Balzac short biography and creativity. History of foreign literature XIX - early XX centuries


(French Honoré de Balzac, May 20, 1799, Tours - August 18, 1850, Paris) - French writer. The real name - Honore Balzac, began to use the particle "de", meaning belonging to a noble family, around 1830.
Honoré de Balzac was born in Tours, the son of peasants from Languedoc. In 1807-1813 he studied at the College of Vendome, in 1816-1819 - at the Paris School of Law, at the same time he worked for a notary as a scribe; abandoned a career in law and devoted himself to literature.
From 1823 he published a number of novels under various pseudonyms in the spirit of "violent romanticism". In 1825–28 B. was engaged in publishing activities, but failed.
In 1829, the first book signed with the name "Balzac" was published - the historical novel "Chuans" (Les Chouans). Balzac's subsequent works: "Scenes of Private Life" (Scènes de la vie privée, 1830), the novel "The Elixir of Longevity" (L "Élixir de longue vie, 1830–31, a variation on the themes of the legend of Don Juan); the story of Gobseck (Gobseck, 1830) attracted wide attention of the reader and critics. In 1831 Balzac published his philosophical novel Shagreen Skin and began the novel The Thirty-Year-Old Woman (La femme de trente ans). ironically stylized Renaissance novelistics.In partly autobiographical novel "Louis Lambert" (Louis Lambert, 1832) and especially in the later "Seraphite" (Séraphîta, 1835), B.'s fascination with the mystical concepts of E. Swedenborg and Cl. de Saint-Martin was reflected. his hope of getting rich has not yet been realized (since a huge debt is weighing down - the result of his unsuccessful commercial enterprises), then his hope of becoming famous, his dream of winning Paris, the world with talent, has been realized. Success did not turn Balzac's head, as it happened with many of his young contemporaries. He continued to lead a hard working life, sitting at his desk for 15–16 hours a day; working until dawn, annually publishing three, four and even five, six books.
In the works created in the first five or six years of his writing activity, the most diverse areas of contemporary French life are depicted: the village, the provinces, Paris; various social groups: merchants, aristocracy, clergy; various social institutions: family, state, army. A huge number of artistic facts, which were contained in these books, required their systematization.
Innovation Balzac
The end of the 1820s and the beginning of the 1830s, when Balzac entered literature, was the period of the greatest flowering of Romanticism in French literature. The big novel in European literature by the arrival of Balzac had two main genres: a novel of a personality - an adventurous hero (for example, Robinson Crusoe) or a self-deepening, lonely hero (The Suffering of Young Werther by W. Goethe) and a historical novel (Walter Scott).
Balzac departs both from the novel of personality and from the historical novel of Walter Scott. He seeks to show the "individualized type", to give a picture of the whole society, the whole people, the whole of France. Not a legend about the past, but a picture of the present, an artistic portrait of bourgeois society is at the center of his creative attention.
The standard-bearer of the bourgeoisie now is a banker, not a commander, its shrine is the stock exchange, not a battlefield.
Not a heroic personality and not a demonic nature, not a historical act, but a modern bourgeois society, the France of the July Monarchy - such is the main literary theme of the era. In place of the novel, whose task is to give in-depth experiences of the individual, Balzac puts a novel about social mores, in place of historical novels - the artistic history of post-revolutionary France.
"Studies on Morals" unfold the picture of France, paint the life of all classes, all social conditions, all social institutions. The key to this story is money. Its main content is the victory of the financial bourgeoisie over the landed and tribal aristocracy, the desire of the entire nation to become at the service of the bourgeoisie, to intermarry with it. Thirst for money is the main passion, the highest dream. The power of money is the only invincible force: love, talent, family honor, family hearth, parental feeling are submissive to it.



1. The Life of a Writer.

2. The universality of the idea, thematic and genre composition, the basic principles for constructing the epic "The Human Comedy" by O. de Balzac.

3. Ideological and artistic analysis of the works "Eugenie Goandet", "Shagreen leather".

1. Life path of the writer

The first half of the 19th century did not know a more striking figure than HONORE BALZAC (1799-1850), who has rightly been called "the father of modern realism and naturalism." His life is a living embodiment of the conditions in which the European, and especially the French writer of the 19th century was. Balzac lived only 51 years, leaving the reader 96 works. He planned to write about 150 of them, but did not have time to complete his grandiose plan. All his works are interconnected by cross-cutting characters, who acted as the main characters in some novels, and minor characters in others.

In Balzac, everyone finds his own. Some were impressed by the completeness and coherence of the picture of the world that he outlined. Others were worried about Gothic mysteries, inscribed in this objective picture. Still others admired the colorful characters that the writer's imagination created, raised above reality by their greatness and their meanness.

Honore Balzac (he added the “de” particle to his surname later and quite arbitrarily) was born on May 20, 1799 in the city of Tours. His father Bernard Francois, a peasant son who fought hard and for a long time, married only at the age of fifty, taking a young girl from a wealthy family (she was 32 years younger than him). The mother hurried to sell the first-born out of her hands. The baby was given to the village nurse, where he spent 3 years. Mother didn't visit often. Social life and a love affair with one of the local aristocrats completely absorbed her. Even after returning to the parental home, the mother saw her son only on Sundays. Honore's childhood was difficult and joyless. The family almost did not take care of his upbringing.

Parents considered themselves educated people, so they did not spare money for the education of their children. At the age of 8, Honore was sent to study at the Vendome College, which became a “spiritual prison” for him, because strict supervision of the pupils reigned here, they were not even allowed to go home for the holidays. All letters were reread by the censor, resorting even to corporal punishment. Young Balzac felt neglected and oppressed in college, apparently because he studied mediocrely and had a reputation among his educators as an undisciplined and poorly gifted student. Here he first began to write poetry and became interested in literature.

Having received a secondary education, with great difficulty, Balzac signed up as a free student at the Paris School of Law. In November 1816, he entered the faculty of law at the Sorbonne and became seriously interested in philosophy and fiction. And at the same time he had to work as a clerk in the office of a notary. The experience gained during the service became the source of many plot conflicts in the works of The Human Comedy.

In 1819, Balzac graduated from the Faculty of Law and received a bachelor's degree in law. However, Honore had no desire to vegetate in a notary's office, he wanted to become a writer (this happened in 1819, when the Napoleonic escapades ended irrevocably and the restored Bourbons already ruled the country). The mother did not want to hear about such a dubious career, but the old Bernard Francois unexpectedly agreed to give his son something like a two-year probationary period. He even concluded a kind of deal with him on this, which provided for meager monetary assistance; after all, as A. Morois wrote, "Balzac was born in a family where money idolized."

When the military quartermaster Bernard-Francois Balzac was dismissed, the family settled in Villepariz, and Honore remained in Paris, where he experienced creative torments, sitting in his attic in front of a blank sheet of paper. He wanted to become a writer without having the slightest idea what he would write about; and took up the heroic tragedy - the genre of his talent is most contraindicated. Inspired by hopes, the young man worked on the tragedy "Cromwell", but the work came out weak, secondary, oriented not to life, but to the canons of art of the 17th century. The tragedy was not recognized even in the family circle.

In 1820 - 1821. Balzac began work on the novel in the letters Walls, or Philosophical Wanderings, focusing on the work of J.-J. Russo and I. W. Goethe, as well as on the experience of personal experiences and impressions. However, this work remained unfinished: the writer lacked skill and maturity.

The spring of 1822 brought him a meeting with a woman who played an important role in his future destiny. Lara de Berni, goddaughter of Louis XVI, was married and older than Balzac by 22 years. This is the angel of friendship that accompanied Honore for 15 years. She helped him with money and advice, was his critic. She became for him that maternal beginning that he had been looking for from his mother all his childhood. Balzac thanked her with love, but this did not mean that he was faithful. Young girls rarely became his passions. It is no coincidence that in his work, exploring the evolution of the female soul from a young age to a very old age, the writer paid attention to the 30-year-old, “Balzac” age. After all, it was at this time that a woman, in his opinion, reaches the peak of her physical and spiritual capabilities, is freed from the illusions of youth.

Honoré Balzac was Madame Bernie's children's tutor. “Soon the Balzacs begin to notice something. First, Honore, even when he is not giving lessons, goes to Bernie's house and spends his days and evenings there. Secondly, he began to dress carefully, became friendlier, more accessible and much more welcoming. When the mother found out about Madame Bernie's relationship with her son, she aroused a feeling of jealousy, and soon rumors began to circulate in the city about Honore's frequent visits. To protect her son from this woman, the mother sent him to her sister.

From 1821 to 1825, Honore de Balzac, first in collaboration with others, and then on his own, began to write and publish novels full of secrets, horrors and crimes. He settled down in the attic along Ledig "єr Street and, cheering himself up with coffee, wrote novels one by one: "The Birag Heiress" (1822), "The Last Fairy, or the New Magic Lamp" (1822) and others. The young prose writer signed with various pseudonyms and in the future he refused to include his works in the collection.However, the work did not bring either fame or fees for a comfortable life.

In 1836, already well-known, he republished some of them, but under the pseudonym Horace de Saint-Aubin. Although the pseudonym was nothing more than a secret, Balzac did not dare to publish these books as his own. He wrote in 1842 in the Preface to the Human Comedy: “... I must draw the attention of readers to the fact that I recognize as my own only those works that came out under my name. In addition to The Human Comedy, I own only One Hundred Playful Stories, two plays and several articles - and by the way, they are all signed.

Researchers have often been tempted not to take into account the early works of the writer. And it is hardly worth giving in to this temptation. Without them, the image of the writer would not be complete. In addition, they became a kind of testing field for him.

For some time, Honore Balzac generally turned into a literary day laborer, did not disdain any order that brought money. And that money was considerable at that time (especially for a novice writer, unknown to anyone, anonymous), and the family stopped believing that Honore was wasting time on stupid things. However, he himself was dissatisfied, because he hoped that literary work would immediately bring him pennies, fame and power. And the young Balzac, pushed by ardent impatience, resorted to commercial speculation: he began to publish the classics, bought a printing house, and then a type foundry. He devoted almost three years to this activity - from 1825 to 1828, and as a result - bankruptcy and a huge debt, which was partly covered by his elderly mistress, Madame de Berni. But Honore did not completely get rid of his debt until the end of his days, because over time he only increased it.

“For Balzac,” wrote another of his biographers, Stefan Zweig, “Midas is the opposite (because everything he touched turned not into gold, but into debts) - everything always ended in financial collapse ...”. He repeatedly embarked on adventures (published newspapers and magazines, bought shares of abandoned silver mines, worked for the theater to earn money), and all with the same result: instead of gold, debts that gradually grew to truly astronomical numbers.

In the second iol. 20s 19th century articles and essays by Balzac appeared in the Parisian press, which were talented sketches of typical characters and scenes from the life of different sections of French society. Many of them became the basis for images and situations in the works of The Human Comedy.

"The Last Chouan, or Brittany in 1800" (1829) - the first work of Balzac, signed by his last name (he generally called this novel his first work), - was published a year before Stendhal's "Red and Black". But "Red and Black" is a masterpiece, a great monument of new realism, while "The Last Shuang" is something in between, immature.

Undoubtedly, Stendhal and Balzac are very different artistic personalities. The creativity of the first is, first of all, two peaks: "Red and Black" and "Parma Monastery". Even if he didn’t write anything else, he would still remain Stendhal. Balzac had things that worked out better for him, and some worse. And yet, above all, he is the author of The Human Comedy as a whole. He knew and spoke about it himself: “The work on which the author is working will receive recognition in the future, primarily due to the breadth of its concept, and not the value of individual details.”

Real Balzacian creativity began on the threshold of the 1830 revolution, which the writer accepted, but very quickly realized that the people were deceived. And yet, a significant part of his works revealed the theme of the Restoration (“Gobsek”, “Shagreen Skin”, “Colonel Chabert”, “Father Goriot”, “Museum of Antiquities”, “Shine and Poverty of Courtesans”).

In 1833, the novel "Eugene Grande" was published, which defined a new era in the creative development of O. de Balzac. The subject of the image in the new work was bourgeois everyday life with its external and real course. Immediately after the publication of the book, Balzac had an idea to combine all his works into an epic.

In 1834, Jules Sando found temporary shelter in Balzac's apartment, Aurora's companion Dupin was torn away. The writer offered him the post of secretary. Sando witnessed the dinner parties. But after a year and a half, he fled from Balzac, because he believed that it was better to die of hunger than to work like that.

After 30 years, Balzac began to dream of marriage with a noble, beautiful, young and rich woman, which would help him fix his financial and personal problems.

In 1832 he received a letter with an Odessa stamp, which was signed "Outlander". The secret correspondent turned out to be Countess Evelina Hanska (born Rzhevusskaya), who belonged to a well-known Polish family and was only a year younger than Honore. She was married to Venueslav Gansky, a wealthy landowner in Volhynia. Correspondence soon grew into love, which was destined to continue until the death of the writer. At first glance, Ganskaya did not occupy a special place in Balzac's life. Between meetings with his beloved, which took place in Switzerland, then in Germany, then in Italy, Balzac courted women, wrote novels ... However, everything changed when, in 1841, Evelina became a widow. They spent more and more time together. Balzac often traveled to Russia, Ukraine, to Evelina's estate. In 1845 he was greatly shocked by the news of her pregnancy. In his dreams, the writer saw himself as a father, without any doubt that he would have a son. The artist even named him Victor-Honore and began to make plans for the future. But the dreams were not destined to come true, because the child was born 6 months old and died. March 14, 1850 Balzac and Ganskaya got married in Berdichev. She knew perfectly well that she was waiting for the care of her sick husband and the position of the writer's widow, and yet she agreed to the marriage.

In 1835, after the publication of the novel "Father Goriot", the real fame and recognition came to the writer. Short stories and novels appeared one after another. Early 30s. marked not only by the intensive literary activity of Balzac. His successes opened the doors of aristocratic salons for him, which flattered his pride. Material affairs stabilized, old dreams of a house, a carriage, a shoemaker came true. The artist lived widely and freely.

When fame came, when he became the ruler of thoughts, his huge fees could no longer change anything. Money disappeared before it appeared in the wallet; gobble up debts, they poured down, as if into an abyss, not satisfying even a small part of creditors. The great Balzac ran away from them like a frivolous rake, and once (though not for long) even ended up in a debtor's prison.

All this radically changed his life. In order to pay off his debts, he had to work at a feverish pace (in about two decades he wrote 74 novels, many stories, essays, plays, articles), and in order to maintain the glory of a solvent dandy spoiled by success, he had to get into debt again and again.

However, Honore did not look for a way out of this vicious circle. Apparently, the eternal haste, the atmosphere of an increasing number of falls and adventures were indispensable conditions for his existence, and only under such circumstances, probably, could Balzac's genius manifest itself. So, at first, Balzac quite soberly set himself the goal of becoming a writer, and only then, "after ten years of searching at random ... discovered his true vocation." He wrote 12 to 14 hours a day non-stop in an almost somnambulistic state, turning night into day and fighting sleep and fatigue with giant black coffees; coffee in the end and brought him to the grave.

40s of the XIX century. - the last period of Balzac's work and no less significant and fruitful. 28 new novels by the prose writer have been published. However, from the autumn of 1848 he worked little and printed almost nothing, because his health deteriorated sharply: heart disease, liver disease, and severe headaches. The mighty organism of the creator of the "Human Comedy" was broken by overwork. Balzac actually burned out in labor, having lived to be almost 50 years old. This happened on August 18, 1850. However, the conclusion of his creative activity and skill was the "Human Comedy", which brought him real recognition and immortality through the ages.

In his funeral speech, V. Hugo said: “This powerful and tireless worker, this philosopher, this thinker, this genius lived among us a life full of dreams, struggles, battles - a life that all great people live at all times.”

2. The universality of the idea, thematic and genre composition, the basic principles for constructing the epic "The Human Comedy" by O. de Balzac

The range of literary interests of O. de Balzac was evidence that he felt the need to develop his own reasoned view of the world. The result of such searches was the formation of the philosophical foundation of Balzac's future grand epic: the concept of the world and man, realized in the "Human Comedy" even before he approached its creation.

"Congratulate me. After all, it only got worse that I am a genius, ”- so, according to the memoirs of Balzac’s sister Surville, the writer himself announced the emergence of a new idea, which had no analogues in world literature. In 1833, he openly declared his desire to combine his novels into one epic. A peculiar feature that symbolized the beginning of the creation of a new book was the novel "Father Goriot", which the author completed in 1835. Starting from this work, Balzac began to systematically take the names and characters of the characters from his previous works.

The power of gold has become one of the cross-cutting themes of world literature. Almost all prominent writers of the XIX-XX centuries. addressed her. The outstanding French prose writer Honore de Balzac, the author of a cycle of novels under the general title "The Human Comedy", which he wrote for more than 20 years, was no exception. In these works, the writer sought to embody the artistic generalization of the life of French society in the period 1816-1848.

The connection between the artist's prose and the real life of France during the Restoration era is complex and numerous. He skillfully intertwined references to historical details and real events with the names of the heroes of the "Human Comedy" and the events described in it. But Balzac did not aim to recreate an exact copy of reality. He did not hide the fact that France, which appeared in the "Human Comedy", lay the imprint of his ideas about the meaning and content of human life and the history of civilization as a whole. But we can say for sure that he consistently realized in his work a humanistic view of the history of civilization. The history of morality that Balzac wrote is a history seen through people with all their dreams, passions, sorrows and joys.

The writer decided in his works to show the widest possible panorama of the life of France of his era, but later became convinced that this could not be done within the framework of one novel. This is how the cycle began to take shape, which in 1842 was called the "Human Comedy".

Divine Comedy Dante

Balzac's The Human Comedy

In form, this work is a kind of journey into the other world, carried out by the poet in his artistic imagination, vision

In form - an image of the life of France in all its manifestations

The purpose of the work is to show the medieval man and all mankind the path to salvation.

The purpose of comedy is the desire to explain the patterns of human reality

Called a comedy because it started out sad but had a happy ending

Called a comedy because it showed the concept of the human world from many different angles

Genre - poem

It's hard to define a genre. Most often there are two definitions: a cycle of novels and an epic

Divided into three parts ("Hell", "Purgatory", "Paradise") - these are the three worlds where Dante lived for a time: real life, purgatory of internal struggle and paradise of faith

Divided into three parts, each of which included certain works

Since the plan of the Balzacian epic matured gradually, the principles for classifying the works included in it changed many times. Initially, the artist planned to name the main work of his life “Social Studies”, but later the “Divine Comedy” by Give led him to another idea regarding the title of the work. A grandiose work demanded a majestic title. She came to the writer not immediately, but much later (by analogy with Dante's Divine Comedy). 18th century tragedy was replaced by comedy of the mid-19th century. The writer himself explained the chosen name as follows: “The huge scope of the plan, simultaneously covers the history and criticism of society, an analysis of its shortcomings and a discussion of its foundations allows, I think, to give it the title under which it will appear -“ The Human Comedy. Or is he pretentious, only correct? It will be up to the readers to decide when the work is finished.

The first step towards the "Human Comedy" was Balzac's appeal to the genre of "physiological essay", which had nothing to do with physiology in the medical sense of the word. It was a kind of study of certain social phenomena. "Physiological Essay" - artistic journalism, touching on contemporary topics and developed a rich material of social and psychological observations.

The first drafts of the grandiose work appeared in 1833 (“Shagreen Skin”), work on the last pages ended shortly before the death of the author (“the wrong side of modern history”, 1848). In 1845, the writer compiled a list of all the works of the Human Comedy, which included 144 titles. But he did not have time to realize his plan in full.

In a letter to Madame Carro, he wrote: “My work must incorporate all types of people, all social conditions, it must embody all social changes so that not a single life situation, not a single person, not a single character, male or female, nor one way of life, not one profession, not one's views, not one French province, not even anything from childhood, old age, adulthood, politics, law or military affairs has been forgotten.

Balzac gave no less weight to ordinary phenomena - both secret and overt - as well as to the events of personal life, their causes and fundamental foundations, than historians attached to the events of the public life of peoples. “It is not an easy job to describe 2-3 thousand people who stand out in some way against the background of their era, because approximately so many types will eventually be typed that represent each generation, and “L. to." will contain them all. So many faces, characters, so many destinies needed a certain framework and - forgive me for this statement - galleries.

The society, which was the fruit of the writer's creative energy, had all the signs of reality. “Common characters” passed from one work to another, which, along with the universality of the creative method and the author’s concept, strengthened the writer’s idea, giving it the scale of an architectural structure. Gradually, Balzac got his own doctors (B "yanchon, Desplein), a detective (Corentin, Perade), lawyers (Derville, Deroche), financiers (Nusingen, the Keller brothers, du Tillet), usurers (Gobsek, Palme, Bidault), know ( Listomery, Kergarueti, Monfrinesi, Granlier, Ronkeroli, Rogani), etc.

The Preface to the Human Comedy made it possible to comprehend the grandiosity of Balzac's general idea. "The original idea for The Human Comedy came to me like a dream, like one of those nebulous ideas you grow but can't visualize clearly..."

The main provisions of the "Foreword ..."

The idea of ​​this work was born as a result of comparing humanity with the animal world.

The desire to find a single mechanism in society, since, in his opinion, it is similar to Nature.

The writer singled out three forms of human existence: "men, women and things."

The main idea of ​​the plan is to give a huge panorama of society based on the law of egoism.

Balzac did not profess Russian ideas about the "natural goodness of man."

"The Human Comedy" is divided into three parts, each of which Balzac called etudes (vicennas): "Etudes on Morals", "Philosophical Studies", "Analytical Studies". The central place in it was occupied by "Etudes on Customs", which the writer divided into different scenes of life. This scheme was conditional, some works moved from one section to another. According to the scheme, the author arranged his novels in this way (the most important works):

1. "Studies on Morals".

A) Scenes of private life. "The House of the Cat Playing Ball", "A Ball in So", "Matrimonial Consent", "Sub-Family", "Gobsek", "Silhouette of a Woman", "A 30-Year-Old Woman", "Colonel Chabert", "Abandoned Woman" , "Father Goriot", "The Marriage Contract", "Lust of the Atheist", "Eve's Daughter", "Beatrice", "First Steps into Science".

B) Scenes of provincial life. "Eugenia Grande", "The illustrious Godissard", "Provincial Muse", "The Old Maid", "Pierrette", "The Bachelor's Life", "Lost Illusions".

C) Scenes of Parisian life. "The Story of Thirteen", "Shine and Poverty of Courtesans", "Facino Canet", "Business Man", "Prince of Bohemia", "Cousin Betta".

D) Scenes of political life. "The underside of modern history", "Dark matter", "Episodes of the era of terror."

D) Scenes of military life. "Shuani", "Passion in the Desert".

E) Scenes of rural life. "Village Doctor", "Village Priest", "Peasants".

2. "Philosophical Studies".

"Shagreen Skin", "Forgiven Melmoth", "Unknown Masterpiece", "Cursed Child", "Search for the Absolute", "Farewell", "Executioner", "Elixir of Longevity".

3. "Analytical Studies".

"Philosophy of marriage", "Small hardships of married life".

"Studies on manners" constituted the general history of society, which collected all the events and deeds. Each of the six sections corresponded to one of the main thoughts. Each had its own meaning, its own meaning and covered a certain period of human life:

“Scenes of private life depict childhood, adolescence and the mistakes inherent in this age.

The scenes of provincial life show passions in their adulthood, describing calculations, interests and ambitions.

The scenes of Parisian life paint a picture of the tastes, vices and irrepressible manifestations of life associated with the customs that flourish in the capital, where one can meet both unique good and unique evil at the same time.

The scenes of political life reflect the interests of many or all - that is, we are talking about life that does not seem to flow in the general direction.

The scenes of military life show a grandiose picture of the Society in a state of highest tension, when it goes beyond the limits of its existence - when it defends itself from an enemy invasion or goes on conquest campaigns.

The scenes of village life are like the evening of a long day. In this section, the reader will for the first time meet the purest characters and will be shown how to implement the high principles of order, politics and morality.

It is difficult to name all the themes of the works of Honore de Balzac. The author took to attention, it would seem, anti-artistic topics: the enrichment and bankruptcy of a merchant, the history of the estate changed its owner, speculation in land allotments, financial scams, the struggle over the will. In the novels, it was these main events that determined the relationship of parents - children, women - men, lovers - mistresses.

The main theme that united the works of Balzac into one whole is the desire to explain the patterns of reality. The author was interested not only in specific topics and problems, but also in the relationship of these problems; not only individual passions, but also the formation of a person under the influence of the environment.

These methods allowed the writer to draw certain conclusions in the book about the degradation of man in bourgeois society. However, he did not absolutize the influence of the environment, but led the hero to an independent choice of his life path.

The following united such a huge number of works and characters: Balzac developed an important motive for human actions - the desire for enrichment.

The internal construction of the "Human Comedy" is such that great novels and short stories alternated in it with short stories - "crossroads" - "Prince of Bohemia", "Business Man", "Comedians Unknown to Himself". These are, rather, unwittingly written sketches, the main value of which is a meeting with characters well known to the writer, who for a short time were again united by intrigue.

The writer built the "human comedy" on the principle of cyclicality: most of the characters moved from work to work, acting as the main characters in some and episodic in others. Balzac boldly abandoned the plot, where the biography of a particular hero was given in full.

Thus, an important compositional principle of the "Human Comedy" is the interaction and interconnection of various parts of the cycle (for example, the actions of "Gobsek" and "Father Goriot" took place almost simultaneously, they also had a common character - Anastasi de Resto - the daughter of Father Goriot and the wife of the Count de Resto).

It is very problematic to accurately and unambiguously define the genre of this work. Two definitions are most often given: a cycle of novels and an epic. It is unlikely that they can be attributed to the "Human Comedy". Formally, this is a cycle of novels, more precisely, works. But many of them lack the means of communication with each other - for example, neither the plots, nor the problems, nor the common characters connected the novels "Shuani", "Peasants", "Shine and Poverty of Courtesans" and the story "Shagreen Skin". And there are many such examples. The definition of "epopee" also only partially applies to the "Human Comedy". The epic, in its modern form, is characterized by the presence of core characters and a common plot, which Balzac did not have.

The most complex variant of cyclic unity is the unification of works of different genres (novels, short stories, short stories, essays, short stories) within the framework of one concept. In this case, a huge material of life, a huge number of characters, the scale of the writer's generalizations also made it possible to speak of an epic. As a rule, in such a context, first of all, they recall Balzac's The Human Comedy and E. Zola's Rougon-Maccari, created under the influence of Balzac's masterpiece.

3. Ideological and artistic analysis of the works "Eugenie Grandet", "Shagreen leather"

In 1831, Balzac published Shagreen Skin, a novel that "was supposed to formulate modernity, our life, our egoism." The main theme of the work is the theme of a talented but poor young man who lost the dreams of his youth in a collision with a selfish and soulless bourgeois society. Already in this book, the main feature of the writer's work was outlined - fantastic images did not contradict a realistic depiction of reality, but, on the contrary, gave special intrigue and philosophical generalizations to stories.

Philosophical formulas are revealed in the novel on the example of the fate of the protagonist Raphael de Valentin, who is faced with the dilemma of the century: “to wish” and “to be able”. Infected with the disease of time, Raphael, who originally chose the path of a scientist, abandon him for the brilliance and pleasures of high life. Having experienced a complete collapse in his ambitious intentions, rejected by the woman he was so fond of, left without a minimum means of subsistence, the hero was already ready to commit suicide. It was at this time that fate brought him together with an amazing old man, an antique dealer, who handed him an all-powerful talisman - shagreen leather, for the owner of which desire and possibilities became a reality. However, the payback for all desires was the life of Raphael, which very quickly began to emerge along with a decrease in the size of shagreen leather. There was only one way out of this situation for the hero - to satisfy all desires.

Thus, the novel reveals two systems of being: a life full of pleasures and passions, which led to the destruction of man, and an ascetic life, the only pleasure of which was knowledge and potential power. Balzac depicted both the strengths and weaknesses of both these systems using the example of the image of Raphael, who at first almost did not destroy himself in the mainstream of passions, and then slowly died in a “vegetative” existence without desires and emotions.

"Rafael could do everything, but did nothing." The reason for this is the selfishness of the hero. Desiring to have millions and having received them, Rafael, previously overwhelmed with desires and dreams, was immediately reborn: "a deeply egoistic thought entered his very essence and swallowed up the universe for him."

All the events in the novel are strictly motivated by a natural confluence of circumstances: Raphael, having received shagreen skin, immediately wished for entertainment and orgies, and at the same moment stumbled upon his old friend, who invited him to “a luxurious party at Tyfer’s house; there, the hero accidentally met with a notary who had been looking for the heir of the deceased millionaire for two weeks already, and he turned out to be Rafael, etc. So, the fantastic image of shagreen leather acted as “a purely realistic reflection of experiences, moods and events” (Goethe).

In 1833, the novel Eugenie Grandet was published. The subject of the image in the new work was the bourgeois everyday life with its usual course of events. The scene is typical for the French province of the town of Saumur, which is revealed against the backdrop of rivalry between two noble families of the city - Kruchon and Grassiniv, who argued for the hand of the heroine of the novel Eugenie, the heiress of the multimillion-dollar property of "father Grande".

The protagonist of the novel is Eugenie's father. Felix Grande is the image of a provincial rich man, an exceptional personality. The thirst for money filled his soul, destroyed all human feelings in him. The news of his brother's suicide left him completely indifferent. He did not take any family part in the fate of the orphaned nephew, quickly sending him to India. The miser left his wife and daughter without the most necessary things, saving even on doctor visits. Grande changed his habitual indifference to his dying wife only after he learned that her death threatened the distribution of property, since it was Eugenie who was the legitimate heiress of her mother. The only one to whom he was not indifferent in his own way was his daughter. And that was only because he saw in it the future shore of accumulated wealth. “Take care of the gold, take care of it! You will give me an answer in the next world, ”- these are the last words of the father addressed to the child.

The passion for accumulation not only dehumanized Felix Grande, it is the cause of the premature death of his wife and the lost life of Eugenie, whom his father denied the natural right to love and be loved. Passion also explained the sad evolution of Charles Grandet, who came to his uncle's house as an unspoiled youth, and returned from India cruel and greedy, having lost the best features of his "I".

Building a biography of Grande, Balzac analytically exposed the “roots” of the hero’s degradation in a wide exposition, thereby drawing a parallel with bourgeois society, which asserted its greatness with the help of gold. This image was often compared with the image of Gobsek. But the desire for profit in Gobsek and Grandet was of a different nature: if in Gobsek the cult of gold was invested in a philosophical understanding of the greatness of wealth, then Grande simply loved money for the sake of money. The realistic image of Felix Grande is not endowed with romantic features, which alone made their way in Gobsek. If the complexity of Gobsek's nature impressed Balzac in some way, then Father Grande, in his primitiveness, did not arouse any sympathy in the writer.

Somyursky millionaire is opposed by his daughter. It was Eugenie, with her indifference to gold, high spirituality and desire for happiness, who decided to come into conflict with her father. The origins of the dramatic collision are in the love of the heroine for her young cousin Charles. In the struggle for Charles - beloved and in love - she showed rare perseverance and audacity. But Grande took a cunning path, sending his nephew to distant India for gold. If Eugenie's happiness never came, then Charles himself became the reason for this, betraying youthful love for the sake of money and social status. Having lost the meaning of life with love, Eugenie, internally devastated at the end of the novel, continued to exist, as if fulfilling her father’s covenant: days when her father allowed her... Always dressed like her mother used to dress. Saumur house, without sun, without heat, is constantly filled with melancholy - a reflection of her life.

This is how sad the story of Eugenie appeared - a woman created by nature for the happiness of being a wife and mother. But due to her spirituality and dissimilarity to others, for the despot-father, she "... did not receive a husband, or children, or a family."

Writer's creative method

Introduced Balzac heroes: bright, talented, extraordinary personalities;

Tendency to contrasts and exaggerations;

Balzac worked on the character in three stages:

I sketched the image of a person, starting from one of my acquaintances or from literature,

He collected all the material into a single whole;

The character became the embodiment of a certain passion, an idea that gave him a certain form;

Everything that happened in his works is the result of numerous causes and consequences;

A significant place in the works was given to descriptions.

Questions for self-control

1. Why is Honore de Balzac called "the father of modern realism and naturalism"?

2. Reveal the main intent of the writer of The Human Comedy.

3. What unites such a mass of Balzac's works into one whole?

4. What are the basic principles for constructing the epic "The Human Comedy"?

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Biography, life story of Honore de Balzac

Honore de Balzac is a famous French writer of the 19th century, one of the creators of the realistic trend in European literature.


Honoré de Balzac was born on 05/20/1799 in Tours, located near the Loire River. The daughter of a merchant from Paris gave birth to a boy. His father, Bernard Francois, was a simple peasant, but he was able to become quite a rich man thanks to his ability to trade.

Bernard so successfully bought and then resold the land seized from the nobles during the revolution that he was able to break out into the people. The real name of Balsa, for some reason, did not suit Honore's father, and he changed it to Balzac. In addition, having paid officials a certain amount of money, he became the owner of the “de” particle. Since then, he began to be called more noble, and by the sound of his name and surname he could easily pass for a representative of the privileged class. However, in those days in France, many ambitious commoners who had at least some francs for their souls did this.

Bernard believed that without studying law, his offspring would forever remain the son of a peasant. Only advocacy, in his opinion, could somehow bring the young man closer to the circle of the elite.


In the period from 1807 to 1813, following the will of his father, Honoré took a course at the College of Vendôme, and in 1816-1819 learned the basics of science at the Paris School of Law. Young Balzac did not forget about the practice, acting as a scribe at a notary.

At that time, he firmly decided to devote himself to literary creativity. Who knows, his dream could come true if the father paid more attention to his son. But the parents did not pay due attention to what young Honore lived and breathed. The father was busy with his own affairs, and the mother, who was younger than him by as much as 30 years, was distinguished by a frivolous character and often found delight in the chambers of strange men.

It should be noted that the future famous writer did not want to become a lawyer at all, so he studied in these institutions, overcoming himself. Moreover, he amused himself by mocking the teachers. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that a negligent student was repeatedly locked in a punishment cell. In Vendôme College, he was generally left to himself, because there parents could visit their children only once a year.


College ended for 14-year-old Honore with a serious illness. It is not known why this happened, but the administration of the institution insisted that Balzac immediately went home. The disease lasted for a long five years, during which the doctors, all as one, gave very disappointing forecasts. It seemed that recovery would never come, but a miracle happened.

In 1816, the family moved to the capital, and here the disease suddenly receded.

The beginning of the creative path

Beginning in 1823, the young Balzac began to make himself known in literary circles. He published his first novels under fictitious names, and tried to create in the spirit of extreme romanticism. Such conditions were dictated by the fashion that prevailed then in France. Over time, Honore was skeptical about his attempts at writing. So much so that I tried to continue to not remember them at all.

In 1825 he tried not to write books, but to print them. Attempts with varying success lasted for three years, after which Balzac finally became disillusioned with the publishing business.

writing craft

Honore again returned to creativity, having finished work on the historical novel "Chuans" in 1829. By that time, the novice writer was so confident in his strength that he signed the work with his real name. Then everything went very smoothly, "Scenes of Private Life", "Elixir of Longevity", "Gobsek", "Shagreen Skin" appeared. The last of these works is a philosophical novel.

Balzac worked to the last of his strength, spending 15 hours a day at his desk. The writer was forced to write at the limit of his abilities, because he owed creditors a large amount of money.

Honoré needed considerable finances for various kinds of dubious enterprises. At first, cherishing the hope of buying a silver mine at a reasonable price, he rushed to Sardinia. Then he acquired a spacious estate in the countryside, the contents of which pretty ruffled the pockets of the owner. Finally, he founded a couple of periodicals, the release of which was not a commercial success.

However, such hard work brought him good dividends in the form of fame that came. Balzac published several books each year. Not every of his colleagues could boast of a similar result.

At the time when Balzac loudly declared himself in French literature (the end of the 1820s), the direction of romanticism blossomed in a riotous color. Many writers have portrayed the image of an adventurous or lonely hero. However, Balzac sought to move away from the description of heroic personalities and focus on the society of the bourgeoisie as a whole, which was the France of the July Monarchy. The writer depicted the life of representatives of almost all strata, from rural hard workers and merchants to priests and aristocrats.


Balzac repeatedly visited Russia, in particular, in St. Petersburg. During one of his visits, fate brought him together with Evelina Ganskaya. The Countess belonged to a noble Polish family. A romance began, which ended in a wedding. The solemn event took place in the church of St. Barbara in the city of Berdichev in the early morning, without strangers.

Beloved Balzac had an estate in Verkhovna, a village located in Ukraine on the territory of the Zhytomyr region. The couple settled there. Their love lasted almost 20 years, at the same time Balzac and Ganskaya often managed to live separately and not see each other for several years.

Balzac's hobbies

Previously, Balzac, despite his shy nature, clumsiness in behavior and rather small stature, had many women. All of them could not resist the energetic pressure of Honore. The young man's partners were mostly ladies much older than him.

As an example, we can recall the history of his relationship with the 42nd Laura de Berni, who raised nine children. Balzac was 22 years younger, however, this did not stop him from achieving a mature woman. And this can be understood, because in this way he tried, albeit very late, to receive a portion of maternal caresses due to each child. The ones he was deprived of as a child.

Writer's death

In the last years of his life, the writer was often ill. Apparently, a disdainful attitude towards one's own body made itself felt. Balzac never sought to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The famous writer found his last earthly shelter at the famous Parisian cemetery of Père Lachaise. Death came on August 18, 1850.

BALZAC (Balzac) Honore de (1799-1850), French writer. The epic "The Human Comedy" of 90 novels and stories is connected by a common idea and many characters: the novel "Unknown Masterpiece" (1831), "Shagreen Skin" (1830-31), "Eugenie Grande" (1833), "Father Goriot" (1834 -35), "Caesar Birotto" (1837), "Lost Illusions" (1837-43), "Cousin Betta" (1846). Balzac's epic is a realistic picture of French society, grandiose in scope.

BALZAC (Balzac) Honore de (May 20, 1799, Tours - August 18, 1850, Paris), French writer.


The writer's father, Bernard Francois Balssa (who later changed his surname to Balzac), came from a wealthy peasant family, served in the military supply department. Taking advantage of the similarity of surnames, Balzac at the turn of the 1830s. began to trace his origins to the noble family of Balzac d "Entregues and arbitrarily added the noble particle "de" to his surname. Balzac's mother was 30 years younger than her husband and cheated on him; the writer's younger brother Henri, his mother's "favorite", was the natural son of the owner of a neighboring Many researchers believe that the attention of Balzac the novelist to the problems of marriage and adultery is explained not least by the atmosphere that prevailed in his family.


In 1807-13 Balzac was a college boarder in the city of Vendôme; the impressions of this period (intensive reading, a feeling of loneliness among classmates distant in spirit) were reflected in the philosophical novel "Louis Lambert" (1832-35). In 1816-19 he studies at the School of Law and serves as a clerk in the office of a Parisian lawyer, but then refuses to continue his legal career. 1820-29 - years of searching for oneself in literature. Balzac publishes action-packed novels under various pseudonyms, composes moralistic "codes" of secular behavior. The period of anonymous creativity ends in 1829, when the novel Chouans, or Brittany in 1799 is published. At the same time, Balzac was working on short stories from modern French life, which, starting from 1830, were published in editions under the general title Scenes of Private Life. These collections, as well as the philosophical novel Shagreen Skin (1831), brought Balzac great fame. The writer is especially popular among women who are grateful to him for penetrating into their psychology (in this Balzac was helped by his first lover, a married woman 22 years older than him, Laura de Berni). Balzac receives enthusiastic letters from readers; one of these correspondents who wrote him a letter in 1832 signed "Foreigner" was the Polish countess, Russian citizen Evelina Ganskaya (nee Rzhevuska), who became his wife 18 years later ., his life was not calm. The need to pay off debts required intensive work; every now and then Balzac embarked on commercial adventures: he went to Sardinia, hoping to buy a silver mine there on the cheap, bought a country house, for the maintenance of which he did not have enough money, twice founded periodicals that did not have commercial success. Balzac died six months after his main dream came true, and he finally married the widowed Evelina Ganskaya.

"The Human Comedy" Aesthetics

Balzac's extensive heritage includes a collection of frivolous short stories in the "Old French" spirit "Mischievous Tales" (1832-37), several plays and a huge number of journalistic articles, but his main creation is "The Human Comedy". Balzac began to combine his novels and stories into cycles as early as 1834. In 1842, he began to publish a collection of his works under the title "The Human Comedy", within which he singles out sections: "Etudes on Morals", "Philosophical Studies" and "Analytical Studies". All works are united not only by "cross-cutting" heroes, but also by the original concept of the world and man. Following the model of natural scientists (primarily E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire), who described animal species that differ from each other in external features formed by the environment, Balzac set out to describe social species. He explained their diversity by different external conditions and differences in characters; each of the people is ruled by a certain idea, passion. Balzac was convinced that ideas are material forces, peculiar fluids, no less powerful than steam or electricity, and therefore an idea can enslave a person and lead him to death, even if his social position is favorable. The history of all the main Balzac heroes is the history of the collision of the passion that owns them with social reality. Balzac is an apologist for the will; only if a person has a will, his ideas become an effective force. On the other hand, realizing that the confrontation of egoistic wills is fraught with anarchy and chaos, Balzac relies on the family and the monarchy - social institutions that cement society.

"The Human Comedy" Themes, plots, characters

The struggle of individual will with circumstances or another, equally strong passion, form the plot basis of all the most significant works of Balzac. Shagreen Skin (1831) is a novel about how the selfish will of a person (materialized in a piece of skin that shrinks with each fulfilled desire) devours his life. "Search for the Absolute" (1834) - a novel about the search for the philosopher's stone, to which the naturalist sacrifices the happiness of his family and his own. "Father Goriot" (1835) - a novel about paternal love, "Eugenia Grande" (1833) - about the love of gold, "Cousin Betta" (1846) - about the power of revenge that destroys everything around. The novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" (1831-34) is about love, which has become the lot of a mature woman (the concept of "a woman of Balzac's age" that has become entrenched in the mass consciousness is associated with this theme of Balzac's work).

In the society as Balzac sees and portrays it, either strong egoists achieve the fulfillment of their desires (such is Rastignac, a cross-cutting character who first appears in the novel "Father Goriot"), or people animated by love for their neighbor (the main characters of the novels "Country Doctor", 1833, "Country Priest", 1839); weak, weak-willed people, such as the hero of the novels "Lost Illusions" (1837-43) and "Shine and Poverty of Courtesans" (1838-47) Lucien de Rubempre, do not stand the test and perish.

French epic 19th century

Each work of Balzac is a kind of "encyclopedia" of a particular class, a particular profession: "The History of the Greatness and Fall of Caesar Biroto" (1837) - a novel about trade; "The illustrious Godissard" (1833) - a short story about advertising; "Lost Illusions" - a novel about journalism; Nucingen's Banking House (1838) is a novel about financial scams.

Balzac drew in The Human Comedy an extensive panorama of all aspects of French life, all strata of society (for example, the "Studies on Morals" included "scenes" of private, provincial, Parisian, political, military and rural life), on the basis of which later researchers began classify his work as realism. However, for Balzac himself, the apology of will and strong personality was more important, bringing his work closer to romanticism.

Honoré de Balzac - famous French novelist, born May 20, 1799 in Tours, died August 18, 1850 in Paris. For five years he was sent to an elementary school in Tours, and at the age of 7 he entered the Jesuit College of Vendôme, where he stayed for 7 years. In 1814, Balzac moved with his parents to Paris, where he completed his education - first in private boarding schools, and then in Sorbonne where he enthusiastically listened to lectures Gizo, Cousin, Willeman. At the same time, he was studying law to please his father, who wanted to make him a notary.

Honore de Balzac. Daguerreotype 1842

Balzac's first literary experience was the tragedy in verse "Cromwell", which cost him a lot of work, but turned out to be worthless. After this first failure, he abandoned tragedy and turned to romance. Motivated by material need, he began to write one after another very bad novels, which he sold for several hundred francs to various publishers. Such work because of a piece of bread was extremely burdensome for him. The desire to get out of poverty as soon as possible involved him in several commercial enterprises that ended in complete ruin for him. He had to liquidate the business, taking on more than 50,000 francs of debt (1828). Subsequently, thanks to new loans to pay interest and other financial losses, the amount of his debts increased with various fluctuations, and he languished under their burden all his life; only shortly before his death did he finally manage to get rid of his debts. In the early 1820s, Balzac met and became close friends with Madame de Berny. This woman was the good genius of his youth in the most difficult years of struggle, deprivation and uncertainty. By his own admission, she had a huge influence both on his character and on the development of his talent.

Balzac's first novel, which was a resounding success and put him forward among other novice writers, was The Physiology of Marriage (1829). Since then, his fame has been growing continuously. His fertility and tireless energy are truly amazing. In the same year, he published 4 more novels, the next - 11 ("Thirty-year-old Woman"; "Gobsek", "Shagreen Skin", etc.); in 1831 - 8, including the "Country Doctor". Now he works even more than before, with extraordinary care he finished his works, several times redoing what he had written.

Geniuses and villains. Honore de Balzac

Balzac was more than once tempted by the role of a politician. In his political views, he was strict legitimist. In 1832, he put forward his candidacy for deputies in Angouleme and on this occasion expressed the following program in one private letter: “The destruction of all nobility, with the exception of the chamber of peers; separation of the clergy from Rome; the natural frontiers of France; complete equality of the middle class; recognition of true superiority; cost savings; increasing revenues through better distribution of taxes; education for all".

Having failed in the elections, he took up literature with new zeal. 1832 11 new novels were published, among other things: "Louis Lambert", "Abandoned Woman", "Colonel Chabert". At the beginning of 1833, Balzac entered into a correspondence with Countess Hanska. From this correspondence arose a romance that lasted 17 years and ended in marriage a few months before the death of the novelist. A monument to this novel is the voluminous volume of Balzac's letters to Mrs. Ganskaya, later published under the title Letters to a Stranger. During these 17 years, Balzac continued to work tirelessly, and in addition to novels, he wrote various articles in magazines. In 1835 he began publishing the Paris Chronicle himself; this edition lasted for a little over a year and as a result brought him 50,000 francs of a net deficit.

From 1833 to 1838 inclusive, Balzac published 26 stories and novels, among them "Eugenia Grande", "Father Goriot", "Seraphite", "Lily of the Valley", "Lost Illusions", "Caesar Biroto". In 1838 he again left Paris for a few months, this time for a commercial purpose. He dreams of a brilliant enterprise that can immediately enrich him; he goes to Sardinia, where he is going to exploit the silver mines, known since the days of Roman rule. This venture ends in failure, as a more dexterous businessman took advantage of his idea and interrupted his path.

Until 1843, Balzac lived almost without a break in Paris, or in his estate Les Jardies, near Paris, which he bought in 1839 and turned into a new source of constant expenses for him. In August 1843, Balzac went to St. Petersburg for 2 months, where Mrs. Ganskaya was at that time (her husband owned vast estates in Ukraine). In 1845 and 1846 he twice traveled to Italy, where she spent the winter with her daughter. Urgent work and various urgent obligations forced him to return to Paris and all his efforts were aimed at finally paying off his debts and arranging his affairs, without which he could not fulfill his cherished dream of his life - to marry his beloved woman. To a certain extent, he succeeded. Balzac spent the winter of 1847 - 1848 in Russia, at the estate of Countess Hanskaya near Berdichev, but a few days before the February Revolution, money matters called him to Paris. However, he remained completely alien to the political movement and in the autumn of 1848 he again went to Russia.

In 1849 - 1847, 28 new novels by Balzac appeared in print (Ursula Mirue, The Country Priest, Poor Relatives, Cousin Pons, etc.). Since 1848, he has been working little and publishing almost nothing new. The second trip to Russia turned out to be fatal for him. His body was exhausted by “excessive work; this was joined by a cold that fell on the heart and lungs and turned into a long drawn-out illness. The harsh climate also had a detrimental effect on him and interfered with his recovery. This state, with temporary improvements, dragged on until the spring of 1850. On March 14, the marriage of Countess Ganskaya with Balzac finally took place in Berdichev. In April, the couple left Russia and went to Paris, where they settled in a small hotel bought by Balzac a few years before and decorated with artistic luxury. The health of the novelist, however, was deteriorating, and finally, on August 18, 1850, after a severe 34-hour agony, he died.

The significance of Balzac in literature is very great: he expanded the scope of the novel and, being one of the main founders realistic and naturalistic trends, showed him new paths, along which in many ways he went until the beginning of the 20th century. His basic view is purely naturalistic: he looks at every phenomenon as the result and interaction of certain conditions, a known environment. According to this, Balzac's novels are not only an image of individual characters, but also a picture of the entire modern society with the main forces that govern it: the general pursuit of the blessings of life, the thirst for profit, honors, position in the world, with all the various struggles of large and small passions. At the same time, he reveals to the reader the entire behind-the-scenes side of this movement in the smallest detail, in its everyday life, which gives his books the character of burning reality. When describing characters, he highlights one main, predominant feature. According to Fai, for Balzac every person is nothing more than "some kind of passion, which is served by the mind and organs and which is counteracted by circumstances." Thanks to this, his heroes receive extraordinary relief and brightness, and many of them have become household names, like the heroes of Molière: thus, Grande became synonymous with stinginess, Goriot - fatherly love, etc. Women occupy a large place in his novels. With all his merciless realism, he always puts a woman on a pedestal, she always stands above the environment, and is a victim of the egoism of a man. His favorite type is a woman of 30-40 years old (“Balzac age”).

The complete works of Balzac were published by himself in 1842 under the general title " human comedy”, with a preface where he defines his task as follows: “to give a history and at the same time a criticism of society, an investigation of its ailments and an examination of its beginnings.” One of the first translators of Balzac into Russian was the great Dostoevsky (his translation of "Eugenie Grande", made even before hard labor).

(For essays on other French writers, see the "More on the topic" section below the text of the article.)

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