How is a nation different from an ethnic group? Nation, ethnos, ethnic group


Among ethnologists there is no unity in the approach to the definition of ethnos and ethnicity. In this regard, several of the most popular theories and concepts stand out. So, the Soviet ethnographic school worked in line with primordialism, but today the highest administrative post in the official ethnology of Russia is held by a supporter of constructivism V. A. Tishkov.


This approach assumes that a person's ethnicity is an objective reality that has its basis in nature or in society. Therefore, ethnicity cannot be artificially created or imposed. Ethnos is a community with real-life, registered features. You can point to the signs by which an individual belongs to a given ethnic group, and by which one ethnic group differs from another.

"Evolutionary-historical direction". Supporters of this direction consider ethnic groups as social communities that have arisen as a result of a historical process.

Dualistic theory of ethnos

This concept was developed by employees of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now) headed by Yu. V. Bromley. This concept assumes the existence of ethnic groups in 2 senses:

Sociobiological direction

This direction assumes the existence of ethnicity due to the biological essence of man. Ethnicity is primordial, that is, originally characteristic of people.

Theory of Pierre van den Berghe

Pierre van den Berghe (Pierre L. van den Berghe) transferred certain provisions of ethology and zoopsychology to human behavior, that is, he assumed that many phenomena of social life are determined by the biological side of human nature.

Ethnos, according to P. van den Berghe, is an "extended family group."

Van den Berghe explains the existence of ethnic communities by the genetic predisposition of a person to kin selection (nepotism). Its essence lies in the fact that altruistic behavior (the ability to sacrifice oneself) reduces the chances of a given individual to pass on his genes to the next generation, but at the same time increases the possibility of his genes being passed on by blood relatives (indirect gene transfer). By helping relatives survive and pass on their genes to the next generation, the individual thereby contributes to the reproduction of his own gene pool. Since this type of behavior makes the group evolutionarily more stable than similar other groups in which altruistic behavior is absent, then "altruistic genes" are supported by natural selection.

Passionary theory of ethnos (Gumilyov's theory)

In her ethnos- a group of people naturally formed on the basis of an original stereotype of behavior, existing as a systemic integrity (structure), opposing itself to all other groups, based on a sense of complementarity and forming an ethnic tradition common to all its representatives.

An ethnos is one of the types of ethnic systems, it is always a part of superethnoi, and consists of subethnoi, convixions and consortia.

Elite instrumentalism

This direction focuses on the role of elites in the mobilization of ethnic feelings.

Economic instrumentalism

This direction explains interethnic tensions and conflicts in terms of economic inequality among members of different ethnic groups.


The main conditions for the emergence of an ethnos - a common territory and language - subsequently act as its main features. At the same time, an ethnos can also be formed from multilingual elements, take shape and consolidate in different territories in the process of migration (gypsies, etc.). In the context of early long-distance migrations of “homo sapiens” from Africa and modern globalization, ethnic groups are becoming increasingly important as cultural and linguistic communities that move freely throughout the planet.

Additional conditions for the formation of an ethnic community can be the commonality of religion, the proximity of the components of an ethnic group in racial terms, or the presence of significant mestizo (transitional) groups.

In the course of ethnogenesis, under the influence of the characteristics of economic activity in certain natural conditions and other reasons, features of material and spiritual culture, life, and group psychological characteristics that are specific to a given ethnos are formed. The members of an ethnos develop a common self-awareness, a prominent place in which is occupied by the idea of ​​a common origin. The external manifestation of this self-consciousness is the presence of a common self-name - an ethnonym.

The formed ethnic community acts as a social organism, self-reproducing through predominantly ethnically homogeneous marriages and transferring language, culture, traditions, ethnic orientation, etc. to the new generation.

Anthropological classification. Ethnos and race

Anthropological classification is based on the principle of dividing ethnic groups into races. This classification reflects the biological, genetic and, ultimately, historical relationship between ethnic groups.

Science recognizes the discrepancy between the racial and ethnic division of mankind: members of one ethnic group can belong both to the same and to different races (racial types) and, conversely, representatives of the same race (racial type) can belong to different ethnic groups, etc.

A fairly common misconception is expressed in the confusion of the concepts of "ethnos" and "race", and as a result, erroneous concepts are used, for example, such as "Russian race".

Ethnos and religion

Ethnos and culture

Culture - to give a universal, comprehensive definition for this concept is difficult and perhaps even impossible. The same can be said about "ethnic culture", since it is manifested and implemented in various ways and ways, so it can be understood and interpreted in different ways.

Nevertheless, some researchers clearly articulate the differences between a nation and an ethnos, pointing to the different nature of the origin of the concepts of "ethnos" and "nation". So, for an ethnos, in their opinion, is characterized by supra-individuality and stability, the repetition of cultural patterns. In contrast, for a nation, the process of self-awareness based on the synthesis of traditional and new elements becomes decisive, and the actual ethnic identification criteria (language, way of life, etc.) of belonging fade into the background. The nation comes to the fore those aspects that provide supra-ethnicity, the synthesis of ethnic, interethnic and other ethnic components (political, religious, etc.).

Ethnos and statehood

Ethnic groups are subject to changes in the course of ethnic processes - consolidation, assimilation, etc. For a more stable existence, an ethnos strives to create its own socio-territorial organization (state). Modern history knows many examples of how various ethnic groups, despite their large numbers, have not been able to solve the problem of socio-territorial organization. These include ethnic groups of Jews, Palestinian Arabs, Kurds, divided between Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Other examples of successful or unsuccessful ethnic expansion are the expansion of the Russian Empire, the Arab conquests in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the Spanish colonization of South and Central America.

ethnic identity

Ethnic identity is an integral part of the social identity of the individual, the awareness of one's belonging to a certain ethnic community. In its structure, two main components are usually distinguished - cognitive (knowledge, ideas about the characteristics of one's own group and awareness of oneself as its member based on certain characteristics) and affective (assessment of the qualities of one's own group, attitude towards membership in it, the significance of this membership).

One of the first to develop a child's awareness of belonging to a national group was studied by the Swiss scientist J. Piaget. In a 1951 study, he identified three stages in the development of ethnic characteristics:

1) at the age of 6-7, the child acquires the first fragmentary knowledge about his ethnicity;

2) at 8-9 years old, the child already clearly identifies himself with his ethnic group, based on the nationality of the parents, place of residence, native language;

3) in early adolescence (10-11 years old), ethnic identity is formed in full, as features of different peoples, the child notes the uniqueness of history, the specifics of traditional everyday culture.

External circumstances can force a person of any age to rethink their ethnic identity, as happened with a resident of Minsk, a Catholic, born in the Brest region bordering Poland. He “listed as a Pole and considered himself a Pole. At the age of 35 he went to Poland. There he became convinced that his religion unites the Poles, and otherwise he is Belarusian. Since that time, he has become aware of himself as a Belarusian ”(Klimchuk, 1990, p. 95).

The formation of ethnic identity is often a rather painful process. So, for example, a boy whose parents moved to Moscow from Uzbekistan even before his birth speaks Russian at home and at school; however, at school, due to his Asian name and swarthy skin color, he receives an offensive nickname. Later, having comprehended this situation, to the question “What is your nationality?” he may answer "Uzbek", or maybe not. The son of an American and a Japanese woman may turn out to be an outcast in Japan, where he will be teased as "long-nosed" and "oil-eater", and in the USA. At the same time, a child who grew up in Moscow, whose parents identify themselves as Belarusians, most likely will not have such problems at all.

There are the following dimensions of ethnic identity:

see also

  • Ethnopolitics
  • Ethnoterritorial conflict



  • Kara-Murza S. G. "Theory and practice of constructing peoples"
  • Shirokogorov S. M. “Ethnos. Study of the basic principles of change in ethnic and ethnographic phenomena "
  • Gulyakhin V.N. Ethnocollective unconscious as a determinant of socio-political development // Bulletin of the Volgograd State University. Series 7: Philosophy. Sociology and social technologies. 2007. No. 6. S. 76-79.
  • Sadokhin A. P., Grushevitskaya T. G. Ethnology: Textbook for students. higher textbook plant. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - S. 320. -

The concept of "ethnos" includes a historically established set of people who have a certain number of common subjective or objective characteristics. These features include origin, language, cultural and economic characteristics, mentality and self-awareness, phenotypic and genotypic data, as well as the territory of long-term residence.

The word "ethnos" Greek roots and literally translates as "the people". The word "nationality" can be considered a synonym for this definition in Russian. The term "ethnos" was introduced into scientific terminology in 1923 by the Russian scientist S.M. Shirokogorov. He gave the first definition of this word.

How is the formation of an ethnic group

Among the ancient Greeks, the word "ethnos" was adopted refer to other nations who were not Greeks. For a long time in the Russian language, the word “people” was used as an analogue. Definition of S.M. Shirokogorov made it possible to emphasize the commonality of culture, relationships, traditions, way of life and language.

Modern science allows us to interpret this concept from 2 points of view:

The origin and formation of any ethnic group implies a large length in time. Most often, this formation occurs around a specific language or religious beliefs. Based on this, we often pronounce such phrases as "Christian culture", "Islamic world", "Romance group of languages".

The main conditions for the emergence of an ethnic group are the presence common territory and language. These same factors are further supporting factors and the main distinguishing features of a particular ethnic group.

Among the additional factors influencing the formation of an ethnic group, one can note:

  1. shared religious beliefs.
  2. Proximity from a racial point of view.
  3. The presence of transitional interracial groups (mestizo).

The factors that unite an ethnic group include:

  1. Specific features of material and spiritual culture.
  2. Community of life.
  3. Group psychological characteristics.
  4. A common awareness of oneself and an idea of ​​a common origin.
  5. The presence of an ethnonym - a self-name.

Ethnos is essentially a complex dynamic system that is constantly undergoing transformation processes and at the same time maintains its stability.

The culture of each ethnic group retains a certain constancy and simultaneously changes over time from one era to another. Features of national culture and self-knowledge, religious and spiritual and moral values ​​leave an imprint on the nature of the biological self-reproduction of the ethnos.

Features of the existence of ethnic groups and their patterns

The historically formed ethnos acts as an integral social organism and has the following ethnic relations:

  1. Self-reproduction occurs through repeated homogeneous marriages and the transmission from generation to generation of traditions, self-consciousness, cultural values, language and religious characteristics.
  2. In the course of their existence, all ethnic groups undergo a number of processes within themselves - assimilation, consolidation, etc.
  3. In order to strengthen their existence, most ethnic groups strive to create their own state, which allows them to regulate relations both within themselves and with other groups of peoples.

The patterns of peoples can be considered behavioral models of relationships, which are typical for individual representatives. This also includes behavioral models that characterize individual social groups that are formed within the nation.

Ethnos can be simultaneously considered as a natural-territorial and socio-cultural phenomenon. As a kind of link that supports the existence of a particular ethnic group, some researchers propose to consider the hereditary factor and endogamy. However, one cannot but admit that the quality of the nation's gene pool is significantly influenced by conquests, the standard of living, and historical and cultural traditions.

The hereditary factor is tracked primarily in anthropometric and phenotypic data. However, anthropometric indicators do not always completely coincide with ethnicity. According to another group of researchers, the constancy of the ethnic group is due to national identity. However, such self-consciousness can simultaneously act as an indicator of collective activity.

The unique self-awareness and perception of the world of one or another ethnic group may directly depend on what its activity in the development of the environment is. The same type of activity can be perceived and evaluated differently in the minds of different ethnic groups.

The most stable mechanism that allows to preserve the uniqueness, integrity and stability of an ethnic group is its culture and common historical destiny.

Ethnos and its types

Traditionally, ethnicity is considered primarily as a generic concept. Based on this idea, it is customary to distinguish three types of ethnic groups:

  1. Genus-tribe (species characteristic of primitive society).
  2. Nationality (a characteristic type in the slave and feudal centuries).
  3. The notion of a nation is characteristic of a capitalist society.

There are basic factors that unite representatives of one nation:

Clans and tribes were historically the very first types of ethnic groups. Their existence lasted several tens of thousands of years. As the way of life and the structure of mankind developed and became more complex, the concept of nationality appeared. Their appearance is associated with the formation of tribal unions in the common territory of residence.

Factors in the development of peoples

Today in the world there are several thousand ethnic groups. All of them differ in the level of development, mentality, population, culture and language. There may be significant differences in racial and external criteria.

For example, the number of ethnic groups such as Chinese, Russians, Brazilians exceeds 100 million people. Along with such gigantic peoples, there are varieties in the world, the number of which does not always reach ten people. The level of development of different groups can also vary from the most highly developed to those living according to primitive communal principles. Every nation has own language, however, there are ethnic groups that simultaneously use several languages.

In the process of interethnic interactions, processes of assimilation and consolidation are launched, as a result of which a new ethnic group may gradually form. The socialization of an ethnic group proceeds due to the development of such social institutions as the family, religion, school, etc.

The following factors can be attributed to unfavorable factors for the development of the nation:

  1. High mortality rate among the population, especially in childhood.
  2. High prevalence of respiratory infections.
  3. Alcohol and drug addiction.
  4. The destruction of the institution of the family - a high number of single-parent families, divorces, abortions, parents abandoning children.
  5. Low quality of life.
  6. High unemployment.
  7. High crime rate.
  8. Social passivity of the population.

Classification and examples of ethnos

Classification is carried out according to a variety of parameters, the simplest of them is the number. This indicator not only characterizes the state of the ethnos at the current moment, but also reflects the nature of its historical development. Usually, formation of large and small ethnic groups proceeds in completely different ways. The level and nature of interethnic interactions depend on the number of one or another ethnic group.

Examples of the largest ethnic groups include the following (according to data from 1993):

The total number of these peoples is 40% of the total population of the globe. There is also a group of ethnic groups with a population of 1 to 5 million people. They make up about 8% of the total population.

Most small ethnic groups may number several hundred people. An example is the Yukagiru, an ethnic group living in Yakutia, and the Izhors, a Finnish ethnic group inhabiting territories in the Leningrad region.

Another classification criterion is the population dynamics in ethnic groups. The minimum population growth is observed in Western European ethnic groups. The maximum growth is noted in the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America.

In the biological sciences, race refers to the commonality populations. A population is a group of individuals characterized by a certain stable set of features; its individuals interbreed, give productive offspring and live in a common area.

In relation to a person, there are several definitions of race and population, although their meaning is very close. The most common in domestic science is the following: race- this is a set of people who have a common physical type, the origin of which is associated with a certain territory. Under population is understood as a set of individuals belonging to the same species, able to mix indefinitely with each other and having one territory. The difference between race and population, which are, in fact, very close definitions, is that the size of the population is much smaller, it occupies less space; a race, on the other hand, consists of many populations that have the possibility of intermingling without limit. The limitation of mixing is associated only with the presence of insulating barriers (including those with large distances). Ethnos(people, nationality) refers to social departments of humanity. An ethnos is a stable set of people historically formed in a certain territory, characterized by a common culture, language, psyche and self-consciousness, reflected in the self-name (ethnonym). All three phenomena - population, race and ethnos - have a very important common feature: each of them has a specific habitat. This commonality contributes to the unity of the gene pool1, culture and language. Therefore, coincidences of the physical type with certain characteristics of the ethnos are sometimes possible. There is a certain correspondence between the great races and

large linguistic divisions. For example, most representatives caucasian race speaks in tongues Indo-European and Semitic-Hamitic families, and most Mongoloids- in languages Sino-Tibetan family. However, there is no causal, regular connection between the physical features of the population, on the one hand, and language and culture, on the other. Most ethnic groups have a complex anthropological (racial) composition, many ethnic groups are anthropologically polymorphic, and along with this, different peoples can belong to the same anthropological type. As the interdisciplinary study of many peoples of the world shows, the coincidence of cultural, linguistic and physical traits is a very rare phenomenon. It may arise as a result of some historical or natural causes, primarily social or geographical isolation. The formation, development and functioning of races and ethnic groups are subject to different laws: races - natural (biological), and ethnic groups - social (historical, etc.).

There are two main approaches to understanding the nation. In the first case, it is a political community of citizens of a state, in the second, an ethnic community with a single identity and language. An ethnos is a group of people with common characteristics, which include origin, culture, language, self-consciousness, territory of residence, etc.

Nation, unlike ethnos, it has a broader concept, and is also considered a more complex and late formation. This is the highest form of ethnos, which replaced the nationality. If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced in the course of the entire world history, then the period of the formation of nations was the New and even the Newest time. A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups at once, brought together by historical fate. For example, the Russian, French, Swiss nations are multi-ethnic, while the Americans do not have a pronounced ethnicity at all.

According to numerous researchers, the origin of the concepts of "nation" and "ethnos" has a different nature. If the ethnos is characterized by the stability and repetition of cultural patterns, then the process of self-awareness through the combination of new and traditional elements is important for the nation. Thus, the main value of an ethnos is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development.

The difference between a nation and an ethnic group

The nation is the highest form of an ethnos that has come to replace the nationality.

If the existence of ethnic groups can be traced in the course of the entire world history, then the period of the formation of nations was the New and even the Newest Time.

A nation, as a rule, includes several ethnic groups at once, brought together by historical fate.

The main value of an ethnic group is belonging to a stable group, while the nation strives to reach a new level of development.

Increased attention to national problems gave impetus to the development of ethnology (or ethnography) - a science that studies the composition, origin, settlement and cultural and historical relationships of peoples, their material and spiritual culture, and features of life. In ethnology, the concepts of an ethnos and a nation, which is a type of ethnos, are separated.

Approaches to the definition of an ethnos: the first - preference is given to social aspects in the genesis and existence of ethnic groups, and its functioning is associated and determined by them by the level of development of productive forces and production relations (Yu.V. Bromley, V.I. Kozlov, M.V. Kryukov, S.A. Tokarev); the second is focused more on the analysis of the natural aspects of ethnogenesis and its further functioning and connects the emergence and existence of an ethnos and its essential features with the impact of the biological and genetic consequences of human evolution, the process of race formation and adaptation mechanisms to the environment and is presented by such authors as S.M. .Shirokogorov, V.P. Alekseev, L.N. Gumilyov, O. Huntington and others.

So, according to Yu.V. Bromley, an ethnic community is “only that set of people who are aware of themselves as such, distinguishing themselves from other similar communities”. If we consider the problem of isolation, isolation of ethnic communities in its genesis, then the initial stage was the isolation, isolation of man from nature, which gave him the opportunity to realize his difference from the world of animals and plants, thereby realizing himself as a man.

The isolation of ethnic communities was not only a causal, but also a historically progressive phenomenon, since the process of ethnic consolidation of a community begins with isolation, during which it acquires its own unique, original being, self-determining as an independent social subject with its own essential forces, ethnic individuality.

In the theory of the creation of ethnogenesis, a huge role belongs to L.N. Gumilyov. In his vision, "an ethnos is a stable, naturally formed group of people that opposes itself to all other similar groups and is distinguished by a peculiar stereotype of behavior that naturally changes in historical time." Ethnos is, as it were, a purely natural community, which, on the one hand, depends on the landscape and natural conditions, on the other hand, is characterized by local customs, customs, and cults.

Ethnicity, found in the minds of people, is not a product of consciousness itself. It reflects some side of human nature, much deeper, external in relation to consciousness and psychology, by which we mean a form of higher nervous activity.

Any ethnic group living in its usual landscape is almost in a state of equilibrium. Ethnos, on objective grounds, is a natural phenomenon, and according to the methods of self-organization, it is a sociocultural phenomenon. It has a number of general patterns that operate in it at all stages of functioning and development. At the same time, at each stage of development, an ethnos is subjected to a whole range of interrelated and interdependent natural and sociocultural influences, which determines the specifics of its manifestation, as well as the factor of psychological characteristics in accordance with these specific conditions.

A nation is something that necessarily presupposes the experience of state-legal construction, which is no longer just mores and customs, but state law and systematized morality. A necessary prerequisite for a nation is a developed culture.

The basis of the ethnos is the folklore-ethnographic, national-spiritual basis - an expanded cultural principle. If in the first case, relations between people are regulated through customs, traditions, then in the second case through state-legal norms. The nation is polyethnic.

A nation, unlike an ethnos, is something that exists not in a person, but outside a person, which is given to him not by the fact of his birth, but by his own efforts and personal choice. If an individual does not have any personal merit in belonging to an ethnic group, he does not choose an ethnic group, then a nation can be chosen. The nation can also be changed.

In any case, ethnicity does not yet characterize belonging to a particular nation. It is possible to be ethnically Lithuanian and consider yourself belonging to the American nation. The nation is the state, social, cultural affiliation of the individual, and not his anthropological and ethnic certainty.

For a citizen living in a Western European country or in North America, belonging to a nation and ethnicity are two different things. According to Professor E. Gellner, "two people belong to one nation only if they are united by one culture, which in turn is understood as a system of ideas, conventional signs, connections, ways of behavior and communication", or "if they recognize each other's belonging to this nation. In other words, nations are made by man, nations are the product of human convictions, passions and inclinations."

The national affiliation of a person as a specific form of social relations is a more complex phenomenon than the ethnicity of a person. It includes the specifics of social relations, social institutions, traditions that take place in a given national community. National affiliation is an indicator that the national as a public education is individualized, national values, a system of national traditions in various spheres of public life, customs, rituals, social symbols are included in the characteristics of the individual.

The ethnicity of a person cut off from the bulk of his people, living as part of other nations and in other states, is transmitted by virtue of inertia from one generation to another. Among this category of people, the language, customs, and norms of behavior of other peoples are borrowed. If this continues for a number of generations, then we are talking about the assimilation of a person from one ethnic group to another. The most significant in this case is the change in the ethnic consciousness of the individual. Only then can we talk about assimilation, when new signs are formed and new ethnic variants are created.

V. Tishkov proposed to abandon the term "nation" in its ethnic meaning and to keep its meaning, which is accepted in the world scientific literature and international political practice, that is, a nation is a collection of citizens of one state. A similar point of view was expressed by the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. The concept of “nation”, in their opinion, unites all people living in a given territory, recognized as citizens of the state located on it and considering themselves as such. Representatives of national minorities sometimes oppose the understanding of a nation as a fellow-citizenship. From their point of view, only "own" national-territorial formations will protect ethnic minorities from the loss of their rights.

These are the main characteristics of an ethnos and a nation that are currently taking place in the scientific community. The range of these concepts is much wider, but here are the most common ones.

A little
about nations, ethnic groups and scientific approaches.

About some concepts.
Ethnology from the Greek words - ethnos - people and logos - word, judgment - the science of the peoples of the world (ethnoses, more precisely,

ethnic communities) their origin (etognenesis), history (ethnic history), their culture. The term ethnology
distribution is due to the famous French physicist and thinker M. Ampère, who determined the place of ethnology in the system of the humanities along with history, archeology and other disciplines. At the same time, ethnology included, according to
Ampere's thoughts, as a subdiscipline of physical anthropology (the science of the physical properties of individual ethnic
groups: hair and eye color, skull and skeleton structure, blood, etc.). In the 19th century in Western European countries
ethnological studies were successfully developed. Along with the term "ethnology", another name for this science has become widespread - ethnography.
- from the Greek words - ethnos - people and grapho - I write, i.e. description of peoples, their history and cultural characteristics. However, during
second half of the 19th century the point of view prevailed, according to which ethnography was considered as
predominantly a descriptive science based on field materials, and ethnology as a theoretical discipline,
based on ethnographic data. Finally, the French ethnologist C. Levi-Strauss believed that ethnography, ethnology and anthropology are three successive stages in the development of the science of man: ethnography is a descriptive stage in the study of ethnic groups, field
research and classification; ethnology - the synthesis of this knowledge and their systematization; anthropology seeks to study
man in all his manifestations
. As a result, at different times and in different countries, preference was given to any of these terms, depending on
developed tradition. So, in France the term "ethnology" (l'ethnologie) still prevails, in England, along with it
the concept of "social anthropology" (ethnology, social anthropology) is widely used, in the USA the designation
of this science is “cultural anthropology” (cultural anthropology). In the Russian tradition
the terms "ethnology" and "ethnography" were originally treated as synonyms. However, since the late 1920s in the USSR, ethnology, along with sociology, began to be considered
"bourgeois" science. Therefore, in the Soviet era, the term "ethnology" was almost completely replaced by the term "ethnography". In recent years, however,
the trend has prevailed to call this science, following Western and American models - ethnology or sociocultural

What is an ethnos, or an ethnic group (more precisely, an ethnic community or an ethnic
Group)? This understanding varies greatly in different disciplines - ethnology,
psychology, sociology and representatives of different scientific schools and directions. Here
briefly about some of them.
Thus, many Russian ethnologists continue to consider ethnicity as a real
existing concept - a social group that has developed in the course of historical
development of society (V. Pimenov). According to J. Bromley, ethnos is historically
a stable group of people that has developed in a certain territory, possessing
common relatively stable features of the language, culture and psyche, and
also awareness of its unity (self-consciousness), fixed in self-name.
The main thing here is self-awareness and a common self-name. L. Gumilyov understands ethnicity
primarily as a natural phenomenon; this or that group of people (dynamic
system) that opposes itself to other similar collectives (we do not
we), having its own special internal
structure and predetermined stereotype of behavior. Such an ethnic stereotype, according to
Gumilyov, is not inherited, but is acquired by the child in the process
cultural socialization and is quite strong and unchanged during
human life. S. Arutyunov and N. Cheboksarov considered ethnicity as a spatial
limited clusters of specific cultural information, and interethnic
contacts - as an exchange of such information. There is also a point of view
which an ethnos is, like a race, originally, an eternally existing community
people, and belonging to it determines their behavior and national character.
According to the extreme point of view, belonging to an ethnic group is determined by birth -
at present, among serious scientists, almost no one shares it.

In foreign anthropology, there has recently been a widespread belief that ethnos
(or rather, an ethnic group, since foreign anthropologists avoid using
the word "ethnos") is an artificial construct that arose as a result of purposeful
the efforts of politicians and intellectuals. However, most researchers agree that ethnos (ethnic group)
represents one of the most stable groups, or communities of people.
This is an intergenerational community, stable over time, with a stable composition, with
In this case, each person has a stable ethnic status, it is impossible to “exclude” him
from an ethnic group.

In general, one should pay attention to the fact that the theory of ethnos is a favorite brainchild of domestic
scientists; in the West, the problems of ethnicity are discussed in a completely different way.
Western scientists have priority in developing the theory of the nation.

Back in 1877, E. Renan gave an etatist definition of the concept of “nation”: a nation unites
all residents of this state, regardless of their race, ethnicity. Religious
accessories, etc. Since the 19th century.
Two models of the nation took shape: French and German. French model, following
Renan, corresponds to the understanding of the nation as a civil society
(state) based on political choice and civil kinship.
The reaction to this French model was that of the German Romantics, appealing
to the “voice of blood”, according to her, the nation is an organic community, connected
common culture. Nowadays people talk about "Western" and "Eastern" models of society,
or about the civil (territorial) and ethnic (genetic) models of the nation.
scientists believe that the idea of ​​a nation is often used for political purposes - by the ruling
or wishing to gain power groupings. What
concerns ethnic groups, or ethnic groups (ethnic groups), then in foreign, and in recent
years and in domestic science it is customary to distinguish three main approaches to this
range of problems - primordialist, constructivist and instrumentalist
(or situationist).

A few words about each of them:

One of the "pioneers" in the study of ethnicity, whose research had a huge impact on social science,
was a Norwegian scientist F. Barth, who argued that ethnicity is one of the forms
social organization, culture (ethnic - socially organized
kind of culture). He also introduced the important concept of "ethnic boundary" - el
that critical feature of an ethnic group beyond which the attribution to it ends
members of this group itself, as well as the assignment to it by members of other groups.

In the 1960s, like other theories of ethnicity, the theory of primordialism (from the English primordial - original) was put forward.
The direction itself arose much earlier, it goes back to the already mentioned
ideas of the German romantics, his followers considered ethnos to be the original and
unchanging association of people on the principle of "blood", i.e. with permanent
signs. This approach has been developed not only in German, but also in Russian
ethnology. But more on that later. In the 1960s. spread in the West
biological-racial, and "cultural" form of primordialism. Yes, one of her
founders, K. Girtz argued that ethnic self-consciousness (identity) refers
to "primordial" feelings and that these primordial feelings largely determine
people's behavior. These feelings, however, wrote K. Girtz, are not innate,
but arise in people as part of the process of socialization and in the future there are
as fundamental, sometimes - as immutable and determining the behavior of people -
members of the same ethnic group. The theory of primordialism has repeatedly been subjected to serious criticism, in particular
from the supporters of F. Barth. So D. Baker noted that feelings are changeable and
are situationally determined and cannot generate the same behavior.

As a reaction to primordialism, ethnicity began to be understood as an element of ideology (attributing oneself to
this group or attributing someone to it by members of other groups). Ethnicity and ethnic groups have become
considered also in the context of the struggle for resources, power and privileges. .

Before characterizing other approaches to ethnicity (ethnic groups), it would be appropriate to recall the definition,
given to an ethnic group by the German sociologist M. Weber. According to him, this
a group of people whose members have a subjective belief in a common
descent by reason of similarity in physical appearance or customs, or both
the other together, or because of shared memory. Here it is emphasized
FAITH in a common origin. And in our time, many anthropologists believe that the main
a differentiating feature for an ethnic group can be an IDEA of community
origin and/or history.

In general, in the West, in contrast to primordialism and under the influence of Barth's ideas, they received the greatest
dissemination of the constructivist approach to ethnicity. His supporters considered
ethnos is a construct created by individuals or elites (powerful, intellectual,
cultural) with specific goals (struggle for power, resources, etc.). Many
also emphasize the role of ideology (above all, nationalisms) in the construction of
ethnic communities. The followers of constructivism include English
scientist B. Anderson (his book bears a “speaking” and expressive title “Imaginary
community" - its fragments were posted on this site), E. Gellner (about him, too
was discussed on this site) and many others whose works are considered classics.

At the same time, some scientists are not satisfied with the extremes of both approaches. There are attempts to "reconcile" them:
attempts to present ethnic groups as "symbolic" communities based on
sets of symbols - again, belief in a common origin, in a common past, a common
fate, etc. Many anthropologists emphasize that ethnic groups arose
relatively recent: they are not eternal and immutable, but change under
the impact of specific situations, circumstances - economic, political and

In domestic science, the theory of ethnos has become especially popular, moreover, initially
in its extreme primordialist (biological) interpretation. It was developed by S.M. Shirokogorov, who
considered the ethnos as a biosocial organism, singling out its main
characteristics of origin, as well as language, customs, way of life and tradition
[Shirokogorov, 1923. P. 13]. In many ways, his follower was L.N. Gumilyov,
partly continuing this tradition, he considered the ethnos as a biological system,
highlighting passionarity as the highest stage of its development [Gumilyov, 1993]. About
Quite a lot has been written about this approach, but now there are few serious researchers
fully shares the views of L.N. Gumilyov, which can be considered an extreme expression
primordial approach. This theory has its roots in the views of the German
romantics to a nation, or an ethnic group from the position of "common blood and soil", i.e.
some kindred group. Hence the intolerance of L.N. Gumilev to
mixed marriages, whose descendants he considered "chimerical formations",
connecting the unconnected.

P.I. Kushner believed that ethnic groups differ from each other in a number of specific features,
among which the scientist especially singled out language, material culture (food, housing,
clothes, etc.), as well as ethnic identity [Kushner, 1951. P.8-9].

The studies of S.A. Arutyunova and N.N.
Cheboksarova. According to them, “... ethnic groups are spatially limited
"clumps" of specific cultural information, and interethnic contacts - the exchange
such information”, and information links were considered as the basis for the existence
ethnos [Arutyunov, Cheboksarov, 1972. P. 23-26]. In a later work, S.A. Arutyunova
an entire chapter devoted to this problem bears a "talking" title: "The Network
communications as the basis of ethnic existence” [Arutyunov, 2000]. The idea of
ethnic groups as specific "clumps" of cultural information and
internal information relations is very close to the modern understanding of any
systems as a kind of information field, or information structure. AT
further S.A. Arutyunov directly writes about this [Arutyunov, 2000. pp. 31, 33].

A characteristic feature of the theory of ethnos is that its followers consider
ethnic groups as a universal category, i.e. people, according to it, belonged to
to some ethnic group / ethnic group, much less often - to several ethnic groups. Supporters
This theory believed that ethnic groups were formed in one or another historical
period and transformed in accordance with changes in society. Marxist influence
theory was also expressed in attempts to correlate the development of ethnic groups with a five-member division
development of mankind - the conclusion that each socio-economic formation
corresponds to its own type of ethnos (tribe, slave-owning people, capitalist
nationality, capitalist nation, socialist nation).

In the future, the theory of ethnos was developed by many Soviet researchers, in
features Yu.V. Bromley, who
believed that ethnos is “... a historically established
in a certain area
a stable group of people who share relatively stable
features of the language, culture and psyche, as well as the consciousness of their unity and
differences from other similar formations (self-awareness), fixed in
self-name" [Bromley, 1983. S. 57-58]. Here we see the impact of ideas
primordialism - S. Shprokogorov, and M. Weber.

The theory of Yu.V. Bromley, like his supporters, was rightly criticized back in the Soviet period.
So, M.V. Kryukov repeatedly and, in my opinion, quite rightly noted
the far-fetchedness of this entire system of nationalities and nations [Kryukov, 1986, p.58-69].
EAT. Kolpakov, for example, points out that under the Bromley definition of ethnos
many groups are suitable, not only ethnic ones [Kolpakov, 1995. p. 15].

Since the mid-1990s, Russian literature has begun to spread
views close to constructivist. According to them, ethnic groups are not real
existing communities, and the constructs created by the political elite or
scientists for practical purposes (for details, see: [Tishkov, 1989. P. 84; Tishkov,
2003, p. 114; Cheshko, 1994, p. 37]). So, according to V.A. Tishkov (one of the works
which bears the expressive name "Requiem for an Ethnos"), Soviet scientists themselves
created a myth about the unconditionally objective reality of ethnic communities, as
certain archetypes [Tishkov, 1989. p.5], the researcher himself considers ethnic groups to be artificial
constructions that exist only in the minds of ethnographers [Tishkov, 1992], or
the result of elite efforts to construct ethnicity [Tishkov, 2003. p.
118]. V.A. Tishkov defines an ethnic group as a group of people whose members have
a common name and elements of culture, a myth (version) about a common origin and
common historical memory, associate themselves with a special territory and have a sense of
solidarity [Tishkov, 2003. p.60]. Again - the impact of the ideas of Max Weber, expressed
nearly a century ago...

Not all researchers share this point of view, which has developed not without the influence of ideas
M. Weber, for example, S.A. Arutyunov, who repeatedly criticized it [Arutyunov,
1995. P.7]. Some researchers working in line with the Soviet theory
ethnos, consider ethnoi to be an objective reality that exists independently of our

I would like to note that, despite the sharp criticism of the supporters of the theory of ethnos,
the views of constructivist researchers are not so radically different from
first glances. In the definitions of ethnic groups or ethnic groups given
listed scientists, we see a lot in common, although the attitude to the identified
objects diverge. Moreover, wittingly or unwittingly, many researchers
repeat the definition of an ethnic group given by M. Weber. I will repeat it again
times: an ethnic group is a group of people whose members have a subjective
belief in a common origin due to the similarity of physical appearance or customs,
or both together, or because of shared memory. So the basics
M. Weber had a significant impact on various approaches to the study of ethnicity.
Moreover, his definition of an ethnic group was sometimes used almost verbatim
supporters of different paradigms.

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