You also need to be positive. How to play in a bookmaker's office and stay in the black? Information useful for making an accurate forecast


"How to bet and win real money?" - ask beginners and novice betters. The statistics are harsh: only 1 out of 5 players wins. The rest simply “drain” their money and go to work at the factory. The fact is that the very formulation of the question of the possibility of winning is wrong. People who are professionally engaged in sports betting EARN. You can do this in Liga Stavok, 1xBet, Leon (carefully with analogues - with 1xBet and LeonBets).

ATTENTION! How to distinguish these concepts? For a professional capper, the words: “Win ​​on bets!” sound about the same as: “Win ​​a paycheck!” For you. You don't go to work to win. You are interested in a fair remuneration that you will receive for performing certain work, solving problems.

How much can you earn from sports betting?

Getting income from betting is an investment with high risks. If you stick to a moderate strategy, do not once again "get on the rampage", you will receive 10% of the depot per month. Not the most profitable deal, but more profitable than a bank deposit. Those betters who choose drawn bets and strategies can earn up to 50% of the bank in 1 month. But there is another side of the coin: with such bets, you can quickly “merge”.

ATTENTION! If you dream of placing bets and winning, then know a simple rule. You must form a bank of "free" money. If you have nothing to buy food, nothing to pay for accommodation and utility bills, then trouble. Your brain will be afraid to bet. You can not fill in the bookmaker's office with the money that you borrowed! Spend them on something more worthwhile.

How to be always in the black at bets? 4 secrets of success

So, you have replenished the balance. Ideally, the amount allows you to make 50 bets. The size of each bet is up to 5% of the deposit. For example, you replenished the bank with 10,000 rubles. You need to bet no more than 500 rubles. And our 4 secrets of success are as follows:

  1. Interest in one sport or several. Let's say you are a passionate fan of football, volleyball, biathlon. Of course, you are more likely to make a correct prediction. Especially when compared to a person who just read the rules yesterday and tried to place a bet at a bookmaker.
  2. Time to bet. In the first stages, you need approximately 2-4 hours a day. You must learn strategies on how not to lose at sports betting; watch live broadcasts of meetings.
  3. Emotional state control. Joy and extravaganza from: “Hurrah, the first 2 bets are in! I'm God! I will succeed!" can lead to lunacy. The effect is well known in bookmakers. However, another is also known: you place a bet, you lose. In the desire to recoup, “fill in” more money into the account, double or triple the bet. As a result - a merged deposit.
  4. The possibility of access to the Internet. There were situations when a sudden shutdown of the Internet did not allow you to make a bet. If you have a problem accessing the World Wide Web, then betting will be much more difficult.

How not to lose betting on football?

The sport is in demand in Russia, Europe and America. There are many analysts who study the course of the match and its result. There is information on social networks and on sites with paid and free forecasts. Finally, you have access to the statistics of meetings and matches of national teams. If you don't know how to get profitable on football betting, these recommendations will help you:

  • Trust your intuition if you are an experienced better. But beginners should not trust the "sixth sense": it is too deceptive. Beginners do not hear the voice of intuition due to strong excitement, betting experiences.
  • Refuse to STANDING bets on the favorite. No favorite team can always play with a win. Sooner or later it will be overestimated.
  • Control your own emotions. It is important for you to be attuned to analytics. It makes no sense to think about why you constantly lose, why you are unlucky, what rituals to use to win.
  • Refuse to participate in top masts. Bookmakers use analytics, so for such meetings, each coefficient is verified.

How to bet and win?

With the right approach and competent analytics, you can get up to 40% of the amount bet. But the problem is not one victory. We need to think about how to make wins serial, reduce the risk of losing to a minimum.

How to bet on sports and win. 5 golden rules for winning

  1. Pay attention to your mental state. If you are tired, depressed, frustrated, angry, you do not need to go to the BC. Betting on emotions is a road to nowhere.
  2. Choose the right bookmaker. Traditionally, we recommend 3 proven and legal bookmakers to site users. They work officially, accept all payments through TsUPIS.
  3. add to accounts in several offices. This will allow you to look for better odds and track surebets.
  4. Use strategies and tactics. How to make winning sports bets? Gaming and financial strategies will help you "filter out" dubious bets. If you are not sure about the rate, prospects and opportunities, then you should not do it.
  5. Avoid questionable predictions. "Warning points", "Agreements", "100% entry!", "Risk-free strategies!" All these words sound too good to be true. If you do not know how to make successful sports betting, find a resource with predictions. But do not trust them blindly: see if the "predictions" came true. Repeat this 1 time, 2 times, 3 times. For greater statistics - at least 10.

Sports betting (like Forex betting) carries risks. Yes, such situations can also happen: you predicted everything correctly, but during the match “something went wrong”. Your task is to place bets and be in the black in the long run.

Strategies to help you always stay in the black

Bet on the giants

Its meaning is to bet on strong teams. A living example is El Classico. The competition has been taking place for many years now between 2 strong teams: the royal Real Madrid and the powerful Barcelona. But we are not betting on their confrontation, but on the victory of these teams in meetings with other football teams.
The essence of the bet is as follows: in each of the rounds, we bet on the express (here the coefficients are multiplied among themselves).

The coefficient for the victory of the host team will be around 1.3. The coefficient for the victory of the “guest” is 1.5. In express, these indicators are multiplied. The result is 1.3*1.5=1.95.
For example, in total, 34 rounds were played within the framework of the Spanish championship. Of these, there were 10 draws and 5 losses (for two). It turns out that in this scenario, in 34 rounds, the bet will lose 10+5=15 times. We exclude 2 personal meetings of El Clasico from the statistics. It turns out that in total we lost not 15, but 15-2=13. How many times will our express win? The rules of mathematics are simple: 34 - 13 - 2 = 19. Let's say that each time we bet 1,000 rubles. They received 1,000 * 1.95 = 1,950 rubles. We remind you that we won in 19 rounds. Therefore, the total winnings will be 1,950 * 19 = 37,050 rubles. We lost in 13 rounds, so we need to count the losses.

For this, 1,000 * 13 \u003d 13,000 rubles.

The winnings minus losses will be 37,050-13,000 = 24,050 rubles. A solid plus, isn't it?
Surebet strategy for those who want to win without losing on their bets

Forks ("arbitrage situations", "disputes")

They occur due to the difference in odds in different bookmakers.

Let's imagine a situation:

If we bet 100 rubles on P1 in the bookmaker "1xBet", we can get 400 rubles. In parallel with this, we bet 100 rubles on P2 at the Liga Stavov bookmaker. The amount of possible winnings is 500 rubles. In fact, we have chosen 2 mutually exclusive events, but we win in any scenario: both in P1 and in P2.

If the W1 bet “enters”, then we win 400 rubles. But you need to minus the cost of the bet on P2. Those. we will have 300 rubles.

The same happens with the bet on P2. From 500 rubles, we need to minus 100 rubles. Total - 400.

If you don't know how to successfully place bets, use surebets. True, they can be tracked only with the help of special services, websites and applications.

ATTENTION! Forking is not just a strategy. This is a chance to earn on the mistakes of bookmakers. True, the rules of the BC may indicate a ban on the implementation of such activities. Punishment - account blocking.

How to bet to be in the black? This will take time and effort. There is no easy money, but there is an opportunity to learn how to earn.

Sports betting beckons with the opportunity to “make money the easy way”. Alas, this possibility is illusory. It is possible to make money on bets, but it is not easy.

Why? First, we will answer without going into technical details.

Do you want to earn as much from bets as a good lawyer earns? To health. But then you have to understand rates the way a lawyer understands jurisprudence. Years (not months, but years!) of study and practice - and maybe you will succeed. But not necessarily. Not all law school graduates become successful lawyers. However, a successful lawyer is impossible without education and experience.

If you treat bets as entertainment, then forget the word “earn”. You can win, you can lose. But it's not income.

And now in detail about why it is possible to make money on bets, but it is difficult. The text is written in simple language, so that even losers can understand. However, if you are a complete degenerate, then do not waste your time - the text contains the word "dispersion", but there are no words "JB" and "kamoooon".

Probability theory

The result of any event is a random variable. That is, the result is always unknown and has some probability of occurrence. A commonplace example is a coin toss. The probability of getting heads and tails is the same and is 50%.

With a coin, everything is clear, 50 to 50. It is more difficult with the result of a sporting event, since it is influenced by a huge number of random factors.

However, even if you toss a coin 10 times, you can get tails all 10 times (try it right now and see for yourself). But if you throw it 100 times, then there will definitely be heads and tails. This is where the most important term for betting comes from - variance.

The variance shows the deviation of the result from the mathematical expectation. The shorter the distance (10 coin tosses), the more the result can deviate from the expectation (50% drop on each side). That is, only heads or only tails can fall all 10 times. Or 9 heads against 1 tails. But if you throw 100 times, then the ratio will most likely be within 40/60.

Any sporting event that you bet on (Barcelona's victory over Valencia, for example) also has its own probability. But the difficulty is that it is impossible to estimate the probability of a sporting event “correctly”, since it is influenced by hundreds of random factors. Neither bookmakers, nor experts, nor anyone else knows the exact probability. Simply put, humanity has not yet invented an accurate method of predicting the future. It is possible to assume, but it is impossible to estimate the probability of this or that event with medical accuracy. This implies the conclusion that there are no win-win bets, there are no “sure bets”.

The bookmaker tries to estimate the probability of an event by setting odds. In an ideal world, a factor of 2 corresponds to a 50% chance (1/2 = 50%), a factor of 1.25 to an 80% chance (1/1.25 = 80%), and so on. But this does not mean that an event with a coefficient of 2 will pass through time. Why? Dispersion. In the short run, it can go 10 times in a row, and this often makes beginners euphoric, thinking that they have caught the god by the beard and discovered a win-win type of betting. Nothing like that: an event with a odds of 2.00 may take place 10 times in a row, or it may not take place 10 times in a row. Remember a coin.

Moreover, you can even calculate how often such a series of successes or failures will occur. What is the probability of losing 5 events in a row with odds of 1.20? We consider: (1 - 1/1.2) to the fifth power = 0.0001286. Roughly speaking, this can happen 1 time out of 8000. But this is not a reason to sell an apartment and bet on events with a coefficient of 1.20. You can run into this 1 out of 8000 both in the first and in the eight thousandth attempt (due to the notorious dispersion).

Thus, the opinion is unfair that after losing several bets in a row, the probability of passing the next one increases (as dogon fans think). In reality, the probability of winning the next bet has nothing to do with the previous ones. Simply put, if the heads fell out 10 times in a row, this does not mean that the eleventh time will definitely fall tails. The probability remains the same - 50/50.


Now it is obvious that it is possible to draw serious conclusions about the profitability of a forecaster only over a long distance. On a very long one. Even 100 bets is not a distance yet. Why? The dispersion is too high. Roughly speaking, even an animal without human intelligence (a hamster, for example) can guess 60 out of 100 events with a factor of 2 (a la a coin). But this does not mean that the hamster is a genius and a plus sign. In the long run, variance will eat up his “random” profit.

If a forecaster takes odds around 2.00, then a thousand bets are needed to evaluate his real abilities. At a shorter distance, the dispersion is too large. That is, the random factor.

Hence the most important conclusion: "cappers", which demonstrate their success at a short distance (a la +14 = 2-3), in fact, do not show anything. Even if these statistics are honest. Too much dispersion. Even a hamster can guess 8 out of 10 events with odds of 2. The rule also works in the opposite direction: if someone gave 3 negative forecasts in a row, this does not mean that he is a negative mediocrity. Only distance allows you to evaluate the success of a forecaster. Beginners do not understand this, which is what swindlers use, selling them their worthless forecasts.


Ideally, bookmakers make money on margin. What it is? Taking bets on a coin toss, the bookmaker would not give odds of 2.00 on heads versus 2.00 on tails, since it is unprofitable for him. The bookmaker will give 1.92 against 1.92 (for example) for equally likely events. This “shortage” is the margin.

That is, if the bookmaker considers the probability of two opposite events (TB2.5 and TM2.5) to be the same, he will give odds of 1.92 against 1.92 (for example), in order to be in the black in any case at a distance. In casino roulette, the function of margin is performed by “zero”.

How then to make money on bets?

Bets favorably differ from roulette in that it is impossible to objectively assess the probability of an event in bets. In roulette, everything is clear: 37 numbers on the wheel, the probability of each being drawn is 1/37. In bets, it's different.

For example, Chelsea plays against Sunderland. One can only guess what the chances of Chelsea winning are. But due to the fact that hundreds, thousands of factors influence the likelihood of Chelsea winning (up to how many sticks the central midfielder threw at his wife the night before the game, or when the goalkeeper last went for a manicure - figuratively speaking, of course), to name no one can objectively (the only true, a priori) probability. Not a player, not a bookmaker.

This is the key to making money on bets. Simply put, if you estimate the probability of events more accurately than the bookmaker, you will beat him. The whole betting game is a duel with the bookmaker in "estimate the probability". If you beat his line, you're in the black.

Roughly speaking, your task is to find events with a probability of 50%, for which the bookmaker gives odds above 2.00. If you manage, then on a long distance (only on a long one!) you will be in the black. And this is real, since bookmaker analysts sometimes set frankly erroneous odds. The movement of the odds is a confirmation of this, because sometimes the odds for the same event can fall from 3.00 to 2.00, and movements within ±0.5 are generally in the order of things.

In addition, you are competing not only with the bookmaker, but also with other market participants (that is, players). The task of the bookmaker is to set the odds so that the money is evenly distributed over all events - then his profit on the margin will be the largest. He does not have the task of estimating the probability of an event as accurately as possible. It is much more important for the bookmaker to correctly assess what event how much money they will bet on, and roll out the line accordingly. Therefore, the coefficients jump depending on the “load”. Very roughly speaking, someone bet a big sum on P1 - the coefficient on P1 goes down by several units.

One more proof: the margin itself does not guarantee profits for bookmakers (unlike casinos), so many dishonest bookmakers are forced to block the accounts of profitable players, cut their limits, etc. This once again proves that it is possible to beat the bookmaker. There is no such thing in the casino, because. there the organizer is guaranteed profit on the margin.

How to make money on bets? You need to learn how to evaluate the probability of events and compare it with the coefficients. The main role in assessing the probability of an event is played by the point of view of the evaluating person. And it, in turn, depends on experience, subjective impressions, etc. We, like the bookmaker, can only approximately estimate the probability, starting from subjective factors.


You can earn on bets, but for this you need:

a) have a good knowledge of some branches of mathematics;
b) have a clear understanding of the principles of the bookmaker's office;
c) be well versed in what you bet on (for example, in the German Bundesliga);
d) understand and be able to predict the behavior of the betting market.

That is, you need to be a very educated, experienced and “experienced” person. And something tells me that, having such a set of skills and knowledge, you can find a more profitable and less risky occupation in life than betting.

At the same time, understanding these fundamentals will improve efficiency even for those who treat betting as entertainment. At a minimum, this will protect against stupid mistakes made by beginners.

PS. We apologize for the amateurish explanation of some mathematical concepts, which will undoubtedly cause disagreement among readers who know the materiel. A lot had to be simplified so that the text was understandable to those to whom it was addressed in the first place (newcomers). The article does not claim to be scientific, since it was written “for dummies” and has a different goal - in simple language, without going into detail, to explain to beginners the basic principles of rates in general terms.

One of the key parameters that determine the success or failure of betting is the passability of bets. When playing with uniform strategies, it is impossible to be in the black, showing the passability below a certain bar, determined by the average odds. In this material, we will deal with this in more detail, and also consider options for other strategies that theoretically allow you to make a profit even with insufficiently high traffic. A low pass percentage is a problem for many beginners in betting. So the topic is relevant. Let's find out if there are chances of earning money without pulling up the percentage of winnings, or if this cannot be avoided.

Let's start by revisiting the basic concepts. Passage - the percentage of winning bets to all those who played.

For example, out of 100 bets, 50 won and 50 lost. This means that the pass rate is 50%.

If in this row there were bets with the possibility of a return, then such a distribution is possible. Out of 100 bets, 52 came in, 11 returned, and 37 lost. This means that the total number of played bets is 100 - 11 = 89. The pass rate is 52 out of 89, or 58.4%. Rates, which eventually came with the expense, as if there were none. They just get their money back.

The key to understanding positive permeability or negative is the value of the average coefficient. It is obvious that 50% passability gives completely different results at different ratio ranges. A value less than 2.00 is a minus. If more than 2.00 - plus. And if exactly 2.00 - we remain with our own. Let me remind you that we are talking about uniform financial strategies, where equal amounts are placed on each bet.

One more nuance. What really matters is not just the average odds from all bets, but the average odds of winning bets. For example, you can make 10 bets. Seven at 1.30 will win and 3 at 10 will lose. This does not mean that we should be interested in the overall average odds. Sense that he is 3.91. I played an average of 1.30, and we are even in a small minus.

Consider a few more examples, already close to real practice. Consider the option of earning, due to the positive cross, as well as the option of drawdown, with a negative value.

Example #1

Bank $1,000. Bank breakdown at 5%, into 20 parts, at $50. The average coefficient is 1.75. Permeability 12 pluses out of 20, or 60%.

  • $50 * 1.75 * 12 = $1 050

Net profit 5%, the same $50. Accordingly, while maintaining such patency, it will take 20 full spins of the deposit, or 400 bets, to double the initial pot. It is clear that with the same throughput, but a higher average coefficient, the profit would be higher.

Example #2

Same pot $1,000. Broken down by 5%. The average odds are 1.75. But the patency is 10 out of 20, or 50%. In this scenario, we get:

  • $50 * 1.75 * 10 = $875

Total, -12.5% ​​per circle. Under such conditions, nothing but a loss can be obtained using this strategy.

To be in profit at an average coefficient of 1.30, you need to demonstrate a passability above 77%. If the coefficient is on average 2.20-2.50, then it is enough to exceed 45-50% to receive income.

It is clear with uniform strategies. You show cross-country ability above the norm - you earn. You do not show - you merge. And now let's look at options for how you can make a profit with cross-country ability below this bar.


I very briefly remind you what the Martingale strategy is, or simply “catching up”. The principle here is simple. The bank is divided into small parts, usually from fractions of a percent to 1%. They start betting. For ease of calculation, let's take an average coefficient of 2.00. If the bet wins, we start betting again from the minimum starting amount. If he loses, double the size of the next bet. Let's say the pot is $1,000 and we start betting at 1%, $10. The boost row will look like this:

  • 1) $10;
  • 2) $20;
  • 3) $40;
  • 4) $80;
  • 5) $160;
  • 6) $320.

If he loses 6 bets in a row, $370 remains from the pot, which is not even enough for a full-fledged 7th step of catching up.

The disadvantages of such a game scheme are obvious. With each loss and new catch-up step, we risk more and more money to earn a measly +1% to the pot. As you can see, in the 6th step we are already betting 32% of the original pot in order to win only 1%.

This whole thing is substantiated, supposedly with a protracted series of minuses, the probability of winning increases. And there is. But no one guarantees that the losing streak will end before you clear your bank. Moreover, in practice the coefficients are usually less: 1.70-1.90. And that means you have to increase even more aggressively. This is understandable. There are risks.

However, purely theoretically, this financial strategy allows you to make a profit, even with a negative cross. For example, the distance is 100 bets. Let's take the most fantastic scenario. The player consistently loses 5 steps in a row, but certainly wins on the 6th. In total, at a distance of 100 bets, the following picture will turn out.

There will be 16 pluses out of 100. Okay, let the hundredth bet also come in to complete the cycle. Only 17% passability. At the same time, having never made a loss on the 6th step, we keep the bank intact and get a net profit of 17%. It is clear that when playing flat on such an “enchanting” cross-country ability, we would lose 83% of the pot. The difference is enormous. However, this is a borderline scenario. Consider a closer to reality.

Let's say the following sequence of wins: 4, 2, 3, 1. In fact, it can be any random. But for the convenience of calculation, we will impose such a scheme. We will also put a plus on the hundredth bet in order to close the catch-up.

It will turn out 40 pluses out of 100. Permeability is 40%. At the same time, we earn + 40% to the bank, even without ever reaching the extreme 5th or 6th steps.

In addition to the classic catch-up, there are many other options for such progressive strategies. But they are either sharpened for large coefficients, or they do not fully compensate for previous losses. In general, the classic demonstrates quite clearly what kind of topic it is.

Seems promising. But it is important to understand that one failure, losing 6 times in a row - and the bank is merged. And if 7-8 in a row, then all previous profits too. In general, only a very cold-blooded and well-versed in forecasting person is able to play like this season after season without draining.

It turns out a paradox that such a game scheme is suitable for successful bettors, who already show positive cross-country ability. Therefore, they do not need such risks. Those who do not consistently reach the level of positive cross-country ability will merge very quickly, giving a series of minuses. So, although the method seems to work on paper, I do not advise a beginner to take a big pot and play in this way. You are more likely to lose money and a lot of nerves. It is better to gain experience on small banks, to achieve adequate cross-country ability on a segment of several full seasons. Then, with an understanding of your level, you can already make a decision, play catch-up or are already able to make a profit with less risk, using uniform strategies. And of course, control yourself, do not reduce the quality of forecasts. It's complicated. Given to few. So somewhere uniform methods are better. There, for one or two negative segments, we will pay only a small part of the profit. But the catch-up will punish with the loss of everything. The main thing is that there should be more plus segments according to the season.


The second global option to get a plus in case of poor cross-country ability is to play with ladders, or with express trains of moderate length.

For example, the pot is $1,000. We allocate 5% for each attempt, $50 each.

Let's plan a ladder in 4 steps, with an average "coefficient" of 1.85. This will give a final score of 11.7.

  • 1.85 * 1.85 * 1.85 * 1.85 = 11.7
  • $50 * 11.7 = $585.67

So we need to make 2 full passes of ladders out of 20 attempts to get a profit, to make about 17% of the net profit to the bank. If you get 3, 4 or more successfully completed ladders, then respectively. But if we win only once, we are left with a little more than half the pot. If we never complete the ladder - a complete drain.

It is clear that the layout of rates can be different. You can play ladders both in the early and later steps. If you often lose in the early stages, but still complete 2 attempts successfully, then you can achieve profit with negative patency.

However, it is possible, even with positive cross-country ability, not to collect a single series of 4 pluses in a row.

So there is a possibility of earning, but the risks are also great.


Since there are only three basic financial strategies: uniform, catch-up and ladder, and the rest are just variations and a fenced garden based on these three, we see the whole picture.

It is very difficult to make money with systematically poor cross-country ability. This will only happen sporadically. These will be only weakly consoling flashes against the backdrop of a general drain. So we need to work on the quality of forecasts, to which I devoted not only articles, but also books within the framework of this project. No matter how much we want, if the cross-country ability is constantly below the norm, we need to change something, reconsider our approach. The described strategies can give situational success. But they are much more dangerous for all your capital and you can reset to zero much faster than when playing on independent rates.

What you will not find on the Internet, the task of the player according to some "consultants" beat the bookmaker. They explain this by saying that paying out winnings, bookmakers incur losses, and when the bet does not play, then the bookmakers remain in the black.

Apparently, the authors of these articles do not suspect that the office will still pay someone the winnings. Suppose that you bet in the bookmaker on the victory of Spartak, and Vasya on the victory of CSKA. The army club won, you lost money, and Vasya gained it.

Do not believe the grief of specialists who write that the task of bookmakers is to know the outcome and beat you. No, the task of the office coincides with yours - to cut down money.

Regardless of the result, bookmakers pay out winnings to someone.

Goals diverge, you want to get them in your pocket, and the office in yours. The means are also different, in order to achieve it you need to predict the result, and the bookmakers need to set the distribution of bet amounts.

Disruption of covers: it is impossible to beat the bookmaker , she will always be in the black. But here it is quite possible to earn money on bets, although not easy.

To make money on bets, you do not need to beat the office. And all you need is guess the results, so or predict them as you like.

How does the office make money?

Do you think by sending your agents to all teams, and who knows who will win? - No. Mathematics works for bookmakers.

Briefly explained, bookmakers give back to players less money than they collect.

Having collected a certain amount of money, for example, on bets on the outcome of a match, for any outcome, they will give the winners less than they received. And they are completely indifferent to pay you, Vasya, Petya or Dasha. It's important to stay positive. And they play a key role in this. odds. Their correct assignment allows the office to pay out the winnings and stay in the black, regardless of the outcome.

What do the coefficients depend on?

They depend on the forecasts of the firm's analysts, and the key factor is not the predicted result, but the predicted distribution of funds for each of the possible outcomes. That is bookmakers don't care who wins the match, it is important for them to know that 100 thousand will be put on the victory of one team, and 150 thousand on the other, they don’t even need to know the order of the amounts, only the ratio. They predict that they will bet one and a half times more on one team than on the other, and that is enough for them.

Consider an example of a real betting line

Liverpool Manchester match. Match outcome odds:

  • 2.3 to win Liverpool
  • 3.35 for a draw
  • 3.3 to win Manchester United

Suppose in total, yes, various outcomes, 70,000 rubles were bet, of which:

  • 29500 for Liverpool to win
  • 20000 for a draw
  • 20500 to win Manchester United

Let's calculate how much the bookmakers will have to pay for any of the possible outcomes:

  • Liverpool win 29500*2.3=67850, and the bookmakers will have an income of 70000-66700=2150
  • Draw 20000*3.35=67000, the profit of the office will be 70000-67000=3000
  • Manchester win 20500*3,3=67650, bookmaker will get 70000-67650=2350 in the balance

How do you see, regardless of the result, bookmakers make a profit. The main thing was correctly set the coefficients, which means predicting how bets are distributed on certain outcomes of the event.

Bookmakers receive a percentage of the amount of bets

In the example shown, the income of the office is not large in relation to the amount of bets, and this is true. But in reality, bookmakers operate with much larger amounts, which means that, despite a small percentage, they make a solid profit.

It turns out that bookmakers provide space for players to play and for this they take a small percentage for themselves, which is quite reasonable, no one will serve bet lovers for free. So everything is fair, mathematics is nothing more.

Why are bookmakers always in the black?

Because they give the players who have pulled out less money than they received. Mathematical calculation helps bookmakers in this, we talked about it earlier.

Do bookmakers always accurately estimate the probability of winning?

Of course not, bookmakers are also people, and they can make mistakes, despite the large staff of analysts. In rare cases, bookmakers can make a mistake and set the wrong odds, in which case they will have to pay more than they received from the players. These situations are rare, but they do happen. Nevertheless, the correct forecasts in most events allow bookmakers to get a plus, because no one will work at a loss.

It is not important for you, as a player, to remain in the black or in the black, it is important to earn money yourself, for this you just need to be able to predict the result, very complex things are hidden behind this simple phrase, because not many people can constantly be in the black and earn on bets in bookmakers players. You have the opportunity to become one of them.

Sports betting is not only a hobby, but also a stable income for a bettor who is confident in his abilities and wants to achieve what he wants due to his knowledge in sports forecasting. Many beginners are wondering, and how to protect themselves from failure.

Betting will not require you to invest significant financial resources, but you need to seriously find an approach to what you are doing in this segment. It is enough to learn a couple of features and always be guided by common sense when placing bets on sports. If you are a beginner and do not know where to start, it does not matter, even here you are able to occupy a worthy niche for making money, but for this you will need to learn a few simple rules and truths. Let's now consider where to start, what to give up, and also how to protect yourself from a failure in rates.

Each profession has its own canons and rules that help you develop along the chosen path and turn your work into pleasure. Take any profession as an example, whatever the burden of a professional, there are conditions that help make work a real pleasure. Professional bettors have similar requirements. Develop your skills, learn to make predictions for sports, following the latest news from the world of sports, then making money on bets will become real.

  1. Find the right company. Now there are many proven legal betting organizations on the market that will help you solve the problem of how to make a win-win bet in a bookmaker's office. Experienced organizers have a certain set of functionalities and options that are interesting not only for beginners, but also for experienced players. Such organizers are always out of competition, but there is no need to discard young projects that have just received legal status and started working in Russia. Study the reviews on special forums, take a short “tour” around the site and decide if this bookmaker is right for you. In the future, you can register on several sites, however, learn about possible account blocking, methods and terms of withdrawal, etc.
  2. Learn not only to own money, but also to work with them. Never get euphoric over a profit, and never panic over a loss. These two factors very often unbalance the player. Euphoria can turn into unbridled excitement, where you will instantly find yourself in the red. A big loss can also cause you to turn your back on betting forever. Imagine that you are not a player, but just a financier who rationally distributes cash flows, while he perfectly understands where a loss can occur, and somewhere there will be a profit.
  3. The right mindset for the game. The mood for the game should be like a job, where there will be difficulties, and somewhere there are easy solutions. To get regular profits, you need a cold mind and maximum peace of mind. If there is a series of successes, then stop, see if you are doing the steps correctly, in the same way you will need to stop after a series of unsuccessful losses. As a result, you will achieve the right attitude to the game in betting.

By the way, on the net you can read the success stories of those who win against bookmakers. Some of these stories are true, some have no real evidence. Take a rational grain from these stories and use this data to learn how to solve the problem of how to be profitable at a bookmaker.

What is the best income to expect at the initial stage

To always be in the black at the very beginning of the start of the betting profession, you need to properly manage your bank, and always understand that there are such concepts as risk and luck. Create for yourself a certain monthly bank that you can allocate for betting. At first losses are possible, since you cannot understand many things, and you have to learn the basics.

Sports betting is always a high-risk segment for financial investments and investments. Ultimately, these investments always bring a significant profit than, for example, a deposit or other available financial products from banks. By the way, everything related to the circulation of money is always a big risk, so betting is the same financial institution, but it will be managed by the bettor himself with the help of a bookmaker.

If you have come to betting for the first time, it will not be superfluous to remember some axioms that will become a prologue for the theorem of correct and successful sports betting:

  1. Always play only with the money that you have or that you can easily part with without remorse.
  2. Never borrow money for a game, especially from your loved ones. If there is an offer from a bookmaker on credit, it is better to think before making any decision.
  3. Never, under any circumstances, use money that is intended for the family in sports betting. Make it a taboo in the future, when you have a lot of money in circulation.
  4. Never start playing if you do not collect the required amount to start.
  5. You can name the amount that will easily cover about 49 bets.
  6. If you have thoughts about violating at least one of the above conditions, then betting is not for you. Give up this idea or look for another sphere of application of your capabilities!

A beginner who has never tried his hand at betting may be intimidated from the first time by the complexity of the betting process. Here is the best place to start your journey with. In this sport, you can learn how to bet, and then apply to other categories of sports. For example, tennis is considered more profitable, and again, if you do not know the intricacies of this sport, then do not start investing money from the first bet.

Some bettors become so strong in this direction that after a while betting replaces their professions from the real world. But, before you come to this, you will need to go through a difficult path of studying the earning segment of the bookmaker.

Important nuances of work for a beginner

To be in the black, a beginner should study some of the nuances of the work of the chosen organization.

  1. Read carefully the terms of work with the betting company. You will need to make sure that you fully understand the conditions of the bookmaker's work. If in doubt, re-examine each point of working with the service. If necessary, most companies have online chats where you can get a free consultation from a service specialist.
  2. Register on the platform, create a "Personal Account", and choose a convenient option for making a deposit and withdrawing winnings. The most popular option is electronic payment systems, although you can choose other methods - using bank cards, from a phone balance, bank accounts, self-service terminals.
  3. We replenish the personal bank in the office. Enter the amount that you can easily part with in case of a loss.
  4. We get acquainted with the proposed options for sports matches or betting events and begin to act.

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in this. The main thing is not to keep large amounts in your personal bookmaker account, and if you still win, withdraw funds in portions, gradually. Always keep electronic checks, receipts and coupons in your personal account, even if they were losing. This will allow you to resolve disputes in the future.

The choice of gaming strategies to always be in the black at the bookmaker

Now you need to decide what game schemes, combinations or strategies can be used when working with a bookmaker. Sports betting and various schemes and strategies have existed since time immemorial. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, as the basic principles of betting have been working for centuries. First, learn simple strategies that do not require complex mathematical calculations and other “tricks”. Even after studying in detail one sports betting strategy, in the future, if you lose, you will understand the structure of betting, and the next loss will not be an unpleasant surprise for you.

There are a huge number of betting schemes and bets, and they are conditionally divided into gaming categories and financial groups. Considering game schemes, we recommend paying attention to the following categories:

  • Value betting strategy;
  • Scheme "Arbitrage rates";
  • Category "Dogon".

All these schemes have a mathematical calculation in their structure, but they are very simple, and you do not have to delve into the "calculation jungle". The main thing is to understand the basic principle of betting.

Value betting method. The essence of this scheme is that you place a bet contrary to the main forecasts of bookmakers. For example, a strong football team is constantly winning and you want to bet on losing. If your prediction is correct, you get your winnings. In this case, a high coefficient is used, so the prize money will be impressive. Agree, the same team cannot always win, there is always a chance of losing.

Arbitrage Scheme. This category is sometimes referred to as surebets. The essence of the bet: you place a bet, in different bookmakers indicating directly contradictory indicators for the same event. For example, in one betting shop you indicate the winning of one team for a sporting event, and in another office for the same event, a loss. You can apply such a scheme only in that specific situation, if each company uses different coefficients. However, many bookmakers “do not like” arbers and directly point out the prohibition of using such a scheme. If such actions of one bettor are detected, his account may be blocked. Together with account blocking, the player's bank can be frozen.

Category "Dogon". The essence of this bet is as follows: you bet on one match event and, after losing, raise the bet pot until the event occurs. Ultimately, the last rate should cover all costs incurred related to the initial financial costs.

For beginners, pre-match analytical ones will be less risky. With this schematic strategy, it is easy to bet on football, while studying the current championships and the characteristics of the same team you are betting on.

The financial segment of betting should include the Martingale method and the popular Kelly criterion among bettors. It is recommended to resort to this method only after you learn how to manage simple methods. It is recommended to start working with these categories from the "flat", that is, during a certain period you use a uniform amount of betting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in betting, you just need to study in detail the structure of the bookmaker, as well as the main strategies and schemes, and then you will always be in the black at any bookmaker.

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