Astrakhan State Art Gallery. Astrakhan Art Gallery named after


Demonstrates works of famous Russian artists of the XVIII-XX centuries.

In 1918, Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin, a native of an Astrakhan merchant family, donated his collection to his native city, which included more than a hundred works of graphics and painting, a collection of autographs, a library, furniture and a small mansion on the Embankment of the river. Kutum. It was here that the famous Astrakhan gallery was opened, which today bears the name of its countryman.

Devoted to art, people contributed to the fact that this small private collection turned into a collection of many thousands. The funds of the Astrakhan Gallery were replenished with valuable exhibits from the State Museum Fund, the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, as well as items from private collections. Over the years, the artists themselves donated their works, including B.M. Kustodiev.

The exposition presents Russian icons of the 16th-19th centuries; portraits of the 18th century, reflecting the brilliant era of the Enlightenment. The collection of paintings of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is unique. The pride is the Russian avant-garde (V.V. Kandinsky, E.S. Malevich, A.M. Rodchenko, A.V. Lentulov, etc.). The gallery has a large collection of Western European engravings of the 17th-19th centuries. Russian painting is represented by the canvases of I.E. Repin, V.I. Surikova, I.I. Shishkina, I.I. Levitan. Artistic searches at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. embodied in the canvases of V.A. Serova, M.A. Vrubel, N.K. Roerich, in the works of artists who were part of the Jack of Diamonds and Blue Rose associations.

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

    Astrakhan State Art Gallery. P.M. Dogadin

The Astrakhan Art Gallery began with the enthusiasm of a private collector, whose name it now bears - Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin, it was he who set out in 1916 to bring his collection as a gift to the city. Today it is one of the best galleries in the Volga region, it is housed in the former estate of the merchant I.N. Plotnikov, built in 1905-1909 and is an architectural monument.


The art gallery was founded on December 15, 1918 by Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin, an engineer from a family of Astrakhan merchants. He collected art from the late 19th and early 20th century and donated his collection to the city after the revolution. The collection included more than 130 works of Russian painting and graphics, as well as autographs of historical figures, writers, musicians and a family library. In addition to the collection, Pavel Mikhailovich's own house was also transferred (now it is a house at the address: Krasnaya Embankment, 39).

The Cultural Education Department of the Astrakhan Provincial Executive Committee accepted works of art and set about creating a working art museum, which was opened on December 15 under the name “Art Gallery and Museum of the Council of Trade Unions of the Astrakhan Territory named after the founder P.M. Dogadin". Among the organizers of the museum, in addition to Dogadin, were Astrakhan artists Vlasov, Kotov, Tokarev, teacher Perov and others.

Simultaneously with the Dogadin collection, the gallery received two more private collections - the Austro-Hungarian vice-consul in Astrakhan, Otto von Wieblinger (porcelain, glass, painting, sculpture) and the Sapozhnikov family, wealthy Astrakhan fishermen.

From 1918, the gallery was located in Dogadin's house, but the house could no longer accommodate the growing collection, and in 1921 it was moved to a larger mansion, the former home of the merchant I.N. Plotnikova, where it is located in our time.

In 1993, the first branch of the gallery was opened - the House-Museum of the poet V. Khlebnikov, and in 2002 the second branch - the Art and Memorial Museum of the painter B.M. Kustodiev, which contains a collection of works of Russian and Soviet fine art.

Over the years of its existence, the museum changed its name - from 1922 to 1928 - the Astrakhan Art Gallery, from 1929 to 1948 - the Astrakhan State Art Gallery, from 1949 to 1957 - the Astrakhan Regional Art Gallery, and in 1958, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, it was named after B.M. Kustodiev, who had nothing to do with the collection of the museum itself. And only in 2008 it was decided to return the name of P.M. to the gallery. Dogadin.


In the gallery you can get acquainted with a collection of paintings and graphics by representatives of Russian art from the Old Russian period (icons of the 16th century) to the present day, as well as works of foreign art. The expositions are located in 23 halls of the merchant's mansion on a total area of ​​1200 sq. meters and are divided into three components: Russian art, contemporary art and foreign art. The collection of the gallery is more than 19 thousand items.

The Department of Russian Art has a small but interesting collection of ancient Russian art, which includes icons of the 16th-19th centuries (the doors of the entrance gates of the Astrakhan Assumption Cathedral are also kept here, which are an example of Russian applied art of the late 17th - early 18th centuries). The department presents works by outstanding portrait painters F. Rokotov, D. Levitsky, V. Borovikovsky, paintings by A. Venetsianov, I. Levitan, A. Savrasov, I. Repin, M. Nesterov, K. Korovin, B.M. Kustodiev (22 paintings and more than 100 graphic sheets), I. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov, P. Vlasov and others. The exposition also includes works by Russian sculptors of the late 18th and early 20th centuries: F. I. Shubin, F. F. Shchedrin, M. I. Kozlovsky, I. P. Vitali, V. I. Demut-Malinovsky and others.

The department of contemporary art (until the 1990s the department of Soviet art) was formed by 1939. It includes works of art made since the 1910s. The collection is diverse in genre and thematic terms and includes two stages: the art of the Soviet period and the modern period. The collection includes works by artists of the "Russian avant-garde", works by artists who were part of the creative associations of the early 20th century "Jack of Diamonds" and "Blue Rose". A separate place in the collection is occupied by the works of Astrakhan masters.

The existing expositions of the department of foreign art were formed in 2009, they are located in 4 halls of the two-story building of the former service wing of the Plotnikov estate. Here are the works of painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts since the 17th century. The collection of paintings was mainly formed by the 1980s, its first exhibits (works by French artists of the second half of the 19th century) were donated by the founder of the art gallery, Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin. The collection contains works of European art by German, Austrian, Italian masters of the 17th-19th centuries, which belonged to the Sapozhnikov family of fish merchants and Otto Yakovlevich Wieblinger, a freelance representative of the Austrian trade mission in Astrakhan. The exposition of Western European arts and crafts also includes items from the 18th and 19th centuries, transferred in 1929 from the State Museum Fund. The department also houses the Engraving Cabinet (opened in 2009). The study is dedicated to Ivan Akimovich Repin (1841-1908), a bibliophile, collector and patron of the arts, who donated his library to Astrakhan in 1926. The donated collection included about 10 thousand engravings of the main Western European schools of the 16th-19th centuries. Including the monumental opus of the "Luxembourg Gallery", engraved after the painting of P. P. Rubens (1577-1640), the famous "Windsor" portraits of Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543), works executed in the technique of colored dotted lines by Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815 ), works by famous Italian artists and engravers Federico Barocci (1535-1612) and Giovanni Piranesi (1707-1778), a grotesque sheet by Petrus van der Heyden (1530-1576) based on a drawing by P. Brueghel the Elder "Kitchen of the obese", prints of early German lithographers and other works.

The Astrakhan State Art Gallery bears the name of an outstanding Astrakhan - Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin (1876-1919). Coming from a merchant family, a mechanical engineer who was educated in Moscow, Pavel Mikhailovich in 1918 donated to his native city his unique collection, which included more than 100 works of graphics and painting, a collection of autographs, a library, furniture, and a small mansion on the Embankment R. Kutum, No. 39, where his collection was originally located.

The gallery is located in the building of the former estate of I.N. Plotnikov, which is one of the most beautiful city buildings, with a very difficult fate.

A luxurious three-story mansion was built on Birzhevaya Street (today Sverdlov Street) in 1906-1908 by Ivan Nikolaevich Plotnikov, who came from a respected merchant family. His father, a merchant-fisherman, an honorary citizen of the city, Nikolai Ivanovich Plotnikov, became famous for the construction of the Winter Theater in Astrakhan (today the Drama Theater).

Ivan Nikolaevich Plotnikov was a highly educated person, he graduated from St. Petersburg Technical University with a degree in process engineering. From 1893 to 1905 he served as mayor. He was the chairman of the commission for monitoring the construction of the church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir.

Since 1918, the sanitary department, which was in charge of all infirmaries, was located in the non-residential premises of the house for some time. And in 1925, the Plotnikovs' mansion was completely nationalized.

There is no reliable information about the future fate of the once richest Astrakhan family. However, in Astrakhan you can hear a parable that after the mansion was taken away from the Plotnikovs, they lived in it for some time in the attic, earning a living by doing auxiliary work in the art gallery, and after the execution of Ivan Nikolaevich by the Bolsheviks, they left from Astrakhan.

From 1941 to 1944 The collection was in conservation. In the building of the art gallery, first the evacuation hospital of the defense committee was deployed, then the NKVD hospital for prisoners of war. Only by the end of 1943 did the museum once again take over the rights of the owner of the carpenter's mansion.

For decades, the collection of the gallery has been replenished with valuable exhibits from the State Museum Fund, the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, as well as items from private collections. , merchant-philanthropist Ivan Akimovich Repin (1841-1908), collector Alexander Alexandrovich Perov, artist and teacher Evdokia Irodionovna Neshmonina (1871-1961), the Vinogradov family, the Kustodiev family, artist May Petrovich Miturich-Khlebnikov (1925-2008), etc.

The artists themselves donated their works to the gallery, including famous Astrakhan residents - Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927), whose house-museum is located nearby, and Ivan Silovich Goryushkin-Sorokopudov (1873-1954).

Today, the museum funds store more than 19 thousand art objects. Among them are a collection of icons of the 17th-19th centuries, paintings by Fedor Stepanovich Rokotov (1735-1808), Karl Pavlovich Bryullov (1799-1852), Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov (1780-1847), Vasily Andreevich Tropinin (1776-1857), Vasily Grigorievich Perov (1834-1882), Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov (1830-1897), Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898), Vasily Petrovich Vereshchagin (1835-1909), Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (1841 or 1842-1910), Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844 -1927) and many other masters.

The turn of the XIX-XX centuries. represent the works of Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900), Valentin Alexandrovich Serov (1865-1911), Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel (1856-1910), Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov (1862-1942), Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (1874-1947) and others.

The pride of the collection is the collection of Russian avant-garde, represented by the works of Vasily Vasilyevich Kandinsky (1866-1944), Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1879-1935), Aristarkh Vasilyevich Lentulov (1882-1943), Robert Rafailovich Falk (1886-1958), Mark Zakharovich Chagall (1887 -1985), etc.

The exposition of the Department of Foreign Art presents collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures and decorative and applied arts from the countries of Western Europe, Asia and the East of the 18th-early 21st centuries. An innovative exhibition hall "Engraving Cabinet" with a working model of an engraving machine of the 17th century was opened in the department.

Two years after the opening of the gallery, the name Dogadin leaves its name: 1922-1928 - Astrakhan Art Gallery, 1929-1948 - Astrakhan State Art Gallery, 1949-1957 - Astrakhan Regional Art Gallery. From 1958 to 2006 the gallery was named after the Astrakhan artist B.M. Kustodiev, whose monument, made by the Soviet sculptor Boris Evseevich Kaplyansky (1903-1985), still stands in the courtyard of the gallery to this day. In 2006, Dogadin's name was rightly returned to the historical name of the gallery.

The museum was opened on December 15, 1918 as the Art Gallery and Museum of the Council of Trade Unions of the Astrakhan Territory named after the founder P. M. Dogadin.Pavel Mikhailovich Dogadin (1876–1919) came from a merchant family, a mechanical engineer who was educated in Moscow. In 1918, he donated his collection to his native city, which included more than 100 works of graphics and painting, a collection of autographs, a library, furniture and a small mansion on the embankment of the Kutum River, where the gallery was originally located.

Since 1921, the gallery has been located in one of the most beautiful city buildings, built at the beginning of the 20th century. and which is an architectural monument (“I. N. Plotnikov’s Manor” - a mansion with an outbuilding and a courtyard) on the street. Sverdlov (former Birzhevaya). Two years after the opening of the art museum, the name of P. M. Dogadin leaves its name: 1922-1928 - Astrakhan Art Gallery, 1929-1948 - Astrakhan State Art Gallery, 1949-1957 - Astrakhan Regional Art Gallery. In 1958 the gallery was named after B. M. Kustodiev. In 2002, a branch of the AGKG was opened - the House-Museum of B. M. Kustodiev, which made it possible to more fully reveal the life and work of the famous compatriot artist. In 2006, the Astrakhan State Art Gallery was given back the name of its founder. The modern official name of the museum: the state budget institution of culture of the Astrakhan region "Astrakhan State Art Gallery named after P. M. Dogadin".

During the existence of the gallery, its funds were replenished with valuable exhibits from the State Museum Fund, the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, from the former Imperial Rumyantsev Museum, the famous Tsvetkovskaya Gallery, as well as items from private collections: Astrakhan merchants Sapozhnikovs, non-staff vice-consul of the Austro-Hungarian trade mission in Astrakhan O. Ya. Wiblinger, merchant-philanthropist I. A. Repin, collector A. A. Perov, artist and teacher E. I. Neshmonina, Vinogradov family, Kustodiev family, artist M. P. Miturich-Khlebnikov, philologist and gallery owner N. M. Kraevskoy and others. Over the years, the gallery was presented with their works by the artists themselves, including the famous Astrakhan residents - B. M. Kustodiev and I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov. All these receipts made the collection of the museum truly unique. In 1939 a department of Soviet art was formed. From 1941 to 1944 the museum's collection was in conservation, but already in early 1944 the museum again opened its halls to visitors.

Today, the funds of the Astrakhan Picture Gallery include more than 19,000 objects of painting, drawing, sculpture, decorative and applied art. The exposition presents Russian icons of the 16th–19th centuries, portraits of the 18th century, painted by F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky, V. L. Borovikovsky and reflecting the brilliant era of the Enlightenment. The collection of the Department of Foreign Art includes paintings by J. B. Piazzetta, J. Planck, F. Tomasu, a large number of graphic works of famous Western European schools of the 17th–19th centuries, including the engraving workshops of P. P. Rubens, J. B. Piranesi.

The gallery has a scientific library, publishing projects are being implemented, the Lira art studio operates, Dogadinka readings (scientific and practical conference for high school students and students) are held annually, the official newspaper of the museum Dogadinka is published.

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