Bilan what's wrong with him. Dima Bilan is seriously ill and is preparing for a complex operation


What happened to Dima Bilan? Is it true that a popular singer is seriously suffering due to health problems? Similar questions continue to be asked by fans of the eminent artist, who want to quickly find out the truth and separate it from the endless stream of lies.

The funeral of Dima Bilan, about which much has been written on the Internet relatively recently, actually turned out to be fictitious. Admirers of the artist's talent continue to worry. People cannot understand what is really happening with their pet. For this reason, unverified information appears about some serious illness of Bilan. In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Dima Bilan dies what happened to him. All information summary.

It turned out that after the intense filming of the next video, Bilan decided to take a break and went to Iceland, where wildlife, mountains and fjords breathe peace and tranquility. “I really wanted to upgrade. I went to Iceland. Well, these are absolutely pleasant searches.

A few months ago, information “walked” on the Web that the weight of the people's favorite was only 69 kilograms.

In March 2017, it became known that Dima Bilan was seriously ill and was preparing for a complex operation. A few weeks after the news, he scared fans with a new image - the singer shaved his head, which gave rise to many rumors about a terrible illness. In addition, Bilan recently looked tired and pretty thin.

And recently, unexpected news about the death of the singer began to scatter across the Internet. Moreover, in the Google pop-up ad, you can see the information that he died in a car accident.

Dima Bilan is dying what a disease. All latest information.

By the way, on September 1, the premiere of a new clip by Dima Bilan also took place - netizens rated the video as "excellent".

But recently Dima Bilan broke the silence and told the whole truth about what is really happening to him. The singer said that he coped with terrible pain from five hernias in the spine and now feels much better.

Thanks to the new shots, it is clear that the singer not only feels great, but also manages to travel by cities and countries - the other day, Bilan, together with Leonid Agutin, took a picture in Saint-Tropez, then posted on social networks a photo from the plane following the route Munich - Moscow, and today - a photo from the preparation for the show "Voice".

As the singer admitted, of the diseases he only has gastritis, with the right treatment, an intervertebral hernia is not dangerous either, from which his arm sometimes hurts a lot. But these diseases are not dangerous and they are unlikely to have to prepare for the worst. True, you still have to prepare for the operation to remove the hernia, but later. Her responsible singer postponed until the end of the season of the Voice project, where he is a mentor.

Dima Bilan is touched by the care of devoted viewers. But he assures that he has no terrible diseases. The singer has been worried about gastritis for several years, but every third one has it. There is also a hernia of the spine, due to which Bilan's arm sometimes hurts, but this is also not a fatal diagnosis.

A few months ago, Dima Bilan was one of the most talked about people on the Russian Internet. The topic of such discussions is by no means, not the work of the artist and his participation in the popular show "Voice". There was a rumor on the net that the singer had suddenly died. Among his fans there were those who believed in this myth. What caused the "fake" death of the Russian singer Dima Bilan, read in our article.

The first "calls"

The first "bell", signaling the "Death" of the singer, sounded in March. According to some reports, it became known that the singer died in an accident. After that, information was repeatedly heard that the man had died of an oncological disease, which, by the way, Bilan does not have.

Naturally, some of the fans categorically refused to believe in the "death" of the idol. Moreover, they considered this news to be another myth from the life of the singer. Many Russian publications immediately responded to the “abandoned bait” and immediately reacted with articles about refuting or confirming (!) This myth.

Unexpectedly for everyone, Dima Bilan cut his hair bald

The end of grief was put by the concert director of Dmitry Bilan. He commented on the information about the death of his ward, saying that he did not expect this from the yellow press. Moreover, the director said that the artist is alive and well.

And he continues his concert tour. The man also said that you should not believe everything that is written on the network. Especially if this information concerns your idols. The most interesting thing is that the concert director of Dmitry Bilan promised to find those people who spread false information about the life of the Russian singer.

How did fans react to the change in the singer's appearance?

“The death of Dima Bilan: true or false” such headlines were full of news and infotainment publications in spring and summer. Perhaps Dima himself is partially to blame for the rumor about his sudden death. The fact is that shortly before all these events, he shaved his head. Unnatural pallor and thinness were noticed by fans. Some of them decided that the artist was suffering from cancer. As you know, to undergo chemotherapy, you need to shave your head. After this procedure, the hair cannot grow normally for a long time.

All fans of the singer are worried about his appearance

The producer of the artist Yana Rudkovskaya hastened to reassure the fans of the ward. She said that Dima cut his hair like that, as he is preparing for his new project. But not everyone was quick to believe her statement. Some fans still remained unconvinced, believing that the producer was simply hiding the truth about Bilan's health.

Who became the primary source of information?

The primary source of information was not journalists, but the singer's haters. Not a single self-respecting publication initially wrote about the untimely death of the singer. Only uninfluential newspapers and magazines, wishing to earn as many readers as possible, “sinned” with such a myth. Just the topic for promotion came across excellent.

Internet resources were especially distinguished, the authors of which decided to intimidate their readers with scary headlines like "Death of Dima Bilan: latest news." The "highlight" of such news is that none of the authors referred to any particular source inside the article. Everyone wrote in general phrases, from which it was quite difficult to isolate something significant.

At first, major publications did not succumb to the mass obsession with the myth of Bilan's death and held on as best they could. But here the principle of the "Viral Headline" worked. Other publications simply could not ignore what everyone wrote about. Other resources also decided to raise the topic of Dima Bilan's health. Of course, not all of them were ready to take responsibility for false information about the death of the singer. Most of them wrote about the artist's too obvious thinness, about his new haircut and unhealthy appearance.

What did the singer's colleagues say?

The singer constantly laughed off the questions of his colleagues on the stage. Dima Bilan does not consider it necessary to discuss his health, and even more so, his death with other artists.

The network has information about the death of D. Bilan

Those close to the singer said that on the set of "Voice" everyone takes great care of Bilan. For example, Grigory Leps forced the man to eat and kept a close eye on Dima to eat at least something. It is worth noting that Gregory still managed to positively influence the weight of his friend in the coaching chair. But more on that later.

Bilan spoke about the reasons for feeling unwell

In June, information appeared on the network about the reasons for the singer’s poor health, as well as about his rapid weight loss. After all, it was on the basis of his appearance that some fans decided that Dima Bilan's death came from cancer (photos often flashed in the news, in which the singer is depicted as bald).

At that time, fans had been sounding the alarm for several months in a row. It seemed to them that the idol of a whole generation was literally fading away before their eyes. For some time, Dima Bilan preferred not to comment on what they write about him in the press and on social networks. But in the summer, the singer decided to break his silence and tell his fans what really happened to him.

For a long time Dmitry suffered from a hernia of the spine.

According to the celebrity, he had five hernias in his spine. The pain prevented him from even buttoning his jacket, let alone anything else. In the summer, Bilan told fans that he had finally dealt with his problem. And he's much better.

Sharp weight loss is also provoked by a long illness. Since Bilan got better, he began to rapidly gain weight. But fans didn't believe it. Then Dima decided to convince his fans of the opposite. On the children's New Wave, he stood on the scales to prove to everyone that his body was normal. The arrow showed 83 kilograms. “Excellent weight,” the singer commented on the situation.

A few months before the “New Wave”, information appeared on the network that the artist’s weight was just over 60 kilograms. Fans of Dima Bilan were shocked by such a figure. For a man, this is a catastrophically small weight.

Where did the rumor about the singer's poor health come from?

The rumor about Dima Bilan's poor health can hardly be called just a rumor. The man shared with reporters information that he was suffering from back pain.

For the first time this became known in early March of this year. The singer took first place in the music competition "Sound Track". However, on the day of the awards, the celebrity did not appear on stage.

Journalist Artur Gasparyan called Dima to find out if he was all right. In a telephone conversation, the artist shared with the press that he is now in the hospital due to back pain.

social media singer

In order not to wonder if it's true or not - the death of Dima Bilan, follow your favorite artist on social networks. The singer is actively using the growing popularity of the social network Instagram. Here you can find him by the nickname bilanofficial. The young man has a record number of publications - almost 5 thousand photos and videos. Far few foreign stars, not to mention Russian ones, can boast of such a quantity of content on social networks of their own production.

By the way, Dima's account is confirmed. Fans can be 100% sure that if someone answers them on behalf of the singer's account, then it's definitely him or his entourage.

The singer has 2 million subscribers. The young man himself is subscribed to only 500 users. In Dima's profile header you can find a link to iTunes, where it is easy to download his latest popular track.

While performing on stage

From the latest news from the life of a Russian singer, Dima Bilan went to Anapa. This information became known thanks to celebrity comments on their photos. Under the pictures of the singer, fans tirelessly confess their love to him and admire the external data of the man.

Dima is trying to reorient his account also to foreign users. Especially for them, he often dubs the comments to the pictures into English. It is not known if this helps the singer reach the American audience. Dima's account contains comments on his publications exclusively from Russian users.

Dmitry Bilan Vkontakte

Messages about the death of Dima Bilan also appeared on social networks. Including the “latest news” about the singer’s condition over the past few months, the Internet has literally flooded, especially Vkontakte. You can find the singer's page by the nickname bilandima_official. Just like on Instagram, this celebrity account is also verified.

Dima has almost 300 friends. He has half a million followers. As well as on Instagram, Dima managed to publish more than 3 thousand of his photos and videos on Vkontakte. As a rule, all celebrity publications show how the artist spends his free time, what he is currently working on and where he is.

Many Bilan fans believe that if something happened to the singer, official information appeared on his pages on social networks - confirmation. That is why many of them did not believe in the rumor about the death of the artist, which took place this spring.

In addition to his personal page, Vkontakte, Dima Bilan has a group dedicated to his work. It has more than 70 thousand people. There is only one official group. It is confirmed by the administration of the social network.

Those close to Dima also recommend that his fans actively follow the singer on social networks. There you can always find information where a man is now and what is happening in his life. Vkontakte and Instagram pages are open to both registered and non-registered users. If you want to leave your comment under any publication, you will have to go through authorization or register, if this has not been done before.

Singer's personal website

Another resource where you could find out the latest news about the death of Dima Bilan, if something really happened to him, is his personal website. Like many other Russian celebrities, Dima has his own personal resource. You can find it at .

The singer's tour calendar is constantly updated on the main page. Fans can easily find information when an idol comes to their city for a concert.

Dima Bilan: photo

In addition, the site presents the most complete version of the biography of the star. The site has links to all the singer's albums available for download from popular music resources.

Bilan Dmitry Nikolaevich is a famous Russian artist, film actor and dubbing master, as well as the author of many songs that have become real hits.

It should be clarified that he is an incredibly persistent guy, because he tried to represent the country twice at the international Eurovision Song Contest and, finally, achieved first place for Russia.

The guy took the name and surname of his beloved grandfather and therefore believes that he is his guardian angel. Dmitry says that he is calm about gossip and gossip in his address, because he knows what he really is.

A large army of fans is haunted by such physical parameters of a young and handsome singer as Dima Bilan's height, weight, and age. At the same time, none of the above parameters is stable, they depend on the characteristics of the role or clip.

Victor was born in 1981. He was thirty-six years old. According to the zodiac sign, the guy is endowed with all the character traits characteristic of Capricorn. Namely, resilience, stability, perseverance, perseverance, artistry.
The eastern horoscope gave Bilan the sign of a bright, impressionable, creative, artistic, outrageous and talented Rooster.

Dima Bilan: photos in his youth and now have changed a little, as the guy changed his haircut and lost a lot of weight. His look in later photos and videos became more serious and sad.

At the same time, the height of the young man reached 180 centimeters, and the weight reached seventy-five kilograms.

Recently, information has swept across the Internet that Dima Bilan has lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this are unclear. They considered either an unhappy love for Pelageya, or nervous exhaustion. However, everything was much simpler, because the guy developed gastritis from the touring nomadic life. Bilan decided to eat right, promoting a raw food diet, and also went in for sports.

Biography of Dima Bilan

The biography of Dima Bilan is just an incredible story that happened to a boy who was named Vitya Belan at birth. He was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, but spent all his childhood years in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as an ordinary mechanic and designer at the KamAZ plant, and mother - Nina Belan - helped the elderly and needy citizens in the social service.

Sister - Elena Zimina - is older than her brother, she first washed dishes in restaurants, and now works as a fashion designer, happily married a promising lawyer.

Sister - Anna Belan - the most beloved and youngest. She has been living in America for a long time, while dreaming of becoming an opera singer. The baby was constantly raised by Dima, because the parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now Anya's brother considers her daughter. He shoots her in his videos, sings a duet, and sometimes even goes on tour. Currently, brother and sister see each other infrequently, because they live in different countries.

Little Dimka had a delicate ear for music, he was sent to a music school in the accordion class. The boy constantly participated in music competitions and took first place. At the same time, the smart boy had nowhere to go, so he went to first grade with his older sister when he was six years old. Dima studied only excellently, and also participated in school amateur performances.

The guy entered Gnesinka, which he graduated three years later, after which he changed his name to grandfather. This happened when the guy's producer Yuri Aizenshpis advised him to take a sonorous pseudonym, after which Dmitry released his first album in 2003 and participated in the New Wave.

After that, Bilan began to collect first prizes at international competitions, his albums became popular, and the singer himself was recognized as the official ambassador to Sochi 2014.
Currently, Dmitry constantly shoots new videos and writes hits, twice participates in the international Eurovision Song Contest from Russia, finally taking first place. Also, he is a dubbing actor, since he gave his voice to the characters of the animated films Frozen and Trolls.

For almost three years, the young man has been a participant in the talent shows "Voice" and "Voice. Children", he makes a dizzying film career.

Recently, the entire Internet has spread the news that Dima Bilan has cancer, because he lost weight, cut his hair bald and began to hide from the cameras. These rumors were not confirmed, as the actor and singer explained that he had lost weight due to constant exercise and rational nutrition. A strange haircut was needed in order to get into the new movie, and he really was in the hospital, because he operated on a hernia, which was suddenly strangulated.

Dima Bilan's personal life

Dima Bilan's personal life is constantly hidden from prying eyes, so he tries not to reveal secrets to anyone, except perhaps to his sisters and parents. Fans often talk about the fact that Dmitry showed them signs of attention and made unambiguous offers, however, these facts remained at the level of gossip and rumors.

The next rumor was the news of the young singer's unconventional sexual orientation, as fans began to notice that Bilan was happy to wear an earring in his ear and jewelry that emphasized the "blueness" of his master. And in response to all questions about orientation and strange decorations, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Journalists claim that Bilan himself fueled interest in his possible non-traditional orientation. The guy said that he had a positive attitude towards holding a gay pride parade in the capital of Russia. He sincerely wished happiness and success in relationships of this kind to couples.

They also said that Dmitry Bilan has a soulmate, and her name is Rovens Prytula. This young man constantly appears next to the singer. They even vacationed together in hot countries. Then these gossip faded away, because interest in them disappeared altogether.

But young and incredibly beautiful girls constantly revolve around Dima, novels were attributed to Yulia Sarkisova and Natalya Samoletova, Oksana Grigoryeva and Anna Moshkovich, Yulia Volkova and some Lyalya.

It was often said that Bilan had an affair with a colleague in the program "Voice" and "Voice. Children "Pelageya, but the singer dotted everything and, simply giving birth to little Tayusha from her common-law husband.

The brightest page in Dmitry's personal life was his "romance" with producer Yana Rudkovskaya, who had been with him for many years, helped and moved forward along the musical ladder. Young people never revealed the ins and outs of their relationship, although they did not recognize them as an ordinary PR campaign.

At the same time, Rudkovskaya says that Bilan is a creative project in which a huge amount of financial resources was invested.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family so far consists of parents and sisters, since the singer does not yet have his own wife and children. The guy constantly talks about the fact that he was born in the most ordinary, Soviet, working family. Dima claims that the craving for art, music, perseverance in achieving one's own goals can help get out of any hopeless situation and elevate to the top of the creative Olympus.

Parents are those people for whom Dima constantly allocates a few minutes of free time, he remembers what they did for him and is ready to pay handsomely. At the same time, the singer often recalls grandmother Nina, who saw the boy's creative abilities and brought him to the choir.

Children of Dima Bilan

The children of Dima Bilan have not yet been born, although fans constantly talk about the fact that they gave birth to a baby from their idol. The most interesting thing is that the famous singer and TV presenter does not have children, and their birth is not planned in the near future.

Bilan claims that he is not thinking about noisy children yet, because he will not be able to find time from his busy tour schedule to at least conceive a future heir. At the same time, the guy does not have a life partner who would be ready to love him and give him a baby. Currently, there are several purebred dogs next to Dmitry.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson Sashenka Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. It is the blond angel with blue eyes that the fans most often mistake for Bilan's blood child, because Instagram and social networks are full of photographs and videos of Alexander.
And journalists often mistake his sister Anya for an overgrown daughter, who often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife, to the delight of many female fans, has not yet appeared at the singer, she is not even in the short term. The thing is that the young man is busy with his career and does not have free time to start a love affair.

On the contrary, there are a huge number of rumors on the Internet that relate to Dima's marriage. And also, his chosen ones. The most popular of them directly relate to the person of Elena Kuletskaya, who was a model and just a beauty.

The whole country watched with interest as Dmitry, on the set of the Eurovision show, announced to the whole world that he was ready to give her his hand and heart. The fans were upset when they realized that their pet had found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that at one of the conferences, young people admitted with a laugh that they had never loved each other. The whole idea with the wedding is nothing more than a skillful PR move by their managers.

It was clarified that the guy lived in a civil marriage with two girls, but this turned out to be ridiculous rumors. Yulianna Krylova said that she was not a wife, but a friend and an active fan of the singer, and a certain Lyalya, whom Bilan and his sister spoke about, remained some kind of mythical creature that no one had ever seen.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

The well-known and incredibly talented singer has long had Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan. Which in a short time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. The young man has profiles in all social networks, including Instagram.

More than two million admirers of his talent have subscribed to the officially confirmed page. Numerous photos and videos from the singer's personal archive are of high quality, they are provided with comments by Bilan himself, and are dedicated not only to concerts, but also to photographs of sisters or mother.
At the same time, on Instagram you can get acquainted with the latest news, find out creative plans. And also, to discuss how the concert tours went.

Wikipedia also has an article dedicated to Dima Bilan, which contains verified facts about his childhood years, schooling, as well as family and personal life. There is information directly dedicated to the music videos and discography of the young singer.

Are the rumors about the funeral of Dmitry Bilan true, is it true or not? There are two versions, according to which Bilan allegedly left the crowds of his fans. According to the first of them, he recently got into a car accident. Doctors tried to save the life of a celebrity, but they never managed to do it.

According to the second version, Bilan had been treated for cancer for a long time, and his illness, nevertheless, overcame him. To confirm this information, the press representatives provide the latest photos of Bilan, in which he looks thinner and emaciated. In addition, in some photos, fans can even see the singer shaved on his bald head. Here, a storm of regret arose about the loss of a great performer who once conquered the entire Eurovision audience.

  • Why Bilan looks bad

Rumors about cancer

Whether the rumors about the funeral of Dima Bilan are true or false can be judged by completely different reasons for his death, which can be obtained from the press and social networks. Some of the sources claim that the singer has been suffering from oncology for a long time. It's a tumor in the spine. Allegedly, the celebrity hid the sad news from her fans and was treated secretly from the general public. It is for this reason that Dima lost a lot of weight, and even became bald.

But what happened to Bilan really? He actually had a vertebral hernia. But the singer was helped by conservative methods of therapy, and surgery was never required, which the performer is incredibly happy about.

At the moment, the artist has completely got rid of the disease, which prevented him from leading a full-fledged concert life and just weigh a comfortable existence. It is true that he is being treated in the clinic for some time due to a hernia, but soon he came out completely healthy.

Why Bilan looks bad

Fans of Dima Bilan, who wondered if his funeral was true or false, can breathe a sigh of relief: today the singer claims that he is completely healthy. But for what reason, he began to look somewhat exhausted, and even shaved his head.

Regarding his hairstyle, Bilan answers numerous questions that he simply decided to change his image. He, and his fans, are rather tired of somewhat long hair combined with a beard, and fashion does not stand still.

The singer's weight loss caused a change in lifestyle and diet. Not so long ago, doctors stated a not too dangerous, but unpleasant diagnosis - gastritis. In this regard, Bilan switched to diet food, because he lost a lot of weight since he began treatment for stomach problems. In addition, the singer himself associates weight loss with constant lack of sleep. He had trouble sleeping a few months ago.

What is the reason for the temporary cessation of tours

It is known that Bilan took a short vacation, and for several months he released new videos, and he did not have a tour at that time. This fact has confused fans of the Russian singer.

Bilan himself comments on the temporary inactivity as follows: in the summer he was undergoing treatment for gastritis, moreover, he needed to take a break from the daily bustle of the big city.

It is known that at the moment Dmitry is ready to continue his creative activity. Over the past week, he has learned and recorded three songs for a new album, which he plans to release in the near future.

Today Dima says that he feels rested and full of energy and new strength. In addition, during the time he was resting, he was able to rethink many moments in life. This will greatly help the performer to convey the whole philosophy of the compositions that will sound in the new album. The meaning of the songs is aimed at diving into the depth of relationships between people and searching for oneself in this world. Bilan claims that recently he has become closer to such topics.

Today, the singer does not hide the fact that he had some health problems, but now he has completely got rid of them. He is even glad that he has significantly lost weight. He believes that such changes only helped him to change his image somewhat.

The star of Russian show business is seriously ill and is preparing for a complex operation. The artist said that doctors are now taking care of him, because of which he had to miss the ZD AWARDS-2016 music award ceremony, which took place on the evening of March 4 at Crocus City Hall, MK reports.

Dima Bilan was nominated for the title of "Singer of the Year" at the "MK Soundtrack" ceremony, but did not come for the award, which alarmed his fans. As it turned out, the other day the artist went to the hospital - he is preparing for a serious operation.

"I've been delaying for a long time, but the time has come when I still need to take care of my health," Dima Bilan explained during a video conference session with the Crocus City Hall, where the ZD AWARDS-2016 ceremony was held.

At the same time, Dima Bilan hastened to reassure the worried fans that "everything will be fine" with him. He also sincerely thanked the readers of ZD and Moskovsky Komsomolets for their support, assuring him how important such a high rating from the audience was to him.

Bilan's fans believe that Dima's illness is associated with gastritis, which he was diagnosed with in early 2016. Fans are convinced that the artist went to the hospital to prevent the severe consequences of a stomach illness that turned into an ulcer.


Bilan also promised to return to work no later than March 20. He does not intend to disrupt the live broadcasts of the show "", where he is involved in the role of a mentor, as well as his own planned tour.

"ZD AWARDS-2016" - Nargiz | MK

As for the music award "ZD AWARDS-2016", Dima Bilan was not the only owner of the honorary nomination "Singer of the Year". Received a special nomination "For Contribution to Pop Art", became "Singer of the Year".

Also, the Ukrainian pop romantic was noted at the ZD AWARDS-2016 award - he received the title of "Artist of the Year". The rap star of the “new generation” L`One took the “Album of the Year” for his “Gravity”, and the group “Vintage” became the “Group of the Year”.

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