Business ideas for beginners in the countryside. Find out what grants, subsidies and soft loans you can get to develop a business idea in the village


Many rural residents, especially young people, are trying to move to the city, hoping that they can find a good job there or start their own business. But unfortunately, without housing, special education and experience, it is difficult to secure a decent life in the metropolis, so they have to return back. In fact, there are many promising business ideas for the village and village, with the help of which you can earn decent money even in the most remote settlements. Some of them can be found in more detail in this publication.

Carp breeding in the pond

Many recreational fishermen can turn their hobby into a profitable business. Numerous natural reservoirs that exist in almost every region of our country are suitable for breeding different types of fish. If you invest a certain amount of money in this idea of ​​​​a mini-business in the village, in 2-3 years it will show a profitability of 30%.

Requires compliance with simple rules:

  • There should not be any waste or runoff in the reservoir;
  • The depth of the pond is 1.5-1.8 m;
  • The water temperature in summer is at least 24 degrees;
  • To produce 10 tons of fish per year, you need a reservoir with an area of ​​5 hectares.

Diagram of a fish pond

The main disadvantage of this business idea for a private business in the countryside is a long payback period. To reduce it, you can buy two-year-old carps weighing 200 g for breeding. In this case, you will have to invest more money in the business, but the carp will reach a weight of 1 kg in just 1 season. Paid fishing can be a good source of additional income. Small fish farms can sell most of the fish grown in this way. carp breeding is one of the areas of business activity, the profitability of which is not affected by weather conditions.

Greenhouse business

Looking for options in the countryside? In order to start your own business, you do not need to come up with something new and original. Just analyze a few common rural business ideas and make an informed decision. A fairly profitable and highly profitable investment can be your own greenhouse farm. Many farmers grow vegetables year-round and earn decent money from it.

If you want to implement this business idea for a village and a village with minimal investment, you can start by growing greens - basil, dill, parsley or lettuce. A good income in the winter brings the cultivation of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Before investing in this business, first decide on sales. Ecologically clean vegetables and herbs can be sold to kindergartens, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. The most important rule of a successful greenhouse business is not to save on seed. Quality seeds will provide you with a positive result. If you turn to the numbers, then you will need about 10 thousand dollars to start a greenhouse business. You will receive the first profit in the second year of work. If you can choose the right crops and ensure a constant sale of finished products, the business will flourish and expand.

poultry breeding

Many citizens of our country are not sure about the quality of industrial products, so they prefer to buy meat and eggs on the market from private traders. If you are looking for profitable business ideas in a village in a private house, take up poultry farming. Before choosing which bird is more profitable to breed, first study the market in your area and determine the preferences of your fellow countrymen.

The biggest demand in the domestic market are:

  • and ducks;

A hundred laying hens produce about 30 thousand eggs per year. The average price of one dozen is 0.5 dollars, that is, if you keep 100 chickens, you can earn only 1.5 thousand dollars by selling eggs. If you increase the livestock and engage in the sale of young animals, meat and feathers, profits will increase significantly.

Scheme of a room for growing birds

Associated with the breeding of poultry, they are characterized by simplicity and high profitability. If you are on a budget, you can start by breeding geese or Muscovy ducks. Everyone knows that 80% of the diet of this poultry is grass, so you do not have to spend a lot of money on feed. The biggest expense item is the purchase of young animals.

Recently, many farmers have begun to breed pheasants. They can be sold for meat and live for hunting. Pheasant meat is extremely rare in retail sales, since it is a rather expensive exotic product. Such goods are bought in small wholesale by elite restaurants and grocery stores for wealthy people.

Another interesting business idea for a village and a village from scratch is quail breeding. It attracts start-up entrepreneurs with small financial investments, technological simplicity and good profitability. The main problem is the marketing of finished products. There is not yet a high level of competition in this market segment, but it is not so easy to find regular customers, because there is no constant demand for such products.

animal breeding

Despite the high level of competition, opening your own livestock farm is a very real idea for a small business in the countryside. But the purchase of young animals and feed will require a decent start-up capital. This is the main disadvantage of this line of work.

There are many profitable niches in this market segment:

  • Meat farm;
  • Milk farm;
  • Sheep breeding;
  • Pig breeding;
  • etc.

The success of such a business directly depends on the conditions in which you keep animals. We are talking about the room and feed that are included in their diet. In order for the animals to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create optimal temperature conditions in the room and ensure a normal level of air humidity. In addition to conventional feed, buy complex supplements, which include the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In order to build a farm from scratch, you will need a lot of money. In our country, there are many abandoned farms, including livestock farms, which can be inexpensively rented for a long time. It is desirable that your farm is located outside the city, in a quiet, environmentally friendly place. When choosing a room, pay attention to the fact that there is a reservoir and pastures for livestock nearby.

Growing and selling organic products

Can't find a suitable business idea for a village and village without investment? Recently, the market for organic products has begun to develop dynamically. Modern people began to think about what they consume for food, so the demand for such a product is constantly growing.

Organic vegetables and fruits are grown naturally, without the use of chemical fertilizers. Such products are designed for consumers with high incomes. Usually it is sold through special outlets or delivered to your home at inflated prices.

Growing organic vegetables is not the newest business idea in the countryside, but it has repeatedly proven its efficiency in practice. Experienced farmers recommend growing strawberries, but in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time under the scorching sun, caring for the beds and harvesting. The cultivation of raspberries and blackberries is distinguished by high profitability and simplicity of technology. If we talk about vegetables, in this direction in the summer you need to focus on potatoes, carrots, onions, beets and cabbage. In winter, you can grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the greenhouse. A good business idea in the countryside from scratch is growing green onions, dill, parsley and other herbs in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Growing and selling flowers

Are you thinking? The answer to this question is sought by many rural residents who want to improve their financial situation. Experienced farmers recommend growing flowers. This is a fairly profitable home business idea in the village that does not require large capital investments.

Start by growing the rarest or most sought-after flowers. To do this, you need to build a thermos greenhouse. This design will allow you to save up to 70% of electrical energy by making full use of solar heat. And this is the main cost item in this business. If you watch a video of this business idea in the village, you will notice that many experienced farmers use such structures in their work.

Cut flowers can be taken in bulk to shops and large flower shops. To attract customers, you will have to significantly reduce prices. The most profitable option is to open your own outlet. If you have never done such a thing, hire an experienced florist. The original design of bouquets will help you attract customers and significantly increase profits.

This idea of ​​​​a home business in the village promises high profitability for aspiring entrepreneurs. For a year, 250 pieces of cuts can be obtained from one rose bush using the classical growing technology. For 1 sq. meter fits 4 bushes. This means that from a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. meters, you can remove 50 thousand sections. The minimum wholesale price of roses is $0.7. For a year, you can earn 35 thousand dollars from one greenhouse. We subtract all expenses and get 25-30 thousand dollars of net profit. The profitability of such a business reaches 70%. Agree that this business idea for a village with minimal investment deserves special attention.

rural tourism

in the countryside? This question is often asked by people who are looking for how to make money in the village without large financial investments. Recently, such a promising area of ​​activity as rural tourism has begun to gain momentum. If you have a large house in the countryside that can accommodate about 10 guests at a time, invite city dwellers tired of the hustle and bustle to your vacation time and provide them with an interesting vacation in the bosom of nature. It is desirable that, in addition to the house, you have a bathhouse and your own household plot, as well as the Internet and good mobile communications. This business idea in the countryside in your home will be especially profitable if your village is located in some picturesque place, near a forest or a river.

Rural tourism has not yet become widespread in our country, so you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising and finding customers. Over time, when there is a profit, you can build several small guest houses and thereby increase the profitability of the business.

Cafe or shop

The demand for quality food and other necessities never falls, even in the most remote villages. People living in rural areas do not always have the opportunity to visit a large hypermarket or shopping center, so they often buy everything they need in local stores.
in the countryside? Basically, these are essential goods:

  • Products;
  • Clothing;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Stationery;
  • Alcohol;
  • Cigarettes;
  • Building materials and more.

If you are looking for business ideas for a small village, open your own shop and trade. Assess the demand for goods, make an assortment and start supplying the most popular products. The shop in the village is a universal trading enterprise. Here you will have to sell everything in a row, from bread to clothes. At the start, you will have to invest 4-5 thousand dollars in the implementation of this business idea for beginners in the village. You will spend another $2,000-3,000 monthly on restocking your inventory. The average check in an ordinary rural store is 3-5 dollars. The margin on the goods is at the level of 30-50%. The profitability of such a business idea for a village in Ukraine does not exceed 13-30%. Full payback occurs in 1.5–2 years, but there are times when it takes no more than 8 months.

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Sawmill and woodworking

This is a fairly profitable business idea for a village and a village in 2019, but it requires large investments and has a considerable payback period. Such an activity can attract the attention of the middle class, who have a decent start-up capital on their hands.

It is difficult to compare with woodworking, since it is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable area of ​​activity. Wood is a commodity that is always in demand on the market. Houses are built from such material, furniture is made and various finishing works are performed. Before you open a woodworking company, you need to research the market and draw up a clear business plan.

The agricultural business is based on the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, herbs, farm animals and poultry. It is difficult to say which is the most profitable business in agriculture. It is all based on food production. Therefore, whether it is a dairy farm or a greenhouse for growing greenery, there will always be a buyer. Profitability vary depending on the type of activity.

Promising business for the village

Recently, there has been a tendency for urban residents to move to the countryside. This is due to the fact that in big cities it is difficult to find a decent job due to strong competition, the cost of housing or rent is very high, large investments are required to start your own business.

In rural areas, all these issues are resolved much easier and faster. Do not think that it is impossible to establish your own business in a village or village. The countryside makes it possible to implement a large number of successful business ideas. At the same time, a stable income is provided even at a significant distance from large cities and towns.

Let's get acquainted with a small but interesting list of profitable enterprises for rural areas:

  1. Carp breeding in a pond;
  2. Growing greens in a greenhouse;
  3. Breeding poultry for meat and eggs;
  4. Breeding of pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits and other animals;
  5. Cultivation of ecologically clean agricultural crops;
  6. Growing seedlings, seedlings, flowers and more;
  7. Sawmill and woodworking;
  8. Preparation of berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants;
  9. Production of canned cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetables.

This list can be continued indefinitely. The countryside involves focusing on a specific area of ​​activity - the cultivation and production of food. But no one will forbid the entrepreneur to organize rural tourism or engage in the production of elite wines.

The most stable business in agriculture

Some enterprising businessmen manage to make money out of thin air. But in agriculture, this method will not work. This will require not only long-term investment, but also a lot of experience, knowledge, strong nerves and serious labor costs. Only resellers can get easy money on agricultural products. A person who decides to grow animals or vegetables will have to “sweat” very much before the first profit appears.

The most stable activities include:

  • Processing and storage of agricultural products;
  • Growing elite seeds;
  • Fertilizer production;
  • Trade in agricultural products.

The most risky business in agriculture

Due to certain features and the impact of a huge number of factors beyond human control, many activities in agriculture are very risky. Growing plants outdoors is at greatest risk. Incomprehensible weather conditions do not give any guarantee that the funds invested in growing plants will even pay off. With the same sowing and care, you can get a completely different harvest every year. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly maintain crop rotation, otherwise the next year you can completely lose the harvest.

Animal husbandry also belongs to the unstable areas of earnings. Prices for meat and milk are constantly changing, and raising animals is expensive, both for the acquisition of young animals and for their maintenance. But this does not mean that this business is not worth investing in. There are many examples where agricultural farms flourish and bring a lot of income to their owners.

What are the difficulties in organizing an agricultural business?

The organization of entrepreneurship in agriculture requires colossal material, physical and energy costs. Based on the all-Russian statistical indicators, despite the cost, such a business is highly profitable.

An entrepreneur has to deal with the following main problems and difficulties in doing business:

  • Changing the environmental situation for the worse;
  • Constant change in climatic conditions;
  • Epidemiological diseases of animals and birds that lead to pestilence or the need to exterminate the population;
  • Extermination of plant crops by insect pests;
  • Natural disasters: drought, hurricanes, heavy rains and more;
  • Increased state standards for products;
  • Constant control by the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • Bureaucratic problems associated with obtaining certificates of quality, conformity and other documentation.

Officials very beautifully and promisingly describe all the delights of doing business in the agricultural industry. In fact, one has to face endless bureaucratic delays, lack of subsidies and assistance to small businesses.

Most Profitable Business

The profitability of a business can be determined based on several indicators. One of them is the presence of increased demand from the population. These indicators correspond to: poultry farming (breeding of chickens, quails and geese), growing fodder products, growing grain crops and pig breeding.

A profitable investment would include opening a dairy plant, provided milk is purchased from local farmers for a small fee. Buying milk for a penny, the plant receives a double profitability by selling packaged and processed products.

For those who live in a metropolis, it is much easier to come up with a business idea and implement it. A large number of people and a great demand for goods and services in various fields gives rise to interesting and profitable business ideas. But what about those people who live in small towns or villages? In this article, we will share with you the best business ideas in agriculture and tell you how you can start your own business with minimal investment.

The main contribution to the development of business in a small town or village, of course, is made by a small number of people. But do not think that the only way to make money in the village is farming. Thanks to the development of new technologies, the introduction of the Internet, today there are many alternative options for earning money in agriculture.

Speaking about the relevance of business projects in this area, it is necessary to note the demand for agricultural products, which are needed by residents of small and large cities.

Especially the relevance of the development of the agricultural sector and the production of environmentally friendly products has grown now, when the market is occupied by large companies offering products with pesticides and GMOs.

At the same time, the level of knowledge among people is increasing and there is a need for clean products without GMOs, which large companies are simply not able to supply to the market. This is where small business comes to the rescue, which, due to the peculiarities of taxation, small volumes of production, etc. can offer really high quality and pure products.

One article is not enough to list all the effective ways to make money in agriculture. Here we will give preference only to the most popular and cost-effective options.

Feature of business in agriculture

Creating a farm, of course, takes a lot of time and effort. To be successful in this business, you need to work hard. Therefore, you should not rely on passive income here.

You need to determine the specifics of business development. This can be implemented in two directions: in a highly specialized breeding of animals, birds, etc. Or simply create your own agriculture, which is considered the most attractive direction in terms of profitability and profitability.

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permits in your hands. It is also necessary to draw up a detailed business plan that will help analyze the competitive environment, see the pros and cons of entrepreneurial activity, understand the threats and development prospects.

You will especially need to create a business plan if you plan to attract investors to start a business. No investor or bank will issue a loan if they do not familiarize themselves with a detailed business plan that reflects the production, organizational and financial part.

When creating a business plan, do not ignore hidden threats, calculate all possible weaknesses of the project.

Considering the specifics of business in agriculture, seasonality, weather conditions, etc. play an important role. Also, do not forget about the competitive environment, which will dictate its own rules and largely affect profits. Therefore, before entering the market with your proposal, analyze it and find a niche that is not filled.

Calculate the payback, the cost of purchasing equipment, raw materials, outline the way to sell products. It is quite possible that after writing a business plan, you will see that the available capital is not enough for you to open a business. Then you have to contact the bank or investors. This, in turn, will entail a new factor affecting the payback and miscalculation of profitability. Now calculate these economic indicators, taking into account the new inputs.

After drawing up a business plan, it will be necessary to resolve the issue with the land in local authorities. If you decide to involve business partners, neighbors, relatives, etc. to open a project, be sure to conclude a farm agreement certified by a notary. This will make it possible in the future to avoid judicial strife and misunderstanding regarding the division of property, profits, etc.

After that, start building the structures that you will need to implement the project (shed, workshops, greenhouses, sheds, office buildings, etc.). It is necessary to conduct electricity, water, heat.

The next step will be the search for personnel, which will also require a lot of effort. Given the countryside, you won't have much choice in hiring staff. At the same time, the success of the enterprise depends entirely on the efficiency and specialization of employees. Therefore, before you start looking for staff, clearly outline the list of necessary requirements.

Top 10 Farming Ideas

Idea number 1. Greenhouse

To implement this idea, it is necessary to rent a small plot of land, build a greenhouse, purchase equipment and seeds.

For greenhouse farming and growing vegetables, herbs, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that will provide the plant with heat and light. In addition, it is necessary to think over the irrigation system in the greenhouse.

Before embarking on the implementation of this idea, you need to decide on the format of the business and the type of product that you plan to grow. To do this, you need to conduct a market analysis, study the competitive environment and determine distribution channels.

The analysis will allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculate the payback and profitability of the business.

For different regions, depending on the climate and the saturation of the competitive environment, different types of vegetables and herbs may be in demand: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, parsley.

To expand the sales market, you can take into account the seasonality of products and grow different vegetables in different seasons.

A well-equipped greenhouse allows you to get up to 5-6 crops per year.

To implement this type of business, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the production plan, greenhouse equipment and recruitment, but also to marketing. It is important to think over distribution channels, find intermediaries.

One of the optimal solutions is to conclude a contract for the supply of products to a supermarket chain. This will allow you to reach financial stability and think about expanding your business.

We have already written about how this plan will allow you to calculate the payback of the business, profitability and assess the competitive environment.

Idea number 2. sunflower cultivation

One of the advantages of this type of business is little competition with high demand.

At the same time, sunflower cultivation does not require huge investments and can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to purchase seeds, rent a plot of land, equipment for sowing and workers. You also need to take care of the storage of seeds.

As for paperwork and taxation, a simple form of IP is suitable for this type of business.

If we talk about the very specifics of the cultivated crop, then it is very unpretentious, not subject to weather conditions, pests. Harvest after sowing occurs after 5 months. With minimal costs, you can count on a good profit.

But if you decide to take on the cultivation of sunflowers, you must consider one factor. This culture completely selects all useful substances from the soil, therefore, within 5-7 years, nothing can be sown in this area. Therefore, it is not worth taking a plot for a long-term lease for sowing sunflower.

If you want to focus only on growing sunflowers, you will have to rent a new plot every year.

Many entrepreneurs who invest in agriculture do the following. In the first year, they sow the field with sunflowers. And in the next 7-8 years, a greenhouse will be equipped on this site.

The profitability of the sunflower growing business covers investments by 2-3 times.

Idea number 3. Growing hazelnuts

This is a fairly profitable business, which is characterized by little competition with high demand. Hazelnut grows in Russia, mainly in the foothills.

As a home culture, this tree is not very common, which explains the lack of much competition in this segment. At the same time, hazelnuts do not take up much space, do not require much care, and tolerate weather fluctuations well.

And it’s not worth talking about the benefits and excellent taste of hazelnuts. Rich in fiber and high in fat, this nut is very popular among the population, it is used as a raw material for the manufacture of confectionery and cosmetic products.

In addition, interest in this business is due to the fact that hazelnuts can be sold in several directions:

  • raw;
  • in a purified form;
  • packaged and fried.

The nut kernel occupies about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

Before acquiring a plot of land for sowing hazel, it is necessary to analyze the soil. It should contain a rich composition of magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, the pH should not go beyond the limits of 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, you will not have to count on a high yield of hazelnuts.

Seedlings for hazelnuts should be only from vegetative propagation, and the interval for planting seedlings within 3-4 meters. For sowing one hectare of hazel, you need to purchase about 600 seedlings.

To reduce risks, use several varieties of hazel that will cross-pollinate. If you plan to implement a large-scale business, then select 2-3 rows for each type of plant.

During the first 5 years, while the hazel has not grown very much, it is recommended to plant the space between the rows with other crops that are in demand on the market. This, firstly, will allow you to immediately start making profits, and secondly, it will minimize risks as much as possible. Pay attention to early vegetables and herbs, such as onions, beets, potatoes, herbs. In any case, you will receive income from hazel only in the fifth or sixth year.

Idea number 4. Breeding meat breeds of chickens

Of the positive aspects, it is immediately necessary to note the profitability of this type of business. For breeding, broilers are considered the best breed. Chickens, depending on the species, may vary in color and weight.

To implement this business idea, you need to rent or build a room, buy cages, an incubator, food and the birds themselves.

To minimize the risk, choose your chicks very carefully.

Vegetable food is suitable as feed. At the same time, to reduce costs, you can rent a small plot of land and grow potatoes, greens, pumpkin, beets and carrots on your own.

The main type of risk in this business is the frequent illness of chickens. Therefore, much attention must be paid to care, examination by a veterinarian, and high-quality feed.

Idea number 5. Breeding dwarf cows

This is a very exotic type of business that can bring good profits. The advantage of this entrepreneurial activity should be noted the lack of competition, which will allow you to take a leading position in this niche in a short period.

One cow gives approximately 6-8 liters of milk per day. Milk yield depends on the breed, on quality care and feed.

To ensure this business, it is necessary to immediately take care of a good pasture, where dwarf cows will have good nutrition. The advantage is that the pasture for feeding dwarf cows needs 2-3 times less than for standard ones. From an economic point of view, keeping a standard one cow is not justified today. But dwarf cows show a very good business profitability with proper organization.

Another distinctive feature of keeping a dwarf cow is the taste of milk. It is much healthier and tastier and retains its freshness up to a day, without a refrigerator.

Idea number 6. Freezing vegetables and fruits

This type of business today is considered very promising and in demand. Despite the great competition, it has a good payback.

This type of production allows you to save useful vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and store them for a long time in the freezer.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to rent a room, purchase equipment, a plant for cleaning and drying vegetables and fruits, a shock freezing chamber and a packaging machine.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately consider where the finished product will be stored until it is sold. A very important step is the search for distribution channels, because each freezer costs a lot of money, so storing a large amount of products will be unprofitable.

Practice shows that the average payback of a business is 3-4 months.

Idea number 7. Implementation of chicken eggs

This business is similar to broiler farming. In terms of costs and equipment, it is necessary to purchase incubators, cages, and light for laying hens.

To start the project, you can purchase from 15 to 20 chickens. The principle of the business is simple - selling eggs on the market or through a chain of stores.

Given the great competition in this niche, it is necessary to think over the marketing strategy and distribution channel in advance. This business is distinguished by the fact that it makes a profit all year round, which allows you to receive a stable income and contributes to the establishment of stable trade relations.

Idea number 8. Growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to reach a stable income in a fairly short time. Despite the high competition, there is a great demand for this category of goods. In addition, oyster mushrooms, unlike other varieties of mushrooms, are unpretentious.

The most minimal cost method is growing mushrooms on stumps. But the disadvantage of this method is low yield and long waiting time. In addition, you will be dependent on weather conditions, which increases financial risks.

Hemp for growing mushrooms must be clean, with a flat surface, without mold. The cultivation technology is quite simple. The stumps are soaked for three days in water, which allows you to create the necessary level of humidity. This level of humidity will be enough to lay the mycelium (seed).

Starting from May, the stumps are taken out into the garden, into the garden. This should only be done after the risk of frost has completely passed. Stumps should be in a shaded area. To increase productivity, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the stumps.

To implement this business idea, it is necessary to prepare a basement, a greenhouse.

Idea number 9. Harvesting and packaging of black soil

This startup is original and will help bring a good income, given the low competition in this area.

The principle of the idea is as follows. Elaboration and harvesting of black soil, which is characterized by a high content of nutrients for growing various crops. The main emphasis here must be placed on determining the target audience, which will allow you to properly organize the sales channel and reach a stable income.

The target audience of this business will be gardeners and farmers. Chernozem is a unique product that will allow farmers to increase their yields. The fact is that there are not so many fertile regions in Russia, so the purchase of high-quality black soil for growing plants, flowers, vegetables is relevant for many farmers.

Idea number 10. Breeding rabbits

Rabbit farming has become a popular farming business option in recent times.

The advantage of animal breeding is high profitability and quick payback, as well as ease of care. This makes rabbit breeding an ideal start-up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product with high digestibility (90%). This favorably distinguishes it from the same pork, which is digested by 60%. Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol, which makes it popular among young mothers, pregnant women, and people who are on a diet.

Business pays off within 8-9 months with proper planning. In addition to the direct supply of meat, farmers can breed rabbits for sale to other farms. This will allow you to organize business in two directions and eliminate the seasonality factor.

Another line of business activity may be the sale of rabbit skins. The downside of this entrepreneurial activity is the high mortality among animals, which necessitates the purchase of high-quality feed, payment for veterinary services.

Depending on the line of business, it is important to purchase the right breed of rabbits. Among a large number of breeds of rabbits there are purely meat breeds, intermediate and skin breeds.

It will be difficult for people who do not understand this area to purchase the right equipment and breeds of rabbits, so it is better to seek the help of experts. So, for example, meat breeds are not suitable for selling skins, since their wool is not good enough.

In this article, we have provided only a small list of business ideas for the agricultural sector that will help you start your own business with minimal investment.

Video. Profitable business ideas for agriculture

Business in the countryside has a number of features: we offer 4 best business ideas for the countryside + 5 best marketing moves to promote products.

Do you live in a small town or village? This is not a reason to destroy your dream of entrepreneurship.

As a rule, the countryside has a number of disadvantages in terms of marketing promotion of products, since the basis of business is trade, and it requires customers.

But this is a rather one-sided and miserable view of business in the village. For inexplicable reasons, potential entrepreneurs do not notice the huge advantages of such activities.

About why it is worth opening a business in the village, and what exactly you can do, further in our review material.

Business in the village - a failed project in advance?

Only an inexperienced entrepreneur can call a business in the countryside a failed project.

What are the advantages in the village that can help businesses get on their feet?

    Business support by local authorities.

    It is worth noting that entrepreneurial activity in the village is supported by the state up to the investment of the initial stages.

    Availability of motivated employees.

    As you know, the unemployment rate in the village is quite high.

    Therefore, when you open your business and create new jobs, the demand for them will be high - guaranteed.

    The selected people will try to work conscientiously, so as not to lose the "feeder".

  • Low cost of renting space for production or land plots for construction in villages.
  • Availability of natural resources, necessary for the development of certain business sectors.

    Taking into account the above advantages for business, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: the countryside is suitable for the implementation of agricultural projects. Another fairly reasonable approach is to organize a large production.

What are the disadvantages of doing business in the countryside?

Of the main disadvantages of the idea of ​​​​opening a business in the village, one can note the lack of a client base. Given this factor, it is necessary to establish ways of marketing products in advance.

How can you use the advantages of business in the village and what to do with the problem of selling goods? More on this later.

What kind of business can be opened in the village?

If you have made the final decision to open your business in a rural area, you need to decide on its focus.
To find ideas for business in the village, the question will help: “How do the villagers earn their money?”:

  • Sale of vegetables that have been grown in the garden or in small greenhouses.
  • Realization of meat of domestic animals - poultry, cattle, pigs.
  • Milk and other derived products farming such as eggs, wool.
  • Gardening.

    Finding a better place to grow fruit than a village is a rather difficult task.


    Opening your own apiary is not only profitable, but also prestigious, because all beekeeping products are very popular in our time.

    Fish farms.

    For breeding fish, a pond will be required, which provides for large areas and optimal climatic conditions.

    Pet food.

    Silage, hay, fodder vegetables that are used in

This is not a complete list of services and goods that businesses produce in the village.

What is the most important thing?

Focus on the localization of the village, the natural conditions that predispose to a certain kind of entrepreneurship.

For example, if you live near a river, why not set up a freshwater fish pond?

Or suddenly somewhere near your settlement there is a lawn with a wide variety of herbs? The perfect place for beekeeping!

The main problem of the idea for a business in the village is the fear of being left without a permanent market!

What kind of business to open in the village is only one side of the issue. Second - where to implement it?

It is time to discuss possible ways to solve this problem.

Business in the countryside - where to sell the goods?

It's time to discuss real ways to solve the marketing of products in rural areas.

First you need to figure out the volume of trade (to open a metalworking shop in the village is not a good idea from the very beginning).

For a better understanding of what has been said, read the example below.

An example of a business idea for a village: product implementation

Nikolai Alekseevich has a land plot of 2 hectares in the village. An idea came into his bright head, to do it.

To be more precise - cucumbers and tomatoes.

P.S. The business is very promising, as greenhouse technology allows you to grow vegetables and get ahead of all competitors who use open ground ...

The businessman was able to open a greenhouse complex in the village, consisting of 4 film greenhouses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of them is 600 square meters.

Nikolai Alekseevich achieved a daily volume of marketable products of 450 kg of cucumbers and 200 kg of tomatoes.

But then a question arose: the man lives in the urban-type settlement of Samoilovsk, the total population of which is 35,000 inhabitants. The local market is overflowing with goods, the sale of products has become impossible.

In search of a solution to the problem, Nikolai called all his friends, and he managed to find out the number of the distributor in the regional center.

The distributor, Mikhail, agreed to start selling the goods, working for 10% of the total cost. This option satisfied Nikolai, he concluded an agreement with Mikhail.

As a result, the partners worked according to the following scheme: Mikhail came to Samoilovsk by his own car every 3 days and picked up the goods prepared in advance. The sale of goods was carried out at agreed prices. Every weekend, the partners shared the money they earned.

With such a simple example, the reader can understand the importance of planning sales of products produced in the village.

P.S. Producing goods is only one side of the coin. Without a proper working marketing scheme, a business is worth nothing.

Possible ways to sell goods in villages and small towns:

    Selling in local markets or in shops.

    This method is suitable for small volumes of goods.

    Sales of products in big cities through intermediaries.

    In this case, you will act as a supplier.

    Trade through your own network .

    An advanced way for experienced business owners.

  • Production on order, i.e. you are placed an order for a certain product, and then they buy the entire manufactured volume.

The use of each of these ways has its own characteristics and difficulties.

But when choosing, it is worth starting, first of all, from the future planned volumes of goods produced and the target audience of products.

By analyzing your business, you can assess the situation and clearly define the best way to implement.

Ideas for business in the village - is it worth it to be banal?

In this section, it is time to open the curtain and show the reader all the unexpected business opportunities in the village.

It is worth referring to practical business ideas in the village, as well as their implementation.

1) Ecological farming in the village

Do you have land but don't know how to use it properly? Get into organic gardening.

The meaning of this business is to grow vegetables without the use of synthetic fertilizers and protective agents.

It should be noted that growing vegetables in this way is quite difficult. But the price that people are willing to pay for a "natural product" will please the manufacturer.

Ecological vegetable growing is a market trend. But, it must be taken into account that such business ideas for the village become objects of constant checks by state inspections.

They will carefully check to see if your business is truly organic.

Both large retail chains and individual entrepreneurs can become your clients.

Although do not forget about the possibility of independent sales of goods.

PS. The pros of organic vegetable growing are that this business concept is now “in trend”. Believe me, marketing agents simply dream of a client like you!

2) What kind of business to open in the village among the forests? Sawmill!

The sawmill is an ideal way to capitalize on the benefits of a rural business.

But there is one important point - it is possible to organize such a business only in an area where there is a sufficient amount of wood.

Russia is rich in forests, so this idea is very relevant.

Special advantages are the proximity of the raw material base, which allows saving on the supply of materials.

The forest is the wealth of Russia, which can become the basis for a successful business.

Another advantage of the idea to open a sawmill in the village is the organization of production with the involvement of local residents.

As already noted, there are few jobs in the villages. Therefore, subordinates will be ready to work selflessly to meet their financial needs.

Wood building materials are indispensable in the market, so the sale of goods will not cause difficulties. Cooperation with quality furniture manufacturers is the best way to sell products.

Available for specific orders...

You need to understand that the better materials you produce, the greater will be the total income of the sawmill in the village.

3) Breeding bulls in the village

Do you love juicy bloody steaks? Even if you are a vegan and eat nuts with fresh fruits, keep in mind that there are many “bloodthirsty” people in the world.

Opening your own farm for breeding elite varieties of bulls in the village is a great idea. Yes, one cannot deny the large-scale initial investment, but it should be understood that such a business is very profitable.

Just keep in mind - a piece of marbled beef of the highest category weighing 3-4 kg can cost up to 30,000 rubles!

To open a farm in the village, you need a few mandatory requirements:

    Having a farm.

    The building for keeping large livestock must be built very solidly to avoid injury to employees.

    Personal pasture.

    Having your own pasture of several hectares is another important requirement.

    The bulls must move to ensure the best quality beef.

    Experienced staff.

    Caring for bulls requires a lot of experience.

    You will need standing personnel who can help you organize your business.

PS. Breeding bulls in the village can bring a huge income. But do not forget the fact that you will have to invest a lot of money.

4) Ecotourism is a business idea in the village

Ecotourism is not a new trend in global business. But in Russia it is still a real novelty!

It cannot be denied that the Russian Federation is rich in beautiful landscapes. Using nature for your own enrichment is a very smart idea.

The best way to organize ecotourism is to create an online service on which to collect groups of tourists.

Mostly, your clients will be residents of big cities who want to see the beauties of their country, and just take a break from the tiring working days and the heavy air of civilization.

A huge plus of ecotourism is minimal investment, since you yourself can administer the site and play the role of a guide.

…It is very important to be able to choose a successful route that will impress customers and make them repeatedly resort to your services.

20 most successful business ideas in the countryside - in just 9 minutes:

What kind of business can be opened in the village? The reader has already found several equivalent answers to this question.

A completely different and more significant question is whether you have the courage to open your own business in the village? After all, you will have to work hard to create an extensive and stable customer base.

For start-up entrepreneurs, business in the village is quite an attractive occupation. Here you can rent land or premises inexpensively, and it is also much easier to find a workforce, since unemployment is very high in rural areas. The choice of the direction of activity depends on your wishes and preferences. In this publication, we have collected the most promising small business ideas in the countryside that can be implemented even with a small start-up capital.

Beekeeping and honey sales

A private apiary is a promising and profitable business idea in the countryside in your home. Demand and price for honey do not fall even in difficult economic conditions. If you keep 40-50 beehives with bees, you can open your own honey shop or supply this healthy natural product in bulk to confectionery factories.

In order to get a good income, you need to invest about 15 thousand hryvnias in the apiary. This business is highly profitable. It is approximately 40%. If you use standard technology in your work, 1 hive will give you 35-40 liters of honey per season. Modern methods allow you to collect from 1 beehive to 100 liters of this sweet product. In addition to honey, you can sell other useful products from the apiary:

  • Pollen - 25-30 hryvnia per 100 g;
  • Royal jelly - 40 hryvnia per 10 g;
  • Zabrus - 260 hryvnia per 0.5 kg;
  • Beeswax - 250 hryvnia per 1 kg;
  • Bee venom - 400 hryvnia per 1 kg;
  • Podmore - 250 hryvnia per 1 kg.

Such goods are purchased by pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories.

Main advantages:

  • Moderate investment. If you want to implement this business idea for a village with minimal investment, you can at first purchase a few used hives and place them on your own personal plot;
  • Available equipment. Nowadays, many farms are engaged in breeding bees, so you will not have any problems with the purchase of hives and bee colonies;
  • If you are attracted to beekeeping, working with bees will be interesting and exciting.


  • In large quantities, bee stings are life-threatening, therefore, before doing such a thing, it is necessary to study all the intricacies of communicating with these insects;
  • It will take a lot of effort and time to implement this idea of ​​​​a home-based business in the village. In addition, you will have to regularly repair the hive, pump out honey and sell it.

Beekeeping is a specific business that requires a special approach. If you can understand all the features that are characteristic of this type of activity, it will bring excellent profits.

Greenhouse business

Such a business idea for a village in Ukraine is more suitable for avid gardeners who are familiar with all the nuances of growing various crops. Beginners are often interested in how much profit a greenhouse business can bring? It depends on the type of crops grown, their demand in the market and the experience of the gardener.

If you want to implement this business idea in the countryside from scratch, at first you can build a small greenhouse on your own personal plot. For entrepreneurs who want to organize a large-scale business and invest serious start-up capital in it, it is much more profitable to rent land. When choosing a site for a greenhouse, pay attention to the soil. It must be fertile, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of money to bring quality soil.

The profitability of the greenhouse business reaches 20%. According to experts, it is most profitable to grow flowers. The second place in the list of the most popular products is occupied by greens:

  • Parsley;
  • Basil;
  • green onions;
  • Salad.

To get started, you will need 6 greenhouses, 25x6 m in size. You will spend about 70 thousand hryvnias on their construction. As mentioned above, the profitability of this is not easy to calculate. The only thing that can be said for sure is that with the correct organization of the workflow, all initial investments will pay off in one season.

Growing strawberries

Rural residents often ask if there is no way to find a good, well-paid job? For many of our compatriots, growing strawberries is a good source of income. This business can generate income all year round. Modern crop production has reached such a stage of development that some varieties of strawberries bear fruit several times a year.

The most common way to grow strawberries is outdoors. In this case, the harvest can be harvested in June. But during this period, the price of strawberries drops significantly, so it is much more profitable to grow remontant varieties that bear fruit from July to October. If you want this business idea for a village and a village to bring a good income, it is better to grow strawberries in closed or protected ground, because due to bad weather you can lose a third of the crop.

Growing strawberries is a great idea for a home business in the village, which does not require a lot of money to implement. For an area of ​​10 sq. meters will need about 7-15 thousand hryvnia. They need to add another 5,000 thousand hryvnia for heating and lighting. For 1 sq. meter fits 100 seedlings, that is, in order to fill the greenhouse will need 1000 seedlings. You will spend another 6 thousand hryvnias for this.

From 1 sq. meter, you can remove 25–35 kg of strawberries, respectively, from the entire greenhouse you will receive 250–350 kg of finished products. In the season, strawberries can be sold at 25 hryvnia per 1 kg and receive their first minimum income of 6.5–8.5 thousand hryvnia. In winter, the price of 1 kg of strawberries reaches 120 hryvnia. This means that you will receive 30-40 thousand hryvnias of profit. During the year, 4-5 crops can be harvested.

Growing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage has excellent taste, so the demand for it is constantly growing. Growing such a culture is a new line of activity in our country, but despite this, many entrepreneurs have already managed to appreciate the benefits of this mini business idea in the village:

  • The yield of Peking cabbage can reach 900 kg / ha;
  • This culture can also grow at sufficiently low temperatures. +12 degrees is enough to form a head of cabbage. The plant can withstand short-term frosts of -5-7 degrees;
  • The wholesale price of Beijing cabbage is 5 hryvnias per 1 kg. From 1 hectare of crops, you can harvest 60 tons of finished products and get 300 thousand hryvnias for it;
  • The vegetation period of this plant is only 50–70 days, so two or even three crops can be grown in one season;
  • The high demand for Beijing cabbage allows it to be sold in large quantities without any problems.

Among the disadvantages of this small business idea for beginners in the village are the following:

  • In our country, the agricultural technology of growing this crop has not yet been fully studied;
  • Peking cabbage is loved by pests, so it is necessary to regularly carry out insecticidal treatments;
  • The crop must be harvested within 2 weeks, otherwise it may begin to rot "on the vine".

Now let's roughly calculate how much money it will take to implement this business idea in the village from scratch:

  • Seed material - 2.5 thousand hryvnia;
  • Fertilizers - 4 thousand hryvnias;
  • Packing - 4 thousand hryvnia.

Over time, if you want to expand the scale of your business, you can buy a tractor for 250,000 hryvnias and a transplanter for 50,000 hryvnias. Growing Chinese cabbage is a good option as there is little to no competition in the industry.

Feed production

Looking for an answer to the question? In almost all villages, high-quality compound feed for animals is in great demand. It is a feed mixture rich in vitamins and natural protein. If you want to start your own business in the village, the idea of ​​​​compound feed production can be a good source of stable income for you.

Large enterprises producing such products operate in our country, but they do not cooperate with small farms, since it is not profitable for them to supply products in small batches. In this regard, entrepreneurs engaged in livestock or poultry farming have to look for other suppliers.

Before you open a mini feed mill, study the market in your area. If there are many farms in the region, this is a win-win option on which you can earn money in the village.

To quickly return the initial investment, at first you can buy an inexpensive extruder for the production of animal feed. To do this, you will need about 100 thousand hryvnia. If you manage to find permanent sales channels for finished products, such a business will bring monthly 10-15 thousand hryvnias of net income. A full-fledged enterprise, equipped with high-performance multifunctional equipment, allows you to earn 25-35 thousand hryvnia per month.

Raising geese, chickens, turkeys and other poultry

According to experts, it is a great way to start your own business in the countryside. If you live in a rural area and have a small household plot, try poultry farming. This is the easiest and most affordable way. At the same time, you will not only earn money, but also provide your family with dietary meat and eggs.

Business features and income

If you are looking for business ideas for a village with minimal investment, start by raising laying hens. These birds are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. They can be fed with grain or mixed fodder and kept in an ordinary barn or under a canopy. The most profitable for breeding, meat and egg breeds of chickens. They are distinguished by excellent survival and quickly adapt to any conditions. In addition, they are good hens. If you provide good care, 50 laying hens will bring 30–40 eggs daily, costing 20 hryvnias per 1 dozen. This means that you will be able to earn 1.8–2.4 thousand hryvnias on their sale every month. Broilers can be raised for meat. At the age of 2 months, their weight reaches 3 kg. In the market, 1 kg of poultry meat costs 60–70 hryvnias. If you grow and sell 100 broilers, you can get 6-7 thousand rubles for them, of which 3-4 thousand hryvnias is net profit.

A good option for those who are interested is breeding geese. This bird eats mostly grass, so you don't have to spend a lot of money buying feed. At the age of 3 months, geese reach a weight of 5 kg. Goose meat can be sold at 80-90 hryvnia per 1 kg. In addition, you can sell down, fat and young.

Recently, many farmers have begun to breed turkeys. This is an economically profitable branch of agriculture, the profitability of which reaches 100%. The weight of an adult turkey reaches 15 kg. One kilogram of meat costs 70 hryvnias on the market. If you sell 10 carcasses, you can earn 10.5 thousand hryvnias. After you take away all the costs, there will be 6-6.5 thousand hryvnias.


We bring to your attention a new business idea in the village for women - babysitting. Everyone knows that in rural areas it is difficult to find a well-paid job, so many people have to work in the city. In this regard, young mothers have to look for someone who could look after the children while they are at work - pick them up from kindergarten or school, feed them and do their homework.

Babysitting is a great business idea in the village without investment. It is suitable for women with a teacher education, who have children of their own or who are retired. If you collect a group of 5 kids and take 50 hryvnia per day from each child for your work, you can earn 7.5 thousand hryvnia per month. Agree that this is good money for the countryside.

You live in a village and don’t know how to earn business ideas for the village, tested in practice, will help you find an interesting and quite profitable occupation, such as collecting medicinal herbs. Recently, many people are treated not with medicines, but with various lotions and decoctions, so the demand for medicinal plants is constantly growing.

If you watch a video of business ideas in the village, you can understand that this is a rather exciting activity that brings a good income. Its main advantages:

  • High profitability;
  • Low market saturation;
  • Opportunity to start a business without financial investments.

The collection of medicinal plants brings good profit, for example, 1 kg of linden flowers costs 30-60 hryvnia, blue cornflower - 180-200 hryvnia, birch buds - 60-100 hryvnia, Euphorbia Palassa - 200-400 hryvnia. If you are engaged not only in the collection, but also in the cultivation and processing of medicinal herbs, the income will increase significantly. If you are looking for ideas on what kind of business to open in the village, study this promising line of business in more depth.

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