Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya. Four official, five civil

August 17 marks the 49th anniversary of the popular singer Natalia Vetlitskaya in the nineties. On the birthday of this beautiful woman, we remember the loudest novels in her life.

Marriage with Pavel Smeyan. For the first time the singer got married when she was 17 years old. At that time, Natasha worked as a dancer, and she was noticed by the musician Smeyan, who at that time worked at the Rock Studio. Pavel was a fairly famous person, participated in the performances of Lenkom, and also performed many songs in famous Soviet films. The age difference between the spouses was seven years, and while this marriage lasted, Vetlitskaya did what Pavel said, because he was an authority for the girl. It was Smeyan who advised his wife to start a solo career as a singer. Perhaps Natalia would still live with Pavel if he had not started drinking. During another drinking bout, he beat Vetlitskaya. She wrote a statement to the police, and a criminal case was opened against Smeyan, but soon Natasha forgave her husband, but did not return to him.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya and Pavel Smeyan

Relations with Malikov. After the divorce, the singer was left alone for a very short time, since she began a stormy romance with Dima Malikov, who at that time was just starting to sing. He was only eighteen, and Natasha was over twenty. Malikov speaks about these relations with restraint. He was a very young boy, and at that age guys often fall in love with beautiful and successful women. According to Malikov, Vetlitskaya met not only with him, but also with other men, so their union was short-lived.
Marriage with Zhenya Belousov. Perhaps the affair with the girls' favorite Zhenya Belousov was the brightest in the life of the singer. Zhenya and Natasha met at the Cosmos Hotel when a fashionable party was held there. At that time, they were popular performers: the whole country listened to Zhenya's songs, and Natasha was the soloist of Mirage. There were many rumors about their romance, but it is reliably known that that evening both were too drunk and left the hotel together. The union lasted exactly three months, of which they are said to have been married for ten days! Vetlitskaya herself left Belousov - later she said that she did not take him seriously, but he loved her very much.
Relations with Vlad Stashevsky. In 1993, Vlad was a rising Russian pop star, and everyone already knew Vetlitskaya. When they met, Stashevsky addressed her only by her patronymic. Natasha arranged a creative evening at the Metropol, where she invited Vlad. Then Vetlitskaya had a relationship with a wealthy businessman, but Vlad was not embarrassed: he arrived with a large bouquet of roses, which won Vetlitskaya over. Together they were only a few months.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya and Vlad Stashevsky

Romance with Suleiman Kerimov. After a relationship with Vlad, Natasha's life began to "creative stagnation". There were no songs, no money. Everything changed after meeting the millionaire Suleiman Kerimov. On the day of Natalya Kerimov's 38th birthday, he rented an old estate, where he gathered the entire capital's elite for a celebration. Among the invited guests were Toto Cutugno and the duet "Modern Talking". Vetlitskaya began recording songs again and actively filmed videos with Suleiman's money. However, Kerimov did not continue to live with Natalia. As a "compensation" he gave her a plane!
Romance with Topalov. Vetlitskaya was not alone for a long time - Mikhail Topalov, the father of singer Vlad Topalov, replaced Kerimov. Soon Natalya became pregnant, and everyone was sure that this was Mikhail's child. Later it became known that Vetlitskaya gave birth to a certain Alexei, who is several years younger than her. At the moment, according to rumors, the singer, along with her daughter and husband, whose name is unknown, lives in Spain.

Sexy blonde pop of the late 80s and early 90s Natalya Vetlitskaya has not been shining in public for more than 10 years. Where did the artist disappear to and what was her fate?

Natalya Vetlitskaya: how it all began, biography, career

Popular in the past, the pop singer is now over 50 years old. She was born in 1964 in Moscow. According to Wikipedia, it is known that Natalia's father is a nuclear physicist, and her mother was involved in the musical field, and devoted most of her life to playing the piano.

Photo of Natalia in her youth:

Vetlitskaya Natalya discovered the world of music not from early childhood, unlike her many colleagues on the stage. The first step towards the development of creative abilities was the entry into the ballroom dance studio when the girl was 10 years old.

As a teenager, Natasha could not decide on her future career. The girl went to a music school, where she learned to play the piano and even received a gold medal at the end of her studies. Dance classes were not abandoned.

In 1981, 2 significant events took place in the life of Natalia Vetlitskaya - this is the end of high school and the beginning of teaching in the dance field.


In 1983, Natalia recorded songs for the musical film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye." The following year, she played a small role in the film Above the Rainbow.

Clip "Playboy", 1993:

In 1985, the film "Train Out of Schedule" was released, in which Natalia's song plays (in the credits it was recorded under her husband's surname).

Once a friend invited Natalia to the rock group Rondo. Here she had several positions at once: dancer, dance choreographer, backing vocalist.

1986-1988 - Vetlitskaya Natalya dances and sings in the groups "Idea Fix", "Class".

In 1988, she soloed in Mirage. The end of the 80s - the start of the solo career of the singer.

The artist's height is 168 cm, weight is 55 kg.

The first clip "Look into your eyes" (dir. F. Bondarchuk) was released in 1992. After 4 years, Vetlitskaya Natalya finished recording the album "Slave of Love".

In 1997, she starred in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio" and recorded 3 soundtracks together with other actors.

After 6 years, Vetlitskaya Natalya received another acting experience in the film musical "The Snow Queen", where she played the Princess.

From 2004 to 2009 two clips were released. From that moment on, activity in show business began to decline.

How did personal life develop: husbands, children

The pop diva of the 90s had four official husbands:

  1. Pavel Smeyan is a musician, singer, actor.
  2. Zhenya Belousov is a pop singer. The marriage lasted from January 1 to January 10, 1989.
  3. Kirill Kirin is a mennequin.
  4. Alexey (surname unknown) - conducted yoga classes for Natalia. The common daughter is Ulyana (born in 2004).

Vetlitskaya Natalya also had unregistered relationships with famous show business people: D. Malikov, V. Stashevsky, M. Topalov, S. Zverev. She also met with an influential businessman - Suleiman Kerimov.

At the moment, Natalya Igorevna lives in Spain with her daughter Ulyana.


After the birth of a child at the age of 40, the singer left the stage, and in 2008 - the borders of the country. After the move, she took up painting, yoga, blogging, and philanthropy.

There is practically no news about the singer. It is known that she lives alone with her daughter in a beautiful house in an elite area of ​​the Spanish city of Denia. Recently, the paparazzi filmed Natalya Vetlitskaya with Ulyana in a local supermarket:

Loyal fans of Natalia still hope that someday they will see the singer in new musical projects in Russia.

Natalya Vetlitskaya is still remembered and loved in Russia for her songs, which sounded in the nineties from all radios and television screens in the country. The life of the singer interests her fans even today. Especially often they ask if she has a husband and who is the father of her daughter Ulyana.

As a child, Natasha studied at a dance studio and went to a music school. Growing up, she rose to the stage as a show ballet dancer and was backing vocals for famous Soviet performers and groups. In 1988, Vetlitskaya began to sing in the legendary Mirage.

Then she left this popular band to pursue a solo career. Candid photos of Vetlitskaya began to appear on the covers of magazines, after which she was called the sex symbol of the country.

Moving to Spain

In 2004, Natalya gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana, and practically stopped giving concerts. A few years later, Vetlitskaya and her daughter began to live in Spain on the territory of an elite area in Denia. Now she rarely visits Russia and prefers solitude to noisy parties.

Vetlitskaya has her own blog on the network, on which she criticizes the Russian authorities and talks about the unsettled life of Russians.

At the same time, Vetlitskaya continues to write songs, paint pictures, restore old furniture and decorate houses. She is interested in spiritual practices, numerology and yoga. Natalia often visits India and lives there in ashrams.

The singer celebrated her 50th birthday a few years ago, but age in no way affected her beautiful appearance.

Vetlitskaya loves to wear stylish glasses and chooses lipstick depending on her skin tone.

Life near the sea coast and fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of the star of Russian pop music. In addition, Natalya eats right and makes up a diet herself, in which there is no meat and alcohol.

Daughter problems

Daughter Natalia had problems at school. Classmates treat Ulyana, one might say, cruelly. They mock the girl and insult her. The reason for the persecution was the well-known name of Ulyana. In addition, she does not want to be friends with her classmates, who, according to her mother, live by bestial herd instincts.

Natalia says she worries about her daughter, who has become withdrawn and doesn't want to go to school. Once Vetlitskaya expressed everything that she thinks about this situation, right in the eyes of Ulyana's classmates and their parents. Mom and daughter are waiting for graduation, when the girl does not have to listen to various nasty things in her address.

Recall that Vetlitskaya never disclosed the name of the father of her child.

Daughter Ulyana

Fight against scammers

One large Internet platform illegally hosted popular songs by Vetlitskaya for paid download, which, by law, was supposed to receive a percentage of the profits received by the site owners from paying for listening to her songs, but no money was transferred to Natalya.

Vetlitskaya wrote a justified claim to the support service of the music portal, and after a very short time, her tracks on the site were blocked, and the songs downloaded before were deleted. But other major Russian music services, which Vetlitskaya promised to deal with in the near future, continue similar fraud.

This singer was called the most beautiful and sexy on the stage of the late 1980s - early 1990s. Natalya Vetlitskaya did not have outstanding vocal abilities, but when she appeared on stage, it was impossible to look away from her.

At the peak of her popularity, the spectacular blonde suddenly disappeared. There were many rumors: that she had gone abroad, and that another patron forbade her to perform, and that she became interested in yoga and show business simply became uninteresting to her. What really happened?

Natalya Vetlitskaya was born in 1964 in the family of a nuclear physicist and piano teacher. From childhood, she was engaged in dancing and studied at a music school, from 1974 to 1984. actively participated in various dance competitions. At the age of 17, she herself began teaching at a ballroom dance school, then worked as a choreographer in the Recital and Rondo groups. She later began performing with Rondo as a dancer and backing vocalist.

For a short time, Vetlitskaya was the soloist of the group * Mirage *

Soon the whole country heard her voice: in 1983 she recorded songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, And two years later everyone was able to see the owner of this voice in the program “Morning Mail”. In 1988, Vetlitskaya participated in the recording of "New Year's Light", performing, together with other singers, the composition "Closing the Circle". In the same year, she became the soloist of the Mirage group, and although Vetlitskaya did not last long there, it was during this period that real popularity came to her. Together with the group, the singer traveled all over the USSR.

The singer who conquered the stage in the late 1980s - 1990s. |

After leaving the Mirage, Natalia Vetlitskaya took up a solo career. In 1992, her debut album “Look into Your Eyes” was released, and these songs were in constant rotation on almost all radio stations in the country. In 1993, she released a video for the song "Look into your eyes", which was incredibly popular. This video, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, represented Russia at the annual Eurovideo Grand Prix competition for the best clips in Europe.

One of the most beautiful and sexy singers of the 1990s.

Then Vetlitskaya released 2 more albums. Her songs "Soul", "Playboy", "Magadan", "Don't Tell Me" became real super hits. Over the entire period of her solo musical career, Vetlitskaya managed to release 8 albums and perform in duets with Sergey Mazaev, Dmitry Malikov, Maxim Pokrovsky and others.

Natalya Vetlitskaya in a duet with Maxim Pokrovsky recorded the song *Rivers*

Natalya Vetlitskaya and Alena Apina on the set of "Old songs about the main thing-2", 1997

In addition to performing on stage, Natalya Vetlitskaya starred in feature and musical films (The Snow Queen, Above the Rainbow, Pinocchio's Latest Adventures, Criminal Tango). In addition, the singer writes music and poetry, is fond of painting and does charity work: she provides material assistance to the children's psycho-neurological hospital.

Vlad Stashevsky and Natalya Vetlitskaya

The marriage of Natalia Vetlitskaya with Zhenya Belousov lasted 10 days

About her personal life has always been talked about no less than about creativity. She was married several times, she was credited with novels with Dmitry Malikov, Vlad Stashevsky, Suleiman Kerimov, Vlad Topalov's father and many famous artists, politicians and businessmen.

The singer who conquered the stage in the late 1980s - 1990s.

One of the most beautiful and sexy singers of the 1990s.
She left the stage in English, without explaining the reasons and without performing farewell concerts. In 2004, the 40-year-old singer had a daughter, Ulyana. They say that is why she decided to leave the stage forever - in order to devote all her time to raising her daughter.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

One of the most beautiful and sexy singers of the 1990s.

One of the most beautiful and sexy singers of the 1990s.

In addition, she really became interested in yoga, went to courses in India and took these classes with all seriousness: “This is not a one-day hobby, it is a constant improvement and replenishment of the knowledge that you already have. This is the disclosure of those abilities that you did not even know about. You improve yourself both externally and internally.

In this way, Natalia Vetlitskaya appeared in the video * Was not there *

Natalia Vetlitskaya

One of the most beautiful and sexy singers of the 1990s.

Since 2013, Natalya Vetlitskaya has been living in Spain, is engaged in interior design and is raising her daughter. The singer leads a reclusive life, avoids communicating with journalists and does not plan to return to the stage. She has moved away from the world of show business and lives for her own pleasure.

The singer who conquered the stage in the late 1980s - 1990s.

The singer looks great even after 50

- a famous Soviet and Russian singer, as well as an ex-member of the Mirage group. In the early 80s, the career of a young artist rapidly went uphill. From dancers, she moved into singers. Her first group was the Rondo collective, which was popular at that time. There she was listed as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist. And in 1987, the girl became one of the soloists of the famous pop group Mirage. In the early 90s, Vetlitskaya left the band and began a solo career. In addition, she writes lyrics and composes music.

In parallel with her creative activities, Natalia is engaged in painting and design. In the late 90s, she became interested in kriya yoga, which she practices to this day. The singer periodically spends her part of her savings on charity, and in particular, she provides material assistance to children from the psycho-neurological hospital.

As for the personal life of Natalia Vetlitskaya, she turned out to be much richer and richer. The singer managed to be married four times. Moreover, not taking into account the fact that these were only official marriages. After the third divorce, the artist decided to postpone the marriage. She was in a civil marriage four times, but not one of them was crowned with a wedding vow.

After the birth of her daughter Ulyana in 2004, the 40-year-old singer moves away from music and pays more attention to her family. The name of the child's father is still unknown. Vetlitskaya sells her villa in the Moscow region and buys a house in the elite area of ​​​​the town of Denia, in Spain, where she eventually moves with her daughter. By the way, it is worth noting that now Vetlitskaya is not alone, her fourth marriage with yoga trainer Alexei is still going on. Apparently, the spouses are very happy, because through the long path of unsuccessful marriages and blind relationships, a gap should have come.

Now Natalia is 50 years old. She is currently enjoying the Spanish landscapes with her husband and daughter. Very rarely comes to Russia, where he is looking for tenants in his studio on Taganka. The main work of Vetlitskaya is the interior design of residential premises. The scheme is quite simple: buys an old house - restores and makes interior design - sells. Often, Vetlitskaya tries to avoid people, especially fellow countrymen. This reluctance to face the Russians led her to refuse membership in a local yoga center owned by a Russian.

The Spanish town of Denia most of all attracted the attention of the singer not so much for its picturesque landscapes, but for the contingent in which the number of her fellow countrymen is noticeably lower than in other regions of Europe. Vetlitskaya leaves the house very rarely. Together with her daughter, she periodically goes shopping around the city.

Almost every year, the phone of a star of the 90s is torn from calls from Russian journalists. She is constantly invited to various talk shows, but the singer gives categorical refusals. Natalia periodically travels to India, where she attends the courses of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. All the details about her marriage to Alexei are still unknown. The artist carefully hides it.

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