Aura is dark blue. How to see the aura - aura color meaning and location


People have long been accustomed to the fact that there are things in the world that cannot be touched, that cannot be seen, but which are invisibly present around, interacting with a person in one way or another. No one doubts the existence of radio waves, electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field, although we cannot see or touch them.

The presence of an aura in a person has not been proven by science, it is possible only because modern science does not have the necessary tools and instruments to detect a person's aura. But it's only a matter of time. People who have the ability to sense not only the physical world can see the human aura without the use of special devices.

The aura or biofield of a person consists of several layers. In Hinduism, seven main layers are called, including astral, mental, emotional. Each layer of the aura has its own color. The base color of the aura is determined at birth and remains constant throughout life. The colors of the emotional, mental levels change depending on the mood, thoughts of a person.

The aura can tell a lot about a person, about his essence, the deep characteristics of his personality, hidden at the physical level. Therefore, many are wondering: how to see a person's aura?

Of course, not everyone can do this, but it's worth a try. To do this, you need to sit in front of a mirror, behind your back there should be a white wall or any other white background, the lighting is dim. Look deep into the mirror, through it. Vision should be unfocused, diffused and relaxed, any tension, an attempt to focus the gaze, and the aura will not be visible. If you did everything correctly, after a while with peripheral vision you will see a soft glow around the outlines of the body. There are people who are able to see the aura without special techniques, without much effort.

If you failed to see the aura on your own, and there are no “seeing” people in your environment, what color of the aura can be determined using numerology. To determine the color of the aura by date of birth, you need to add up all the numbers of the date in a well-known way. For example, July 25, 1973. We add the numbers: 2+5+0+7+1+9+7+3 = 34 = 3+4 = 7. If it turned out 11, 22 or 33, they are not added. Each resulting number corresponds to a specific color.

The meaning of the colors of the aura.

Red, number 1- the color of a born leader. People whose aura is dominated by red are active, active, assertive and purposeful. They take an active life position, achieve their goals, always defend their point of view. Prone to violent manifestation of emotions, quick-tempered and passionate. If the color is pure and pleasant, a person can become a wise, just leader. Dirty, dull color - a person is selfish, narcissistic, envious, prone to fits of anger.

Aura yellow, number 2- people with a yellow aura are no less energetic. Their energy is manifested in the generation of new ideas, projects, plans. These people are creative, smart, optimistic. They sincerely believe that life is pure pleasure and, indeed, get satisfaction from it.

Number 3, orange color- a mixture of red and yellow, and people with an orange aura took a little of both. Orange is the color of vitality. These people stand firmly on their feet, they are practical, purposeful, they achieve a lot at the expense of their own intellect. They love strong emotions, especially when it comes to love. With enviable energy they achieve their goal, obstacles only push them to new horizons.

Aura green, number 4- people with this color of the aura are responsive, show sympathy, often have the gift of healers. A light shade of the aura may indicate that a person is in development, growing spiritually. They rarely fail, but they are constantly afraid to make a mistake, to harm someone. The dirty green color of the aura indicates a tendency to envy, betrayal, or a person is depressed.

Blue color of the aura, number 5- the color of creative, extraordinary people. They constantly strive for excellence, passionate about their work. The color of openness, gullibility, sometimes speaks of self-doubt. They love new experiences, changing places, traveling. They need love and understanding.

Aura blue, number 6- Self-confident people tend to show empathy and care for others. Sometimes he speaks of detachment, spirituality, contemplation. Light shade - a person strives for the highest ideal, looking for his spiritual path. Darker shades - a self-confident person who has realized his destiny and follows the intended path.

Violet color of the aura, number 7- people are spiritual, intellectual, strive to learn new things, especially with regard to the area of ​​the unknown, the supernatural. They have a highly developed emotional sensitivity, sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. These people belong to those who want to know the highest spiritual values, to get to the bottom of the meaning of life.

Color pink, number 8- people are gentle, soft, caring. But at the same time they have a clear life position and are able to defend their point of view. Capable of strong unconditional love. They set themselves specific goals and achieve them, strive for material well-being.

Bronze color, number 9- carriers of this color strive for emotional independence, but at the same time they are always ready to help others, no matter what it takes. These people think positively, and almost always feel happy, regardless of life circumstances.

Silver, number 11- the color of dreamers and dreamers. Such people have a well-developed imagination, creativity and intuition, up to clairvoyance. They hover a little in the clouds, tend to trust people and notice only the good in them. They themselves try to live up to their ideals - honesty, nobility, spirituality.

Golden, number 22- such an aura often happens with sages. These people set themselves very high goals and slowly but persistently move towards them. They are ready to sacrifice a lot in the name of their goal, but the very process of achieving the result makes them happy.

White color of the aura, number 33- white color - a mixture of all colors, therefore it is present in every aura. Pure white color symbolizes self-denial, high spirituality, enlightenment, altruism. These people are pure in soul and ready to serve others, for the sake of a higher goal.

The structure of each unit of the universe is multidimensional and consists of several planes. The center in this structure is consciousness, which is the reason for maintaining its integrity. The body shell is the material manifestation of consciousness. But in a single structure with a dense and tangible, an energy-informational plan coexists, which mystics and esotericists call an aura.

The human aura is essentially a code on which data about all layers of his psyche are written: emotional background, mental images, character, habits, memory of the bodily and subtle spheres ... Only in this incarnation code, instead of zeros and ones, human perception highlights colors and shades of radiation.

Each shade is a light vibration a certain level, carrying the corresponding qualities. Subtle and high frequencies carry the charge of cosmic levels of reality. In the aural glow, the presence of cold tones: blue, dark blue, violet informs about spiritual development, ideological and intellectual insight.

Rough and low-energy waves gravitate more to dense worlds. Warm gamma - yellow, orange, red correspond to the material world of visible forms. It is the hot shades of the palette that will prevail in the biofield of the mundane and materialistic.

Aura colors

The general structure of the human biofield consists of seven energy levels, each of which corresponds to one of the colors of the radiation spectrum.

  • the physical body is red;
  • ethereal - primordial energy - orange;
  • astral - emotions - yellow;
  • mental - intelligence - green;
  • causal - karmic memory - blue;
  • budhic - the intellect of the soul - blue;
  • atmanic - cosmic plane - violet;

It should be noted that such a system of color interpretation is only one of the existing alternatives, due to the subjectivity of the perception of human consciousness. There is also a well-grounded vision according to which the ethereal layer, being the resultant one, manifests itself in the form of a white glow. In this system, orange will be associated with the astral body, scarlet with the material body, and yellow with the vibrations of will and vitality.

What does an aura look like

The layers of the soul are not static, because in the human psyche there are constant changes in the mental content and emotional and sensory background. Therefore, the aura is rather a multidimensional crystal, which is in constant motion and change, rather than a motionless pattern. However, depending on the temperament, life circumstances, emotional background and the evolution of consciousness, one or another gamut prevails in the aura of each being.

Meaning of Aura Colors:

Red: energy, passion, ardor, power, desire for leadership, emotionality, the spirit of victory, stamina and resistance, immunity, assertiveness, militancy, sexuality;

burgundy: aggression, jealousy, anger, emotional instability, rage, irascibility, uncompromisingness;

Pink: tenderness, unconditional love, romantic mood, inspiration, inspiration, infantilism, gullibility, naivety;

Orange: optimism, love of life, enthusiasm, vitality, confidence, courage, sex appeal, creativity, enthusiasm, fun, optimistic mood;

Yellow: generosity, cordiality, warmth, will, striving for success, cheerfulness, health, friendliness, abundance and prosperity, thirst for knowledge, openness, curiosity, friendliness;

Mustard: envy, acrimony, pride, stagnant processes;

Golden: wisdom, healing effect, ideology, bright individuality, creative charge, splendor, royalty, wealth, beauty;

Silver: purity, dreaminess, isolation from reality, the gift of healing and enlightenment, intuition, rich fantasy, imagination, connection with the subconscious;

Green: harmony, calmness, peacefulness, stability, balance, rational approach, sociability;

Khaki or dirty green: boredom and melancholy, envy, cunning, deceit, lack of emotion, apathy, despondency;

Turquoise: kindness and sociability, the gift of a teacher and leader, speaker skills;

Blue: purity and sublimity, spirituality, faith, sincerity;

Blue: intellectuality, self-absorption, the gift of clairvoyance, concentration and concentration, calmness, coldness, detachment;

Violet: high ideals, spiritual aspirations, integrity, perfection, closeness to the divine;

Purple: religiosity, suggestibility, deep devotion, arrogance, a sense of superiority, ostentatious piety;

White: primordial energy, purity of views, faith, closeness to truth, absolute harmony and unity;

Dark: fear, pain, envy, hatred, resentment, guilt, destruction program.

Soul realms

In most cases, the main color of the aura reveals sufficient information about a person. Although, it happens - in general, a spiritual person, at the moment of emotional excitement, is able to actively produce hot shades, which will be perceived by the clairvoyant as the predominant tone of the fine structure.

On the other hand, there are also negative aspects of each color vibration. For example, blue in a negative manifestation reduces tone, suppresses emotions, lulls, plunges into despondency and melancholy. Therefore, its presence in abundance in a person's aura can reflect not so much the height of thoughts as sadness and detachment.

It follows from the above that the picture of the energy field at this particular moment may be far from being objective. And reading information about the fine structure of the living essence is only half the task for clairvoyants and bioenergetics. The other half is the correct interpretation of the received data.

To this end, for deeper information, practitioners turn to different levels of the energy cocoon, getting a separate picture for each layer: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And completely different color radiations will be considered normal for each of these spheres. At the same time, the vision of the aura will become more detailed: in addition to the main color that characterizes the state at the moment, other vibrations will appear before the inner eye, revealing the essence of each individual dimension of the incarnation.

material realm

The presence of red shades of the spectrum in the human energy halo indicates the health and energy fullness of the body shell. In a healthy body, fiery tones are localized in the region of the lower energy center - the root chakra of Muladhara. And the purer the color, the better shape the body is in.

The absence of red in the emitted spectrum of this level or the fading of tones indicates a lack of action energy, isolation from the earthly world, inability to adapt to the environment and circumstances. Cold blue in the glow of the physical plane indicates energy blocks that literally freeze the active forces of the body.

astral sphere

In the bioenergetic system of the organism, the astral world corresponds with the center of the solar plexus, where, according to the seers, the channel of vital force is located. Therefore, the localization of yellow and orange radiation in this area is considered the norm in the human biofield.

Brown admixtures indicate laziness and passivity, as well as greed and impurity of motives. Another possible cause of such inclusions may be disharmonious work of the liver and kidneys.

mental sphere

The radiation of the mental layer of consciousness is colored in shades of blue. Pale tones speak of the instability of views, of uncertainty and confusion. A rich and even sapphire color is usually found in individuals with extraordinary intellectual abilities, prone to abstract thinking and a philosophical mindset. Dark blue or indigo is radiated by people with the gift of subtle vision, carrying a great mission into the world.

The presence of crimson colors at the level of higher dimensions of the human biofield may indicate inflammatory processes. The low-frequency spectrum in the head area indicates emotional immaturity, a revolutionary attitude, a destructive way of thinking.

spiritual realm

The higher layers of the biological system emit a glow from blue to violet. A pure heavenly tone is found in people in a state of goodness and acceptance. Such people are not necessarily religious, but harmony and peace reign in their souls. Such radiation of the fine structure indicates inner freedom, nobility, sincere faith and purity of thoughts.

More saturated backgrounds - sapphire and violet radiate those who go along the mystical path of searching for deep truths. These are people of high ideals: esotericists, magicians, keepers of metaphysical knowledge and spiritual teachers.

Lilac color, that is, purple with a high fiery content, indicates that you have a mystic with an overestimated sense of self-importance. Such vibrations are radiated by vain, proud, ambitious and arrogant people. Dirty tones speak of a depressed state and possible depression.

Human aura: structure and colors

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Each person, like a cloud, is enveloped in a multi-colored energy field, we call it an aura. Many consider the aura to be a manifestation of the human soul. This theory explains why the auras of different people differ in color. If auras were only manifestations of our life energy, they would be exactly the same. But the soul of a person is deeply individual, and this is precisely what the multicoloredness of its shell shows. auras can not only describe the character, but also tell about the state of his health. So what do the colors of the aura mean?

Materialists are surrounded by a red aura. Subtle, spiritual relationships are not available to these energetic, ambitious and sexy people. They perceive the world that surrounds them only with the help of five senses. What they cannot touch, taste or smell does not exist for Reds. People with a red aura are not able to plunge into the world of dreams. They love life and know how to enjoy it.

Modest intellectuals with a good sense of humor have a smiling aura, they joyfully perceive the reality around them and often become the soul of the company. Due to their innate rationality and responsibility, Yellows often become scientists and are able to create an intellectual masterpiece.

The green aura belongs to calm, harmonious and versatile personalities. This color is a sign of philanthropy and kindness. Greens are prone to harmony and creation, they have a strong will and are prone to risk. Having lost, the Greens will never admit their guilt. They not only have a sentimental and friendly character, but are also very hardworking. The talent of a healer, combined with the ability to quickly analyze the most difficult situation and make the right decision, make Greens very good doctors.

The aura marks people who are wise, artistic, soft and not alien to inspiration. Calm, loyal, and self-assured, Blues often display telepathic and clairvoyant abilities. Love and family are the most important concepts for people with this aura color. Those in need of love and support will always find them in people with a blue aura. These qualities help Blues become good teachers, nannies, psychologists, and clergymen.

One of the rarest types of aura is crystal. People with such an aura are pure and harmonious. They are very careful about their environment. Crystals are able to capture the emotional waves of loved ones and perfectly adapt to them, while changing their color.

The meaning of the colors of the aura is not limited to this list. There are auras of mixed shades, which include certain properties of the four primary colors. For example, people with a purple aura have the properties of both red and blue.

Before clarifying auras, it is necessary to clarify what kind of color we are dealing with. How to determine the color of the aura? To learn this, you can conduct a simple experiment with paints. Take tubes of paints of three colors - red, yellow and blue. Calm down, put all disturbing thoughts out of your head and mix these colors randomly on a piece of paper. When looking at the result, you should feel warm and comfortable. Then blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth and take the tube of paint from which heat will emanate. Open your eyes, add the selected paint to the color spot and mix.

The color of the aura is also determined with the help of numerology. To do this, you need to find out the sum of the digits in the full date of birth of a person. The result is a number that corresponds to a certain color. So red corresponds to the number 1, yellow - 2, green - 4, and blue - 6. Now you know your color, and the meaning of the colors of the aura will help you to know yourself more deeply.

The aura of each person has its own color, which is called the color of a person's life and which changes depending on the characteristics of each life stage.

You can find out the color of your own aura by summing up all the numbers of the date of birth: day, month and year. If the date of birth is 12/25/1975, the sum of the digits will be calculated as follows: 2+5+1+2+1+9+7+5=32, 3+2=5 (5 corresponds to blue, which indicates the main color of the human aura ). Each color corresponds to a certain number. (If the result is 11 or 22, these numbers remain unchanged.)

  • Red color - number 1
  • Yellow color - 2
  • Orange - 3
  • Green - 4
  • Blue - 5
  • Blue - 6
  • Purple - 7
  • Pink - 8
  • Bronze - 9
  • Silver - 11
  • Golden - 22.

Aura red

If your aura is red, it speaks of sensuality, cheerfulness, aggressiveness of nature. Red is the color of ambition, determination, optimism and love of freedom of a person. Based on these data, the state of indifference and apathy is incompatible with your character, your destiny is to match the nature of your main aura background. Wrong motivation can be formed for various reasons. If you give yourself completely and without a trace to work, without paying the slightest attention to rest and entertainment, then you have probably chosen a profession that does not correspond to your nature. In addition, it is possible that in personal life it is not developing in the best way. To understand the real reason, use the pendulum.

Considering the reaction of this device - "positive" or "negative" fluctuation, ask mentally the question of how satisfied you are with the current state of affairs. The answer of the pendulum may surprise you. Ask questions about other areas of life where you would like to clarify the situation. If your red aura has become cloudy, use one of the methods below to restore it.

Build your daily schedule in such a way as to increase physical activity. Move, walk.

In addition to physical benefits, you will get an additional opportunity to reflect on the meaning of life. Walk for at least 20 minutes daily, and more if possible. Your data means that you will be able to succeed in sports competitions. The owners of the red aura are distinguished by the spirit of competition, but victory should not overshadow the main goal in life. Your nature tends to seek superiority in everything. Therefore, if you notice such a desire for yourself even in the gym, perhaps you should choose a neutral type of physical training in order to properly prioritize: after all, the main goal of sports is not gold, but self-improvement.

Since red is the color of ambition, it means that you can achieve high goals, and you can choose a worthy one for yourself. With the achievement of this goal, you can be proud of yourself. If you manage to succeed, then the main background of your aura will acquire radiance and increase in volume. Consciously choose people to associate with so that achievements in their lives can inspire you, and limited people with low self-esteem are best avoided - close acquaintance with them will negatively affect your aura, pushing the goal beyond tangible horizons.

aura of yellow

The yellow color of the aura is evidence of a creative nature, its carrier is prone to intellectual achievements, and he can also be sociable, capable of self-expression in certain creative activities. In your presence, coldness and inaccessibility melt, you know how to charm. If you don't see this in yourself, well, you should reflect on what you're doing wrong in your life. The first thing to work on is openness. You will be able to raise the spirit of any company through natural eloquence. The gift of a speaker can be useful to you in your professional activities. You excel in communication, so professions of a teacher, consultant, salesman, adviser and others are suitable for you, where you can show communication skills for the benefit of others.

However, the speaker's brilliant speech can be a cover for a very tender and vulnerable soul. Therefore, set yourself up for a more superficial attitude to some situations, resist a psychological attack, use your natural sense of humor. Exclude frivolity and negligence in behavior. The diversity of your interests causes misunderstanding among your loved ones. Sometimes they distrust you, considering you an amateur, and do not take you seriously. If problems of this kind overtake you, make a decision to bring everything you started to the end, be consistent in everything. You have a clear mind, and if you suspect that you are not doing what you dreamed of in life, do a soul-searching, choose a direction that really interests you and achieve excellence in this area. They say that if a person devotes at least one hour a day to the development of his abilities, then sooner than in a year he will become a specialist in this field. All you have to do is choose your favorite activity and test yourself!

aura of orange

The orange color of the aura signifies emotions and health. The orange aura of a person gives him sociability, kindness, caring, sensitivity towards others. Now look at yourself: how irritable, depressed, depressed, or unable to express yourself in the way you would like to be? If any of the above takes place in your life, then you urgently need to make adjustments. First of all, you need to be aware that you are devoting your time to constructive and useful activities. You need to find yourself in what you think is noble and give yourself to it. One woman bought stationery for colleagues in the office, and this brought her a kind of satisfaction, gave her a sense of useful activity for others. In that office, employees kept complaining about the disappearance of pens, pencils, and laser cartridges. The voluntary mission of the employee brought her real pleasure from what she did, despite the lack of words of gratitude.

Accept yourself for who you really are. Take pleasure in caring and helping others. You will get the greatest joy in emotional communication with like-minded people and people close to your heart, that is, no less sensitive and kind people. Perhaps excessive modesty and sensitivity bring you discomfort, then turn these qualities of yours to serve people. By doing so, you will increase your self-confidence and regain the lost joy of life.

Aura of green

Green is the color of nature and all living things. Radiating such an aura, they adapt perfectly to any circumstances, they are sentimental and compassionate. Such qualities can also become their weakness. These people love to communicate with friends, so they are optimistic about life. If they fail, they tend to blame everything, first of all, on others. Green is the opposite of red, they are always restrained in their actions and not so irritable in anger. This vibration endows its owner with reliability and constancy, like the very power of nature, which is gaining gradually but steadily. More often than not, this friendly and determined spirit cannot be contained. People of this type are conformists, but in a modern way. Once they feel they are right, nothing else can resist their intentions.

If you are the owner of a green aura, then at times you will be able to observe in yourself such a quality as excessive gullibility, "greenness", but this will cause even greater disposition among people towards you. Just don't get hung up on the little things. Concentrate on the action, as you are capable of it. The shade of the aura also makes its own adjustments. Shades of green aura, like no other, are the most important. Each of them can be considered, but a general rule will suffice: if green approaches yellow, it will lose its natural stamina, and with blue, green shines with luxury. The owner of the green has a natural caring and kind heart. Given the vibrations of your aura, you should be a sympathetic and compassionate person, have compassion, responsibility, and reliability. Otherwise, your aura will begin to undergo negative changes. The aura will become brighter if you direct yourself to help others. And these services do not have to burden you. For example, when you go to the store, you could also buy something for a sick neighbor, and so on. Charity can be diverse, for example, you become the founder of a humanitarian mission in the fight for the rights of citizens.

You may feel oppressed and in need of someone's support. Do not rush to judge others, look at yourself differently. Perhaps the reason for your poor condition is your tension and stubbornness. Become more relaxed and non-judgmental. Accept yourself as you are, not forgetting that the system of prohibitions is as old as the world, and we are all limited by its framework.

You better approach life a little differently. In this case, the newly set task and self-improvement in the process of achieving it will help. If oppression torments you, associate as much as possible with sympathetic and caring people so that new perspectives open up. By nature, you are endowed with diligence, consistency and purposefulness. May these qualities always help you.

Aura blue

The blue color of the aura symbolizes teaching, the propensity to travel, the pursuit of truth and the search for truth. Blue does not exclude the presence of adventurism, at the same time indicates creative inclinations, imagination and clear thinking. The owners of the blue aura are immersed in eternal youth, they are capable of great things. They are inspired by new experiences, these people are happy to communicate with representatives of various ethnic groups and study their culture. Sometimes they have a very active lifestyle that does not allow them to rest. The inability to relax is fraught with stress. Among the carriers of the blue color, those who will direct their reserve to dark targets are unlikely to be found. Some of them are too unassembled because they want to do everything. In this case, energy is used irrationally. You need to focus your efforts on one thing and not start anything new without completing the previous one. Fussiness and impatience do not allow you to stop at the chosen one, you are constantly distracted by innovations. Perhaps you do not know how to appreciate achievements. If so, take a look and see once again how much useful you managed to accomplish. You have gifts that are important to dispose of wisely: this way you can achieve a lot.

Aura blue

Blue color - nobility, caring, humanity. Carriers of blue are self-confident, they have an increased responsibility towards others. People around understand them on a subconscious level and are drawn to them. If you don't have these qualities, you need to trust others more and be more open in expressing your feelings. Follow the voice of your heart, and then, perhaps, you will be able to better tune in to the right wave with the people around you. People of the blue aura should not neglect rest and entertainment, because an overly serious attitude to their duties as a benefactor will not allow them to take care of their own needs. At times, you are too picky about yourself and others, being in the eternal search for perfection. If this is the case, try to relax and understand that it is impossible to be forever responsible for what is happening. Secondary matters can be neglected in order to be with your friends and loved ones. The influence of blue has a fairly strong expression called "faithful supporter", and this is not all of its meanings. Blue is a mixture of sensitivity and ardor, which in its passionate desire to do everything right, against all odds, can take the wrong direction.

Blue skies can be soft blue at noon and hazy black at midnight. The blue vibration is also changeable. It is impossible to find a person with a blue aura of a permanent hue. Blue descends to the depths of depression and rises to live with inspiration. As some saying goes, "once when the moon was shining blue", that is, extremely rarely. If you have a blue aura, you need to determine your permanent shade and try to keep it constantly. All blue shades have a certain degree of devotion in them. You are happy to make friends, but it turns out that formally. Blue is the color of coldness and independence. The blue aura gives a person an understanding of the value of joint efforts, so that he is guided by this in his life.

purple aura

Violet color - corresponds to intuition, spirituality, teaching, clairvoyance. People with a violet aura have a heightened susceptibility, intuition and a rich spiritual world. In helping others, they are able to show tact and delicacy. In a difficult period of life, they draw support from their faith. These people do not like to ask others for help, they can only rely on their own strength. If there is no unity between natural gifts and personal qualities, your aura will fade and become smaller in volume. Fortunately, you can update it. If you observe the indifference of others, try to express yourself in a more accessible and simple way. Many people with a violet aura do not know how to speak out loud about their emotions. Therefore, they are closed and so deep in themselves that they are not able to communicate. If this is observed in your case, you can be sure that you are robbing yourself, as well as others. You may not be able to conform to the generally accepted rules. Perhaps you are guided only by your own arguments, not paying much attention to what others think about it. For them, your actions are incomprehensible and unacceptable. Do not forget that we belong to a society of people whose needs and actions are interrelated. The violet aura endows its owners with literary, artistic data; these people are distinguished by a wealth of imagination and creative abilities. Few people have such an aura, so they involuntarily feel special, unique in their own way. Their tint can be mystical, like the hue of twilight, turning from sunset into the darkness of the night. Their "purple" occupation is the transformation of illusions into reality.

Aura pink

Pink is the color of materialism, determination, hard work. The people of this aura are gentle, like the pink glow itself, and very caring. However, these properties do not prevent them from defending their own point of view if necessary. You love to act on your own convictions and always find the strength to care for your loved ones. If the positive reserve of the main background is not realized, the brightness and saturation of the color of the aura is depleted. If you observe your own dependence on others, then you will definitely feel the need for action in order to assert yourself. Look for a real activity for the soul. Get out of the burdensome comfort, move aside the monotonous everyday life and create something that you have not stopped thinking about throughout your life.

Of course, your act will seem more than extravagant to friends and relatives, but you will try to make your reason clear to them, and then they will be able to support you in your endeavors. Sometimes you may feel that others want to take advantage of you. Use these occasions to develop your own responsibility. In addition to this, learn to say "no" when the situation calls for it, even though it's not easy. In addition to caring for others, it is also important to treat yourself. A pink background can give indecision and timidity. Then you should work on self-confidence and the ability to freely express your intentions.

Aura bronze color

Bronze color expresses self-sacrifice, humanism. People with a bronze aura are gentle, caring, and determined. You are happy to help others and do it with ease and detachment because you value emotional independence. Owners of the bronze aura tend to have a positive outlook on life. You are capable of finding happiness in life. However, sometimes you are sure that others underestimate you. Dedicate some time to your own needs. You just don't know yourself and rely on the opinions of others. If so, you need to be convinced of your own abilities and imbued with self-respect. You can also attend courses dedicated to the development of these qualities.

You are responsive and vulnerable, so it is not easy for you to make decisions in situations where people ungratefully exploit your virtue. It is useful for you to do good, not expecting to receive a reward. It's not easy, but it will take you a long way towards excellence.

Aura of silver color

The silver aura is responsible for humanism, idealism, dreaminess and a penchant for fantasies are expressed in it. The owners of the silver aura are people of a high spiritual level and a rich inner world, endowed with imagination and impeccable intuition. Their distinctive qualities are nobility, honesty, gullibility. When choosing friends, they rely on their intuitive instinct and tune in only to the creative perception of others. If the behavior goes against the color of the main background, the aura turns gray and lifeless. To restore it, you need to realize your extraordinary gifts and abilities. Rate yourself worthy. Trust your intuition. Perhaps you should act outside the box, making an effort on yourself.

Undertaking big things, you are not always able to realize them. Allow great ideas to continue to overwhelm you, but you need to keep in mind that the implementation of such plans depends on how constructive your goals are, and how carefully you thought them through to bring them to life. When you achieve success, you will be amazed at the obvious changes in your aura. You may also experience emotional pressure and be constantly in a state of nervous tension. Therefore, others, being in your company, feel stiffness. You need to learn how to relax using meditation, yoga or self-hypnosis.

Aura of golden color

Gold color is a symbol of infinity. Gold indicates success and the presence of bold ideas, non-standard qualities of the soul and human responsibility. These people who have high goals, success accompanies. When the goal is reached, you are overwhelmed with happiness. The bearer of the golden aura is a charismatic leader by nature, radiating powerful energy that others feel. It is probably impossible to find something bad in a person with a golden aura. If your dreams did not come true, then before you start something new, you need to restore a lot of expended energy. If your affairs do not go as well as you would like, you punish yourself, because, like any person with extraordinary abilities, you are very demanding of yourself. Keep in mind that everyone has the right to make mistakes, even more so if it was necessary to learn an important lesson in life. Allow yourself to have a good rest, and only after that tune in to great achievements.

How to find out what color a person's aura is and what the meaning of the colors of the aura is. If you are interested, I suggest you take the Richard Webster test.

An aura is an intangible energy shell of a person. It surrounds a person within a radius of 1.5 meters and its color is constantly changing. It depends on his mood, thoughts, health, energy and emotions that he is experiencing at the moment. Usually there are several different colors and shades.

But there is the main background of the aura, it does not change from birth to departure from this world, and its color can tell something about a person.

How to see an aura

Some people are given to see the aura, but most people are not endowed with such a gift. There are several ways to develop the ability to see the aura. And in 1992 in the USA they even invented a special photographic device - "Aura-camera-6000", which shows the colors of the aura.

By the way, I found a video tutorial in which they talk about this. And people write under this video what happens ...

Now there are companies that sell aura cameras. Some entrepreneurs provide a bonus if the buyer has purchased goods for a certain amount. And give out such photos of the aura that you see

But since we do not have such a device, and in order to work out other ways of seeing the aura, time is needed. Therefore, we will use numerology and determine the main color of the aura by the date of birth.

This system was compiled by the famous New Zealand parapsychologist and psychic - Richard Webster.

For example, the date of birth is 05/12/1979.

You need to add all the numbers together so that the result is one number.

And look below which color corresponds to the resulting number.

7 - purple, click on purple and look at the description.

Attention! If after adding the date the first number is 11, 22 or 33. Then they do not need to be added together. Because these are high numbers. 11 - silver color, 22 - gold.

Now look what color of a person's aura corresponds to the received number. And to find out what this color means, click on the name of the color. Also, under the characteristics of the auristic background, some of its shades are written, in case you develop the ability to see it in yourself or take an auristic photo.

  1. Aura red.

Red indicates that its carrier is by nature a leader, cheerful, assertive, active, courageous and possessing sexual power. And also ambitious, emotional, optimistic and liberated.

Temperament: choleric.

Therefore, they quickly explode and quickly move away. Do not take seriously what they say in anger, after 5 minutes they themselves will be ashamed.

A person with a red background of the aura needs to set a worthy goal. And be sure to choose successful and ambitious people for communication. To be inspired by their example. If you manage to achieve your goal, and these people almost always achieve it, then the background of their aura will become radiant. And this will positively affect health and abilities.

They make good military, entrepreneurs, athletes and rescuers.

Shades of red:

Delicate, bright red - means that a person is in love.

Scarlet - excessive self-confidence, selfishness and false pride. In corrupt women, the hips are girded with scarlet.

Very bright red - anger.

Red with brown - gives out a tendency to violence.

Dark Red: lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue, as well as malice and aggressiveness.

Red, with a dark tint and bright flashes - anger, rough energy.

Raspberry - shows sexuality and passion.
Dirty - Red: selfishness, unmotivated rage.
Red-Orange: speaks of vitality and weakness to cheap effects.
Dull Brick-Red: Arrogance, arrogance.

Because of this behavior, others often mistake them for frivolous and superficial people.

But this is absolutely not true! They like to learn, because they have a sharp mind by nature, they are creative. People with a yellow aura love power, they know how to concentrate willpower and direct it to where it is needed at that moment. They are successful because they like to be popular.

They have a too open and vulnerable Soul. Therefore, it would be good for them to learn to be more protected.

And since they have well-developed eloquence, it is better for them to choose professions where they need to communicate with people. Such as counselor, consultant or psychologist. That is where they will be most successful.

Temperament is sanguine.

Shades of yellow:

  • Pure yellow - strong intellectual and creative potential, pronounced sociability.
  • Bright yellow - you can completely trust this person, he will never betray you. He has a strong intellect and willpower, while he enjoys life like a child.
  • Lemon - a bright and sharp mind.
  • Yellow - Red - inexhaustible vitality, willingness to quickly implement the decision.
  • Red - yellow. Lack of endurance and conviction, eternal throwing. Unprincipled, not developed mind, inferiority complex. Moreover, the more red - the more developed the inferiority complex. Bad luck in personal life.
  • Mustard - cunning, cunning and meanness.
  • Muddy yellow - a clouded mind, an obsession with various fears.
  • Dark - self-interest, indecision. Satisfaction of the intellect with its lowest achievements.
  • Brown-yellow. The predominance of dirty thoughts and weak psychic development.
  1. Orange.

It is the color of healing, openness and emotionality. If orange is present in a large amount in the aura, then this means that either the process of emotional self-healing is underway, or the person has pronounced healing abilities.

Usually they are energetic and healthy people. Optimistic and proud, they love change, they try not to sit still. Caring, kind and sensitive - they most often find happiness in helping other people. They also love adventure and thrills.

They make good private detectives, racers, stuntmen and entrepreneurs.

Temperament - choleric + sanguine.

Shades of orange.

  • Bright orange. Warmth, vitality, joy.
  • Dark orange. Low intelligence, lack of ability to assemble, weak willpower.
  • Turbid. Short temper.
  • Orange green. Tendency to quarrel and argue for no reason. Stubbornness, absolute rejection of someone else's opinion. They enjoy the process itself, whether they are right or wrong, they do not care.
  1. Green aura.

Hard work, consistency, balance. Nothing can stop them if they know they are right. Noble and reliable.

And they are persistent and stubborn, solid and respectable, bright and smart, self-critical. They skillfully create material well-being for themselves and their loved ones. Since green is the color of growth, nothing can stop them on their way. Slowly but surely they are making their way up.

They make good organizers. They are very demanding, not only to others, but to themselves too. They are afraid to fail, although in fact it very rarely happens to them. The word "should" for them is above all.

At the same time, they are sentimental, love nature and tranquility. Quite secretive, so they have difficulty finding partners.

By temperament - phlegmatic.

Shades of green.

  • Pure - magnetism, healing abilities, responsiveness.
  • Bright green - tact, survival in any conditions, sincerity.
  • Dark green - selfishness, deceit, jealousy.
  • Emerald green - compassion and good-naturedness.
  • Dull green - fear, envy and love experiences.
  • Light green - positive thinking, creation.
  • Green-yellow - manipulating people for their own benefit, greed for money.
  • Light green - a talent for teaching people. The greater the transition to blue, the more reliable this person.
  • Dirty green - means depression and longing.
  1. Blue aura.

Good intuition and strong intellect, love of travel and diversity, straightforwardness, honesty. These are adventurers with a rich imagination, forever young and ready for accomplishments. There are many workaholics among them who do not consider it necessary to relax, and this provokes stress in them.

Gifted by nature, they tend to scatter their potential. They like to grab onto several things at once, without finishing the previous ones. They can achieve a lot in any field if they learn to focus on important things and not waste their huge natural potential on trifles.



  • Pure color. Sensitivity, active position, creative activity, kindness.
  • Light blue. Indecision.
  • Dark shades. If the color is pure, then this indicates self-awareness and the disclosure of spiritual potential and the absence of fear of difficulties. If the shade is dirty, then this indicates excessive suspicion.
  • Bright blue. Devotion and worship to high ideals.
  • Sky blue. Energy. The ability to understand and empathize with other people.
  • Turquoise. Charisma, peace-loving and tenderness.
  • Dark blue. Spirituality, wisdom, readiness for self-sacrifice, cheerfulness and health.
  • Pale blue. This means that a person hesitates and needs help in making the right decision.
  1. Blue aura.

Loyalty, self-confidence, responsibility, deep wisdom. Strong intellect, emotionality and sensuality. With frequent mood swings. Artistic, selfless and with a highly developed intuition.

At the same time, they like to solve family problems and take care of their neighbor. Therefore, they always have many friends and acquaintances - people feel this peculiarity of them and are drawn to them.

But sometimes they are too picky not only to others, but also to themselves, this is because they are looking for perfection in everything.

Prone to scientific or religious activities. And they also make good psychologists, doctors, educators, teachers and writers.

Temperament is phlegmatic.


  • Bright blue. Reliability, caring, religiosity.
  • Cloudy blue. Negative, disappointing.
  • Dark blue. Anxiety, confusion, depression.
  1. Purple aura background.

Tendency to self-denial, mysticism and clairvoyance. intuition and spiritual strength. A rich imagination, a penchant for creativity and mysticism.
Free and independent. Therefore, they usually rely only on themselves, as they do not like to bother other people with a request for help.

Often they are closed, because they do not know how to intelligibly talk about their thoughts, and this is the wrong way. They need to communicate more with people in order to keep their aura in good condition.

After all, if the aura decreases, then wisdom will leave its bearer and the disclosure of his super abilities will stop.

There is artistic and literary talent. But they succeed in any field of activity.


  • Amethyst - Spiritual awareness.
  • Purple - Selflessness and the gift of healing.
  • Purple with silver is the highest level of knowledge available to man.
  • Purple - can mean both devotion and pride.
  • Dark purple speaks of a tendency to homosexuality, drug addiction, vampirism and mental disorders.
  1. Aura pink.

It is called the color of planetary intuition, in the aura it indicates falling in love and spiritual love. These are advanced people, they are all right with both spirituality and the material world. They are kind to close people.

They make the most faithful friends, and the most dangerous enemies, who never forget insults, and, on occasion, take cruel revenge.

If they do not agree with someone's opinion, they will definitely do as they see fit. And they are always ready to defend their point of view to the bitter end. They are well versed in everything related to money, and in this area they rarely lose. But sometimes they overestimate their capabilities and lose everything in the process.

They achieve great success in advocacy, teaching and financial activities.

Shades of pink.

  • Pale pink. Shyness and indecision.
  • Bright pink. The highest stage of love.
  1. Bronze aura background.

Very often this color is the main one in the aura of the defenders of nature. Often there is a gift of clairvoyance and healing. These people are determined and prone to self-sacrifice. They love to help without asking for anything in return.

Their surroundings get used to the fact that as soon as they are asked, they drop all their affairs and run to help, which begins to neglect them. Therefore, they need to learn to refuse in some specific cases, otherwise they can completely sit on their necks.

"Bronze" are usually happy no matter what.

They are suitable for such professions as a musician, poet, artist or actor. As well as a fortune teller, a medium, a doctor.

11. Silver background of the aura.

People with this aura background are dreamers and idealists. Noble, spiritual, honest and trusting. In choosing friends, they rely only on their intuition and do not believe in reservations until they are convinced of this themselves.

Emotional in nature, they often experience nervous overload. They need to learn how to relax, meditation or self-hypnosis are suitable for this.

Art, literature and psychology are the most preferred areas of activity for the "silver".

22. Golden background of the aura.

These are real leaders, endowed with outstanding talents, a sense of responsibility for everything that happens. They make great leaders. They have such a strong energy field that they are like batteries capable of charging the people around them.

For them, the main thing is not to lose their potential over trifles. Therefore, the higher the goal and the more precisely the priorities are set, the better.

They will be successful in any profession. Suitable such as a builder, engineer or architect. But most of all, large-scale activities are suitable for them. For example, statesman, scientist.

33. White background of the aura.

This is the perfect backdrop. This color was the aura of Christ. A person with such
the background of the aura is often religious and strong in one's faith. And it can also be endowed
psychic and parapsychological abilities. He likes when around peacefully and calmly.
Such people are usually wise and serve the highest ideals.
But sometimes he can be thrown into extremes from religiosity, he can go, for example, to drug use. From sympathy for people to complete indifference.

And in conclusion, I want to say - maintain your aura in the proper form. After all, if it decreases or fades, you will begin to have health problems and fate. To do this, try not to do bad deeds, do not allow negative thoughts, develop spiritually and physically.

Let your aura be voluminous and brightly shining. As it should be the aura of a spiritual and physically healthy person. Love, health and success to you!

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