Accountant on primary documentation questions at the interview. What do you need to be prepared for and how to successfully qualify for a position? What questions are asked at the interview to the chief accountant


An accountant is a person who has access to all company finances, tax reporting, and statutory documents. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a candidate for this vacancy especially carefully. It is useful for both employers and job seekers to know how to properly conduct an interview when hiring an accountant.

Before meeting a potential accountant candidate, the preparation should be professional and thorough. There are several requirements here:

  • Formulate a clear set of job responsibilities.

As a rule, in large organizations there is a whole accounting department. It includes several accountants. This structure is headed by the chief accountant or the head of the department. At the same time, each of the employees can have a different set of functions, that is, “close” different areas of work. Accountants can be interchangeable, but not always. If the company is small, then, as a rule, there is one specialist-generalist who independently performs all operations. An understanding of the different functions of the accounting department is essential in order to clearly define what kind of specialist is required and what kind of work he will perform.

  • Determine what professional and personal qualities are required from a specialist who will fill the vacancy of an accountant.

It is quite obvious that attentiveness, responsibility, conscientiousness are universal skills, without which a person cannot become successful in the accounting department. In addition to them, you need to make a list of specific skills required for a particular job.

  • Compose questions.

This is one of the key points that cannot be successfully implemented if the previous ones are not completed. Therefore, we first determine what exactly we are looking for, and then we select questions that will help find out if the candidate has the necessary skills.

  • Arrange a meeting.

It is always necessary to select several candidates so that there is an opportunity for selection and comparison. Phone each of the applicants and determine the place and time of the interview. By the time the candidate arrives, you should have the following documents ready:

  1. list of job responsibilities;
  2. requirements for an accountant.

The interview is best done in a private office face to face. In such an environment, the candidate will be able to relax and open up for contact.

Sample interview questions

That is, questions at an interview when hiring an accountant should relate, among other things, to important professional features. The main thing is that the recruiter must study the questions in advance and prepare the right answers. During the interview, this will allow you to objectively evaluate the candidate's answers.

Final stage

When all the interviews have been completed, we proceed to the final stage - the analysis of applicants and the selection of the most suitable ones. Here the choice is quite individual and depends on the requirements of the vacancy. It is also worth paying attention that the best option would be when the applicant is a little short of the level of the vacancy. Then he will have enough motivation to grow professionally and do the job conscientiously. In this position, he will work for quite a long time.

An accountant in an enterprise is a responsible and serious position. The person who occupies it must approach his work with all seriousness. Preparing for a job should begin with preparing for an interview. Research the possible questions that might be asked and prepare the right answers. Then the position, one might say, will be in your pocket.

  • How was your studies at school or university?
  • why did you decide to connect your life with accounting;
  • What do you like about this profession?
  • how easily you converge and find a common language with strangers;
  • Why did you decide to leave your previous job?
  • do you have a family and small children;
  • Are you ready to work late?

What is valued in an accountant at an interview

An accountant, first of all, should not forget that he occupies one of the key positions in any company, so the management will approach the selection of a specialist for this position as scrupulously as possible. But the directorate needs to choose not so much a good candidate as a professional who is most suitable for the organization. At the same time, the company itself must meet the requirements of a specialist. Then cooperation will be fruitful and long-term. That is why the interview with the applicant must be carefully prepared and conducted competently. Understanding the full “weight” of this position, as well as how the future leadership looks at it, should become a kind of guideline in choosing the “right mood”. In other words, do not be shy about demanding a higher salary than what the market sets. In particular, this applies to those cases when the duties of the future specialist will include really great functionality. For example, in construction companies, in public catering and some other areas, accounting works, as they say, "in full". Not only will you need to apply all your skills to their best performance, but there will also be a need, most likely, to study a new field of activity for yourself. If the director of an organization, for example, is engaged in the demolition of non-residential buildings, then the accountant may need at least surface buildings in this area. Think of this as a kind of “upskilling” related to professional development, which makes the work of an accountant even more qualified. According to our clients for the 1C 8.3 Online service, the willingness to study and analyze a new field of activity is another plus in the treasury of a successful candidate for the position of an accountant.

Also, the accountant must know the Client-Bank system, accounting entries, be savvy in matters of legislation (accounting and tax) and know the main provisions and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Computer proficiency is required - MS Office package and 1C online. If a vacancy is suitable for a novice specialist who does not have work experience, but is endowed with potential and willing to learn, when evaluating him, the main criteria will be a diploma of education in a profile or retraining and his personal qualities. In any case, the accountant requires perseverance, attentiveness and a high degree of responsibility. Thus, interview questions for an accountant should reflect the above criteria. In the event that the applicant begins to say that he has the above skills, and in the process of work it turns out the opposite, then he is unlikely to stay in his position for a long time, because deception will emerge at the very first real production task. As clients for the 1C Program Rental service told us, unscrupulous statements during an interview can seriously spoil a young candidate's career and have a negative impact on employment in other organizations. At the same time, an accountant, as a participant in the labor market, has one small plus - he can “get lost” among applicants. If, for example, in the market of cadastral services in the city “everyone knows each other” and one “wrong move” becomes public, then this does not happen with accountants, because. Applicants, as a rule, are always very numerous. Take a look at at least some work site - everything will be written there.

How to pass an interview as an accountant without problems

You were about to change jobs, sent your resume to several organizations and received the first invitation for a meeting. Where can I find advice on preparing for an accounting interview? How to prepare, how to behave at a meeting and what to do if you don’t get a call - HR experts tell.

Prepare an approximate story about yourself, do not be afraid to repeat the text of the resume. You can sketch out a plan and look into your notes. Be sure to include information about your previous experience in the story: job responsibilities, achievements, successes, failures (don't forget: they can also be asked about).

Interview for an accountant

prickly prickly prickly prickly prickly
By the way, how do you take care of the dog?
Here you probably need to first find out how this dog got to the enterprise? If the dog is an asset, a fixed asset, and it came to us from other hands, then we will reflect its receipt as D 08 K 60, and then D 01 K 08 :))) Correct me if I'm wrong.

How to hire a chief accountant

5. At least one or two years of leadership experience. We emphasize once again: the chief accountant is not only a financier, but also a manager, one of the main managers in the company. Accounting at a large enterprise is one of the largest departments in terms of number, it is impossible to establish its work without appropriate experience and leadership charisma. It is desirable that in the previous place the candidate for a long time headed a team of comparable size.

Determination. The most important aspect of the work of an accountant is personal responsibility. By signing the company's financial documents and statements with a "second signature", the chief accountant assumes a serious responsibility - not only to the company, but also to government agencies. Therefore, the chief accountant of any structure must be a decisive person who has his own opinion.

How to pass an interview as an accountant: myths, strategy and tactics

A recruiter may be urgently called to a meeting, and the candidate will have to wait an hour and a half, and then he may even be offered to come at another time. There are stupid questions and equally stupid tests. But if you react to all this with irritation and discontent, then you definitely won’t be able to find a job. The main thing is to remain optimistic and treat the people who are interviewing with understanding.

Example 1 The CFO informed the CEO that the accountant for the main operations was not up to the task after the company expanded and opened two branches, where it launched production. It is urgent to hire a deputy chief accountant, and to transfer an already working employee to his assistants.

Interview questions for an accountant

  • Your plans for the future. What do you want to achieve in five years? In ten?
  • Rank in order of importance of aspiration (1 - get an interesting job; 2 - make a career; 3 - work in a good team; 4 - have a high salary)?
  • Describe your dream job.

Your personal qualities will be evidenced by the answers to the following questions? To The employer almost always makes rather high demands on the accountant. This position requires an honest and responsible person who is able to establish reliable partnerships with the head of the company.

14 interview questions every accountant should know the answers to

"When you're approached with accounting questions, focus on the advice you gave to the top and the processes and procedures you followed," Shu says. “Think about how you did your job in terms of initiative, not reaction.”

“First, tell me if you have knowledge of accounting standards such as GAAP—generally accepted accounting principles—or Sarbanes-Oxley,” says Bill Driscoll, New England District President at Robert Half International and National Representative for Accountemps. “Then describe the depth of your knowledge, how it applies to the position, and how you keep it up to date.”

What questions to ask when interviewing for the position of chief accountant

  • Ability to work with automated accounting systems;
  • take inventory;
  • deal with computer equipment sufficient to perform their duties;
  • knowledge of the legislative framework in the field of accounting, taxation;
  • federal standards;
  • statistical accounting;
  • management accounting;
  • foreign economic operations;
  • preparation of all kinds of reports;
  • economic analysis.

Despite an impressive resume and a successfully passed test, untidy appearance, unkempt hair, nails, dirty clothes or shoes inspire dislike in all employers, so they often prefer to see a slightly less competent, but neat and visually pleasing colleague. Also an important factor is the general behavior of a person, since an accountant is an employee with whom constant contact is needed, then a person who is rude, arrogant or with other clearly unpleasant character traits will easily be refused work. However, excessive shyness can also play a bad role for the candidate, since he must be able to present himself as a specialist by talking about past successes that are important for the new employer and are related to professional activities.

What will an accountant ask in an interview?

  • Gather information that testifies to your success. Back it up with numbers. For example, last year I saved the company 2 million rubles by changing the way fixed assets are accounted for. Or: I managed to prove to the tax inspectors the legitimacy of recognizing expenses, as a result, I saved the company 1 million rubles.

Questions to an accountant usually fall into two categories: basic questions, and those that help get a general idea of ​​his professional experience. In most cases, HR managers evaluate the responsibility, diligence, punctuality, decency and accuracy of the applicant. Leadership qualities are also important for the position of chief accountant.

05 Aug 2018 513

Every company needs to keep accounting and reporting. Therefore, interviewing an accountant should be done with great care. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the applicant, it is necessary to give special tests and questions at the interview.

From the materials of this article you will learn:

The interview for the vacant position of both the chief accountant and the staff member of this department can be structured or using project and situational questions. There is no need for stress questions here, or those used to test for creative thinking.

Questions for an accountant interview

As a rule, interview questions for an accountant are divided into two categories: basic ones, and those that help define professional skills. In most cases, HR managers use questions to assess the responsibility, diligence, punctuality, decency and accuracy of the applicant, whether he has leadership qualities - the most in demand for such positions.

Before conducting an interview for the position of an accountant, you should evaluate the candidate's resume. After analyzing this document, the HR manager will be able to form a preliminary opinion about the skills and competencies of the applicant. Based on the information received, you need to clarify the plan of the conversation and determine the questions that should be asked at the interview to the accountant.

Standard questions:

  • What attracts you to work in our organization?
  • Do you consider yourself the best candidate for this position and why?
  • List your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Have you received other offers for similar work and why did you turn them down?
  • What is your ideal boss?
  • What professional accomplishments are you proud of?
  • Who can give you recommendations?

Additional questions:

  • Check with the candidate for additional education;
  • Ask him to tell you more about the last three companies he worked for;
  • Find out what the accounting structure was like;
  • Specify the scope of the company's production activities;
  • What checks were carried out;
  • What was the nature of the relationship with the chief accountant;
  • Why did the candidate leave their previous jobs.

It is important!

Pay attention to the applicant's willingness to improve his professional level, it is important to assess his adequacy in the team, the tendency to conflict. Specify the availability of skills in working with specialized software products, knowledge of the current tax legislation.

Questions to the accountant depending on the position for which he is applying

The nature of the interview questions for an accountant depends on the position for which he is applying. It is advisable to assess the level of his professional knowledge together with the chief accountant of the enterprise or with another responsible employee of the department. The list of questions to the candidate should also include psychological tests to assess his loyalty.

If a candidate is being considered for a position in a small company where, in addition to the duties of the chief accountant, he will have to concurrently perform the functions of a financial director, additional criteria should be taken into account in the selection. This is, first of all, experience in the field of management accounting, budgeting and planning.

Applicant for the position of chief accountant it is necessary to ask questions about the basics of accounting and reporting, software, tax legislation and taxation systems, the procedure and deadlines for submitting electronic reporting.

Interview for an assistant accountant different from an interview that is conducted with an accountant. It makes no sense to ask the same questions in full here. A candidate for the position of an accounting assistant, as a rule, does not have such work experience. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the applicant's specific qualities for this specialty, the desire to gain the necessary knowledge and experience. Of course, education is required, or at least for the candidate to study in the last courses in the specialty.

Job responsibilities of the chief accountant

The position of chief accountant is one of the key ones in any enterprise, therefore, there are increased requirements for the candidate.

Requirements for the Chief Accountant:

  • Ability to navigate financial flows;
  • Have an idea about the production and economic activities of the company;
  • To be able to optimize the taxation system;
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities;
  • Have the makings of a manager;
  • Find more efficient options for doing business;
  • Have experience of stable work in the previous place;
  • Possess knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • Freely work in office and specialized programs;
  • Be able to conduct business correspondence;
  • Knowledge of electronic reporting systems.

Knowing the basic requirements for the position of an accountant, an HR specialist can determine whether a candidate has certain skills and personal qualities. Evaluation of the candidate on these points will allow you to accurately understand how he fits the required position.

Will testing help when interviewing an accountant?

Testing refers to the main ways to test a candidate for a certain level of professional knowledge. As a rule, it is used when selecting applicants for a large company, if many of the candidates have previously worked only in small enterprises.

From practice

Order 35-40% applicants can show sufficient qualifications for independent bookkeeping.

Many large organizations prefer to develop their own tests, the content and complexity of which depend on the type of business and the number of employees.

Read materials

After the "run" on the resume, it is customary for the candidate to ask questions already from the field of knowledge needed for this vacancy. However, there are also common accounting questions that are often asked at an interview with an accountant:

  • the general or detailed structure of the balance sheet of the enterprise;
  • the concept of OS, as well as their forms of accounting;
  • OS depreciation methods;
  • general questions about payroll;
  • reporting forms in accordance with NAS;
  • questions from the field of accounting in the field of foreign economic activity;
  • recent changes in legislative acts from the field of accounting.

According to practicing accountants, for the position of an assistant accountant, the minimum knowledge is a chart of accounts, and an important factor is the presence of good logic.

Interview questions and answers for an accountant


Specify the availability of skills in working with specialized software products, knowledge of the current tax legislation. Read on the topic in the electronic journal Questions to an accountant depending on the position for which he is applying. The nature of the questions at an interview with an accountant depends on the position he is applying for.


It is advisable to assess the level of his professional knowledge together with the chief accountant of the enterprise or with another responsible employee of the department. The list of questions to the candidate should also include psychological tests to assess his loyalty.

If a candidate is considered for a vacancy in a small company, where, in addition to the duties of the chief accountant, he will also have to perform the functions of a financial director, additional criteria should be taken into account when selecting.

Top questions for an accountant interview helpful tips

Andy Su, for example, notes: “When you are asked accounting questions, focus on the advice you gave your managers, the processes or procedures that you put in place. Think of your past work in a proactive way rather than a reactionary one.”

The answer to this question will clearly tell the interviewer how you feel about your job responsibilities: do you adhere to a strict description of them, without going beyond, or are you able to go further, take the initiative and, possibly, offer a solution for the benefit of your own office.

How to interview an accountant and what questions to ask the applicant

What questions to ask at the interview to the chief accountant Obviously, the groups of questions will be the following:

  • Accounting and reporting knowledge
  • Tax Law and Accounting
  • Ability to apply the above

Ideally, the candidate may also have experience in audit work. What does it make sense to tell and ask? Of course, the specifics of the company should be told to the candidate even before the interview, so the conversation will be more substantive. For a leadership position, you need to find out how many people were subordinate (and there are only one chief accountant). It is advisable to find out from the candidate his experience (in detail) in previous jobs (2-3 places), request recommendations from them.
What tests to test the knowledge of the chief accountant to use For verification, special tests and techniques are usually used that simulate real situations.

14 interview questions every accountant should know the answers to

An accountant is an employee who can clearly, competently, timely draw up and provide the necessary documents. It is from this position that the assessment of the existing summary will be carried out.

So, in a resume, an applicant for the position of an accountant must follow some rules: Key points Explanation Form of resume An accountant's resume should be concise, restrained, but meaningful. CV sections: 1. Personal information about the applicant: Full name Age Address, contact phone number, e-mail 2.

The purpose of the resume. 3. Education. 4. Work experience. 5. Professional skills. 6. Personal qualities. 7. Additional information (hobbies, driver's license, car, knowledge of foreign languages). 8. Recommendations from former employers.

Job interview...

Think about what concessions you can make and what you can't. And do not forget to prepare in advance a set of documents that you will take to the interview (See below).

What documents to bring to the interview? Be sure to arrive early for the interview. You may be tested before the interview (See

How to fill out a job application form. As a rule, they evaluate not only the professional level of the candidate, but also his personal qualities.
In order to successfully pass an interview for the position of an accountant, you must show those features that correspond to this position: diligence, punctuality, responsibility, accuracy, composure. [ CV Zaporozhye, CV Ivano-Frankivsk, CV Kirovohrad ] These questions are not always asked to candidates at the interview.

What do they value in an accountant at an interview?

She reacted rudely to the remark of the personnel manager regarding her behavior, and at the end of the interview, slamming the door, she left the office of the company. There is no doubt that Alla will not get the desired position in this company.

Questions at the interview and answers to them for an accountant In addition to general questions, the applicant for the position of an accountant will be asked questions that determine the level of professionalism and competence: Questions Answers What do you know about accounting standards? Here it is appropriate to clarify what standards and to what extent the applicant owns (RAS, IFRS, US GAAP, etc.). What is your experience in managing or implementing….? If there is experience, it is appropriate to talk about it; if there is no experience or it is very small, express a desire to develop in this direction.

Accounting support

What type of audits have you performed? This question can be answered, at least starting from the job description and taking into account whether they stipulate the conduct of a financial audit, an operational audit, or something else. How do you minimize errors in your work? As a professional accountant, you are required to maintain high standards, and you have very little margin for error.

Even small mistakes can sometimes lead to serious financial difficulties. “Answer this question by describing times when you caught your mistake before submitting your work. Emphasize the importance of reviewing your work and using control procedures as a team,” advises Bill Driscoll, regional president of Robert Half International's New England chapter.

Interview questions for chief accountant

Don't give them any reason to refuse you. And if you are really determined to get the position, your enthusiasm, which is visible, is quite capable of closing some gaps in skills. Even if they don’t tick off all ten conditional items necessary for a positive decision, but due to their enthusiasm, eight or nine may be enough (for the rest, indicate something close from your experience that can serve as an approximation). What methods have you used in the past to assess bad debts? Even such a seemingly specific question can spark a small discussion in which you detail your previous approaches to routine procedures at a former employer.

Tricky questions for the chief accountant at the interview

This is understandable, often such a specialist becomes the right hand of the CEO. Therefore, before going to each interview, you need to prepare very well (See Preparing for an Interview, Before the Interview), think over the answers to possible questions in advance (See Frequently Asked Questions at the Interview), prepare a story about yourself (See At the Interview tell us about yourself), choose clothes (See How to dress for an interview), etc. Review your resume carefully. After all, as a result of familiarization with this document, you were invited for an interview. Think about how you will explain each point, what else you can add.

Analyze what exactly in the resume distinguished you from other applicants. Make a list in advance of your requirements for future work (salary, schedule, desire and opportunity to work overtime, absence / presence of business trips, etc.).

Interview questions for an accountant. Training.

If you are applying for the position of an accountant in a small company, then most likely you will only have an interview with the chief accountant. It happens that the director of the organization also expresses a desire to get acquainted with a future employee. But such meetings, as a rule, are purely formal - the decision is still made by the chief accountant.

It is a completely different matter when it comes to a large company or holding. A candidate for the position of an accountant, in this case, is usually waiting for a multi-stage selection (several interviews with different specialists). First, as a rule, the applicant will have a preliminary interview with an employee of a recruitment agency, then a selection interview with the manager of the company's personnel department, and then, the most decisive, with the chief accountant. The candidate for the position of an accountant is chosen very carefully. This is understandable, often such a specialist becomes the right hand of the CEO. Therefore, before going to each interview, you need to prepare very well (See Interview preparation, Before the interview), think over the answers to possible questions in advance (See Frequently asked questions at the interview), prepare a story about yourself (See At the interview tell us about yourself), choose clothes (See How to dress for an interview), etc..

Review your resume again. After all, as a result of familiarization with this document, you were invited for an interview. Think about how you will explain each point, what else you can add. Analyze what exactly in the resume distinguished you from other applicants.

Make a list in advance of your requirements for future work (salary, schedule, desire and opportunity to work overtime, absence / presence of business trips, etc.). Think about what concessions you can make and what you can't. And do not forget to prepare in advance a set of documents that you will take to the interview (See What documents to take to the interview).

Be sure to arrive early for the interview. It is possible that you will be tested before the interview (See How to correctly fill out the questionnaire when applying for a job). As a rule, they evaluate not only the professional level of the candidate, but also his personal qualities. In order to successfully pass an interview for the position of an accountant, you must show those features that correspond to this position: diligence, punctuality, responsibility, accuracy, composure.

Special interview questions for an accountant

These questions are not always asked to candidates at the interview. But the more answers you know, the more chances you will have for a successful interview.

How much do you enjoy being an accountant?
- What are the positive and negative points in the work of an accountant can you list?

List all forms of reporting in accordance with NAS?
- The concept of fixed assets and forms of their accounting?
- Methods for write-off of goods and materials?
- What is the structure of the balance sheet (in detail)?
- Methods of depreciation of fixed assets (briefly the essence of each)?
- FEA: accounting for exchange rate differences?
- Average salary?
- Accrual of salary - posting?
- Calculation of the book value of the currency when importing?

Sale of cars and buildings, how will they be reflected in the income statement?
- Latest changes to the VAT information
- Are bonuses included in gross costs?
- Income from valuables, how to be reflected in the income statement?
- Acquisition of a license for alcohol, how to be reflected in the profit declaration?
- Is the body of the loan included in gross income or expenses?
- One of the types of d-sti is subject to VAT, the other is not, what will happen to the tax credit in each of the cases?
- On what account is the cash desk or bank?

What is PBU?
- The totality of postings in the sale of goods (write the correspondence of accounts)?
- What is account correspondence?
- Cash account or current account according to the chart of accounts?
- List of reports submitted by the enterprise during the year - monthly, quarterly, annually for all state institutions

deductions for children;
- Which area do you know best, least of all?
- Receipt limit. funds;
- When is VAT paid? tax rates?
- Posting a short-term, long-term loan;
- Postings: they sold the goods, received the goods, payment was made (50, 51 accounts), money was issued. funds to the accountable person, the accountable person returned the balance of unspent money. funds to the cashier, payment to the transport company.
- How many vacation days are included in 1 month?
- What does the book of purchases, the book of sales consist of?
- Explain the concepts of a living wage and a minimum wage;
What is a corrected invoice?
How are vacation pay calculated?
- Knowledge of the 1C program is checked. Uploading and downloading payments from the client bank.

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