Big. Concise presentation based on the story of L.N.


a) Greeting

Hello children! I am very glad to see you!

The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson starts.
Put your mind and heart into work,
Treasure every second of your work.

b) Word-instruction

Check your jobs. We will need in the lesson: a pen, a simple pencil, a notebook for creative work and a draft and cards for working with text.

c) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guys, today in the lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer, the master of the artistic word, will help us in this. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the Clock", which he wrote especially for children.

What is a presentation?

Today we will write a summary with you

What do you think a summary is?

How is it different from other types of presentations?

Unlike a detailed presentation, which involves a detailed reproduction of the content of the text, a concise presentation requires a brief, generalized transmission of the content of the source text, but at the same time, without losing the main idea and the sequence of events in the text.

d) Message of text type, genre, text style.

The text of our presentation is the story.

What is a narrative text?

Let's remember his scheme:


Tie up Tie up

What happened?

What does this work teach?

c) Installation on the perception of the text

Task: Imagine the pictures of what is happening in the story "Sparrow on the Clock"

a) Reading the text

Sparrow on the clock.

a) Answer to the task

- What pictures of what was happening did you see?

Match them with the scheme of the text - narrative.

b) Emotional evaluation conversation

What feelings did the text evoke in you?

When did you worry the most?

When did you become happy?

c) Lexical work

Let's try to explain the lexical meaning of some words.

The villain is evil, he wanted to kill the chicks.

Fierce (enemy) - formidable, evil.

Sentinel (watching) - a watchman, a guard.

Sparrows - chicks of sparrows.

The old sparrow is a grandfather sparrow.

At once (disappeared) - quickly, instantly.

Watching - watching.

d) Working with text by content

Name the characters in the story?

Where did this incident take place?

What were the sparrows doing?

How did the old sparrow behave?

Who prevented the sparrows from playing?

How did the old sparrow warn them of the danger?

How did the hawk attack end?

e) Text work

Name the main theme of the text.

What is the idea of ​​the text?

What are the keywords in the text that support the idea of ​​the text?

Read the title.

How do you understand it?

How many parts does the text have?

a) Vocabulary simmatic work

Anxious - full of excitement, anxiety for the sparrows.

Quietly and silently - sneaking up imperceptibly.

Write these words down on your draft.

b) Structural and compositional planning

What words ends the first part?

How briefly, excluding superfluous, to tell what happened in the first part?

Use verbs that convey the course of events in your answer.

How shall we name it?

What words begin the second part?

What words ends the second part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the second part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the third part?

What words ends the third part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the third part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the last fourth part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the fourth part?

How shall we name it?

1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. Alarm!

4. Sparrow is back on the clock.

c) Spelling work

1. Read the words. Explain the spelling of the underlined vowels.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to make a mistake.

Ocher a nyal - ...

l e tit-...

zl about dei-…

young - …

sl e dit - ...

h a owl - ...

st about gives birth - ...

SW and gave - ...

in with a du - ...

2. Children, now find the words from the dictionary in the text. Read them. Memorize their spelling.

3. Choose test words:




4. Why is written b in words: sparrows, sparrows.

5. There are difficult words in the text, the spelling of which you have not yet learned. Memorize their spelling.

Behind him, without noise, closer, chirped, softly, again.

d) Punctuation work

Let's remember the rules for writing sentences and text.

Find in the text sentences according to the proposed schemes:

e) Text work

Now we will learn to “compress” the text, i.e. highlight the main thing in the text, find keywords so that when the text is compressed, the main idea and the course of events are not lost.

Words of what part of speech are most often used in the narrative text?

The main mechanisms of text compression are to generalize, replace with a single word, highlight key words and exclude unnecessary ones.

There are cards in front of you that you and I will fill out, first together, and then try to complete it yourself.

Source text

Compressed text

In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow guarded them.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

Here comes the hawk. He is an enemy of birds. The hawk flies without noise. But the sparrow has seen him and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly. The sparrows hid in the bushes.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

The hawk has flown. The chicks jump again, and the sentry guards them.

What are the keywords in the first part, what can be removed?

What is the main thing in the second part, what are the keywords? What can be excluded?

Try to find the keywords on your own and eliminate the superfluous in the third and fourth parts and fill in the cards.

Let's retell in parts and listen to what we got.

a) Re-reading the text and comparing it with the resulting text

What is the difference between the original text and the one we got.

Indeed, the text turned out to be much poorer in emotional coloring, this happens when the text is compressed, because we needed to convey the sequence of events.

a) Checking the resulting text on the cards

b) Copying in a notebook

Russian language grade 4

Subject: Presentation of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

Target: Formation of the ability to retell the text based on the plan.


- to form the ability to work with the text, determine its main idea, divide the text into parts, draw up a retelling plan

Continue to develop skills, solve spelling problems, determine the lexical meaning of words

To cultivate the ability to listen and hear the student, teacher, and oneself.

Formation of UUD.


    The ability to set the learning task of the lesson.

    Ability to plan the sequence of educational actions with the task in hand.

    Ability to create a plan of action for the task and carry it out.

    Ability to follow a plan.


    Ability to work with new information.

    The ability to apply logical actions (determine the genre, the main idea, divide the text into parts, determine the main idea of ​​each part)

    Ability to build reasoning around a problem.

    Ability to compare and draw conclusions.

    Ability to select information.

    Ability to logically solve the tasks of the lesson.


    Ability to express your point of view.

    Ability to retell the text and hear a classmate

    Ability to correct and explain errors.


    Introduction to the topic.

What is this bird? (slide 1) Who is a sparrow?

What can you say about it?

Sparrow is a small bird of the passerine family. Sparrows are the most famous birds that coexist with humans with great pleasure.

Sparrows lead a sedentary lifestyle, choosing a territory, nesting. The grown offspring remain close to their parents, so the sparrows form large flocks. This is facilitated by the high fertility of the sparrow, the abundance of food due to the proximity of human settlements.

    Formulation of the problem.

What types of text do you know?

1. Narration - what happened (events, actions).

Narration - a message about the actions of the subject in a certain sequence, that is, the action develops (the plot, the development of the action, its climax and denouement). (sweet 2)

2. Description - which? which? (signs of the subject).

Description - a message about the simultaneous or timeless features of an object or phenomenon. As a rule, the general impression of the described object is given, then its essential and secondary features can be indicated, an assessment of the described is given. You can describe the appearance of a person, his character, nature, environment, and so on.

3. reasoning - why? (reasons, evidence).

Reasoning explains any facts, events, based on cause-and-effect relationships. At the same time, a thesis, a statement, is first put forward. Next, arguments or evidence are given in favor of the point of view or against it, and then examples are given and a conclusion is drawn from all of the above.

    Work on the title "Sparrow on the clock"

    Reading the text of the presentation by the teacher and its visual perception by children. (slide 3)

L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

Young sparrows jumped along the path in the garden. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow noticed the villain and is following him. The hawk is getting closer and closer.

The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. Sparrows at once disappeared into the bushes.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are merrily jumping along the path. And the sentry is back on duty.

    Content analysis.

What have you learned?

What surprised?

What is this text?

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Main part


VII. Dividing the text into parts.

How many paragraphs are in the text?

And the parts in the text narrative?

Which shows that the 2nd paragraph is the 2nd part. (Here..)

Where is the beginning of part 3? (Flew away...)

What is the text talking about?

VIII. Highlighting keywords.

Let's define the characters of the text.

Highlight key words in each section. 2-3 words from each part.

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled

young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

IX . Planning.

Let's plan the text.

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

In the garden

sparrow and sparrow

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled



fierce enemy

young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Back on duty

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

X . Abbreviation of text.

What words can we start each part with?

Text model




Beginning of each part


    Start who? where? When? Where did it start?


sat downguarded

In the garden

sparrow and sparrow

In the garden…

Old wobob…

Sparrow, old sparrow, sentinel

    Main part

One day, all of a sudden, what happened?

fierce enemy, without noise, watchingnoticed tweeted,fled



fierce enemy




young sparrows, babies, sparrows


who? Where? When? What ended?

flew away jump,back on duty

Back on duty

Fly away...


Fierce enemy...

The villain…

Hawk, villain, fierce enemy

XI . Reading the resulting text.

In the garden, an old sparrow guarded the chicks.

Suddenly a hawk appeared. This is a fierce enemy of birds. The old sparrow noticed the villain. He chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows fled.

The hawk has flown. The sentry is back on duty.

XII . Writing a presentation.

XIII . Self-test.

a) Greeting

Hello children! I am very glad to see you!

The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson starts.
Put your mind and heart into work,
Treasure every second of your work.

b) Word-instruction

Check your jobs. We will need in the lesson: a pen, a simple pencil, a notebook for creative work and a draft and cards for working with text.

c) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guys, today in the lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer, master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy will help us in this. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the Clock", which he wrote especially for children.

What is a presentation?

Today we will write a summary with you

What do you think a summary is?

How is it different from other types of presentations?

Unlike a detailed presentation, which involves a detailed reproduction of the content of the text, a concise presentation requires a brief, generalized transmission of the content of the source text, but at the same time, without losing the main idea and the sequence of events in the text.

d) Message of text type, genre, text style.

The text of our presentation is the story.

What is a narrative text?

Let's remember his scheme:


Tie up Tie up

What happened?

What happened?

Words of what part of speech are the main ones in such a text?

a) The story of the childhood of Leo Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old, but according to the stories of family members, he well imagined her: some features of his mother (an excellent education, love of art) and even a portrait resemblance Tolstoy gave the heroine of his work. Lev Nikolaevich's father, remembered by the writer for his good-natured and mocking character, love for reading, for hunting, also died early. The children were raised by a distant relative. Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family traditions, first impressions of the life of the noble estate "Yasnaya Polyana".

Later, L.N. Tolstoy would open a school for peasant children in the village, help set up more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana, and this activity would captivate him so much that he would go abroad to get acquainted with the schools of Europe. Tolstoy travels a lot, was in England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium. He was sure that the basis of education should be "the freedom of the student" and the rejection of violence in teaching. Later, he publishes his own book for teaching children to read - "ABC". You get acquainted with some stories, true stories and fables from that ABC at the lessons of literary reading.

Let's recall some of them.

b) The reading was "Kitten"

To what genre did Tolstoy classify this work?

What is true?

What does this work teach?

c) Installation on the perception of the text

Task: Imagine the pictures of what is happening in the story of Leo Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

a) Reading the text

Sparrow on the clock.

In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

a) Answer to the task

- What pictures of what was happening did you see?

Match them with the scheme of the text - narrative.

b) Emotional evaluation conversation

What feelings did the text evoke in you?

When did you worry the most?

When did you become happy?

c) Lexical work

Let's try to explain the lexical meaning of some words.

The villain is evil, he wanted to kill the chicks.

Fierce (enemy) - formidable, evil.

Sentinel (watching) - a watchman, a guard.

Sparrows - chicks of sparrows.

The old sparrow is a grandfather sparrow.

At once (disappeared) - quickly, instantly.

Watching - watching.

d) Working with text by content

Name the characters in the story?

Where did this incident take place?

What were the sparrows doing?

How did the old sparrow behave?

Who prevented the sparrows from playing?

How did the old sparrow warn them of the danger?

How did the hawk attack end?

e) Text work

Name the main theme of the text.

What is the idea of ​​the text?

What are the keywords in the text that support the idea of ​​the text?

Read the title.

How do you understand it?

How many parts does the text have?

a) Vocabulary simmatic work

Jumping - fun, carefree jumping along the path

Anxious, full of excitement, anxiety for the sparrows.

Quietly and silently - sneaking up imperceptibly.

Write these words down on your draft.

b) Structural and compositional planning

What words ends the first part?

How briefly, excluding superfluous, to tell what happened in the first part?

Use verbs that convey the course of events in your answer.

How shall we name it?

What words begin the second part?

What words ends the second part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the second part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the third part?

What words ends the third part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the third part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the last fourth part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the fourth part?

How shall we name it?

1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. Alarm!

4. Sparrow is back on the clock.

c) Spelling work

1. Read the words. Explain the spelling of the underlined vowels.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to make a mistake.




young- …

sledit - ...


staboutgives birth- ...

SWandgave - ...

in withadu-…

2. Children, now find the words from the dictionary in the text. Read them. Memorize their spelling.

3. Choose test words:




4. Why is written b in words: sparrows, sparrows.

5. There are difficult words in the text, the spelling of which you have not yet learned. Memorize their spelling.

Behind him, without noise, closer, chirped, softly, again.

d) Punctuation work

Let's remember the rules for writing sentences and text.

Find in the text sentences according to the proposed schemes:

e) Text work

Now we will learn to “compress” the text, i.e. highlight the main thing in the text, find keywords so that when the text is compressed, the main idea and the course of events are not lost.

Words of what part of speech are most often used in the narrative text?

The main mechanisms of text compression are to generalize, replace with a single word, highlight key words and exclude unnecessary ones.

There are cards in front of you that you and I will fill out, first together, and then try to complete it yourself.

a) Greeting

Hello children! I am very glad to see you!

The long-awaited call is given -
The lesson starts.
Put your mind and heart into work,
Treasure every second of your work.

b) Word-instruction

Check your jobs. We will need in the lesson: a pen, a simple pencil, a notebook for creative work and a draft and cards for working with text.

c) Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Guys, today in the lesson we will learn to think beautifully, speak and write. And the great writer, master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy will help us in this. We will write a summary of his story "Sparrow on the Clock", which he wrote especially for children.

What is a presentation?

Today we will write a summary with you

What do you think a summary is?

How is it different from other types of presentations?

Unlike a detailed presentation, which involves a detailed reproduction of the content of the text, a concise presentation requires a brief, generalized transmission of the content of the source text, but at the same time, without losing the main idea and the sequence of events in the text.

d) Message of text type, genre, text style.

The text of our presentation is the story.

What is a narrative text?

Let's remember his scheme:


Tie up Tie up

What happened?

What happened?

Words of what part of speech are the main ones in such a text?

a) The story of the childhood of Leo Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother died when Tolstoy was not yet two years old, but according to the stories of family members, he well imagined her: some features of his mother (an excellent education, love of art) and even a portrait resemblance Tolstoy gave the heroine of his work. Lev Nikolaevich's father, remembered by the writer for his good-natured and mocking character, love for reading, for hunting, also died early. The children were raised by a distant relative. Childhood memories have always remained the most joyful for Tolstoy: family traditions, first impressions of the life of the noble estate "Yasnaya Polyana".

Later, L.N. Tolstoy would open a school for peasant children in the village, help set up more than 20 schools in the vicinity of Yasnaya Polyana, and this activity would captivate him so much that he would go abroad to get acquainted with the schools of Europe. Tolstoy travels a lot, was in England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium. He was sure that the basis of education should be "the freedom of the student" and the rejection of violence in teaching. Later, he publishes his own book for teaching children to read - "ABC". You get acquainted with some stories, true stories and fables from that ABC at the lessons of literary reading.

Let's recall some of them.

b) The reading was "Kitten"

To what genre did Tolstoy classify this work?

What is true?

What does this work teach?

C) Installation on the perception of the text

Task: Imagine the pictures of what is happening in the story of Leo Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock"

a) Reading the text

Sparrow on the clock.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

a) Answer to the task

- What pictures of what was happening did you see?

Match them with the scheme of the text - narrative.

b) Emotional evaluation conversation

What feelings did the text evoke in you?

When did you worry the most?

When did you become happy?

c) Lexical work

Let's try to explain the lexical meaning of some words.

The villain is evil, he wanted to kill the chicks.

Fierce (enemy) - formidable, evil.

Sentinel (watching) - a watchman, a guard.

Sparrows - chicks of sparrows.

The old sparrow is a grandfather sparrow.

At once (disappeared) - quickly, instantly.

Watching - watching.

d) Working with text by content

Name the characters in the story?

Where did this incident take place?

What were the sparrows doing?

How did the old sparrow behave?

Who prevented the sparrows from playing?

How did the old sparrow warn them of the danger?

How did the hawk attack end?

e) Text work

Name the main theme of the text.

What is the idea of ​​the text?

What are the keywords in the text that support the idea of ​​the text?

Read the title.

How do you understand it?

How many parts does the text have?

a) Vocabulary simmatic work

Jumping - fun, carefree jumping along the path

Anxious, full of excitement, anxiety for the sparrows.

Quietly and silently - sneaking up imperceptibly.

Write these words down on your draft.

b) Structural and compositional planning

What words ends the first part?

How briefly, excluding superfluous, to tell what happened in the first part?

Use verbs that convey the course of events in your answer.

How shall we name it?

What words begin the second part?

What words ends the second part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the second part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the third part?

What words ends the third part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the third part?

How shall we name it?

What words begin the last fourth part?

Briefly tell us what happened in the fourth part?

How shall we name it?


1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. Alarm!

4. Sparrow is back on the clock.

c) Spelling work

1. Read the words. Explain the spelling of the underlined vowels.

Remember the rule that we must remember in order not to make a mistake.

Ohr a nyal-…

l e tit-...

the villain-…

young- …

next dit - …

h and an owl- ...

st about giving birth- ...

uv and gave - ...

In the garden- …

2. Children, now find the words from the dictionary in the text. Read them. Memorize their spelling.

3. Choose test words:




4. Why is written b in the words: sparrows, sparrows.

5. There are difficult words in the text, the spelling of which you have not yet learned. Memorize their spelling.

Behind him, without noise, closer, chirped, softly, again.

d) Punctuation work

Let's remember the rules for writing sentences and text.

Find in the text sentences according to the proposed schemes:

1) O and O.

2) Oh, Oh.

e) Text work

Now we will learn to “compress” the text, i.e. highlight the main thing in the text, find keywords so that when the text is compressed, the main idea and the course of events are not lost.

Words of what part of speech are most often used in the narrative text?

The main mechanisms of text compression are to generalize, replace with a single word, highlight key words and exclude unnecessary ones.

There are cards in front of you that you and I will fill out, first together, and then try to complete it yourself.

Source text

Compressed text

In the garden, young sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow sat high on a branch and guarded the kids.

Sparrows jumped along the paths. And the old sparrow guarded them.

Here comes the hawk. He is a fierce enemy of small birds. The hawk flies quietly, without noise. But the old sparrow has seen the villain and is following him.

Here comes the hawk. He is an enemy of birds. The hawk flies without noise. But the sparrow has seen him and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes at once.

The hawk is getting closer. The sparrow chirped loudly. The sparrows hid in the bushes.

The hawk has flown. The chicks are jumping merrily. Again sentry guards them.

The hawk has flown. The chicks jump again, and the sentry guards them.

What are the keywords in the first part, what can be removed?

What is the main thing in the second part, what are the keywords? What can be excluded?

Try to find the keywords on your own and eliminate the superfluous in the third and fourth parts and fill in the cards.

Let's retell in parts and listen to what we got.

a) Re-reading the text and comparing it with the resulting text

What is the difference between the original text and the one we got.

Indeed, the text turned out to be much poorer in emotional coloring, this happens when text is compressed. we needed to convey the sequence of events taking place.

a) Checking the resulting text on the cards

b) Copying in a notebook

Lesson summary

Abstract developer: Esaeva Anastasia Mikhailovna

Program: UMK ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya

Class: 5

Topic: “A concise educational presentation based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock".

Lesson type: speech development lesson

Lesson form: traditional

Lesson Objectives:

Activity goal: development of creative and communicative abilities of students.

Formation of UUD:

Personal UUD: self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation.

Regulatory UUD: goal-setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, self-regulation.

Cognitive UUD: general educational, logical, problem posing and solving.

Communicative UUD: planning educational cooperation, posing questions, resolving conflicts, managing the behavior of a partner, the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient accuracy and completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.

Intersubject and intrasubject communications: connection with the subject "Literature", connection with the previously studied topic "Exposition and its types".

Lesson equipment and electronic educational resources (EER):

Board layout: (if it is necessary to design the board before the lesson: epigraph, diagrams, tables, etc.).

Nineteenth of November.

Classwork .

Presentation based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock".

The plan is written on the board.

1. The old sparrow guards the sparrows.

2. A hawk appeared.

3. The old sparrow gives a signal.

4. Sparrow is back on the clock

- Hello dear guys! Write down the number in your notebooks, cool work.

Children greet the teacher, write down the date in a notebook, class work.

Self-determination (L), meaning formation (L).

2.Updating knowledge (3 minutes)

- In today's lesson, we will learn how to think, speak and write beautifully. And the great writer, master of the artistic word L.N. Tolstoy will help us in this. Your homework was to read his story "The Sparrow on the Clock". Has everyone read it?

Now let's remember what we repeated in the last lesson?

Right! Now think about what we will do in this lesson?

That's right, today we will write a concise summary of the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock". Let's write down the topic of the lesson: “A presentation based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Sparrow on the clock".


- What is a presentation?

Types of presentations;

Let's write a presentation based on the story of L.N. Tolstoy;

We will write a complete or condensed presentation;

Children write down the topic of the lesson.

Self-determination (L), meaning formation (L), moral and ethical orientation (L), formulation of a cognitive goal (P), construction of a logical chain of reasoning (P), the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K), goal setting (R) , planning(P).

3. Preparation for the primary perception of the text (3-5 minutes)

On the desks you have leaflets with the text of the story. Now I will read it, and you listen carefully and then tell me what pictures you presented.

Sparrow on the clock.

Young sparrows jumped on the path in the garden.

And the old sparrow perched high on a tree branch and vigilantly looks to see if a bird of prey appears somewhere.

A robber hawk flies through the backyards. He is a fierce enemy of a small bird. The hawk flies quietly, without noise.

But the old sparrow noticed the villain and is following him.

The hawk is getting closer and closer.

The sparrow chirped loudly and anxiously, and all the sparrows at once disappeared into the bushes.

Everything was silent.

Only the sentinel sparrow sits on a branch. He does not move, he does not take his eyes off the hawk.

The hawk of an old sparrow noticed, flapped its wings, spread its claws and went down like an arrow.

The hawk was left with nothing.

Sparrows poured out of the bushes with noise, jumping along the path

So guys, what pictures did you submit? Describe them.

What feelings did the story evoke?

When did you get anxious?

When were you happy?

The students listen to the story.

- Little sparrows hop along the path;

An old sparrow watches them from a tree;

Suddenly a hawk flies;

The old sparrow saw the enemy;

The hawk has flown.




When the hawk appeared;

When the hawk came;

When the hawk flew away

Search and selection of information (P), modeling (P), analysis (P), the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K).

4. Work with text (10-15 minutes)

- Well, we have decided what emotions and feelings this story evokes. Now let's work with it!

Read the words on the board!

- Think about why these words are written ?! What role do they play in the text?

Right! These words are called key words and when we use them, we can understand the meaning of the text and summarize it. Underline these words in the text.

Wonderful! Now let's read the text again and try to determine how many parts are in the story.

So, how many parts do you think there are in the text?

Good! What is the first part about?

Right! Who are the actors?

How shall we name the first part?

Wonderful! This heading will be the first point of the plan that we will now draw up, and which will help you when writing the presentation. We write the word “Plan” in the middle of the line, and on the next line we put the number 1 and write the title of the first part.

Now let's talk about the second part? What is it about?

Good! How shall we title the second part?

Well done! Let's write point 2.

What is the third part about?

Right! How shall we title the third part?

Write down point 3 in your notebook.

What is the fourth part about?

How shall we title the fourth part?

So, let's write down the last item of the plan!

So, well done! And now try, based on the key words and the plan, to briefly retell the text to yourself!

Did you manage? Any questions? If so, please raise your hand and ask!

Children read the words written on the blackboard:

He sat down, jumped, quietly, without noise, noticed, guarded, sentry, anxiously, disappeared, flapped his wings, went down, was left with nothing, sat down again, poured out of the bushes.

They express the main idea;

These words are supporting, or key;

Based on these words, you can retell the text;

Children look for words in the text, underline them.

In the garden on the pathjumped young sparrows.

And the old sparrowsat down high on a branch of a tree and vigilantly looks to see if a bird of prey appears somewhere.

A robber hawk flies through the backyards. He is a fierce enemy of a small bird. The hawk is flyingquiet, no noise.

But the old sparrownoticed villain and follows him.

The hawk is getting closer and closer.

chirped loudly andanxious sparrow, and all the sparrows at oncefled into the bushes.

Everything was silent.

Only a sparrow hourly sits on a branch. He does not move, he does not take his eyes off the hawk.

Noticed the old sparrow's hawk,flapped his wings straightened his claws and arrowclimbed down .

And the sparrow fell like a stone into the bushes.

Hawk left with nothing.

He looks around. Evil took the predator. His yellow eyes are on fire.

With noise poured out of the bushes sparrows jumping along the path

Children read the text, divide it into parts.

4 parts;

Young sparrows jumped on the path. The old sparrow guarded them.

Sparrow and sparrow.

The old sparrow guards the young;

Old sparrow - guard;

Young sparrows frolic, and the old guards them.

Children write down point 1 of the plan in a notebook.


1. The old sparrow guards the young.

A hawk appears. Flies without noise, quietly. But the sparrow has seen him and is following him.

A hawk appeared;

The hawk has flown;

sparrow hunting;

2. A hawk appeared.

The sparrow chirped anxiously. The sparrows hid in the bushes.

The old sparrow gives a signal.

The sentry gives a signal;

Everyone hid;

3. The old sparrow gives a signal.

The hawk has flown. The chicks jump happily. The sparrow guards.

Sparrow is back on the clock;

The sentry is back on duty;

The sparrows are saved;

4. Sparrow is back on the clock.

Children, based on the highlighted words and plan, retell the text to themselves.

If there is any difficulty, the students raise their hand and ask.

Sense formation (L), information search and extraction (P), modeling (P), analysis (P), synthesis (P), construction of a logical chain of reasoning (P), initiative cooperation in the search and collection of information (K), identification and identification problems (K), the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K), planning (P).

5. Writing a presentation. (20-23 minutes)

- And now, guys, I will read the text for the last time, and you listen carefully.

- Put the story sheets on the edge of the desk with the text down and start writing! If you have any questions, please raise your hand! You have 20 minutes to write your summary, but remember, you are writing a concise summary!

Children listen to the text.

Students start writing essays.

Building a logical chain of reasoning (P), the ability to express one's thoughts in writing with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K).

6. Reflection (1-2 minutes)

- So, the time is up! Let's get notebooks!

Well done! You all did a great job today! Rate your work on a five-point scale: 5 - who is satisfied with himself, 4 - I would like to do better; 3 - not satisfied with myself, but I will try to fix it; 2 - I did not understand anything.

Write down your homework:

ex. 154 or write the story "The story of the hawk through the eyes of a little sparrow." Thank you all, goodbye!

The students hand in their notebooks.

Children evaluate the results of their activities.

Students write down their homework and say goodbye to the teacher.

Self-determination (L), the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy (K), assessment (P).

Modeling a page of a student's notebook (see in the column "Student Activities")

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