Bogolyubov" in Oiac. Artists of the "Marine and Battle Painting Workshop named after


The head of the association, Sergei Spiridonov, stressed that the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Crimean War, among whose heroes there are many natives of the Tver land, was a matter of honor and memory for all project participants.
Mikhail Kalinkin conveyed warm greetings from the head of the region, Igor Rudeni, and the head of Tver, Alexander Korzin, to the unique exhibition dedicated to the heroic history of the Fatherland. The chairman of the Tver OP, the rector of the TSMU and the president of the Ekaterina Bakunina Foundation recalled that during the Eastern War, the sisters of mercy Ekaterina Bakunina, Ekaterina Khitrova, Elizaveta Kartseva, whom the surgeon Nikolai Pirogov called the "pillars" of the Exaltation of the Cross community, helped Russian soldiers in the Eastern War.
Honorary President of the Union of Artists of Russia with Tver roots Valentin Sidorov did not hide his emotions:
– I am glad that my graduates took part in the implementation of the project.
Many famous people spoke at the opening of the exhibition, among them the representative of the Crimean Republic Sergei Kalmykov, Alexander Korolev-Pereleshin, vice-leader of the Nobility Assembly, which includes the descendants of Nakhimov, Kornilov, Istomin.

Young Patriot Awards

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of awards to the project participants. Certificates of honor awarded the cases of schoolchildren from Turginov. I must say that our St. George and young sisters of mercy were in the spotlight that day. Famous artists and gray-haired "sea wolves" admired the bearing and shape of the guys. While they were getting acquainted with the canvases, the photographer of the "Red Star" caught a good angle.
Larisa Lipatnikova, deputy director of the Turginovsky school, shared that the patriotic life in their village has been seething since 2004, when the first St. George detachment named after Vladimir Kornilov was organized with the active participation of the captain of the 1st rank, submariner Sergei Spiridonov. In December last year, a detachment of sisters of mercy named after Ekaterina Bakunina was created at the school. Immediately after that, the guys started research on the Crimean period. So the stars converged in the capital, where young patriots had the opportunity to learn a lot from the first mouth.
Representatives of the Tver branch of the Union of Submariners Alexander Evseenko, Vladimir Rysev, local historian Gary Gorevoy, a school activist from Tver Artem Arseniev got acquainted with interest with the exhibition ... Alik Gadzhiev was interested in the work of Konstantin Seleznev, where Admirals Pavel Nakhimov and Vladimir Kornilov discussed strengthening the defense of Sevastopol. Sasha Golubev recalled a strong handshake and a colorful booklet as a gift from Vadim Spiridonov himself. The artist's paintings made a huge impression on him. Masha Sergeeva, Valeria Khasanova and Dasha Golubeva did not leave the canvas of Lyudmila Kuznetsova for a long time, on which the nurses of the Exaltation of the Cross community went to the besieged Sevastopol.

On the same day, the Tver delegation visited the DOSAAF Maritime Center. The guys trained in first aid, got acquainted with divers and even went out to the open sea, however, so far on simulators. At the Museum of the Navy, the young shift was impressed by the unique exhibits found by the searchers. We lingered in the Petrovsky Hall. It seems that the Great Reformer himself appreciated from the depths of centuries: Russian glory lives, continues.

The artist Irina Rybakova was born in the town of Vyshny Volochek, but her childhood was spent in the picturesque village of Novoe Kotchische, which is near the famous House of Artists. I.E. Repin. By the way, those same places are depicted on her canvases, for example, Lake Mstino. Near their house was the summer workshop of the artists Pyotr Strakhov and Lia Ostrova from Leningrad, who came there to sketch for the whole summer. It was this neighborhood that had a beneficial effect on the future fate of the girl. These Leningrad artists were the first mentors of Irina Rybaka in painting.

In 1979, she came to Kostroma and entered the State Pedagogical Institute named after. N. A. Nekrasov, having a gold medal for graduating from high school with excellent marks. Then, since 1987, for some time he has been working at the Scientific and Restoration Center. Academician I. E. Grabar as an artist-restorer. Four years of labor activity have significantly enriched her store of knowledge and made her a master of her craft. While working at the restoration center, she actively participated in various exhibitions both in Russia and abroad - in China, Germany, France, Mexico and the UK.

Basically, her works depict our native Russian nature. Looking at her paintings with landscapes of nature, the viewer immediately begins to feel with what a passionate love for their native land they were created. They favorably differ from the works of other painters in their brevity, clear compositional elaboration, depth, entertaining color scheme and the desire to show the charm of the ordinary everyday life of the village life of ordinary workers. Rybakova's colorful style is based on Russian impressionism. In her paintings, one can guess the school of Vasily Baksheev, Alexei Savrasov, Apollinary Vasentsov, Konstantin Korovin and Isaac Levitan, who created “mood landscapes”, in which nature reflected the state of the master’s soul at the time the picture was created.

In the Kostroma branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, Rybakova was accepted on the excellent recommendations of the famous academicians A.P. Levitin and N.N. Solomin, it was in 1991. And although only 17 years later, Irina Rybakova became the owner of an award from the Russian Cultural Foundation, but during this period her works received "audience awards", albeit at an unofficial level.

Since 2010, she has become a member of the Council for the exposition and exhibition activities of art galleries in the Kostroma region. A year later, she was invited to the open air in Rostov the Great with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church. A year later, the gallery of paintings of the Kostroma Museum-Reserve showed a personal exhibition of Rybakova called "Monologue". Then Viktor Kalashnikov, candidate of art history, commented on Rybakova’s artistic activity in the following way: “Sharp touches of the brush, playing with the “free middle” with a bold movement of the masses. The light in her paintings is a full-fledged character, modeling the figures of objects, forming a special perception of the plot of the canvas, thus concentrating the viewer's attention on a certain semantic point of the picture.

The artist Irina Vladimirovna Rybakova was awarded the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth", there is also a gold award. In addition, in her arsenal there are about a dozen letters of thanks, the same number of diplomas of various categories. She has participated in many exhibitions since 2003 in Russia and abroad. Her personal exhibitions have been organized since 1995. Since 2007, the artist has been participating in all-Russian and international plein-airs.

In October 2016, our friends, submariners, captains of the 1st rank Spiridonov V.V. (head of the creative association of artists) and Danilin V.A. (a member of the working group of the project) was offered to the head of the Department of young sailors "Dolphin" at School No. 236 named after. Hero of the Soviet Union Vice Admiral G.I. Shchedrin Kuzenkov O.P. take part in the next socially significant event. Friendship began in 2002, when they themselves took part in the creation and opening of our school museum "History of the Russian Submarine Fleet". The young sailors of the Dolphin department gladly and with a great sense of responsibility accepted the offer of veteran submariners.

In November 2016, the painting collection of the River of Time project was exhibited at the Federation Council. “The works presented at the exposition set an excellent example for the younger generation, drawing their attention to the outstanding events of national history, the feat of ancestors who showed heroism. The spiritual content of the exhibition fully complies with the National Strategy for Action for Children and contributes to the education of true patriots. We admire the glorious history of Sevastopol,” said Senator Zinaida Dragunkina, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, at the opening of the exhibition.

On April 27, 2017, the exhibition continued its work at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val. The exposition is dedicated to the memory of Russian soldiers who fell in the Crimean War of the 19th century and is deployed on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the end of the military campaign. For the first time, after more than a century and a half pause, Russian artists - our contemporaries - painted subjects that domestic painters had not previously addressed. The visual series of paintings dedicated to the main events and the most important combat episodes is accompanied by a superbly published catalog with detailed comments and a chronology of the historical period.

Our young sailors (thanks to the L.D. Kremlyova Foundation and the Government of Moscow) visited the sacred historical places where the masters created their works and fully experienced all the Greatness of the feat of our ancestors in protecting the Glorious Hero City of Sevastopol.

At the opening of the exhibition, our young sailors met the guests and demonstrated to them their skills in mastering the secrets of maritime affairs, fast and accurate execution of the commands of their foreman. We gave several interviews to the Moscow media and the Zvezda TV company. The children shared with the guests their impressions of the art canvases. We talked with the authors of the works themselves and exchanged impressions with them about the trip to the historical places of the Crimean peninsula.

The exhibition will run until May 9, 2017. Management, young sailors and all students of our school have the right to visit this unique project free of charge. We have earned this right with our work and our attitude to our common history.

Editorial group GBOU School No. 236

On August 27, Vadim Spiridonov and Mikhail Sergeev, members of the Creative Association of Artists "Marine and Battle Painting Workshop named after A.P. Bogolyubov", visited the Primorsky Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society - the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory.

On August 27, Vadim Spiridonov (Moscow, head of the association) and Mikhail Sergeev (Kostroma) visited the Primorsky Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society - the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory.

Artists are working on a major public historical and artistic project "The River of Time", dedicated to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The project is being implemented with the support of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society. The result of the project implementation should be a collection of paintings illustrating various events of a given topic.

According to the artists, canvases depicting the events of those terrible years are extremely modestly represented in domestic painting of different periods.

A total of 17 artists are taking part in the project. The current trip is for Vadim and Mikhail an introductory and consulting trip. Artists visit places where battles took place, make sketches and photographs, communicate with historians and researchers, work in archives and libraries. Before Vladivostok, they visited Sakhalin Island. In addition, it is planned to make a trip to Japan and Port Arthur (China).

In the Society, the guests were met by the Chairman of the PKO RGS - OIAK A.M. Buyakov and executive director V.M. Tytsky.

Buyakov introduced the history of the founding of the Society, spoke about the modern work carried out by members of the PKO RGS - OIAC, about the branches, sections and clubs that are part of the OIAC.

Aleksey Mikhailovich expressed his recommendations about the places most connected with the events of the Russo-Japanese War, which are worth visiting in Vladivostok, about the materials from the OIAK funds that you need to familiarize yourself with, and gave contacts of Primorye specialists related to this topic.

As a memento, Vadim Spiridonov and Mikhail Sergeev presented the Society with a set of postcards with reproductions of paintings painted as part of the River of Time project (2016), dedicated to the Crimean War of 1853-1856. and the painting "Winter" by M. Sergeev depicting the landscape of the Kostroma region.

After a visit to the Society, the artists, accompanied by Vladislav Kupchik, a member of the PKO RGS - OIAK, went on a city tour, where they will visit the objects of the Vladivostok fortress.

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