Boris Olshansky paintings in high resolution. Posters, reproductions of paintings by famous artists in high resolution good quality, clipart and large photos for download

Boris Olshansky was born in Tambov. After graduating from the Penza Art College. K. Savitsky continued his studies at the Faculty of Graphics (book workshop of Professor B. Dekhterev) of the Moscow Art Institute. V. Surikov. In Moscow, he illustrated books, worked a lot in graphics. Boris Mikhailovich, returning to his native city, collaborated with the Literary Tambov newspaper. Since 1983 the artist has been a permanent participant of regional, zonal, republican and foreign exhibitions. In 1989, B. Olshansky was admitted to the Union of Artists of Russia. *** With the beginning of perestroika, book illustration had to be abandoned. Boris Olshansky became interested in painting. The theme of his paintings was the Vedic times on the territory of Russia, the legends of the Slavs. Bright, powerful historical paintings by Olshansky are invariably in the center of public attention at any exhibition. “The history of our region has interested me since childhood,” admits Boris Mikhailovich. You could say it's in the genes. I have collected a wealth of material on this topic. Boris Olshansky's illustrations made last year for the book "Legends and Traditions of the Tambov Region" were also a great success. This work of the artist was highly marked by the head of the administration of the Tambov region O. Betin and deputies of the regional Duma. “I started illustrating Sokhransky's manuscript with pleasure,” says Boris Mikhailovich. - The manuscript was a discovery for me. Learned a lot from her." Now Boris Olshansky is working on the creation of new monumental paintings from the life of the Slavs. “I am sure that our great ancestors are watching us from heaven. And the judgment of history is inevitable. For the future belongs to truth and faith. Great Russia, pre-Christian, rises from scattered historical information and documents. With its great history, which was completely rejected and forgotten. Russian legends, epics, legends, tales - what a grandiose and colorful scope for the imagination and fantasy of the artist! Thank God that there were great ascetics and wonderful artists: Ryabushkin, Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Surikov, Vasilyev ... But there are few, very few names for such great and mighty power, working in the field of the great and exciting history of Russia. Understanding this strengthened in me the desire to devote my work to history. I drew a lot from life and from memory, which created a solid foundation for mastering academic knowledge. I do not agree with the opinion that a serious academic school fetters, if not kills creativity.

Boris Olshansky was born in Tambov. After graduating from the Penza Art College. K. Savitsky continued his studies at the Faculty of Graphics (book workshop of Professor B. Dekhterev) of the Moscow Art Institute. V. Surikov. In Moscow, he illustrated books, worked a lot in graphics. Boris Mikhailovich, returning to his native city, collaborated with the Literary Tambov newspaper. Since 1983 the artist has been a permanent participant of regional, zonal, republican and foreign exhibitions. In 1989, B. Olshansky was admitted to the Union of Artists of Russia.

With the beginning of perestroika, book illustration had to be abandoned. Boris Olshansky became interested in painting. The theme of his paintings was the Vedic times on the territory of Russia, the legends of the Slavs. Bright, powerful historical paintings by Olshansky are invariably in the center of public attention at any exhibition. “The history of our region has interested me since childhood,” admits Boris Mikhailovich. You could say it's in the genes. I have collected a wealth of material on this topic.

Boris Olshansky's illustrations made last year for the book "Legends and Traditions of the Tambov Region" were also a great success. This work of the artist was highly marked by the head of the administration of the Tambov region O. Betin and deputies of the regional Duma. “I started illustrating Sokhransky's manuscript with pleasure,” says Boris Mikhailovich. - The manuscript was a discovery for me. Learned a lot from her."

Now Boris Olshansky is working on the creation of new monumental paintings from the life of the Slavs.

“I am sure that our great ancestors are watching us from heaven. And the judgment of history is inevitable. For the future belongs to truth and faith. Great Russia, pre-Christian, rises from scattered historical information and documents. With its great history, which was completely rejected and forgotten. Russian legends, epics, legends, tales - what a grandiose and colorful scope for the imagination and fantasy of the artist! Thank God that there were great ascetics and wonderful artists: Ryabushkin, Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Surikov, Vasilyev ... But there are few, very few names for such a great and mighty power working in the field of the great and exciting history of Russia.

Understanding this strengthened in me the desire to dedicate my work to history. I drew a lot from life and from memory, which created a solid foundation for mastering academic knowledge. I do not agree with the opinion that a serious academic school fetters, if not kills creativity.

Yes, for those who have not completed their studies, it is a stone around the neck that pulls to the bottom, allowing them to see their imperfection.


I prefer not fiction, not fantasies about the life and work of a particular person, but specific autobiographical facts or testimonies of contemporaries.

Talking about myself, my life and my path in art, I set out the main milestones and facts. Although, of course, behind every sentence, and sometimes even a word, there is a large layer of events, images, impressions, sometimes fateful for me.

I believe that a person lives several lives during the period that is determined for him from above. Childhood, youth, mature years, old age - each period leaves its mark on a person's idea of ​​his place in this world. And the spiritually richer we become, the more joy in our soul.

I was born in the city of Tambov on February 25, 1956. My parents - Mikhail Fedulovich Olshansky and Varvara Sergeevna Olshanskaya (nee Kalinina) - come from the Tambov province.

Ancestors on the father's and mother's lines from time immemorial were peasants on the Tambov land. They plowed the land, sowed bread, bred bees... They were prosperous peasants, Orthodox people, and always, getting down to business, glorified the Lord. Great-grandmother Arina walked along the father's line to Kyiv to venerate the holy relics.

During the years of total collectivization, all my glorious ancestors were dispossessed, but, fortunately, they were not exiled to Siberia. ..."

blue evening

Hike to Tsargrad

Shield on the gates of Constantinople

Vasilisa Mikulishna

holy call


Alyosha Popovich and Elena Krasa





Spring pagan

prophetic legend

Volkh Vseslavovich

Magician with a rainbow


17th century city street


Ivan the widow's son

From the dark depths of centuries

Oath of Svarozhich




Night of the Warrior

Night on Ivan Kupala

nightingale night

Peresvet on the Field Kulikovo

Crying Yaroslavna


Summer bloom time

The kidnapping of the princess

Campaign of the Volga

The legend of Svyatoslav

Birth of a warrior


Russian requiem

Great Russia


Battle on the Dnieper

Surrender of Dazhdbog

Slavic story

Slavic Venus

A word about Igor's regiment

Tambov Treasurer

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

Terem of the Princess of Winter

At the heavenly pier

pagan motif


Artist-barbarian with a sleepy brush
Blackens the picture of a genius
And your drawing is lawless
It is meaningless drawing over it.

But the colors are alien, with the years,
Fall off with decrepit scales;
The creation of genius before us
Comes out with the same beauty.

This is how delusions disappear.
From my tortured soul
And visions arise in her
The original, pure days.

A. Pushkin

Great Russia

Beautiful paintings by Russian artist Boris Olshansky. Olshansky Boris Mikhailovich was born on February 25 in Tambov.

In 1980 - graduated from the Penza Art College named after K. A. Savitsky, in 1986 - graduated from the Surikov Institute in Moscow.

Since 1989 he has been a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In 1993 - a personal exhibition (more than three hundred works) in an art gallery in Tambov.

Since 1995 - exhibitions at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val in Moscow. 2006 - release of the author's album, publishing house "Bely Gorod", Moscow.

“I am sure that our great ancestors are watching us closely from heaven. And the judgment of history is inevitable. For the future belongs to truth and faith. Out of disparate historical information and documents arises Great Russia, pre-Christian. With its great history, which was completely rejected and forgotten. Russian legends, epics, legends, tales - what a grandiose and colorful scope for the imagination and fantasy of the artist! Thank God that there were great ascetics and wonderful artists: Ryabushkin, Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Surikov, Vasiliev ... But there are few, very few names for such a large and powerful state, working in the field of the great and exciting history of Russia.

Alyosha Popovich and Elena Krasa

Remember your name

Everything is born to praise
Giving life to creation.
The earth would not know vulgarity,
If I didn't know vulgarity.

When would the foundation of the age-old
We kept souls - we would live cleanly.
No vulgarity as such
There is a destruction of goodness.

The creation of the Lord will not grieve
And nature does not scold.
And a man, forgetting his rank,
Hissing, and grunting, and barking.

Hieromonk Roman Matyushin


Boris Olshansky, graduate of the Surikov Institute. For more than ten years he has been fascinated by the heroic history of our Fatherland, the images of folklore. “Yes, how can one not notice the heroes of the same epics,” the artist says, “if they are even more mysterious than aliens: they are dressed in heaven, girded with dawns, fastened with stars ...

City street of the 17th century

I know not to budge
Under the weight of Viev's eyelids.
Oh, if I could suddenly lean back
Sometime in the seventeenth century.

With a fragrant birch branch
To stand under the Trinity in the church,
With noblewoman Morozova
Drink sweet honey.

And then on the wood at dusk
Drowning in manure snow...
What a crazy Surikov
My last write path?


Night on Ivan Kupala





Embassy court of the 17th century

Volkhv Vseslavovich

Born on February 25 in Tambov. 1980 - graduated from the Penza Art College named after K. A. Savitsky. 1986 - graduated from the Surikov Institute, Moscow. Since 1989, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, 1993 - a personal exhibition (more than three hundred works) in an art gallery in Tambov. Since 1995 - exhibitions at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val in Moscow. 2006 - release of the author's album, publishing house "Bely Gorod", Moscow.
“I am sure that our great ancestors are watching us closely from heaven. And the judgment of history is inevitable. For the future belongs to truth and faith. Out of disparate historical information and documents arises Great Russia, pre-Christian. With its great history, which was completely rejected and forgotten. Russian legends, epics, legends, tales - what a grandiose and colorful scope for the imagination and fantasy of the artist! Thank God that there were great ascetics and wonderful artists: Ryabushkin, Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Surikov, Vasiliev... But there are few, very few names for such a great and powerful state, working in the field of the great and exciting history of Russia.
Understanding this strengthened in me the desire to dedicate my work to history. I drew a lot from life and from memory, which created a solid foundation for mastering academic knowledge. I do not agree with the opinion that a serious academic school fetters, if not kills creativity.
Yes, for those who have not completed their studies, it is a stone around the neck that pulls to the bottom, allowing them to see their imperfection.

Autobiography of the master under the pictures.
As always, click on the picture to enlarge (except the first one).


Alyosha Popovich and Elena Krasa




Goddess - princess

City street of the 17th century

Ivan the widow's son

From the dark depths of centuries

Oath of Svarozhich


Night of the Warrior

Night on Ivan Kupala

Peresvet on the Kulikovo field

Embassy court of the 17th century

Move aside, sir, this is my place

Campaign of the Volga

The legend of Svyatoslav

Birth of a Warrior


Russian requiem

Great Russia

Battle on the Dnieper

Glory to Dazhdbog

Slavic Story

A word about Igor's regiment

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors


I prefer not fiction, not fantasies about the life and work of a particular person, but specific autobiographical facts or testimonies of contemporaries.
Talking about myself, my life and my path in art, I set out the main milestones and facts. Although, of course, behind every sentence, and sometimes even a word, there is a large layer of events, images, impressions, sometimes fateful for me.
I believe that a person lives several lives during the period that is determined for him from above. Childhood, youth, mature years, old age - each period leaves its mark on a person's idea of ​​his place in this world. And the spiritually richer we become, the more joy in our soul.
I was born in the city of Tambov on February 25, 1956. My parents - Mikhail Fedulovich Olshansky and Varvara Sergeevna Olshanskaya (nee Kalinina) - come from the Tambov province.
Ancestors on the father's and mother's lines from time immemorial were peasants on the Tambov land. They plowed the land, sowed bread, bred bees... They were prosperous peasants, Orthodox people, and always, getting down to business, glorified the Lord. Great-grandmother Arina walked along the father's line to Kyiv to venerate the holy relics.
During the years of total collectivization, all my glorious ancestors were dispossessed, but, fortunately, they were not exiled to Siberia. ...
Complete autobiography

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