Conversation on the painting by I. I


Target: The development of coherent dialogic speech.

Educational- consolidation of ideas about winter, its signs. Refinement, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Winter. Winter worries. Formation of the skill of purposeful perception of the picture, planning a coherent statement. An exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

Educational- development of auditory attention, visual perception, coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills.

Educational- to cultivate interest and kind attitude towards animate and inanimate nature, independence, initiative, friendliness.

The course of educational activities:

I. Organizational moment:

Today the Snowman came to our lesson.

Can you tell me what the snowman is made of? What should be the snow to make it well molded? How many lumps does a snowman consist of? Why are the lumps different sizes? Is it possible to build a snowman in summer? Why? Look at the picture the Snowman brought us.

II. - In winter, hungry and cold birds, homeless animals.

What can be done to help them?

Look at the picture the snowman brought us.

III. - Conversation on the picture: What season is shown in the picture?

How did you guess?

How are the children dressed? Why?

What did they make out of the snow?

What kind of snow, if it is well molded?

How many lumps are usually used to make snowmen?

Why lumps of different sizes?

Why do children like it when it snows a lot?

What is this house?

Why is he so small?

For whom was it built?

How do dogs feel outside in winter?

Does the dog in the picture have a home? Master? Or is she homeless?

Why do you think so?

How did the children do?

How did the children help the mongrel?

What do you think, where is it warmer, in a house made of snow or on the street? Why? What would a dog say to children if it could speak?

Why are snow walls protected?

What would you name this painting?

Why is it hard for birds in winter?

How can people help the birds (feed them, make feeders)?

slide show #1

Now those children will sit down who will name only the wintering birds depicted on the slide.

(Magpie, crow, sparrow, bullfinch, titmouse, dove, jackdaw, woodpecker, owl, crane, swallow, nightingale, starling.)

The snowman invites you guys to help the birds.

Guys, how can we help the birds in winter?

Here I have grains, seeds for birds, but there is nowhere to pour them. What we can do?

Let's make paper feeders

IV. Finger gymnastics

How many birds to our feeder

Arrived? We will tell. Alternately squeezing and unclenching fingers

Two tits, a sparrow, both hands

Six goldfinches and doves,

A woodpecker in colorful feathers. Alternately bend the fingers on both hands.

Everyone had enough grains.

V. Speech therapist - But Snowman's girlfriend is a snowflake. Submit your palm. Whoever the snowflake falls on the palm of his hand will help the Snowman finish the dialogue:

If there is a lot of snow in winter, then what kind of winter? .. snowy.

If the wind blows in winter, then winter is ... windy.

If there is a severe frost in winter, then ... frosty.

If it is warm in winter, then ... warm.

If it often rains in winter, then ... rainy.

If it's cold outside, then ... cold.

If winter is fun, then ... fun.

VI. Coordination of speech with the movement "Bullfinches"

Here on the branches, look

In red T-shirts bullfinches 4 hand claps on the sides and 4 head tilts

fluffed up feathers,

Basking in the sun. Frequent shaking of hands down

They turn their heads

They want to fly. 2 head turns per line

Shh! Shh! Shh! Fly away!

For the blizzard, for the blizzard! They run around the room, waving their arms like wings

VII. The game "The Fourth Extra"

Speech therapist: - Look at the pictures, you have to guess who is superfluous among them? Why?

Magpie, crow, starling, sparrow. (The starling is a migratory bird.)

Crane, nightingale, swallow, bullfinch. (The bullfinch is a winter bird.)

Game "Try, count"

Speech therapist: - And now let's count our birds.

One bullfinch, ..., five bullfinches.

One crow, ..., five crows, etc.

- The snowman thanks you for your help, gives you a snowflake that you can draw and color.

VIII. - What did we do today? What have we learned today? What was difficult for you?

What were you good at? What did you like? How should one treat those birds that remain over the winter? Well done, you did a great job with the Snowman's task and helped the birds.

Used sources:

  • Methodology Tkachenko T. A. "Paintings with a problematic plot";
  • N. V. Nishcheva “Summary of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with ONR”, St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press, 2007.

(The teacher puts on glasses, takes a pointer), in the voice of the guide coldly and reservedly, reads the description:

“The painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived” has a clearly expressed plot, in which his landscape motif is developed. We are given a narrative of the life of nature, which gave the artist the opportunity to express his democratic idea of ​​nature, and thereby give the landscape a national expression.

Did you like the description? Why not?

- What tones prevail in the landscape?

Imagine that you are now open the window, spring will blow on you wind you breathe it in and see...

Open your eyes! What did your eye fall on? What seemed to be the main in the picture?

-Describe snow, tree shadows, puddles.

On the board: “Grey houses, gray puddles, gray skies. Everything is grey!

What is the main thing here: houses, puddles or the sky? Why is everything grey?

Listen carefully what sounds does the painting make?

Work on the "triune beginning":

On the board: “The trees are making noise. Rooks are noisy. The bells are ringing."

Read the text and reinforce the meaning of the phrase!

I think you need to start small. 1. Rooks make noise.

Then I will put the sentence 2. The trees are noisy.

And I will finish the phrase with the great 3. The bells are noisy.)

Wonderful! What did the picture remind you of? Where and when did you see this?

Work on the semantic meaning of the phrase:

On the board: “I want to take off with the rooks and look from above at the village, at the chapel, at the whole universe.”

Teacher: Read the text and place the logical emphasis.

Student: First I will see the chapel, I will rise higher - the village, and if I fly very high, I will see the whole universe!

Teacher: Guys, we intensified semantic meaning of the phrase or reduced his?

Children: Reinforced, because. went from small to big.

Describe the picture in such a way that the reader wants to return to his childhood once again.

On the desk "Hints" for those who are at a loss:

The artist did a good job...

I look at this picture and I think...

I noticed that…

I overheard...

I smell spring...

I suddenly remembered how in childhood I ...


1.Spring landscape.

2. Description of the painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

I overheard...

I felt…

3. "Rooks have arrived" - this is a wonderful moment!

Essay excerpts:

Voytenkova Galya:

“... The artist chose such wonderful moments! It is when rooks build nests. Evening. What a beautiful spring! Bare birches. Rooks fuss, fly. Nests, you see, are being built! And they build it wrong! The clouds are big and heavy. Chapel in the distance. This picture is a mystery! I don’t understand: is it morning or evening, is there sun on it or not ... "

Ruslan Terentiev:

“... With each stroke of the bell, the rooks take off, then sit back down. I like spring as much as the artist does. If you look at the picture for a long time, it may seem that everything has come to life! The trees are swaying, and the rooks are fighting…. The bell tolls and the whole village wakes up! How similar this landscape is to our life!”

Vasya Pakholyuk:

“... You look at this picture, and it seems that the rooks made a mistake in time, they flew in in the middle of winter. You notice with surprise that the shadow on the snow is swaying from a quiet breeze. I think that the bells were called to the artist's work. It was they who inspired him to this picture.

Davydenko Ira:

"Spring. Everything around came to life. The Rooks Have Arrived! And with them came warmth and happiness. I hear rooks screaming and bare birch branches talking to them. They understand each other very well. It is so noisy here that a person who is accustomed to silence can get a headache. This picture is a wonderful mystery. Even a puddle near the trees and quite ordinary houses, of which there are many in every village, and birches, they are all somehow unusual. I feel loose snow under my feet, I hear a light breeze blowing, and I understand, I probably wouldn’t be able to draw like that. The artist accurately chose the time of the year, a cloudy day and gray colors.

Yaskunov Sasha:

“... I see a gloomy landscape in the picture. It remains an amazing mystery to me: what will happen next? The artist painted what he saw. This won't happen again. Snow sticky, melted. Grey sky. Spring! »

Koltovich Dasha:

"Spring. It's getting dark. Puddles twitch with thin ice. There are many nests in the trees. The birds are working together. And behind the birches you can see a chapel and a church with golden domes. In the chapel he sings, the bell ringing shimmers. There is a service in the church. This picture, on the one hand, is the same as everyone else, and on the other hand, it is special, not like the others.

There is a big mystery in the picture, and no one knows the answer to it, except the artist himself.

"You can't imagine it on purpose."

“So the rooks work all week. And only on Saturday and Sunday they rest.”

Essay-description based on the painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”.

Material from the free encyclopedia:

Serov Valentin Aleksandrovich (1865-1911) is a famous Russian artist. Serov is considered a master of children's portraits. The painting “Mika Morozov” stands out in his gallery. It depicts a little boy, the son of M. Morozov, a famous philanthropist in Russia. Mika is only four years old in the portrait. He sits in a child seat, holding onto the high armrests. The boy seems to have just woken up, he is in a nightgown. Soft curly hair in a mess frames a round face. The light skin of a child gives the impression of purity and childish purity. She is smooth and velvety. A light blush plays on her cheeks. Dark, like ripe cherries, her eyes are wide open. They look with impatience and delight at the artist, who forces him to sit in inaction, but performs some miraculous actions. Mika Morozov is ready to break free and run. It is very difficult for him to remain still. Hands squeeze the armrests of the chair as if the boy wants to push off with them so that his run is faster. His whole posture expresses impatience, a desire to move, to play, to make noise. Impatient words are ready to break from the childish plump lips of the half-open mouth: “When will you finish drawing me?” He sits on the edge of the chair. Mika is somewhat subtly reminiscent of a bird, ready to take off and soar into the air at the slightest noise or movement. But, obeying the adult will, the boy tries to remain still.

Painting by V.A. Serov's "Mika Morozov" is built on contrast. The head, because of the lush curls, seems large in comparison with the puny body of the boy. The snow-white shirt contrasts with the dark armchair, which is decorated with a colored patterned cape, and the gray wall. This dark background, as it were, sets off the childish beauty and innocence of a small creature, so carefully watching the actions of the artist.

The children's work based on the painting by V.A. Serov "Mika Morozov".

Ivanov Andrey:

In front of me is Serov’s painting “Mika Morozov”, which depicts a boy from a wealthy family, his clothes and a chair that was very expensive at that time speak of this. Probably, the grandmother called the baby to the kitchen to drink tea with pies. But Mika was in no hurry, he decided to see what was happening outside the window. The kid was very surprised: snow was slowly falling on the ground, and yesterday it was not. Grandmother again called her beloved grandson, but he did not hear her voice, because he admired the amazing winter landscape.

Ovseev Vova:

V.A. Serov painted a portrait of a boy and called him "Mika Morozov". The baby has curly hair, thin eyebrows and big brown eyes. Mickey is holding on to the chair and looking out the window. And autumn was roaming outside, yellow leaves were falling from the tree, it was raining. It was he who woke the boy early. Mika is sitting in a mahogany chair.

I noticed darkened leaves on the floor, probably an armchair in the hallway. Now Mika will jump up from it and run out into the street, because autumn has cleared up there. The boy will call his grandmother with him, and then she will feed her beloved Mika with pancakes. Of course, you already understood that Serov is a master of portraits, and I really liked his painting “Mika Morozov”.

Zubacheva Kristina:

The famous artist V.A. Serov painted a portrait of the baby and called the picture “Mika Morozov”. I think he is a lucky boy. He sits on a mahogany armchair, probably made by his grandfather and father. Mom and grandma run the kitchen. Today is Maslenitsa, and the house smells like pancakes. Mika looks out the window and sees that people are going for a walk. The picture is done in black, and only a white nightgown looms brightly from the darkness. The boy has red cheeks, full lips and curly hair. Mika is like a living baby from a photo. That's the portrait!

Paley Nikita:

I look at V.A. Serov’s painting “Mika Morozov” and see a boy of ten years old, in a white shirt with wavy hair. He has brown eyes. The kid opened his mouth in surprise. It seems to me that someone called him, and he is about to get up from the chair on which things are hanging. I think the artist depicted himself as a child. V.A.Serov painted a picture with oil paints. I notice small cracks on Mickey's shirt, which means the work is very old.

While painting at the School of Art, I saw many portraits of great artists (and even in black and white). But the picture of Serov is fascinating, even if you look at the baby closely, it still seems that this is a living child.

Korzun Alena:

V.A. Serov is a wonderful portrait painter. In the painting "Mika Morozov" he portrayed a curly-haired disheveled boy of six or seven years old in white pajamas. By the eyes you can understand that events are taking place in the morning, the baby has just woken up. His big black eyes are frightened by something. The boy holds on tightly to the armrests of the chair, now he will get up and sort everything out. Apparently the artist peeped the plot through the window and successfully depicted a little boy.

Kurashkina Katya:

In front of me is the painting "Mika Morozov". It was painted by the famous Russian artist V.A. Serov. Judging by the clothes and the antique mahogany armchair, the events take place in the early 19th century. There is a bag on the chair. The clock ticks loudly on the wall. Morning. The boy got up from his chair. This grandmother entered the house, and the baby will now rush to meet her. The boy has chubby cheeks, a curly head. He is very cute, and the eyes of the child are intelligent. Wealthy people live in this house. Mickey's chair is a little big. I have never seen such clothes. I have a feeling that the baby will now turn his head, say to me: "Hi!" and wave his hand. The picture is made in dark colors, and only silk pajamas refresh the portrait. I think that Mickey has older sisters and brothers, because there used to be many children in families. I really like the picture of V.A. Serov, I just have no words! I look and wonder, it seems to me that I am admiring a photograph, and not a portrait. It is a pity that I will not be able to draw this wonderful picture.

Nikita Lunev:

Before us is a child's portrait painted by the artist Serov. The painting depicts a boy from a noble family. Mika Morozov - curly brown hair. He is wearing a nightgown. The boy is seated in a long black oak chair. His eyes are wide open in surprise. In the lower right corner of the picture is a toy - a wooden horse. The room is dark, the light falls from the stove. I guess it's winter now. Events take place in the middle of the 18th century or at the beginning of the 19th. The picture is painted in oil. Serov's Mika turned out great!

Miller Vadim:

Serov's painting "Mika Morozov" depicts a curly-haired baby who has just woken up. He sits in a chair in a beautiful white shirt and looks at the first snow. The artist used dark colors: brown, black and blue. Mika's cheeks are red like apples. A boy from a wealthy family, he sits in a lacquered mahogany chair. Behind the back of the baby is a small warm carpet. Serov managed to draw a wonderful portrait of a child.

Bezhok Arina:

The painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov” is written with soul. I can clearly see that this boy comes from a wealthy family. Mika was sitting in a chair, suddenly his older sister called him. The kid stood up in surprise and went downstairs to the dining room. After breakfast, the children ran to the carriage, and as they rode, they saw snow and crows flying in the clouds. In the city, the parents made purchases, and the driver obediently waited for everyone and opened her door. The painting "Mika Morozov" gave me the opportunity to dream, which is what I wish you.

Nikolaev Kirill:

I really liked the painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”. What made the boy wake up so early? Perhaps dad called the baby to look at the puppies, about which no one knows yet. The kid sits in a chair with a surprised expression on his face, his mouth is ajar, his eyes are wide. It feels like he took a deep breath and now held his breath. Now he will jump off his chair, run to his mother, and the house will be filled with childish joy.

Buglov Roma:

Serov's painting "Mika Morozov" depicts a boy with curly hair, black eyes and rosy cheeks. This kid lives in a rich family, this is clear from the clothes and furniture. Apparently the boy came to the village to his grandmother and was tired. After a long journey, he fell asleep right in the chair, but then he felt cold and woke up. From amazement, he half rose, even parted his red lips. Outside the window, he saw many, many large white flakes. Mika wanted to shout: "Wow, you!". But he remembered that his old grandmother was asleep, and he sat back in his chair. Outside the window there was no debris, no dirt, only pure snow. Birds flew from side to side, flew from branch to branch, looked out the window. Mika looked in surprise at the people, the birds and the snow.

Larchenko Masha:

In front of me is a painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”, where the artist depicted a boy who woke up on a winter morning. Perhaps he was awakened by the delicious smell of pies that his grandmother bakes. I think that Mika Morozov is not from a poor family. He is wearing an expensive white shirt. This picture was painted a very long time ago with oil paints. V.A. Serov is a great artist, he loved to draw children and did it brilliantly.

Pankratov Pasha:

The painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov” depicts a boy sitting on a large chair. The baby has curly hair, brown eyes and red cheeks. The boy carefully holds on to the armrests of the chair. He is wearing a white shirt, they don’t wear these now, or maybe it’s just pajamas, because he just woke up. Mika is sitting near the stove, because it is winter outside. The walls in the house are grey. And only the face of the boy pleases us.

Aspen Anya:

Before us is a painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”, where a sleepy boy is drawn. What family do you think he comes from? Probably from a good one. Grandparents went to the forest for firewood, and the kid is waiting for them, not taking his eyes off the window, worried when will they return? And then a grandmother comes into the house: “Why haven’t you dressed yet, because it’s a white day outside?” Grandmother hurries to get clothes, and Mika sits in an old armchair and waits. “How beautiful you are,” says the grandmother, dressing her grandson. "Is that bad?" - asks the grandson. “No, it’s very good!”

Saenko Vitalya:

I admire the picture of V.A. Serov "Mika Morozov", which depicts a boy. Morning. The kid sits in an old chair and looks out the window. Mika is very surprised. Why is everything suddenly white? He climbs down from his chair and runs to his dad, eyes wide, trying to figure out what's happened. "This is the first snow!" - the father will explain to the son. The portrait of Mickey Morozov was a success!

Khvostikov Dima:

In front of me is a painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”. This is a portrait of a boy looking into the distance. I think it's winter outside. The kid is sitting in a chair in a white shirt. I notice threads on the floor. I think that the picture was painted a very long time ago. I like the portrait of Mika Morozov, because V.A. Serov is a master of portraits.

Rogova Alina:

The painting "Mika Morozov" was painted by Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov. Early morning, the house is dark, only a red light is visible in the corner, it comes from the fireplace. Firewood is next to the fireplace. A boy with amazing black eyes and a parted mouth sits in an armchair. He is wearing white silk pajamas. Mika has curly hair, chubby cheeks and surprised eyes. Valentin Alexandrovich Serov is an excellent master of portrait painting. He managed to revive the portrait of Mika Morozov with his masterful hands.

Samoilov Roman:

In front of me is a painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”. The artist depicted a boy who had recently woken up. I think his grandmother baked pancakes and calls everyone for breakfast. So she woke up the baby. I understand Mika comes from a wealthy family. He has an expensive white shirt. The house is warm, and outside the window is winter. V.A.Serov is a very good artist!

Zaichenko Artyom:

V.A.Serov lived in the middle of the 19th century. He painted the painting "Mika Morozov" in the spring. The boy is joyful, happy, from an average family. He has brown eyes, curly hair. He is six or seven years old. There is a locomotive on the floor near the chair. Mika just woke up, he's still in his pajamas. I think that the child lives with his grandmother, and just sees his parents. The painting "Mika Morozov" was a success. The boy turned out alive, as in the photo.

Tyurishev Valentin:

I see a picture of V.A. Serov "Mika Morozov", which depicts a boy from a wealthy family. He wears a white shirt, sits in a red oak chair and holds on to it. It seems that the baby is ready to get up and run about his children's business. He made surprised eyes, parted his mouth, raised his eyebrows. He must have seen something interesting outside the window. A boy from a wealthy family. An expensive canvas with patterns hangs on the armchair. I like this picture.

Trashkaleva Dasha:

I look at the picture of V.A. Serov and I see a boy. He sits in a chair, something surprised him very much. It has not yet bloomed, early morning, nine o'clock, winter is standing outside the window. It seems to me that he is visiting his grandmother. The house smells of pancakes with cottage cheese. The boy is not from a poor family. He's wearing expensive pajamas. The boy is handsome: black-eyed, curly, swirling. It seems to me that he will now rush forward and run away for a walk.

Korzun Artem:

In front of me is a painting by V.A. Serov “Mika Morozov”. The artist depicted a little boy. He is curly, disheveled, in expensive white pajamas. His eyes are large and black. He clutched the chair as if he was afraid of something. The artist saw the baby in the morning, he probably spied this story through the window and immediately took up the brush. V.A. Serov is a wonderful master of portrait painting.

Berlov Pasha:

I see a boy in the picture of V.A. Serov, he is surprised and sits on a large chair by the window. The child is not from a poor family. It seems to me that now he will jump up and run to get dressed outside, and it is winter there, but still warm. The kid just woke up, he is wearing white pajamas, he is five or six years old, he is curly and nice. The houses are warm and cozy. The picture was painted a long time ago, now there is no such furniture. I really liked this portrait.

Valueva Albina:

In front of me is the painting "Mika Morozov". The artist depicted a boy. The baby has rosy cheeks, brown eyes and curly hair. He sits on a large chair, as if he wants to jump off it right now and run away somewhere. I think that Mika Morozov is from a rich family. Morning. He is wearing a smart white shirt. The artist painted the portrait with love and put a piece of himself into the picture. There are a lot of dark colors here: black, brown, green and even red. This is all the background, and the boy himself seems to want to smile. Got a good picture!

Composition-description based on the painting by V. A. Tropinin “The Lacemaker”.

Conversation on the painting "Alyonushka".


1. Continue acquaintance of students with another outstanding master of Russian painting of the 19th century;

2. To learn to feel the mood that the artist wanted to convey to the audience in his works;

3. Determine the means of artistic expression, with the help of which the transfer of a certain mood is achieved.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting "Alyonushka", portrait.

During the classes:

I.Organizing time.

II. The topic of the lesson.

III. Examining the picture.

IV.Short biography of the artist.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov () spent his childhood among the Russian nature of the Vyatka province. He was born in the village of Lepyal (Urzhum district). His father, a village priest, loved to draw, taught his sons to read and write, did not prevent his sons from making friends with their peers - peasant children. Mother, a simple, kind woman, managed the household and the children. There were six of them, all boys. The family was friendly, life was good and calm. As a child, Viktor Vasnetsov heard many stories, songs and fairy tales about various miracles, about Russian heroes and their exploits. Little Vitya remembered them for a long time. By decision of the family composition of the son, they began to prepare for the rank of priest - they were assigned to a theological school, from where he transferred to the Vyatka Theological Seminary. But the dignity of the priest did not correspond to the inclinations and desires of Viktor Vasnetsov. Therefore, he left the seminary and left in 1876 for St. Petersburg, where he began to study at a drawing school, and a year later entered the Academy of Arts. In academic classes, he studied diligently and successfully, and at the same time gave lessons and made drawings for books and magazines to earn money.

Throughout his life, Vasnetsov retained his love for folk tales and epics, and wrote many paintings on these topics. During his life he painted many paintings on fairy-tale themes. Until his death, he worked on them lovingly, tirelessly. And his workshop gradually turned into a wonderful world of Russian fairy tales. You know some of the paintings from books where fairy tales are illustrated by Vasnetsov’s works: “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Carpet - Airplane”, “Three Princesses of the Underworld”, “Alyonushka”, etc.

In Moscow, there is the Vasnetsov House Museum, built according to his own drawing, which contains paintings, drawings, watercolors, book and magazine illustrations, samples of ancient weapons that served as nature.

V.Introduction to the painting "Alyonushka".

The plot of the picture was inspired by the artist of a Russian folk tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, beloved by all children. Alyonushka in the image of Vasnetsov captivates with humanity, sincerity and charm.

Alyonushka, who ran away from home with grief, ended up in a forest thicket, in a deep pool, to cry out the insult inflicted by evil people, to grieve about her hard life. The dawn is fading. Twilight descends. Alyonushka sits alone on a white stone and looks into the cold water of the pool. In all her drooping figure, in her sad face, hopeless grief and childish sadness are expressed. Tears fill her eyes, her gaze is motionless, silky brown hair scattered over her shoulders in long strands, her hands tightly clasped her knees. A moan seems ready to escape from the half-open mouth. But who will hear this groan if there is not a single person in the whole wide world who would take pity on and caress the girl! Alyonushka is poorly dressed: in an old, torn sundress, in a faded blue jacket; bare feet.

Nature is in tune with the mood of Alyonushka. The first time of the withering of nature has come. Sadly young birches, aspens, and firs froze around.

Yellowed leaves fall on the mirror surface of the water. Thin branches of aspen bent and sank into the water, stalks of sharp sedge drooped. Quiet and sad nature echoes the sadness and longing of the girl. Swallows are chirping above Alyonushka's head, as if trying to calm her down and dispel her sadness. In folk art, swallows are a symbol of friendliness. “Swallows in an evil family are under the eaves and do not make nests,” the people say. The swallows that flocked to Alyonushka settled down on a branch of an aspen in groups of three. This technique in folk art (triple repetitions in fairy tales, epics, songs) was well known to the artist and was used in his work (“Heroes”, “Carpet - Airplane”). It means the number of plurality - many swallows sympathize with the grief of Alyonushka. Peaked pines, sharp sedge stalks guard the girl, protect her from evil people. In fairy tales and songs, people often turn to nature, involve it in their experiences, and call for help. This technique is also used in the painting "Alyonushka".

The artist with the deepest lyricism conveyed the people's understanding of the tale. The experiences of the girl are shown truthfully, with captivating naturalness. The power of Vasnetsov's creative imagination and deep knowledge of the life of the Russian people are striking. The coloring of the picture emphasizes its sad content. Soft, dark green and reddish-brown colors prevail - everything is in harmony with the state of mind of the girl. But we see in the picture a bright strip of fading dawn, and the bright green of the sedge, and pinkish flowers on Alyonushka's sundress, and the pale, faded blue of her sweater. The inclined figure of Alyonushka is outlined with soft lines, which gives tenderness and poetry to her appearance. These contrasting tones enhance the emotional sound of the picture. In fairy tales, Alyonushka's life develops in different ways, but everywhere light and good wins over dark and evil. I would like to believe that time will pass, and happy days will come for Alyonushka. The painting "Alyonushka" was painted in 1881, is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

VI. Painting conversation.

Look at the picture and tell me what impression you get when you first look at it?

Why does the picture give such an impression?

How does an artist achieve such power of expression? What means does he use? Name them (color, chiaroscuro, composition).

What is a composition?

How is Vasnetsov's painting constructed? (Alyonushka immediately attracts our attention. She is depicted almost in the center of the canvas facing the viewer. To emphasize her loneliness, the artist did not place other characters in the picture.)

Describe the appearance of Alyonushka. (Alyonushka is a poor peasant girl. She has thin hands. Alyonushka is barefoot, her clothes are poor: a torn sundress, an old faded blue jacket, chestnut hair flowed over her shoulders, her head is lowered.)

What did the artist especially highlight in the appearance of Alyonushka? (Alyonushka's face and hands stand out with a light pink canvas against a dark background. You can immediately see her sad face and big eyes.)

Think about what words to more accurately characterize Alyonushka's look.

A great grief fell upon Alyonushka.

How did the artist show it? Pay attention to the pose of Alyonushka. (Alyonushka sits alone on a stone, her head bowed low, she became sad, thoughtful. She convulsively hugged her knees, bent over. Her whole pose expresses misfortune, grief.)

What words can describe the girl's grief? (Sorrow-inconsolable, great, hopeless, big, heavy, etc.)

What synonyms more vividly convey Alyonushka's state of mind? (Longing, sadness, sadness, etc.)

What do you know about the meaning of color in painting?

Conclusion: The color in the picture is the main thing. Painting is the art of speaking colors. With the help of color, the artist creates an image, achieves the desired impression. Yellow, pink, red are warm colors, they create a joyful mood in a person. But, using the cold tones of dark green, blue, gray colors, the artist evokes in the viewer a feeling of melancholy, sadness, sadness.

What colors did Vasnetsov use and why? (There are both warm and cold tones in the picture. Cold tones of green stand out. There are few warm colors: light pink on the face, hands, pink flowers on the sundress. More dark brown, gloomy colors. This makes a sad impression).

Color in a painting matters a lot. The general tone of the picture (color) is not bright, it is dominated by dark green and reddish-brown colors. Browned grass, reddish autumn foliage, yellowed greens emphasize the overall brown-green tone of the picture. In addition to soft tones, we see in the picture a light strip of fading dawn, bright emerald greenery of sedge, pink flowers on Alyonushka's sundress and a blue blouse. Using bright, contrasting tones, the artist enhances the impression created by the picture.

On what background is Alyonushka depicted? (Against the background of autumn nature).

What period of autumn did the artist depict? How did you determine the time of year? (The picture shows early autumn. Nature begins to fade. In some places the trees turned yellow. Fallen leaves float in the pool. The autumn sky is gloomy.)

Why did the artist choose the autumn landscape? (Nature dies in autumn, it evokes sadness. Such a landscape echoes the mood of Alyonushka).

Let's characterize some of the details of the landscape:

1. Sky - autumn, gloomy, dull, gloomy, gray, unfriendly, dreary, overcast.

2. Leaves - fallen, yellow, yellowed.

3. Omut - deep, deaf.

4. Water - dark, cold, dark brown, almost black, motionless, frozen.

5. Aspen - thin, thoughtful, quivering.

6. Forest - dense, gloomy, dark, gloomy, deaf, gloomy.

Why did the artist choose early autumn for the background of the painting, and not the time of its heyday, “forests dressed in crimson and gold?”

(In early autumn, everything begins to wither, and this withering of nature causes a sad mood).

Yes, the artist’s attention is attracted not by lush nature, but by the first time of autumn withering, in the description of which he resorts to soft tones of dark green, blue, yellow-brown colors. Autumn, faded, dull colors of the landscape create a mood of sadness, sadness. The artist showed that nature is in tune with the mood of Alyonushka, she, as it were, listens to the thoughts of the poor girl, is sad and cries with her. Silent sadly, young birch trees stand around, thin branches of aspen bent and sank into the water, sedge stalks drooped here and there. Swallows chirp softly, as if trying to calm Alyonushka's sadness. And Alyonushka understands, loves nature, and only she trusts her inconsolable grief.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Did you like the picture?

What does she feel?

The image of a Russian girl - an orphan, hardworking and kind, simple and modest, excited the sensitive heart of the artist and inspired him to create a picture. However, this picture is not an illustration of a fairy tale. Vasnetsov created not a fairy-tale character, but a true image of a poor peasant girl.

Abstract of a conversation for older preschoolers (5-6 years old) based on the painting "Winter".

Conversation in the senior group on the painting "Winter".

Bodnar Svetlana Viktorovna, teacher, gymnasium No. 1551, Moscow.
Description: I present to your attention a summary of the conversation on the painting "Winter", for children of older preschool age for the development of children's speech activity.
Purpose: This material is intended for teachers of preschool institutions.
Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.
Target: development of speech activity of children in a conversation based on the painting "Winter".
1. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers on the topic "Winter".
2. Develop coherent speech, speech hearing.
3. Exercise in the correct construction of sentences.
4. Develop thinking and imagination, thinking through previous and subsequent events.
5. Cultivate the ability to interact with each other.
Equipment: picture "Winter".

Children are shown a picture of a village covered in snow. Trees with empty nests. Smoke is coming from the chimneys of the houses. From a high mountain, children go sledding, sculpt a snowman.

Children guess the riddle (Winter).
- Guys, what season is shown in this picture?
- Winter!
How do you know it's winter?
-There is a lot of snow on the ground and on the roofs of houses, smoke comes out of the pipes, people heat stoves to keep the house warm. The children go sledding and make a snowman.
- Guys, tell me, how are the children dressed in our picture?
-Children are dressed in warm jackets, hats, boots and boots, put on mittens and tied scarves to keep them warm.
-Guys, looking at the picture, can you tell what kind of weather the artist wanted to portray?
-Yes. The weather is good. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, there are small clouds on it.
-Yes, indeed, the picture depicts a bright, frosty day! Does this always happen in winter?
-Not. There is also bad weather, when it snows, a strong wind blows. A few days ago the weather was like this, we watched a snowstorm from the window, we didn’t even go for a walk.
How do you think this picture depicts a windy day or a calm one?
- Quiet day. Because the smoke comes straight from the chimney and the trees do not bend, which means there is no wind.
What else can you tell by looking at this picture?
- A boy is sledding down a high mountain, and here the girl has already rolled down the mountain, she is carrying a sled, and a dog is running towards her.
-Let's remember which of the poems about winter, this picture reminds us of.
-Childhood. Ivan Surikov.
Reading a poem.
Here is my village;
Here is my home;
Here I am on a sled
Uphill steep.
Here the sled turned
And I'm on my side - bang!
head over heels
Downhill into a snowdrift.
And my friends are boys
Standing over me
merrily laugh
Over my trouble.
All face and hands
Made me snow...
I'm in a snowdrift grief,
And the guys laugh!
-What do we have in the picture here? (Pointing to the nests in the trees.)
-It's a nest. Empty nests, birdhouses, birds flew south.
What birds stay winter with us?
-Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, titmouse remain to winter ...
-How do we take care of them?
We made feeders and feed them.
Physical education "Snowball". (N.V. Nishcheva)
One, two, three, four (bend fingers, starting with the big one),
We made a snowball with you (“they make it”, changing the position of the palms),
Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, squeeze the palms together, stroke the other with one palm).
And very, very unsweetened (they threaten with a finger).
Once - toss (look up, throw an imaginary snowball).
Two - catch (squat, catch an imaginary snowball).
Three - let's drop (get up, drop an imaginary snowball).
And ... break (stomp).
Guys, now think about this. The children played, rode and went home, and then other guys came. Will they be able to guess who was here and what they did?
-Yes. There are traces of sleds left, by which one can guess that sledding was recently done here.
-And how do you think, how can they guess that it was the kids who skated, and not the adults?
-Following the footprints of boots, small footprints, they guessed that the guys were riding here. And according to dog tracks, that there was a dog with them. The children also built a snowman.
-Now tell me how we play and study in the winter, but just don’t repeat what the children have already said.
Children's stories.
It is recommended to draw "Winter fun" after.

Svetlana Gubrenko (Andreeva)

Synopsis of GCD. Conversation on the painting by I. I. Levitan "March".

Direction: "Cognitive-speech", "Artistic creativity".

Educational areas:

- "Knowledge"

- "Communication".

A task: the formation of a holistic picture of the world.


1. Develop the ability to recognize and name the season.

2. Teach children to name the main signs of spring.

3. Teach children to name the spring months.

5. Cultivate love for nature.

Equipment: reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "March".

GCD progress.

1. Organizational moment.

We are also warmly dressed

But spring is slowly approaching us.

Her signs are already visible to us,

Tell me, with what is she coming to visit us?

Answers of children (Children name the signs of spring).

(The sun appears in the sky. The snow begins to melt. Streams run along the roads).

That's right guys! What is the name of the first spring month? (March).

2. Work on the content of the picture.

Today we will compose a story based on the painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan "March".

Look at the picture. What do you see on it?

(Children's answers are heard).

Summarizing the children's answers:

In the picture, the artist depicted nature. Blue skies, still thin aspen leaves without leaves. The birds have not yet arrived, the birdhouse is empty. The sun illuminates the wall of the house, birches. There is still snow in the forest.

3. Learning to read the picture.

What is the name of the painting by I. I. Levitan? (March).

What is this picture about?

(This picture is about spring, about March, about spring weather, about the beginning of spring).

What mood does this picture evoke in you?

Correctly. There is a feeling of joy that spring has begun. And it is always pleasant and joyful!

How did the artist manage to show a sense of joy?

(He depicted a lot of light, a bright, warm March sun, a blue sky).

Levitan did not capture the whole house, but only part of its wall, on which the direct rays of the spring sun fall.

And it is also felt that birches and aspens bathe in the golden rays of the sun.

What else makes it possible to feel a sense of joy before the onset of spring?

Look at the snow in the picture?

(The snow darkened under the rays of the sun, settled. On the road it is reddish, saturated with water. Pure, white snow lies on the roof of the house, on the porch, under the trees. There are still snowdrifts around the trees.)

Who else did the artist depict in this picture? (Horse).

What is the horse doing?

Why do you think the horse is standing?

A horse with a sleigh stands at the porch. She calmly slumbers in the warm March sun. She must be waiting for her master. She is pleased to stand under the gentle and warm rays of the spring sun.


A cloud hides behind the forest - the children squat

The sun is watching from heaven - the children get up, raise their hands up and wave

And so pure, kind, radiant.

If we got it - the children are drawn "to the sky"

We would kiss him! - blow kisses.

4. Drawing up a story based on a picture.

1. Abundance of sun, light.

3. The walls of the house.

5. Trees.

6. Horse.

(When compiling a story, instead of a plan, you can use a mnemonic table).

5. Final part.

Did you like the picture? How?

The picture of I. I. Levitan "March" is joyful. With his painting, the artist makes us understand and love the beauty of our native nature that surrounds us and which we so often do not notice.

6. Summing up.

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