Former singer Zhenya Osin works as a school teacher! The singer and musician Evgeny Austin found an illegitimate daughter, E vgeny O sin, an illegitimate daughter, how did his acquaintance with Nastya go.


At the request of his wife, the bailiffs took away all valuable property from him.

Don't remember already? And you don't remember his clips? Well, no wonder. In the early 2000s, Zhenya Osina was filmed only for the black stories of NTV: he got drunk, quarreled, crap himself, got into a fight, divorced ... What kind of hit parades are there.

The pop idol really drank black, losing his human appearance. Seven years ago, Express Gazeta journalists personally saw how Zhenya “caught a squirrel” in a five-star Egyptian hotel.

The artist flew to Sharm el-Sheikh with the whole family, but on board the air liner he went too far with duty-free whiskey. And at the reception, when checking in, he got into a fight with a guard hulk. It was not a sight for the faint of heart. Shorty Osin rushed at the Arabs, cursing at the four-story building. The wife tried to calm her sobbing little daughter. And the singer's drunken mother with a bottle of whiskey under her arm suddenly went to bed right on the couch in the hall...

He then washed himself, calmed down and began to stick calendars with his image to the embittered Bedouins. But the Egyptians rested their horn and put him out of the hotel. Only in the evening did the singer manage to check into a simpler hotel. Russian tourists helped.

Previously, in the four-room apartment of Yevgeny, the children's laughter of his beloved daughter Agnia sounded. But after a divorce from his wife Natalya Cheremisina, the artist spends his evenings alone. Only children's toys remind Aspen that he once had a family. Zhenya does not like to talk about the past. Prayers help him get out of depression. Most of the time now he spends in a corner alone with lamps and icons. Special correspondent of Express Newspaper Natalya Murga visited the abode of a fallen star.
- I have not seen my daughter for three years, - says Evgeny Osin. - Now she is 11 years old. It’s not that my wife doesn’t let me see Agnia ... But she set up the child in such a way that she doesn’t want to meet with me. Although dad never offended his daughter. He always gave gifts: iPads, laptops, a drum kit... I hope when Agniya grows up, she will understand that dad is a good one.

Like the last sucker

He met blue-eyed Natalya in one of the banks.
- I noticed a girl in the window and invited me to a concert, - Evgeny recalls. - Natasha came. Then I found out that she had a husband. She asked me not to call, and for a while I bravely held out. In 2000, on New Year's Eve, we came from a tour from the Baltic states. I always remembered the blue-eyed girl and dialed her number. Natasha was at home alone, and we talked calmly. I invited her to visit. I thought it wouldn't come. But one day, while walking with the dog, she stopped by. We drank tea, nothing more. They began to call each other, and Natasha came to visit ...
Natasha told her husband, a Spanish teacher, that she had another one. The husband intelligently left, he didn’t even take his things. We then gave them to him. Mother Natasha, of course, opposed our union and said: “What are you doing? Why are you destroying your family? We got married in 2000. Friends-artists came, everything was as it should be ... Two years later, a daughter was born. We found the name Agnia in the church calendar, we liked it.

Natasha has been at home since the birth of her daughter. Soon, due to mutual misunderstanding, domestic quarrels began. She is proud, she never compromises, she will not give in. She left home several times, lived with her parents. Then she returned. One day, she filed for divorce. Before that, Natasha stole money from the house, all our savings. The stolen amount will be enough for the child until the age of majority with a margin. At first I thought: one of the guests stole. But then I realized - this is Natasha! Because she didn’t take everything: she left two “pieces” of dollars for my life.

We have been suing for a long time. At first, I defended the right to see the child on weekends and go on vacation twice. And then we shared this four-room apartment on Demyan Bedny Street. My wife was sure that I bought it in marriage. But I bought it three days before the official registration of the union! I got the apartment, and Natasha harbored a terrible grudge ... She began to demand alimony. I gave in cash - in her hands. But in vain! I didn't have any documents. And then one day bailiffs broke into my house! Brazenly entered in dirty shoes. They described the property for three kopecks. The guitar, which costs $2,000, was described for 500 rubles, the jeep is five times cheaper than the cost. Once I arrived on a motorcycle "yamaha" to the bailiff, so Natalya noticed and said: "He arrived on a motorcycle, take it faster!" Confiscated. My lawyer had to return the motorcycle through the court ... She scammed me, in a word, like the last sucker.

groundhog day

No wonder Zhenya gave up alcohol after all. A sober thought immediately came to a sober head. “Since the former does not allow me to see my daughter,” the singer thought, “I’ll get a job as a teacher in her school!” At the same time, I will teach the kids music!” And got settled.
- There is not a single acting artist who would teach at the school, - Osin is proud of his act. - The teachers were surprised, but they accepted me well. For two years I created the children's ensemble "Spy Kids". The children chose the name. A year later, they grew up and decided to change for another - "Chips". It is interesting to watch them: at first there were only girls in the team and one boy - Misha Ryabushenko. He became embarrassed to be alone. They took another boy. I asked a friend of the director to shoot the video "Rain". Turned out successful. Then they filmed the second, third ... In addition to Agnia, another girl sang in the group - Kristina Erofeeva. They were considered friends, but began to argue over songs. As a result, one wrote down her version, the other - her own. We have become competitors. Everything is like on a real stage: intrigues, star fever...

I never thought that I would become a teacher. Now I tell everyone: children are not people. They do not forgive mistakes, and each needs its own approach. There are capricious ones - it is difficult to sculpt something from them. Of course, they didn’t put buttons on my chair, such numbers don’t work with me. With one boy there was only a small excess. After all, I myself did repairs in the music class: I lined the walls with sound-absorbing material, recoiled the floor and bought carpet, wired the necessary electricity, telephone, Internet. The class was top notch. Once I forgot the stapler in class. And a boy named Oleg, in my group he was a drummer, took it and started sticking it into expensive furniture. All the staples, of course, forced him to pull out, but the holes remained. And somehow he took an iron chair and dragged it along the carpet, tearing out the wool. I spoke to him sternly. Children need to be educated. Do you know how my father punished me as a child? He held his head between his legs and whipped his ass with a belt.
Then Natalia married the owner of a car wash. The man is not a Muscovite, and she moved into his rented hut in Solntsevo. We found a school closer to the new house and transferred Agnia there. And I stayed to teach these children music and singing ... At first I received 12 thousand, but now the salary has been increased to 35 thousand rubles. In addition to classes with children, I organize all school events in the assembly hall. Now I pay alimony with this money, I buy gifts for my daughter ... However, here Natasha is trying to deceive me: through Agnia she asks to buy either a second laptop, or something else. And they are used by the wife's relatives!

Agnia does not miss the group. She already considers herself a solo singer. Talented child. I'm not saying this because she's my daughter...
I didn't leave school because I can't leave my children. Get used to them. Now a new director, Inessa Evgenievna, has come and everything has changed: they have made repairs, transformed the territory. Before me, there were only two men in the school. And now there are eight of us. A physical education teacher and a programmer appeared... I am convinced that there should be equal numbers of men and women in the school, only then the child will be able to receive a normal, balanced upbringing.

Agnia was worried when she left for another school

On the day when our special correspondent Natalya MURGA visited Moscow school No. 1287, Evgeny OSIN was holding another disco.

All teachers were glad that Osin came to work with us! - Director Inessa Bokhonskaya admitted to Express Gazeta. - To equip a class for a studio - Zhenya's idea. In addition, he shoots wonderful videos with children. Today, for example, Evgeny Borisovich held a disco, after which he announced the recruitment of kids for a new video! Children go to him very willingly, because he has a lot of school songs. Although he is an authoritarian teacher and it is easier for him with the little ones.
His daughter Agnia is a lovely girl. She graduated from the fourth grade on one five. Leaving us, she was very worried. I think she did not want to part with the team and her father. Agnia even looks like a dad. Time will pass, and I hope they finally reconcile. And I advise Zhenya to be persistent in order to improve relations with her daughter.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin is a famous singer, musician, composer and idol of the 90s. He gave his fans a huge number of hits. The genre of his performance was diverse, combining yard and pop songs, romantic music, rock and roll.

His songs became hits for many years and brought Yevgeny Osin popularity. He organizes a new musical group. He writes songs, solos, acts as a guitarist. The group releases an album. This album was remembered by the audience less than the rest of his songs.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin

People make idols for themselves, admire them, copy their behavior. By all means try to get to their concerts. They want to be like them.

It was the same with the fans of Evgeny Osin. Everyone wanted to know about him: height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin. What he likes, where he goes, where he rests, i.e. every detail of his life.

In those years, it was more difficult to find out all this. Now we can simply type our question in the computer's search box and in just a few seconds we will get an answer: the place of birth is Moscow, the singer's height is 168 cm, weight 72 kg and age 53 years.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin was born in Moscow. He was an ordinary boy, played football and chased pigeons. As a child, Zhenya loved to listen to music. His uncle played the drums professionally and quickly taught this to his nephew. Ros Eugene without a father. Parents divorced, father moved to another city, met with his son very rarely.

Studying in the seventh grade, Eugene already played percussion instruments in the school ensemble. He tried to study at a music school, but the classics seemed boring to him, the classes quickly got tired and he stopped attending classes. In the future, Eugene never received a musical education, but he never regretted it. The lack of education did not prevent him from becoming an excellent performer and winning the love of the public.

After graduating from school, Evgeny Osin gathered a small musical group, consisting of the same lovers of yard songs, like himself. He played the guitar, sang, selected music for performances. Eugene could not imagine life without music and guitar. For 2 years, the musician worked in several groups, and then, by a lucky chance, got into the already popular Bravo group.

For some time, Osin actively toured the country with the group, starred in a video, but then left the band.

In the early 90s, the biography and personal life of Yevgeny Osin becomes diverse. The solo career of Evgeny Osin begins in 1991. He finds his style of performance. Gathers large concert venues. Success comes to him. A year later, the first disc appeared. She immediately becomes popular, and the highlight of this album - the song "The girl in the machine is crying" makes the singer famous.

In 1994, the musician releases a new album, and two years later, the third disc appears. The musician tours a lot. The songs are played by all the radio stations of the country. The public loves him.

At this time, Eugene marries his vocalist Elena, but life together is not going well. Six months later, they break up.

At the peak of his popularity, the singer meets his future wife Natalya. At the time of their acquaintance, Natalya was married, but soon after her divorce from her husband, the young people got married.

For several years, Evgeny Osin has been riding the wave of popularity. Over the next 10 years, seven more albums of the singer are released, but the basis of the albums is his former songs. Gradually, the popularity of Eugene is waning.

Family and children of Evgeny Osin

In 2002, a remarkable event happens in the life of Yevgeny Osin - he becomes a father. The birth of Agnia's daughter inspires the singer to create children's songs and write poetry. In those years, the family and children of Evgeny Osin, care for them and love become the main thing for him. The singer devotes all his free time to them. All together they go to rest on the sea, play together, get out into nature.

The daughter was growing up, and with her, Evgeny's alcohol addiction grew. Tours, fans, wild life - as a result of which family quarrels. Osin could not save his family. In 2006, Natalia takes her daughter and leaves him.

Daughter of Evgeny Osin - Agnia

The ex-wife forbade Aspen to see Agnia. The girl went to school, and Eugene got a job there as a simple singing teacher. He began to see his daughter more often.

At school, Evgeny Osin created the Chips musical group, in which children were involved. The daughter of Evgeny Osin, Agnia, loved to study in the ensemble, she sang, but soon the ex-wife transferred the girl to another school. It was very difficult for Agnia, since they completely stopped communicating with their father. Her mother turned her against Eugene and did not allow her to meet. We were only able to communicate on the phone and on social media.

Now Agnia has grown. She graduated from music school and is trying to write songs. Eugene believes that his daughter will be happy and successful.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Osin - Natalya Cheremisina

Natalya Cheremisina was the wife of Evgeny Osin for several years. They met in Moscow. Everything happened by chance. The ex-wife of Evgeny Osin, Natalya Cheremisina, was a beautiful, fair-haired girl with big blue eyes. Eugene liked her very much. Soon an affair began. The girl's parents were against their connection, since Natalya was married.

After filing a divorce in 2000, young people got married. Osin understood that his wife was very beautiful, many men paid attention to her. Eugene was a very jealous husband and insisted that Natalia leave her job.

Natalia was engaged in raising her daughter. A few years later, relations with Evgeny Osin finally deteriorated, as the singer's craving for alcohol intensified. Natalia decided to leave her husband. She subsequently remarried. She does not maintain a relationship with her ex-husband.

Evgeny Osin - latest news

Recently, the press has paid little attention to the singer. The headlines "Evgeny Osin - the latest news" began to appear less and less on the pages of magazines and on the Internet. Fame has passed, the composer has not written new songs for a long time. His old, beloved hits can still be heard on the radio, but with the subtitle "retro".

The reason for this is the strong alcohol dependence of the singer and the diseases that manifested themselves against this background. Due to problems with the spine, Yevgeny Osin's legs almost failed. He has difficulty walking and needs surgery.

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness, from which only a few can recover on their own. Evgeny Osin could not defeat her alone, but friends and relatives decided to help the singer. In August 2017, he flies to Thailand for treatment. He is fighting and has already taken the first steps towards victory.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Osina

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Osin contain little information about him. And yes, it is contradictory. Basically, these are the events of past years or impartial actions. The singer himself is not very willing to talk about himself, since recently little good has been happening in his life.

Perhaps, when the problems recede, Eugene will tell subscribers about his life, share his plans. I would like to believe that Evgeny Osin will cope with the disease, and we will still hear his songs. Evgeny Osin - the idol of millions, a talented musician, composer and singer, a romantic of the 90s - come back!

And he asked kind and generous Russians for money for an expensive operation. However, the artist's hopes for financial assistance from fans did not materialize.


Apparently, people believed the words of Natalia Shturm that the only ailment from which Eugene suffers is.

“My feet were paralyzed a month and a half ago. Now I can’t walk at all. If I had money, I would at least do the procedures. But I went to talk shows, and bills for help were put up on the Internet - no one gave a penny,” – complained the distressed artist. (There is a clear discrepancy in this piece of the singer’s interview. Evgeny said that he “can’t walk”, but at the same time he “went to a talk show” - ed.)

Still left without money, Osin complained that he had to starve. “Even for groceries, I now have no one to go,” the performer laments. Aspen has a 15-year-old heiress Agnia, but she does not maintain contact with her star father.

“My daughter doesn’t care about my condition. She has a new dad, a different life. I have long let go of this situation. I don’t have a daughter!” - the site "Interlocutor" quotes the offended Eugene. Osin was left alone with his misfortune. “My mother died, my sister, who is five years younger than me, she constantly goes to hospitals. I don’t have any fans who would like to help. Hope remains only in God,” the artist summed up.

Note that Natalia Shturm Osin for some reason rejected. Earlier, the singer brought professional doctors to Yevgeny's house, who were going to take him to the hospital and treat him for alcoholism. This is exactly what, according to Natalia, the specialists put to the artist.

However, Osin refused the services of the performer and soon took part in the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "Live". posted on their Instagram by Katya Lel and Anna Kalashnikova. Commentators immediately noticed that Eugene was not lying on a stretcher and was not sitting in a wheelchair.

“So he is standing on his feet? Has anything been taken away?”, “Osin said that he could not walk, how so ???” - people were amazed, looking at quite a healthy, smiling Yevgeny, posing with other artists who came to the studio to support him. It turns out that the performer's legs did not take away. It turns out that Osin misinformed the public when he asked to send him money and gave the card number.

07 July 2017

52-year-old musician broke up with another beloved

The performer of the hits “A girl is crying in a machine gun”, “Portrait by Pablo Picasso”, “Tanya plus Volodya” Evgeny Osin is 52 years old. A talented musician, a native Muscovite, after a divorce from his wife, increasingly began to go into hard drinking. From alcohol addiction, according to friends, he does not want to be treated. In the spring, Eugene turned to the police for help - he was robbed by friends after a feast in the apartment. The 15-year-old daughter of Agnia does not visit the musician, Osin complains about the indifference to his ex-wife's fate. And why should a woman who has been living her life for a long time with a new husband help him?

How did Evgeny Osin come to such a life?

Love story

Evgeny Osin with his wife Natalya. Photo: personal archive.

Evgeny Osin sought his first wife, the backing vocalist of his band, for a long time, and when Lena agreed to become his wife, she quickly became disappointed - the couple did not get along in everyday life. The marriage lasted six months.

The musician met his second wife Natasha when he was at the peak of his popularity. He met a beauty in a shop near the house, she charmed him, and Osin asked for a phone number. Natalya turned out to be married, but Osin was able to win the heart of the beauty. In addition, Natasha and her husband, a foreign language teacher, did not have children in marriage. Osin decided not only to marry, but also to get married. His wife Natalya worked in a bank before the wedding, and after marriage, the jealous Eugene insisted that his wife stay at home and run the household. This went on for two years, and then the long-awaited pregnancy happened and 15 years ago, the daughter Agnia was born.

Separation and loneliness

The girl grew up, and her dad was already convicted of drunken brawls. For example, during a vacation in Egypt, the musician got into a fight with the security of the hotel in front of his wife and child. Soon Natasha could not stand it and filed for divorce. Osin explained her act this way: “We were too different people, I am a creative person, I could play the guitar for a day, and Natalya tolerated my hobbies.” The woman tried to be a good wife - she even agreed with the vegetarian Aspen and did not feed her daughter with meat. It was rumored that Eugene cheated on his wife, but she forgave. But even the patient Natasha could not stand her husband's spree. He himself admitted: "I drank." And Osin was very jealous of Natasha, it seemed to him that the woman did not refuse signs of attention of his wealthy friends. As a result, Osin quarreled with friends, and Natasha filed for divorce. At first, when Eugene could control alcohol addiction, he even went on vacation with his family - he was located in a nearby hotel and spent days working with Agnia. Then the ex-wife got married, and in 2010 Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher at the school that his daughter attended. So the father could see the child more often. The musician gave up drinking, repaired the music room at his own expense, created the Chips children's ensemble at the school, and again filmed five clips at his own expense. Naturally, Agnia sang it in the group. “I worked at school for almost five years - I studied the psychology of children, I understood how to communicate with them. I received twenty-five thousand rubles a month, ”said Evgeny Osin about work that brought pleasure. And then his ex-wife moved to the Moscow region and transferred her daughter to another school. The father began to meet the girl less often. But communication by phone and social networks did not stop.

Evgeny Osin with his daughter Agnia. Photo: frame from the TV program “Let them talk”.

New old life

Yevgeny Osin divorced the mother of his child more than 10 years ago. During this time, everything happened in his relationship with his ex-wife, who rightly demanded alimony for her daughter. The four-room apartment was purchased by the musician shortly before the marriage, so it remained in his ownership, but the bailiffs arrested the property that was in this apartment. Once they even took away the artist’s favorite motorcycle, which he later bought. But that's in the past. Debts on alimony Osin periodically repaid. A common-law wife appeared in his life, with whom Osin lived for several years and broke up. Eugene is proud of his daughter, who graduated from a music school, writes songs. He hopes that the girl will become famous and successful. In order to see this, Evgeny Osin needs to take care of his health, get rid of bad habits. It is possible that then work will appear - Evgeny will be invited to speak at corporate parties and events. Songs performed by him continue to be played on radio stations - people still remember the hits of Zhenya Osin.

// Photo: Salynskaya Anna /

Last year, Evgeny Osin underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, the 53-year-old man gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a proper lifestyle. Aspen was motivated to take care of her health not only by her conscience, but also by a new circumstance - recently the artist has been taking part in the upbringing of her alleged daughter. He found out about its existence a few years ago. The singer told StarHit why he hid his second family.

“My daughter's name is Nastya Godunova, she is 12 years old. She even calls me dad! Osin says. - I met her mother Lena before marriage with my first wife Natasha. We met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. He began to look after, soon we came together. They lived together for several months, but then nevertheless broke up. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With the former lover, we remained on good terms, we saw each other periodically. A few years ago, Lena found my number and stunned me with the news that I have a daughter.

Shocked Osin immediately asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember being very worried,” Evgeny continues. - But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastya is engaged in music, participates in children's modeling shows!

According to the celebrity, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Eugene decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” the singer says. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he said that the girl was not his and abandoned her.

The singer is constantly in touch with Elena and Nastya. Calls every evening to ask how they are doing.

“Of course, the mother is mainly involved in raising the girl,” Evgeny shares. But I am also ready to help with advice. It's nice that Nastya listens to me.

Now the girl is engaged in music. In the photo with a member of the group A "Studio Baigali Serkebaev // Photo: VKontakte

The girl is not yet familiar with the eldest daughter of the musician Agnia. For a long time, Aspen had problems in relations with the heiress and her mother - they did not want to communicate with him. The singer even got a job as a music teacher at the school where Agnia studied, created a group where she became a soloist. After Eugene underwent rehabilitation, relations improved, but recently the daughter again stopped communicating with her father.

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