Biography of Natalia Garipova family children husband. The winner of the show "Voice" ran away from her own wedding

Dina Garipova is a popular Russian singer. Fame came to Dina in 2012, when she became the winner of the vocal show "Voice" on Channel One. Dina Garipova - Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. "Russian Adele" - this is how the journalists called the singer.

Childhood. Family and first steps to success

Singer Dina Garipova was born on the banks of the Volga, in the city of Zelenodolsk, in a family of doctors. The girl's parents are representatives of the intelligentsia, both are candidates of medical sciences. As Dina admits, she inherited her vocal talent from her father, who at one time composed and performed lyrical romances.

Dina's brother, Bulat Garipov, has not only a higher legal education, but also an excellent ear for music and, like his sister, is engaged in creativity. According to Dina, Bulat cares a lot about her, so for a long time he tried to protect the girl from the world of show business and offered to try his hand at journalism or on television. Subsequently, when Dina's popularity skyrocketed, she had to turn to her brother with an offer to become her official press officer.

Dina Garipova began to study music early, and her parents supported her daughter in all her creative endeavors. At the age of 6, the girl was already a student of the Golden Microphone Song Theater. Dina's strong voice with a range of 2.4 octaves amazed even her teachers and mentors. The girl took part in many competitions and festivals, leaving none of the jury members indifferent. Her first major achievement in the field of music falls on 1999 - then Dina became the winner of the All-Russian competition for young performers "Firebird".

After the first triumph, invitations fell on Dina Garipova from all sides: she took part in all kinds of republican, All-Russian and even international competitions, both solo and as part of the Golden Microphone song theater team. Almost always, young Dina brought home prizes.

After graduating from the Golden Microphone, Dina received an offer to go on tour with Gabdelfat Safin, People's Artist of Tatarstan.

When it came time to enter a university, Dina, to the surprise of her mentors, decided to become a journalism student at the Federal University of Kazan.

When the girl turned 18, she signed a contract with the production studio of Roman Obolensky, with whom she collaborated for the next few years. In 2010, she gave her first solo concert in her native Zelenodolsk.

Dina Garipova tried her hand at collective work. Dina's musical group took part in the city competition "Winter Stage" and won the Grand Prix. Dina prepared for the next solo concert for 2 whole years - it took place in 2012.


2012 was a turning point for the singer Dina Garipova. The girl became a participant in the popular vocal competition on Channel One - "Voice". During the "blind auditions" the girl performed the famous romance "And finally ...". Dina's amazing mezzo-soprano did not leave indifferent the most experienced judge of the project - Alexander Gradsky. Alexander was so imbued with the girl's talent that on one of the broadcasts he did not hesitate to tell another jury member - Dima Bilan, that his voice data is significantly inferior to Dina's.

In the Gradsky team, Garipova reached the final of the show. The girl's rival was her countrywoman from the Republic of Tatarstan Elmira Kalimullina. According to the results of the audience voting and the total assessment of the jury members, Dina Garipova received 131%, which is a record result for the Voice project all over the world.

A two-year contract with the Universal studio and the title of Honored Artist of Tatarstan are the main prizes that Garipova received for winning the Voice show.


After an unprecedented victory in the final of the television show "Voice", Dina Garipova was offered to become a participant in the international vocal competition "Eurovision" in Malmö. Dina accepted the offer with joy, because, as the singer admits, she is a true patriot and representing her native country at such an event is an honor for her.

The song for the competition was selected for a long time. At the qualifying performance, Garipova performed the song "What if" and confidently made it to the final. On May 18, 2013, Dina entered the top five performers according to the audience voting. Danish singer Emmylie de Forest is the winner of Eurovision 2013.

Eurovision 2013: Dina Garipova - What If

Due to the long and difficult preparation for two serious music competitions, the girl had to try her best at the university in order not to be expelled. However, her efforts did not go unrewarded, and in 2013 Dina Garipova defended her thesis and received a diploma of higher education.

Debut album

In 2013, Dina took part in the voice acting of the cartoon "The Reef". The fish Cordelia spoke in the voice of the singer. Garipova also performed her songs on the set of the ice show "The Wizard of Oz".

The first album of the singer called "Two Steps to Love" was released in October 2014. The album is the result of fruitful cooperation with the Universal Music studio. The album includes the compositions "Twilight" (a cover version of Anna German's song), "Lullaby", "What if" and others - a total of 12 songs.

The debut work in the cinema of Dina Garipova was the role of a secretary in the film by Alexander Stefanovich "Courage". 12 serial work is dedicated to the life and work of Alla Pugacheva. In addition to the supporting role, Garipova sang all the songs that sounded in the film.

In 2016, Dina introduced a new song called "Kunel", which means "soul" in Tatar. It is noteworthy that the girl wrote the music for this composition herself. The text of the song is based on a poem by the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay.

Dina Garipova - "Kunel"

The radical transformation of Garipova did not go unnoticed - the girl lost weight and keeps herself in good shape. Dina said that she managed to lose weight solely thanks to intensive sports and proper nutrition.

In 2016, the 85th anniversary of the birth of Leonid Derbenev was celebrated. Dina Garipova took part in a concert dedicated to this event, where she performed the song "People Can't Always Be Together".

In the same year, in the voice of Dean, together with the famous artist Maxim Matveev, she worked on the voice acting of the cartoon "The Bremen Robbers" - the princess spoke in her voice.

Personal life of Dina Garipova

After winning the Voice show, the singer hid her personal life from the public for a long time. Therefore, for many fans it was a surprise when the girl got married in 2015. Despite the fact that Dina shared some details of her wedding and honeymoon with fans, the name of her husband Garipov is not advertised. Later, fans suggested that the singer's chosen one was Ravil Bikmukhametov. He studied at Kazan University and is not related to show business

According to Dina, the newlyweds had to hide the date and plan of their wedding until the ceremony itself. The girl admitted that they both did not want to see journalists on this special day. The closed ceremony was attended only by close people. The couple decided to spend their honeymoon in Cuba.

Since Dina Garipova is a Muslim, the wedding took place in accordance with all Muslim customs. Dina told reporters that for the wedding she ordered two outfits at once: one European cut - a white dress and veil, and the second, with knees and elbows covered - for the traditional part of the ceremony.

Dina Garipova now

In December 2017, the singer confirmed her participation in the voice acting of the animated musical from Renat Ibragimov. Dina also continues to tour the country and work on new material.

Last weekend, Dina Garipova performed in Murom at a concert in honor of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which will be celebrated on July 8th. Dina appeared at the event in a long loose-fitting dress, which caused rumors of pregnancy. According to some publications, the fans saw the rounded belly of the singer, and she has recently appeared only in wide outfits. HELLO.RU decided to contact Dina's representative and found out that it is too early to congratulate the singer on the upcoming addition to the family - Dina is not pregnant.

Dina Garipova and Evgeny Kungurov at a concert in Murom

Recall that the winner of the show "Voice" and participant of "Eurovision-2013" Dina Garipova got married last year. The husband of Dina Garipova is not a media person and does not like to appear in the media. It is known that he is from Tatarstan, several years older than his wife.

First, the singer and her husband were read nikah - a Muslim religious rite, after which the bride and groom become legal spouses. The painting in the registry office of the newlyweds took place later, but it was not without adventures. The future spouses wanted to spend this day only with the closest people, without too much fuss. But it so happened that some time before the ceremony, the newlyweds learned that, despite the support of the registry office staff, they were "declassified" and cameras would be waiting for them at the wedding palace. The groom, however, was not taken aback. The couple arrived at the registry office in inconspicuous "non-wedding" clothes, signed and left for a beautiful place outside the city.

Garipova Dina is a talented singer, whom journalists called "Russian Adele". Do you want to know where she was born and what she was fond of? What path to popularity did she have to go through? Is the oriental beauty legally married? The answers to these and other questions will be announced in the article.

Childhood and family

Garipova Dina Fagimovna was born on March 25, 1991 in Tatarstan. Her homeland is the city of Zelenodolsk, located on the banks of the Volga.

Our heroine was brought up in an intelligent and respected family. The girl's father and mother are candidates of medical sciences. Initially, they wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. But already in early childhood, Dina demonstrated her creative abilities. She liked to draw, dance and sing.

It is possible that she inherited her vocal talent from her dad. At one time, Fagim Mukhametovich composed and performed cheerful songs and lyrical romances.

Dina has an older brother, whose name is Bulat. He received a law degree. In his free time, the young man is engaged in creativity. He has a perfect ear for music and a good sense of rhythm. The brother tried to protect our heroine from the world of show business. He persuaded his sister to try herself as a TV presenter or journalist.


Garipova Dina began to study music early. Parents fully supported the creative impulses of their daughter. At the age of 6, Dinochka became a student of the local theater of the song "Golden Microphone". The strong voice of the girl (2.4 octaves) amazed teachers and mentors. In subsequent years, Dina Garipova was a participant in many competitions and festivals. The songs performed by her sounded loud and clear, not leaving the professional jury indifferent.

1999 brought the girl the first major achievement in the musical field. Then Dina went to the All-Russian vocal competition for children "The Firebird" and became its laureate. After that, she began to receive invitations to various events. A young native of Zelenodolsk performed at republican and all-Russian festivals. She also managed to participate in international competitions. Dina sang not only solo, but also as part of the Golden Microphone Theater team. Almost always the girl won prizes.

After completing her studies at the song theater, she went on tour with the People's Artist of Tatarstan - Gabdelfat Safin.


Where, after receiving a school certificate, did Dina Garipova enter? The biography indicates that the girl went to Kazan. She managed to enter the Federal University on the first attempt. She chose the faculty of journalism. This greatly surprised her friends and numerous relatives. After all, they were sure that Dinochka would continue her musical education.

The beginning of creative activity

At the age of 18, Garipova Dina signed a contract with a production studio headed by Roman Obolensky. In a short time she recorded several compositions.

In 2010, the singer gave a solo concert in her small homeland - in the city of Zelenodolsk. Then the girl decided to try herself in collective work. The group in which Dina performed played alternative rock. This team participated in the city competition "Winter Stage" and received the Grand Prix. In 2012, another solo concert by D. Garipova took place. Since then, she no longer performed in groups.

Dina Garipova: "Voice"

2012 was a turning point for our heroine. Oriental beauty applied for participation in the vocal competition "Voice". In October 2012, the project started on Channel One. She was lucky to be a part of it.

She still remembers her experiences and excitement when the presenter Dmitry Nagiyev announced: "Dina Garipova enters the stage." "Blind auditions" allow the jury members to evaluate only the vocal abilities of the participants, and not their external data. The singer from Tatarstan performed the famous romance "And finally ...". The amazing timbre of Dina's voice (mezzo-soprano) did not leave indifferent the most experienced member of the jury - Alexander Gradsky. It was in his team that Garipova got.

On December 29, 2012, the final of the main vocal show of the country took place. 4 participants went to the final - our heroine, Margarita Pozoyan, Spiridonova Anastasia and Kalimullina Elmira.

The winner of the project was Dina Garipova. The singer from Tatarstan received 54.1% of the votes of viewers. This is more than 927 thousand SMS and calls.

As a prize for 1st place, she received a two-year contract with the world-famous Universal recording studio located in Los Angeles (USA).


After an unprecedented victory in the final of the Voice show, Dina was offered to represent Russia at an international vocal competition. It's about Eurovision. The girl could not miss such a chance.

A whole team of composers and authors worked on writing a song for Garipova. Eurovision 2013 was held in the Swedish city of Malmö. At the qualifying performance, Garipova Dina performed the song What if. She managed to get to the final.

On May 18, 2013, the representative of Russia took 5th place among the best performers according to the results of the audience voting. The victory in Eurovision went to a native of Denmark - Emmilie de Forest.

Preparation for two serious projects cost Dina a lot of time and effort. But the girl did everything possible not to fall under the expulsion at the university. In 2013, she successfully defended her thesis, becoming a professional journalist.

Continued singing career

Our heroine could get a job at the editorial office of a newspaper or try herself as a TV presenter. However, the beauty wanted to continue her singing career.

In October 2014, Universal Studios released her debut album Two Steps to Love. Dina Garipova has been going to this for so long. The songs recorded on the disc immediately fell in love with Russian listeners. The greatest popularity was won by such compositions as "Lullaby", What if and "Twilight" (a cover version of A. German's song).

The presentation of Garipova's first album took place at Crocus City Hall. The hall was completely filled - neither the stage nor the balconies left free space. The local audience accepted her songs perfectly well. At the end of the concert, the singer gladly signed autographs and allowed fans to take a photo with her.


In 2014, Dina Garipova made her film debut. In the melodramatic series Courage, she got a small role - a secretary at Mosfilm.

She also once again demonstrated excellent vocal abilities, performing songs for the main character of "Courage" - Galla.

In 2013, she took part in the dubbing of the cartoon "Reef-2". The Cordelia fish speaks in her beautiful voice. That's not all. In 2016, the premiere of the musical-animated film "The Bremen Robbers" took place, where Dina voiced the role of the princess.

Personal life

Dina Garipova, whose biography we are considering, got married in early 2015. The date and place of the wedding were carefully hidden from journalists and ill-wishers.

She does not disclose the name, surname and age of the chosen one. It is only known that the husband of Dina Garipova is a non-public person.

The wedding ceremony was held according to Muslim customs. Especially for this important event, Dina ordered a snow-white dress of European cut with a veil and a traditional Tatar outfit (with closed elbows and knees). The celebration itself was attended only by close friends, as well as relatives from the side of the bride and groom. The couple spent their honeymoon in Cuba.

Here are some interesting things about Dina Garipova:


Such qualities as purposefulness, natural charm and openness are possessed by Dina Garipova. "Voice" and "Eurovision" - these major television projects made her a truly popular and sought-after artist. We wish her further success in her creative work and endless happiness in family life!

In 2012, this young singer captivated the audience of the TV show "Voice" with her unforgettable soulful singing. Her next achievement was fifth place at Eurovision 2013. After these events, Dina gained immense popularity, and the concerts of her first big tour gathered a huge number of listeners. Fame was accompanied by an increase in interest in the personal life of a talented singer - fans wanted to know if there was husband of Dina Garipova how her fate develops outside the stage. The singer in all interviews always bypassed personal questions and did not devote details to anyone, so nothing was known about relationships with men for the time being.

In the photo - Dina Garipova

Dina has always had great respect for public people who do not talk about their personal lives. She understands that stories about family, husband, children can greatly increase the artist's rating, but, in her opinion, popularity should be built only on the basis of talent and hard work. She believes that an artist should be interesting, first of all, with his work, and who he is married to, whether he has a family, children, should remain in the background. However, the journalists managed to find out that almost a year ago, Dina married a man who was far from show business. The twenty-four-year-old singer signed the marriage certificate in one of the Kazan registry offices. Prior to that, she tied the knot with her husband according to Muslim customs, and this wedding ceremony for Muslim believers is much higher in importance than painting in the registry office.

The husband of Dina Garipova is three years older than his wife. Ravil Bikmukhametov and Dina have known each other for a long time, and their romance has been going on for more than one year. Ravil graduated from Kazan University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and in general he is a very serious and decent young man. Dina really appreciates in her husband the tenderness with which he treats her, how he tries to protect her from troubles and difficulties, rejoices in her victories. The future husband supported his chosen one during her performances on the stage of the TV show "Voice", and together with her mother and brother witnessed her brilliant victory in the final. Their wedding took place in a narrow family circle, and after the celebration, the newlyweds spent two weeks in Cuba. The singer admits that this is the first such long journey in her life, and she is glad that she will spend it next to her loved one. She was impressed by what she saw in this country - Dina said that she did not leave the impression that she was in the distant fifties. She and her husband got a lot of unforgettable impressions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Almost immediately after this remarkable event, important changes took place in the singer's creative biography - she became an artist of the Alexander Gradsky Musical Theater. Dina Garipova's husband is sympathetic to her work, frequent trips, but the singer sees many positive aspects in this - during the time of separation, she and Ravil manage to miss each other, and this only strengthens their relationship.

Dina Garipova fully deserved such a dizzying career, because from childhood she dreamed of becoming a singer and did a lot for this. At the age of six, she was already studying at the Golden Microphone song theater, and her strong voice with a range of 2.4 octaves amazed all teachers. At competitions and festivals, she received well-deserved awards, the very first serious among which was the title of laureate of the All-Russian competition for young performers "Firebird". At the age of eighteen, Garipova signed a contract with the production studio of Roman Obolensky, and in 2010 she gave her first concert in her native Zelenodolsk.

The winner of the project "Voice" and participant of "Eurovision 2013" first spoke about an important event in her life by writing an author's column for the "Diary of a Star Bride" section on HELLO.RU.

For any girl, a wedding is the most long-awaited holiday! Dina begins her story. Of course, and I am no exception. Since childhood, I imagined that this day would be fabulous, I dreamed that everything would be like in the best romantic films: beautiful nature around, a white puffy dress, a flower arch, the sun and only the dearest people nearby ... Almost everything turned out like that . But more on that later.

After winning the "Voice" I realized how important it is for me to keep the boundaries of personal and public. It took me a long time to get used to the fact that my life suddenly began to arouse interest not only among my friends and relatives, as it was before, but also among people whom I did not know personally. I have always had great respect for artists who did not talk about their personal lives and did not come up with scandalous informational reasons to attract attention. Maybe this is the right move in terms of PR, but I do not support it. An artist, in my opinion, is first and foremost a person who is engaged in creativity. If I like his activities, then I will listen to him without thinking about whether he is married or not, how many children he has, how he lives and what happens at his house, and so on. And I myself prefer to leave personal at home.

As a singer, I often worked at various concerts, festivals and competitions. There were also performances at weddings. I saw how weddings take place, how much time, effort and investment this event requires. Having seen enough of how the newlyweds get tired by the beginning of the celebration, I, frankly, began to doubt whether I even wanted to have a wedding. In addition, due to the fact that I often performed at celebrations, over time this holiday became associated with my work. In the end, I decided for myself that when the day of my wedding comes, it will be a quiet family holiday.

Time has passed. I met a man with whom I would like to spend my whole life. I realized that no one protects me like he does. And the fact that, being next to this particular person, I did not want to shout to the whole world about my feelings, as it happened in moments of school love, became very important for me. I realized that this is something completely different.

When we got engaged, we first of all decided to read Nikah, the Muslim wedding ceremony, because it was very important for both of us. And put the painting in the registry office a little later, because this is a separate holiday of a completely different nature.

For Nikah, I wanted to find a dress that would be in line with our traditions and at the same time be stylish enough. The bride at the ceremony should be in a long dress covering her hands, and on her head there should be some kind of headdress, for example, a scarf. I found a wonderful designer in Moscow, who in a fairly short time created for me both a dress and a headdress resembling a turban. The result is a very light image, exactly what I wanted. By the way, I also performed in this dress on Channel One at a concert dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Murom. I think this is symbolic, because this holiday brings happiness to young families.

We invited a small number of close relatives and held Nikah in a narrow family circle. Since then, my beloved and I were already considered husband and wife.

And there were many thoughts about the wedding. At first we thought that we would not celebrate the holiday at all, we would just quietly go to the registry office and that's it. But then they decided that they wanted to leave at least some beautiful shots as a keepsake. Then I started looking for a dress. I wanted to find something that I could use in the future for any performances, for example. I have visited probably a million bridal salons and showrooms. There were a lot of options, and, of course, very little time to choose. But, as all brides usually say, you recognize your dress right away. And I recognized him. As soon as I put it on for the first time, I felt like a real bride! When I left the salon, I didn’t want to think about any other dress. And later came back for him. Having tried it on again, I decided that it would not be better to find shoes for him than those that I wore at Eurovision. There are so many pleasant emotions associated with these shoes! Now they have already historical value for me.

The celebration, as I said earlier, we did not plan. We decided that only parents, brothers and sisters should be with us. We didn't do any programs. We thought to come to the registry office, sign and just take a walk in nature, take some beautiful shots. But right before the painting, we found out that some journalists want to witness our holiday, and we did not want to advertise it at all. We had to change our plans. Then we decided to come to the painting without noise and festive costumes, and after that we organize a photo shoot on the road. Plus, my husband made a little surprise for me and organized a flower arch under a large green oak tree. So I felt myself in the fairy tale that I had dreamed of since childhood.

After a while we went on our honeymoon trip. It took place in Cuba. We chose this country because we wanted to see something new. I love to travel and have already been to many countries, but I have never flown so far. We wanted to see the life of those people who live in their own separate world, incomparable with anything. We felt like we were in the movies of the 50s. There is practically no Internet anywhere, which in my case was a huge plus and allowed me to escape from everything. There are simply fabulous beaches, as from a picture, untouched nature, very friendly people ready to help in any matter, funny retro cars of pink, red, green and blue colors.

Of course, there are difficulties, as elsewhere. For example, in Cuba there are now quite a lot of old buildings that have not been restored for a long time. But during our trip, we saw that work on the restoration of Havana had begun. We visited three places: in Varadero, on the island of Santa Maria and in the capital of Cuba - Havana. All of them are completely different. Varadero is a real tourist city, where music plays and life boils from dusk to dawn. On the island of Santa Maria, on the contrary, the world seems to have stopped. Around only the sea, and above the head - the stars. Few places have I seen such bright stars. And in Havana you already feel not at a resort, but in the capital. There are no beaches in the city, only a large embankment, a lot of cars and life goes on in a completely different rhythm.

My husband and I had an idea to arrange a photo session in wedding dresses right in Cuba, but we could not find a photographer. When we were almost desperate, we miraculously found one company that provided us with a professional. He is Cuban, so he knew the most beautiful places in Havana, took us to the beach, where we were able to walk barefoot on the sand and took some good shots, then drove around the sights. In general, there were a lot of impressions! We got a sea of ​​emotions. Although the flight to Cuba is quite long, about 12 hours, it is worth it. My husband and I were able to escape from everything, relax, enjoy nature, dance a little to Cuban tunes and once again remember how different our planet can be.

Now I have a completely different life. But much has remained the same. I'm back to work, my husband is sympathetic to my traveling, and we even found some positives in the fact that sometimes I leave for a long time. It's just one more reason to be bored. We live actively. We bought sports equipment for the home, exercise equipment and dumbbells. We follow our diet and try to go for walks as often as possible, breathe fresh air and move more. We both love dogs very much, and every evening we walk with our husky named Peach.

And, of course, we often remember our wedding and honeymoon trip. I share with you my memories, with gratitude for your congratulations and kind words that I received from different parts of our country.

Text: Dina Garipova.

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