Grandmother from Fedorino grief coloring book. Synopsis "Fedorino grief" methodical development on drawing (middle group) on the topic


Team leader: Merezhanova Tatyana Dmitrievna)

Our motto: "If we have friendship, then we are class guys!"

We conduct a survey

1. We presented the results of irrigation of children and adults in the form of a diagram

2. Among the most famous fairy tales were named the following:

15 people out of 27 respondents chose the fairy tale "Aibolit".

We made a cloud of words based on the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky

And this is what children and adults said about fairy tales:

Who is who?

The guys and I drew pictures for our fairy tale, made up syncwines and word clouds. Here's what we got.

This is the work of Kostya S.

And this is the work of Alexander R.

These works are made by Dasha K.

This is how Tolik B. presented the tale.

And these are the works of Nastya Sh.

Meet! Our syncwines!

Fyodor. Fyodor.

Lazy, unclean. Lazy, slovenly.

Didn't wash, didn't wash, didn't care. Dusty, smoked, ruined.

Whoever does not value hygiene will then howl like a hyena. Dishes love cleanliness.

Corrected. Kostya S. Has changed. Dasha K.

Fyodor. Fyodor.
Lazy, careless. Lazy, careless.
Dirty, ruined, abandoned. Beat, smoked, ruined.
Order is the soul of everything. You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.
Became different. Realized.
Sasha R. Nastya Sh.

Visiting a fairy tale

We present to your attention an excerpt from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief". Unfortunately, Nastya Sh. could not take part in the recording of the fairy tale. When she recovers, we will definitely listen to the fairy tale together.

Our impressions of the project

The highlights of the project were:

conduct a survey among children and adults about the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky;

draw drawings based on the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief";

record an audio fairy tale "Fedorino's grief".

State budgetary preschool educational institution No. 46 of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

fairy tale drawing

"Fedorino grief"

Artistic and aesthetic development

for children of middle preschool age

(4-5 years)

Prepared by: teacher

Koval Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Saint Petersburg


Target: teach non-traditional drawing techniques.


Tutorials: 1. Introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques. 2. To form the ability to recognize and correctly name the elements of the decorative pattern of Dymkovo painting (wavy lines, dots, straight lines, rings).
3. Learn to distinguish and name cold and warm tones.
Developing: 1. Develop the ability to guess riddles, think about the content of your work.
2. To consolidate the ability to correctly name the dishes from which we drink tea - tea.
Educators: 1. Cultivate independence, accuracy in work.

Equipment: Silhouettes of tea utensils, gouache, cotton buds, sponges, lids.
Preliminary work:Examination of tea, kitchen, tableware. Discussion about utensils.
Riddles about dishes.
Reading the work "Fedorino grief" Chukovsky.
Outdoor games "Helpers", "We washed the handkerchiefs."
Examination of samples with decorative painting of Dymkovo toys; the use of elements in art activities classes, the use of elements of non-traditional drawing in their work.
Examining and fixing warm and cold colors.
D / game "What is green, blue, red, etc."

Methods and techniques: verbal (riddles, conversation on questions, explanation, encouragement, analysis); visual (surprise moment, examination); practical (showing the drawing method).

Pedagogical technologies:personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving.

Event structure:

1. Introductory part - 3 min.

a) a surprise

b) riddles

c) a conversation about questions

2. Main part - 15 min.

a) looking at dishes

b) showing how to draw

c) finger play

d) self-drawing

3. Final part - 2 min.

a) review and analysis of work

Lesson progress:
"What a miracle chest,
And there is a castle here.
I will unlock the lock
I will look into the chest (I look).
There are miracles in the chest
The dishes are strange, unwashed, broken ”(I take it out).
- Tableware:
“Oh, we are poor, poor orphans,
We lived with a slut - Fedorka,
She beat us, beat us and did not wash
We want to find a new owner
Help us!"
Q: Look, dishes, how our children know how to take care of dishes (I pay attention to samples). Our dishes are clean and beautiful. Do you want to be like that too?
Examination of dishes and conversation on the following issues:
- What is the name of the dishes? (tea)
- Why is it called that?
- What patterns, elements is decorated with? (dots, wavy, straight lines, rings)
- What is the name of such a painting? (Dymkovo).
- When drawing, will we use warm or cold tones? What
our dishes are decorated with tones? Today we will decorate dishes not with brushes, but with cotton buds, lids and fingers. Tell me what you can draw with cotton swabs? (dots, lines). Lids? (rings), fingers (circles). But first, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

These fingers are walking

These are collecting something

These people like to talk

These are quiet naps.

A big brother with a little finger

They love to clean up.

Q: Close your eyes and imagine your tea utensils. Represented? And now let's get to work.
After the work is finished, Fyodor comes in and turns to the dishes:
"Oh, you poor orphans of mine,
You go home, unwashed,
I will wash you with spring water."
He is surprised to see the clean, beautiful dishes of the children and says: “Children, forgive me, I will always wash and take care of the dishes.
- Guys, maybe we will give Fedora this beautiful dish?
The teacher, together with the children and Fedora, analyzes the work.
At the end of the lesson, Fyodor, together with the children, plays the games "Helpers", "We washed the handkerchiefs."

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The sieve jumps across the fields,
And a trough in the meadows.
Behind the shovel broom
Walked down the street.
Axes, axes
That's how they roll down the mountain.

The goat was scared
She widened her eyes:
"What's happened? Why?
I don't understand anything."

But like a black iron leg
She ran, the poker jumped.
And the knives rushed down the street:
"Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on!"

And the pan on the run
Shouted to the iron:
"I'm running, running, running,
I can't resist!"
So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,
Chattering, chattering, rattling...
Irons run grunt,
Through puddles, through puddles they jump.

And behind them saucers, saucers -
Ring-la-la! Ring-la-la!
Rushing along the street -
Ring-la-la! Ring-la-la!
On glasses - ding! - stumble
And glasses - ding! - are broken.
And the frying pan runs, strums, knocks:
"Where are you going? where? where? where? where?"
And behind her forks
Glasses and bottles
Cups and spoons
They jump along the path.
The table fell out of the window
And go, go, go, go, go...
And on it, and on it,
Like riding a horse
Samovar sits

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