Baba Yaga in a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga's hut in Altai


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Tales of Baba Yaga


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, far from people in a dense forest, behind a blue mountain, there is a hut on chicken legs. Baba Yaga lives in it.

She lives for herself for a year, and ten, and a hundred years. She never does harm to anyone, and she is not bored alone. Yes, to be honest, there is no time to be bored. In spring and summer, there are many things to do in the forest: mushrooms, herbs, roots need to be collected in order to cook a potion that helps against all diseases, ailments and troubles. You need to look after the forest dwellers - if anyone got into trouble, if they fell ill, if they were injured ... And if any person wanders into her, then he tries to help him both in word and deed.

Baba Yaga worries about everything, which is why both people and animals called her - "a kind soul."

In winter, on cold dark evenings, Baba Yaga will climb onto the stove and tell her tales about her friends - Grandmother Yagus - to her cat. And it turns out that there are not so few good and kind among them, only a special approach is needed to them: with a bow and with a word of affection.

Listen to what Baba Yaga, a kind soul, tells her cat.

Masha and Baba Yaga

In one village there lived a widower with his daughter Masha. He decided to marry and took as his wife a widow who had a daughter, Glasha. The stepmother did not like her stepdaughter: she would say an insulting word, or even treat her with her fist.

Father, looking at the daughter's torment, could not stand it and took her to the forest. They go - they see a hut on chicken legs.

- Hut! Stand with your back to the forest, and in front of me!

The hut turned, a man with Masha entered the door, and in the upper room - Baba Yaga - a bone leg, a crochet nose, hair - upright.

Why did you complain? he asks.

- I brought my daughter Masha to your service.

- Let it stay! It will work well - I will reward. It will not work well - I will punish.

The father baptized his daughter and left. And Baba Yaga ordered Masha to heat the stove, cook food, clean up the room and spin the yarn. She herself flew to the Serpent Gorynych to visit in a mortar.

Masha is busy at the stove, and she herself is crying bitterly: she understands that she will not have time to do all the work.

Just then, mice ran out from under the floor.

- Don't cry, Mashenka! Treat us mice with porridge - we will help you.

The girl gave porridge to the mice, they ate and quickly redid all the work.

Baba Yaga arrived, and everything in the house sparkles, everything is clean and tidy. The old woman praised Masha and asked her a more difficult task.

The mice helped Masha again, because she was affectionate, friendly and treated them to delicious porridge.

Masha always completed the tasks of Baba Yaga, she remained very pleased and each time gave her expensive gifts.

The father missed his daughter, decided to visit her. He harnessed the horse to the cart, and his wife shouted after him:

- Come on, come on! Take Mashka's bones, we'll bury them.

A man came to visit his daughter, and she, smart, beautiful, in expensive clothes, met him. She bowed to Baba Yaga, asked to be released with her father. She agreed.

Father brought Masha to the house. The stepmother, annoyed, does not know where to go. Shouting to her husband:

- Take my Glasha to Baba Yaga! She will bring even more gifts!

A man brought a girl to a house on chicken legs and gave her to Baba Yaga as a servant. The old woman gave Glasha a job, and she left. And I must say that this girl did not differ in kindness or zeal.

Out of nowhere, mice jumped out:

- Young woman! Give us porridge, we will help you in your work!

In response, Glasha grabbed a broom and chased them away.

Baba Yaga came and frowned: the chamber was not tidy, the stove was not heated, the food was not cooked ... She grumbled, grumbled, set the job again and flew away. From what she flew away, she flew to that: the sloth did nothing.

The old woman got angry and drove Glasha out.

For a whole week, the lazy person wandered through the forest, barely finding her way home. She came into the house dirty, thin, ragged, all in burrs. When her mother saw her, she threw up her hands. Let's quickly heat the water, wash your pet!

Now the people in the village laughed:

- Serve the lazybones!

Swan geese

A husband and wife lived and had a daughter and a son. Once the parents gathered in the city and ordered their daughter:

- We will leave, you take care of your brother, do not go out of the yard.

They left, the girl put her brother under the window, and she ran out into the street and played with her friends.

Geese flew in, picked up the boy and carried him away.

A girl came running, looking - no brother! She ran out into the open field. He sees: a flock of goose rushed in the distance.

“That’s right, the geese carried off the brother!” - the girl thought and set off to catch up with the geese.

The girl ran and ran, she sees - there is a stove.

- Stove, stove! Tell me, where did the geese fly?

- Eat my rye pie - I will say.

“My father doesn’t even eat wheat! - said the girl and ran on.

- Apple tree, apple tree! Where did the geese go?

- Eat my forest apple, then I'll tell you.

“My father doesn’t even eat garden ones!” - said the girl and ran on.

A girl runs and sees: a river of milk is flowing - jelly banks.

- Rechenka! Tell me, where did the geese fly?

- Eat my jelly with milk, then I'll tell you.

- My father does not even eat cream! - said the girl and ran on.

She would have had to run for a long time, but a hedgehog came across to her. The girl bowed to the hedgehog and asked:

- Hedgehog, hedgehog, where did the geese fly?

- Run along the path, do not turn anywhere. In the most often you will see a hut on chicken legs. There lives Baba Yaga and her servants - swan geese.

The girl ran along the road and sees: there is a hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga is sitting in it. And at the window, the brother plays with golden apples.

The girl crept up to the window, grabbed her brother and ran home with all her might. And Baba Yaga called the geese and sent them in pursuit of the girl.

A girl runs, and the geese completely catch up with her. Where to go? The girl ran to the milky river with jelly banks and asks for the river:

- Rechenka, my dear, cover me!

- Eat my simple jelly with milk!

The girl drank kiselka with milk; then the river hid her and her brother under a steep bank, and the geese flew by.

A girl ran out from under the bank, and the geese saw her and again set off in pursuit. What should a girl do?

She ran to the apple tree:

- Apple tree, honey! Hide me!

- Eat my forest apple, then I'll hide it!

There is nothing for the girl to do - she ate a forest apple. The apple tree leaned over, covered the girl with her brother with branches, the geese flew past.

A girl came out from under the apple tree and started running home faster than before. She runs, and the geese again saw her and, well, after her! They fly in completely, flap their wings over their heads, they are about to take away their brother.

The girl ran to the stove and asked:

- Pechechka, mother, hide me!

- And you eat my rye pie, then I'll hide it.

The girl quickly ate a rye pie and climbed into the mouth of the stove - the geese flew past.

The girl got out and ran home at full speed.

The geese again saw the girl and chased after her. They swoop in, beat them in the face with their wings, and they’ll tear the brother out of their hands. Yes, the hut was already close.

The girl ran into the hut, quickly slammed the doors and closed the windows. The geese circled over the hut, shouted, and so with nothing and returned to Baba Yaga.

Parents came home, they see - the children are at home, they praised their daughter and gave her a bun and a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga - bone leg

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had two daughters: the eldest was an old man, smart and hardworking, the youngest was an old woman, stupid and lazy.

The evil stepmother did not love her stepdaughter, beat her, forced her to work from dawn to dusk, and dreamed of completely ruining her.

Once the grandfather went to the fair in the city, and the stepmother said to the stepdaughter:

- Go to the forest to my own sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for your grandfather.

And her sister was a real Baba Yaga - a bone leg. The poor stepdaughter suspected something was wrong, went to her own aunt and told her about her stepmother's assignment. Auntie listened to her and said:

- On the way to the forest, a birch tree will lash you in the eyes - you tie it up with a colored ribbon; there will be a gate for you to creak and clap - pour oil on the loops; dogs will tear you there - you throw bread to them; there will be a cat tearing your eyes there - you give him ham.

The girl went into the forest. She walked and walked and came to a small hut, and Baba Yaga was sitting in it and spinning.

- Hello, auntie!

- Hello, dear!

- My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for my grandfather.

- All right, sit down while we spin.

The girl sat down at the spinning wheel, and Baba Yaga went to heat the bath - she decided to wash the girl clean and eat.

The girl was frightened - she sits neither alive nor dead. Suddenly she remembered the words of her aunt, gave the cat ham and said:

“Teach me, kitty, how I can get out of here alive.”

The cat took pity on her and decided to help her.

“Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run faster.” When you hear that Baba Yaga is catching up with you, throw in a towel - a wide river will flow. If Baba Yaga swims across the river and begins to catch up with you, throw a comb - in an instant a dense forest will grow to heaven, she will no longer make her way through it.

The girl thanked the cat, took a towel and a comb and ran out of the hut.

The dog wanted to tear it - she gave her bread; the gates wanted to slam shut in front of her - she poured oil on their hinges, and they let her through; the birch wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied the branches with colored ribbon for her, and she let her through.

Baba Yaga returned, saw that the girl was not there, and well, scold the cat why he didn’t scratch the girl’s eyes.

“I have been serving you for many years - you have never fed me, and she gave me ham,” the cat replies.

Baba Yaga began to scold the dog, the gate and the birch - why did they let the girl go.

And the dog answers her:

- I serve you for how long, you didn’t even throw a burnt crust to me, but she gave me a loaf of bread.

Gate said:

- We serve you for how long, you never greased the hinges, but she anointed with oil.

Birch said:

- I have been with you for so many years, you didn’t decorate me with a shabby rag, but she bandaged me with a colored ribbon.

Baba Yaga sat in her stupa and started chasing the girl.

And the girl heard her from afar and threw a towel on the ground. At the same moment, a wide river overflowed in front of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga gritted her teeth in anger, but there was nothing to do - she threw herself into the water and swam across the river.

Then she caught her breath a little and set off again in pursuit. The girl heard that Baba Yaga was close, and threw a comb on the ground.

At the same moment, a huge dense forest grew to heaven, Baba Yaga gnawed it, gnawed it - did not gnaw it, and she had to return back to the hut.

The poor stepdaughter came home, and there her father had already returned from the fair. She rushed to him with tears and told about everything: “So and so, my mother sent me to my aunt for a needle and thread, and my aunt turned out to be an evil Baba Yaga and wanted to eat me, I barely took my legs.”

The old man was terribly angry with the old woman and drove her out of the house. And he began to live with his daughter, live and make good.

Vasilisa the Beautiful

In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. The merchant had a daughter, Vasilisa. The girl was eight years old when her mother died.

Dying, the mother called her daughter to her, took the doll out from under the blanket, gave it to her and said:

- Listen, Vasilisushka! And remember these last words of mine. I am dying and, together with my parents' blessing, I leave you this doll. Take care of it and always keep it with you. Don’t show the doll to anyone, but what kind of grief will happen to you, give the doll something to eat and ask her for help. She will eat and help your misfortune.

Then the mother kissed her daughter and died.

After the death of his wife, the merchant mourned, grieved, and then began to think about how he could marry again.

He was a good man, there was no business for brides, but one widow came to his liking most of all. She had two daughters, almost the same age as Vasilisa - therefore, she was both a mistress and an experienced mother. The merchant married her, but was deceived and did not find in her a good mother for his Vasilisa.

The girl was the first beauty in the whole village, for which she received the nickname Vasilisa the Beautiful. Her stepmother and sisters envied her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from labor, and turn black from the wind and sun. The girl was completely dead!

Vasilisa the Beautiful endured everything without a murmur, and every day she grew prettier and prettier, and the stepmother and her daughters grew stupefied with anger, despite the fact that they always sat with their hands folded like ladies.

How was it done? And her doll helped Vasilisa. Without this, where would the girl cope with all the work!

On the other hand, Vasilisa herself would not eat it herself, and would leave the chrysalis the tastiest morsel.

And in the evening, when everyone has settled down, she will lock herself in the closet where she slept, treat the doll and say:

- On, doll, eat, listen to my grief! I live in the father's house, I do not see any joy for myself! The evil stepmother drives me from the white world. Teach me how to be, how to live and what to do?

The doll eats, and then gives her advice and consoles her in her grief, and in the morning she does all the work for Vasilisa.

She only rests in the cold and picks flowers, and she already has weeded ridges, and watered cabbage, and water has been applied, and the stove has been fired. And the doll will also point out to Vasilisa and weed for sunburn, so that the girl becomes even whiter and more beautiful.

It was good for Vasilisa the Beautiful to live with her doll - mother's blessing.

Several years have passed. Vasilisa grew up and became a bride. All suitors in the city woo Vasilisa, and no one even looks at their stepmother's daughters. The stepmother is angry and answers all the suitors:

- I will not give out the younger one before the older ones.

Once a merchant had to leave home on business for a long time. The stepmother went to live in her house, and near this house there was a dense forest. There was a hut in a clearing in the forest, and Baba Yaga lived in the hut. She did not let anyone near her and ate people like chickens.

Having moved to a housewarming party, the merchant's wife now and then sent Vasilisa, whom she hated, into the forest for something. But the girl always returned home safely. After all, the stepmother did not know that she had an intercessor: the doll showed her the way and did not let her go to the hut of Baba Yaga.

Autumn came, and the stepmother decided to completely exterminate her hated daughter.

Once, on a rainy evening, the stepmother distributed evening work to all three girls: she made one weave lace, the other knit stockings, and planted Vasilisa at the spinning wheel. She put out the fire in the whole house, left one candle where the girls worked, and went to bed herself.

The girls worked. The candle began to burn out, and one of the stepmother's daughters, by order of her mother, as if by accident, put it out.

– What should we do now? the girls said. - There is no fire in the whole house, and our lessons are not over. Mom will see in the morning that the work has not been done, she will start scolding us. We must run for fire to Baba Yaga!

- It’s light for me from the pins! said the one who wove the lace. - I will not go.

“And I won’t go,” said the one who knitted the stocking. - It’s light for me from the spokes!

“You go after the fire,” they both shouted. - Go to Baba Yaga! - and pushed the unfortunate Vasilisa out of the upper room into the dark night.

Vasilisa went to her closet, put the prepared supper in front of the doll, and said:

- On, doll, eat and listen to my grief! They send me for fire to Baba Yaga, and Baba Yaga is evil, she will eat me!

The doll ate, and her eyes shone like two candles.

- Do not be afraid, Vasilisushka, do not be afraid, beautiful! said the doll in a gentle voice. “Go where they send you, but always keep me with you.” With me, nothing will happen to you, no trouble will touch you, and Baba Yaga will not touch you!

Vasilisa got ready, put the doll in her pocket and, crossing herself, went into the dense forest.

She walks and trembles with fear.

Suddenly a rider gallops past her: the white man himself is dressed in white, the horse under him is white and the harness on the horse is white. The horseman sped past, and it began to dawn.

Vasilisa walked all night and all day, only towards the next evening she came to the clearing where Baba Yaga's hut stood. The fence around the hut is made of human bones, human skulls with empty eye sockets stick out on the fence. Instead of doors at the gates - human legs, instead of locks - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth. Vasilisa was stupefied with horror and became rooted to the spot.

The rider rides again: he is black himself, dressed in all black and on a black horse. He jumped to the gate of Baba Yaga's hut and disappeared. The night has come.

But the darkness did not last long: the eye sockets of all the skulls on the fence lit up, and the whole clearing became as bright as day.

Vasilisa trembled with fear, but, not knowing where to run, remained where she was.

Soon a terrible noise was heard in the forest: the trees crackled, dry leaves crunched - Baba Yaga rides in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom.

She drove up to the gate, stopped and, smelling the air around her, shouted:

- Fu-fu! It smells of Russian spirit! Who is there?

Vasilisa approached the old woman with fear, and, bowing low, said:

It's me, grandma! Stepmother's daughters sent me to bring fire to you.

- Well, - said Baba Yaga, - I know them. Live and work for me, then I will give you fire. And if you don't work, I'll eat you!

Then she turned to the gate and shouted in a loud voice:

- Hey, my strong constipation, open up; my wide gates, open!

The gates opened, and Baba Yaga, whistling, drove into the yard, and Vasilisa entered after her. Then the gates locked themselves.

Entering the upper room, Baba Yaga says to Vasilisa:

"Give me what's in the oven."

Vasilisa lit a torch from those skulls that were on the fence, and began to drag food from the stove and serve Yaga, and the food was cooked up for ten people. The old woman ate everything, drank everything. Vasilisa left only a little cabbage soup and a crust of bread.

Well-fed Baba Yaga says to Vasilisushka:

- When I leave tomorrow, you clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner - but it's tastier, fatter, make more of everything - wash and prepare the laundry. Also go to the bins in the barn behind the hut, take a quarter of the wheat from the left corner and sort it out. Don't forget to bring water. And feed my beloved black cat deliciously and comb it out!

Look, don't be lazy! So that everything is done by my arrival, otherwise I will eat you!

After such an order, Baba Yaga began to snore, and Vasilisa put the old woman's food in front of the doll, burst into tears and said:

- On, doll, eat, listen to my grief! Baba Yaga gave me a hard job and threatens to eat me if I don’t do everything. How can you do so many things in such a short amount of time! Help me, dear doll!

- Do not be afraid, Vasilisa the Beautiful! Have supper, pray to God and go to bed: the morning is wiser than the evening! the doll replied.

Vasilisa woke up early in the morning, and Baba Yaga had already got up, looked out the window: the eye sockets of the skulls were going out. Here a white rider flashed by - and it was completely dawn.

Baba Yaga went out into the yard, stomped, whistled, barked - a mortar with a pestle and a broom appeared in front of her.

The red rider passed - the red sun rose. Baba Yaga sat in the mortar and drove out of the yard: she drives the mortar with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom.

Poor Vasilisa was left alone. She looked around the house, marveled at the abundance and stopped in thought: what kind of work should she take up first of all in order to please Baba Yaga and not get hit on the tooth.

Looks like all the work has already been done. The chrysalis sits near the wheat and picks out the last grains of nigella from it.

“Oh, you, my deliverer! Vasilisa said to the doll. - You saved me from trouble, from a fierce, inevitable death!

“You only have to cook dinner,” answered the doll, climbing into Vasilisa’s pocket. - Cook up: you are very good at it, and rest on your health!

By evening, Vasilisa has set the table and is waiting for Baba Yaga. It was beginning to get dark, a black rider flashed past the gate. It was completely dark - only the eye sockets of the skulls lit up.

Trees crackled, leaves crunched. This is Baba Yaga riding, whistling, shouting, driving a mortar with a pestle, sweeping a trail with a broomstick. She got out of the stupa - and into the hut.

Vasilisa greeted her with a bow.

- Is everything done? Yaga asks.

“Let’s see for yourself, grandma!” Vasilisa said.

Baba Yaga examined everything, was annoyed that there was nothing to be angry with, and said:

- OK! My faithful servants, my hearty friends, crush my wheat!

Three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the wheat and carried it away.

Baba Yaga ate, began to go to bed and again gave the order to Vasilisa:

“Tomorrow you do the same as today, and besides that, take a poppy from the bin and clean it from the ground grain by grain.

Yaga turned to the wall and began to snore, and Vasilisa began to feed her doll. The doll ate and said to her in the yesterday's way:

- Pray to God and go to bed - the morning is wiser than the evening, everything will be done, Vasilisushka!

In the morning, Baba Yaga again left the yard in a mortar, and Vasilisa and the doll did all the work.

The old woman came back, looked around, and shouted in a loud voice:

- My faithful servants, my hearty friends, squeeze the oil out of the poppy!

Like last time, three pairs of hands appeared, grabbed the poppy and carried it away.

Baba Yaga sat down to dine; she eats, and Vasilisa stands nearby in silence.

- Why don't you talk to me? Baba Yaga asks. - You stand like a dumb!

“I don’t dare,” Vasilisa answered, bowing low to Baba Yaga. "And if you'll excuse me, I'd like to ask you something."

- Ask, but not every question leads to good: you will know a lot, you will soon grow old!

- I want to ask you, grandmother, about what I saw when I was walking towards you. I was overtaken by a rider on a white horse, himself white and dressed in white. Who is he?

“This is my clear day,” Baba Yaga answered Vasilisa.

- Then another rider on a red horse overtook me, he himself is red and all dressed in red. And who is this? Vasilisa continued.

This is my red sun! Baba Yaga answered.

- And what does the black rider who overtook me at your very gates mean, grandmother?

This is my dark night. All three are my faithful servants, my reliable helpers!

Vasilisa remembered the three pairs of hands, but said nothing.

Why aren't you asking yet? Baba Yaga said.

- It will be from me and this. Well, you yourself, grandmother, said that you would know a lot - you would soon grow old.

- It's good that you ask only about what you saw outside the yard, and not in the yard! Baba Yaga said. - I don’t like to have rubbish taken out of my hut, and I eat too curious! Now I'll ask you something: how do you manage to do the work that I give you every day?

“My mother’s blessing helps me,” Vasilisa answered.

- So that's it! Get away from me, blessed daughter! I don't need the blessed!

Baba Yaga pulled Vasilisa out of the room and pushed her out of the gate. She removed one skull with burning eye sockets from the fence, stumbled upon a stick, gave it to her and said:

- Here is a fire for your stepmother's daughters, take it; They sent you to me for this.

Running through the thicket of the forest, Vasilisa set off home by the light of the skull, which went out only with the onset of morning.

Finally, by the evening of the next day, I reached my house.

Approaching the gate, she wanted to throw the skull. “That’s right, at home,” he thinks to himself, “they don’t need fire anymore.”

- Don't leave me, take me to your stepmother!

She glanced at her stepmother's house and, not seeing a light in any window, decided to go there with the skull.

For the first time they met her affectionately and told that since she left, they had no fire in the house. They themselves could not carve in any way, and the fire that was brought from the neighbors was extinguished as soon as they entered the upper room with it.

“Perhaps your fire will hold on!” - said the stepmother.

They brought the skull into the room, and the eyes from the skull look at the stepmother and her daughters, they burn!

They had to hide, but wherever they rushed - eyes everywhere followed them - by morning they completely burned them into coal, only Vasilisa was not touched.

In the morning Vasilisa buried the skull in the ground, locked the house, and went to the capital city.

She wandered around the city for a long time and finally asked to live with a poor, rootless old woman.

He lives quietly and waits for his father.

After a while, she got tired of sitting idle. So she says to the old woman:

- It's boring for me to sit without work, grandmother! Go and buy me the best flax - at least I'll spin.

No sooner said than done.

The old woman bought good linen, and Vasilisa got down to business. The work burns with her, and the yarn comes out even and thin, like a hair.

Got a lot of yarn. It’s time to start weaving, but they won’t find such reeds that are suitable for Basil’s yarn. Nobody takes it upon themselves to do something.

Vasilisa began to ask her doll, and she says:

- Bring me an old reed, an old canoe and a horse's mane - I'll make everything for you.

Vasilisa got everything she needed, and she herself went to bed. The chrysalis prepared a glorious camp overnight.

Vasilisa sat down to work. And the matter is arguable. The girl worked tirelessly, day and night. And by the end of winter the cloth was woven. Yes, it turned out so thin that you can thread it through a needle instead of a thread.

In the spring the canvas was bleached, and Vasilisa said to the old woman:

- Sell, grandmother, this canvas, and take the money for yourself.

The old woman looked at the goods and gasped:

- No, child! There is no one to wear such a canvas, except for the king - I will carry it to the palace.

The old woman went to the royal chambers and began to walk past the windows.

The king saw her and asked:

"What do you want, old lady?"

“Your Royal Majesty,” the old woman replies, “I brought an outlandish product.

The king ordered to let the old woman into the palace, and when he saw the canvas, he was stunned with admiration.

- What do you want for it? the king asked.

- He has no price, the king-father! I brought it to you as a gift.

The king took the canvas, he cannot stop looking at it. The king thanked the old woman and let her go with gifts.

The tsar ordered that festive shirts be sewn from that canvas. They cut it, but nowhere could they find a seamstress who would undertake to sew them. They searched for a long time, finally the king ordered to call the old woman and said to her:

- You knew how to strain and weave such a cloth, know how to sew shirts from it.

“It was not I, sir, who spun and wove the cloth,” said the old woman, “this is the work of my adopted son, the girl.”

- Well, let her sew!

The old woman came home and said to Vasilisa:

- The king requires shirts to be sewn.

“I knew,” Vasilisa tells her, “that this work would not pass by my hands.

She locked herself in her room and set to work. She sewed tirelessly, and soon a dozen shirts were ready.

Vasilisa went to the king's palace, carried the shirts.

As the king saw Vasilisa the Beautiful, he fell in love with her without memory.

“No,” he says, “my beauty! I will never part with you. You will be my wife.

Then the tsar took Vasilisa by the white hands, seated her beside him, and there they played a wedding.

Soon Vasilisa's father also returned, rejoiced for her and remained to live with his daughter.

She took the old woman Vasilisa to her place, and she always carried the doll in her pocket until the end of her life.

Attention! This is an introductory section of the book.

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Once upon a time there lived a hut on chicken legs. Of course, she did not live on her own, but with Baba Yaga. They lived in a dense thicket, so deaf that even planes did not fly over it. Baba Yaga was about six hundred years old, and the hut was a match for her, both were not young and not beautiful.
By the bad weather, both old bones ached, their legs ached, before the anticyclone, Yaga's pressure rose, and the roof went down at the hut.
Baba Yaga has long been thinking of moving to the city, closer to civilization.
She dreamed of an insulated bathroom and coniferous bathtubs with a contrast shower. She was tired of keeping the fire in the stove for three hundred years, since matches could only be purchased in the regional center two hundred kilometers away.
Tired of sitting by a torch, in winter, along with the hut, trampling snow on the path to the nearest spring and carrying heavy buckets of water. I'm tired of feeding furious taiga mosquitoes in the summer. And in general, how long can you live in the wilderness?
Having turned over in her memory the addresses of the familiar evil spirits, Baba Yaga settled on the barabashka Mitroshka, who had a wonderful two-room apartment in the regional center. In addition, a hundred years ago, he invited Yaga to stay, and, from the bottom of his heart. Baba Yaga sorted out her well-deserved broom, tied it tighter, swept the cobwebs from the mortar and flew away at dawn. She did not even wave her hand to her hut, which, in the middle of the clearing, half-asleep, shifted from foot to foot: again her knees ached.
Waking up in the morning from the rays of the bright April sun, the hut realized that she was left alone. There was no smell of unclean spirit in the glade. Small forest birds sang, buds swelled on hundred-year-old oaks, a stream murmured in a ravine. The hut warmed one side in the sun, groaned, turned its other side to the sun and suddenly felt the vitality awakening in it.
She was free, independent, she enjoyed life. Some kind of melody sounded in her soul, and the hut clucked softly to the beat of her inner voice. Opening the door and all the windows, the hut jumped on one leg, then on the other. Cast-iron pots, tongs, panicles, dried frog legs, snake skins, and roots fell down. The spring breeze blew dust, cobwebs and the last spirit of Baba Yaga out of all the cracks.
Raking its feet along the chicken hut, the hut shoved all the rubbish into a deep ravine, where the darkened snow was still hiding, and thought. Some sixth sense told her what to do next. She began to rake last year's dry grass to a small hillock in the middle of the clearing, trample it down with her feet, then sat down on this nest, thought, and suddenly ... laid an egg. Ordinary, slightly greenish, similar to chicken, only larger.
The hut already wanted to cackle joyfully to the whole forest, but in time she remembered her advanced age and became silent in embarrassment: not everyone can understand her correctly.
…More than a month have passed. Five pretty eggs lay on a hillock in the middle of a clearing. The hut patiently sat on the eggs, condemning the birds that sometimes flew from their nests to peck at something and stretch themselves. "They'll catch a cold," she thought, forgetting that she herself does not need food or water.
And then one day, having dozed off in the morning, she woke up from a dull squeaking and fuss. Five little huts tickled her chicken legs, trying to get out of the nest.
“Ko-ko-ko!” the hut called and led her children to the spring to wash. She clucked proudly and caringly, swaying as she walked, and behind her minced as yet clumsy, but mischievous and so glorious, in her opinion, huts.
The whole summer was busy. What an ailment there, what an ache in the bones!
The huts scattered in different directions, climbed into the very thicket, teased the merman in the neighboring swamp, throwing acorns at him, chasing the goblin throughout the forest.
And the hut waddling ran after them, hiding them in a moment of danger behind oak doors. She told them stories about Baba Yaga and the good fellow Ivan Tsarevich, clucked lullabies at night.
The huts quickly grew up. They got wings. The mother hut vaguely recalled that in her early youth she seemed to have wings, but that was so long ago!
Toddlers began to learn to fly, running up from the hillock, bouncing clumsily
and briefly hovering in the air. Then they kept above the ground longer and longer, and finally began to flutter from tree to tree. The mother hut anxiously followed their every flight, but there was nothing she could do to help them.
And the huts flew farther and farther away and returned less and less often, and one day they flew away. Irrevocably.
“Ungrateful,” thought the hut on chicken legs. “But still, I didn’t live my three hundred years in vain!”
She sighed sadly, creaked and crumbled. Only a pile of wood dust remained in a clearing in a dense dense thicket, so deaf that even planes did not fly over it.
And the cold and angry autumn wind blew all this dust into the neighboring ravine.

Good evening everyone!

Storyabout a hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga and Tsarevich Ivan.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

Good fellows lesson!”

Folk wisdom.

It happened in ancient times, far away in a distant kingdom. The forests at that time were dense, the swamps were impenetrable, there were many different animals: wolves, hares, bears, foxes and other animals. And the king-sovereign on the estate of Berezen the Great ruled that country. And that king had a dark darkness of children. The king himself sometimes did not remember which of them and who was called.The king somehow heard a rumor that a Baba named Yaga had settled in their forests. They said that she does no harm to anyone, but it is not fitting for people to live next to evil spirits. And then he called one of his sons to him and said:Yes, Ivan...- I'm not Ivan. - the son corrected, but the king only brushed it aside and continued“So it is, son. Go through the dense forest and find Baba Yaga, who does not give people peace, but save the honest people from such an unseen one.The son bowed to his father.- Go with God, Ivanushka. - blessed the sovereign.- I'm not Ivan. - again corrected the prince.But the sovereign did not listen to him, only waved his hand in farewell.The prince began to get ready for the road, and think about how he could defeat Yaga. He saddled his faithful horse, fitted his sword, and set off.How long, how short he rode, but the road led him to the river. And that river has no end in sight: not to ford, not to swim across. Even a thin bridge, and you will not find that.The prince thought. Suddenly he hears a voice behind him asking:- What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?- I'm not Ivan. - out of habit he answered, and only then turned around.He sees a beautiful girl standing: her eyes are black, her lips are scarlet, her eyebrows are even, her cheeks are burning. On the shoulder, the scythe lies two fists thick.- And where did you come from? - asked the prince.- Yes, I was walking, collecting medicinal herbs. - answered the girl.- How did you cross the river?- A river? she asked. - So that's what saddened you, well, I'll help you. - assured the girl.She pulled a comb out of the scythe, and how she would throw it. And the crest became a good bridge across the river.- Well well! - the prince was amazed. - Ask what you want for help.- When the time comes, I'll ask. Now get up. - answered the girl.- Well then. So goodbye.- Goodbye! she waved her blue handkerchief.And the guy went on his way. How long, how short, did he ride, but the road led him to a more often deaf - a dense forest. The prince dismounted, sat down on a large stone by the road and thought about how he could get through the forest. He hears a voice behind him again asking:- What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?- I'm not Ivan. - Again, out of habit, he answered, and again only then turned around.He sees the same beautiful girl, but smiles at him.- So the prince met with you again.- Here are those! - the guy was surprised. - What a miracle, you again? How did the beauty get here faster than me?- And the Leshy father brought me with fast paths. she answered.- Goblin? The prince scratched the back of his head. - Can you get through the forest?- Through the forest? Let's ask him. Father Leshy, show yourself! she called.- Called me, beautiful fair-haired braid girl? - a short, wrinkled old man grew out of the ground, covered in leaves, and three small grebes grew on his nose.- Father Leshy, lead Ivan Tsarevich through your forest, and I will not remain in debt! - asked the girl.- I'm not Ivan. - once again the guy said- Spend. Well, it's possible. - in a low chest voice, like a bear growled, Leshy answered. - Follow me prince.And the owner of the forest led the prince through his patrimony.The guy came out. He led the horse by the bridle. He sees a clearing in front of him. And in that clearing there is a hut on chicken legs, then not even a hut, but white-stone mansions. The prince marveled, but there was nothing to do, they clearly told him that Yaga must be expelled.He came closer to the "hut", and how he shouted at the top of his valiant voice:- Hut, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest.The mansions creaked, turned, and began to turn.- Come out Yaga, we will fight. the prince shouted again.The door opened, and the guy sees, and that very beautiful girl is standing on the threshold.- Well, hello Ivan Tsarevich.- I'm not Ivan. So you are Yaga?- I. - confirmed the girl. Now it's my turn to ask you.The prince looked at the horse, then at the sword, spat at his feet and said:- Ask.- Take me as your wife, Ivanushka, I will become your faithful wife. Famously I did not create, I treated people, why fight with me?- Ugh, what a wonder, but I'm not Ivan! Basil! - said the prince in syllables. - Well, Yaga, I will take you as a wife with great joy, I liked you for your beauty, but your good heart.The moral of this tale is that not all that evil is called Yaga!


Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman near the Blue Sea. The old man fished with a net, the old woman wove nets for him. And they had a beautiful daughter and an assistant. Her name was Arinushka. Sometimes she would redo all the housework and go to the sea to swim. Floats on the waves, and the Sea King admires her. She will come out of the water, wring out her braids - The Sea King cannot take his eyes off. And as soon as Arinushka leaves home, longing will squeeze the royal heart so much that it’s impossible to breathe. He fell in love with the girl, he loved with all his heart! So the Sea Lord planned to steal her and make her his wife. Once Arisha went to swim in the evening. The sun had already begun to set in the sea: the water was stained with a bloody color. She swam far away. Then the royal servants, octopuses and moray eels, surrounded Arinushka and carried him under water to the Sea King.

For a long time the old people waited for their beloved daughter. Standing knee-deep in the water, they called her, wept, all eyes overlooked. Yes, only, apparently, their child drowned. And the servants delivered Arina directly to the crystal palace of the Sea King. They dressed her in the best clothes, adorned her neck with pearls, put diamond earrings in her ears, braided her braids with gold threads. The real Sea Princess turned out! They brought Arinushka to the throne room. The lord of the Seas and Oceans sits there: he himself is huge, his green beard spreads far, gleams with emerald threads. In strong hands, the king holds a golden trident, on his head - a heavy crown, decorated with precious stones, and on the pillows his fish tail rests. As he looked at the girl, everything inside her went cold, her heart ached, it ached. She began to ask, beg the Sea King to let her go to the land to her father and mother. But the king did not listen to those speeches, he only looked menacingly and said: “From now on and forever you will be my wife and queen over the entire Sea-Ocean! You will live in a palace: eat on gold, sleep on silks, dress up in pearls. Arinushka screamed and fell unconscious.

How much time has passed, you never know, God alone knows about it, but only Arina still lived in the underwater palace. Everything would be fine, but there is no native land here, father and mother, birch girlfriends, bird songs and gentle sun. The Sea Tserevna gave birth to five sons and two daughters. For this, the king loved her even more. And Arinushka remembered everything about the earth: about her abandoned parents and about the red sun.

Once the Sea King with his retinue went on a long journey, to the Ice Ocean, and left the queen with the children alone. For a long time he said goodbye to his wife, as if he felt trouble. The king left, and Arinushka decided to run away: she called her children, put them on dolphins and sent them ahead. She herself kept looking back: she was afraid that her husband would not return home. They swim: now the shore is close and the sun from heaven warms so gently. Suddenly an impenetrable darkness swept in, a hurricane wind howled, a hundred-voiced thunder rumbled. This is the king, the lord of the Sea, sensing trouble, returned home, and not finding anyone, he set off in pursuit. He rose above the raging sea and sees: his children are standing on the shore, the rain whips them with all his might, lightning blinds his eyes, and his beloved wife is with them. The king became angry, his resentment burned to the very heart. He pointed a sparkling trident at them: “Why are you running away from me, dear children? So fly geese-swans to the very sky! And you, my wife, stay where you are, all your life: you won’t come back to me, you won’t leave with your children! He said so and disappeared into the abyss. The sea immediately calmed down, calmed down. And on the shore, instead of children, a flock of geese-swans screams in plaintive voices, their necks are pulled and their wings are rinsed in the water. But Arinushka is nowhere to be seen: there is only a hut on the shore, which did not exist before, and tears roll down its walls. The cruel king bewitched Arinushka: he turned her into a wooden hut. Now she will stand for a century, not to move from her place: neither to fly away with her children, nor to return to her father and mother, nor to the Kingdom of the Sea!

A lot of time passed, but only Baba Yaga flew over that place in a mortar, saw a hut near the water and swan geese on the roof, she was surprised. She flew up to the hut, the geese told her about their grief. Yaga took pity on Arinushka with the children and said: “I don’t have such magical powers as the King of the Sea, but I will help you. It’s not a century for you to toil by the water! Yaga pulled two dry chicken legs out of her apron, sprinkled fire ashes on them, sprinkled them with her own blood, and spat three times. Then she pulled a feather from the swan geese and tied it all tightly into a bundle and put it under the hut. “And now,” he says, “go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening".

Early-early the sun rose over the sea. Geese-swans started up, and Yaga woke up. They look, and chicken legs have grown at the hut! The hut walks up to them along the shore, slams the shutters, creaks the door. “Well, that’s okay,” Yaga says. - "That's good. Now go, wretched ones, with me. Together we will age for centuries and trouble in misery. Perhaps, when I will be able to disenchant you. And they went to dense forests, to viscous swamps: Yaga flies in a mortar, geese-swans follow her, and a hut on Chicken Legs hobbles along the ground.

So they began to live together, to live and not to know grief. Maybe they are still alive...

Once upon a time there was a hut on chicken legs. She stood in a dark forest near two mighty fir trees, far from paths and roads. And Baba Yaga lived in that Hut. Whenever Baba Yaga went into the dark forest on business, the Hut was looking forward to the return of her mistress. As soon as she sees that Baba Yaga is returning, every time the Hut turns to her with a porch, as if inviting: welcome home! They lived well together.
Often they had guests - various animals and birds, inhabitants of the dark forest. They looked into the fire, played, had fun and drank tea with pies and lingonberry jam. Baba Yaga was kind and never refused food to anyone. And the Hut was not so bored standing in a dark forest. How do you get bored here when it's warm, light and fun inside?
But once Baba Yaga left for a long time. Either to the neighboring dense forest to visit their sisters, or to pick mushrooms and berries. It was sad for the Hut to stand alone in the middle of a dark forest ...
Evening came, numerous guests came: squirrels and hares galloped up, tits and thrushes swooped in, mice and bugs came running. They started knocking on the door. The hut was delighted that she was not alone in spending the evening, but opened the door. Come in, dear guests!
The guests have arrived. Look, I'm not at home with Baba Yaga. What to do? He decided not to immediately go into the dark forest, but to sit a little in a hospitable hut, talk and play. They brewed tea for themselves from the reserves that were stored in the closet, took out jam and biscuits, and began to feast. Fun, noisy.
After drinking sweet tea, they began to play. Yes, they played pranks without the supervision of Baba Yaga. They started running, banging on the walls, jumping and screaming. In the meantime, they ran and made noise, accidentally broke two cups, dropped the tong and the cast iron that stood near the stove. Scattered cereals and grains.
The hut was upset. What kind of guests are these, what are they doing? Yes, he can’t say anything to the guests. It is sad and waiting for the guests to calm down. And the guests are more than ever naughty and indulge.
Just then Baba Yaga returned. She looked into the hut, but only threw up her hands. “What are you - he says - dear guests, are you doing? What did they do to my hut? Looks like I'm going to have to eat you..."
Animals and birds were afraid. They say: "Don't eat us, Baba Yaga! We accidentally dropped everything and scattered it. We won't do that again!"
"Oh, won't you? Baba Yaga says. “Well, then help me clean everything up, otherwise I’ll have to eat you so that others don’t get used to it!”
The guests scattered around the hut and began to clean and clean everything. And everything was cleaned so cleanly that the Hut became more beautiful than before. Baba Yaga was satisfied. She said that she would not eat anyone, and invited her to come again in the evenings for tea. The satisfied guests dispersed, thanks to the kind Baba Yaga, and promised to come again and not be naughty anymore.
And Baba Yaga with her Hut began to live on, live, and expect guests!

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