Where is biotechnology taught? Medical biotechnology is the specialty of tomorrow



1. My profession is a biotechnologist………………………………………………… 4
2. Career and its types……………………………………………………………….9
3. My career as a biotechnologist………………………………………………….13
List of used literature………………………………………...17


Biotechnology is a discipline that studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties by genetic engineering.
In medicine, biotechnological techniques and methods play a leading role in the creation of new biologically active substances and drugs intended for the early diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Antibiotics are the largest class of pharmaceutical compounds obtained by microbiological synthesis. Genetically engineered strains of Escherichia coli, yeast, cultured mammalian and insect cells used to obtain growth hormone, insulin and human interferon, various enzymes and antiviral vaccines have been created. By changing the nucleotide sequence in the genes encoding the corresponding proteins, the structure of enzymes, hormones and antigens is optimized (the so-called protein engineering).
The contribution of biotechnology to agricultural production lies in the facilitation of traditional methods of plant and animal breeding and the development of new technologies to improve the efficiency of agriculture.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to consider the career of a biotechnologist. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
- consider the profession of a biotechnologist;
- learn the basics of a career;
- present your career.

1. My profession is a biotechnologist

Since ancient times, people have used biotechnological processes in baking, preparing fermented milk products, in winemaking, etc., but only thanks to the work of L. Pasteur in the middle of the 19th century, who proved the connection between fermentation processes and the activity of microorganisms, traditional biotechnology received a scientific basis. In the 1940-1950s, when the biosynthesis of penicillins was carried out by fermentation methods, the era of antibiotics began, which gave impetus to the development of microbiological synthesis and the creation of a microbiological industry. In the 1960s and 1970s, cell engineering began to develop rapidly. With the creation in 1972 by the group of P. Berg in the USA of the first hybrid DNA molecule in vitro, the birth of genetic engineering is formally connected, which opened the way to a conscious change in the genetic structure of organisms in such a way that these organisms could produce the products necessary for a person and carry out the necessary processes. These two directions have defined the face of a new biotechnology that has little in common with the primitive biotechnology that man has been using for thousands of years. It is significant that in the 1970s the term "biotechnology" itself became widespread. Since that time, biotechnology has been inextricably linked with molecular and cellular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry. Over a short period of its development (25-30 years), modern biotechnology has not only achieved significant success, but also demonstrated the unlimited possibilities of using organisms and biological processes in various industries and the national economy.
Biotechnology is a very fashionable direction. This is a discipline at the intersection of biology, physics and chemistry. A biotechnologist studies how processes take place at the cellular level and in the body as a whole, develops drugs for the treatment of humans and animals, and artificial implants. Organ cloning is also the work of a biotechnologist.
They use living organisms and biological processes in industrial production. The microbiological synthesis of enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, antibiotics, etc. is being developed. Industrial production of other biologically active substances (hormonal preparations, immunity-stimulating compounds, etc.) using genetic engineering methods and culture of animal and plant cells is promising. Biotechnologists also seek to help old proven varieties - to improve their productivity, quality or presentation.
To date, biotechnologies (technologies based on the application of the properties of biological systems or their elements) are quickly entering our daily lives, but the rapid development of biotechnologies is yet to come, so a biotechnologist is a profession of the future. Today, biotechnologies are actively penetrating into agriculture, medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, and transport. In the future, the profession of a biotechnologist will be in demand in many other areas of human activity, some of which simply do not exist yet or are in their infancy.
In medicine, biotechnological techniques and methods play a leading role in the creation of new biologically active substances and drugs intended for the early diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Antibiotics are the largest class of pharmaceutical compounds obtained by microbiological synthesis. Genetically engineered strains of Escherichia coli, yeast, cultured mammalian and insect cells used to obtain growth hormone, insulin and human interferon, various enzymes and antiviral vaccines have been created. By changing the nucleotide sequence in the genes encoding the corresponding proteins, the structure of enzymes, hormones and antigens is optimized (the so-called protein engineering). The most important discovery was the technique developed in 1975 by G. Koehler and S. Milstein to use hybridomas to obtain monoclonal antibodies of the desired specificity. Monoclonal antibodies are used as unique reagents for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
The contribution of biotechnology to agricultural production lies in the facilitation of traditional methods of plant and animal breeding and the development of new technologies to improve the efficiency of agriculture. In many countries, highly productive and resistant to pests, diseases, and herbicides varieties of agricultural plants have been created by genetic and cellular engineering methods. A technique for healing plants from accumulated infections has been developed, which is especially important for vegetatively propagated crops (potatoes, etc.). As one of the most important problems of biotechnology throughout the world, the possibility of controlling the process of nitrogen fixation, including the possibility of introducing nitrogen fixation genes into the genome of useful plants, as well as the process of photosynthesis, is widely studied. Research is underway to improve the amino acid composition of vegetable proteins. New plant growth regulators, microbiological means of protecting plants from diseases and pests, and bacterial fertilizers are being developed. Genetically engineered vaccines, sera, monoclonal antibodies are used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of major diseases of farm animals. To create more effective breeding technologies, genetically engineered growth hormone is used, as well as the technique of transplantation and micromanipulation on embryos of domestic animals. To increase the productivity of animals, feed protein obtained by microbiological synthesis is used. Biotechnology in production Biotechnological processes using microorganisms and enzymes are widely used in the food industry even at the present technical level. The industrial cultivation of microorganisms, plant and animal cells is used to obtain many valuable compounds - enzymes, hormones, amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics, methanol, organic acids (acetic, citric, lactic), etc. With the help of microorganisms, some organic compounds are biotransformed into others (eg sorbitol to fructose). Immobilized enzymes are widely used in various industries. Monoclonal antibodies are used to isolate biologically active substances from complex mixtures. AS Spirin in 1985-88 developed the principles of cell-free protein synthesis, when special bioreactors containing the necessary set of purified cellular components are used instead of cells. This method allows you to get different types of proteins and can be efficient in production. Many industrial technologies are being replaced by technologies using enzymes and microorganisms. These are biotechnological methods of processing agricultural, industrial and household waste, cleaning and using wastewater to produce biogas and fertilizers. In a number of countries, with the help of microorganisms, ethyl alcohol is obtained, which is used as a fuel for cars (in Brazil, where fuel alcohol is widely used, it is obtained from sugar cane and other plants). The ability of various bacteria to convert metals into soluble compounds or to accumulate them in themselves is based on the extraction of many metals from poor ores or sewage.
The further progress of mankind is largely associated with the development of biotechnology. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered living organisms and products can upset the biological balance in nature and pose a threat to human health.

Analyzing the studies of different countries, both close neighbors and the most developed societies, the Polish Bureau of Statistics conducted a detailed analysis of the development of various industries and identified those that would develop most dynamically.
Among the most popular industries, in accordance with the forecast for 2010, were:
Informatics, Internet and computer technologies
Biotechnology and its applications
Environmental protection
Exploitation of the sea and seabed
Modern financial transactions, e-banking, e-commerce
Health care, prevention, home care for the elderly
Information, pop culture, entertainment.
The most popular professions in computer science are:
computer systems administrator
computer network specialist
computer designer
system analyst
computer systems advisor.
The need for specialists in these industries causes new processes and phenomena that appear in computer science, telephony, the Internet and computer technologies. These include:
informatization of production processes and services
computerization of public services
household computerization
development of mobile communications.
The next industry, with which experts associate the development of the labor market, is biotechnology.
They give a chance to improve the quality of life of millions of people in the world. We are talking, for example, about the cloning of vital organs, such as the kidney or liver, which are now being replaced with artificial, not completely comfortable implants.
Thus, the popularity of the following professions is growing:
genetic bioengineer
bioprocess engineer
cell and tissue bioengineer
In the field of biotechnology, the popularity of professions is also predicted:
lipid biotechnologist
protein biotechnologist
pharmaceutical biotechnologist.

2. Career and its types

Career - advancement in official or other activities, achieving fame, fame, changing skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration.
Due to the ambiguity of words in the Russian language, one can also speak of a "career" as an "activity in general."
A career begins from the moment when a person realizes what exactly he needs in this life, when ideas are formed about his future, about possible ways of self-expression, about the place of work in life.
In the pursuit of "order" it is possible to classify most of the phenomena of our life. So the "career" can be "sorted out".

- intraorganizational;
- interorganizational;
- professional;
- specialized;
- professional
- unspecialized;
- vertical;
- horizontal;
- centripetal (hidden);
- stepped.
Here are how many. And not always, a quick jump to the place of your immediate superior is the best career move.
Non-specialized professional career.
In its purest form, this type of career can be seen in some Japanese corporations.
According to the wise Japanese, the leader must be a specialist capable of working in any part of the company. Climbing the corporate ladder, a career-minded person gets the opportunity to look at the company from different angles. In the process of rotations, successively replacing each other, the head of the sales department can change places with the head of the purchasing department, and after a few more years to deal with production problems.
As a rule, employees are transferred from one job to another every 3-5 years. As a result of this policy, the Japanese manager has a much smaller amount of specialized knowledge (which will lose its value in 5 years anyway) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, backed up by personal experience.
The Japanese experience of working with personnel is becoming more widespread; at the moment, these principles are beginning to work in the USA, France and Germany.

Due to the specifics of business in Russia, this kind of career growth is quite difficult to implement. But in our conditions, one can try to build a "non-specialized professional career" by working in various firms. This type of career is most suitable for "clean water managers".
Specialized professional career.
In this career variety, a person deepens and expands the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of education and professional activity. Moving from position to position and changing employer, a person hones the nuances of skill and, under favorable circumstances, becomes a "Master" of his craft.

The last century left behind the discovery of space. In modern times, new technologies are rapidly developing, inventions are being introduced into everyday life. And it seems that more recently, modern technology was a banal invention of science fiction writers. Now is the era of new technologies and opportunities.

Young people, facing the doors to adulthood, are increasingly paying attention to the professions of the future. Such promising specialties include the science of biotechnology. What does she study, what does a specialist who has chosen such an unusual profession do?

History reference

Biotechnologist is a new and not well-known profession. The name of science is composed of three words in Greek: “bio” is life, “tekne” is art, “logos” is science.

The specialty "biotechnology" is a new promising direction. At the same time, this science can be considered one of the oldest in industrial production.

In many specialized dictionaries and reference books, biotechnology is interpreted as a science that studies the possibility of using natural chemical and biological processes and objects in industrial production and in everyday life. The fermentation process used by ancient vintners, bakers, cooks and healers is a direct use of biotechnology in practice.

For the first time, the scientific justification for the fermentation process was given by the French chemist Louis Pasteur in the 19th century.

And the term "biotechnology" was first introduced by the Hungarian engineer Karl Ereki in 1917.

Biotechnologist is a profession that combines biological, chemical and technical sciences. Foundations for discoveries - areas of microbiology, genetics, chemistry, molecular and cellular biology, embryology. Of great importance in the development of this science are engineering areas, namely: robotics, information technology.

Famous biotechnologists

One of the most famous scientists in the field of biotechnology is Yu. A. Ovchinnikov.

He is a leading scientist in the field of membrane biology. Yuri Anatolyevich is the author of more than 500 scientific papers. The Society of Biotechnologists of Russia is named after him.

Biotechnologist: profession. Description

The specialists of this science use living biological organisms, systems, process them to apply the scientific method of genetic engineering. Simply put, thanks to the work of these specialists, new varieties of products, plants, vitamins, and types of medicines are being created. Naturally, the properties of existing types of plant and animal environment are improved.

Biotechnology plays an important role in the field of medicine. Thanks to biotechnological discoveries, new types of medicines and preparations are being created. With their help, even the most complex disease can be diagnosed at an early stage.

About being in demand

Is the profession of a biotechnologist in demand? Undoubtedly. Like any other science, biotechnology is developing rapidly, reaching seemingly unthinkable heights. Over the past decade, science has reached a new level - the level of cloning. Cloning of many vital human organs (liver, kidneys) gives a great chance for treatment and full recovery. Thanks to this breakthrough in the field of medicine, more than one human life is being saved.

Biotechnology borders on cell and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry.

The main feature of the development of biotechnology as a science in the 21st century is the rapid growth in the form of applied science. It has already penetrated almost all spheres of human life and contributes to the development of many economic sectors. To sum up, biotechnology contributes to the effective growth of the country both economically and socially.

With rational planning and management of the success of biotechnology, it is possible to solve global problems for Russia, namely: to develop empty territories, and at the same time provide the population with work. The solution to this problem will be available if the state uses science as an instrument of industrialization, creating small industries in rural areas.

The progress of all mankind depends on the development of biotechnology. And if we allow the spread of genetically modified products, this will lead to a violation of the biological balance in nature. The result is a threat to human health.

Responsibilities of a biotechnologist

The functional job responsibilities of a biotechnologist largely depend on the industry in which he works.

If a biotechnologist works in the field of pharmaceuticals, he must:

  • develop the composition and production technology of medicines and food additives;
  • take part in the introduction of new technological equipment;
  • test new open technologies in production;
  • improve previously developed technologies;
  • participate in the selection of equipment, materials, raw materials for the creation of new technologies;
  • control the correctness of the execution of technological additional operations;
  • develop TEP (technical and economic indicators) of medicinal products;
  • revise the technical specifications and make changes to them in case of replacement of individual components or when changing the manufacturing technology;
  • maintain the necessary records and documentation.

If a biotechnologist works in a research field, then he must take part in research, discoveries in genetic and cell engineering, and also create methodological developments.

The specialty of a biotechnologist is necessary in the field of environmental protection. In this case, the job involves following the following responsibilities:

  • conduct biological treatment of wastewater and areas with high pollution;
  • dispose of household and industrial waste.

Work in an educational institution involves teaching students biological and related disciplines.

The specialty "biotechnologist" is creative, research, interesting and extremely necessary for society.

Profession biotechnologist: pros and cons

This specialty is in high demand today. In the future, it will be in demand to a greater extent, since biotechnology is the profession of the future. It will develop rapidly. If a biotechnologist is so in demand, are the reviews about the profession positive or not?

Those who are employed in this area, the obvious pluses include the prestige and ambiguity of the profession. There is an opportunity to find a job in related specialties, and in various organizations. You can safely take the place of a genetic bioengineer, a bioprocess engineer, a biotechnologist of lipids, protein, pharmaceuticals, cells and tissues.

Biotechnologist is a promising profession. Specialists in the field of biotechnology work closely with research institutes abroad. Scientists from Russia are in great demand. Therefore, the doors are open to building a career abroad.

Profession - biotechnologist: pros and cons. Reviews, of course, there are not only positive ones. Among the disadvantages of the profession is the negative attitude of others and a certain scientific community towards the developed products of genetic engineering.

Who can become a biotechnologist?

The specialist must have an analytical mind, broad erudition, curiosity and innovative thinking. The future biotechnologist must have angelic patience, a sense of duty and purposefulness.

Biotechnologist is a profession with a normal level of income. In Moscow, a high-quality specialist can earn from 35,000 rubles to 75,000 rubles a month. On average across the territory of the Russian Federation: from 21,000 rubles to 45,000 rubles.

Where to work?

The science of biotechnology includes more than 20 other related specialties. Graduates of universities, receiving this profession, are specialists of a wide profile. They may work in the following areas:

The profession of biotechnologist in Kazakhstan is still underdeveloped. However, many graduates of this specialty of the university of the Republic of Kazakhstan share their stories about a dizzying career both in their native country and abroad. The most important thing is that the profession is developing. And this means that new industrial centers are opening every year that provide jobs.

Professional competence, the desire to develop in this area will help each specialist to build a career and realize their potential.

Biotechnology is precisely the discipline that, like physics in the middle of the last century, determines scientific and technological progress today. Around the world at the turn of the century, it is rapidly developing, huge amounts of money are being invested in it. Genetically engineered medicines and foodstuffs - these achievements of biotechnology have already entered our lives, and tomorrow their number may increase exponentially. Therefore, the training of personnel for biotechnology should become one of the priorities in the field of education.

On the initiative of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia, the Union of Biotechnological Enterprises and the Medical Newspaper, with the support of the United Russia party, the MG editorial office hosted a round table on the topic "Training of personnel in medical biotechnology." It was attended by the head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenova, President of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Anatoly VOROBYOV, Director of the State Scientific Center for Antibiotics Professor Ivan VASILENKO, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms named after. G.K.Skryabin RAS (Pushchino) Corresponding Member of the RAS Lev KALAKUTSKY, Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of General Genetics. N.I. Vavilov RAS Professor Nikolai YANKOVSKY, Head of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology of the Stavropol State Medical Academy Professor Victoria POZHARSKAYA. The "round table" was led by Vice-President of the Society of Biotechnologists of Russia, Executive Director of the Union of Biotechnological Enterprises Professor Raif VASILOV and editor of the department of science and medical education "MG" Fedor SMIRNOV.

F. Smirnov. We would like to dwell on the problem of training personnel for biotechnology, this most important area of ​​science, and discuss how the existing education system meets today's and tomorrow's needs, because the situation is changing quite quickly.

R. Vasilov. A circle of the most competent experts in biotechnology has gathered in the editorial office of the Medical Newspaper, and we invite them to an interested conversation.

A. Vorobyov. Biotechnology is an integral science that determines scientific and technological progress. This is the opinion of leading scientists, including Russian Nobel laureates Academicians Alferov and Ginzburg. Biotechnology is the only discipline that combines fundamental and applied science, as well as production. The results of its development are essential to improve the quality of life of people.

In Soviet times, biotechnology was at a very high level in our country, and we were not inferior to advanced Western countries in terms of the range of biotechnological products. There were several resolutions of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of Ministers on the development of this industry, which were carried out. However, with perestroika, all this fell apart. Now there is no agency that would deal with the problems of biotechnology.

In this situation, we, scientists working in the field of biotechnology, took the initiative and created the Society of Biotechnologists. The United Russia party and personally one of its leaders, Oleg Morozov, rendered us great help in this. Without their support, we would not have been able to gather representatives of 47 Russian regions in Pushchino. Such a consolidation of specialists working in various fields of biotechnology - medical, agricultural, veterinary, food - is vital.

Once in our country there was a powerful development of the industry under the slogan: "Technology decides everything", then it was replaced by another one: "Cadres decide everything." Now in the field of biotechnology the situation is similar. We need to develop an industrial, technical base, and as for the people who must master this complex technique, there are still specialists who can teach it. But soon they may not be left - either they will retire or go abroad. Issues of technical equipment and staff training should be addressed in parallel. So far, no one can say exactly how many and what kind of specialists in the field of biotechnology we need to train. In MMA them. I.M. Sechenov, the leading medical university in Russia, has a department of biotechnology, but it trains a limited circle of specialists, mostly remaining to work on it. But there is no unified training program. Such training, in my opinion, should take place on the basis of general biotechnology centers like the one that operates in Pushchino.

L. Kalakutsky. Biotechnology is not just a science, but a very extensive and important area of ​​human activity, which has a lot of aspects. According to one of the many definitions of biotechnology, it is the use of biological information. The search for information takes place in various laboratories with the participation of physicists, mathematicians, chemists, and biologists. Therefore, professionals working in large biotech companies must have knowledge of different scientific disciplines - for example, a "hybrid" of a chemist and an intellectual property specialist, or a biologist and a computer scientist.

Developments to launch the production of biotechnological products are much more expensive than scientific research and are more time consuming. It takes a long time before a biotechnological product is available to society. We sometimes imagine this chain not very clearly and begin to make some developments, considering them useful, but not evaluating the prospects. However, if it is not possible to ensure the stages of development, product formation and its entry into the market, then scientific activity is just satisfying the scientist's curiosity at public expense. Such activity is generally useful, since there is no other driving stimulus, except for the desire of man to uncover the secrets of nature, at the basis of science. But biotechnology should also be based on additional incentives related to the demand for its achievements by society. Our old problem of introducing scientific achievements into practice and production should be solved taking into account modern realities. And education is very important here. There must be a change of generations.

Today, many institutions are involved in the training of specialists in the field of biotechnology, both in the educational system and, in recent years, research centers, including the Russian Academy of Sciences. The teacher and researcher usually teach what they know. On the one hand, if it is necessary to solve the issues of personnel renewal, this is good, but at the same time, if we look into the distant future, some dangers arise. It turns out the matrix reproduction of specialists. Even Einstein argued that not only do we speak the language, but the language speaks us. The language in which teaching is conducted is the language of textbooks that are of sufficient age. But what will be more in demand in the future - just a matrix or that symbiosis of knowledge that I spoke about?

I was once struck by the statistics that in the United States the average age of students is 47 years. The fact is that every student is considered a student there. Specialists constantly replenish their knowledge base while working on various courses lasting from two weeks to a year.

If we were to ask biotech companies what kind of specialists they need, they would give us some information. But I'm not sure that this information will be given considering what these enterprises will need in 5-10 years. If, for example, 10 years ago a survey had been conducted in Moscow on how many cell phones should be produced, the figure would have been close to zero. And today they enter the market more than a million a year. It is an indicator of how society responds to innovation. It is necessary to involve in the process of evaluating prospects not only matrices of specialists, but also consumers who are evolving before our eyes.

R. Vasilov. The mechanism for involving consumers in the adjustment of this model has already been worked out abroad.

L. Kalakutsky. This is true, but not everything foreign works for us; adaptation to Russian conditions is necessary. Consumers would like to be more active and more literate in these matters. I personally heard how, after an innovative seminar in which business representatives participated, one of them said to another: "I understood only verbs, and even then not all." A bridge of understanding must be built on both sides.

N. Yankovsky. A big problem in the field of training in biotechnology is the educational literature. The publishing house "Mir" ceased to exist, and there is no longer an organization that would set as its main goal the publication of scientific and educational literature in Russian that has proven itself in the West. What the Mir publishing house released before last year will live for several more years, but over time this gap will increase, since a wide range of domestic literature on biotechnology will not appear soon.

Publishing house "Nature" has published a 6-volume genomic encyclopedia - a basic guide for all professionals working in this field. Modern textbooks are accompanied by visuals, and one of the leading Western pharmaceutical companies has prepared an educational program on genetics for a non-advertising nature. The program is designed to train specialists working in different countries in the field of biotechnology. It is built on several levels of depth - from simple to complex. This program has been translated into Russian, and in the very near future a CD with it will be available in our country.

I am a member of the World Council for Human Genome Research and chair the education committee there. On my initiative, a list of six lecturers was drawn up, who can lecture in 22 languages ​​for free, on the condition of covering only direct costs. These lectures will be posted online. They are aimed at ordinary people - not geneticists, because, according to the general opinion of the members of the World Council for Genome Research, this area is not yet perceived by consumers to the extent that the product created as a result of genomics research would be in demand. There are either expectations of something unrealizable, or unreasonable fears. The goal of our commission is to form a more rational understanding and correct attitude towards genomics among the general public. At the same time, it is not necessary to overload consumers with scientific information. People work at the computer, not understanding how it works, and they must also learn how to use the achievements of biotechnology.

R. Vasilov. Have you thought about compiling the same list of domestic lecturers?

N. Yankovsky. Unfortunately, there were few Russian scientists ready to take on this burden. This is an additional expenditure of time and effort, and not everyone, even a good specialist, knows how to lecture, especially for the general public.

I lecture in general biology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and there the lecturer is given the task of bringing his course to a publicly available set of slides. If this practice spreads to other educational institutions, it will become a good educational resource that will appear in our country in the absence of modern textbooks.

A. Vorobyov. It is advisable to concentrate such a lecture library in one center.

N. Yankovsky. Yes, but there are also opportunities for distance learning via the Internet. In the West, more and more depart from the traditional form of lecturing in the hall. For example, in Japan, lectures are given even at train stations, and people are extremely interested in this. In the UK, there are science cafes where Nobel laureates make presentations, and visitors listen to them over a glass of beer. I can hardly imagine how such a practice can be implemented in our country, but such direct communication between the lecturer and the audience causes the correct attitude of people to complex scientific problems.

I perceive with concern the information that private laboratories are appearing in our country and abroad that are engaged in DNA diagnostics of diseases. People want to get such information about themselves, but it can be of a probabilistic nature, and in some cases be simply unfounded, which can discredit DNA technologies even before they enter practical medicine. The need for them is already forming, and I am afraid that we will be accused of unfounded forecasts by unscrupulous specialists.

R. Vasilov. In your opinion, how critical is the problem of "brain drain" for domestic biotechnology?

N. Yankovsky. In my experience, there is no shortage of people who want to go into science. Of course, many people dream of a scientific career in the West, but there are scientists who do science only because they cannot live without it. The question is that their wages should be raised to a level that would allow these people to exist. But despite the economic difficulties, the scientific level of dissertations has not decreased in recent years. Specialists who want to leave need to gain a real level, while the rest are just interested. The consolidation of people in science does not depend on us, but on the state of affairs in the state. Although even today post-graduate students who defended themselves at our institute receive a salary of 800-1000 dollars without leaving the country. They go to work in their specialty in commercial structures or receive foreign grants.

I.Vasilenko. At one time, steps were taken in the USSR to integrate education in the field of biotechnology in the CMEA countries. Many useful things can be learned from this experience, since the requirements for specialists were formulated, several large centers for biotechnology were created, and some of them are still operating at the world level.

In the last 13-15 years, Russian biotechnological science has lived its own life, and production has lived its own, and they did not intersect at all. According to my estimates, the shortage of engineering personnel in the medical industry is 30-40 thousand people. And all the country's universities graduate no more than 1000 specialists in biotechnology per year, of which at best a quarter can get into enterprises, despite the fact that the salary level there is now quite high. The growing shortage of engineering personnel, biologists, geneticists, and chemists is a problem not only for our country, but for the whole world. I teach several courses at the university and I know firsthand that today it is not difficult for graduates in these specialties to find work abroad. Therefore, the problem of "brain drain" is associated not only with the low standard of living in Russia, but also with the lack of qualified specialists in the field of biotechnology in the world.

Students have changed dramatically in recent years. If earlier schoolchildren flourished not only in the junior, but also in the senior years, now the motivation of the young is huge. But there is a fundamental problem - what to teach them. After all, the real demand for the knowledge that students receive today appears 10-15 years after graduation. Of course, we also need feedback, interaction with manufacturers, tracking current trends. For example, recently there has been an urgent need for quality management specialists, and not a single university trains them at present. Russia aspires to the WTO, and we must teach students the rules of GMP.

We conduct refresher courses for factory workers. The level of their training, unfortunately, is very low. Nobody gives students such knowledge today, and this is a serious gap. The relationship between universities, science and industry should be, a platform is needed where these problems are discussed. A healthy conservatism must be preserved in education, everything cannot be changed there quickly, but a certain evolution is necessary.

Just like that, without administrative pressure, it is now extremely difficult to improve qualifications. Doctors need certification once every five years, and rightly so. For specialists in biotechnology, the same procedure should be followed. But there are very few places where they can improve their skills. If today we do not begin to solve the problem of personnel training, then every year the shortage of specialists will become more and more pronounced. Those who manage finances in the field of education and make decisions are far from it. So we need to create them.

Russia should not turn into a country that produces only consumer goods. Biotechnology is a knowledge-intensive field that provides maximum profitability and a high level of economic development and life. All advanced countries keep such technologies at home, dumping mass production in Southeast Asia. But by assembling only computers and cars, one cannot achieve a high standard of living. It is necessary to develop science-intensive industries, among which biotechnology occupies a leading position.

To switch to GMP, it is necessary to check enterprises by experts whose diplomas and attestation are accepted by the international community. We do not have such experts or organizations under whose auspices they could work. The declared transition to GMP from January 1, 2005 is unrealistic. This requires significant capital investment, and not only. GMP is a production and management culture that cannot be introduced administratively. It's like creating a scientific school - such things cannot be done by order. Recently, I conducted a technological audit at one of the Russian pharmaceutical plants, a number of sections of which have switched to GMP. This implies the presence of a technological map, where each stage of the technological cycle of production must be thoroughly recorded. It turned out that this card is filled out once a week and vice versa... And this is directly related to the problem of education that we are discussing today.

R. Vasilov. Previously, there was a system of orders for the training of specialists, and universities knew exactly how many engineers, chemists, and biologists they needed to graduate. Now no one has this information. It is not known how many and what kind of specialists the country will need in 5-10 years. Ivan Alexandrovich Vasilenko spoke about the shortage of tens of thousands of specialists in the field of biotechnology, and it is quite possible that the time will come when we will be forced to import specialists from abroad, repeating what Peter I did. They will have to pay much more than ours.

So, enterprises suffer from a shortage of personnel, universities do not have sufficient financial base for their training and confidence that such specialists will be in demand. We are often assured that the market will regulate everything, but it is far from always possible to agree with this. What do you think, what should be the system of activities for training personnel for biotechnology?

I.Vasilenko. I have repeatedly communicated with colleagues from Denmark, Holland, Germany and other countries. There, the problem of assessing the state of the labor market is solved simply - an order is placed in a marketing or consulting firm. In serious ministries of Western countries, they have information about the needs of their industry in personnel. There are no consulting firms in Russia that could analyze the situation on the labor market.

I worked for many years in the admissions office and I can say that when you communicate with a student, very often his parents stand behind his back, and the young man himself does not understand what he wants. And if information about the need for personnel was published in the general press, then this would help guide future students in choosing a profession, create an image of a particular specialty.

R. Vasilov. A large company can pay for training for itself and even open its own university. But biotechnology is largely a small and medium-sized business...

L. Kalakutsky. At one of the conferences in Pushchino, I was asked to make a presentation on the teaching of biotechnology. I said that it is dangerous to focus only on the order that we can get from enterprises, and it would be good to try to use additional experience. For example, in Moscow there are a lot of agencies involved in the search and selection of personnel, and it would be useful to get in touch with them. The day after this report, I got a call from a recruiting agency and offered to cooperate. When I looked at the vacancies sent by them, I was convinced that there was no need to go overseas - here, near Moscow, specialists in the field of biotechnology are offered overseas salaries. I offered these vacancies to several graduate students, at first they were interested in them, but when it came to a set of necessary requirements, the enthusiasm diminished noticeably. This is a signal to me that we are not providing comprehensive enough training, because people are afraid of the requirements that employers make of them. I think that it is necessary to interact with employment agencies and introduce targeted additional training of personnel, for example, according to the same GMP.

V. Pozharskaya. There is a need for a training program in which interested entrepreneurs could invest money. We need to team up with industrialists and set up a fund to train biotechnology specialists. Nothing will work without financial investments. As for the fine refinement that Lev Vladimirovich Kalakutsky spoke about, I'm all for it. A graduate must have the necessary minimum knowledge to continue his studies in biotechnology, and the future scientific elite must be prepared for 15 years in advance.

I.Vasilenko. A young person usually graduates from a university at the age of 21-22, and the greatest creative flowering usually occurs after 35. That is, a person uses the knowledge that he received at a university after 15 years.

V. Pozharskaya. Yes, and these years the specialist does not have to think about how to make ends meet and feed his family. With a person who received a free education at a university, a contract must be concluded, according to which he must work for 2-3 years in a certain place.

A. Vorobyov. I must say that today the level of students is much higher than before. At our academy there is a faculty for training scientific and pedagogical personnel. Elite guys study there, who, 10 years after graduation, become doctors of science.

There is another way to get an education - through foreign companies. For example, one of the American biotech firms, interested in distributing their products in Russia, organized and pays for training courses for biotechnologists at the MMA Department of Nutrition. The Union of Biotechnological Enterprises has been created in Russia, there are wealthy people there and, perhaps, they will also be able to participate in the training of biotechnologists.

I.Vasilenko. On the basis of the State Scientific Center for Antibiotics, there is a training center for advanced training of specialists. We have 40 to 50 students a year. Of course, they interfere with someone's work, but it is impossible to train personnel without connection with practice. In Soviet times, I traveled to all enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry with students undergoing internships. Unfortunately, today I cannot take students to any enterprise - they are not willing to accept them there.

A. Vorobyov. We must take an example from medical education, where a three-stage system operates. Our academy has four schools where the staff of our academy teaches. It trains future physicians, specialists in preventive medicine and pharmacists. The most distinguished graduates enter the university without exams. The second stage is studying at the academy, and the third is postgraduate specialization.

R. Vasilov. Giant plans in the field of education are unlikely to be realized. But small deeds, smart, concrete, are necessary. For this purpose, the Union of Biotechnological Enterprises was created. We have our own website on the Internet, where electronic communication of specialists is actively taking place.

I.Vasilenko. Indeed, there are currently no prospects for "huge plans". We must begin with information support for educational activities, and here the role of the Society of Biotechnologists is very important.

V. Pozharskaya. The basic disciplines and theoretical foundations that are taught to the future biotechnologist should be much more capacious than the institute program. If we do not prepare thinking scientists, then biotechnology in Russia is unlikely to develop. This is not mass training, but such people must exist.

A. Vorobyov. We all come to the same conclusion - we need to create a system of education and training for biotechnology, and here, I repeat, pre-university training should not be overlooked. There are different directions in biotechnology - medical, veterinary, agricultural, food, and our task is to consolidate them, because the basic principles in biotechnology are the same. The specialist must have a basic education in the direction in which he will work. There is a need for training programs for each of them, the creation of appropriate departments in universities.

The Society of Biotechnologists has a section on education, and it needs to be strengthened by specialists, including those sitting here. It should work out certain areas of activity on the basis of the proposals that were made at our "round table". At the upcoming conference on biotechnology in Kazan in June of this year, a report on personnel training is scheduled. And I would also apply to the government with an information letter on the state of affairs in this area.

R. Vasilov. In the course of our discussion, we were not able to cover all the issues of training in the field of medical biotechnology. Our task was to find the main problems and suggest ways to solve them. Even taking a small step, we must see where we are going to come. And we are going to come to the restoration of the broken connection between the three main links of the chain - science, education, production.

Is it possible today to talk about the training of personnel who will be in demand in 10-15 years? There is only one recipe - there should be no gap between science and practice. It is necessary to unite not formally, but physically under one roof. The main focus is shifting towards the creation of research universities, especially in knowledge-intensive areas such as biotechnology. Such universities already operate in the field of technical sciences, and we need to learn from this experience. The second very important point is the training of mid-level specialists, that is, engineers and technologists who will work in production. The Society of Biotechnologists of Russia and the Union of Biotechnological Enterprises should work out a certain mechanism for training such personnel. Special attention should be given to talented young people, this is a piece of goods. As for the "brain drain", we will not have this problem with economic growth and decent salaries for specialists. But even in the current situation, qualified personnel can be retained in the country. The fact is that in Russia there are already entire scientific laboratories for the synthesis of substances for Western pharmaceutical companies. The level of remuneration of their employees meets European standards.

Among the practical recommendations made at our round table is an assessment of the biotechnology labor market and training programs. The Society of Biotechnologists of Russia will also deal with this. And, finally, as already noted here, along with the training of personnel, we must educate society as a whole. And here the role of the media is great, including the respected Medical Newspaper, where we have gathered today.

F. Smirnov. Thanks to all participants of our "round table" for a meaningful and important exchange of views. "MG" plans to continue to pay close attention to the problems of biotechnology in the future and invites all interested specialists to discuss this topic.

- Recruitment of personnel in the field of biotechnology - bioinformatics, managers, "wet" biologists (who they are will be discussed below - approx. site). In addition, we have a site with vacancies for specialists in this segment, and we conduct courses in bioinformatics.

What definition would you give to biotechnology?
- I would say that this is a combination of "wet" sciences and bioinformatics. "Wet" sciences are practical areas that require a laboratory, work with reagents, and experiments. These are biochemistry, scientific biology, biophysics, bioengineering, molecular biology. And bioinformatics can be conditionally called a theoretical area, a set of methods through which you can solve specific issues from the field of biology. For example, to decipher the information given by analyzer devices, to develop programs for predicting the structure of any substances. This segment is “tied up” with working on a computer, building algorithms, and analyzing data.

– Which universities train specialists in the field of bioinformatics?
- I would single out the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, as well as the Master's program "Data Analysis in Biology and Medicine" in the program on which we worked. Also, education in the field of biotechnology can be obtained at the Department of Bioinformatics of the Faculty of Biological and Medical Physics, the master's program "Biomedical Sciences and Technologies", the Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Department of Bioinformatics of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology. In St. Petersburg, the necessary knowledge for work in the field of biotechnology will be given at the Department of Mathematical and Information Technologies and the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. There are programs in the regions: the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" at the Institute of Chemistry and Biology (Kaliningrad), the Department of Bioinformatics of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics (Nizhny Novgorod), the Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Cybernetics, the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (Kazan), the specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biology (Saransk), specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology VSUIT (Voronezh), Department of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of the Institute of Priority Technologies VolSU (Volgograd), specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics", biological Faculty (Saratov), ​​specialty "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" at the Institute of Biology (Tyumen), as well as the Department of Information Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Novosibirsk). More information about all programs can be found on the Blastim website.

- And what professions in the field of biotechnology are now the most in demand?
- We need managers, and "wet" biologists, and bioinformatics. Sequencing specialists are in high demand. Next generation sequencing is a promising technology that makes it possible to “see” what nucleotides DNA consists of, in what order they are located. It is important that this method makes it possible to simultaneously read several sections of the genome at once, which significantly speeds up the process and makes it cheaper. Since all the features of an organism are encrypted in the genome, sequencing is used both in medicine and in science. Now there are not enough people who can do this analysis: prepare samples, work with equipment.

– How to become such a specialist, what do you need to understand?
- In biochemistry, genetic engineering, biology - in general, standard "wet" sciences. And, of course, you need experience with devices. A good fundamental education at top universities is always valuable. It will allow you to subsequently retrain and go to this area. After graduation from the university, a young specialist can go to work in a laboratory - Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics - to polish their skills and become a professional.

- And if a person wants to be engaged not in fundamental science, but in business, where can he go to work?
- Sequencing specialists are needed in pharmaceutical companies (for example, Peptek, Astellas), in centers such as - they need people who will set up experiments and analyze the results. Technology is developing, getting cheaper, and it is obvious that the number of companies that do this will grow. Of course, with experience, a sequencing specialist can move up the career ladder. Working in the laboratory - become a senior researcher, then - head. Anyone who works in a company can be a senior specialist, head of a department, and then the head of the entire laboratory.

What do bioinformaticians do?
- We can say that the same sequencing, only from the side of informatics. The device gives out data, and then these specialists come into play. Bioinformaticians analyze the information received, interpret it, compare it with genomes that are already known, and find mutations.

– If a teenager lives in a small town and does not have the opportunity to study at a specialized faculty, what education can he choose to become a bioinformatician?
– Bioinformatics is the convergence of biology and informatics. In my time, people from biology came to this field, but now biologists more often go into bioengineering, and mathematicians, physicists and programmers become bioinformaticians. Experience shows that it is difficult for a biologist to master programming and dive into the depths of mathematics; it is easier for a programmer to teach the basics of biology. Therefore, it is better to start with a bachelor's degree in programming or mathematics, and then get the missing knowledge in the courses. For example, there are schools of bioinformatics with different programs: for biologists who need to catch up on programming, and for programmers who lack knowledge in biology.

Blastim also provides courses, but this is more of an opportunity to gain additional knowledge for a professional who is already working in this field, but, for example, has never encountered sequencing or the information obtained from this analysis. We talk about programs in which you can work, methods and data types.

– What programming language should be taught to a teenager who wants to become a bioinformatician?
– Python, but also R. Python is a universal language, and R is more often used for statistics. Do not forget about biology - knowledge of this subject will come in handy in the future.

– Where do bioinformaticians usually work?
- In the same laboratories where "wet" biologists are, in companies where computer scientists are needed. There are few bioinformaticians now, so these specialists are in great demand. And in the future, with the development of technology, even more will be needed.

– What personal qualities will make the life of bioinformatics much easier?
- You need to understand that this is not so much work with people as with ideas, devices and computers. Therefore, it is worth considering: if a person likes to communicate, then doing it right at the workplace will not work. Still, of course, one should not be afraid of working with a large amount of information.

- And which of the "wet" biologists do employers most often want to get?
“Biochemists are in high demand. These are specialists who are engaged in the isolation and purification of proteins. For example, a biochemist can culture cells into which a protein has been previously inserted. Then this protein is isolated, purified, and then it can be used for various needs - for the production of drugs, food enzymes. Such specialists are needed in almost any company that produces something: both in pharmaceuticals and in companies involved in the food, light or agricultural industries. And, of course, laboratories that are looking for and researching new substances, medicines, and working with cells are interested in biochemists.

– And how can a person who decides that he wants to be a biochemist realize his dream? What subjects should be taught?
- Even at school, you need to learn chemistry and biology, and then enter the department of biochemistry, which can be both at the biological and chemical faculty. Now there are many universities graduating biochemists.

- Can a student understand in advance that he will like working in the biotechnology segment? How, after studying for four years in a bachelor's degree, not to be disappointed in the profession and not regret the lost time?
- Ideally, it is useful for teenagers interested in biotechnology from the 9th grade to regularly go to the laboratory. After all, students write term papers and in the process try out their future work, and children are deprived of such an opportunity, and therefore it is difficult for a student to be sure that the chosen specialty will really be to his liking. Fortunately, some laboratories organize excursions where you can get acquainted with the practical side of the future specialty. Excellent summer schools, where high school students can learn about biotechnology from leading experts, are held by the Zimin Foundation (School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology - approx. site). Schools are held in Spain, but if parents have the opportunity, it is definitely worth sending a child there.

– How much do people working in the biotechnology segment earn?
- At the starting positions - 50-60 thousand. A little - and that is why it is so important that this activity brings pleasure, then there will be a desire to go to work. Salaries grow along with experience, and for professionals in high management positions, engaged in innovative developments, teaching others, it can reach two hundred thousand or more.

What do you think is the future of biotechnology? Will the specialists you listed be in demand in a couple of decades?
- It depends on the development of technology, which is quite difficult to predict. It is likely that genome sequencing will continue to be in demand, because in the future it will become much cheaper and more accessible. Another promising area that will continue to develop and will soon reach a new level is genome editing. This technology appeared in laboratories 2-3 years ago and still remains in them, but if everything goes according to plan, it will allow changing human genomes. The method can be used for the prevention and treatment of many hereditary diseases. Probably, it will be possible to treat some "senile" diseases. In theory, it would be possible to insert a gene that produces insulin into a diabetic patient and thereby cure him. You can fantasize ad infinitum. This has not yet been implemented, but it is clear how this can be done. But, of course, in addition to a cure through genome editing, humanity will still need new drugs, 3D printed organs. It is likely that 3D printing technology will be used not only in medicine, but also in the food industry. Who knows, it might end up being cheaper to print a steak than it is to raise a cow.

- What area can a biotechnologist who wants to try himself in something new go to?
- To go to the managers is a universal way. Moreover, you can work as a manager in the same company where a person worked before, for example, as a biochemist. He already understands the industry, and it will be much easier for him than for an outsider. This is selling tiles, you can quickly begin to navigate the products. In the field of medicine and biology, everything is not so simple, therefore, they prefer to take people with specialized education as managers.

If a bioinformatician is good at programming, he can move into this field or become a data analyst. Moreover, it does not have to be related to medicine and biology. He can easily operate bank data.
You can also always stay in your profession, but go to another area. For example, a person who worked in the food industry can go into science. And vice versa.

– What films would you recommend for people interested in biotechnology to watch?
- Gattaca. Rather, this film is not about biotechnologies themselves, but about the consequences of their use, but it seems to me that such a future is quite possible. I think, sooner or later, all people will be genetically modified, with the exception of ardent opponents of this technology. The situation will be similar to vaccination in the modern world. We are all vaccinated, but there are individuals who are not vaccinated themselves and refuse to vaccinate their children. Basically, it's good. Evolution is driven by random mutations, changes and natural selection. Perhaps a certain minority, somewhat different from others, is living worse at the moment, because the conditions of the environment are not suitable for them. However, sooner or later the conditions will change, the majority will be unadapted and die out, and this minority, on the contrary, will flourish. Therefore, let people have different education, think differently, differ from each other. Society should be diverse - this increases its survival.

Word BIOTECHNOLOGY comes from a combination of Greek words bios- life, "techne" craftsmanship, art and logos- teaching. This fully reflects the activity of a biotechnologist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Biotechnologists skillfully use living biological organisms, their systems and processes, applying the scientific methods of genetic engineering, in order to create new varieties of products, plants, vitamins, medicines, as well as improve the properties of existing species in plant and animal environments that are resistant to adverse climatic conditions. conditions, pests and diseases. In medicine, biotechnologists play an invaluable role in the creation of new drugs for early diagnosis and successful treatment of the most complex diseases.

Like any science, biotechnology is constantly evolving, reaching unprecedented heights. So, in recent decades, it has naturally reached the level of cloning and has achieved certain successes in this area. Cloning of vital human organs (liver, kidneys) gives a chance for treatment, full recovery and improving the quality of life of people around the world.

Biotechnology as a science is located at the intersection of cellular and molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry.

A distinctive feature of the development of biotechnology in the 21st century, in addition to its rapid growth as an applied science, is that it penetrates into all spheres of human life, contributing to the effective development of all sectors of the economy. Ultimately, all this contributes to the economic and social growth of the country. Rational planning and management of the achievements of biotechnology can solve such important problems for Russia as the development of vacant territories and employment of the population. This will become possible if the achievements of science are used as an instrument of industrialization to create small industries in rural areas.

The overall progress of mankind is largely due to the development of biotechnology. But on the other hand, it is rightly believed that if the uncontrolled spread of genetically modified products is allowed, this can contribute to the disruption of the biological balance in nature and ultimately pose a threat to human health.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a biotechnologist depend on the industry in which he works.

Working in the pharmaceutical industry involves:

  • participation in the development of the composition and technology for the production of medicines or food supplements;
  • participation in the introduction of new technological equipment;
  • testing new technologies in production;
  • work to improve the developed technologies;
  • participation in the selection of equipment, materials and raw materials for the new technology;
  • control over the correct execution of auxiliary technological operations;
  • participation in the development of technical and economic indicators (TEP) for medicines;
  • their revision due to the replacement of individual components or changes in technology;
  • timely maintenance of the necessary documentation and reporting.

Work in the research field consists in research, methodological development and discoveries in the field of genetic and cell engineering.

The work of a biotechnologist in such an important area as environmental protection involves the following responsibilities:

  • biological treatment of wastewater and polluted areas;
  • recycling of domestic and industrial waste.

Work in educational institutions involves the teaching of biological and related disciplines.

In any field, the work of a biotechnologist is creative, research and, of course, interesting and necessary for society.

Pros and cons of the profession


Biotechnology specialists are extremely in demand at the present time, and in the future they will be even more in demand, since biotechnology is the profession of the future and it will develop rapidly. In the future, the profession of a biotechnologist will also be in demand in other areas of human activity that do not even exist yet or are only in their infancy.

The advantages include the prestige of the profession and its ambiguity, that is, the possibility of employment in related professions in a variety of organizations (see places of work) as a genetic bioengineer, bioprocess engineer, lipid biotechnologist, protein biotechnologist, pharmaceutical biotechnologist, cell and tissue bioengineer.

Biotechnologists closely cooperate with foreign research institutes. Russian scientists are in high demand, so you can make a good career abroad.


Not always justified negative attitude of the public and part of the scientific world to the products of genetic engineering.

Place of work

  • pharmaceutical companies;
  • perfumery production;
  • food firms and companies;
  • enterprises of the agro-industrial complex;
  • research institutes and laboratories;
  • biotech enterprises;
  • companies in the field of astronautics and robotics.

Important qualities

  • analytical mind;
  • wide erudition;
  • curiosity;
  • non-standard thinking;
  • observation;
  • patience;
  • a responsibility;
  • call of Duty;
  • purposefulness.

Biotech training

On this course, you can get the profession of a microbiologist in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
– Diploma of professional retraining of the established sample;
– Education in a completely remote format;
— The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.


Salary as of 04/02/2019

Russia 26000—90000 ₽

Moscow 30000—150000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Biotechnologists can work as a biochemist, biologist, virologist, microbiologist. Beginning specialists, as a rule, are employed as laboratory assistants for chemical analysis in pharmaceutical companies or in the food industry. At factories for the production of medicines and nutritional supplements, you can work as a production controller. A career can be made vertically, increasing the professional level and, accordingly, the capacity of the position, up to the head of production. Working in a research institute, while striving for scientific discoveries, you can make a career in the scientific world.

Famous biotechnologists

Yu.A. Ovchinnikov is one of the most famous scientists in biotechnology, a leading scientist in the field of membrane biology. Author of many scientific papers (more than 500), including "Bioorganic Chemistry", "Membrane-active complexons". The Society of Biotechnologists of Russia named after him is named after him. Yu.A. Ovchinnikova.

News of transgenic engineering. Scientists crossed a parrot and a sugar cane. Now sugar itself says how much to put in tea.

The history of the emergence of biotechnology as a science:

In the most ancient times, people, without realizing it, used biotechnology in baking bread, in the production of wine and dairy products.

The scientific basis for all such processes was summed up by L. Pasteur in the 19th century, proving that the fermentation process is caused by microorganisms. But in its modern form, biotechnology as a science did not arise immediately, but after going through several stages:

  1. In the 40-50s of the twentieth century, as a result of the biosynthesis of penicillin, a microbiological industry was created.
  2. Cell engineering developed in the 1960s and 1970s.
  3. In 1972, the creation of the first "in vitro" hybrid DNA molecule in the USA led to the emergence of genetic engineering. After that, it became possible to intentionally change the genetic structure of living organisms. In the 1970s, the term "biotechnology" itself arose.

The gradual emergence of biotechnology led to its inseparable connection with cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, molecular genetics and bioorganic chemistry.

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