Matveychuk's ex-fiancee: “Gleb had a firm conviction: marriage will not be called a good word. Where does Gleb Matveychuk live Gleb Matveychuk meets


Gleb Matveychuk is a multifaceted talent who, in his years, has achieved heights without the help of anyone. This person can be given a standing ovation, because not every person can do what the singer, composer and actor did.

Even at twenty-five, he was like a broken trough, not knowing what to do next in life. But having got to teachers who know their business, thanks to them, his career ladder grows every year. How his work developed and whether the singer was able to combine his work with his personal life, we will talk about this.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

Repeatedly, many were interested in the singer's data, such as height, weight, age, how old. Gleb Matveychuk is flattered to hear questions related to him, and he willingly answers even such details. He was born on June 26, 1981 and is currently 36 years old. With a height of 183 cm, Gleb weighs 74 kg, he has a great figure, because he takes care of himself, goes in for sports, goes to the pool and tries to eat healthy food. Although the singer does not hide that sometimes he can afford to relax and make a celebration of the stomach.

Looking at the photographs of the singer, one can note the natural stateliness of a man. There is something in him that catches the eye and beckons Gleb Matveychuk with his languid gaze. Photos in youth and now are not so much different. The man looks as before - handsome, tall and self-confident.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk began in the city of Moscow, but for family reasons the family moved to Belarus. Father - Alim Matveychuk worked as a film artist who raised a real man. For Gleba, his dad has always been a role model. Mother - Olga Matveychuk, a make-up artist, always approved of her son's choice and gave wise advice.

After graduating from school, Gleb moved to Moscow and entered two universities at once. The future actor decided to try himself in the cinema, but since he was given secondary roles, he decided to show himself from a more advantageous side. He started composing music. "Admiral", "Chkalov" brings fame to the composer, and he does not stop, writing a dozen more songs for films. He also writes music for theatrical productions "Dog in the Manger", "Waiting Room."

In 2006, Matveychuk became the vocalist of the Flair group, which means instinct in translation. And in 2009, the actor plays a role in the series "Margosha", after which his popularity increased. In the future, Gleb participates in various TV shows, takes part in musical projects - musicals and rock operas. In the musical "Monte Cristo", where he plays the main role, Matveychuk met his wife, Anastasia Makeeva.

Gleb Matveychuk became a famous person, working tirelessly and gaining more and more fans. Although the composer himself is very picky about his work and says that there is no limit to perfection.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk did not go unnoticed, and novels have been attributed to the young man more than once since he became popular. The singer met a girl for several years before his wedding, but after parting, they remained on friendly terms. They say that Gleb's chosen one was so loved by his parents that she even called them mom and dad.

Matveychuk married Anastasia Makeeva. The acquaintance was in the theater, where young people drew attention to each other. But having lived for five years, everything turned out to be not so simple, Gleb dissolved in his work, and not in his half, and Anastasia kept trying to get through to him in order to save the family. But a year later, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason, according to Nastya, were different interests in family life. The couple gradually began to move away from each other and as a result became strangers.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

The family of Gleb Matveychuk at the moment is his parents, to whom he is infinitely grateful. Mother and father always gave him the right to choose, and although they could easily arrange a career for their son, they let him go free swimming. Gleb achieved everything himself with his diligence and diligence. Matveychuk proudly always talks about his parents and owes his upbringing, spiritual development, and life values ​​only to them. Not so long ago, the composer was interviewed and asked if he had a car, to which Gleb said: “Yes, I do, and I bought a car only when I personally earned it. And that was at the age of thirty. And although my family could let me donate a car, I was raised to put the material world in second place.”

Gleb is a very enviable groom and, perhaps, changes in the man’s personal life will soon come, because the singer is often seen accompanied by a pretty brunette. Gleb Matveychuk and his new girlfriend look very harmonious. Photos of the couple can be seen on vacation, in restaurants and in the theater. It can be seen that the couple does not hide their relationship and is clearly passionate about each other.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Married to Anastasia Matveeva, the couple, although they were passionate about their achievements, immediately decided to continue the family. Of course, as in any full-fledged family, everyone wants children to bring joy and laughter. Gleb Matveychuk, as a man who has already got on his feet, was worried about this problem, they worked on it, but nothing came of it. “We even went to the hospital for help,” the singer shares, “But apparently it’s God-given.”

Perhaps the emotional stress of the spouses aggravated even more, because it is not in vain that they say that in order for a wish to come true, you need to forget about it.

The ex-wife of Gleb Matveychuk - Anastasia Makeeva

The ex-wife of Gleb Matveychuk, Anastasia Makeeva, although she tried to save the marriage, apparently it was only her desire. The girl, although she herself took the first step towards parting, was very difficult, the ex-wife admits. Gleb, according to Nastya, was so indifferent in everyday life that he didn’t care what furniture to buy, what his wife did in her free time. “He was in ecstasy from his profession and he didn’t need anything else,” Makeeva said. Nastya suggested that Gleb do some mutual business, spend more time together, but either his feelings had cooled down, or he was really absorbed in his work, but the relationship came to naught. They even went to sessions with a psychologist, but still the marriage collapsed.

Since the couple lived with Makeeva, the woman left, asking her husband to pack their things and leave while she was gone. To which Matveychuk quickly agreed. Nastya, of course, hoped that Gleb would come to his senses, would try to change something, but she was mistaken - he did not need this marriage. Later, the singer said that the divorce happened quickly, since they had nothing to share, except for cats and dogs.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gleb Matveychuk

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk pleases its subscribers, and the singer has about fifteen thousand of them, both with creativity and personal life. Especially the heat of passion caused the fans, exhibited by Gleb a photo with Elena Glazkova. Immediately, a sea of ​​comments of a different nature rained down, the followers were divided in opinion which girl is better - Matveychuk's new or ex-wife.

Gleb stopped the disputes, writing that this was not discussed and put a lot of hearts to his beloved. And how serious they are, time will tell. The article was found on

Gleb Matveychuk and Nastya Makeeva celebrated their wedding in a luxurious castle outside the city. I sat among the guests and watched the groom circle the bride in a dance. At the end, he effectively raised Nastya in his arms, all the guests applauded, and I looked at the bride in a white dress beaming with happiness and did not understand: I am still happy for them or my heart shrinks when I imagine myself in Nastya's place ...

Some time after the wedding, newspapers came out with catchy headlines: “ Anastasia Makeeva- a homeowner! ”,“ The star of the series took someone else’s fiancé away! It told in detail about our love triangle and that Nastya allegedly beat off my fiance on the eve of our wedding ...

I remember, after reading this, we all began to call each other and discuss where the wind was blowing from. How did the journalists of the "yellow press" find out that Gleb's ex-girlfriend, that is, me, was present at the wedding? Gleb’s mother was called by her friends and, laughing, they asked: “I wonder who Sveta made such a PR move?” It turned out that in this situation I had the most advantageous role: I am an unfortunate victim, whose fiancé was taken away by an insidious homemaker.

In fact, we broke up with Gleb at the end of November 2008, and they got married with Nastya in the summer of 2010. Moreover, it was I who suggested Gleb to leave and was the first to jump out to marry a classmate.


I remember how Gleb's mother tried to figure out why we suddenly decided to break up. She probably thought, since I was the first to talk about this, it means that the problem is in me, and, as an experienced person, she tried to stop me. She sent me signals: stop! But I ignored them. After all, she didn’t say it in some impulse, she sat and thought for several weeks until she decided to leave.

Gleb's mother said: “The best adviser is time. Don't make hasty decisions that you'll regret later. You need to be alone, to figure it out, so that there is no chaos in your head. Think again! Probably the main problem is that I expected these words not from my mother, but from Gleb himself. If he gave me a good shake and said: “Stupid, what are you thinking? You are crazy! We love each other! ”, Everything could have turned out differently. But Gleb said nothing, which means he agreed with me. This is how our life sometimes changes from a spoken or unsaid word...

Then, due to my youth and inexperience, I did not listen to the wise man and did not do as she advised: lock yourself up and think. I reasoned like a child: I’ll decide for myself, I’ll figure it out myself, I don’t need anyone’s advice. After all, she also urged Gleb not to rush, to change his mind. But we, two fools, did not hear her. And my resentment won up! Or maybe it was love, not love?

Gleb Matveychuk is a popular performer and actor. He also writes music for stage productions and films, thus establishing himself as a talented composer. Fans are interested in the work of Gleb Matveychuk, his biography and personal life haunt his fans.

Biography of Matveychuk

In 1981, on June 26, the popular singer Gleb Matveychuk was born, whose biography is standard for every child whose parents are creative people. The performer's father, Alim Matveychuk, worked as a production designer in Moscow, was awarded many awards, such as Nika and TEFI. He is Ukrainian by nationality. The singer's father worked on the creation of the famous military film "Brest Fortress".

Mom worked as a makeup artist. She is a native Muscovite.

After the birth of his son, the head of the family was offered a job at the Minsk film studio. The father did not hesitate for a long time, the family moved to Belarus.

From childhood, Gleb saw creative people, watched their lives. He also loved the stage. He liked to sing and play in productions. He couldn't decide what he liked the most.

In addition to hobbies for music, the boy went in for sports - wrestling and skating. But the love of creativity won. The boy was enrolled in a studio at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre, where he was involved in children's and adult productions.

After graduating from school, he entered a music college and graduated with a degree in choir conductor. After that, the young man went to Moscow and enrolled in two schools:

  • Moscow Conservatory.
  • Theater School. Shchepkin.

This fact in the biography of Gleb Matveychuk proves his love for both the theater and music. He dreamed of combining these two directions into one. Just by order, he was given such an opportunity.

creative path

After graduating from the conservatory, Gleb tries his hand at writing music. He was offered to work on the film Journey to the Eternal City, which told about Ancient Rome. The director of the film was Vladimir Khotinenko, who involved famous actors in the film, and entrusted the creation of music to the novice composer. The actors and the director expressed their opinion on the music for the film: it should be serious and reflect the spiritual mood of the picture. Gleb took into account all the wishes and created excellent music.

After that, he received an offer to work on music for the film "George the Victorious" - a documentary about the life of a famous saint. The melody had to be militant and spiritual. Gleb did not let the director down and produced a quality product.

After working on this picture, he received two more proposals for writing music:

  • Christmas holiday.
  • Orthodox planet.

Each painting had a spiritual content. Matveychuk specifically chose such films to show his positive attitude towards the Orthodox faith.

The composer also wrote music for feature films:

  • From fire and light.
  • Hills and plains.
  • New land.
  • Stone head.
  • Admiral.

The soundtrack to the last picture made a big impression. It was he who brought Gleb fame. He was noticed and noted for the best music for the film in the Golden Eagle award. After that, the young composer did not stop and wrote music for several more famous paintings: "Spartacus", "Chkalov", etc.

From the age of 14 he has been acting in films. The first role was performed by him in the film "Fire Shooter". After that, he did not act in films for 10 years. His first role after the break was as a sailor in the film "72 meters".

In parallel with writing music, Gleb is also engaged in vocals. He is in the band Lady Prowler. Since 2007 in the Flair group. Same takes part in theatrical musical productions:

  • Children of the Sun.
  • Jesus Christ Superstar.
  • The Master and Margarita.

Matveychuk worked with the theater for more than seven years. After that, he decided to leave, accusing the leadership of not complying with the agreements. The leaders responded with a lawsuit against the artist for 8 million rubles. But the singer won the lawsuit.

After the incident, he stated that all theaters in the country should be commercial and not funded from the state budget.

Television activities

Since 2009, his television career begins, the artist takes part in various shows. He becomes a member of the Russian Tenors program at STS, where he reached the final. In 2012, he tries his hand at the project of the first channel "Voice". The artist failed blind auditions, none of the mentors turned to him. The audience and some commentators were outraged by the decision of the jury. To justify such actions, Gradsky said that mentors also make mistakes. But Gleb simply chose a song that could not reveal his full vocal potential.

In 2013, he became a member of the show "Two Stars" along with Olga Kormukhina. Two artists liked the audience with their performances and became the winners of the project.

After that, there was a parody show "Just the same." In the project, Matveychuk took second place, and also received the audience award.

Participating in various competitions, the artist did not set himself the task of winning, it was important for him to participate. His bet worked, the artist is recognized, interested in his work. But popularity has another feature - it's a frenzied interest in Gleb Matveychuk's family life.

Artist's personal life

The singer's first long relationship was with actress Svetlana Belskaya. The couple was happy and preparing for the wedding. Gleb's mother loved Svetlana and already saw her daughter-in-law in her, but the couple broke up in 2008. The young people did not explain the reason for the breakup. Gleb's mother maintained warm relations with her former daughter-in-law, Svetlana was always welcome in the Matveychuks' house.

The wife of Gleb Matveychuk was the actress Anastasia Makeeva. They met in the theater, where they worked in the same production. Nastya did not immediately notice the calm blonde. Before that, she had an explosive relationship - at first she did not have a marriage with Peter Kislov, and then there was a scandalous break with Alexei Makarov. According to the girl, the last young man beat her hard.

Matveychuk did not lose hope to get the girl's heart, courted, gave flowers and complements. As a result, the girl submitted and in 2010 they played a wedding.

The couple lived in marriage for six years, after which they divorced. As the guys themselves said, in recent years they did not look like a family, Nastya wanted children, and Gleb needed a career.

The girl also admitted that the boyfriend’s mother constantly climbed into the relationship, with whom the relationship did not work out from the very beginning.

Currently Gleb Matveychuk is single. But there are always rumors about his new passion.

Gleb Matveychuk is an actor of musicals and films, a singer and a composer. A versatile young man, in whose talent there is no doubt. As for personal life, everything is not so smooth here. The artist is already 36 years old, but he has no children. His orientation in life is creativity.

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The biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk is of interest to many fans, which is not surprising, because he is a handsome, tall, young blond. Plus, he's very talented. Gleb writes music, including soundtracks for films, for example, Matveychuk wrote the music for the film "Admiral". And also a great voice. In addition, Gleb starred in films as an actor. This article will provide information about his life and work.

Gleb Matveychuk was born in Moscow. His biography began in 1981. Gleb's parents had a personal relationship with the art world. Dad - Alimzhan devoted his life to cinema, working as a production designer. Mom worked as a make-up artist. Soon the family moved to Belarus. Because my father was invited to work at the film studio "Belorus-Film".

Gleb's childhood was associated with cinema. He constantly disappeared on the set. I saw how a movie is made, how many people work on the creation of one film. He dreamed of becoming either an actor or a director. As a child, the boy attended a drama club. Then the boy opened a wonderful voice. He went to music school, where he developed this talent.

After graduating from the ninth grade, Gleb decided to enter a music college. There he studied at the conductor-choir department. After graduating from this educational institution, the young man decided to go to the capital, where he spent his childhood. There he entered two universities at once: the conservatory and the Shchepkinsky school. Still, the childhood dream of working in the world of cinema did not leave him.

Gleb's mentor at the theater university was N.N. Afonin. So, while studying at two universities at once, Gleb Matveychuk prepared himself for his future profession - to combine music and cinema into one. As the future will show, this activity seems to have been created for him! Gleb was excellent at composing soundtracks for films. For this, the master received many awards.

The beginning of a creative career

After Gleb Matveychuk successfully graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, he began to try his hand at composing. The beginning of his creative biography was the creation of music for the film "Journey to the Eternal City". It was a documentary directed by Vladimir Khotinenko about the ancient city of Rome. It was attended by such famous actors as: Yuri Solomin, Nikita Mikhalkov, Vladimir Mashkov and others. They expressed their personal point of view. The music had to reflect the spiritual, serious and reverent mood of the film. The novice composer did an excellent job with his task.

Further in his life there were works for several more films. After a successful composer debut, work for the film "George the Victorious" followed. This is also a documentary film about the life of a saint. Music should be a bit militant, life-affirming, but at the same time spiritual. Gleb Matveychuk again coped with the task perfectly.

Further in his creative biography was writing music for two more documentary films of spiritual content: "Christmas Holiday" and "Planet of Orthodoxy". The young composer aspired to work on the creation of music for films of a spiritual content, thus showing his personal positive attitude towards Orthodoxy.

With Nikolai Baskov in the program "Just the same"

Then in his life there was work on the creation of music for feature films: "From Flame and Light", "Hills and Plains", "New Earth". It was interesting to work on the film "Stone Head", where the famous athlete Nikolai Valuev first tried his hand at acting.

In 2008, the sensational, popular film "Admiral" was released about the life of a white officer Kolchak. Gleb Matveychuk wrote the soundtracks for this film. The song that sounds in the last frames literally shocked everyone. She brought the composer great popularity. A period of popularity began in his creative biography. For his hard work, Gleb received a personal award - a nomination for the Golden Eagle Award for the best music for the film. In his life, this was the first award for creativity.

On the set of the musical "Monte Cristo"

This was followed by several more works on the creation of music for films. These are: Spartak, Chkalov, On the Hook, Red Mountains, etc.

Acting work

Gleb Matveychuk has been acting in films since the age of fourteen. His acting biography began with a small episode in the film "Fire Shooter". Then there was a break for ten years. Then his personal role was in the film "72 meters". There he played a sailor.

In the same year, Gleb played a student in a hostel in the film "Dad". Then there was another small role in his life - the role of a pianist in the first series of the television series about counterintelligence of the early twentieth century, The Fall of an Empire.

On the set of the series "Margosha"

Gleb played several more supporting roles in the films: "Children of Vanyukhin", "Heavenly Life", "Point". But after that, luck smiled at the actor. He was given more important roles. In 2008, he played the role of Ivan in the television series "Damned Paradise - 2". And the following year, he took part in the filming of the popular television series Margosha. There he played Ruslan Khilkevich.

This role brought fame to Gleb Matveychuk. In his biography, the peak of popularity has come. Gleb's personal career as an actor went uphill. Now he was recognized in everyday life, photos of the actor increasingly began to appear in various publications.

Gleb's personal life

A tall, beautiful blond has always been a success with the female. For several years, Gleb Matveychuk was in a relationship with actress Svetlana Belskaya. But this young people kept secret, because the actor was used to hiding the facts of his biography and personal life. On New Year's Eve, Sveta made a wish to meet the prince. In the same year, she met Gleb. The girl wanted to get married right today and now, however, Gleb resisted as best he could. He has always been against the stamp in the passport, because he is an adherent of an open relationship. But, as it turned out later, another woman was still able to destroy these stereotypes.

A few years later, Svetlana, apparently, was simply tired of such unresolved things and decided to break off relations. Gleb's mother managed to fall in love with the girl, so she was very upset after such an event. She persuaded the girl to stay, but Svetlana was adamant. By the way, she later successfully married her classmate. However, Svetlana does not hold a grudge against Gleb, and young people very often communicate in a friendly way.

Soon fate gave the young talented singer a happy meeting. At the play "Monte Cristo" he met a beautiful actress who played one of the main roles. He immediately felt attracted to her. However, Nastya Makeeva (that was her name) did not pay much attention to him. At that time, the girl had only recently divorced her husband -. They fought a lot, and this led to a divorce in the end.

Then she met with Alexei Makarov. Gleb patiently waited for the girl's heart to be released, and she would pay attention to him. And finally, wait! Anastasia quarreled with her boyfriend, and then she drew attention to a handsome stage partner.

Gleb began to beautifully look after Nastya, gave luxurious bouquets, expensive gifts. After all, he proposed to her right from the stage! She had no choice but to agree. Young people decided to get married in an Orthodox church. But, unfortunately, the life of the newlyweds was not smooth. They often quarreled because of their different views on life.

Anastasia is economic and caring. She loves cleanliness and comfort. And Gleb has a great isolation from reality, which is characteristic of many talented people. He does not care about tomorrow, does not keep cleanliness, treats this lightly. Nastya endured her new husband for a long time. But one day, her patience snapped.

Young people broke up a year ago. Gleb Matveychuk painfully experienced a divorce. In his biography and personal life again there was a failure. But he held on and even joked that they had no children, so only the wallet had to be divided.

Gleb Matveychuk at present

After the divorce, Gleb Matveychuk decided not to fall into despair. A change of image helped him cope with depression. The 36-year-old man decided to cut his long blonde hair. Also, by magic, they turned into dark curls. We can say that the image of a brown-haired man also suits him.

Also a singer and composer, the actor went “with his head” into creativity. He even went on tour abroad, where he was received very cordially, appreciating his talent.

Gleb reads a lot in his spare time, mostly classical literature. He is also interested in painting. His favorite artists are Vrubel, Nesterov, Benois. In addition, Gleb is a real gourmet. His favorite cuisine is Italian.

The main thing that happened to Gleb Matveychuk in his biographies and personal life, happened in 2018 year. In early autumn, he became the father of the little princess Alice. Gleb chose the name of his daughter together with her mother, his bride, Elena Glazkova. The actor, working on a theatrical project based on Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", suggested naming the girl the same name as the favorite of the Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit.

Just before the birth of their daughter, the future happy parents moved to a new house. In it, they, first of all, arranged a spacious and bright room for Alice.

Gleb's first marriage to actress Anastasia Makeeva lasted 6 years and was childless. Nastya saw the reason for the gap in the fact that the ex-husband devoted himself completely and uncompromisingly to work. The woman received less and less attention, Gleb was jealous of his projects. They parted peacefully and calmly.

The musical "Labyrinths of Sleep" based on the amazing fantasy of Carroll, Matveychuk, with choreographer Polina Pshidina, is being prepared for the premiere for the New Year. Everything will be in the fairy tale: intriguing secrets and exciting adventures. An enchanting celebration of music and dance. The actor again lost in Gleb to the Composer.

Childhood and youth

In Moscow, in the summer of 1981, a boy was born in the family of Alimzhan and Olga Matveychuk. His parents named him Gleb. Alim was already a member of the Union of Cinematographers, and Olga was a professional make-up artist.

Soon the whole family moved to the capital of Belarus - Minsk. There was a new place of work for my father - "Belarusfilm".

At the age of 16, after graduating from a music school (in those years they only began to be called colleges), the fair-haired, slender young man entered the vocal department at the Moscow Conservatory and, at the same time, at the theater school.

So y Gleb Alimovich Matveychuk throughout biography, through all the rich on change personal life, intertwined two absorbing passions: music and acting.


As a vocalist, Gleb participated in the musical groups "Lady Prowler", "Flair", "Renaissance".

  • "Stone Head" with Nikolai Valuev in the title role;
  • "Pilgrimage to the Eternal City" with Nikita Mikhalkov;
  • "New Land" produced by the company "Andreevsky flag";
  • "Hills and Plains" directed by Alexander Erofeev;
  • "From Flame and Light" about the great poet Mikhail Lermontov;
  • "Dog in the Manger" creative laboratory "Four Muses";
  • "Waiting Room" directed by Mikhail Gorevoy;
  • "Chkalov" - a historical drama about Valery Chkalov;
  • "Planet of Orthodoxy" about the Universal Orthodox Church;
  • "The Third Desire" - a comedy by Sergei Velikoredchanin;
  • "On hook!" based on the book "Safari for the blonde";
  • "Red Mountains" - a series about the civil war in Russia.

Many of his acting works are also well known:

  • "Margosha" - a famous series;
  • "Children of Vanyukhin" directed by Yuri Moroz;
  • "72 meters" based on the story of Alexander Pokrovsky, the debut role of Gleb;
  • "Death of the Empire" - a historical drama about Russia;
  • "Heavenly Life" - a series about pilots;
  • "Papa" is a film about the 1930s;
  • "Point" - episodic role of the actor;
  • "Damned Paradise-2" - television series on NTV;
  • "Fire Shooter" - a 1995 film directed by Nikolai Knyazev;
  • "Jesus Christ Superstar" rock opera;
  • "Monte Cristo" - a musical by Roman Ignatiev;

On the creative path of Gleb Matveychuk, there were also failures. He did not pass at the competition of the TV project "Voice" with the song "Goodbye, Mom!". But the artist, actor, composer Matveychuk did not despair. Having made the right conclusions, he received first place in the Two Stars project, the Audience Award "Just Like It".

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