What are Chechens afraid of? The truth about Chechens - "real men" and "invincible warriors"


There are legends about the courage, unbridledness and rebelliousness of the Chechens. But what made them so? Perhaps we should consider the history of the Chechen people in a historical context.

"Merciless as tigers"

The turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries was marked by numerous wars between Russia and Turkey, Persia, as well as with the Crimean Khanate. Since the Caucasian Range separated our country from the enemies, it was strategically important to seize control over it. But it turned out to be not so easy. The highlanders did not want to be conquered at all. So, in 1732, the Chechens attacked the Russian battalion, which was making the transition from Dagestan to Stavropol. From 1785 to 1791, Chechen gangs more than once treacherously attacked Russian military garrisons, peaceful farmers who were developing the lands of present-day Stavropol. The confrontation between Russians and Chechens reached its peak in 1834, when Imam Shamil stood at the head of the rebels. The Russian army, led by Field Marshal Paskevich, resorted to the tactics of "scorched earth": the villages, whose population was on the side of the rebels, were destroyed, and their inhabitants were completely destroyed ... In general, the resistance of the Chechens was broken, but individual "sabotage" against the Russians continued until the revolution 1917. “They amaze with their mobility, agility, dexterity. In the war, they rush into the middle of the column, a terrible massacre begins, because the Chechens are agile and merciless like tigers,” writes V.A. Potto in the book “The Caucasian War in Separate Essays, Episodes, Legends and Biographies” (1887). When, during one of the battles, the Russians offered the Chechens to surrender, they replied: “We don’t want mercy, we ask the Russians for one favor - let them let our families know that we died as we lived - without submitting to someone else’s power.”

"Wild division"

During the Civil War, many Chechens and Ingush went to serve in the "Wild Division" under the command of General Denikin. In 1919, this "division" staged a real massacre in Ukraine, where they went to suppress the Makhno uprising. True, in the very first battle with the Makhnovists, the "savages" were defeated. After that, the Chechens announced that they no longer wanted to fight under Denikin and arbitrarily returned to their Caucasus. Soon, Soviet power was formally established in the Caucasus. However, from 1920 to 1941, 12 major armed uprisings against the Bolsheviks and more than 50 smaller scale riots took place on the territory of Chechnya and Ingushetia. During the war years, the number of sabotage by the local population led to the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the deportation of local residents.

"Come free!"

Why was it always so hard with the Chechens? Because the foundations of their culture are fundamentally different from ours. So, they still have blood feuds going on. Besides, a Chechen has no right to admit his mistakes. Having made a mistake, he will still insist on his own rightness until the very end. It is also forbidden to forgive your enemies. At the same time, the Chechen people have the concept of “nokhchalla”, which means “to be a Chechen”. It includes a set of ethical rules adopted in Chechen society. According to him, a Chechen should be restrained, laconic, unhurried, careful in his statements and assessments. The norm is the offer of help to those who need it, mutual assistance, hospitality, respect for any person, regardless of his relationship, faith or origin. But at the same time, “nokhchalla” implies the rejection of any coercion. Chechens from childhood are brought up as warriors, defenders. Even the ancient Chechen greeting says: “Come free!” Nokhchalla is not only an inner feeling of freedom, but also a readiness to defend it at any cost.4 In an old Chechen song, which later became the anthem of "free Ichkeria", it is said: Rather, granite rocks, like lead, will melt, Than hordes of enemies will force us to bow! Rather, the earth ignites in flames, Than we stand before the grave, having sold our honor! We will never submit to anyone, Death or Freedom - we will achieve one of the two. The Chechens themselves claim that among them there are true bearers of the "holy traditions of the Vainakhs" - adats - and there are those who have departed from these canons. By the way, the word "Vainakh" means "our man." And once upon a time, a person of any nationality could become “their own” for the Chechens. But, of course, subject to their customs. Those Chechens who are engaged in robbery and robbery, who become terrorists, are not “true Vainakhs”. They use their powerful temperament for unworthy purposes. But to judge the entire Chechen people by them is a big mistake.

From time immemorial, Chechens have been famous as hardy, strong, dexterous, inventive, severe and skillful warriors. The main features of the representatives of this nation have always been: pride, fearlessness, the ability to cope with any life difficulties, as well as high reverence for consanguinity. Representatives of the Chechen people: Ramzan Kadyrov, Dzhokhar Dudayev.

Take with you:

Origin of the Chechens

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the Chechen nation:

  • Most scientists are inclined to believe that in this way the people began to be called around the 13th century, after the name of the village of Big Chechen. Later, not only the inhabitants of this settlement, but also all neighboring villages of a similar type, began to be called this way.
  • According to another opinion, the name "Chechens" appeared thanks to the Kabardians, who called this people "Shashan". And, allegedly, the representatives of Russia simply changed this name a little, making it more convenient and harmonious for our language, and over time it took root and this people began to be called Chechens not only in Russia, but also in other states.
  • There is a third version - according to it, other Caucasian peoples initially called the inhabitants of modern Chechnya Chechens.

By the way, the very word “Vainakh” translated from Nakh into Russian sounds like “our people” or “our people”.

If we talk about the origin of the nation itself, then it is generally accepted that the Chechens have never been a nomadic people and their history is closely connected with the Caucasian lands. True, some scientists argue that in ancient times, representatives of this nation occupied larger territories in the northeastern Caucasus, and only then migrated en masse to the north of Kazvkaz. The very fact of such a relocation of the people does not cause any particular doubts, but the motives for the move are not known to scientists.

According to one version, which is partly confirmed by Georgian sources, at a certain moment the Chechens simply decided to occupy the North Caucasian space, where no one lived at that time. Moreover, there is an opinion that the very name of the Caucasus is also of Vainakh origin. Allegedly, in ancient times, that was the name of the Chechen ruler, and the territory got its name from his name "Caucasus".

Having settled in the North Caucasus, the Chechens led a settled way of life and did not leave their native places without extreme necessity. They lived in this territory for more than one hundred years (from about the 13th century).

Even when in 1944 almost the entire indigenous population was deported in connection with the unfair accusation of supporting the fascists, the Chechens did not remain in the “foreign” land and returned to their homeland.

Caucasian war

In the winter of 1781, Chechnya officially became part of Russia. The corresponding document was signed by many respectable elders of the largest Chechen villages, who not only put their signature on paper, but also swore on the Koran that they would accept Russian citizenship.

But at the same time, the majority of representatives of the nation considered this document a mere formality and, in fact, were going to continue their autonomous existence. One of the most ardent opponents of the entry of Chechnya into Russia was Sheikh Mansur, who had a huge influence on his fellow tribesmen, since he was not only a preacher of Islam, but was also the first imam of the North Caucasus. Many Chechens supported Mansur, which later helped him become the leader of the liberation movement and unite all the discontented highlanders into one force.

Thus began the Caucasian War, which lasted nearly fifty years. In the end, the Russian military forces managed to suppress the resistance of the highlanders, however, extremely tough measures were taken for this, up to the burning of hostile auls. Also during that period, the Sunzhinskaya (named after the Sunzha River) line of fortifications was built.

However, the end of the war was very conditional. The established peace was extremely shaky. The situation was complicated by the fact that oil deposits were discovered in Chechnya, from which the Chechens received practically no income. Another difficulty was the local mentality, which was very different from the Russian one.

Chechens and then repeatedly staged various uprisings. But despite all the difficulties, Russia greatly appreciated the representatives of this nationality. The fact is that the men of Chechen nationality were wonderful warriors and were distinguished not only by physical strength, but also by courage, as well as an unbending fighting spirit. During the First World War, an elite regiment was created, consisting of only Chechens and called the "Wild Division".

Chechens have indeed always been considered remarkable warriors, in which composure is surprisingly combined with courage and the will to win. The physical data of representatives of this nationality are also impeccable. Chechen men are characterized by: strength, endurance, dexterity, etc.

On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that they lived in rather harsh conditions, where it was extremely difficult for a physically weak person to exist, and on the other hand, by the fact that almost the entire history of this people is associated with constant struggle and the need to defend their interests with arms in hand. After all, if we look at the events that took place in the Caucasus, both in ancient times and in our time, we will see that the Chechen people have always remained quite autonomous and, in case of dissatisfaction with certain circumstances, easily went into a state of war.

At the same time, the combat science of the Chechens has always been very developed, and fathers from early childhood taught their sons how to use weapons and ride a horse. The ancient Chechens managed to do the almost impossible and create their own invincible mountain cavalry. Also, it is they who are considered the founders of such military techniques as nomadic batteries, the technique of blocking the enemy or the withdrawal of "crawling" troops into battle. From time immemorial, their military tactics have been based on surprise, followed by a massive attack on the enemy. Moreover, many experts agree that it is the Chechens, and not the Cossacks, who are the founders of the partisan method of warfare.

National Features

The Chechen language belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan branch and has more than nine dialects that are used in speech and writing. But the main dialect is considered flat, which in the 20th century formed the basis of the literary dialect of this people.

As for religious views, the vast majority of Chechens profess Islam.

Chechens also attach great importance to the observance of the national code of honor "Konakhalla". These ethical rules of conduct were developed in ancient times. And this moral code, to put it very simply, tells how a man should behave in order to be considered worthy of his people and his ancestors.

By the way, Chechens are also characterized by a very strong relationship. Initially, the culture of this people developed in such a way that the society was divided into various teips (kinds), belonging to which was of great importance for the Vainakhs. The relation to this or that genus was always determined by the father. Moreover, to this day, representatives of this people, getting to know a new person, often ask where he comes from and from which teip.

Another type of association is "tukhum". This was the name of teip communities created for one purpose or another: joint hunting, farming, protection of territories, repelling enemy attacks, etc.

Chechen. Lezginka.

Special attention should be paid to the national Chechen cuisine, which is rightfully considered one of the most ancient in the Caucasus. From time immemorial, the main products used by the Chechens for cooking were: meat, cheese, cottage cheese, as well as pumpkin, wild garlic and corn. Special importance is also attached to spices, which are usually used in large quantities.

Chechen traditions

Living in the harsh conditions of the mountainous area left its mark on the culture of the Chechens, their traditions. Life here was many times harder than on the plain.

For example, the highlanders often worked the land on the slopes of the peaks, and in order to avoid accidents, they had to work in large groups, obliging themselves with one rope. Otherwise, one of them could easily fall into the abyss and die. Often, half of the aul gathered to carry out such work. Therefore, for a true Chechen, respectable neighborly relations are sacred. And if grief happened in the family of people living nearby, then this grief is the grief of the whole village. If a breadwinner was lost in a neighboring house, then his widow or mother was supported by the whole aul, sharing food or other necessary things with her.

Due to the fact that work in the mountains is usually very hard, the Chechens have always tried to protect the older generation from it. And even the usual greeting here is based on the fact that they first greet an older person, and then ask if he needs help with something. Also in Chechnya, it is considered bad form if a young man walks past an elderly man doing hard work and does not offer his help.

Hospitality also plays a huge role for the Chechens. In ancient times, a person could easily get lost in the mountains and die from hunger or an attack by a wolf or a bear. That is why it has always been unthinkable for Chechens not to let a stranger into the house who asks for help. It does not matter what the name of the guest is and whether he is familiar with the hosts, if he is in trouble, then he will be provided with food and lodging for the night.

Take with you:

Mutual respect is also of particular importance in Chechen culture. In ancient times, the highlanders moved mainly along thin paths encircling peaks and gorges. Because of this, it was sometimes difficult for people to disperse on such paths. And the slightest inaccurate movement could cause a fall from the mountain and the death of a person. That is why Chechens, from early childhood, were taught to respect other people, and especially women and the elderly.

I went to Vladikavkaz the other day. I stayed there, it seems, not until late, but until dark, until half past five. I arrived at the bus station - it turned out that there were no minibuses or taxis anymore. I asked a friend from the locals, he ordered me a taxi on call, but only to the post on the border with Ingushetia, none of the taxi drivers go further.

The taxi has arrived, let's go. I got acquainted with the driver - a Georgian from the Kazbegov region, earns some money in Ossetia, there is nothing to do in the mountains in winter. I suggest - let's go to Nazran. He agrees, calls the base on the radio to find out how much such a route will cost. He is from there - are you tired of living, that you are going to Ingushetia? One of the taxi drivers of the same company, apparently having heard a conversation on the radio, advises - yesterday they took 5 thousand for such a trip (the price is completely inconsistent - usually taxi drivers from the bus station charge 350-400 rubles for this route, and the fare on the "minibus" costs 20 rubles). My driver smiles, comments to me - Ossetians are afraid to drive, but I don't care.

As a result, however, he still drops me off at the Chermen circle on the border with Ingushetia - the authorities from the base categorically forbade me to go, fearing that the cops in Ingushetia would take away his unregistered walkie-talkie.

The same situation with taxi drivers in Ingushetia, if you try to go to Ossetia from there. All taxi services on call refuse to take, for example, to the airport near Beslan. You have to get to the same post on the Chermen circle, cross it on foot, and then look for a ride. One day I suggested that a taxi driver I knew, who was taking me from Nazran, go to the airport itself. He persuaded him by telling him how a couple of days before that he had traveled quite calmly along the same route. And we drove quite normally, except, of course, that we were stopped four times by traffic cops, twice taking off 30-50 rubles each and once finding fault with the antenna from the radio (the driver pulled the radio out of the car and left it at work). After this incident, this taxi driver began to travel to Ossetia, met me several times (I usually fly from Moscow on flights to Vladikavkaz), until somehow it turned out that his car was stolen, and its numbers were blocked (but this was discovered by traffic cops in Ingushetia ).

Therefore, now every time a trip to the Beslan airport is a big headache. Taxi drivers from Ingushetia either refuse to go, making big eyes - “we don’t go there after the events” (meaning the seizure of the school in Beslan), or they break prices.

Having visited Yerevan not so long ago, I found out that the situation is approximately the same there. As a rule, Armenians do not travel to Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijanis to Armenia. One Azeri friend from Baku said that when he is in Yerevan, he is assigned security there - one or two special services officers who follow him everywhere.

Pondering all this, I once again thought - what a long negative memory these people have. After all, based on the above facts, it would seem that the Chechens, after the last two wars, should not stick their nose into Russia at all, and the Russians should fly around Chechnya. An no. Everything is the opposite. In many unexpected places in Russia you will not meet a Chechen, and many Russians go to Grozny with pleasure or curiosity.

Why is this happening? Have cultures become too general after a long Soviet coexistence? I don't think. For example, Ingush and Ossetians have many common surnames, and sometimes I notice a lot in common in their behavior. And there is opposition between them.

Or is the fact that Chechnya and, first of all, Grozny, were multinational? Again, I'm not sure how many Armenians lived in Baku, and there were quite a few Azerbaijanis living in Yerevan before the start of the conflict. And now?

It seems to me that the point is in the very mentality of the Chechens and Russians. There is, probably, in them a certain kindness of character, we cannot remember the evil done to us for a long time. Peacefulness and good-neighborliness, despite the hackneyed nature of these concepts, is what gives us the opportunity to live side by side and go to visit each other.

Perhaps many will not agree with me. And explain everything differently. Something like that - what is beneficial for people, because they behave the way they do. Say, Chechens go to Russia to earn money, and Russians go to Chechnya for the same, but by order. And that on the surface we depict hospitality towards each other, but inside we hate. Perhaps this is partly true - in some cases. But I know a lot of people of different nationalities in different parts of the world, and most of all - Chechens and Russians. I communicate with people, and I can distinguish hypocrisy from the truth. And I see that there is no hatred inside us, but there is a desire to live, and moreover, to live according to the "full program" - openly, easily, cheerfully, generously. It is this striving that does not give us time, and consequently, and, as it were, the opportunity to hate and fear. Not before us.

Of all the peoples living in the CIS, it was the Chechens who “distinguished themselves” more than others in helping the United States and NATO, who were chosen by the diabolical world government to become an insidious sharp double-edged sword for the mass destruction of the Slavs according to the plan of the international mafia in the current pre-war period and in the future, throughout throughout World War 3.
I often ask questions:
- Why did Perez, the former head of the secret government, and Rasmussen, the chief military strategist and mafia leader in charge of implementing the military and terrorist part of the 3rd World War, focus on the Chechen people?

What are the roots of the Chechen people and who is the ancestor of this people?

And why did the Chechens turn out to be so cruel, two-faced and corrupt #NotPeople, who betrayed and sold all of Russia and the Commonwealth countries to devilish servants from the secret government, exposing them to a crushing blow, thus. 300 million people?!

Many Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other servicemen and ordinary locals simply hate the Chechens for their cruelty, violence and arrogance. Yes, and how can one respect those who so insidiously substitute their own, for the sake of obtaining quick profits and personal privileges? Or do Chechens not consider Russians to be people at all?

I don’t know about you, but when I think about the Chechen people and how they behave towards the inhabitants of our region, delve into their history, I clearly realize that there is something very dark, diabolical in the roots of the Chechen people , as if some very terrible person seriously influenced the creation and formation of this people, which today is expressed in such a terrible attitude of the Chechens to life, in their worldview, some traditions and culture, as well as in their relationship with other peoples!

Well, let’s say that the Chechens have a long conflict with the Russians and they haven’t divided something among themselves, harbored a grudge against each other and are trying to take revenge one on one (although I have my own opinion on this), but the Belarusians don’t do anything to the Chechens have done, and they are preparing against my people a terrible bloody war, a whole series of terrorist acts throughout the country, the massive destruction of our military and civilian population during times of unrest and war, as well as large-scale robberies, looting, seizure of personal property of our citizens, real estate and even entire districts in the capital of Belarus!

Many Chechens, apparently, are proud of the fact that it is the so-called. the ancient civilization of the Aryans is the progenitor of the Chechen people, as many sources on the Internet say, some of which I will give below. However, from the point of view of Christianity, these Aryans, described in the Bible as "sons of Anakov" or "sons of God", are representatives of demonic spirits, fallen angels and messengers of the devil on Earth, although some "philosophers" try to present them as positive demigods. These are demons in the flesh that interbred with beautiful female dugouts, who gave birth to a stronger generation of half demons / half people from them, stronger, hardier and taller than ordinary people, more cunning and strong in military affairs!

This explains a lot to me, for example, why among the Chechens there are especially many demons in the flesh, born in our generation, which even fairly strong military personnel around the world are afraid of, although there are demons in human form in every nation, but not so many. And also why the wolf is the image of the Chechens, although the highly spiritual God's people always associate the wolf with werewolf demons, and the Chechens are proud of their image and even set an example for other peoples. Why exactly this people became a hotbed of terrorism and was especially chosen by the world satanic government for this role in our region and why it is the Chechens who are trying to seize power over the entire terrorist world of the globe, where Chechens are especially distinguished and valued among militants from other countries, and subjugate it , being controlled by Kadyrov-Avvadnon himself, etc.

I know that Stalin (although I don’t have a positive attitude towards him), being a native of the same region as the Chechens, somehow especially strongly hated this people and therefore deported quite a large part of them to other regions of our planet in due time . And sometimes I catch myself thinking that he understood something very well and knew about the Chechens, but what exactly?

Unfortunately, I didn't find the answer to this question...

Why did Stalin deport Chechens and Ingush?

Article: "Chechens"

Theories of the origin of the Chechens

The problem of the origin and the earliest stage in the history of the Chechens remains not completely clarified and debatable, although their deep autochthonism in the North-Eastern Caucasus and a larger area of ​​settlement in antiquity seem quite obvious. It is possible that the mass movement of the Proto-Vainakh tribes from Transcaucasia to the north of the Caucasus, but the time, causes and circumstances of this migration, recognized by a number of scientists, remain at the level of assumptions and hypotheses.

Version of the doctor of historical sciences, professor George Anchabadze about the origin of the Chechens and Ingush:

  • The Chechens are the most ancient indigenous people of the Caucasus, their ruler bore the name "Caucasus", from which the name of the area originated. In the Georgian historiographic tradition, it is also believed that the Caucasus and his brother Lek, the ancestor of the Dagestanis, settled the then deserted territories of the North Caucasus from the mountains to the mouth of the Volga River.

Several other versions exist:

  • Descendants of the Hurrian tribes (cf. division into teips), who went north (Georgia, the North Caucasus). This is confirmed both by the similarity of the Chechen and Hurrian languages, as well as similar legends, and an almost completely identical pantheon of gods.

  • Descendants of the Tigrid population, an autochthonous people who lived in the region of Sumer (R. Tigris). Chechen Teptars call Shemaar (Shemara), then Nakhchuvan, Kagyzman, the North and North-East of Georgia, and finally the North Caucasus, the point of departure of the Chechen tribes. However, most likely, this applies only to a part of the Chechen tukhums, since the route of settlement of other tribes is somewhat different, for example, Sharoi cultural figures point to the Leninakan (Sharoi) region, the same can be said about some Cheberloi clans, such as Khoy (“hjo” - guards, watch) (Khoy in Iran)

Part 7. Who are the ancestors of the Chechens and where do they come from.

Much water has flowed under the bridge after the Great Flood, and Roman (inverted) law and rulers have established themselves in this world, who all with a chok destroyed any mention ofAryan civilization and their special people's government, instead of which the domination of newcomers with an aggressive mentality, with a lower culture and an ugly form of minority power with a whole arsenal of suppression and subjugation, was established.

Only the Vainakhs, apparently due to the military way of life and strict adherence to the laws of their ancestors, were able to preserve until the 19th centurymoral norms and beliefs of the Aryans and the form of social structure inherited from their ancestors with popular rule .

In his previous works, the author was the first to point out that the essence of the Chechen conflict lies in the clash of two different ideologies of public administration and in the special flintiness of the Chechens, who do not completely submit to any losses.

In this unequal and cruel battle that the Chechen people inherited, the Chechens themselves have changed and have lost a lot over the past three centuries from what their ancestors had been protecting for thousands of years.

The sasens have left their marknot only in the North Caucasus . The Sasinid dynasty in Iran, removing the "new aliens" from power, restored the Aryan norms of morality and the religion of Zoroastrianism (Zero - zero, the starting point, aster - a star, i.e. the stellar beginning). In Greater Armenia, the descendants of David of Sasun bravely fought against the troops of the Caliphate in the 8th-9th centuries, and the regular Turkish army and bands of Kurds in the 19th-20th centuries. As part of the Russian corps, the Chechen detachments of Taimiev (1829) and Chermoevs (1877 and 1914) stormed the Armenian city of Erzrum three times, freeing it from the Turks.

One of the modified names of the Chechens is Shashen,in the Karabakh dialect of the Armenian language sounds like "special to the point of madness and brave to the point of madness". And the name Tsatsane already clearly indicates the peculiarity of the Chechens.

Nokhchi Chechens consider (apparently, at the call of blood)Nakhchevannamed by their ancestors as the settlement of Nokhchi, although the Armenians understand this name as a beautiful village. Slender, white, blue-eyed warriors on horseback among swarthy and undersized peasants were really beautiful.

There are traces of Nokhchi in southeastern Armenia in the region of Khoy (in Iran) and Akka in western Armenia in the interfluve of the Greater and Lesser Zab south of Erzrum. It should be noted that the Chechen people and the Vainakh communities that make it up are heterogeneous and include a dozen separate branches, with different dialects.

When studying Chechen society it seems that you are dealing with the descendants of the last defenders of the fortress, gathered in the citadel from different places. Moving for various reasons, the great-ancestors of the Chechens did not go further than a thousand kilometers from Mount Ararat, i.e. they practically remained within the region.

And the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs came from different places - some quickly and with heavy losses, while others gradually and more safely, for example, like Nokhchi fromMitanni. Let those times (more than three thousand years ago) be long and stretch for tens and hundreds of years. Along the way, they left the settlements they founded, and some of them went further, moving north for a reason that is now inexplicable to us, and the rest merged with the local population.

Finding traces of the ancestors of the Chechens is difficult because they really did not come from one place. There were no searches in the past,the Chechens themselves were content with an oral retelling of the path of their ancestors , but with Islamization, there were no Vainakh storytellers left either.

Today, the search for traces of the great-ancestors of the Vainakhs and archaeological excavations must be carried out on the territory of as many as 8 states during the period of the end of the second millennium BC.

The arrival of the former Aryan guards in separate detachments with families and households in the Galanchozh region marked the beginningChechen tukhums and taips (tai - share). The main taipas still distinguish their plots (share) on the land of Galanchozh, since it was then first divided by the great-ancestors thousands of years ago.

Gala among many peoples means to come, i.e. Galanchozh can mean the place of arrival or settlement from it, which is true either way.

Both the name of the great-ancestors of the Chechens (Sasen) and the current name of their descendants (Chechens), and their whole history are special.The development of Chechen society differed in many features and in many respects has no analogues.

The Chechens turned out to be very refractory and difficult to change from their ancestors, and for many centuries they retained their language and way of life, and the social structure of theirfree communities ruled by councils, without the admission of hereditary power . Legendary Turpal Nokhcho, who coped with the bull, harnessed it and taught the Nokhchi how to plow, overcame evil and bequeathed to keep the lake, from which the Nokhchi settled, clean, i.e. keep clean the foundations, language, laws and beliefs received from the ancestors (without polluting them with alien customs). As long as Turpal's commandments were respected, the Chechens were lucky in history.

From conversations with Chechens. Recorded during the last trip to Grozny. All phrases belong to different people:

Don't laugh at our gold, we've been under your bombs for ten years, now we're walking under gold. We have the right!

I won't go to the rally. Why support him (Ramzan)? What is he, so weak or what? I didn't see him offended.

We are very safe. I can leave the car running and no one will approach it. There is no such thing in any region of Russia.

Why are you generally clinging to Chechnya, to Kadyrov, everything is fine with us, do not interfere with us.

- If a woman wants to work in a normal position, she must wear a headscarf. You can't make a career with an uncovered head.

I don't like these rallies, I'm a loner, why should I bunch up? I'll tell you this: live honestly and you won't have to bunch up.

The Koran says that America will go under water, so they are striving to cross over to us. To our land.

It’s bad that because of individual geeks, the whole people are beginning to be judged. If a Chechen in Moscow goes wild, you immediately turn him on. Here, no one is bespredelnichaet, and you let them. My son is studying in Moscow, what is he doing there? How does he behave? Don't know. I'm worried about embarrassing me in front of people.

You will not exchange a thousand for a hundred? No, five hundred is not good, it’s throwing children at a wedding, 500 is already hard, it took time.

What's wrong with us? There is nothing wrong with us, everything is good with us.

Nobody feeds us. There is no need to feed the Chechen, you are restoring what you have destroyed.

I don't understand why people gather in support of Ramzan. You might think he needs our support. Putin is his support, why do we need him?

Nobody offends Ramzan. He himself no longer knows who to offend him.

Why are we blacks? Chechens will be whiter than Russians. They call us that because of their illiteracy. A real Chechen has white skin, blue eyes.

No one called us to the rally. We ourselves came. What for? Don't know. So it is necessary. Our people are like that, we don’t need to be asked or forced, we feel the right way, the right way, and we do it.

If Ramzan sees garbage, he will fire the prefect (head of the district). Therefore, where Ramzan travels, there is always perfect cleanliness. And you turn to the next street, there will already be dirt. This is how it turns out, you washed your face, but you don’t need a neck? Is that how it goes? Why this show?

Ay! Why are you standing on your Priore?! Your running gear costs 2 rubles, don't be afraid!

If a Chechen is wrong, behaves incorrectly, Ramzan or his people will decide the issue. It does not matter, in Moscow, in Grozny or in another country. I have a business in Moscow, when I do something, or perform somewhere, I always think how Ramzan will react to this.

Ramzanchik is a good boy. Does not hit, feeds 3 times, everything is fine! I experienced everything the hard way, so now everything is fine. The main thing is food. If not for Ramzanchik, there would have been trouble in general!

They say that Ramzan has a whole zoo in his residence. There are lions, tigers, different fish. They give him animals all the time. But he doesn't like monkeys. Somehow they gave him a monkey, so he immediately fed it to his lions.

I don't know who Yashin is, but if the people are against him, then he's a bad person. People just won't talk like that to a person. Yes, he is a bad person.

To be honest, I don’t really understand politics and I don’t follow who is there, what they say. Why did you come? I can't be silent!

Wow! Is that your wig or the real one? And can you touch it?

What are the Russians talking about?

When I left for Grozny, many of my acquaintances were worried about whether they would kill me there, whether they would throw me into a pit, and in general, Chechnya is so dangerous! Others asked how much Kadyrov paid me when I have a selfie with him and a sign in his support on Instagram. Of course, I had to return from Grozny in a black Porsche Cayenne with KRA numbers. After all, you can’t just take it and fly to Chechnya. They should either kill you there or give you Cayenne. There are no other options.

I'm telling. Porsche Cayenne was not given to me. There will be no selfies. They didn't kill either. There will be posts about bad and good Grozny. I hope you don't have to apologize.

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