What to do if you lose your card. What to do if you lost your Sberbank of Russia card: we will help you find a way out for customers


Not everyone knows what to do and what to do if you lost your Sberbank bank card. And it doesn’t matter at all how it disappeared: it was not taken from the ATM, it was forgotten in the store when paying for the goods, it was stolen from you along with your wallet or purse.

The loss of a payment instrument is a very unpleasant event in the life of every client.

Now about everything in order. The main thing to do in case of loss is to immediately block it. Although, if you are sure that there were almost no funds on the account, or you know exactly where it may be, then you can simply return to that place and look, and even better, if possible, immediately pick it up.

The best option- your plastic was "swallowed" by an ATM. Why the best? But because you will know for sure: no one will be able to use your product. Therefore, you need to contact the nearest branch, where they will tell you how to contact the specialist servicing this ATM. It is clear that you need to have a passport with you. If you find a loss in a day, for example, then also contact the bank branch, where forgotten banking products are delivered within 2 days.

Thus, if they are lost, you should:

  • block;
  • contact the branch of the financial institution;
  • engage in the reissuance of a banking product.

How to block a Sberbank card

Blocking can be done like this:

  • call 8-800-55-55-550 to report the loss. Usually, it is recommended to block a banking product. To do this, the client must remember the code word or provide the details of his passport;
  • contact the nearest branch of a financial institution if you do not have a phone, where the missing plastic will be instantly blocked;
  • if you have already come home, remembered that you have lost a banking product, then using the Internet you can also block it. This is done through your personal online account;
  • send an SMS to number 900 with the following content: "Block **** Lock code", where the word "Lock" is a code word, **** is the last 4 digits of the plastic, the Lock code: in case of loss - 0, if stolen - 1, when the ATM “swallowed” - 2, something else - 3. For example: Blocking 0367.
Sberbank produces various types of plastic, but the loss of each is equally painful

blocking will only happen if you send the 6-digit code that you will receive to another phone number. It happens that the SMS-message is written with an error. It's okay, just a notification about sending a second message will come.

How to withdraw money if you lost your Sberbank card

It turns out that money can be withdrawn without the presence of plastic. Still, how to withdraw money if you lost your Sberbank card? There are such ways to solve the problem:

  • contact your bank branch, present your passport, request a specific amount, after which it will be given to you. The fact is that the money is tied to a specific account, so your hard-earned money will be withdrawn from it;
  • transfer the required amount to the plastic of your husband, wife, another person close to you, and then withdraw a certain amount through an ATM.

There is a special procedure for detecting the absence of a bank card in oneself

How to restore a Sberbank card (All types of Sberbank cards)

If you still lost it, or if it was stolen, left in an ATM, damaged to such an extent that it is impossible to use, then you need to start the process of making another plastic. How to restore a Sberbank card if you lost it, what needs to be done for this? The algorithm is this:

  • firstly, it is necessary to act promptly in case of loss or theft of this product, since attackers can quickly use it for their own selfish purposes;
  • secondly, in the last two cases, you can wait a day or two, and then apply to a credit institution.

If you are faced with such a problem, then you need to proceed according to the traditional scheme:

  • block the product. You can do this yourself, or immediately call or contact the bank branch directly;
  • appear at your branch of a financial institution, fill out a certain form, an application;
  • fill out a receipt and pay for the replacement of plastic, since this service is paid.

To protect yourself from losing your card, you should follow a few simple rules

Then a special employee of the institution will inform you when the product is ready, after which they will inform you by phone when you need to visit the department again and get a new plastic.

How to find a Sberbank card if lost at home

It often happens that you lost a credit card, for example, at home. That is, no one could lose it on the street, forget it at an ATM or steal it. What to do, turn to magic, brownie?

If such a problem arises, then the main thing is not to panic. You need to remember everything in detail when you last used it.

It often happens that a client paid for some services through a computer, left it near the keyboard, and it accidentally fell under it with the help of any object that is on the table (book, pen, glasses, etc.).

Then they do this: they do a general cleaning of the apartment. It happens that in this way there are a driver's license, keys to an apartment or work, a necessary document, a receipt, etc. After all, they can be under the sofa, behind the bed, an easy chair.

The article tells Sberbank customers what to do if your bank card is lost.

No matter how careful you are, different situations happen: bank cards are stolen by lovers of easy money, they are simply lost or they are “eaten up” by an ATM. What to do if the card is stolen or lost:

Ways to block a Sberbank card in case of loss

If you have lost your card or it has been stolen, you need to block it in a convenient way:

Bank hotline blocking

Call the free number of the Sberbank hotline: 8-800-555-55-50.

During a conversation with the operator, you need to name the secret word and other data to go through the authorization procedure.

As soon as it is established that the card belongs to you, the operator will block it.

At a bank branch

If you apply directly to a branch of Sberbank, the appeal must be confirmed by a written application (can be sent by fax). Make sure your application has been accepted.

In the personal account of the Internet banking system Sberbank-online

You can block the card using your personal account:

Remember! This method is possible only if the Mobile Bank service from Sberbank is connected.

Blocking a card via SMS

You can also block the card using an SMS message. Write the word "Block" (Latin versions BLOKIROVKA, BLOCK are also acceptable), after the space, enter the last digits of the bank card and add zero. Send a message to 900.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Am I responsible for transactions on a stolen/lost card?

In accordance with the Terms of Use of the card, its owner is responsible for all transactions that are carried out on the card by the date Sberbank receives a message about the loss (theft) of a banking product.

If the lost card is found, the holder is obliged to inform the bank about it and not to try to use the product for its intended purpose.

What should I do if I lost my card abroad?

If Classic/Standard, Business, Gold, Platinum, Infinite cards were lost (including Visa Aeroflot, Visa Give Life, Visa Classic Golden Mask, MasterCard MTS), CreditMomentum during your stay abroad, in order to withdraw funds in cash, you need to contact the Bank's Contact Center by phone / fax or write to e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.. In the letter, indicate the necessary data, phone number and a convenient time to call.

What to do if the plastic card was "eaten" by the machine

If the bank card is in the machine for more than 45 seconds, it “swallows” the card for your safety. If the card was lost in this way, you need to call the bank, tell about what happened, wait for the specialist servicing the ATM and show him your passport. You can find out at the bank when it will be possible to pick up the card by indicating the location of the ATM.

Have you encountered such a problem when you or someone you know lost a Sberbank card, and you don’t know what to do first? We will consider in detail several ways that will allow you to save your funds and protect yourself from scammers.

Today, every third Russian family has plastic cards from Sberbank. They can be debit, credit or payroll, their purpose is not so important, but they are protected according to one principle: using a pin code, a security code that is on the back of the plastic, as well as a special chip that is in high-end cards .

However, this protection does not guarantee the complete safety of money. And that's why:

  • Your pin code could have been spied in advance by those people who planned to steal it. For example, when withdrawing money from an ATM, it is recommended to close the keyboard with your hand.
  • Some people keep a password sheet in their wallet along with the card, and there are even those who write it directly on the plastic so as not to forget.
  • If you do not have an SMS confirmation connected, then people who know all the details (number, expiration date, full name of the owner and CVC2 / CVV2 code) will be able to make online payments.
  • There are stores where you do not need to enter a PIN code when shopping.

An unpleasant situation, loss or theft, can happen to anyone, but this does not mean that you will automatically lose money. If you quickly block the card, then all your money will not be lost anywhere.

The Bank strongly recommends that in such cases urgent measures be taken to prevent fraudsters from using the client's funds. Some people treat this situation negligently, relying on the fact that the card product has a PIN code.

The first step is blocking the card

First of all, you need to block your card. This should be done as soon as possible, preferably as soon as the loss is discovered. You can do this in the following ways:

Blocking is necessary even if there is no money in the account. For example, a third party found your card and returned it to you. At the same time, “virtue” could overwrite her data. Then, as soon as you transfer funds to the card, he will be able to safely pay with it on the Internet.

The second step is to contact the bank branch

After that, you need to additionally contact the Sberbank branch and check if the scammers have managed to debit money from your card during this time. If you have time, you need to find out the details of the ATM or branch where this happened and file a complaint with the police.

By presenting your passport and describing the problem to the office worker, you can withdraw money from your account through the cashier. This is done primarily for the safety and security of your funds.

Simultaneously with the receipt of funds at the cash desk, ask to issue you an account statement, in which all transactions that were carried out with the card product will be visible. So you will know for sure if any actions were taken with your account during the period of loss of plastic and its restoration.

The third step is to reissue the card

Next, you need to write an application for re-issuing your personal card. As a rule, this operation takes from 7 to 14 days, with the exception of instant issuance cards, but they are not registered.

Please note that the service of early reissue is paid. In addition, you will need to pay again for the annual maintenance of the new card. At the same time, her external design, as well as details, may change - the account number will remain the same, but the plastic number changes without fail.

Plastic cards are at the peak of popularity today, because they allow you to carry out any financial transactions as comfortably as possible. They are relatively small, compact, and easy to carry around. This advantage has a downside - it is easy to lose or forget a plastic card.

The most popular cards in Russia today are Sberbank cards. They list salaries, scholarships, pension benefits and many other payments. What to do in a situation when you lost a Sberbank card?

What should I do if I lose my bank card?

You can lose your credit or debit card in a variety of ways. It can either get lost in other things, or be stolen by intruders. If the first option is not particularly dangerous (only an inconvenience, since the owner will have to deal with the restoration and replacement process), then the second is serious, requiring immediate action.

In the event that you discover a loss, you cannot hesitate, because if a theft occurs, scammers may try to withdraw money from it.

What to do if you lost a Sberbank card, and there is money:

  • First, make sure that the card is lost, think about where you could have lost it. Often, the owners of plastic media simply forget to pick them up from the ATM, and after 45 seconds (for protection purposes) they are delayed by the terminal. In such cases, it can be returned, you just need to make an application at the local branch of Sberbank and indicate in it the address of the ATM and the approximate time of the operation. You can get your card back within 1-2 days. This service is provided to Sberbank customers free of charge.
  • If you are sure that the card was lost in a public place, then it is worth blocking it quickly so that no one can write off your material funds from current accounts.
  • Having blocked the means of payment, you should go to a bank branch convenient for you and apply for a reissue of a Sberbank card in case of loss.

What are the methods of blocking

It doesn't matter if your payment card was stolen by someone or simply lost, it should be blocked. Currently, Sberbank can offer cardholders several options for blocking it:

  1. Contact the banking service hotline. You can call and inform the manager about the loss. He is obliged to ask you for the following information: full name, date of birth and address of registration. Then you will have to provide either your secret code (the word that was generated at the time of opening a bank account) or the details of an identity document (in case you might forget the code). Calling 88005555550 is free.
  2. Independently block the card via the Internet through Sberbank Online. You should go to your personal account, find the details of the payment instrument and click on the "block" link.
  3. Contact your local branch of Sberbank for help. When you arrive at the institutions, you will make a written application with a request to block the lost card (debit or credit card).
  4. Send a free SMS message. This method is the least common, but just as effective. The option is available only to those customers who have activated the Mobile Banking service.

Many are interested in what to do if a Sberbank card is lost, how to track it? The map cannot be traced. But, if fraudsters somehow manage to make a payment (for example, if a Visa card with contactless payment is lost), you can find out the address where the payment was made through your personal account.

Can it be restored?

It is impossible to restore a Sberbank card if it is lost, since from the moment it is blocked, it ceases to be a means of payment. It is no longer possible to recover a lost payment instrument, but you can still withdraw accumulated funds from it.

Step-by-step instructions on how to withdraw money from a lost card:

  • With a passport, come to the department of Sberbank where the card was issued.
  • Apply for a withdrawal of money.
  • Go to the checkout window to get cash.

The bank can restore cards only by reissuing them. It will be reissued only after its owner draws up a corresponding application at the official branch of the bank. The service is provided for a fee. A new card is assigned a new number and a new pin code, but it can be linked to an existing current account.

As for the old card, even if you manage to find it, you will no longer be able to use it, since the period of its operation will be considered prematurely repaid. It must be handed over to the bank for disposal.

An application for reissuing a new card can be written immediately after the old one is blocked. Many customers prefer not to block or reissue plastic in the hope of finding the loss. This is not advisable, because even if the lost card is found, it is not safe to use it. You do not know what happened to her, in whose hands she managed to visit. Perhaps someone has already managed to photograph her details and can now use them when making purchases online.

Instructions for reissuing a card at a bank branch:

  • Draw up an appropriate application at the local branch of Sberbank;
  • Wait a certain number of days (the employee will inform you when the means of payment is ready).
  • Come get a new card.
  • Pay the price of the reissue service.

The cost of early reissuance of means of payment in case of theft or loss is 150 rubles. A plastic carrier, with an individual design, will cost from 500 rubles.

To apply for self-reissue of a card, it is not necessary to go to a bank branch, you can do it without leaving your home.

You should go to the official Internet portal of Sberbank, log in to your personal account by entering your credentials. In the tab that opens, click on the link "Reissue card".

In the new window, fill in the following fields:

  • In the list provided, indicate your bank card, its details will be filled in automatically.
  • Indicate the reason why it is necessary to obtain a new payment card.
  • From the proposed list, select the nearest bank branch of Sberbank to you.
  • Click on the active "reissue" button.

Then you will be taken to a new tab, where you will need to check the correctness of all the specified details. If the data is displayed correctly, you can confirm the application.

There is no universal answer for how long a card reissue can take. As a rule, this procedure takes from 7 to 10 business days.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in the event of the loss of a bank card, nothing supernatural will happen. The loss of plastic means of payment is a common phenomenon that occurs with at least one in five of their holders. And blocking and recovery are normal operations that the bank conducts every day.

The main thing is to find your bearings in time and take all the necessary measures mentioned above in order to avoid serious consequences with the loss of money, if criminals have access to payments.

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