Balmont everything is as before. Literary reading lesson

Literature lesson within the framework of the module "Psycholinguistic aspects of perception and understanding of a literary text"

Prepared by Stegalova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school No. 194

Konstantin Balmont. "At the monsters"

The goal will be formed: to give an idea of ​​the poet's work, teaching ideological and thematic analysis

The goal is developing: to form creative thinking, to develop the speech of students

Educational: to cultivate cognitive interest

Lesson learning a new topic


opening speech

The topic of our lesson is unusual. The conversation will be about a fairy tale, about magic and about the secrets of creativity. Today we will talk about the poetry of K. Balmont, remember his childhood, read his poems, listen to them, they are amazingly musical, try to see a miracle in them and feel the beauty of the Russian word.

The story about the childhood of the poet and the collection "Fairy Tales"

Slide 1 Before us is a portrait of K. Balmont. The poet was very fond of dreaming and often returned to childhood in his dreams. Let us also try to return to the childhood of the poet.

Slide 2 And we will find ourselves in the village of Gumnishchi, a beautiful and sweet kingdom of comfort and silence.

Slide 3 Here, on the night of June 3-4, 1867, the third son, Konstantin, was born in the Balmont family. The village was small: an old house surrounded by a shady garden,

Slide 4 Several huts and

slide 5 small pond

Slide 6. The poet's father, Dmitry Konstantinovich, served in G. Shuya, now the Balmont Museum is in this house, he was a pleasant, intelligent, calm person. Loved hunting. His ancestors were Scottish sailors. Mother - Vera Nikolaevna was an educated, energetic woman, enjoyed great prestige. Compressed books, music, she tried to write poetry and prose. She knew languages ​​well. Vera Nikolaevna played the piano wonderfully, and the charming sounds of music often poured from the open window.

Slide 7 Parents had a great influence on Konstantin, but wonderful nature had no less influence on him.

Slide 8 There was a shady park next to the estate.

Slide 9 Everyone loved the park, but especially the little red-haired boy

Slide 10 He often wandered around the park,

Slide 11 tried to unravel its mysteries.

Slide 12 And once in the garden the oriole sang excitingly, and the topmost leaf, fluttering on the highest linden

Slide 13 He pushed the creative basis in the child's soul, and the boy composed the first poems. The young poet is 10 years old.

Slide 14 Later, the poet recalled: “Poems danced in my soul, like glass-winged dragonflies, yokes, and I immediately mentally wrote about a dozen poems and read them aloud to my mother, who was riding a troika with me and who looked at me admiringly after each poem with such lovely eyes.

Slide 15 This is how the poet K. Balmont gradually grew out of a little boy. he will become the most famous poet, write 35 books of poetry. The poet Balmont was a very unusual person both externally and internally. Even passers-by stopped and looked after him for a long time: with a pale face, a beard red as fire, green and sad eyes, he looked like an overseas prince. Also unusual was his poetry. His poems carried the reader into the world of fairy tales, dreams, mysterious countries.

Slide 16 In 1905, he will write the most wonderful, combining fantasy, humor, bewitching with lively and quivering images, a cycle of poems "Fairy Tales". Valery Bryusov wrote about these graceful children's songs - gentle, airy, musical. Poet and contemporary of Balmont: “In “Fairy Tales” the spring of Balmont’s creativity is beating with a clear, crystal jet” Balmont had a ton flair for the beauty of the word. "Solar yarn" he called his poems. And in 1907, another great poet A. Blok said: "No one is still equal to him in his melodious power."

Slide 17 Balmont dedicated his book of poems “Fairy Tales” to his then four-year-old daughter Nina (Ninika), whom he loved with all his paternal tenderness. And the first poem is a dedication to her.


Sunny Ninika, with bright eyes -

This bouquet of thin blades of grass.

You will have fun Fairy tales

After you flash me green eyes, -

I don't want dewdrops in them.

The evening is far, and until the evening we will meet

We are many, gnomes, and fears, and snakes.

Chur, do not be afraid - and if they light up

Tears, complain to the Fairy

Individual task

Why did the poet call his book Fairy Tales. Let's try to understand this by finding out who the fairy is.

Student message

Slide 19 A fairy in the legends of Western Europe is a supernatural being, a sorceress in the form of a beautiful woman, sometimes with wings.

Slide 20 Light and graceful, they inhabit all of nature. The time free from dancing and singing, fairies spend on yarn and weaving, make raincoats, carpets, invisibility caps.

Slide 21 A fairy is able to instantly appear and disappear. She has friends: dragonflies, beetles, fireflies, daisies, lilies.

The student reads the poem "Fairy"

slide 23 (fairy)

opening talk

  • Guys, did you like the poem? Why is it wonderful? (rhythm, musicality, imagine a magical world ...)

  • Who is a muse? ... slide 24 .... (figuratively, creative inspiration. Its source is usually presented in the form of a woman, a goddess)

  • Guys, why does the lyrical hero of the poem choose her, the fairy, as his muse? (everything that is connected with poetry is connected with magic, so the author believes)
Analysis of the poem "At the monsters"

Slide 25 We have not yet read this poem.

  • What do you think the poem will be about? (about some monsters, about a fairy tale)

  • What fabulous monsters do you know? (baby yaga, koschey, snake gorynych ....)

  • Why are there monsters in fairy tales? (they create obstacles for the main characters of fairy tales)
slide 26 (film)

  • Now we will see a small fragment from the fairy tale "Morozko". Let's remember what she is, Baba Yaga in fairy tales.

  • And now we will go to visit the monsters. And to begin with, let's try to guess what the mood of the poem is, what is its musical sound from the title.

  • Slide 27

  • Slide work. Children choose an inscription, explain their choice, listen to a piece of music.

  • Slide 28

  • And now I will read you this poem. Your task is to pay attention to the mood of the poem, to compose a reading score. (with a simple pencil mark pauses, logical stresses)

  • Does the mood of the poem match the intended one? (some cheerful intonations sound in the poem, some kind of mystery is felt)

  • The skill of the poet is manifested in the fact that not only words, but also sounds carry a certain meaning. Pay attention to the first quatrain, read it.

  • Slide 29

  • . What sound is heard in it (sh). so they say, when they want to tell a secret, they whisper.

  • Is it possible to read a poem gloomily? (No)

  • And why? (some kind words: hut, yaga, laughter, the hero is not afraid of anyone, pulled off the beads)

  • Is there magic in poetry? (yes, an invisibility hat. The hero goes to visit Baba Yaga, Koshchei ...)

  • Who is the hero of the poem: a boy, a young man, a man? (I twist my mustache)

  • Remember the portrait of the poet. Could it be him? Show slide 30

  • Try to imagine his character? (believes in fairy tales, mischievous, not afraid of anything, wants to know something)

  • Why does he go to Baba Yaga in a hut? (the hut is located on the border of two worlds: real and unreal, this is a transition)

  • Does the hero know this world? (everything is the same as before)

  • That "pulled" the hero from Yagi? (two strands of beads)

  • What is it? (mystery)

  • Why two? (two worlds)

  • Suppose what the hero wants to learn from the monsters. (secrets of the real world and the unreal, the world of poetry) Why does he go to Koshchei? Lyrics (find for songs of pearls)
Slide 31

  • What kind of pearl is the hero looking for? (once upon a time the word was called "prel", which meant pearls. The hero is looking for beautiful words)

  • What is the name of this technique? (the word is used in a figurative sense - a metaphor).

  • And why did the hero approach the snake? (learn secrets)

  • So what are these secrets that the dark forces know? (these are the secrets of inspiration, poetic skill)

  • Conclusion: this is a poem about the secrets of poetry, creativity. This is how, in an unpretentious children's poem, the poet very simply talks about the secrets of poetry and creativity. And again, as it emphasizes. Inspiration, poetry are connected with magic.

  • slide 32

  • Read the poem again, try to convey the main idea of ​​the poem.

  • There has long been a debate about how poems are born: thanks to inspiration or are made, like, for example, boots, pottery. Do you need to have talent, abilities, or is it enough just to learn, like any craft?

  • Let's hear how the poet himself answers this question?
Slide 33

  • The poem “How I write poetry” is read (to the music of Schnittke)

  • Poems appear as if by themselves, the hero says that he "does not compose." And he is echoed by another poet A. Voznensky
slide 34

Poems are not written - they happen,

Like feelings or a sunset.

The soul is a blind accomplice

Did not write - it happened.

  • What do you think, is it easy to compose. (It is easy to write - it is difficult to be a poet)

  • If you have ever tried to compose poetry, then you probably wondered what is necessary for the birth of good poetry? (variety of answers)
Slide 35 (bouquet) Any good poem is like a beautiful bouquet. Each flower in the bouquet is in its place, and the poem will turn out if there are……………….. (open the bouquet)

Checking homework

  • Guys, for today's lesson, you got the task to write a quatrain to the given rhymes. I will tell you a secret, the fact is that I borrowed rhymes from K. Balmont, and now you will enter into a poetic duel with the poet.

  • Slide 36 (open rhymes)

  • The children read their quatrains. I'll read mine. Express an opinion whose work they liked.

  • Slide 37

  • A slide opens with Balmont's quatrain.

  • Lesson summary

  • Today it is difficult for us to judge who wrote better. But for us, the most important thing is that the secrets of creativity have also been revealed to you. Try to keep in your soul the desire for creative impulses.

  • We learned a lot at the lesson, a lot of music sounded today, these are works by P. I. Tchaikovsky, Lyadov, Schnittke… this is no coincidence… why do you think? (poems are very musical)

  • Thank you for participating in the lesson………….

  • Homework to memorize your favorite poem

K.D.Balmont. At the monsters.

Target : Formation of the idea of ​​poetry as a special view of the world, a special experience of the world.


1. Introduce the concept of symbolism in poetry.

2. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize.

3. To cultivate a careful attitude to the word, respect for someone else's point of view.

Subject: Distinguish poems by K. Balmont by topic, intonation pattern. Use the terms "rhyme", "stanza", "personification", comment on the title.

Highlight the features of "fabulous" poems - determine the theme, intonation pattern, the role of the author-narrator.


The development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people.


Development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation.

Cognitive: the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification.


Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers;

Active use of speech means for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

During the classes

II. Checking homework

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with K.D. Balmont's poem "Reeds". I want to hear it again

III. Working on a new piece

    Introductory conversation

Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont

- We are going to the wonderful, mysterious world of a fairy tale. In a fairy tale, the most incredible miracles and transformations take place.

“But we can't go on a journey until we remember what makes a fairy tale different from other tales.

MAGIC HEROES(Firebird, Baba Yaga).

MAGIC ITEMS(golden apple, self-assembled tablecloth, ball, invisibility hat).

MAGIC ASSISTANTS(Sivka-Burka, Cat, Mouse). /

- You know the elements of a fairy tale. But before leaving, let's remember that fairy tales came to us from ancient times, when a person believed that nature is a living being, everywhere he found reason and feelings. In the noise of the forests, in the rustling of the leaves, he heard the mysterious conversations that the trees had among themselves, in the weasel of a broken branch he recognized pain.

Only people with a kind soul and a sensitive heart have retained such an attitude towards the world. We call them poets.

How do you understand the words: “A poet sees a mystery in everything, guesses the soul”?

Answer : He sees what cannot be seen with his eyes, sees the living in everything, personifies nature.

3. Communication of new material

– A hundred years ago in Russia they read poems by K.D. Balmont. He was perhaps the most famous poet of that time. / Portrait.

Balmont was born into a poor noble family. The real name of his grandfather was Balamut, who decided to ennoble it in the French manner. The poet's father Dmitry Balmont was a kind person. He taught his son to see the beauty of Russian nature. And thanks to his mother, the boy learned the beauty of music and words. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the age of 10 Balmont began to write poetry, and when he grew up, he became a famous poet.

4. Statement of a problem question

The work to which we turn today is called "At the Monsters."

Why do you think it's called that way?

- Who are these monsters?

- Name close words.

What kind of monsters do you know?

- What should a person be like to be with monsters?

5. Primary reading

What picture did you present?

- What did you like and what not in the behavior of the hero?

Phys. minute

The hero invites us to follow him.

Let's close our eyes. Let's imagine that we are walking through a fairy-tale forest, that the trees are whispering, the grass is gently rustling under our feet. A narrow path runs ahead and calls us like that. We walk along it, listening to the forest sounds, the chirping of birds. We are very interested. What lies ahead for us? And now, in a bright clearing, an unusual hut stands, the half-open door creaks softly, as if inviting us to enter.

Reading to yourself

And now, read to yourself and pay attention to how the feelings of the hero change and choose the intonation and strength of the voice with which you will read.

6. Secondary reading and literary analysis

Let's read together and reflect on what happened to our hero, and travel along the roads of a fairy tale with him.

- Read the first stanza.

- Whom did our hero visit?

Let's imagine (draw) a verbal portrait of Baba Yaga. / A picture depicting Baba Yaga.

Imagine what kind of hut she lives in.

Baba Yaga is the heroine of many fairy tales. Her image has come down to us from ancient times. When she was the keeper of the hearth. It looks like an evil old woman with a hump on her back. When you look into her eyes, they seem evil, but when you look closely at them, you can see that her heart is filled not only with evil, but also with good.

- From what words of the first line can you understand that Baba Yaga is not so evil?

- What is unusual about the house in which she lives?

- Who knows what the hut of Baba Yaga symbolizes in Russian fairy tales? (Transition to another world. Baba Yaga's hut is located on the border of our world and the unreal).

- Do you think our hero has visited Baba Yaga before?

What lines prove this?

Everything is there as before.

Those. it turns out that our hero has been there more than once, and he checks if anything has changed there.

Why do you think he returned there?

We learn about this by reading the second stanza.

- Do you think our hero was afraid of the wrath of Baba Yaga?

- Why was he not afraid that he angered Baba Yaga? (He was wearing an invisibility hat).

Courageous, with a smile meets obstacles in his path. He has a cheerful disposition.

- What words support the cheerful disposition of the hero? "Pulled".

What words can be used instead of this word?

Why did the author choose this word? (This word indicates that he did not do this for selfish purposes. It most fully helps us to present a picture of what is happening. And if we replace it with another word, the heroes will appear before us in a different guise).

- What kind of beads did our hero pull off that angered the witch? It is no coincidence that the author used this word.

What does "witch" mean? (Knows, knows all the secrets).

What is this technique called in the literature?

– And why exactly two strings of beads?

To answer this question, we must remember where Baba Yaga lives.

- Where is her house? (On the border of two worlds).

- So she knows the secrets of our and unreal world?

Our hero scouted the secrets of the witch and "hid in the haze."

How do you understand this expression? (disappeared, fled, dissolved).

- Since he escaped, can the lyrical hero be called a bully?

- Or maybe he is a poet and wants to reveal secrets to people?

Read the last line in this stanza.

Why is he happy? (He is tireless, rejoices in the upcoming new adventures).

To whom will we now go with the hero?

Read the third stanza.

- Who is Kashchei? / Picture of Kashchei.

How does he appear to us in fairy tales?

Why is he called immortal? (He is the lord of the fabulous surreal world).

In ancient times it was called cat. There are several theories about the origin of this word.

1. Bone - thin, bony (why)?

2. Kosha is a servant.

3. Kosha - master.

- What does our hero want to find at Kashchei?

– What does “pearls for songs” mean?

- What are the songs? (from words).

Are these simple words?

Pearls in the old days were called "pearl", as something wonderful and wonderful.

As pearls are precious stones, so you can't throw away the words from the song. They are irreplaceable and wonderful. Such words are more valuable than any treasure for a true poet.

- To whom else will we go together with the hero. Read.

What was the name of the snake in fairy tales?

GORYNYCH/ Image of the Serpent Gorynych.

What word did this word come from?

This indicates a connection not with the mountains, but with the horseback in general, i.e. living above. The word "mountain" in ancient times meant "forest". In the minds of the people, he is associated with the element of fire, so he was portrayed as a fire-breather.

- Why did our hero approach the very mouth of the Serpent, because it is dangerous?

Why does he need to know secrets?

Russian folk tales keep many secrets that have come down to us from time immemorial and not everyone is given to know them.

- And our hero managed to do it?

- What qualities do you need to have for this?

Let's make a verbal portrait of the hero.

We have several personality traits in front of us, select the one you need and justify your answer.

  • brave


- Who will read this work, conveying all the feelings and experiences of the author?

7. Reading a poem

8. Summarizing conversation

So what is the poem about? (About good, evil and courage).

What did the poet want to say with his work?

Here we have ended our journey. Answer my question:

- What should a person be like to be revealed to all the secrets of the past that have come down to us in fairy tales?

9. Summary of the lesson

- What secrets have we learned while walking along the roads of a fairy tale?

Target : Formation of the idea of ​​poetry as a special view of the world, a special experience of the world.


1. Introduce the concept of symbolism in poetry.

2. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize.

3. To cultivate a careful attitude to the word, respect for someone else's point of view.

Decoration and equipment :

  • exhibition of books by K. Balmont;
  • portrait of K. Balmont;
  • tablets with the words: magical heroes, magical items, your helpers, symbol, sun, dead plants, flowers, dew;
  • illustrations of heroes: Baba Yaga, Kashchei, Serpent Gorynych.

During the classes

1. Introductory conversation

– Today we are going to the wonderful, mysterious world of a fairy tale. In a fairy tale, the most incredible miracles and transformations take place.

“But we can't go on a journey until we remember what makes a fairy tale different from other tales.

MAGIC HEROES(Firebird, Baba Yaga).

MAGIC ITEMS(golden apple, self-assembled tablecloth, ball, invisibility hat).

MAGIC ASSISTANTS(Sivka-Burka, Cat, Mouse). / Slide 1.

- You know the elements of a fairy tale. But before leaving, let's remember that fairy tales came to us from ancient times, when a person believed that nature is a living being, everywhere he found reason and feelings. In the noise of the forests, in the rustling of the leaves, he heard the mysterious conversations that the trees had among themselves, in the weasel of a broken branch he recognized pain.

Only people with a kind soul and a sensitive heart have retained such an attitude towards the world. We call them poets.

How do you understand the words: "The poet sees the mystery in everything, guesses the soul"?

Answer : He sees what cannot be seen with his eyes, sees the living in everything, personifies nature.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson, tasks

- Therefore, in order to penetrate the secrets of a fairy tale, we turn to the work of the great Russian poet Konstantin Balmont.

3. Communication of new material

– A hundred years ago in Russia they read poems by K.D. Balmont. He was perhaps the most famous poet of that time. / Slide 2. Portrait.

Balmont was born into a poor noble family. The real name of his grandfather was Balamut, who decided to ennoble it in the French manner. The poet's father Dmitry Balmont was a kind person. He taught his son to see the beauty of Russian nature. And thanks to his mother, the boy learned the beauty of music and words. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the age of 10 Balmont began to write poetry, and when he grew up, he became a famous poet.

Balmont refers to the poets of the "Silver Age". The concept of "Silver Age" is primarily associated with the concept of a symbolist poet, who uses words-symbols in his work.

SYMBOL - translated from the Greek "sign". / Slide 3.

The symbol is fraught with a deep meaning, as if it glows with it. Symbolists believed in the existence of two worlds - ours and the other world.

Do you know what a tree like this symbolizes? oak?

– But, for example, water symbolizes life. Why do you think?

Also in his work there are such symbols as "sun", "stars".

Balmont in his work most often used symbols of happiness and grief.

- What do you think, which of these words are symbols of happiness, and which of grief?


If we are imbued with Balmont's poetry, we will learn many secrets. So let's hit the road.

4. Statement of a problem question

The work to which we turn today is called "At the Monsters."

Why do you think it's called that way?

- Who are these monsters?

- Name close words.

What kind of monsters do you know?

- What should a person be like to be with monsters?

5. Primary reading

What picture did you present?

- What did you like and what not in the behavior of the hero?

Phys. minute

The hero invites us to follow him.

Let's close our eyes. Let's imagine that we are walking through a fairy-tale forest, that the trees are whispering, the grass is gently rustling under our feet. A narrow path runs ahead and calls us like that. We walk along it, listening to the forest sounds, the chirping of birds. We are very interested. What lies ahead for us? And now, in a bright clearing, an unusual hut stands, the half-open door creaks softly, as if inviting us to enter.

Reading to yourself

And now, read to yourself and pay attention to how the feelings of the hero change and choose the intonation and strength of the voice with which you will read.

6. Secondary reading and literary analysis

Let's read together and reflect on what happened to our hero, and travel along the roads of a fairy tale with him.

- Read the first stanza.

- Whom did our hero visit?

Let's imagine (draw) a verbal portrait of Baba Yaga. / Slide 5. A picture of Baba Yaga.

Imagine what kind of hut she lives in.

Baba Yaga is the heroine of many fairy tales. Her image has come down to us from ancient times. When she was the keeper of the hearth. It looks like an evil old woman with a hump on her back. When you look into her eyes, they seem evil, but when you look closely at them, you can see that her heart is filled not only with evil, but also with good.

- From what words of the first line can you understand that Baba Yaga is not so evil?

- What is unusual about the house in which she lives?

- Who knows what the hut of Baba Yaga symbolizes in Russian fairy tales? (Transition to another world. Baba Yaga's hut is located on the border of our world and the unreal).

- Do you think our hero has visited Baba Yaga before?

What lines prove this?

Everything is there as before.

Those. it turns out that our hero has been there more than once, and he checks if anything has changed there.

Why do you think he returned there?

We learn about this by reading the second stanza.

- Do you think our hero was afraid of the wrath of Baba Yaga?

- Why was he not afraid that he angered Baba Yaga? (He was wearing an invisibility hat).

Courageous, with a smile meets obstacles in his path. He has a cheerful disposition.

- What words support the cheerful disposition of the hero?


What words can be used instead of this word?

Why did the author choose this word? (This word indicates that he did not do this for selfish purposes. It most fully helps us to present a picture of what is happening. And if we replace it with another word, the heroes will appear before us in a different guise).

- What kind of beads did our hero pull off that angered the witch? It is no coincidence that the author used this word.

What does "witch" mean? (Knows, knows all the secrets).

What is this technique called in the literature?

– And why exactly two strings of beads?

To answer this question, we must remember where Baba Yaga lives.

- Where is her house? (On the border of two worlds).

- So she knows the secrets of our and unreal world?

Our hero scouted the secrets of the witch and "hid in the haze."

How do you understand this expression? (disappeared, fled, dissolved).

- Since he escaped, can the lyrical hero be called a bully?

- Or maybe he is a poet and wants to reveal secrets to people?

Read the last line in this stanza.

Why is he happy? (He is tireless, rejoices in the upcoming new adventures).

To whom will we now go with the hero?

Read the third stanza.

- Who is Kashchei? / Slide 6. Image of Kashchei.

How does he appear to us in fairy tales?

Why is he called immortal? (He is the lord of the fabulous surreal world).

In ancient times it was called cat. There are several theories about the origin of this word.

1. Bone - thin, bony (why)?

2. Kosha is a servant.

3. Kosha - master.

- What does our hero want to find at Kashchei?

– What does “pearls for songs” mean?

- What are the songs? (from words).

Are these simple words?

Pearls in the old days were called "pearl", as something wonderful and beautiful.

As pearls are precious stones, so you can't throw away the words from the song. They are irreplaceable and wonderful. Such words are more valuable than any treasure for a true poet.

- To whom else will we go together with the hero. Read.

What was the name of the snake in fairy tales?

GORYNYCH/ Slide 7. Image of the Serpent Gorynych.

What word did this word come from?

This indicates a connection not with the mountains, but with the horseback in general, i.e. living above. The word "mountain" in ancient times meant "forest". In the minds of the people, he is associated with the element of fire, so he was portrayed as a fire-breather.

- Why did our hero approach the very mouth of the Serpent, because it is dangerous?

Why does he need to know secrets?

Russian folk tales keep many secrets that have come down to us from time immemorial and not everyone is given to know them.

- And our hero managed to do it?

- What qualities do you need to have for this?

Let's make a verbal portrait of the hero.

We have several personality traits in front of us, select the one you need and justify your answer.

  • mischievous
  • kind
  • brave
  • bold
  • brave
  • dreamer
  • bold

A real sweat is always taking risks when trying to reveal a secret to people in the world about people. A real poet, by the power of his imagination, is in the most inconceivable places. Only a poet can say about Baba Yaga's hut that everything is the same as before. For this wonderful world, the world in which the poet lives.

- Who will read this work, conveying all the feelings and experiences of the author?

7. Reading a poem

8. Summarizing conversation

So what is the poem about? (About good, evil and courage).

What did the poet want to say with his work?

Here we have ended our journey. Answer my question:

- What should a person be like to be revealed to all the secrets of the past that have come down to us in fairy tales?

9. Summary of the lesson

- What secrets have we learned while walking along the roads of a fairy tale?

Those who want to get into a fairy tale should read the poem “At the Monsters” by Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich. The poet has a highly developed sense of beauty and fantasy. In the work, the hero put on an invisibility cap and went to visit the fabulous villains - Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal and the Serpent Gorynych. It was them that the author called monsters. But despite the fact that they are scary, the hero is not afraid of them, since he is invisible. But at the same time, there is no evil in him and he does not want to cause harm. Why? There are several reasons for this. First, he feels like a child, and any child wants to become the hero of a fairy tale. The second reason is that he wants to know their secrets, which they hide from the good heroes of fairy tales. The author himself notes - "I learn secrets - and I was like that." In addition, he is bold, brave and loves adventure, who “pulled two strings of beads from the old one”, is looking for “pearls” from Koshchei and is ready “to the very mouth” to fly up to the Serpent.

The text of Balmont's poem "At the Monsters" is one of the best poems in Russian literature, which should be read not only to children, but also to adults, because in the hustle and bustle of days and worries, a person completely forgets about miracles. Thanks to the playful plot, it is easy to learn.

The material is only available online and can be used in preparation for a reading lesson in elementary grades.

I was in a hut on chicken legs.
Everything is there as before. Yaga is sitting.
Mice squeaked and rummaged through the crumbs.
The wicked old woman was strict.

But I was wearing a hat, I was invisible.
I pulled two strands of beads from the Old One.
Enraged the Witch, and disappeared into the haze.
And with laughter I twist my mustache.

I'll probably go to Koshchei now.
I will find pearls for songs there.
To the very mouth I will approach the Serpent.
I learn secrets - and was like that.

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