Audiobooks children's fantasy. Children's literature listen online


The section contains 234 audiobooks

The seventh book of JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is the final book in the series. Harry Potter will face Voldemort one on one in a final showdown, and as the prophecy says, only one of them will be able to survive. The inseparable trio of friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are not going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year, they have a more important mission: to...

If you have a desire to be transported to the world of magical and adventurous fairy tales that unfold their wonders in the exotic surroundings of the East, then we recommend that you listen to the online collection of Arabic fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights". This is one of the most famous monuments of medieval oriental literature, and many researchers believe that the primary source of fairy tales is very ancient and dates back to the 10th century. Part with...

The first novel in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, opens the door to the world of wizardry. J.K. Rowling managed to write a book that was able to tear children away from the TV and again captivate them with reading. Harry Potter is 11 years old, he lives in the family of his uncle and aunt, he has a cousin. But his life in this family is far from sweet. He even sleeps not in a normal room, but in a h...

Arkady Gaidar's book "Timur and his team" is rightfully considered one of the best children's books of the Soviet era. The ideals of friendship, honor, justice and selfless friendship that are sung in this book exist outside of time and kindle the hearts of the younger generation now, just as they did 70 years ago. In the center of the plot of the story is the boy Timur, who lives in a summer cottage in the summer. He organized...

In the sixth novel of the English writer JK Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", clouds are gathering over the world of wizards. Voldemort is getting stronger, the Death Eaters are becoming more active, new members are joining them, and the old ones are coming out of the shadows. Despite these extraordinary circumstances, the Ministry of Magic is unable to oppose He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named: by...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​the fifth book by J.K. Rowling and follows Harry Potter's fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After the events of the previous book, the attitude towards Harry in the magical world changes dramatically: first they want to expel him from Hogwarts, then in the newspapers they call him a deceiver and throw mud at him, and the new Defense Against the Dark Forces teacher is like us...

We invite you and your children to go on an adventure down the rabbit hole, because now on our website you can listen to the inimitable fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" online. This book was written by Oxford professor Charles Dodgson (he taught mathematics and published the book under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll) and, according to some researchers, he dedicated it to a girl he knew...

The beloved English writer JK Rowling presents the fourth book about Harry Potter - "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", and we give you the opportunity to listen to this audiobook online. The school year hasn't started yet, and Harry Potter's life is already a grand event - the final of the Quidditch World Championship! He goes to it with all his friends and enjoys an amazing game, but...

The audiobook "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by the famous English writer JK Rowling is the third in a series of super-popular books about the young wizard Harry Potter. Despite the fact that Harry belongs to the magical world, he is forced to spend the summer holidays away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with his uncle and aunt Dursley. Their relationship has always been tense, but this summer...

At what age should you stop reading children's books? None, anyone who has ever opened a J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. This story really was born from a fairy tale that Tolkien, professor of English at Oxford University, told his children, and the ten-year-old son of the publisher became the first reviewer of its printed version. However, incredible...

The second book in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, is about her second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But before going back to school, Harry had to spend an unbearable summer vacation with the Dursleys, who were determined not to let him go back to the world of wizards. But faithful friend Ron Weasley and his older brothers Fred and George help...

Dunno is one of the most beloved characters in children's literature. He first saw the light in the works of the Russian writer Anna Khvolson at the very beginning of the 20th century, but became really popular thanks to the trilogy of Nikolai Nosov. In it, we get to know the babies and toddlers who inhabit the Flower City, about their lifestyle and everyday worries. All shorties have very interesting and telling names, but...

Dunno is one of the most beloved characters in children's literature. He first saw the light in the works of the Russian writer Anna Khvolson at the very beginning of the 20th century, but became really popular thanks to the trilogy of Nikolai Nosov. In it, we get to know the babies and toddlers who inhabit the Flower City, about their lifestyle and everyday worries. All shorties have very interesting and telling names, but...

In our library, the section of children's literature has been updated - now you can listen online to Alexander Volkov's wonderful fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". This magical story began as a translation of the fairy tale by the American writer Frank Baum about the magical land of Oz, but soon acquired significant differences that allow us to speak of The Wizard of the Emerald City as an independent ...

Lucy, Susan, Peter and Edmund are ordinary children who were evacuated out of town from the bombing of London during World War II. These brothers and sisters are no different from thousands of the same guys who fled the bombs away from the capital. But one event completely changed their lives - a game of hide and seek in an antique wardrobe. Once hiding there, they ended up in the magical land of Narnia, which...

"Deniska's Stories" - one of the most beloved children's books of several generations of readers is now available to modern children in a modern format. The protagonist of the stories is the boy Deniska, his prototype is the own son of Viktor Dragunsky, the author of the book. Denis lives in Moscow with his mom and dad, goes to elementary school and has many friends. A cheerful and inquisitive boy often gets into trouble...

The popularity of the series of books about the young wizard Harry Potter caused the emergence of imitations around the world. Perhaps the most successful was the cycle about Tanya Grotter, an ordinary Russian girl who turns out to be a sorceress. The success of the books by Dmitry Yemets, author Tanya Grotter, is due precisely to the ability to adapt the plot of English novels to domestic realities. In addition, direct allusions between the two magical worlds...

Good children's literature will always be of interest to adults, because such books often contain simple but very real truths that are useful to remember. \"Waffle Heart\" is one of those books. Children will listen to it with rapture online, and adults will read it with a happy smile. The author of this work is a young Norwegian writer Maria Parr. She debuted this book in...

The Little Prince is the most famous novel by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It attracts both very young and grown-up readers all over the world, because indeed "all adults were children at first, only few of them remember it." "The Little Prince" tells the story of a small, defenseless man who grew up on a small planet, where besides him there were only...

  • about Narnia and the Harry Potter novels. The heroes of these fairy tales not only find themselves in a variety of dangerous and interesting situations, but also tell young readers about the power of friendship, courage and the struggle for the truth. In addition, they are written in beautiful and pure language, which instills in children a taste for good literature.

    On the other hand, many children's audio books are quite realistic, and they tell mostly about the usual life of boys and girls. From the classic books "Childhood" by Maxim Gorky and Leo Tolstoy, our listeners will be able to learn about how their peers lived almost two centuries ago, about the difficulties of growing up that they had to face. Modern audiobooks for children are also in our library. Thanks to them, children and teenagers will be able to find answers to their questions about friendship and love, about the mysterious process of growing up, about the relationship between older and younger.

    However, it is worth noting that best children's books differ in that it is interesting to listen to them online not only for children, but also for their parents. The authors of children's literature manage to put so much love and wisdom into their works that one wants to return to this warmth again and again, as to a native hearth. The best example would be The Little Prince. With each new reading, she reveals herself to the reader from a new side, supports in difficult times and becomes a faithful companion for life.

    Listen to children's literature online we recommend that our readers, together with their children, discuss what they heard with them, experience all the adventures together, rejoice and be afraid for the main characters. This will help you, adults, to become closer to your children, and it will help young readers to better understand literature and love reading. And together it will give many hours of wonderful time and great memories.

06/01/2019 Admin

“The Fourteenth Goldfish” is an audiobook based on a fairy tale by American writer Jennifer L. Holm.
Nothing surprising ever happened in the life of eleven-year-old Ellie. But one day a fourteen-year-old boy with long hair showed up at her house. He was surprisingly similar to her ... grandfather!
A great explorer, Ellie's grandfather has always been obsessed with the idea of ​​eternal youth. His latest invention is the elixir of immortality. Having tried the elixir on himself, grandfather suddenly became younger and turned into a boy. Now he needs to patent his discovery. But everything is not so simple, because grandfather is currently a teenager and no one believes in his invention. Ellie and her faithful friends come to the aid of the scientist.
The audiobook by Jennifer L. Holm “The Fourteenth Goldfish” was voiced by Marina Lisovets. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

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08/30/2019 Admin

"Crystal Key" - an audiobook based on the story of Tamara Kryukova.
Petka and Dasha, the heroes of Tamara Kryukova's fairy tale, having come to their grandmother's village for the summer, learn that the Witch's Swamp was a healing lake in the old days. The brother and sister dream of ridding the enchanted spring of spells, but for this they need to make a journey full of dangers through the Valley of Mirages and the Kingdom of Shadows, where they meet various mythological characters...
Tamara Kryukova's audiobook "Crystal Key" was voiced by Natalia Istarova. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

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08/30/2019 Admin

"Black Carrying Bag" - an audiobook based on the story of the famous science fiction writer Kir Bulychev.
Aliens steal inventions, new ideas and strong feelings from earthlings above a certain level of intensity. To do this, they use a special device - the store of feelings, which looks like a black briefcase.
The audiobook by Kira Bulychev “The Black Sackbag” was voiced by Sergey Aniskin. Happy listening everyone!

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03/12/2017 Admin

“Gymnasium No. 13” is an audiobook based on the fairy tale novel by Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak.
The events described in the novel took place in an ordinary Minsk gymnasium, in the courtyard of which an oak tree grew, which was also unremarkable in appearance. The tree interfered with everyone, and the administration decided to cut it down. But Volkov Antokha and his friend Sevka had a different plan - to blow up the oak. And they did what they set out to do. That's just thereby violated the balance between good and evil, opening the entrance to all evil spirits in our world. Want to know what happened next? Listen!
The audiobook by Andrei Zhvalevsky and Evgenia Pasternak “Gymnasium No. 13” was wonderfully voiced by Natalia Istarova. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

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10/16/2018 Admin

“Mammoth Fuf” is an audiobook based on the fairy tale story by Vladimir Mitypov, written in 1970.
“Mammoth Fuf” is a fairy tale story about the adventures of a girl and a mammoth. Their friendship and loyalty to each other help to overcome the most incredible difficulties and defeat enemies.
The audiobook by Vladimir Mitypov “Mammoth Fuf” was beautifully voiced by theater and film actor Artyom Karapetyan. Happy listening everyone!

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12/14/2016 Admin

“School of Wizardry and Other Stories. Part 3” is an audiobook based on the fairy tales of the German writer Michael Ende.
The third part of the collection "The School of Magic and Other Stories" by Michael Ende includes fairy tales: "Helen's Secret", "The Tale of the Fulfillment of Desires", "Norbert Nakendik, or the Tale of the Naked Rhino", You Can't Break Your Language”, “Teddy Bear, or a Difficult Question”.
Audiobook Michael Ende “School of magic and other stories. Part 3” was wonderfully voiced by Sergey Zamorev. Enjoy listening to children and adults!

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12/14/2016 Admin

“School of Wizardry and Other Stories. Part 2” is an audiobook based on the fairy tales of the German writer Michael Ende (1929-1995).
The second part of the collection “The School of Magic and Other Stories” by Michael Ende includes fairy tales: “The Story of the Bowl and Spoon”, “The Long Road to Santa Cruz”, “Ophelia and the Shadow Theater”.
Audiobook Michael Ende “School of magic and other stories. Part 2” was wonderfully voiced by Sergey Zamorev. Happy listening everyone!

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12/14/2016 Admin

“School of Wizardry and Other Stories” is an audiobook based on fairy tales by the German writer Michael Ende.
The audiobook "School of Wizardry and Other Stories" includes a variety of stories in which magic coexists with worldly wisdom, and good humor coexists with sadness and subtle observations of human nature. The most demanding listener, be it a child or an adult, will find in the fairy tales of Michael Ende something that will help him take a fresh look at the world around him and at himself.
Michael Ende's audiobook "School of Magic and Other Stories" was wonderfully voiced by Sergey Zamorev. Happy listening!

1. Tamara Kryukova. Crystal key.
Tamara Shamilyevna Kryukova (born October 14, 1953) is a Russian author of books for children and youth, laureate of international awards, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Works in different genres and for readers of different ages. Her works have been translated into the languages ​​of neighboring countries, Central and Eastern Europe. Who grew up in the countryside or at least spent summer holidays there, knows what a wonderful time it is - summer outside the city! Brother and sister Petka and Dasha, the main characters of the adventure story "Crystal Key", came after school to their grandmother in the village. And they learned from her story that the swamp near the house was in the old days a healing lake of crystal clearness. And they called him the Witch because of the sorceress, who - in order to preserve her youth and beauty - caused a lot of harm to small children. The witch was imprisoned in the lake, and it turned into a swamp ... Do you think the fairy tale is a lie? The mystical legend is filled with real meaning: the witch comes to life, and the brother and sister find themselves...

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