White coating on the tongue, what a disease. Diseases of the digestive system


The oral cavity is a separate section of the digestive system. It is lined with its own mucous membrane and has a unique microflora, and is also indicator of the work of other organs and systems. For example, a white coating on the tongue of an adult can appear both due to a banal lack of hygiene, and against the background of the development of diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, liver and other organs and systems.

Morning plaque on the tongue: norm or pathology

Go to the mirror after sleep and examine your oral cavity. If you find a uniform, translucent coating of a white tint on your tongue, do not worry: in the morning this happens to most healthy people. The fact is that microbes live in the mouth. Both pathogenic and beneficial, which are involved in digestion. During the day, they are partially washed off with saliva and water. At night, the salivary glands work less actively, the tongue is motionless, the person does not drink. As a result, bacteria multiply profusely and thicken, forming a white coating. Clean your tongue with the back of your toothbrush. If it succeeded, and the organ was not covered with a new film within three hours, you are in perfect order.

You need to think about if the mass covers certain parts of the tongue, has a dense or loose structure, is poorly peeled off and is quickly restored. Such a plaque indicates a decrease in immunity, which led to the growth of pathogenic microflora. Don't try to deal with the problem on your own. It is better to go to the clinic to find out the exact cause of the disease.

The nature of the plaque in the language: how it happens and what it says

Sometimes the therapist can establish a primary diagnosis after examining the patient's oral cavity. The nature of the plaque contributes to this, which is determined by the following features:

  1. thick. If the film is thin, the person fell ill recently. A deep layer indicates the presence of chronic infections. And the thicker it is, the longer the pathology develops.
  2. Consistency. A curdled white coating that is easily separated from the tongue is a symptom of a fungal disease, for example, candidiasis (thrush). Dry can appear with dehydration, and thick and dense - with infectious pathologies.
  3. Color. White plaque has a variety of shades. For example, with gastritis and ulcers - gray. With enterocolitis - yellowish or brown.
    The darker the color, the more advanced the disease. But keep in mind that the coloration of the tongue can occur from certain drinks and foods. Therefore, try to remember what you used before you looked in the mirror.
  4. Place of localization. This is the most striking sign that allows you to understand why an adult has a white coating on the tongue, with 80% accuracy. If the formation is concentrated at the tip of the organ, the respiratory system is affected by the disease. In the middle - cardiovascular. At the root is the intestines. On the sides of the root are buds. If the plaque is spotted on different parts of the tongue, the cause is a fungal infection.
  5. Ease of separation. The denser the bacterial film, the more difficult it is to remove. And the more serious the disease.

Any coating on the tongue is accompanied by bad breath. And this is not surprising, because the mass consists of bacteria, their metabolic products, leukocytes, fibrin, dead epithelial cells and the tops of the papillae of the tongue. However, if you smell a strong putrid, sour, or fishy odor, make an appointment with your doctor. Such a symptom indicates a serious inflammation and does not bode well.

Why is there a white coating on the tongue: 15 most common reasons

The tongue is covered with white deposits due to a decrease in general or local immunity, as a result of which uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic microflora begins. This can happen against the background of a variety of diseases: viral, bacterial, fungal, internal organs. The answer to the question of why plaque appears on the tongue can be banal: due to impaired salivary function, lack of fluid in the body, bad habits, or poor oral hygiene. Consider the 15 most common and serious reasons.


This is an inflammation of the tongue, which can manifest itself as an independent disease or against the background of other pathologies. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia:

  • allergies lead to glossitis in 60% of cases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - in 50%;
  • autoimmune - in 30%;
  • stomatitis - in 50%;
  • anemia - in 20%.

Pronounced sign of glossitis - excessively pale or red tongue with a white coating. Sometimes ulcers, swelling, deformity of the organ are observed. The patient experiences burning, sharp pain. Salivation increases and the sensitivity of taste buds decreases.

The entire oral cavity is covered with a red rash that is hard to miss. However, sometimes the disease is asymptomatic. In this case, the sores look like irregularly shaped bright spots (see photo). And since the tongue is most often covered with a rash, it can be mistaken for a white coating caused by insufficient brushing of the teeth.

Lichen planus is not only insidious, but also dangerous. Against its background, cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, diabetes mellitus or stomach ulcers may develop. To confirm the diagnosis, a biopsy of the affected tissues is performed. Treatment should be comprehensive, since the cause of the pathology has not yet been identified.

Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity

It is a consequence of intestinal dysbacteriosis or antibiotics. It proceeds in several stages:

  • At the first and second stages, the population of opportunistic bacteria increases. There are no pronounced symptoms.
  • On the third, a dense white coating forms on the tongue. The patient experiences a burning sensation and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
  • At the fourth stage, stomatitis develops. The surface of the tongue is covered with ulcers, salivation increases, the temperature rises sharply.

Treatment is not complete without eliminating the cause of the disease. Usually it is associated with the intestines, so in addition to the dentist's office, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. We'll have to work hard to restore the microflora in the affected organ and prevent the resumption of the disease.


Gastrointestinal diseases are the most common cause of a specific smell from the mouth and white coating on the tongue. Usually it is localized in the middle of the organ of speech, sometimes accompanied by the formation of cracks. These symptoms may indicate the initial stage of gastritis. If nothing else worries, it is enough to adjust the power menu. However, it is better to contact a gastroenterologist to prevent the transition of an acute form of pathology into a chronic one.


Among all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, internal defects are most often manifested by plaque on the tongue. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with an ulcer, do not guess about the nature of the bacterial film, but immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

Exacerbations of pathology occur in spring and autumn. In addition to plaque, pain, discomfort after eating, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting may be disturbing. If you ignore medical treatment, the walls of the stomach will be damaged so much that surgery is required.

Liver failure

It occurs in both acute and chronic forms. In both cases, there is a strong white or yellow coating in the mouth, which covers the tongue from tip to base and emits a very pungent ammonia smell.


A curdled white coating on the tongue is formed against the background of fungal diseases. The most common is thrush. It is easily diagnosed and treated. A dermatologist may prescribe Bifiform, Diflucan, Clotrimazole, or another medicine. As a prevention of relapse, you can use potassium iodide, vitamin and mineral complexes, immunostimulants.

Fungal diseases develop for various reasons:

  • In the oral cavity of each person there is a small amount of Candida fungi. And this is the norm. But when immunity decreases, the population of these harmful microorganisms increases. As a result, thrush develops. Therefore, keep in mind that it can appear even in those who keep the oral cavity perfectly clean.
  • The reproduction of fungal flora is promoted by old age, wearing prostheses and other orthopedic structures. In people over 60, candidiasis occurs in 10% of cases.
  • According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, 50% of infants get thrush. Therefore, periodically examine the tongue of the child.

Scarlet fever

This is an acute infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent is group A streptococcus. It is accompanied by high fever and distinct rashes on the skin, so a whitish coating on the tongue rarely becomes the main reason for going to the doctor. In addition, the whiteness is temporary and disappears within a few days after infection.


Diphtheria is an acute bacterial infection. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. A white coating with a dirty gray tint forms on the root of the tongue of an infected person. The surface under it becomes inflamed and turns red. Do not try to clean the affected organ so as not to injure the epithelium. It's best to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Diseases of the respiratory system

This group includes all hereditary and systemic respiratory diseases. The tongue is covered with a white mass due to the fact that a person often breathes through his mouth. This leads to drying of the mucous membrane and an increase in the number of microorganisms.


Damage to the oral mucosa. A characteristic sign is the appearance of grayish or white spots on the tongue, larynx. Initially, they have a wet structure, but over time they harden. As a result, the surface becomes rough.


White coating on the tongue appears only in chronic bronchitis. The patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • Cough. First days dry, then wet.
  • Weakness.
  • Elevated temperature.
You can cope with the disease with the help of medicines, drinking plenty of water, inhalations, bed rest. To alleviate the patient's condition, ventilate and humidify the room, do not let him lie on his back. As soon as the bronchitis subsides, the plaque is easy to clear and will not appear again.


In chronic pancreatitis, metabolism is disturbed in the human body, various pathological conditions may occur. As a result, Candida bacteria and fungi actively multiply, white plaque begins to form. As side symptoms, there are always dry mouth, an increase in the papillae of the tongue. A gastroenterologist will help to cope with the problem.


Plaque on the tongue at a high temperature may mean that a person develops a sore throat. Pain when swallowing, weakness, malaise - with a combination of such symptoms, you should visit a therapist. It is extremely important to maintain oral hygiene. You need to clean not only your teeth, but also your tongue.


If the lining in your mouth is swollen, red, sore, and constantly sore, get checked for stomatitis. This disease is associated with an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria that accumulate on the tongue, gums, cheeks and form white oval spots. If you touch them while eating, it will hurt, because the epithelium under the film is ulcerated.

The disease can occur for various reasons:

  • Local: caries, poor-quality dental care, dysbacteriosis, smoking, drinking alcohol, food allergies.
  • General: lack of vitamins, stress, mucosal injury, intestinal infections.
In the early stages of stomatitis, only one ulcer forms, in the later stages - from several to dozens. Among the persistent symptoms are also headaches, weakness, fever, excessive salivation.

It is impossible to cure the disease on your own, because professional cleaning is needed. Contact your dentist. It will remove tartar, soft plaque. After that, you can continue therapy at home, resorting to the treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic preparations and rinses.

Treatment and diagnosis

Under the treatment of white plaque in the tongue, it is customary to mean elimination of the reason for which it was formed. For this you need to visit a doctor. If you do not know which doctor to contact, go to a therapist. He will examine the oral cavity, determine the nature of the plaque, ask a bunch of questions about well-being and, based on all this, draw conclusions about the general state of health. The therapist will then tell you which doctor to visit for an accurate diagnosis. If there is a suspicion that a white coating on the tongue is caused by gastritis, a gastroenterologist will treat you. If the reason is in poor condition of the teeth - the dentist. In a fungal infection - a dermatologist.

Diagnosis of the disease, which caused the appearance of white plaque in the tongue, may include measures such as general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, bacteriological culture. And if the doctor suspects gastritis or other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, then the coprogram is a well-known fecal analysis.

How to remove plaque from the tongue and is it worth it

Maintain good oral hygiene during and after treatment. It is necessary to remove the white film both from the surface of the teeth and from the tongue. You can use the same brush, the main thing is that its reverse side is equipped with a special pad, which has a softer texture and is not capable of damaging the epithelium of the muscular organ. Brush your teeth first, then turn the brush over and go over your tongue. You need to direct it from the base to the tip. Keep in mind that most of the bacteria are concentrated on the back of the tongue, since this area is the least involved in movement. Handle it as carefully as possible.

In addition to paste, rinses, it is worth keeping a bottle of harmless, but reliable antiseptic. And use it as needed. For example, with a cold, which also leads to a decrease in immunity and the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

If you don't trust over-the-counter mouthwashes, you can make your own. The simplest option is baking soda solution. Mix one teaspoon of the substance in a glass of warm water. This concentration will be enough to remove most of the white bacterial coating that is lined with the tongue.

A few more ways to prepare a rinse aid:

  1. A decoction of oak bark, sage or chamomile. All these herbs are sold in pharmacies. The brewing process is detailed on the packaging.
  2. Propolis tincture on alcohol. You can make your own or buy from an amateur beekeeper. But do not give such a remedy to a small child, otherwise you will burn his tongue.

Observe oral hygiene and remember: careful attitude to your health, careful study of symptoms and timely examination will help to avoid serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems.

Video: causes of white plaque in the tongue

The tongue is a very important organ of human speech, which is located at the bottom of the oral cavity.

This organ not only helps us communicate, but also plays an important role in the process of eating. A person needs a language all the time, therefore, if pain appears or its color changes, inconvenience and discomfort bring significant discomfort. Its lower part is covered with a thin mucous membrane, according to the state of which it is possible to determine whether certain negative changes have appeared in the human body.

Causes of white coating on the tongue

Saliva has a direct effect on the state of the tongue. Studies have revealed the presence of a special protein in it, due to which the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums is updated. This process occurs much faster than, for example, skin regeneration.

A healthy tongue is pink in color with a barely noticeable whitish coating, which consists of saliva, bacteria and food debris. The causes leading to the formation of white plaque are conventionally divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological.

First, let's talk about physiological factors.

Periodically occurring white plaque, which is very easy to remove, as a rule, is quite harmless. One of the reasons for its appearance may be insufficient saliva production as a result of dehydration in hot weather, after significant physical exertion, or even after sleep. To get rid of it, simple hygiene procedures and restoration of water balance in the body are enough.

An addiction to food containing a significant amount of carbohydrates also contributes to the formation of plaque on the tongue. It will be enough just to adjust the power, and it will disappear.

Diets, starvation, eating disorders break the body's natural self-cleansing process, and a white coating on the tongue can be a sign of incipient health problems.

In addition, it can be among those who abuse alcohol, smoke a lot, and tea and coffee lovers.

Regular oral hygiene will help to remove plaque caused by physiological problems.: regular brushing of teeth and tongue, rinsing, timely visits to the dentist. The main thing is that all this happens constantly.

If getting rid of it in such simple ways does not work out, there are more serious problems.

The plaque that appeared as a result of some kind of illness smells unpleasant, and it is impossible to get rid of it on your own. No constant cleaning of the mouth, no fresheners, no chewing gum will help. It is impossible to get rid of it, because it is not a disease, it is only a symptom or a consequence of a certain disease.

There may be several reasons for its appearance.

Oral diseases - acute and chronic

Leukoplakia. With this disease, excessive cell growth occurs, which contributes to the appearance of white spots on the walls of the oral cavity and on the tongue. They are easily removed, but not for long. After a while, the spots appear again.

In itself, this disease is not so dangerous, but it can be a harbinger of a terrible disease - cancer. Leukoplakia develops when the surface of the tongue is constantly irritated by something, such as cigarette smoke.

Stomatitis. Also known as candidiasis or thrush. The cause of this disease is a yeast infection (Candida fungus) that develops on the surface of the oral organs. Transmission to humans is carried out by airborne droplets and contact through products contaminated with fungi. White spots appear on the mucous membrane and on the tongue, resembling cottage cheese. Stomatitis is more common in older people who cannot do without dentures.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance of the disease is facilitated by a decrease in the body's defenses, the cause of which may be:

  • the use of inhaled steroids in the treatment of asthma;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • beriberi, especially lack of B vitamins and ascorbic acid;
  • long-term use or abuse of strong antibiotics that destroy beneficial bacteria.

Lichen flat red. It causes the appearance of white dense spots that resemble irregularly shaped lace. It is not always possible to determine the cause of these symptoms, especially since they mostly disappear on their own.

Various diseases of the internal organs

The presence of a white coating on the tongue is most often due to problems with the stomach and intestines. And the most common disease that accompanies this symptom is gastritis.

Enterocolitis and colitis- inflammatory processes in the small and large intestines - are also accompanied by the presence of a white coating at the base of the tongue. Its layer is so thick that teeth marks are visible on the sides. In severe cases of the course of the disease, the tongue becomes dry, and the plaque turns into a dirty gray.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis- a syndrome that is characterized by an imbalance in the microflora in the intestine.

The cause of intestinal dysbacteriosis may be self-medication with antibiotics, which destroyed the stable intestinal flora. As a result, uncontrolled development of microorganisms tolerant to these antibiotics occurs. Dysbacteriosis is characterized by symptoms such as flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, gagging, disgusting taste in the mouth, and a decrease in appetite.

Duodenal ulcer also often accompanied by a white coating and burning of the tongue. In the evening, the tongue begins to hurt as if it really got burned. Body temperature can rise to 38 degrees or more.

Similar symptoms are possible with inflammation of the gallbladder, acute and chronic cholecystitis.

In patients diabetes there is a roughness of the tongue and a dirty white coating. These phenomena are caused by an insufficient amount of saliva produced and an increased content of sugar in it. Dry mouth leads to inflammation and the multiplication of the Candida fungus that lives in the oral cavity.

It should also be noted that the tongue, abundantly coated with a dense white coating, may signal tumors of the esophagus and stomach.

Treatment of white plaque

If plaque appears due to physiological factors, there is no need for treatment. It is enough to reconsider your diet and stop eating on the go, eat fast food and exhaust yourself with various diets. You should stop eating spicy, generously spiced food, stop getting carried away with too hot drinks, sandwiches instead of full meals, overcome cravings for strong alcoholic beverages. Quitting smoking doesn't hurt either.

If the plaque remains, you will have to visit a therapist who will establish the treatment himself or refer you to another specialist: a dentist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, toxicologist or infectious disease specialist.

White coating on the tongue can be caused by many diseases, so making the correct diagnosis is very important. First of all, the blood is examined and for this the doctor prescribes a set of tests, in particular:

  • general, allowing to determine the presence of signs of inflammation;
  • biochemical, the results of which will help to assess the state of metabolism, protein levels; functioning of the liver and other internal organs;
  • on sugar, which reflects the level of glucose in the blood.

In addition, a fecal analysis (coprogram) is required - a study of various characteristics of feces (physical, chemical and microscopic).

A bacteriological culture is also prescribed for the flora from the mucous membrane of the tongue, that is, it is determined which microorganisms have settled in the mouth, their number and ratio. Such an analysis will help determine the response to antibiotics and the level of tolerance to them.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) is also used. During it, the inner surface of the gastrointestinal tract is examined with a special device - a video probe that transmits an image to the screen.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of organs located in the abdominal cavity is also shown.

In the case of timely seeking medical help, any medications, medicines may not be needed. In particular, minor stomach problems can be cured by resorting to a special therapeutic diet, adjusting nutrition.

But the treatment of advanced diseases requires complex and lengthy procedures, so you will have to spend some time in the hospital.

How to remove plaque

If the doctor has not identified serious disorders in the body and the correct diet is observed, you can try to get rid of the problem with white plaque at home. And simple daily hygiene procedures will help in this.

To prevent the growth of bacteria and the development of infection in the mouth, you need to clean your mouth twice a day with a toothbrush. It is important to choose the right one. Experts recommend using a soft brush or with a medium degree of hardness. On its reverse side there should be a surface for cleaning the tongue. So, after brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth, you need to turn the brush over and gently clean the tongue. It is recommended to start the procedure from its back and move to the tip. However, for many, this process causes a gag reflex. To reduce discomfort, you can use an electric or ultrasonic brush. An oral irrigator is also suitable - a very effective, but expensive device.

Good means are special scraper brushes, which are created specifically for cleaning the language. They have soft bristles, rounded, elongated and flat shape, due to which the cleansing process is greatly facilitated and there is no gag reflex. Both toothbrushes and scrapers need to be changed frequently as germs gradually multiply on their surfaces.

You can supplement the process of cleansing the oral cavity with special rinses, various types of which are presented in pharmacies. It is advisable to consult a dentist about which toothpastes and brushes are best to use.

There are other ways to eliminate white plaque. For example, rinsing the mouth with olive or other vegetable oil. You need to take about a teaspoon of the product in your mouth and mix it methodically for several minutes. Then spit out the oil and, if the plaque has not disappeared, repeat the procedure.

You can also clean your tongue with regular baking soda. Place two teaspoons of it in a glass of almost hot water and stir well. Rinse your mouth preferably after each snack. For the best result, the tongue is wiped with a toothbrush dipped in a more concentrated soda solution.

A good and effective way is rinsing with propolis tincture.

Propolis is a resinous, sticky substance harvested by honey bees from the buds of various plants. It has a whole bunch of medicinal properties. First of all, propolis has an analgesic effect, does not inhibit the microflora that is beneficial for the body, and stimulates wound healing.

To rinse and clean the tongue from plaque, you will need a few drops of tincture added to a glass of water. It is also recommended to take a small piece of propolis and use it as chewing gum - chew a little.

You can also make medicinal infusions and decoctions, in particular:

  • oak bark. It contains tannins and flavonoids, which help to eliminate tissue irritations, destroy pathogenic flora. A decoction of oak bark is a powerful disinfectant. To prepare it, you need to pour a couple of tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil for thirty minutes under a tightly closed lid. The finished broth is filtered, and the remaining raw materials are squeezed out well. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product every two hours.
  • flax seed. To prepare a decoction, they need quite a bit. A teaspoon of seeds should be poured with two mills of boiling water and boiled for about twenty minutes over low heat. Strained broth is used for rinsing.

Infusions of yarrow, oregano, chamomile, sage, mint are also effective.

If you are not lazy and do all the above things systematically, you can soon forget about the plaque in the language.

The state of the tongue almost always unmistakably indicates the state of the human body, especially the digestive organs. It is not for nothing that doctors, when examining a patient, first of all ask to show the tongue. Wet, pink, soft, movable tongue indicates that the person is healthy. Various changes, such as dryness, thickening, discoloration, the appearance of plaque, will tell an experienced doctor a lot.

Of course, if from time to time its surface is covered with a very thin, transparent, white coating, through which the pink surface is clearly visible, then there is nothing to worry about, it happens to everyone. Such a small coating is usually odorless and may vary depending on the time of year. For example, in summer it is more pronounced, and in winter it can turn a little yellow. In addition, smoking, certain foods, and drinks can affect the shade.

Such a raid is often observed in adolescents entering puberty, or is caused by a hormonal surge. You can get rid of it with the help of careful oral hygiene. But today we will not talk about it, the natural manifestation of a healthy body. We will talk about pathological conditions in which a white coating appears on the tongue, we will find out and discuss the reasons for how to treat this condition. Such a raid, of course, is different from a “healthy” one. And what exactly, I'll tell you now:

When does plaque speak of pathology?

In the presence of pathologies in the body, plaque changes. From thin, white, almost transparent, it can become gray, yellow or green, and sometimes even black. As you know, the darker the plaque, the more serious the existing disease.

Thin layering can sometimes indicate an acute respiratory disease. A yellow, dense, abundant layer, through which the surface is not visible, indicates the presence of chronic diseases or serious viral infections. Moreover, plaque can cover the entire surface of the tongue or only some of its parts.

It is necessary to pay attention to the color, density, and also the type of plaque. For example, it can be dry or wet, it can be cheesy or greasy. It can be soft, easily removed or dense, difficult to separate. An experienced doctor pays attention to all this during the diagnosis.

When layering appears on the surface of the tongue, it is said that the tongue is coated. So, it can be taxed due to a variety of diseases. Most often this is observed with the development of an infectious process, or in the presence of diseases of the digestive system. Let's talk about this in more detail:

Infectious diseases:

Scarlet fever - layering is white, dense, with a gray tint, in addition, swelling of the tongue is observed. These symptoms persist from the very beginning of the disease. Pass by the end of the first week. After that, the tongue becomes red, becomes dry with a shiny surface.

Diphtheria - layers appear at the very root. They are a white, dirty film. When trying to eliminate it, the patient feels pain.

Dysentery is a disease characterized by the occurrence of erosions. The tongue is covered with a white, very dense coating.

Cholera - the main symptom of this dangerous disease is severe dehydration of the whole organism. Because of this, the layers on the surface of the tongue become languid gray, almost black.

Candidiasis (thrush) - with this disease, the surface of the tongue is lined with a white curdled coating. After its removal, pain may be felt. If you do not take measures for treatment, white cheesy deposits spread over the entire surface of the pharynx, making it difficult to breathe.

Gastrointestinal tract:

Gastritis - the entire surface of the tongue is lined with whitish layers with a gray tint. Only the side surfaces and the tip itself remain unaffected. At the same time, there is a taste of bitterness, dryness in the mouth.

Peptic ulcer - deposits are also whitish-gray, dense, poorly removed mechanically. Deposits are located on the back surface, closer to the pharynx.

Oncology - Cancer of the stomach “covers” the tongue with a very thick, dense white coating, which consists of mucous deposits mixed with microflora.

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder cause yellow, with different shades, deposits on the front of the tongue. Plaque becomes more intense during periods of exacerbations.

Other causes of white plaque

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, the appearance of white deposits may indicate the development of psoriatic erythroderma. At the same time, the surface is covered with round white-gray foci, similar to peas.

Pale color, dry tongue, warn of dehydration. Well, in the event that its swelling is observed, the surface is covered with white, dense, thick deposits, cracks, one can indicate the presence of radiation sickness.

If you suspect that something is wrong with the body, if the tongue is covered with a thick coating, especially in the morning, or does not look like it usually does, be sure to seek medical advice. Early detection of the disease, timely diagnosis, contribute to successful treatment and rapid recovery.


It is important to understand that white plaque is not a disease, and therefore there is no special treatment for this condition. Since the reason for its appearance in each case may be different, then the therapy will differ. It is determined by the doctor. Removing plaque from the tongue in order to reduce the number of bacteria in the oral cavity is a daily hygiene procedure. This measure will prevent bad breath, caries, tonsillitis, gastrointestinal diseases and even heart disease. Use a toothbrush to clean the plaque from the tongue.

Type in your mouth 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and begin to dissolve it for 15-20 minutes. This will remove toxins from the salivary glands. Don't swallow oil. Then spit out the oil and rinse your mouth.

White coating on the tongue in adults is a common occurrence. And at least once in a lifetime, each of us has experienced something like this. But a thin or dense film can be of any shade. Pink, red, brown, green coating on the tongue is not uncommon. Many start to panic when they see this on their tongue. We suggest not to worry and find out why there is such a thing as a white coating on the tongue, and what are the reasons for its appearance in adults.

Why does plaque appear on the tongue

Plaque on the root of the tongue appears due to the active activity of microorganisms. In the oral cavity of a healthy person, useful, opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms live (yes, the latter also exist, though in small quantities). Under the influence of adverse factors, opportunistic and pathogenic ones actively multiply. Moreover, the conditions are suitable: a stable temperature, high humidity and food residues are always available on the surface of the tongue, gums, and teeth.

note ! Normally, a translucent film of a white tint is found on the tongue of a healthy person. This is fine. The color of plaque on the tongue, thickness and brightness depends on the season of the year. The highest density is in summer, and the least noticeable plaque or it is not at all in autumn. In winter, natural deposits are slightly yellow.


Plaque on the tongue - white, yellow, black or another shade - is easy to identify. The active growth of microorganisms gives a vivid picture:

  • dense or thin film on the surface of the cheeks, tongue, gums. Depending on the causes, deposits are found only on the tip or root of the tongue, the lateral parts of the organ, a certain area of ​​​​the gums, or the entire mouth is affected. The shade is also different. And brown coating on the tongue is not uncommon;
  • bad smell. A yellow coating on the tongue of a child or newborn with little or no odor. In an adult, a dense film, especially located at the root, has a putrefactive, fishy or curd smell. This may mean that the inflammation is in the active phase and the help of a specialist is immediately required;
  • swelling and redness. Brown plaque on the tongue or deposits of a different shade during, or other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, are accompanied by tissue edema. Therefore, the patient has difficulty breathing, swallowing, fever.

The color of the coating on the tongue. Isn't it just white?

Yes, the film in the oral cavity is found in different shades. For example, blue or purple based on the root of the tongue indicates stagnation of blood in the tissues of this area. The appearance of a blue color is one of the signals of typhus and dysentery, an occasion to consult a doctor. But only by color it is difficult to determine the cause of this phenomenon. Therefore, go to a specialist and undergo an examination.

The reasons

A white film or yellow coating on the tongue has different reasons. The problem occurs when:

  • infectious or bacterial inflammatory process in the nasopharynx. Toxins of causative agents of diseases reduce local defenses, slow down the regeneration of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the gums and tongue. Often white plaque with angina, children have;
  • congenital pathologies of the intestine. With the defeat of the digestive department drops sharply. Therefore, bacteria in the oral cavity actively multiply, a black or brown film appears;
  • helminthiases. Infection is accompanied by a yellowish film in the oral cavity. If you have a similar symptom, be sure to visit the therapist's office and take a course of anthelmintic therapy;
  • drinking a lot of coffee. If you are an experienced coffee lover and drink more than 5 cups of the drink per day, then do not be surprised by black or brown films in your mouth and on your teeth;
  • smoking. Smokers often have a dense yellowish coating of resins on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, which stimulate the appearance of the film. In this case, one cannot do without help and ultrasound of the digestive system;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal or B vitamins).

There are a lot of reasons and only a specialist is able to diagnose and fix the problem.


As mentioned above, white plaque on the tongue has various reasons. For quick and effective therapy, diagnosis, doctors use:

  • visual examination of the oral cavity. A thin film is the beginning of the disease. A thick layer of any shade is an advanced stage. Examples can be seen in the photo.

Color and location play an important role. Black plaque on the tongue occurs with severe, Crohn's disease or fever with intoxication. The condition requires urgent care. Brown coating on the tongue occurs in alcoholics, with pathology of the blood and kidneys. Launched and also give a dense film of this shade. Green plaque on the tongue occurs in patients with liver, with or stones in the gallbladder;

Note! It is impossible to determine the cause of film formation by color alone. Therefore, do not self-medicate, go to an appointment with a therapist or ENT.

  • biochemical blood test. The analysis shows the presence of inflammation in the body (leukocyte level), problems with fat or protein metabolism (abnormalities of bilirubin and other substances);
  • mucosal culture. After 4-5 days, the doctor receives data on microorganisms and fungi that have settled on the root of the tongue and gums. The analysis is informative, indicates the onset of tonsillitis, and other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. They often give a dense coating, which has a different shade (usually yellowish, grayish or white).


White or yellow coating on the tongue in adults is the cause of psychological and physical discomfort. After diagnosing and identifying the causes, the doctor selects ways to solve the problem.

Green plaque on the tongue is eliminated with:

  • choleretics and cholekinetics. Medicines help if plaque is caused by gallbladder problems. The first group establishes the synthesis of the secret, prevents the formation of stones. The second category removes bile, does not allow stagnation and accumulations. The first results are noticeable after a week of regular use;

Note! Choleretics and cholekinetics are strong drugs. And you can’t take them yourself if you notice a black coating on the tongue. Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. He also prescribes the duration of the course and the daily dosage. Therefore, do not self-medicate.

  • drugs. If the tongue is covered with a white coating due to the development of candidiasis, then a course of drugs will solve the problem in 2-3 days;
  • antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Inflammations of an infectious and bacterial nature - frequent appearance of white plaque. It is worth drinking pills for 5-7 days - and the problem is solved.

We solve the problem by folk methods

Treatment of plaque in the tongue can be non-traditional. Many folk ways and simple recipes promise to save everyone from such a nuisance.

The red coating on the tongue will recede after:

  • rinsing with a decoction of parsley seeds. For 500 grams of water, take 1 teaspoon of seeds. Boil the broth over low heat in a water bath until boiling. Rinse 3-4 times a day. The color of plaque on the tongue will fade after the first session, and the problems will completely go away in 3-4 days. The decoction is hypoallergenic. This means that it is possible to treat a white coating on the child's tongue in this way. And there will definitely be no harm;
  • Oak bark. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Rinse your mouth with a strong decoction 4-5 times a day.

Advice! Oak bark is very bitter. Therefore, to treat the problem in a child, use other herbs. Gentle chamomile, sage or peppermint are ideal.

It would be useful to drink a course of vitamins or a strengthening collection. Herbal teas based on ginseng, rosehip, lemongrass are not only pleasant to the taste, but also excellent prevention of deposits on the root of the tongue or gums. There are a lot of recipes for vitamin preparations on the Internet, and it is not difficult to find something to your taste.

Preventive measures

Plaque and bitterness in the mouth bring a lot of trouble, psychological discomfort. Is it possible to prevent white coating on the tongue? Yes, and it's easy to do:

  • follow the hygiene of the oral cavity. Use high-quality toothbrushes not only for the dentition and gums, but also for the tongue and cheeks. Special rinses and dental floss will maintain a healthy environment, eliminate pathogens;
  • visit the dentist's office not only when the tooth hurts, but also for prevention purposes. The doctor will assess the condition of the dentition and oral cavity, notice in the early stages the onset of the inflammatory process on the gums.

Note! The longer you put off a visit to the dentist with an obvious problem or caries, the greater the chances of getting a white coating on the mucous membranes. And the treatment of a neglected problem is more expensive than prevention or correction in the early stages.

  • nibble on an apple or carrot. Solid food cleans the teeth of small plaque, freshens breath and strengthens the gums. If you eat at least one apple or carrot a day, then a gray coating on the tongue will not appear.

As you can see, the rules are simple. Their execution does not require much time, and the habit of properly and regularly caring for the oral cavity will relieve plaque and unpleasant odors.

Language, according to Oriental medicine, reflects the state of the mucous membrane of the entire human digestive tract. A change in pattern or color, abundant plaque or proliferation of papillae can indicate diseases of both the digestive system and other organs and systems. Therefore, with any persistent, difficult-to-remove plaque on the tongue, you should consult a doctor.

White plaque on the tongue after sleep, which is easily removed from the mucous membrane during rinsing the mouth, does not indicate pathological changes in the body. Such plaque appears as a result of exfoliation of the upper layer of the epithelium. It is joined by food debris and saliva, as well as beneficial bacteria, which even in a healthy person inhabit the mucous membrane of the entire digestive system. Often this plaque appears with inappropriate oral care. If the plaque is difficult to separate, accompanied by other complaints, discoloration of the tongue and persists after brushing your teeth, you need to look for the cause in the pathology of the internal organs.

Causes of white plaque on the tongue in adults

Diseases of the digestive system

  1. Gastritis. On the tongue with gastritis, a white coating is located clearly in the middle. Interestingly, with a low content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, the tongue is smooth and dry. With a high acid content - rough. In addition, the patient has pain in the abdomen, aggravated immediately after eating, nausea.
  2. Stomach ulcer. This disease is characterized by areas of desquamated epithelium on the tongue, plaque is spotted, difficult to separate, white-gray in color. The taxation is accompanied by "hungry" pain in the abdomen, which decreases after eating.
  3. Enterocolitis and colitis (inflammation of the intestines). These diseases are characterized by a white coating at the root of the tongue, on the sides of which the imprints of the teeth are visible.
  4. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) or hepatitis (liver disease) are manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium and a dense white coating with a yellowish tinge, at the root of the tongue it acquires a yellow tint.
  5. Pancreatitis (disease of the pancreas). The acute process manifests itself in the form of girdle pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting. The tongue is dry, coated with a white coating with a yellow tint. In a chronic process, the tongue is covered with a loose snow-white coating that appears as a result of metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis and thrush.


The disease belongs to mycoses (fungal diseases), popularly called thrush. It occurs as a result of long-term use of antibacterial agents, dysbiosis, beriberi, reduced immunity, HIV infection, alcohol abuse. In the tongue of an adult, a difficult-to-separate curdled mass appears, a snow-white coating, the mucous membrane under which is covered with wounds.

Diseases of the tongue, accompanied by a white coating

  • Glossitis desquamative or "geographic". On the tongue, it manifests itself as an alternation of areas with a white coating with foci of a smooth mucosa, devoid of plaque. Outwardly, the language looks like a geographical map, hence the name. This phenomenon occurs against the background of severe systemic diseases, allergies, dysbacteriosis.
  • Galvanic stomatitis is a disease that occurs in people with metal prostheses in the oral cavity. In this case, a white coating appears, a burning sensation, in severe cases, ulcers form on the tongue.

Diseases of the internal organs

  • Diseases of the organs of the broncho-pulmonary system (bronchitis). White plaque is located at the very tip of the tongue, sometimes along the lateral surfaces.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. The plaque is located near the root of the tongue and on the sides, closer to the root.
  • Diabetes mellitus and pathology of the salivary glands are manifested by a white or grayish coating, dry mouth, roughness of the surface of the tongue.

Infectious diseases

In almost any infectious process (with tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, thrush, HIV infection), the tongue will be covered with a white coating. In this case, the overlay indicates intoxication of the body, dehydration and inflammation. There are no characteristic changes in the language for a particular infection. It may be completely covered with a white coating, sometimes with an icteric tint.

Other causes of white coating on the tongue

  • Food. When consuming a large amount of dairy products, cottage cheese, the tongue may become covered with a white coating, which is easily cleaned during mouthwash. With the use of a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar, fruits, cakes, ice cream), bacteria actively begin to multiply on the mucous membrane, which lead to a white coating. Everything goes after the diet.
  • Violation of the rules of oral hygiene. The tongue must be cleaned every day from the remnants of food and plaque.
  • Smoking. Chronic intoxication of the body with tobacco leads to a persistent white-gray coating on the entire surface of the tongue.
  • Alcohol. In addition to intoxication, alcoholic beverages also cause dehydration. This leads to dry mouth and tongue coating.

White coating on the tongue and HIV infection

When a person is infected with HIV, a severe immunodeficiency occurs (decreased immunity), as a result of which the bacteria that inhabit the oral mucosa begin to multiply intensively. This also applies to mushrooms. Fungal infection (candidiasis) and manifests itself as a white coating on the tongue.

Diagnosis of the causes of white plaque in the tongue

To clarify the cause that caused the appearance of plaque, you need to undergo an examination. A detailed blood test and a general urinalysis, stool culture for dysbacteriosis, microflora culture from the surface of the tongue, a blood test for HIV, and gastroscopy (examination of the gastric mucosa and the initial sections of the intestine through a probe) are required.


For proper treatment, you need to undergo an examination and find out why the tongue is white.

  • If white plaque is the result of smoking, alcohol abuse, poor oral hygiene, then the treatment will consist in giving up bad habits, cleaning the tongue in the morning.
  • If plaque appears after eating, you need to rinse your mouth after each meal.
  • When diseases of the digestive tract are confirmed, treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist.
  • Treatment of candidiasis consists in taking antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, Diflucan) orally and topically in the form of ointments.
  • In the case of tongue diseases, local antiseptic preparations are used, careful oral hygiene is practiced, spicy, hot food and spices, smoking and alcohol are avoided. Healing preparations (sea buckthorn or rosehip oil, vitamin A oil solution), antihistamines and vitamin preparations are applied to the mucous membrane.

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