Values, ideals, norms. Ideals and Values: A Historical Review


It often seems that we are further and further away from our soul, dreams and high aspirations. Behind everyday chores, we have completely forgotten how to perceive life as a gift, as something incomprehensible and beautiful. Have we always been like this? Are we all like that? Isn't there already a small place in our life for beauty? But what about the miracle of the birth of a new person, love for parents, the happiness of being a mother? Is it possible that such eternal concepts as female fidelity, faith in God have become an empty phrase for us? I feel very sorry for those people who do not have these feelings. We rarely think about the fact that our life is a gift from God. We have forgotten everything spiritual in pursuit of our own ideal. And what is our imagined ideal? And you need to walk so persistently towards it, sometimes spending your whole life on this road? The ideal for me is something better, perfect. Often by this word we understand moral values ​​- goodness and truth, love and happiness, justice and sincerity. However, in general, our ideas about the ideal differ. For example, some people believe that the ideal society is one where people have good jobs, good housing, and an expensive car. And there are people for whom the ideal state is an opportunity to develop and improve their knowledge, this is creative work. The ideal in human form is, first of all, a person of high moral qualities. For us Russians, for two millennia this ideal has been Jesus Christ. Many ideal figures live in folk legends, fairy tales, sayings, parables. These moral ideals are a kind of example for us, their descendants. Let's try to remember the ancestors. Ukraine has always had its own religious preferences. Personally, I like the fact that women have always entrusted their cares to the Mother of God. It was in this way that they brought themselves closer to the high ideal of maternal duty. The main thing for a woman is to remain faithful to her husband, family, children. A vivid example of this aspiration in history is Yaroslavna. As a faithful wife, she worries about her husband, she is capable of any sacrifice for him. In order for us to get closer to the ideal, it is necessary to realistically assess ourselves, our moral qualities and, of course, soberly reflect on personal shortcomings. Only in this way can one understand what needs to be done and in what direction, that at least one step closer to the desired. After all, it is known that any shortcoming can be overcome and eliminated, and any virtue can be developed and multiplied. It is only important to observe the measure in everything and not to forget that everything great starts from very small things. The ideals of beauty have been valued by people since the creation of the world. For they are eternal.

4.3. My dream

"Dreaming is great, as long as you remember that it's just a dream" - Joseph Ernest Renan.

Every generation dreams of something different. Our mothers and fathers dreamed of becoming astronauts and teachers. Now everything has changed: if you ask a first grader what he wants to become, he will answer without hesitation - a programmer or a businessman.

As a child, I wanted to be a fashion designer. It seemed to me that this is a very exciting activity - to create your own fashionable things.

But you need to look at life realistically. Now I am at an age when it is still difficult for me to call myself an adult, but I am no longer a child. I have not yet been affected by adult problems, although I often think about who I will be, how my life will turn out.

Many people have been chasing their dreams since childhood. They additionally study foreign languages ​​in order to earn money as a translator of texts during their student years or study in specialized schools. There they get an idea of ​​the future profession, or at least know what to do and who to become.

The dreams of adults are most often unfulfilled. Although, even if a person has already taken place, he still strives for something, dreams of becoming even more successful. But few manage to achieve this.

Dreams are just what we're trying to get closer to. But if you can't achieve them, you don't need to be upset. After all, we live in the present, and we should not forget about it. Let's love life today, it's so beautiful!

Place for the formula. 4.4. My motto

"Liveevery day, as if this day is the last in your life. Live as ifif every person on your way is the only one, and your every act- main. It doesn't matter what is real and what is not. What matters is that youdoing now"

>> Ideal and values

23. Ideal and values

What ideal?

In our behavior, we consciously or unconsciously follow some ideals, most often without even knowing it.

Ideal (from French ideal)- an example, something perfect, the highest goal of aspirations. It denotes what seems worthy of emulation. People have different ideals. One person considers the ideal of a respectable businessman driving a Mercedes (he is strict, efficient, secured). And the other is attracted by the romance of distant roads. He wants to know the world, visit different countries, cross the Arctic Ocean or the desert.

We advise you to remember

Ideal- something perfect, corresponding to the ideal.

Idealist- a selfless person striving for lofty goals.

Idealization- representation of someone or something better than he (it) is in reality; endowment with qualities corresponding to the ideal.

People who put material values ​​first, such as a luxurious mansion or a car, are called materialists.

And the other person is called an idealist. It is customary to refer to idealists as people who put spiritual values ​​and ideals (kindness, justice, honesty) in the first place. At the same time, in each person there are both
beginnings: material and ideal.

From the word "ideal" come concepts that you probably met more than once.

Heroes have always been the bearers and embodiment of the ideal. That is why they served as a role model, inspiring people to lofty moral deeds. The images of the heroes embody vivid, memorable manifestations of moral stamina, courage, and the greatness of the human spirit. Heroes
poets sing, their image is imprinted in immortal works by great artists and sculptors.

People strive for the ideal all their lives. With him we compare our actions and deeds.

Perhaps the most surprising thing lies in the fact that we want to see ideal not only ourselves, but also others, especially those close to us.

Let's try to think about who and why can become an ideal for others.

Probably, you have heard the phrase of young fans about some popular singer: “She is my ideal!” But what does this mean? Girls like the appearance of the singer, her manner of holding, speaking, laughing. I like the success that the singer has achieved. But after all, fans do not know anything about the singer's views on life, how she communicates with her family and friends. It is only about external imitation.

Each generation has its own ideals. Often they are connected with the events that the whole society is going through at this time. The military generation admired feats during battles, persistent behavior in captivity by enemies.

The new time and modern youth already have other role models that are closer and more understandable to them.

What are values?

What are values? These are those objects, phenomena (material and spiritual) that are most important for a person in life.

There are values ​​that are important at all times. They can be called universal. Such values ​​include truth, freedom, justice, beauty, goodness, benefit.

The enduring values ​​of family life are considered to be loyalty and constancy, love for children, combined with exactingness, respect for a person.

But sometimes a person has a conflict of values. Imagine such a situation. A friend asked me to come support him at sports competitions, and at school by tomorrow we need to prepare a serious message, for which there are no materials at home. And the student faces a difficult choice: go to the competition to support a friend or prepare a message in the library? Any decision is unpleasant, because you want to be both a good friend and a successful student. In life, you will have to learn to make choices in many

What values ​​are today's teenagers guided by?

When scientists found out what books teenagers aged 10-13 read, what heroes they imitate and admire, it turned out: fictional heroes who are characterized by a sense of collectivism, community with other people. Each of them acted out of a moral need to care for others. The characters of the works could not remain indifferent to the pain and suffering of other people, they felt responsible for them. But the students in the first place were not fairy-tale heroes and not movie heroes, like teenagers, but real people who achieved success thanks to hard work and outstanding abilities.

It is difficult to determine the values ​​of teenagers. Some data suggests that they are mainly focused on material gains, without tormenting themselves with questions about the meaning of life. However, on the other hand, teenagers are interested in the life of their family, religion, are not indifferent to the pain and suffering of other people.

Science has established that there are three stages in the moral development of a person.

The first stage is when a person does not commit evil deeds because he is afraid of punishment. If a person thinks that he can be caught stealing, then he is unlikely to steal.

The second stage is when a person values ​​the opinion of the group in which he is. The person does not steal for fear of expulsion from the group.

In the third stage, behavior is determined by principles that apply regardless of group authority. They are based on justice, mutual assistance and equality of human rights, respect for his dignity as a person. A person does not steal because he respects other people. Correct behavior is considered to be consistent with such principles.

This scientific theory is based on the belief that people are characterized by certain stages of moral development. But it turns out that most people rarely progress beyond the second level. The criminals stop at the first.

The principles of morality tell us what our relationships with people should be like, how we should treat people. The simplest form of their expression is this: treat people the way you want them to treat you. It is a form of relationship of equality between people.

Summing up

People's behavior is influenced by ideals and values. Ideals are role models, something perfect. The ideal can be real people or fictional characters, public ideas and values. Values ​​are all objects, phenomena (spiritual and material) that are important for a person in his life. There are universal human values ​​that have always been considered important.

Test your knowledge

1. What do the concepts mean: “ideal”, “idealist”, “idealization”?
2. List the character traits that you think an ideal person should have. Justify your choice.
3. How do you understand the expression "Every time has its heroes"?
4. Do you know works of art in which heroes are depicted, lofty ideals are shown? Name them.
5. Describe a situation that reflects a conflict of values.
6. Come up with sentences (phrases) with the words: “benefit”, “justice”, “beauty”, “freedom”, “honor”, ​​“responsibility”.


1. The basis of the culture of Japan and China is the respect of children towards their parents.

It includes officially recognized duties, such as respect for parents, unquestioning obedience to them, care for father and mother.

The observance of this cultural value has so rebuilt relations in society that the Chinese and Japanese peoples today, perhaps, surpass all others in terms of respect for their elders.

And what about this cultural value in our country, in Russian society? Conduct your mini-research (use print, radio, television, your observations).

2. Complete the test task.

A. What would you be unable to forgive the person you are friends with?
1) Rudeness;
2) betrayal;
3) cowardice, greed;
4) weakness of character;
5) rudeness;
6) other.

B. What will you never allow yourself to communicate with your beloved and dear person?
1) look untidy;

2) to tell a lie;
3) to blunder or be embarrassed;
4) raise your voice;
5) other.

Conclude what is valuable to you in communicating with loved ones.

Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social science: A textbook for the 6th grade of educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009. - 184 p.

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The motives of human activity are of a social nature. Fixing his needs and interests, they, at the same time, correlate with the values ​​prevailing in society and are largely determined by them.

In the broad sense of the word values b - it is the positive or negative significance of objects (sensual or abstract) for a person, their dignity. Indeed, any object involved in the sphere of human life “turns to a person in one direction or another and can be evaluated in terms of benefit or harm, beauty or ugliness, permissible or forbidden, etc.

However, there is a narrower sense of the word, which we will adhere to in the future: values ​​are understood as abstract representations and ideas that act as standards of due, constituting the axial meaning of human existence. In accordance with this definition, sensual, material objects are not values, but they are closely related to the latter, since they act as means of their realization. Values ​​include, in particular, peace between people, the life of mankind (general human values), ideas about good and evil, social justice, freedom, equality, rights and duties of people (social class values), friendship, love, trust ( values ​​of communication), creativity, knowledge of the truth (values ​​of activity), beauty and ugliness (aesthetic values), etc.

In various social systems, values ​​are manifested in customs, morality, public opinion, tastes, and so on. Their fixation in the minds of people is predominantly fuzzy and intuitive-emotional.

Unlike the goal, the value does not lose its aspiration to the future in the process of implementation, does not contain a more or less clear result, does not have any spatial characteristics. However, it gives meaning to all human life, forms the basis of his attitude to the surrounding reality and to himself. Thanks to values, a person develops a certain position in life, develops the ability to choose goals and consciously manage his own behavior, to overcome immediate impulses. In other words, values ​​form the basis of a property of human consciousness called reflection .

Values ​​are a necessary condition for the formation of a human personality. The destruction of value systems is fraught with negative consequences. A personality degrades, becomes abnormal if its life-sense core breaks down. Phenomena such as the growth of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, which have become widespread in the life of our society in recent times, are to a large extent associated with the loss of accumulated values.

No less dangerous is the other extreme - the prevalence of values ​​in human life, attempts to unconditionally subordinate it to once learned behavioral cliches. "Don't compromise your principles!" - the main life attitude of people of this kind. Here, values ​​become fragments of an illusory, false consciousness, ideology, where ideas turn into a primary force in relation to the earthly sources of their origin, to the real interests of people. Any changes in reality turn out to be hostile to such values. Their carriers are, as a rule, people who are characterized by dogmatism, fanaticism and moral deafness.

Distinguishing values ​​and goals, it should be borne in mind that the boundary separating them is very conditional and relative. In the motley list of goals, in their hierarchy, there are such imaginary goals that the subject in his activity strives to approach, but never reaches them. Such goals are called ideals . The ideal, however, has all the attributes of value. It is the highest value that determines the direction and methods of social or individual development. Such are the ideals of beauty, human perfection, social organization, and so on. Social ideals act as the last foundations of goals and the force that organizes people for the sake of solving specific, historically urgent tasks.

Social norms are close to the ideals, although they differ from them in a more concrete, instrumental nature. social norm this is a generally recognized tool in this community for assessing existing and emerging situations, as well as a rule for their reproduction and change. The most important function of the social norm is the regulation of the behavior of members of a given community, the nature of their relationships, interaction and communication.

The question of how values ​​relate to knowledge about the outside world has attracted the attention of many generations of philosophers. Particular importance was attached to it within the framework of superficial, in particular, contemplatively materialistic ideas about the purpose of philosophy and science. In accordance with them, any philosophy and science consider the world "as it is", stating only what is available and does not affect reality in the least. But then the values ​​completely fall out of scientific consideration. Good, for example, is not what "is", but what "should be". The ideal according to which we are to act cannot by any means be discovered by the scientific investigation of external objects. Therefore, along with the scientific way of thinking, one should admit the possibility of a different, value-based vision of the world.

Dialectical materialism establishes deep and close relationships between values ​​and knowledge. Of course, human activity is built in accordance with its value orientations. But if they contradict the laws of development of the external world, they very soon reveal their utopian essence. This is how values ​​are selected. Actual values ​​correspond to the laws of the external world and contain knowledge about it. For example, the ideals of the revolutionary-minded masses have always protested against the existing injustice and the aspirations for complete justice. At the same time, in an unconscious form, they displayed trends, the laws of the historical development of society. They were recognized in social theory. Therefore, the science of society always has a value character. In it, values ​​take the form of a scientific worldview.

For several years now, discussions have been going on in our country on how to make Russia the most advanced country in the modern world. A number of authors emphasize the importance

the latest scientific developments and domestic achievements in fundamental sciences. Others point to the geopolitical and climatic features of Russia, which involve large additional costs for heat supply and laying other communications, overcoming significant distances, processing primary raw materials, etc. Still others rely on the special national spirit of the people, who can overcome any difficulties. Still others believe that the West will provide significant assistance in the technological and economic development of the country, guided by considerations of geopolitical stability.

What do you think of these positions? Which of the following is more in line with common sense? Which are originally unreal?

short essay help! The author writes: “The process of socialization in a traditional society

carried out by passing from generation to generation unchanged
values. Activities, their means and goals have existed for centuries
as sustainable traditions, models and social norms.
In modern conditions, the need for qualitatively different
ways of preparing and including the individual in society.
What type of society does the author mean by "modern conditions"?
Based on the knowledge of the social science course and personal social experience,
give two explanations of the author's point of view, why in modern
world “the need for qualitatively different methods of training and
inclusion of the individual in society.

There are various meanings of the term "society". Society is broadly understood to mean

1) the entire population of the Earth
2) the whole world in the variety of its forms and manifestations
3) the unity of animate and inanimate nature
4) a certain stage of historical development

The concept of "personality" is used to characterize
1) human activities
2) the unique originality of a person
3) a set of socially significant qualities of a person
4) a person as a single representative of the human race

Grandmother explains how to cook delicious borscht. What form of communication does this example illustrate?
1) exchange of views
3) transfer of experience
2) information exchange
4) expression of experiences

Are the following judgments about the relationship between society and nature correct?
A. The existence of society largely depends on the state of nature.
B. Society always negatively affects the natural environment.
1) only A is true
3) both statements are correct
2) only B is true
4) both judgments are wrong

Purposeful cognitive activity of a person to obtain
knowledge and skills is
1) creativity
3) socialization
2) education
4) labor

Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world correct?
A. Science explains the laws of development of the surrounding world.
B. Science reveals the possible prospects for the development of society.
1) only A is true
3) both statements are correct
2) only B is true
4) both judgments are wrong
Labor productivity is called
1) the amount of products produced per unit of time
2) the difference between the company's revenue and total costs
3) division of the production process into a number of separate stages
4) the process of production of goods and services

Citizen V., who returned from vacation, discovered that for a month the prices for
basic consumer goods increased. Subsequently, she noted
further price increases. Manifestations of what economic phenomenon noted
citizen V.
1) competition
2) inflation
3) offers
4) demand

In country Z there is commodity production and money circulation. Which
additional information would lead to the conclusion that the economy
country Z has a command (planned) character?
1) Retired workers receive an old-age pension.
2) Most workers work in industrial enterprises.
3) The state acts as a monopoly in hiring labor.
4) The state exercises control over the money supply.

Are the following statements about wages correct?
A. The salary of an employee depends solely on his personal qualities.
B. There are various forms of remuneration of workers.
1) only A is true
3) both statements are correct
2) only B is true
4) both judgments are wrong

socio-political organizations and movements d) all of the above 89. Task Mark the correct answer The form of organization of political power in society, which has sovereignty and manages with the help of special bodies, is: a) the political system b) the political regime c) the state 90. Task Mark the correct answer In the broadest sense, power is: a) the right to do something on behalf of the state b) the art of living together c) the ability of an individual or group of people to control, influence other people 91. Task Mark the correct answer Mark the type power refers to the power of the minister: a) to the executive b) to the legislative c) to the judicial of the signs listed below is not mandatory for the state? a) public authority b) constant government control over the daily life of people c) the presence of a certain territory d) the sovereignty and independence of the country in the international arena 94. Task Mark the correct answer Which of the following signs is not a sign of a presidential republic? a) the president is the head of state b) the president is elected by popular vote c) the leader of the party that won the election becomes the head of government 95. Task Mark the correct answer According to the Constitution, the Russian Federation is: republic 96. Task Mark the correct answer What is the rule of law? a) a state in which a constitution exists and actually operates b) a state whose main principle is the rule of law (law) c) a state with a republican form of government and judicial b) equality of all before the law c) the institution of presidential power d) mutual responsibility of the state and citizens influence is: a) the political regime b) the political system c) the state 99. Task Mark the correct answer The main functions of political parties are: a) organization of the electoral process b) ensuring communication between civil society and the state c) selection of candidates and nomination of political figures d) all of the above 100. Task Mark the correct answer The system of ways and methods of exercising power is : a) political regime b) political system c) state 101. Task Mark the correct answer Political scientists distinguish the following types of political regimes: a) democratic b) authoritarian c) totalitarian d) all of the above 102. Task Mark the correct answer Which document is recognized in the modern world "international standard of human rights and freedoms?" a) declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia b) universal declaration of human rights c) declaration on the principles of international law

11. A holistic view of nature, society, man, which is expressed in the system of values ​​and ideals of the individual, social

groups, societies

1) nature centrism 2) science centrism 3) worldview 4) sociocentrism

12 . The process of mastering knowledge and skills, ways of behavior is called:

1) education 2) adaptation 3) socialization 4) modernization

13 . The form of interaction inherent only to man with the outside world is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program

14 . Definition by a person of himself as a person capable of making independent decisions, entering into certain relationships with other people and nature:

1) socialization 2) education 3) self-realization 4) self-consciousness

15. The form of interaction inherent only to man with the outside world is

1) need 2) activity 3) goal 4) program.

16 .The term "society" not includes the concept:

1) Form of association of people

2) Parts of the material world

3) Natural habitat

4) Ways of interaction of people

17 .The transition from slash-and-burn to arable farming is an example of the relationship:

1) Society and nature

2) Societies and cultures

3) Economy and religion

4) Civilizations and formation

18. All examples, except for two, refer to the concept of "social needs". Give extra examples.

Creation of cultural values, labor activity, communication, social activity,

participation in the game, sleep.

19. Complete the sentences:

1) According to the need for the reproduction of the genus, a social

institute - ... .

2) Man is a product of biological, cultural and social ... .

3) What is most precious is sacred both for one person and for all mankind

- this is … .

4) In accordance with social needs, social ... have developed.

5) The origin of man is called ....

6) Perfection, the highest goal of human striving is ... .

20. Spiritual and physical in man:

1) precede each other

2) Connected to each other

3) Oppose each other

4) Independent from each other

21. The hallmark of a person is


2) Adaptation to the environment

3) Understanding the world and yourself

4) Use of tools

22 .Gennady has the knowledge and ability to protect personal rights, respects the rights of others, strictly fulfills his duties, and abides by the laws of the country. What qualities does Gennady have?

1) Citizenship

2) Conscience

3) Patriotism

4) Responsibility

23 .Are the following judgments about the social principle in man correct?

A. The social principle in man precedes the biological one.

B. The social principle in man is opposite to the biological

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

24. Are the following judgments about spirituality correct?

A. Spirituality is the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality.

B. Spirituality is the morally oriented will and mind of a person.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

25 .Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

1. Avicenna, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin - these are a few names of child prodigies whose genius has been revealed in full force over the years. 2. Ufologists believe the appearance of geeks is the intervention of aliens. 3. According to biophysicists, geeks "make" geomagnetic waves that affect the fetus. 4. The geomagnetic field of the Earth is different and its intensity depends on the Sun and other planets.

Determine which provisions of the text are: 1) Factual in nature 2) evaluative in nature

Write under the position number the letter that indicates its nature.

26 .Read the text below, where a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words to be inserted in place of the gaps:

“Society, state and culture are the means of organizing human _______________ (A), through which coordination is achieved between the actions of individuals / Coordination __________________ (B) of people simultaneously creates society and is created by it. People unite in order to achieve the __________ (C) facing them. Some researchers even expressed the opinion that the ability to create associations is a special form of _____________ (D) of a person to a dangerous ____________ (E). If animals change the form of their body or ________ (E), then the person combines his efforts with the efforts of other people. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word, phrase can be used only once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps."

1) Environment

2) Culture

4) Activities

5) Interaction

6) Behavior

7) Tool of labor

8) Fixture

9) Generation

27 . You are invited to prepare a detailed answer on the problem of "Social progress". Make up complicated plan, according to which you will cover this topic.

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