the “Yellow Tulip” ( floor 1, 3).

Ha, and the meteor is not the only one. There are, in addition to the main one, a bunch of smaller ones. Our task is to collect five of them. The first is found in ( floor 2, 10), one more - in the central hall ( floor 2, 11), on the corpse of a priest, which before that must be prepared from a living priest. There are also notes on the dead, another code from the safe ( 1-1-3 ) and a key. Use the key in the room ( floor 2, 12), and at the same time we will pick up a new spell that allows you to dispel the force field ( floor 2, 13). We have already met such a field - on the fourth floor.

We continue to plunder the surroundings of the temple; in the room ( floor 1, 14) lives a priest who has a golem's heart, and even a kind explanation that it is the key to the temple's security system.

Now we go to the main meteor. In the prayer hall floor 1, 15) the blind priest Iguk (he donated his eyes to Akbaa) by the simplicity of his soul is ready to tell us something. In particular - that access to the meteor is closed. Because of us, by the way.

Switches on the walls of this room open two secret passages. AT ( floor 2, 16) lodges a lich who will most likely eat us without salt, but in the future it is worth dealing with him and confiscating another meteor from his pantry. And in ( floor 2, 17) there is a golem and, accordingly, another heart.

Let's deal with the so-called "security system". To do this, follow in ( floor 2, 18), dispelling the field at the entrance with the appropriate spell or scroll. Golems are found here, one of which is without a heart. Click on the stove in ( floor 2, 19), which requires either a bunch of stones, or a golem in which you put your heart and thereby force yourself to obey. The room will open ( floor 2, 20), where you need to press on the lever - one of the three that removes the “security system”).

Another room in the same wing ( floor 2, 21) involves either entering the found code 1-1-3, or a fight with the second golem. Here we press the lever number 2.

On the body of the priest was, among other things, a note with the words "The first closes the second." Close the door, otherwise the second one will not open. The third lever is waiting for you in ( floor 2, 22).

Phew, we disabled the security system and we can proceed to the meteor ( floor 2, 23). Here Iserbius, the chief priest of Akbaa, sacrifices a certain lady. He summons a demon and runs away. All you have to do is kill the demon, free the woman, destroy the meteor...

It wasn't there. Meteor doesn't give up that easily. We'll have to go with a sadly lowered head to report to the king and Felnor.

Second meteor attack

Meanwhile, bad news arrived at the castle. The Ilsids attacked the fort again, this time doing their job cleanly and leaving no survivors. Apparently the Ilsid serve Akbaa, or at least in league with him.

Iserbius, the mysterious high priest of Akbaa, is none other than Falan's disciple, Suiberis (their names, as you can see, are anagrams). He, of course, ran.

As for your misfortune with the meteor, it's time to look for a suitable Ancient And Powerful Artifact. He must prevent the meteor from drinking your power. This artifact consists of two parts, named after the ancient gods - Kragoz and Zogark, it was handed over to people by the sisters Ederney (half-snakes). It was this duty that they commemorated to the king. Zogark has since reverted to half snakes, while Kragoz has been stolen by rebels who recently killed the king's wife and kidnapped his daughter. These are the rascals. I have to go and pick up the stuff.

What can you do, you have to go ... The thief, however, may try to steal Kragoz ( floor 4, 5), but it is very, very difficult.

We go down another floor. A lot of goblins and trolls live here; if you make friends with Gru, then the trolls will see the amulet and will not be touched, well, and your hero at this level can already afford to lazily scatter the goblins with the little finger of his left hand.

The remains of the zombie gracefully stand on the bridge and moan: "Die ...".

In the cave ( floor 5, 1) inhabited by twin merchants, one of the most important sources of runes. Buy from them (except runes) more aspen stakes, you will need them very soon. There are also two goblin clans living nearby, the people of the Earth and the people of the Water ( floor 5, 2, and floor 5, 3). They can't stand each other, and invite you to chop up the enemy clan into cabbages for a bigger reward. As casus belli, global claims such as “Only vile stinkers can eat fish” are put forward. If you want, help the goblins reduce the number of clans to one (or even to zero), for which you will receive a completely empty “reward”. Turn on the local teleporter.

Now we go back to Ark, to Carlo, for the key to the crypt. Stock up before the trip with everything you can: serious fights are coming, everything that has happened so far is flowers. Don't forget to get a pickaxe, preferably more than one, for digging graves. The entrance to the burial ground is in the city square, not far from the teleporter.

Let's start the robbery of the tombs from the tomb of Falan Orbiplanax ( floor 4, 6). In it you will find the key to his chest (which is in Falan's room, in the castle) and a lever that will let us in ( floor 4, 7). Having repaired the lever there (by the usual method), we will get into ( floor 4, 8), where ... chicken runs. This is none other than our famous kuroman Lord Inut, which is easy to verify with the help of a “manifesting” spell.

In the surrounding tombs, if desired, you can still profit from weapons and armor, as well as replenish the supply of stakes. You will need them many.

Tomb ( floor 4, 9) must be opened: it contains the key to the next floor of the cemetery. To get there, you need to open the entrance to ( floor 4, 10) and rotate the sword in the hand of the knight statue.

On the fifth floor, the undead roam in herds, which refuse to rest for a long time, unless they are fixed in a dead position with a stake. Every body that you can't search , is not yet completely dead and is subject to control stabbing. There are also four traps (fire icons on the map) that must be deactivated by placing a stone on them.

Yeah, we've already been hunted here! AT ( floor 5, 4) lies the body of a hunter for the undead, a certain Azrael, with him a diary. It says about stakes. He also has a note with another sequence of numbers: 1-3-1 . This is the order in which to pull the levers in the tomb ( floor 5, 5). This opens the path to ( floor 5, 6). In the tomb floor 5, 7) open the exit to the goblin domain.

Now you can press something on the pressure plates in ( floor 5, 8) - and go further down.

Exit to the great hall floor 6, 1), kill the mummy. Each sarcophagus here contains booty guarded by a mummy, so decide for yourself whether the game is worth the candle. The only really valuable loot from the sarcophagus E, which is opened with a lever in the room ( floor 6, 2). Pay attention to the stones with signs carved on them; you will find the same signs on the floor in ( floor 6, 3). In this room, you will be greeted by a ghost guarding the Shield of the Elder.

It requires you to prove that you are worthy to wield the shield by solving its riddles. Well, that's not a problem. The first riddle is quite obvious, you just need to arrange the signs in accordance with their location in the previous hall. In the second - you need to rotate the symbols on the columns so that they correspond to the internal signs.

After that you can open floor 6, 2) and ( floor 6, 4), pick up the shield and rune. At the exit, a lich attacks you, but it’s not from evil: he has the Mortis rune in his luggage, it would be disrespectful to bring it to you in another way, right? You can search another room - ( floor 6, 5). In any case, Lara Croft would not miss this if she were you, right?

Now you can exchange the shield for Kragoz and go to the Ederney sisters for Zogark.

And the snakes are nothing ... From above ...

The rebel lady says that the shield belonged to King Poksellis, well, and she herself is none other than the “kidnapped” Princess Alia, his granddaughter. And the rebels, according to Aliya, did not kill her mother at all, but only saved the child. Take Kragoz ( floor 4, 5), and at the same time you can get hold of good armor along the way, but only with the help of a telekinesis spell.

Half-snakes are found on the same sixth floor where you just robbed the crypt. Entrance - in ( floor 6, 6). You need to talk to the head of the Sisters, Zalnash's mother. She will give Zogark... again, for a reason. It would be a waste of a valuable artifact: without passing the test in the Temple of Illusion, you will be helpless before Akbaa. Why weren't they there last time? Anyway. Went to check...

AT ( floor 6, 7) we learn that the weakness of the snake is where the sword meets the scepter. In the next room, shoot at this point - and a chest opens in ( floor 6, 7), and in it is a golden snake.

We read on the levers in ( floor 6, 8) the Reveal spell, we find the only correct one.

In the hall ( floor 6, 9) to solve the riddle. This is a little trickier. First you need to mark the rooms along the edges, putting something in them, and then use the ball to figure out which lever to press when. Another golden snake appears - and the entrance to ( floor 6, 10). Further, after defeating the ghost, pull the lever and go through the wall at ( floor 6, 11).

To overcome the teleporter, you need to be in the middle of the corridor ( floor 6, 12 ) turn around and go back. Then you fall into floor 6, 13), where they should put the snake (required first , the one you got by shooting the snake) into the bowl - and pick up Zogark. You are attacked by two guardian snakes, but this is already the case, for a snack.

When returning, do not pass by the body of a half-snake ( floor 6, 14) holding a note about a plot against Zalnash. There we are talking about crystal caves (2nd floor); All that remains is to arrive at the meeting point. In the caves floor 2, 9) we save Zalnash - and again we step into the sanctuary of Akbaa.

The temple is chock-full of ilsids, and these are not meek priests! But we can enter, so to speak, from the back door: we know the way through the goblin prison, our hero has been there from the very beginning. Satisfied with ourselves, we chop the meteor - and do not forget to take the remaining Koltk powder with you.

Someone hoped that Akbaa would die from the destruction of the meteor? Three ha ha. He just “stops getting extra energy,” but he seems to need it now, like a fish needs a fifth umbrella. It's time to report...

Ultimate Weapon

The city of Ark is also full of ilsids! King Lanshear is in the dungeon. However, if you use the teleporter that is right in the castle and go through a secret corridor, then you will almost not have to fight with them.

In prison, an ambush awaits you, but here you will be saved by Kultar, whom you helped at the very, very beginning of your adventures. You will be taken out through the sewers. The Ilsids don't need Ark, they need a hero from Noden, and they leave the humans alone.

We return to the castle again. This time, Felnor proposes to forge (and not find, for a change!) an absolute weapon, with which it will only be possible to defeat Iserbius, in whose body Akbaa will be embodied.

To do this, you must, first of all, acquire a manual for the manufacture of such weapons. The secret is owned, of course, by the Ederney sisters. Librarian Sillash ( floor 6, 15) will give you a book. You now know how to hex weapons and armor. I hope you saved the golem's heart - I already described why in the manual. Zalnash will add information. Of the ingredients you are looking for, you already have Koltk powder, but no dragon egg and mithril blade itself. In the library, read also another interesting book: about the races of Ark. You will need it soon.

As a small but nice addition to your weaponry, you can exchange Kragoz and Zogark with Alia back for Elder's Shield. You will need it more now.

Dwarves with their mithril are known to live deeper, and we need to go down to the lower floors. So far, we know only one way - through the crypt: theoretically, as we know, the burial ground continues to the very bottom of the caves known today (surprisingly, it should be noted, unproductive use of a very limited living space). AT ( floor 6, 16) dispel the force field blocking the path to the next level of the crypt. Here we are on the seventh floor.

We switch levers long and hard. Another "maiden in trouble" turns out to be a hungry vampire. In the maze ( floor 7, 1) we have to deal with this with particular intensity. Finally, we get into a large hall with a statue ( floor 7, 2). Now we can go to the 8th level, but first, in order not to suffer with the maze anymore, we will get the key and one more item from the tomb in ( floor 7, 3): this luminous contraption will then need to be installed in the large hall of the crypt on the 6th floor.

And with the key we will open the tomb ( floor 7, 4) - and find ourselves drawn into a new story. The ghost requires us to find and expose our murderer before the king. If this is not done, then the ending of the game will be much sadder. All that is known about the killer is that he is one-eyed, but you have seen exactly one one-eyed one in all this time, and this sign is perhaps sufficient.

We can solve the riddle right now and then return to the crypt, or we can save it for later. Enoille is still in the Yellow Tulip. It is useless to blame him, it is better to drink him to the position of rhizomes, pick up the dropped key and find it in his house ( floor 1, 17) a letter from Carlo, the captain of the guard, and other evidence. Carlo does not even deny, but claims that he killed the queen out of the most noble motives, in the name of the kingdom: as proof, he presents a letter from the queen, denouncing something like a conspiracy against King Lanshear. The king, however, does not consider this a sufficient justification.

Finally, we will get to the grave of Poxellis himself ( floor 8, 1). To do this, you need to open the peripheral graves of two captains and two generals - and insert the gizmos found into the columns around it. Inside we find the helmet of the king, allowing you to see everything that is hidden or masked by illusion. In particular, now (after all, you put on a helmet, right?) Arrows have become visible that show how you can get out of here. Liches will block our way, but without the help of a helmet, we would not have got out either with a fight or without: the gate blocking the exit simply does not open.

You need to find another staircase from the 7th floor to the 8th. You can see it on the map, of course. On the way we will meet a lot of rats, and at the very goal - a hefty worm. But all this has long been nothing to us.

We will have a hard time in the dwelling of the gnomes, especially if we have so far relied on magic, because here it does not work at all.

Entering ( floor 8, 2): we are attacked by a scaly, spiked creature. Can't beat her you might as well not even try. Run to ( floor 8, 3), on the platforms we cross the lava - and in the same way, running, to ( floor 8, 4), where we search the body of the deceased gnome. We have: a key, a stone of power - and gnome meat, which we do not throw away in any case.

Now open with the key floor 8, 5), but there the creature is already waiting for us, and we still have to run to the smelter in the same way ( floor 8, 6). We insert a stone of power into the unit and climb the stairs. And now - we throw the meat of the gnome under the car, and as soon as I bend over it, we pull the lever. Hrrry!

No, the animal is not dead, it just smells like that. Without wasting time, we run to ( floor 8, 7), we privatize the diary here (it says that the gnomes, looking for mithril, woke up ... in general, then you know), the key from the chest of drawers - and pull the lever. We return to the smelter - the lever opens the failure with lava. Jump over and rush to ( floor 8, 8) ... ba, old acquaintance, hello, cute animal. We run back, jump over the lava... but the animal does not jump over. Plop.

Now more calmly, at the pace of the waltz, we search the gnome. In the bedroom ( floor 8, 9) there are two keys, a power stone and a form for a saber. Mithril we will find in ( floor 8, 10). But you can’t just drag it with you: drag it to the nearest car and activate it with a power stone. The ore is moved to the smelter. There we crush the stone into pieces. We can bring a form for a two-handed sword with us, if we prefer it to a saber. Turn on the machine in the forge ( floor 8, 11), we insert two portions of mithril and one of Koltk powder, at the output we have a mithril ingot.

The second car takes a form at the entrance (one of two), insert it under the left press, and mithril - climb the stairs behind the car. We pull the lever - hurrah! We have a super sword with us.

Now, however, the blade must also be spoken. And for this you have to deprive the dragon of his egg. The dragon is waiting for us on the second floor, in a corner that we haven't explored yet ( floor 2, 24); the only way to get there is by air, so I hope you've learned the appropriate spell. If not, get scrolls. To get into the dragon's cave, you need to jump into the hole ( floor 2, 25) and melt your way through the ice with fiery spells.

If you have read a book about races, then it is not difficult to negotiate with a dragon - just “guess” the number of its scales and bring exactly that many (4815) gold coins. If not, you can kill him; dragon bones are also useful in the household.

The slander should be read, in theory, by Zalnash herself. But for this, she needs a trifling favor: information about the whereabouts of the rebels. Decide for yourself whether to give them away - or manage witchcraft on your own. For the latter, you need to use the egg on the sword and cast the Enchant Object spell. You can also use a scroll, of course.

This is our last...

I'm going to ( floor 4, 11): if you didn't betray

Alia, she thanks you and asks you to give her ring to the king. Then the Ederney sisters appear - and grab Alia, saying that King Poxellis promised them a fourth descendant in exchange for Kragoz and Zogark, and now Alia will become their new queen. But here - if you are not too lazy to investigate the murder - Queen Florence, or rather, her spirit, will appear and tell that the fourth descendant was Alia's twin sister, Clarissa, whom she sent “to a safe place” a long time ago (I wonder where she is found?) with the help of the Guild of Travelers. Thus, half-snakes are cruelly deceived.

Now you can fight the Ilsid. Develop a force field - and enter. Right at the entrance, another aggressive priest will deliver the missing meteor to you. We go down to the fifth floor.

All doors are locked, the keys are on the priests. In the dwelling of Yserbius ( floor 5, 9) insert the candle into the right skull on the altar. In the bed you can now find the key that will open the chest - and there is the fifth meteor.

We arrange five meteors in places in ( floor 5, 10) - opens a passage to ( floor 5, 11).

Iserbius has already begun to summon Akbaa, so you will have to fight the evil god and the demons he has summoned. But no one doubts your valor and art.

The Moor saved Ark, the Moor can leave. Big uncles have no place in such a small sandbox, and the Guardian is forcibly returned to Noden. That's all...

Treasure hunt and other side quests


You will learn about the treasure hunt from the inscription on the wall “Yellow Tulip. To receive a reward (a ring that gives +1 to all four characteristics), you must perform the following operations (after the next action, you get a new key):

1. Put the emerald in the chest ( floor 4, 1).

2. Look under the stones in ( floor 3, 18).

4. Dig the floor in ( floor 6, 17).

5. Fly over the lava to the cart at ( floor 8, 12).

6. Dig the floor in ( floor 3, 20), up the stairs (you will have to dig the entire area).

7. Use the key obtained in the previous part to open the chest in ( floor 4, 12).

If you have obtained more than one dragon egg, you can save Lord Inut. To do this, boil the onion, carrot, dragon egg in the cauldron in the tavern (do not forget to add water), and sprinkle the chicken with the resulting soup ( floor 4, 8), having previously revealed her human nature through the Reveal spell. Inut crows and becomes a man. And you will be rewarded with a lot of experience.

You can talk to him a couple of times - and he ... will burst. And you will receive very good weapon.

Keep in mind that prior to patch 1.14 this trick does not work.

Didn't you feel sorry for the poor trolls who work for goblins for nothing? If so, it's up to you to help them. They behave this way only because they themselves do not know how to trade. But if you bring a book on economics to King Pogue (from Gary's bank in Ark), then the trolls will learn this wisdom. True, the goblins will dislike you very much after that ...

The bank, by the way, can be robbed (if you are not touched by the tears of the unfortunate bride of Gary Alice, who is already quite determined to marry a rich man). For this you need:

1. Open Gary Houses ( floor 1, 18) and Alice ( floor 1, 19). You can pick the lock, or steal the key, or kill them, or....

2. Pull the lever in Alice's house, run to Gary's house, and there - into the closet.

Re: Arx Fatalis

Passage of the main plot of the game

Goblin Dungeon


At the very beginning of the game, we appear in some casemates, a bright blue glow envelops our body and we fall unconscious. Goblins find us and drag us to the cell. Having regained consciousness, we understand that we remember absolutely nothing, at the moment we are locked up in no one knows where and no one knows by whom, and on top of all the troubles, some fetishists stole our last pants off. The outlook is grim, but sitting still is not an option. I need to find a way to get out of here. First, let's take a closer look at the camera. There are mushrooms in the corner. Hmm, good for a start. Listening, we understand that there is someone in the next cell. And this someone really wants to talk to us. We speak with the bald man from the next cell. He introduces himself as a certain Kultar and says that we, like him, were put behind bars by goblins. We complain to a new comrade about memory loss. Then he gives us a new name - Am Shegar, which means "not remembering himself", and invites us to escape from prison together. Who is against? We approach the bars, where lies a large stone. Throwing it aside, we see that the grate in this place is rather dilapidated. We move apart the bars and pick up the bone lying nearby, and arm yourself with it. Yes, it's the bone. You still don't have a choice. As soon as the goblin jailer runs up, get the bone and hit the reptile on the head. Hooray, you are free! Search the guard's room, taking some food from the table. After that, Kultar will again vote. You can release it by pulling the lever next to the cell, or you can leave it in prison. Kultar will wash off soon anyway, but if you decide to throw it, it will backfire on you in the near future. I always let Kultar out of the cell. Further, he will offer you to jump into the hatch to run further, but he himself will not follow you, citing severe fatigue. Let's jump down to adventure.

spider caves


Search the skeleton in the cave. You will find leather pants and the first two runes. With the help of them you can set fire to extinct torches. We put on our pants, take out the already beloved bone and go further along the tunnel. We kill a rat the size of a large dog and take a couple of raw ribs from its body. At the end of the tunnel is a room with a lift. Only problem is, it's broken. To fix it, we need a rope. Near the lift there is a metal plate littered with stones. We remove them all, then we take any stone and carry it to a similar plate at the entrance to the room. Once the stone is on the slab, a secret room will open in the wall. Inside, we kill another rat and take away all the goodies. And, believe me, there are quite a few of them: food, torches, health potions and manna, and most importantly, a key and a much-needed rope. We repair the lift and go upstairs. There, first we explore all the caves, killing small spiders. Experience is never superfluous, and junk is sure to come in handy. After clearing the caves, return to the lift and go into the room on the right. There you will first meet Kultar (but only if you let him out of the cell). Give him a weapon and go kick the big goblin guard. During the fight, aim for the head or hit in the back when the enemy is distracted by Kultar. After dealing with the goblin, search the warehouse (the room behind the door). The key found in the secret is from her. Then search the corpse and take the wooden stick. Insert it into the hole in the wall and fix the lever. Use it to open the gate and go to the next level.

Clearing the Dungeon


We again find ourselves in the location of the prison, from which we escaped some time ago. However, now we have eaten a little, armed ourselves with something, and most importantly, we are in our pants. And that means the goblins will be in trouble. You can deal with jailers openly, or you can act like a true assassin. Listen carefully to the dialogues and pay attention to the slightest subtleties. The game is rich in surprises and unexpected twists. So, having overheard two goblin guards, you will understand that they will not kill their commander if they see dirty dishes at least once. This can be very helpful. There is a dirty plate in one of the rooms. Take it and quietly put it on the table to the guards. After that, you will witness a showdown between goblins.
Now examine the cameras. Goblin Polsius will sit in one of them. We free him. For this, he will help us a lot in the near future. In the warden's room, you will find an unsigned pass, a key to a huge iron door, and a cache with a key to the armory (click on the highlighted brick in the wall and the secret will open). Climbing up the stairs, you will see several hefty goblins. They will not be hostile. These are the border guards guarding the passage to the goblin kingdom. In order to be let through, you need a paper confirming that you are a dealer in precious stones. Of course, you can give the goblins a bribe of 300 gold, but it’s better not to do this, but to complete another small quest, especially since there won’t be much gold in this game, believe me. We go down and open the armory (we already have the key). We equip ourselves, finally take a real sword and go to the huge iron door on the outskirts of the prison. We open it with the key and get into the Big Cave. There, in addition to rats, you will meet a troll named Gru. Talk to him. He is a very good-natured and friendly creature, despite his formidable appearance. It turns out that the trolls are plowing with might and main in the mines for goblins, extracting precious stones, they sell them and feed the trolls, and our friend Gru did not want to work for the filthy goblins and therefore fled here. The good troll will also tell you that today is his birthday, after which our Am Shegar will promise to bring him a gift. Go down from Gru's cave down. You will see a small lake and a strange conical structure next to it. Yellow flowers grow near the lake, be sure to collect them. In general, do not hesitate to collect various herbs, because. it will help you a lot in the future. Now return to the northern exit from the location (near the room of the head of the prison) and move on.



Ominous music and deathly silence do not bode well. Well, that's how it is. Two dead guards are lying near the fortress bridge. Everywhere is full of blood, severed limbs and other traces of serious carnage. You start to like this place less and less every minute. But, having gathered your will into a fist, you still cross the bridge. Carefully explore the fortress, do not hesitate to loot. Upstairs you will find the surviving Commandant Ortien. He will tell you that the outpost was attacked by the Ilsids, with whom the human kingdom has been fighting for several months. This must be urgently communicated to the king, and since you are the only person in the district who inspires confidence, Ortien will instruct you to do this. Unfortunately, you will not be able to get into the city of people directly, because. the passage connecting it with the outpost was blocked during the last earthquake. You have to detour through the kingdoms of goblins and trolls, and then through the crystal caves. You have a long way to go, so go from the fortress bridge to the right along the coast, turn left at the huge gate. You will enter the Yellow Rose Tavern. There will be a locked metal door next to the entrance. It is useless to break there, because. you don't know the password. Well, okay, we now have enough worries without it. Talk to the owner of the tavern Tizzy, and with the one-eyed guy named Einol on the second floor. You can also try your luck here at a gambling game that is somewhat reminiscent of roulette (the chance of winning is pretty decent, so you can slightly improve your financial situation using the save / load method) and get an additional task about finding Oliver's treasure (for this, just read the announcement behind Einola). Now go downstairs and talk to Polsius (the goblin you pulled out of prison). He will gladly agree to help you and forge a signature in the gem dealer's license. He will also tell you that some goblins are collaborating with the Ilsid and catching people for sacrifice. Polcius for making goblins friendly with humans, which is why he was thrown into the dungeon. We return to the goblin prison and go to the border of the kingdoms. There we show the signed license to the guard and get access to the kingdom of goblins.

goblin kingdom


Explore all small caves in search of various goods and supplies. You will not be allowed into the city of goblins and the village of trolls, nor into the passage to the lower levels behind the suspension bridge. Therefore, head to the crystal caves (passage behind the tower).

Crystal caves


This place is infested with spiders and rats. Make your way through the monsters and pick up everything you find. Be careful when exploring the far rightmost cave. There lives a huge spider with a green belly. At this stage of the game, one bite is enough for him to kill you. Therefore, if you are not yet accustomed to the combat, then it is better to wait a bit to fight him. After clearing the area, go to the passage upstairs.

city ​​of people


Here you have reached the goal. You are in Arx - the kingdom of people - the safest place in the underworld. The first guard will offer you to contact the head of the guard, Carlo. It can be found in a room that is somewhat reminiscent of a tavern. Tables, food, dirty dishes are everywhere, axes and shields will hang on the walls (all this can be removed and sold to a blacksmith). Carlo is a gray-haired man in chain mail armor and armed with a saber. Tell him about what happened at the outpost. He will send you for an audience with King Lanshear. We go to the castle, we talk about the attack on the outpost and about the blockage. Initiative is punishable. Lanshir instructs us to deal with the blockage. To do this, we need the help of trolls (only these healthy creatures can dismantle the cobblestones in the shortest possible time). We will have to give Lanshear's written message to the king of the trolls Pog asking for help. There is nothing to do, you need to go climbing through the caves again. However, take your time. First go around all possible merchants, sell the rubbish you find, buy better equipment from the blacksmith. Once you're ready, head back to the troll village through the crystal caves.
Note: Traders work at different times. As soon as you come to Arx, the blacksmith will be closed and the jeweler will be open. But after an audience with the king, the blacksmith will start work, and the jeweler will close his shop. So if you need precious trinkets, then go to the jeweler before the audience. In addition, each merchant pays differently for the same item. Therefore, it is better to sell goods to different merchants: weapons and armor to a blacksmith, jewelry to a jeweler, etc.

Stolen idol


To enter the troll village, show the guard the letter from Lanshear. Then talk to the goblin by the fire, he will tell you about the trolls' strike and the cut off in the supply of gems. Now is the time to search the caves. Find a pickaxe and pick off all the jewels you find from the walls. Later, they can be profitably sold to a jeweler in Arx. There, in the mines, you will meet a troll named Burvaka, who turns out to be a friend of the hermit troll Gru, who is already familiar to you. After talking with Burvaka, you will learn that Gru has been dreaming of a picture book all his life. Remember this information and move on. In the far tunnel of the mines you will find an iron door locked with a key. Remember this place and go to Pogue. Show the troll king the letter from Lanshear. He will agree to help people if you help him on their behalf. The trolls went on strike because of the loss of their sacred idol. The search should be conducted in the city of goblins.
Note: Of course, you can not look for an idol, but follow the path of blood. Kill Pog and take the key to the back room in the mines from him. Open the door and release the troll languishing behind it. In the form of gratitude, he will agree to dismantle the blockage at the outpost. It is possible not to arrange a total cutting out of pot-bellied trolls, but simply to steal the key from Pog, but for this you need to have a stealth skill of 50 or more. It is much more interesting, more fun and more profitable to find an idol.
In the goblin settlement, in addition to all sorts of poorly lying trifles, we are interested in the following premises:
- kitchen;
- the bedchamber of King Alotar;
- treasury;
- throne room.
In the last two we are not allowed yet. Therefore, for starters, we go to the bedchamber (the back room on the second floor to the left of the throne room, if you stand facing it). We examine everything carefully and find two notes: one from the personal pharmacist of the king (it says that Alotar cannot drink wine because of allergies), and the other with a cipher from a combination lock (5599). To get the second note, go to the bed and slowly move the cursor over the blanket, as soon as the look of the hand icon changes, you can safely pull out the object hidden from your eyes. Now go to the kitchen. There you will see how the chef prepares apple pies. You can pour wine into a huge piece of dough on the table, then the chef himself will bake a wine apple pie in a few minutes. Or you can bake it yourself. To do this, we do the following:
-take a handful of flour and combine with a bottle of water - we get the dough;
-we take a rolling pin and use it on a piece of dough - we get rolled out dough;
-we take an apple and use it on a rolled out dough - we get a raw ordinary apple pie;
-take a bottle of wine and combine with a raw apple pie - we get a raw wine apple pie;
-now drags the resulting pie to the fire in the oven, wait 5 seconds and take the finished pastry back into inventory (regular apple pies are prepared in the same way).
Now go to the throne room door and use this pie on the door. In a moment, the king will fly out of the hall like a cork from a bottle and run to his chambers. We run after him and talk about the loss of the idol. He himself is interested in finding the relic, so he gives us access to any premises of the city. Search the throne room while no one is there. On the combination lock panel, enter the cipher that you recently learned from the note you found. A safe will open, inside of which there is another small secret (opened with a lever on the wall). Search everything, find some gems, the Freed rune and a threatening letter from the brotherhood of gem traders. It turns out that if King Alotar does not give up the supply of jewelry within 24 hours, he will be killed. And there will be no jewelry until the trolls get the idol. Someone is clearly trying to get rid of the king. We get down and go to the living rooms of the goblins. There, talk to the second most important goblin in the city of Atokom. He will tell you that Alotar won the election dishonestly, so Atok hates him and wants to get rid of him. And here is the motive for the crime. We wait until Atok leaves his room, quickly move the pillow on the bed to the side and take the key. Now go to the treasure room. Open the central chest with the key of Atoka, take away the armor and the desired idol. Be careful, the chest has a small trap, in addition, immediately after you take the contents of the chest, Atok will enter the room. He killed the guardian of the treasury and now wants to deal with you. We take out the weapon and get rid of the vile goblin. We pick up another key from his corpse, which unlocks the front door to the treasury. Now you can take all the valuables that lie here, anyway, there will be no witnesses to your thefts. Take the idol to Pogue, the trolls will get back to work. Then report to Alothar that the mining of jewels has been resumed and return to the city of people to Lanshear.

Astronomer murder investigation


Returning to the castle, you will find the king, the alchemist Felnor and Sister Chinkash discussing the problem of earthquakes. After a couple of seconds, Carlo will run into the throne room and report that another sacrificial ritual has been performed at the lower levels. Then they will give you the floor. You will tell that the trolls have agreed to help dismantle the blockage. For this, you will be accepted into the retinue of the king and given a room in the castle. Also for you now there will be no forbidden premises on the territory of the kingdom of people. Now we, as already an experienced detective, will be entrusted with a matter of national importance - to uncover the mystery of the murder of the astronomer Falan Orbiplanax. First, go to the library to Sister Chinkash. The snake woman will tell you that the murder was like a black magic ritual. Look around the library and read all the books with titles. The information you receive will help you a lot in the future. Now go to the alchemist Felnor, he will give you the key to the late astronomer's room and a note. There you will also find some runes and alchemy tools for making elixirs. Be sure to brew health potions from the yellow flowers collected in Gru's cave. You will need them sooner than you think. Speaking of Gru. After talking with Felnor, return to Chinkash and ask her for a picture book for your friend. Now go to the room of Phelan Orbiplanax (it is located on the second floor of the throne room, in the same place as your personal quarters). On the wall behind the carpet you will find a small safe. The code can be found in the note Felnor gave you. To do this, solve a simple mathematical problem (answer 248). Open the safe and take the astronomer's diary. It turns out that the deceased is clearly on the trail of the secret cult of the evil deity Akbaa. It's time to call the State Council. Then there will be a scene with a debate on the topic of the aforementioned secret society. Suspicion will fall on the guard Erzog. He will be immediately arrested, and you will be instructed to look for the shelter of the sectarians. We go to the dungeon of the castle and interrogate Erzog. It turns out that the ministers of the cult deceived him. He will agree to cooperate with the investigation and will tell the password to enter the shelter (faat cap sang). The hideout itself is located in the Yellow Rose Tavern behind an iron door (yeah, so that's what's behind it!). In the hallway of the castle, you will witness the conversation between King Lanshear and the queen of the snake women. It will be about some old debt. The king will refuse to reveal the details to you for now, but all the time. Come out to the city. Chinkash will meet you at the marketplace, give you Mega and Spatium runes, which, when used together, will activate portals between locations. Remember the conical metal structures in the various levels of the dungeons? These are the portals. Talk to haberdasher Maria and promise to find her missing daughter Shani. It looks like the cultists' asylum search will have to be postponed. The life of a child will be more expensive.

Saving Shani


In the market square of the city, search the two houses opposite Maria's shop. In the house on the left they will send you through the forest, we penetrate into the house on the right by breaking the door (take out the wooden door with a powerful blow of the weapon, only so that the guard does not see, otherwise you will be stabbed). As soon as you enter the house on the left, the mysterious inhabitants of the right building will sneak out, leaving the door open. We search both houses and find some information about the upcoming ritual. You need to find a passage in the form of a huge stone snake on the lower level. For business. First, return to the goblin dungeon, go to Gru and give him the book that Chinkash gave you. As a reward, you will receive a troll amulet. Having it in your inventory will make the trolls at lower levels consider you their friend and won't attack you. Activate the portal in the large cave and go to the goblin kingdom (the portal of this location is behind a small blockage that can be destroyed with a pickaxe). You will see that the trolls are no longer guarding the suspension bridge, and the passage to the lower levels is open. Go down to the Great Underground Lake.
Explore all corners of the dungeon. If you find a ritual room, then do not touch anything there ahead of time, otherwise there may be problems with saving Shani. In this location you will find:
- a passage protected by a magical barrier;
-passage to the 5th level of the dungeons
-passage to the 6th level of the dungeons (the kingdom of the female snakes of Ederney)
- the room of the treasure hunter Oliver;
- diary of a certain Lord Inut;
- a bunch of rats, goblins and even one ratman;
Several secondary quests connected with Lord Inut and treasure hunter Oliver are tied to this location at once. Now I will not dwell on them. As soon as you find a passage in the form of a huge stone snake, hide behind a pillar. You will see four cultists rise from the lower level. Switch to stealth mode and follow them. If you are dressed in heavy armor, then it is better to remove your leggings and go barefoot, otherwise you will be noticed. Towards the end of the path, you will hear a baby crying. Spit on stealth and run as fast as you can into the ritual room (it's better to do this by casting the acceleration spell first). Chop the followers of Akbaa into cabbages. If everything was done correctly, then the girl will remain alive. If you allowed yourself to be noticed or were late, then the girl will be sacrificed, and you will have to fight not only with the sextants, but also with the summoned demon. After saving Shani, return to Arx to Maria for a reward. Now you can take up the hideout of Akbaa's followers.

Refuge of the cultists


In the tavern at the iron door, we call the password that we learned from Erzog and go inside. In the temple, we explore each room and be sure to pick up the red meteors of Akbaa (there will be 3 of them in total in the shelter). The first one will be in the nearest right room. We go to the central hall and kill a group of cult novices. We take two notes from their bodies. From the first we get the digital code 113 and information about the key to some chest, from the second - the hint "the first turns off the second." While we do not think about all this and go to the nearest room, in which we find a scroll of removing the force field. Then we explore the bedrooms of novices. There we will be attacked by another sectarian. From his corpse we take the heart of the golem and the third note, from which we learn that the heart is the key to the security system. Go to the prayer room and talk to the blind cultist. It is not necessary to kill him, because. he will take you for his brother. For the same reason, he will tell you some of the secrets of the Akbaa society. There are two secret passages in the same room. Behind the first, a golem will be waiting for you, after the second - a chest with all sorts of goodies and another meteor. But be careful, as soon as you open the chest, you will be attacked by a lich. In principle, there is nothing wrong, just do not let him conjure, constantly interrupting spells with his blows. Beware of poisoning or freezing on his part. Having dealt with the undead, go further into the area closed by the force field. To remove the field, use the found scroll. Before you will be three huge golems. The central one will be without a heart. In the next room, you will find a metal plate on the floor. To activate it, you need to place something very heavy on it. We return to the empty golem and insert the heart into it, after which we order to follow us. We take him to the stove. Pressing the slab will open the gate to the next room. Move on. We will be attacked by a stone golem (exactly the same that we killed in the secret room of the chapel). After defeating him, pull the lever. You can go through this part of the security system differently: just enter the combination 113, which you learned from the sectarian's note. It's time to remember about the second found note. The answer lies in two doors. By closing the first door, you can open the second one. Knowing this, go through two doors and pull the last lever. The security system is disabled. Now go to the main hall, which is now open. Entering it, you will see ... Sueberis (the new astronomer of the kingdom). Now everything becomes clear to you: he and Iserbius are one and the same person! The villain will try to sacrifice the girl. But when he sees you, he will summon a demon and run away. The demon is a serious opponent, but it is quite easy to deal with him if you try to catch him in advance during his own attack. When you deal with the demon, free the girl and try to destroy the meteor. You won't succeed. Now you need to return to the castle and report everything to Felnor.

Kragoz and Zogark


Returning to the castle, you will learn from Carlo that the Ilsids made a second attack on the outpost and this time, alas, no one survived. You will also learn that the astronomer Sueberis has mysteriously disappeared. Naturally, in the shelter of the sectarians, you stepped on the villain's tail, and now he decided to lie low, leaving you a small gift in the form of a headless chicken on the bed before leaving. Go to Felnor and tell him that you were unable to destroy the meteorite in the shelter. The alchemist will tell you about two powerful ancient artifacts, Kragoza and Zogarka, whose combined energy is capable of destroying anything. The serpent women of the Ederney order have always been the keepers of these relics. Kragoz was once loaned to the people, but many years ago, the rebels stole the artifact, killed the wife of King Lanshear and kidnapped his daughter. Zogark is still in the Ederney order. After listening to Felnor, go to the library and get a book about Kragoz and Zogarka from Sister Chinkash. Now go in search of the rebels. Go to the Great Underground Lake. There, on the shore of this very lake, you will meet a girl who was recently rescued from the paws of Iserbius and an evil demon. She will call you after her, after which you will receive a heavy blow to the head as a gift. When you regain consciousness, you will understand that you are in the rebel camp, and the girl you saved is none other than their leader. Talk to her about Kragoz. She will agree to give it to you, but not for nothing. You have to go to the crypt of Arx and get the elder's shield. You will receive the key to the secret entrance to the rebel camp and can now return to it at any time.
Return to the city and talk to Carlo, who will give you the key to the crypt. Buy up all the health and mana potions that are on sale. Also stock up on bottles and in the castle near Felnor, brew a maximum of healing and magical elixirs. If you did not sell the found wooden sticks, then cut stakes out of them with a dagger (yes, sticks are needed not only for repairing levers). When all the preparations are finished, go to the crypt (the most terrible place in the whole game, believe me; it is better not to play this moment of the game at night).

Crypt Level 1
You will see many tombs, most of them can be opened with a pickaxe. Act as carefully as possible, trying not to miss anything. Search the grave of Phelan Orbiplanax and take the key from it (it will go to the chest in his private quarters in Arx's castle). Find a room with a lever. He opens the secret, in which there will be a hole in the broken lever. We take a wooden stick, insert it into the hole and repair the lever. Pulling on it, we will open a room with a chicken. This is the enchanted Lord Inut. There is an interesting side quest associated with it. Important finds on the first level of the crypt will be blue stones with various symbols. Now search the tomb of the vampire Ahant. There you will find a sword and a ritual knife. Now go to the central hall to the statue holding the bowl. Pour blood from a flask (if you find one) into the bowl, or get some of your own blood with a ritual knife. This action will open the gate to the tomb next to you. In one of them you will find the key to the commander's tomb and armor better than your current ones, in the others - all sorts of little things and several wooden stakes similar to those that you carved in the city. Using the key, open the tomb, approach the statue of the knight and click on the sword she is holding. You have opened the passages to the 4th level of the dungeon (to the great underground lake) and to the 2nd level of the crypt. Move on.

Crypt level 2
The raspberries are gone. This level is inhabited by zombies. The thing is, you can't just kill them. As soon as you knocked out the spirit from the undead, pierce his body with a wooden stake. Otherwise, zombies will come to life again and again. Do not forget to search the "pinned" undead, you will find a lot of interesting things. There are quite a few traps on the level (many are disabled if you throw an object at them), so walk carefully and do not lower your level of alertness even for a second. In the room where the door slams behind you, do not be alarmed and calmly look for the key. In the room with the spinning skulls, turn the cross on the wall to stop the health drain effect. One of the rooms can only be opened by hacking (you will receive several gems as a reward), and in another, a secret button will open a passage to the 5th level of the dungeons. When you stumble upon the body of a zombie hunter, after searching it, you will find a diary and a note with code 131. Now look for a room with levers. In it, you will need to consistently pull three levers: the first (left) - the third (right) - the first (left) (131, everything is simple and logical). You will open a passage to the next tomb. This will be very useful if you do not want to run to the crypt from the city every time in the future. To open the passage to the 3rd level, you must click on three plates in the floor. Heavy stones from a nearby tomb are perfect for this.

Crypt Level 3 (Elder's Shield)
Pass through the empty tomb until it should interest you. As soon as you enter a spacious hall with a huge number of sarcophagi, a mummy will attempt on you. For this, she will have to be killed. Unlike zombies, she does not need to be staked, but during the fight she can freeze you, so be careful. Search all the sarcophagi and take away all the goodies and usefulness, beware of mummies attacks. Enter the room and pull the lever to open a passage at the end of the hall. Climb up and search the rooms. On the floor of each of them, the symbols that you have already seen on the six blue pebbles found will be knocked out. Remember their location, it will come in handy very soon. Enter the huge hall with rotating plates. At the end of it there will be a locked grate. Behind her is a chest with a shield. The ghost of the crypt keeper Gladwyr will speak to you. You can open the grate by solving two riddles of the ghost.
The first riddle: “You go from dusk to dawn in order to pass the sun. Learn and almost six signs of the six ancients. First turn the slabs so that they point to the six houses of the ancients."
Solution: Arrange the outer symbols on the rotating plates in this order:
circle month
sun moon with dot
square bracket star
Note: The location of the symbols is given taking into account the fact that you are standing at the very entrance to the hall facing the far grate.
Once you turn the tiles correctly, the ghost will ask you a second riddle: “You are on the right track. Now place each stone in the place corresponding to its house.
Solution: place blue pebbles on the stone pillars; the desired symbol is indicated on the inside of the turntable. As a result, you should get the following:
Circle - sun month - star
sun - circle month with a dot - square bracket
square bracket - month with a dot star - month
If everything is done correctly, the grate will open. Take the shield and runes from the secret nearby. At the exit in the room, which was originally empty, you will be attacked by a lich. Take the Mortis rune from his corpse. Open the secret room and take all the charms. You can now return to the rebel camp or use the force field removal spell and continue your journey through the crypt. When passing, I preferred to leave and come back here later.
Returning to the rebel camp, give the shield to their leader. Now she will tell you part of her biography. The girl's name is Alia, and the shield they found belonged to her grandfather, King Poxelis. Yes, she is none other than Lanshear's daughter. And the rebels didn't kidnap her or kill the queen. Someone else did it. But for what purpose we will find out a little later. In the meantime, Aliya allows us to take Kragoz. In the same vault upstairs are magical leggings. To get them, use the telekinesis spell.

Abode of the Ederney Order
Now we have to get Zogark. We leave for the 6th level of the dungeons in the monastery of the Order of Ederney. Talk to the snake woman at the entrance and ask them to let you through to the sisters. Go straight to the great mother Zelnash. She will let us take Zogark, but only if we can do it. The artifact is stored in the temple of illusions. The snake queen will send us there and give us a glowing symbol, which we use as a key to enter the temple. There you will find a number of simple puzzles (when compared with the crypt). First, turn right and pull back all the curtains. Behind one of them we find a lever. We click on it. A passage will open into a nook with a chest and a riddle on the wall. We go into the room opposite with a bunch of levers and a picture. Shoot your bow or any offensive magic (fireball, magic arrow or ice arrow) at the small square at the intersection of the snake and scepter to open a chest with a golden snake (a real figurine). Take the figurine and return to the room with levers. Use the "detect" spell to determine the correct lever. Next will be a hall with a crystal ball to view six rooms. Each room will have a lever. These levers must be pressed in order to get the second figurine of the snake (fake). Through the ball you will see exactly the room in which you now need to pull the lever. The problem is that all the rooms look the same. Do it simply: put a different object in each room in order to somehow distinguish them, and then look into the ball and squeeze the levers. We take the figurine and go further to the fork. We choose a short path (it is signed). We get into a room with a mirror and kill an invisible enemy. The mirror is an illusion (actually it is a passage to the next room). We go into the looking glass and find a secret button. She opens the secret here (the truth will be empty there). We return from the looking glass and find a secret door (you can use night vision). This is also an illusion. We go through the door and get into the "endless" corridor. In fact, we will simply be turned back at a certain moment. Guess the right moment and at this time change the direction of movement by 180 degrees. In this case, you will be deployed in the forward direction and you will get to where you need to go. Soon we will see another pointer. Click on the button above it and go into the opened side passage. You will enter a room with a bowl. Place an authentic figurine of a snake in the bowl. We take Zogark. At this point, you will be taken to the beginning of the Temple of Illusions. The snake women statues will come to life and attack you. Then in the corridor you will see the corpse of one of the Ederney sisters. Take a note from her body mentioning a meeting in the crystal caves. We have both of the greatest artifacts. It's time to return to the cultists' hideout and smash the meteorite to dust. Along the way, enter the crystal caves and kill the two snake women. By doing so, you will save Zelnash.
Iserbius posted guards in the form of ilsids in the shelter. If you do not want to fight in the open and quickly get to the meteorite, then use the secret passage to the shelter from the goblin prison. If you are a hero and want to get more experience and weapons to sell, then fight head-on.
The basic rules for a successful fight with the ilsids:
- lure out only one at a time;
-as soon as the enemy turns on the acceleration and comes closer to you, use the freeze spell (naturally, for instant operation, it must be prepared in advance);
-Frozen ilsid attack only in the head, because. other parts of his body are almost impenetrable due to the most powerful armor;
- dial the force of impact to the maximum;
-Freeze action is enough for 3 unanswered hits, after that you need to hit the same amount to kill the enemy.
After making your way into the room with the meteorite, put on Kragoz and Zogark, destroy the meteorite and take its pollen. This will be followed by a video in which it turns out that Akbaa is still alive and may well be reborn in our world. Also, you will know who you are. You are a guardian from the world of Noden. You have come at the call of the late Phelan Orbiplanax to save Arx from Akbaa.

Felnor will say that we need a powerful weapon to fight Akbaa. We can learn more detailed information from the book "The Theory of Weapons". We learn from Sister Chinkash that this tome is kept in the library of the Ederney Order. We go to the 6th level of the dungeons, we talk with sister Silash about the book. We read it and speak with Zelnash. She will tell us about the properties of the koltka meteorite powder and the dragon egg. It's time for us to return to Aliya and give her Kragoz. To get the most pleasant and positive branch of the development of events in the game, give it Zogark as well. In return, she will give you the Elder's Shield and tell you about the helmet of King Poxelis, which is stored on the lower level of the crypt. This artifact can be very useful, so it's time to return to the crypt and finish what we started. We go to the third level of the crypt and remove the force field with a spell.

Crypt level 4
First you have to deal with three invisible enemies. Focus on the weapon (you will see it). Then we open the nearest tombs with the help of levers. Soon you will hear a heart-rending female cry for help. Run to his call, just keep your weapons ready, for this will turn out to be a cunning trap for a vampire. Kill her and go to the labyrinth of lost souls. Before you will be a complex system of doors and levers. This is yet another task for attention. Memorize the actions of each lever and listen to exactly where the bars open. Remember, you can open all the bars, and in the end all the levers will be used (some will be used twice). After passing the labyrinth, you will find yourself in the room of statues. Everything is extremely simple here: look where the statue points, and press these levers in turn. The gate will open for you. Then search all the nearby tombs. In one of them, the ghost of a woman will turn to you and ask you to find her killer. A special sign of the killer is an eye patch. Also, from the conversation and the facts that were previously revealed to you in the rebel camp, you will understand that this is not a ghost of a simple woman, but of Queen Arx. We agree to find the killer and go to the 5th level.

Crypt Level 5 (Poxelis Helm)
Here, too, everything is very simple. Search the tombs and find glowing relics. Then place them on pedestals around the sarcophagus of King Poxelis. The sarcophagus will open. Take the king's helmet and the cache detection artifact (I still don't understand why it is needed, if Poxelis's helmet has a constant detection effect anyway). We put on a helmet and follow the arrows that appear to the exit. Three liches will attack us at once, but you will already be strong enough to deal with them without any problems. It's time to get out of this devilish place and go on a journey into the depths of the dungeons.

Mushroom forest and dwarf kingdom
Go to the 7th level of the dungeons. This location is a simple labyrinth with no mysteries, inhabited by ratmen and giant green-bellied spiders (like the one you killed in the crystal caves). The passage to the kingdom of the gnomes will be guarded by a giant worm. Killed by the method of "approached - hit - ran away" from 10-12 hits. After dealing with the giant intestine, go to the next level.
This location is the bowels of the underworld. Dwarves once lived here, but now they are all dead. An unknown evil destroyed their civilization. You can't use magic here. The only possible way is through the kitchen. Be sure to save before entering this room, because as soon as you cross its threshold, a black beast will appear from a hole in the wall. There is only one way out - RUN!!! The creature will kill you in one hit and won't even ask you for your name. We run into the room with lava, jump across the platform to the exit and to the mutilated body of the gnome. We take away the key, stone of power and meat from the corpse. The passage will collapse behind you. The key will open the door, but the beast will be waiting for us behind it. We run into the smelter, insert the power stone into the machine and climb the stairs. As soon as the beast comes running, throw the meat of the gnome right under the car. The creature will approach the meat, and in the meantime you will lower the lever and activate the press, which will crush it. The first round is up to you. Now go to the living quarters of the gnomes. There you will find a diary from which you will learn that the dwarves were too carried away by excavations and awakened the monster, thereby signing their own death warrant. Near the lever we find another body of the gnome. We take the key from it and return to the car. We lower the lever, opening a pit with lava, jump through it and go into the corridor for a second date with the beast. We run back, jump through the lava, the monster will break after us, but will fall into a hot trap and perish forever. Now you can safely search the mines, collecting keys and stones of power. You also need to find molds for casting weapons. First you will come across a uniform for sabers. Then we go in search of the rarest metal - mithril. First, search the mines behind the forge. In the last room, climb the tree and take a huge piece of mithril. Drag him behind you to the car on the left. Activate it with a power stone and pull the lever. You will be teleported to the smelter. Put a huge piece of mithril under the press and crush it, getting a few small pieces that can be put into inventory. Take the form for the two-handed sword and go to the forge. We activate the machine for casting blanks with the help of a power stone. We put two pieces of mithril and koltka powder into the machine, then we put the mechanism into action with the help of a lever. We will receive a mithril blank. We launch another machine with the help of a stone of power. Under the left press we put the shape of the weapon that we want to get (I forged a two-handed gun), then we go up the stairs behind the car and put the workpiece into it. We pull the lever and get the long-awaited sword. Now it's time to look for at least one surviving dragon.

ice caves
We teleport to a large cave to Gru. We rise to the highest point, turn to face the lake, activate the levitation spell and transfer to the opposite side. We ended up in ice caves. Here we go up the stairs. When it forms a fork, jump to the right and then shoot the magic arrow at the stalactite. He will fall and stick into the stalagmite. Get a kind of platform. Let's jump on it. Then, with the help of the same levitation, we are transferred to the cave opposite. There will be an ice barrier in front of you. We throw a fireball at it and get straight to the dragon. He will be very friendly and will agree to give the egg if we bring him as much gold as he has scales. We learned about this a long time ago from one of the books in the Chinkash library. We give the dragon gold and take the egg. If of course you are a petty person, then you can kill this rarest creature and pick up the egg for free. It's time to return to Zelnash at the retreat of the Ederney Order.

Abode of the Ederney Order
Talk to Zelnash. She will give the sword even more magical power, but will only agree to give it to you in exchange for a dragon egg. But even this is not enough for her. She will also ask you to give her the location of the rebel hideout. If you do not want to suffer, then tell the queen of snakes what she asks. But I still did not betray and simply pulled off the sword with the help of skill and magic. Now you have a weapon to exorcise Akbaa once and for all. But we have one more thing to do.

Royal family reunion


Come to the tavern and put pressure on Einol (this is the only one-eyed in the area). He doesn't admit to anything. Then go from the other end. Buy a beer from Tizzy and drink it to Einol. He will cut himself like a pig and sow the key to his house. We pick up a valuable find and go to the city. We open his dwelling and find evidence confirming his involvement in the murder of the queen. Also, these papers prove the involvement in the crime of the head of the city guard, Carlo. We speak with Carlo. He confesses to everything, but will desperately try to convince us that he did it in the interests of Lanshear. We go to the 4th level of the dungeons and meet Aliya at the force field. She will thank us for all the good things and ask us to give the ring to Lanshear. We return to the city and speak with the king. We hand over Carlo and pass the ring. Now back to the great underground lake. Watching the meeting of father and daughter. Immediately, one of the Ederney sisters will appear and proclaim Aliya the new queen of the order. After that, the ghost of the murdered queen will appear and the cutscene will start. Now all your promises have been fulfilled, and you can finally go to Yserbius' lair.

Ilsid outpost


Again we go to the force field and destroy it with a spell. On the way we will be attacked by acolytes of the cult. From the corpses we take things and the fourth Akbaa meteor. When we go inside, we will be attacked by several more novices. From their corpses we will get the keys to the chests and rooms. We make our way through the ilsids to the chambers of Iserbius. There we put a candle in the right skull and open the secret, in which there will be the fifth and last Akbaa meteor. We place all five meteors in the room, and open the passage to the secret temple. You will see Iserbius, in which Akbaa himself has already begun to move. We take out the sword and kill the final boss.
We are watching the final screensaver and enjoy the fact that we have completed this exciting and interesting game!

Arx Fatalis

Goblin prison. Who is there?

You woke up in a stinking cell in a goblin prison. Who you are and how you ended up in this place forgotten by God, you do not remember. On top of that, your pants have also disappeared somewhere, and the cold in the cell is like a dog. Until you are completely numb or frostbitten something, it's time to come up with a way out of this situation. Rise to your feet and look around, in the corner there are several suspicious types of mushrooms, but they will fit for lack of a better one. It’s already better, but it seems that after the mushrooms you began to hear different voices, or is it still a real whisper coming from the next cell? So be it, go check it out. Yeah, quite a real man with a bald skull and a rather rumpled face. Brother in misfortune says that his name is Kultar, and incites you to escape. Well, the idea is sound, since the skin on the legs has already begun to become covered with goose bumps.
Go to the bars, where there is a large stone, and move it. Now bend over and push the steel bars apart. In front of you lies a bone that you need to pick up - this is your first, albeit primitive, but weapon. A goblin guard will come running to the noise. Enter combat mode and finish off the tormentor with a bone.
Hooray, you are free! In the guard's room, there is some food on the table that you can eat or save, taking it with you. Kultar will again give voice, asking to be released from the cell. Show mercy and pull the lever next to the camera. Kultar will say that he is too weak to go with you, so you will have to climb into the basement to the rats alone. Go to the hatch on the floor and sit down. Then hit the manhole cover with something and jump down towards the unknown.

Spider caves. Splatter of green blood

In the cave behind the first turn, there is a skeleton in pants, which you must examine in the most careful way for two pebbles with runes. Engage in looting and undress the murdered. The pants came at the right time, now it’s not a shame for the girls to appear in front of their eyes. But where are these girls?
Arm yourself with a bone and go through the tunnel, where a rat the size of a good calf runs. After killing a rat, you can look into the contents of its belly and get a couple of undigested ribs. It's disgusting, not disgusting, but hunger is not an aunt, take it with you.
At the end of the tunnel is a room with a broken elevator. Your task: to find the missing rope for the lift. Next to the elevator is a platform from which you need to remove all the stones. Now take one stone and take it to the same platform near the entrance to the room. Great, a secret room has opened up in the wall. There are a lot of good things in the room: torches, food, flasks, jars, but most importantly - a small key and a coveted rope. A rat is running around in the room, so be on the lookout. Repair the elevator and go upstairs.
Upstairs, you can walk through the tunnels, killing spiders, or you can immediately go to the hall on the right, where a goblin guard is waiting for you. In the fight with the goblin, Kultar will help you. You can give the Kultar a weapon to fight for you, or you can slaughter the creature yourself.
After the death of the goblin, visit the warehouse (you have the key) and inspect the corpse, taking a piece of stick from it. Use the stick to repair the switch on the wall and open the gate to the next level.

Goblin prison. Revenge is sweet!

You are in prison again, but this time on the other side of the bars. Your task: to examine the prison and knock out the goblins from it. Of course, you can always follow the path of the ghost samurai by quietly cutting the throats of your opponents. For example, you can eavesdrop on a conversation between two guards in a room next to the stairs, who say that if they find a dirty plate again, they will kill their boss. Pick up a dirty plate in one of the rooms and discreetly slip it on the table of the guards. Watch the goblins fight over dirty dishes.

Now go to the cells where you will meet the goblin Polcius. Release him, and he will promise you help in all your endeavors. Do not expect help from him right away, as the goblin will go to the tavern to wet his throat. Later, you can meet him there.

In the goblin guards manager's room you will find an unsigned pass, the key to the Big Cave, and a cache with the key to the warehouse.
To get past the goblins, you'll need a signed pass and a jewel merchant's license. Alternatively, you can bribe the guards for 300 gold, but this money still needs to be obtained somewhere, and then it can be useful to you later.
In the Big Cave, you will meet a troll named Gru, who will demand a birthday present from you. You will find out from him that he left his native tribe so as not to plow for goblins, as his fellow tribesmen do.
After talking with the troll, exit the prison through the northernmost exit.

Outpost of people.

Hmm, someone attacked your fellow tribesmen - several corpses are lying near the fortress, and further on the bridge there are severed limbs and pools of blood. Enter the fortress over the bridge. To your surprise, a few soldiers still survived, among them Ortiern. Talk to him (the soldier is in the room upstairs). You will learn from him that the Ulsads attacked the outpost, and that the news of this must be conveyed to the king as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the passage to the human level has been destroyed, and you will have to find a workaround through the goblin prison. It is clear that you are not at all interested in helping people in trouble, but either out of stupidity or out of ignorance, you agree. Ortiern will give you a Jewel Trader's License. Now it's up to the signature on the pass.
Exit the fortress and go right along the passage with wet spots on the floor. This is the road to the tavern. In the tavern you will meet a familiar goblin Polcius, who will agree to forge a signature on the pass. At the top, you can play or rather lose your gold in a game similar to roulette, as well as talk with the guests of the tavern. On the wall behind Enoil, the one-eyed croupier, tells of Oliver's treasure hunt. You must put an emerald in his chest to start the hunt.
There is a door at the bottom of the tavern, but you need a password to get through it. You don't know the password yet, so head back to the goblin prison. Near the closed gate, show the goblins the license and pass. Go to the next level.

You can climb the mines and goblin caves, but you still won't be allowed into the goblin city. The only possibility is to go through the passage behind the tower to the next level, the caves.

Crystal caves

The caves are full of rats and spiders. You will have to cut your way to find the exit or entrance (as you like) to the next level.

Arks - city of people

Finally, you got out into the air and found yourself in a city of people. The guards will advise you to go to the guards' room and talk to Carlo, who will kick you off to King Lunshir in the castle.
Go to the castle and report the attack on the outpost, as well as the destroyed passage. The king will immediately sign you up for a new task - to take a letter to the troll lord Pogue with a request to clear the passage.
Before you leave the city, you can bargain in local shops and get runes, weapons, armor, as well as various precious trinkets. At the same time, sell unnecessary goods and lighten the inventory.
After that, crawl through the caves back to the trolls.

Troll caves.

Upon arrival, show the guard the letter to the king, and he will let you into the camp. The vile goblin at the entrance will inform you that the trolls are on strike and have stopped the supply of jewelry. Okay, let's take care of ourselves. Climb into the caves and find a hatchet to knock the jewels off the walls. Now have fun and feel like Lariska - the tomb raider - break off everything you like and destroy unstable walls with an axe.

After you deliver the letter to the king of the trolls Pogue, he will ask you for a favor. The troll idol has been stolen, which is why its subjects are on strike. Guess who should return the idol? That's right, it's you.

Alternatively, you can steal the key to the prison from King Pog or even kill him. With the help of the key, you will be able to free the imprisoned troll, who will clear the passage as a reward. The choice is yours.
In the mines you will meet the troll Burvaku - Gru's friend. Burwaka will tell you that Gru always wanted to get a picture book from the upper world as a birthday present. With pictures, so with pictures, all the same, trolls can't read.
Now go to the goblin on guard and tell him about the stolen idol. He will let you into the goblin city so you can continue your search there.

Goblin city.

In the city of goblins, you can go sightseeing, but you will not be allowed into the throne room of King Alothar, as well as the treasure vault.
Go to Alothar's private quarters and find a note saying that the king can't drink wine because he has something like an ulcer. There is also a note lying under the bed, on which the numbers are written: 5-5-9-9.
Leave the apartment and go to the kitchen. There the cook prepares pies for the king. Pour wine into the pie dough and the chef will bake a wonderful wine pie to deliver to the king. After a few seconds, the king will fly out of the throne room and head to his chambers for medicine. This is where you will talk to him (before that, be sure to chat with the guard at the entrance to the treasure vault). The king will allow you to freely roam the city in search of an idol.
In the throne room, enter the numbers from the paper (5-5-9-9) to open the safe, as well as the cache in which the note lies. From the note, you will learn that if the king does not deliver the jewels by tomorrow, then the merchants from the guild will kill him. There is also a lever here that opens a secret passage to the treasure vault and the Fridd rune.
Then you will meet Atoka, who will blather that he wants to kill Alotar in order to become king. In his room under the pillow you will find the key.
Now go to the storage of various useful things. Inside you will find armor, as well as a chest that can be opened with the Atoka Key. The chest contains a stolen idol. You won't leave the room that easily, you'll have to fight Atoq. When you kill him, then unlock the door with the key that your opponent carried with him.
Now you can return with the idol to the trolls. The trolls will stop their strike and clear the passage. Return to King Lushir and report your success.

The king, the alchemist Felnor and the snake woman Chinkashsh are discussing the problem of more frequent earthquakes, when Carlo suddenly appears and reports the murder of the astronomer Falan Orbiplanax (an astronomer in a dungeon is something). You, as a well-established detective, are connected to the investigation. The king will give you the keys to your room and allow you to roam freely around the castle.
First of all, talk to Chinkashsh in the library. It turns out that the murder was not without the intervention of black magic and looks like a ritual one. Read books in the library, especially those that talk about Arx's races, as well as dragons.
Head to Felnor's lab, where you'll get a key to Falan's room and a note. You can also find some runes and mix some potions for your own needs.
After that, talk to Chinkashsh again, and she will give you a book that will come down for Gru's gift.
In Falan's room, you will find a safe on the wall behind the carpet. From the note Felnor gave you, you should understand that the combination for the safe is 2-4-8. In the safe is Falan's diary, which will shed light on some of the events taking place around.
There is a meeting in the meeting room where you find out that Erzgod's bodyguard was accused of killing the astronomer. Moreover, the poor fellow is suspected of having connections with the secret cult of Akbaa. Of course, it is you who will be sent to deal with this cult, which began to threaten the security of Arx.

To do this, you must find the secret entrance to Akbaa's temple and destroy the meteor that threatens the world of Arx.

In prison, talk to Erzgod and find out that he was betrayed by the followers of the Akbaa cult. In retaliation, he will tell you the password to enter, which is located in the tavern. Password: Faat Kaa Pell (see how easy it is!).
When you return from prison, you will hear a conversation between two snake women about King Lushir and his old debt that he cannot pay. Unfortunately, for now the king refuses to talk about debt, but that's just for now...
Leave the castle and meet Chinkashsh, who will teach you how to use the teleportation spell. From now on, you will travel noticeably faster.
Near the city teleport, you will find out that the daughter of Shani has disappeared from the local dealer Maria. You are kind with us, so we will have to promise to find the girl. Shani was last seen playing in front of a jewelry store owned by Tafiok and nearby dwellings. Search the houses and in one of them you will be sent away, which is already suspicious. In other houses you will find a book about the rituals and human sacrifices of the Akbaa temple. Looks like Shani is in big trouble.

Troll caves and goblin city.

Cross the bridge that used to be guarded by a troll. You will be taken to the next level. Don't forget to activate all teleports on your way. You will not regret.

Great underground sea.

At this level, you will continue your search and meet with rats, goblins and even a rat-man (they were told not to drink water from a puddle). You cannot overcome the force field yet, but this is only temporary. Enter the next room and find Lord Inut's diary. Here you can try your luck as a treasure hunter. Put the emerald in the left chest to get another quest guide (check the quest book for more information).
In the most southwestern room you will find what you came for - a pedestal in the form of a snake. Stand on the west side of the pedestal and you'll see several Akbaa preachers appear. Especially not sticking out, follow them to the altar room. Already in the distance you will hear the cries of a child for help. Until the child is sacrificed, cut down the preachers and free Shani. If the girl is still sacrificed, then you will also have to deal with a demon, so you need to act as quickly as possible. After the battle, return to Shani's mother for a reward.

Arks - city of people

Maria - Shani's mother - will be very grateful to you and will allow you to take any product you want as a reward. Now you can go to the tavern and use the password received from Erzog.

Temple of Akbaa

You are in the temple of Akbaa. Your task: to collect pieces of the meteor. The first one is in the first room on the right. In the central hall, you will be attacked by several followers of the Akbaa cult. After you get rid of them, you will find another piece of meteor and two notes. One says about the combination of numbers 1-1-3 and the key to the chest, and the other says that. There is a scroll in the room next to it.
In the bedrooms, you will meet another preacher, killing whom you will receive a golem heart and a note saying that this heart is the key to the security system.
The path to the meteor room is closed for now, as Yserbius has activated the security system. Here you will meet a blind sectarian who, thinking that you are one of his own, will reveal some secrets of Akbaa.
Two secret passages lead from the chapel. One leads to the golem and the second to the tomb with a chest. If you open the chest, an evil mage will appear, which is a pretty tough opponent. You can leave the lich for later, and pick up a piece of the meteor from the chest later, when you gain strength.
Next, you must explore the closed area by casting a spell. There are three golems here at once, but the heart is missing in the central one. There is a press in the next room, but in order to make it work, you need to place something very heavy on it. Return to the golem and insert the heart you found earlier. Now order the golem to follow you and bring him to the press. When the golem steps on the press, the gate in the room next to it will open (the first lever is down, two more are ahead).

Now find a room with a golem that will attack you and pull the second lever. Alternative - enter a combination with a note - the result is the same.

Now let's look at the second note. In the passage with two doors, you can open the second one by closing the first one. Pull the last lever and leave the room, close the door to open the next one. The security system has ceased to exist.
Go to the meteor room. When you enter, then disturb Suberis, who was about to sacrifice a woman. He will summon a demon to kill you. Defeating the demon is not easy, but possible. Then free the woman.
It's time to destroy the meteor, but all in vain. Return to Felnor, but on the way visit Gru and give him a picture book. The troll will repay you with an amulet that indicates that you are a friend of his race.

When you enter the castle, Carlo will report a second Ilsid attack on the outpost. This time there are no survivors among the people, and the Ilsids, together with Akbaa, declared war on the people. Also, Suberis is Akbaa's High Priest Iserius, so he's become your personal enemy.
After hearing about your unsuccessful attempt to destroy the meteor, Felnor will tell you about an artifact with which you can defeat the spell cast on it. The artifact consists of two parts: Krahoz and Zoharka, and was given to people by the Sisters of Edurneum. Krahoz must be returned to the Sisters, but the rebels stole it years ago, killing the king's wife and kidnapping his daughter. Of course, the next task is to find the rebels and return Krakhoz.
In the library, Chinkashsh will tell you about the artifact, and also give you a book about Krahoz and Zohark, who were once gods.

Great underground sea

Here you will meet a woman who was freed from the clutches of Akbaa. She will help you in your search for Krahoz. When you follow her, someone will hit you on the head, sending you into a deep knockdown. You will wake up only in the rebel camp. The woman will turn out to be none other than the leader of the rebels! She will agree to give Krahoz in exchange for the Elder's shield, which is located in the tomb.
Alternative: If you are a thief, you can steal Krahoz directly from the camp, but this is a very difficult task.
The rebel leader has given you the key to the camp, and now you can come and go as you please. Before heading to the tomb, search the level and collect valuables and runes.

Earth Goblin, Water Goblin, and the Money Changer Twins

The trolls, having seen Gru's amulet, will not attack you, mistaking you for their own. The goblins are still acting defiant, but you are already strong enough that they can harm you. Here you will also meet merchants from whom you can buy really valuable items and runes, the main thing is not to spend a lot (although you can get all the goods for free). How? Read on.
So, here you will meet two clans of goblins: earth and water. Both clans want to kill each other and promise a rich reward. If you kill the water goblins, the earth goblins will show you the place where the treasure is buried. If you stop the existence of earthly ones, you will receive a golden amulet. You can also kill both of them, then at the entrance to another level, the third clan of goblins will attack the merchants. Kill the goblins and get free access to the merchants' goods. Now it's time to go in search of an artifact.

Arks - city of people

In the city, Carlo will give you the key to the tomb. Stock up on healing liquid, mana and food. Enter the tomb.

Tomb. First level.

Using a hatchet, you can desecrate the graves. In the grave of Falan Orbiplanks, you will find the key to the chest in his room in the castle.
In one of the rooms is a lever that opens a secret passage. There is a broken lever in the room that needs to be replaced with a wooden stick. Here you will find a chicken, which turns out to be the incarnation of Lord Inut (here is the man coded!).
In other graves, you will find stones covered with strange symbols, as well as a bunch of useful household items. In the grave of the vampire Ahanta lies a sword for sacrifices. After that, go to the hall to the statue of Ahant, who is holding a bowl. Pour blood into the bowl or use the blood found on yourself to drip blood. As a result, you will open the gate to the tombs nearby. One of them contains the key to the commander's grave, as well as good armor. Others have a couple of wooden stakes that you'll still need.

Open the grave with the key and click on the sword held by the knight statue in the northeast part of the room. The path to the next level is open.

Tomb. Second level.

Lived - the dead are roaming around, and everyone asks for a stake in the heart, otherwise they will come to life indefinitely. After they're dead, search the bodies - fun, I tell you!
There are many traps here, so watch your steps. Soon you will find the corpse of the zombie hunter Azrael Darkhorn and a note: , as well as his diary. In the room with levers, first pull the first left, then the third right, and again the first left. The door to the next tomb will open. It would also be nice to open an exit to the dungeons in a nearby tomb.
To move on, you must put something on the floor in the room with the three press buttons. I advise you to bring bricks from a nearby grave.

Tomb. Third level.

There is nothing in the first tomb yet, but this is only for now. Enter the hall where a mummy will attack you - you will have to pacify it. The graves in this room contain a bunch of useful items, as well as a bunch of vicious mummies. The tomb at the far end of the hall is opened with a lever in the room.
In the rooms above, you will see symbols on the floor similar to the six you saw before. Here you will hear the voice of Gladwyr, the ghost guarding the Elder's shield. To get the shield, you must successfully solve two puzzles.
The first is to arrange the six rotating tablets in order to please the gods. To do this, you must remember the order of the symbols on the floor - this is the order in which you need to arrange the symbols.
Second, place the six symbols on the round columns on the outside, taking into account the external symbols. If you succeed, the gates to the tombs will open. Take the shield and runes from the secret passage.
When you decide to leave, a lich will attack you. Kill him and take the Mortis rune. Search the grave, which used to be empty and the secret room nearby. Return to the rebel camp.

Rebel camp.

The rebel leader will give you Krahoz and tell you that the shield he found is the shield of King Poxellius. The girl turned out to be the daughter of King Lusher, and her name is Alia. It also turns out that the rebels did not kill Alia's mother. I wonder who then?
Take Krahoz and use telekinesis to get the magic gaiters in the upper rooms.

Ask the guard to let you in with the sisters. Go to mother Zalnash - the leader of the female snakes. She will give you the Zohark, as well as a glowing object that you will use to enter the Temple of Illusion.
In the next room, you must hit the snake with your sword. From the room opposite, you can shoot an arrow to open a chest with a golden snake.
To leave the room, you need to cast a spell to see the correct lever that opens the passage.

Crystal caves

In the caves, you will have to kill two female snakes in order to save Zalnash. You now have both Krahoz and Zoharq. It's time to move to the temple of Akbaa.

Temple of Akbaa

The temple is captured by the Ilsids. It is best to use the back entrance from the goblin prison. Your task is to destroy the meteor. When you leave the temple, a video will tell you that not everything is so simple, but Akbaa are still alive. Go to the castle for a conversation with the king.

The castle and Arx, as well as the king, are captured by the Ilsids. You can make your way through the corpses, or you can just teleport inside the castle. Then go to jail.
They set a trap for you. Kultar will help you get out, which will show you the way to the sewers. The Ilsids will leave the city.
Return to the castle and talk to the king and Felnor. You will be asked to get some kind of superweapon. To learn more, you must read the book.
Chinkash will tell you that the book is in the Ederneum sisters' library. Come down and read.

Outpost of the sisters of Ederneum.

Ask Silash about the book and read it. Talk to Zelnash, who will tell you about the Koltk weapon and the dragon egg. Take a rest.

rebel camp

Give Krakhoz to Aliya, who will be very grateful. If you give her the Zohark as well, you will receive the Elder's shield in return. It's time to return to the tomb.

Tomb. Third level

Cast the spell "Dispel Field" and enter the next level.

Tomb. Fourth level

Here you have to defeat three invisible enemies. All you see is their weapons.
Walk around the tombs, opening the doors with levers. When you hear the woman's scream, run to help, but it turns out to be a vampire trap.
In the labyrinth of Lost Souls, you will have to use the levers to get to the statue room. Here you need to lower the levers in the order that the statues point to them. The gate will open. Search the tombs nearby.
In one of the tombs, the ghost of a woman will speak to you and ask you to find her killer - a one-eyed man. Promise to find.

Tomb. Fifth level

In the tombs you will find sparkling objects. They must be placed on stands around the tomb of King Poksellis. Inside you will find the king's helmet and an artifact that opens caches.
Put on your helmet to see the arrows on the floor leading to the exit. Defeat the liches and you are free.

mushroom forest

Go down to normal dungeons. Enemies are ratmen and giant worms. Goblin's is also buried here, which will be the only coin.

city ​​of gnomes

The dwarf mines are destroyed and you can't use magic. The only way is to go through the kitchen. When you enter, the devil will appear. You will not be able to defeat him with your bare hands, so run into the room with lava, jump over the platform to the exit and to the remains of the gnome. On the corpse there is a key, a stone with power and meat.
The road has collapsed behind you, but the key opens the door, behind which, however, a monster is waiting for you.
Run to the smelter and insert the power stone into the machine. Climb up the stairs. When the monster comes running, throw the meat of the gnome right under the car. When the monster approaches the meat, pull the lever and crush the reptile.
When the monster died, go to the office and find the diary, from which you will learn that the gnomes dug too deep and woke up the monster. Take the key from the nearest gnome near the lever, which you need to pull later.
Return to the car. Pull the lever to open the lava pit. Jump over and go into the corridor, where the monster will appear again. Run back and jump over the lava. The monster will follow you, but will fall asleep in the middle of the path.
Explore the mines and find keys, stones of power and an anvil for sabers.
Pass by the forge and look for mithril in the mines. In the last room, if you climb the tree, you will find a large mithril stone. The stone is very large, and you can’t put it in your inventory. Drag him to the car on the left. Insert a stone of power into the slot and pull the lever. This will teleport you to the smelter.
Break the stone into several pieces. Take the two-handed sword anvil. Go to the forge. Start the grinder machine using the power stone. Insert two Mithril Stones and Kolk Powder and pull the lever. It turned out a mithril stick.
Now start another machine with a power stone. Select the desired weapon and place the appropriate anvil under the left press. Climb up the ladder behind the car and place the Mithril Stick. Pull the lever and get the ordered weapon.

Ice caves and dragon

Go to the big cave. Enter the ice cave and go up the stairs on the left. When the stairs split in two, jump to the right and shoot the arrow at the stalagmite above the stalactite. Use levitation to jump into the cave from the resulting stand. Use fireballs to melt the ice.
You have entered the dragon's cave. You can have the dragon's egg or just kill it.

Ederneum Sisters Outpost

Return to sisters. Exchange the egg for the sword with Zalnash. Before doing so, she will ask for information about the rebels. You can either betray them and get a weapon, or use a spell to steal a sword.

One-Eyed Assassin

Go to the tavern. At the top you will meet Enoil - a one-eyed guy who will not admit to anything. Buy him a beer. When he gets drunk enough to drop the key, your job is done.
Go to his house and open the chest with the key. The chest contains evidence of the man's involvement in the murder. The chest contains letters from Carlo with orders to kill the woman. Take care Carlo. He confesses everything, but he will try to convince you of his innocence and devotion to the sovereign.

King, Alia, snake women and an old debt

Go to the closed magical area. Before you enter, Alia will appear and thank you for your help. The girl will ask you to hand over the ring with the seal to the king. Father and daughter will meet at the great underground sea. Suddenly, a snake woman will appear and proclaim Alia as her new queen.
The ghost of the murdered queen will immediately appear, and you watch the video. Now head towards the Ilsid bunker. You will be attacked. After killing the attackers, you will receive the fourth Akbaa meteor.

Bunker Ilsidov

Kill the preachers and search them. Among the things should be the keys to the chests and rooms. In one of the rooms you will find two metal sticks that can be used to make a key for Gary's bank.
In Yserbius' office, place a candle on the right skull on the altar. A secret stash will open with a key to the chest with the fifth Akbaa meteor.
Place all five meteors in the room and the door to the chapel will open. Attack Yserbius, but the bastard has already begun to turn into something terrible. Kill him!

The world of Arx is saved!!! Congratulations.

Goblin Prison Escape

The narrative in the game Arx Fatalis begins with the history of Arx - the kingdom of people. Previously, people lived on the surface, but after the fall of a meteorite, eternal winter set in on the planet Exosta. All the races that lived on it had to move underground. Humans, dwarves, trolls, goblins and snake women have built their kingdoms on the various tiers of the caves.
You wake up in a cell of a goblin prison, a man is sitting in the next cell to your right and beckoning to him. He will report that there is nothing from "his side" and you need to find a way out in your cell. You turn around, there is a stone near the iron bars, throwing it out and bending the bars, you get out of the chamber. Right behind it you find a bone. Press F and it moves to the weapon slot. To take it in your hand, press TAB, on LMB - hit, the force of the blow depends on the holding time before the blow. Around the corner is a goblin overseer. By the way, I was always amazed at how with a blunt object parts of his body can scatter, with two or three blows. We release the old man from the next one, you get to know each other, he calls you "Am Shegar", his name is Kultar and he hints that you should jump into the hole in the floor. Sit down, break the hatch and jump inside.

After loading the level, you find yourself in caves full of rats and spiders. Future Tip: By collecting water lilies, you secure healing potions (when you get to the alembic). Walking a little further, you get to an elevator that needs a rope. Of course, you can go to the spiders and get a rope in a barrel, or you can go the easy way - throw stones from one pressure plate to another, which is located on the left of the mechanism (the second one at the end of the room). A secret door will open, there is a rope and supplies. Climbing up, go to a small waterfall to the left, there will be a dagger, and after that into the hall in the middle. There will be a large goblin in the hall and your old acquaintance from the cell (you can give him your dagger by double clicking on him, and then on the old man, you can also give him a healing potion). After defeating the goblin, take the lever from him and open the passage upstairs (there is a pantry in the same room, it opens with a key from that secret room).

Gem merchant

The next level is the same prison, only on the other side of the cells. To your right are three goblins, but you need to go straight ahead, you go to the crossroads, in one of the rooms two goblins say that Zyuk has already bullied everyone, he doesn’t know how to wash dishes, and in general a bad goblin person. In the next room, two cells and the warden - Zyuk. There is a dirty plate on his table. The bottom line is, with sufficient skill, you can steal a plate from him and throw it on the table in the next room. Two goblins will get angry at Zyuk and try to kill him, so we will reduce our number of enemies. Let's kill those who remained and release the goblin from the cell (his name is Polsiy and he will still come in handy). In the room opposite there is a torture room, there is an armory behind it, you can try to hack it (the tools are in the next room). Then we go the rest of the way to the room where the goblin sleeps, kill him and press the button behind the shelves, a secret door will open, we take an unsigned permission to trade in gems and leave. On the left will be the transition to the next level.

Here is the castle, which was attacked by the ilsids, we go inside, we speak with Ortiern, he asks to report the attack to the king and request help, but since. the passage is littered, you have to look for a workaround. In the chest you take a license to trade in gems. We go to the tavern opposite the castle, Polsiy sits there, he will sign the permission (two clicks on the permission and on Polsiy). There is a lottery upstairs (put chips on numbers, one chip participating in the game costs 10 gold, after all the chips are placed, spin the wheel, and if one of the numbers falls out, you get 50 gold.) and a guy named Oliver, gaining a guild for himself (there is a sign behind him, she will tell you what to do). We return back to that level, along the way showing the goblin blocking the path, our license.

We go up the stairs, there will be goblins. Show them the license and permission (by the way, if you do not have a signed permission, you can give a bribe). You are let through and head to the goblin kingdom.

Trolls and goblins

This level meets us with spider caves, the kingdom of goblins on the right, opposite it is the troll camp.
You will not be allowed into the kingdom, nor into the camp. The doorkeeper troll says that he will only let the merchant in, but because trolls don't work, we can't get in. Here we need to go to the kingdom of people - the city of Arks. The road to it through the caves to the left of the troll camp.
As you get into the caves, stick to the right wall, just go deviating all the time to the right. There will be a road to the city.

After we return the idol to Pogu, the trolls work again. And they promise to clear the rubble. Let's go back to the king.

Upon returning to the castle, you see how the king is conferring, they report to him that the earthquakes have intensified and began to repeat more often. Wait for the end of their conversation, and talk to Lanshear, he thanks you and offers a new position, but then Carlo comes running and reports a new occult ritual. The king again needs your help and therefore he grants you a room in the castle and gives you access to move freely wherever you want. In your room, take the second backpack, now you have twice as much space in your inventory! Then head to the laboratory, here, with a sufficient level, you can make potions, as well as talk with Felnor. He gives you a note from the late Orbiplanax, there is a code. You head to the room to Oribplanax and open a secret safe on the wall. (Code: 248). There are records of the deceased, after which Am Shegar tells that it is time to convene a council.

At the council, issues of protecting the state from the cult of Akbaa and the Ilsids are discussed, we learn that Akbaa's strength in this world depends on a meteorite (which was mentioned in the opening video of the game). Only the touch of the Guardian sent to this world to stop Akbaa will destroy the meteor and the entire cult. The king instructs Am Shegar to find the guardian, but after a meteor fragment is brought in and the hero touches it, it becomes clear that Am Shegar is the Guardian, but moving between worlds has deprived him of his memory.

After the council, we turn right into the prison, Erzog is sitting there - we suspect in occult rituals. Erzog explains that he did not want to call Akbaa at all, he wanted to resurrect his wife, and the priests told him what to do. Erzog also tells the password to the iron door in the Yellow Tulip tavern, there is a passage to the meteorite and the priests.

Preparing for the assault

As we exit the castle, we see the two Ederney sisters demanding something from Lanshear that he owes them. The king keeps silent about this and Chinkashsh too. After leaving the castle, Chinkashsh shows how to move between tiers using the abandoned teleports of the Ederney sisters. You need to cast opening magic near portals using runes Mega and spatium(they are added to your backpack). Near the portal there is a merchant Maria, she reports that she is not working today, because. her daughter Shani is missing. Of course, our hero promises to find her.

Before going to the meteorite, it's best to complete side quests to level up and get items that will increase your chances of surviving the battle. We go to the goblins, to where at the very beginning two goblins complained that Zyuk did not wash the dishes well. In the same room there is a large gate and a sign "goblin domain ends here". It opens with a key, which you most likely took from a sleeping goblin a little further. Passing through the door, we find ourselves in a collapsed cave where a lone troll lives. He is friendly to us and tells us that his name is Gru. It's Gru's birthday today, but his only friend, Burvaka, works for the trolls with Pog, so Gru is sad. We need to go to Burvaki (he works in the farthest troll tunnel), he says that Gru would like a book with drawings of the outside world. We can get this book from Chinkashsh, in the Lanshear library. (train yourself to use teleports, otherwise you will be tormented to run)

Gru receives the book and in return grants you a troll amulet with which they will not attack you first (which will be very useful on the tier below).

meteorite attack

After raising the level, we can go to the tavern. At the door, Am Shegar says the password, and we are let inside. We are going to the next location, consisting of the temple of Akbaa and the cells of the priests. There are about 6 priests there, it is better to stock up on spells (I personally took out everyone with the help of a fireball). But priests can also use magic and heal. Some priests have notes in their inventory. They are from Yserbius with instructions on how to infiltrate Akbaa's temple. It is advisable to search all the rooms before moving on, because. the rooms contain runes, an alembic, and spell scrolls. Pay attention to the search for Akbaa stones, they will be very useful later. To get into the temple, you need to build a bridge of flesh, for this we go to the security room (it glows from the barrier spell). If you've searched all the rooms, you should have a scroll to destroy the barrier, and you will easily get inside. Passing along the golems, we see a door, the instruction to it is approximately "the first locks the second". That is, in order to go through it further, you need to close the first door behind you and vice versa. In a small room is a lever, pull it. In the next room, there is a mechanism with a code, from the note it follows that the code is 113. In the last room, you need the golem to press the platform, for this we add a heart to the golem in the middle, and then double-click, it follows us and stands on the platform. After the last lever is lowered, we see how the platforms at the entrance to the temple are put forward. We go past the blind priest, we go inside. There is a meteorite here and Yserbius greets us. He says he's glad to meet you, so he summons a demon and tries to kill us. This is where all those health potions that we have collected will come in handy. Since magic does not work in this temple, the tactics in this battle are hit and run. The demon is quite easy to kill, the main thing is not to forget to be treated on time.

When the demon is defeated, the girl who was captured for the ritual thanks you and runs away. You are preparing to destroy the meteorite and... it doesn't work. The meteorite does not give in, but rather begins to absorb your energy.

Rebel camp

There are levers in the room on the right, one for protection and the other for a secret passage. One of them is broken. If you go to the left of the meteorite, then with the help of a secret button you can get out to the kingdom of goblins, and from there to Arks. When you get to the king, we learn that the Ilsids attacked that castle again, but now without leaving corpses. The king tells that Suiberis left the castle, having killed Erzog, he and Yserbius are one person. You report that the meteorite cannot be destroyed with the powers of the Guardian. The King and Felnor talk about two artifacts: Kragoz and Zogarka. The fact is that they were given to people by the Ederney order for the war of magicians, but Kragoz was kidnapped, and Zogark was returned to the order. Am Shegar will have to find both stones, and they will allow him to destroy the meteorite without losing energy.

We go to the trolls, but without going inside, we pass further along the suspension bridge where the troll used to stand. We go down to the tier below, in which there is an underground lake and a narrow path, at the other end we meet the girl who was released from the captivity of Iserbius. She thanks the Guardian again, and he, in turn, blurts out about Kragoz and Zogark. Am Shegar is knocked out with a blow to the head, and we see how he is dragged into a secret passage. After waking up, we find that we are in a tent, in front of us is that girl, but she has armor and weapons on her. She introduces herself as a rebel commander named Alia. She offers an exchange: because Kragoz, which they have, guards them, you must bring them an equally powerful artifact - the Shield of the Ancients. (there is an alternative way to get Kragoz, steal it after going through all their traps, but you will become an opponent of the rebels)

Saving Shani

There are two exits from here, the first is a brick wall guarded by a guard, you can open it with the key that was added to your inventory. This door will take you back to where you got hit on the head. The second door is stone, located somewhere nearby in the camp, after passing through it, we will get to the tier below. Let's go there first. These caves are full of trolls and goblins (if you have completed Gru's quest, you have the troll amulet and they won't touch you). You need to go deeper into the winding caves, and find two merchants there, I have no idea why they should be there, but they buy and sell everything. Our task is to buy more stakes, they will help us in obtaining the Shield of the Ancients. In the same caves, you can stumble upon a clan of Water and Earth, these are two clans of 3 goblins each, some eat fish, others eat rats. Both of them offer you to destroy the opposite clan and guarantee a reward. It's up to you to kill one of them, but the rewards are absolutely worthless, the water clan will give you a regular necklace that costs about 5 gold in the store. And the clan of the Earth is even better, the map where the "treasure" lies, it is difficult to reach it, and this treasure consists of 1 gold coin.

We return to the first door in the rebel camp and get back to the lake. Now our goal is to save Shani. Return to the door through which you first got to the lake, near it there is a side passage into a chain of branching caves. There are a lot of rats and goblins in them, a couple of times you will meet rats (such overgrown rats). By the way, the "ambush" of the goblins looks rather comical: they put a chest in the center of the cave, and from it a path of money. Approach the chest, 4 goblins will run out at you from behind the stones. Now we need to find among the heaps of rooms and empty caves the one in which there will be a stone column surrounded by carvings in the form of a snake's tail. Walk around it and at a certain place we will be able to observe a procession of 4 priests of the Akbaa cult. We need to follow them, but covertly so as not to get caught. They will lead us to their secret sacrificial altar, where Shani will be. We kill all the priests, release Shani. Later, the merchant Maria will thank the Guardian and give a couple of potions, and we will gain experience.

Shield of the Ancients

The Shield of the Ancients is located on the same tier, but the entrance to it is possible only from the crypt, which is located in the city. Carlo will be waiting for us near the Ederney teleport and will give us the key. To successfully complete this task, you need a pickaxe and stakes. We go into the crypt. We find ourselves in a hall, from which corridors go in different directions. The main task is to search for special stones with engraved drawings. We need to go around them all, in the rooms on the walls there are graves for warriors and ordinary people. With the help of a pick, we open all the tombs, take all the keys, artifacts, objects that lie in the corpses. Then we go into the hall with the statue, she has a sacrificial dish in her hands, in one of the graves you could find a ritual knife, use it on the dish, and Am Shegar inflicts damage on herself to become a blood donor for this girl. All doors in the hall open, run and collect all the keys in them. Let's go back to the entrance and to the left of it we pass into the corridor leading to the locked door, one of the keys will open it, there are stone knights inside, one of them has a wrong sword, move it. Behind this door, a grate rises, and we can go down to the tier below.

A sign hangs near the entrance to the gloomy hall, it says "Do not wake the guardians." We will adhere to this advice, therefore, I propose, to the zombies that lie on the floor, sneak up and drive a stake into them. If they get up, you can easily kill them, but they will get up every time after death, only a stake in the heart while they are lying down will stop them. To go further, you need to lower two levers, but they are blocked. There is a stone pressure plate in front of the exit, something clicks when pressed. We take the brick that lies in the corner and throw it on the stove. Now we lower both levers and the door is open.
We search all the rooms, collect keys, solve puzzles. One note says " password 1-3-1", this is a sequence of pressing levers in one of the rooms. We also collect all the pebbles with drawings and move on. We go into a large hall. Then a mummy falls out of the window and attacks you. Unlike zombies, the mummy does not need to be finished off with a stake in the heart, she will die from normal blows.On the second floor of the hall, on the floor you can see drawings exactly the same as on those pebbles, remember their order: Month, month with a dot, star, stone with the letter "P", the sun and the circle. , on the second floor in one of the graves lies the last pebble.We pull the levers, press the objects on the buttons on the floor and open the bars.There is lava behind the bars, it doesn’t matter, just throw some object over it.There is a pressure plate behind the lava, it activates the platform , which will close the lava. We pass into a smaller hall and hear a voice. He introduces himself as Gladvir, the ghost of this place, the keeper of the Shield. He makes the first riddle, which is printed on a stone at the entrance. In the middle of the room on the floor are moving plates (I took a very long time I struggled with this task, so I'll try to explain it more clearly). Those drawings that we saw on the second floor must be placed on the slabs in the correct order. Rotate the plates so that EXTERNAL part of the slab indicated the pattern. So, from the entrance, the first left plate is "P", behind it is the sun, a circle, the far right plate is a month, a month with a dot and the last is a star. The main thing is that the drawings in the correct order are located outside the plate. The ghost reports the successful completion of the task and tells the following.
Columns with drawings rise from the ground at a distance from each slab, you need to put those blue pebbles on them, but so that the pattern on the pebble matches with INTERNAL side of the plate. After completing the second task, the grate rises, and in the room we can take the Shield of the Ancients. When we leave the hall with the mummy, a lich will attack us. It is quite difficult to kill him, he casts strong spells. You can fight him and collect loot, or you can just run past him and leave the location.

Mysteries of Ederney

We take the shield to Alya, she says that in fact she is the daughter of Lanshear. She allows us to take Kragoz, you will find him quickly, he is well guarded and the path to him consists of traps. Having taken Kragoz, we can go look for Zogark. Zogark is, as we already know, with the Ederney sisters. Well, their order is two tiers lower than the rebel camp. Getting to the sisters is not difficult, except for rats and rats at the entrance, but you can get through. From the entrance we go to the left. The sisters let us in, but the hero again must prove that he has the right to take the artifact, you need to complete a series of puzzles. After talking with the head of the order - Zelnashsh, they give us the key. From the entrance to their kingdom we go to the right, there is a door with a membrane, insert the key into the lock and press. We find ourselves in a hall with drapery on the walls. A lever is hidden under one of them, and behind the other is a door that it opens. Behind this door is a chest and the inscription "Weakness of the snake guarding treasures, where the sword meets the scepter. We go to another room and shoot with a fireball or arrows at the image of a snake, at that very point. The chest opens and we get a golden snake. In that in the same room there are 8 levers and not one does anything.All of them are false, to find the right lever, you need to cast the Detection spell (the missing runes can be bought from Maria).We pull the lever and go through the opened door.
In the next room, the riddle is more difficult, in the center there is a magic ball, if you look into it, it will point to the room in which you need to press the lever. The problem is that all the rooms are similar, and it’s impossible to just understand which lever you need to pull. Therefore, in each room we throw some thing under the lever, bottles, food, potions. The main thing is that under each lever there is a thing, and it is different from the rest. We go to the ball, click, it shows the lever, now that we have it marked, we go to it and pull. So you need to do 6 times, each time the ball will give out a different lever. The field of this under the pedestal will open a cage, and in it a snake. We leave the room and go into the opened grate. We have two paths: a long one and a short one. Both are optical illusions, only the long one leads to a dead end. We pass a short path and get into a room with a shadow. She attacks us, but she's pretty easy to kill. All we need is to go through the wall. You will find the door quickly. Next is another room with a riddle. When we go in one of the directions, she teleports us back. Here, after teleportation, we just need to go backwards and we will go out to the sign. Next is a long corridor, which again teleports us. To overcome it, you need to find a secret button, it is just above the plate. A secret passage will open. We will go out to the bowl into which you need to throw those two golden snakes. Zogark is formed at the bottom, and two snakes will attack us. We kill them and return to the meteor.

Siege of Arks

Now we can safely absorb it, Akbaa calls on us to join him and rule this world. But we take the rest of the koltka and return to the king.

On the way, it turns out that the Ilsids attacked Arx, and the king is in prison. To get into the castle, minimizing the risk, we will use the Ederney teleport, but not to the courtyard of the merchants in Arx, but to the castle itself (if you don’t know, there is another teleport on the second floor opposite your apartment). From there, we crawl along the right wall and pull the last lamp on the wall, it opens the secret passage to the prison cells. On the way you will meet 2 ilsid. When you get to the prison cell, in a cut-scene, another ilsid will attack you from behind, but he will be killed by another. We recognize Kultar in our savior! The same old man who was with us in prison at the very beginning. He tells his story, gives the armor and opens the hatch into the sewer.

Yserbius scolds his subordinates and liberates the city. We go to the king, provide him with a collar. Felnor says that now that the meteorite is destroyed, Akbaa can still penetrate our world, in order to prevent this we will have to kill Yserbius during the merge ritual. But not everything is so simple, he will be practically invulnerable, to kill him you will need the most powerful weapon. Felnor offers to find a book about this weapon, it is in the library of Ederei.

Dwarf kingdom

The first thing the book talks about is mithril, a durable and strong metal. To find it, we need to go down to the lowest tier, to the kingdom of the dwarves.

We use the teleport to the 6th tier, we go down to the 7th, into the mushroom forest. There are a lot of rats and rats here, the latter are not much more difficult to defeat. There will also be giant spiders and a huge worm. Both are easy to kill at your current level. After killing the worm, the path to the 8th tier is open. We get down and go out into the big hall. There are lava lakes and various abandoned equipment, there is also a teleport. We rise above and find ourselves in the kitchen, everywhere blood and destruction. At the exit of it, a large black creature crawls out of the wall. It is useless to fight with her, she kills with one blow. The only way is to run away. We run and look at the room with a cliff and lava below. We jump on the platforms, for a while she lagged behind us, now we find the corpse of a gnome, he has ribs, a power stone and a key in his inventory. We take everything, and this monster is waiting for us at the exit. While he is grinning, open the side door and run. Immediately we run straight into the big hall. There is a generator near the wall, find a hole and attach a power stone to it. The press in the middle of the room has risen, put the gnome's ribs right under it and immediately jump onto the stairs. The creature will be distracted by food, and we find a wall lever and quickly crush it. She is unconscious, we go into the room opposite the generator. There is a log that describes the events during the appearance of the creature. We take the key and pull the lever. We go back, but there is no creature. Now we go back where we came from, but turn left. The creature breaks the wall and heads towards you. Return to the hall and stand near the lever at the entrance, when she comes closer, pull the lever and the creature falls into the lava.

New queen of Arx

To increase the chances of winning, we need to collect another artifact - Poxelis Helm. You need to return to the crypt, and before reaching the mysteries of the ghost, turn right and go through the barrier, destroying it with the Destruction of Barriers spell. We'll go one level down. There will be a labyrinth with levers, you can go through it yourself. When you exit to the hall with the statue in the middle, and the levers will hang on the walls, then watch the hand of the statue, it indicates the sequence of pressing the levers. In one of the rooms you will meet the ghost of a girl, she will ask you to find her killer, the sign is one eye. Next will be the tombs with the great warriors of Arx, we collect figurines from the coffins. Then we put them on pedestals near the coffin of Pokselis. Inside the coffin we will find a helmet, now we can go home. But at the exit, two liches will be waiting for us. We kill them and leave.

We know that the killer of that girl is a one-eyed warrior, such as we saw in the tavern. We go there and talk to him. He balks and demands a beer. We give Tizzy money and she puts down the beer. Intoxicated, the killer loses the key to the house. We take it, and then we look for a house in the city to which it fits. The chest contains a diary that tells how Carlo asked him to kill the queen. We go to Carlo, show the diary, he confesses. We take the diary to Lanshear, and then the note that Carlo gave us. The king goes into reflection, and we are on the 4th tier. In the labyrinth we find a magical barrier, then Aliya appears and gives us a ring for Lanshear. A cutscene begins in which the King is reunited with his daughter, but then snake women arrive and remind of the agreement with Poxelis. Alia will be the new queen.

The last battle

We stay at the lake, now that the promise to the ghost is fulfilled, we return to that barrier and destroy it. Behind it is the fort of Yserbius. There are a lot of ilsid here, but with our equipment and enough healing potions, it will not be difficult to kill them. In one of the halls, there will be a sign of Arks on the floor. It has carved platforms. They need to put Akbaa stones on them, which we could collect in the temple with a meteorite. The door opens. Behind it, the fusion ritual takes place and Akbaa almost completed it. Iserbius becomes a container for Akbaa and his body undergoes... minor changes.

It's time for the last battle, it's much easier than it looks. This monster uses mainly lightning and pull spells. After the massacre of the monster, we see how the soul of Akbaa returns to Noden. From Noden comes a guest whom Am Shegar calls master. He takes the Guardian to Noden and talks about the fate of Exosta.

Congratulations, the game is over.

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