What do the Chinese think about Russians. “There are Slavophiles in every city in China”


I came across an interesting review of Chinese stereotypes about Russians in the FB feed ...

Boris Tkachenko, a leading researcher at the Institute of History of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, came across the pamphlet “Piercing Russia with a Look”, published in a circulation of only 135 copies. It collected translations of excerpts from Chinese books and newspaper publications. Its author set out to understand the Russians.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people, due to the long period of life in slavery, have no traditions of democracy, but there is a desire for extreme individualism. Moreover, the Russians are so contradictory that, with their individualism, they are distinguished at the same time by slavish obedience. “Russians are forever oscillating between these two extremes. Having received freedom, they know no boundaries, they are ready to destroy everything.

The Russian people are incapable of anything without foreigners: “... Russia's achievements have always been associated with foreigners. As soon as the Russians themselves got down to business, everything quickly fell apart. The reason was their inability to self-control, self-management. Russia has always bowed to the West.”

Russians are patient people, they don't know how to protest, and if they do protest, it is soft and small. Life under Yeltsin is given as an example: “Under Yeltsin, the standard of living of ordinary people fell catastrophically, they were robbed and deceived as much as they could, but the people only murmured a little.

In 2002, about 80% of the population was below the poverty line. There are many dissatisfied, but there is no organized protest. The Russian people once again demonstrate amazing patience and tolerance towards the authorities. This is the main tradition that he inherited from his slave past.

Russian people were constantly at war, so they developed a tolerance for cruelty.

They also consider themselves superior to other nations: “Russians consider themselves superior to others. This was reflected in the theory of the superiority of the Slavic race. Russians look with contemptuous eyes not only on the backward East and South, but also on the more developed West. They always want to be first, to be leaders. The idea of ​​seniority has deeply penetrated the psychology of Russians. Russia's foreign policy is built on hegemonism: "... Even now, when it cannot even be considered a second-rate country, it is difficult for it to hide its hegemonic psychology."

Further we read: “No matter how hard the Russians try to Europeanize, however, they do not look like Europeans. In many ways, they are more similar to the Tatars. More precisely, according to formal features, this is a civilized society, but inside it is a purely Russian filling. Behind external decency, the true rough nature is easily visible. Russians are Slavs. "Slavs" in Latin meant "slaves".

Russian morality is reversed: “Russians tend to disregard traditional morality. Controversy has become a feature of the Russian nation: on the one hand, eastern humility and servility, on the other, promiscuity, unbridledness; on the one hand - fear of authority, on the other - contempt for traditions, rejection of the generally accepted principles of morality and morality. This leads to the fact that they take rudeness for valor, laxity and chaos - for democracy, servility - for virtue.

Russians do not know how to value their history, as if denying historical memory itself: “... Their attitude to history is also extremely radical. For example, they believe that everything old should be rejected, there is no need for any continuity. All traces of the past must be washed away, erased in one night. And not only in form, but also in essence. Perhaps the funniest thing is their desire to change the names of cities, streets and squares, to demolish monuments, as if there were no events worth remembering in their history.

Terrible bureaucracy flourishes in Russia, there are huge queues for officials. “It doesn't matter how many people will be waiting in line - 10 or 100 - employees will work in the same mode: slowly, being distracted by conversations and not forgetting to drink tea. Nothing will force them to change their regulations, no cataclysms.

Since the Russians did nothing but fight, they had no time to improve their native language: “... the well-known expression of the English poet Johnson“ Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ”translated into Russian looks like this:“ Even the most lost person, rejected by friends and society, if the feeling of the Motherland is preserved in his soul, in it is his last hope and salvation.

The Russians had no time to improve their language - they fought and fought more. Even cultured people with higher education can argue endlessly about the spelling of some simple word or sentence. And even many Russians would not be able to pass the exam for obtaining Russian citizenship.”

There is no love in Russia, but there is a cult of sex, which replaces love. The most attractive profession for Russian schoolgirls, of course, is prostitution; society encourages this. Newspapers openly print advertisements for hiring girls to provide sex services. Russian society does not understand at all what is good and what is bad.

As for politicians, they “not only are not afraid to tarnish their reputation on this ground, but, on the contrary, use sex as a tool to achieve their goals. Many of them, including members of parliament and governors, openly keep several mistresses, Zhirinovsky's party proposes to open brothels.

All this is a historical fact. Pushkin, the Chinese write, liked to show off his sexual abilities, while Catherine II didn’t even need to show off.

Russian people cannot stop drinking. “You can not eat, but you can not not drink - this is another striking feature of the Russian people. Russians will tolerate the absence of bread, but they will rebel in the absence of vodka. Vodka has become an important part of the culture of Russian society. Alcohol is something that Russians cannot and do not want to do without. If in other countries they say: “Who gets up early, he earns his bread”, then about Russians one can say this: “Who gets up early, he will have something to drink.” The Chinese are reminded that Yeltsin was an alcoholic.

The Russian people have no shame. “The most amazing thing is that they never experience shame, no matter what they do. On the contrary, they always find excuses for everything.” Deception flourishes at all levels in Russia.

Russians live in constant fear. Everything around them is an enemy. An atmosphere of general suspicion reigns in Russia. The role of the FSB is still great. “Almost all telephone conversations are tapped, and if desired, the secret services can always present compromising evidence against you.”

In another article, "Comparison of China and Russia", the Chinese conducted a direct comparative analysis of the two countries. If the wise China, according to the authors, following Japan and South Korea, adopted the Western model, then Russia moved along the path of Africa, at best - Latin America.

The following material, "Opening the Map of Russia", describes the character of the Russian people from the point of view of the Chinese.

According to analysts, the Russian nation is entirely thieves, cowards, robbers; the main features of their character are anger, greed and admiration for violence. The authors summarize: The “greatness” of the Russian nation is 30% theft and 70% banditry.”

All of the above does not pretend to controversy. It does not matter whether the Chinese think about us correctly or not. What matters is what they think.

Russian tourists in the Chinese province are still treated as a curiosity

China is no longer considered an unknown country, but most Russians (especially with children!) Still prefer to relax in more “civilized” places

Petersburger Tatyana Bedareva with two kids, she decided to break this stereotype and went to travel to unknown China and decided to talk about her adventures in the Celestial Empire, about what shocked her, but why it’s worth going there anyway.

In the subway under escort

Tatyana Bedareva with her husband and two children - a four-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son - are seasoned travelers who always plan their trips on their own.

In China, we really wanted to see the provinces of Chengdu, little known to Russian tourists, where giant pandas live, the Zhangjiadze nature reserve with “flying” mountains that inspired the creators of Avatar, the Jiujaigou nature reserve with colorful lakes,” Tatyana Bedareva lists. - Of course, some, when they found out that my children and I were going to travel around the Chinese provinces, twisted their fingers to their temples, but this did not stop us. It was a little embarrassing only that we do not speak English very well, but we were sure that we could always communicate with gestures. Later it became clear how wrong we were ...

There are practically no Russian tourists in Chengdu, so almost the entire city knew about the arrival of the "Russian family" in advance.

In Anzhen County, which is located next to Chengdu, they arranged a holiday for us on the main street, - says Tatyana. - The local university organized the reading of Pushkin's poems in Chinese! When my daughter read Pushkin in Russian into the microphone, she was applauded like a superstar, many local journalists came, took pictures of her for the newspapers, then a line of Chinese lined up who also wanted to be photographed with our children. There, on the main street, they organized a photo exhibition in honor of Russia, with pictures of Russian sights. By the way, the Chinese are very interested in our country - in many cities we saw posters with images of St. Basil's Cathedral or Red Square.

Interest in the "Russian family" accompanied the Petersburgers throughout the journey. Children were especially surprised by the Chinese - with a double stroller in which the kids were sitting, passers-by were photographed, some locals tried to secretly take unusual children on the phone.

We were even escorted to the subway in Chengdu by the police! Tatyana is surprised. - In China, everywhere in the subway, the entrance is through metal detectors, bags are carefully seen through, like at airports. But, apparently, we seemed so strange that the guards followed us with weapons on their belts from the entrance to the subway to the very exit. In the carriage, they rode a couple of meters from us and pretended that they were not following us. Maybe they were protecting us? By the way, in the subway there are elevators, and toilets, and drinking water at each station.

Pedestrians are the lowest caste

But the behavior of the Chinese themselves in the subway came as a shock to Petersburgers.

Firstly, it is not customary for them to give way to women, the elderly or mothers with children, says Tatyana. - On the contrary, the men run into the car first and very proudly look at those who did not have time to sit down, they say, they won. They don't help with wheelchairs. Ridiculously, there were often situations when two healthy sitting men discussed my son in my arms, they smiled, admired, showed me signs that, they say, such a pretty child, but they didn’t even think that it was hard for me.

Then they explained to us that this is not from evil - it's just that the Chinese almost completely lack empathy, the ability to "get into the shoes" of another person. Secondly, at rush hour, when leaving the car, they had to “ram” people with a stroller - even when they saw the stroller leaving, they still entered the car without letting anyone through! And thirdly, in the carriages next to you, someone is sure to cough: I was told that there are no sick leave in China.

However, traffic in Chinese cities turned out to be an even greater shock for St. Petersburg travelers.

The rules of the road in the Celestial Empire are very arbitrary, although the appearance of luxurious roads gives rise to a false sense of security, says Tatiana Bedareva.

It is no coincidence that the number of accidents in China is the highest in the world. Crossing the road even in large cities was very scary! A green light at a traffic light on a footpath means nothing. A bus turning at full speed on either side has an advantage! That is, when you cross the road with a stroller according to all the rules, there is no guarantee of safety. Everyone who turns right is more important than pedestrians! Even if the driver sees you, you are like a pedestrian, nobody and nothing in China. Many, especially motorcyclists, do not follow the rules at all. They, like cyclists, simply do not know them.

“In every city there are “Slavophiles”

English is not held in high esteem in China - the Bedarev family was convinced of this rather quickly. Even in the most touristic places, almost no one speaks English.

The Chinese are actively investing in the education of their children, so schoolchildren speak English best, says Tatyana. - If we needed to figure out where to go, we asked the children. People over 20 usually don't know the language anymore. It turned out that the Chinese could not be explained with gestures either: they only count money with their help and show the cost of the goods, they do not understand all other gestures.

Fortunately, in almost every city you can find Chinese "Slavophiles" - lovers of the Russian language and culture, because in a certain circle of intellectuals there is a growing interest in everything Russian. In Chengdu, Petersburgers met a Chinese woman, who even took the Russian name Katya.

Katya helped us buy tickets at the railway stations, took us on excursions, told us a lot about local traditions, - Tatiana explains. - For example, in Chengdu, in one of the parks, older Chinese people gather every weekend with some strange pieces of paper. It turned out that these were “dating folders”. Young people work very hard, so they have no time to search for the second half. But their parents, pensioners, have a lot of time. They make special files on their children - with photographs and parameters: age, height, eye color, education, work, hobbies. Parents sit next to each other, exchange folders, select a suitable candidate, go with their families to a restaurant with the young. If children like each other, then they begin to “be friends”. By the way, Chinese women are much more chaste than Russian women. For example, it is not customary for them to meet on the street. And even the shortest miniskirts have shorts sewn inside.

Chicken - with claws, tomatoes - with sugar

But when the translator Katya was not around, the Petersburgers had to figure it out themselves.

It is especially difficult to explain yourself in restaurants, because a mistake when choosing a dish can be fatal, says Tatyana. - Therefore, we printed out hieroglyphs in advance, which denoted the concepts “I don’t eat spicy”, “Noodles”, “Bring a fork” and several others.

All visiting tourists should be prepared for the fact that food in the Middle Kingdom is always a lottery and has nothing to do with the adapted “Chinese” food that we are used to in Russia.

Duck, chicken - everything is chopped together with bones, veins, chicken feet are served with claws, - explains Tatyana. - Somehow they brought us a dish consisting of chicken skin and cucumber peels! Another time - soup with raw chicken and rice with rotten shrimp. The hostess explained that it was "intended" that way. Tomatoes are served as a fruit with sugar in a salad with oranges. Bull eggs are also a special delicacy, they are sold right on the streets. Just like rotting tofu cheese - it is buried in the ground for six months and only then eaten. I passed by such counters, holding my mouth and nose. There is a lot of pepper in all dishes. It's good that I took half a suitcase of food for children from Russia. By the way, the products we are used to in terms of local money in China are very expensive. For example, a kilogram of apples - about 360 rubles, bananas - 200 rubles, a liter of milk - 500 rubles, yogurt - 130 rubles. They spent a lot on food for children, and they also saved themselves with local dumplings, although sometimes they suddenly turned out to be with grass or something sweet.

Despite the difficulties, the Bedarev family says it's impossible not to fall in love with China.

It is a pity that the "ubiquitous" Russian tourist does not leave further than Beijing, Shanghai and Hainan beach, - says Tatyana. - If you are not afraid to deviate from the standard routes and prepare a little, then you can visit amazing places - for example, the colorful lakes of Jiuzhaigou, included in the UNESCO heritage list. Tourists are monitored by video cameras there so that they do not touch the unique water with their hands. Or walk along the "path of fear" in the mountains of Zhangjiajie. And even a stroller with two small children is not a hindrance, because a high-speed elevator takes you to the top of the mountain.

“I can agree with such a formulation as a “fighting nation”, as long as the Chinese like it. I don’t think they put any negative meaning into this expression, but I myself would not call myself that way. ”

Before the start of the World Cup, it was reported that 60,000 Chinese fans would come to Russia in July and August to watch football matches. To make it easier to meet Chinese tourists, Russian Internet users have compiled a special instruction. Among the points is this: "The Chinese media are very fond of talking about the fact that Russians have bears at home, so do not be surprised if you are asked about this."

In addition to “domestic bears”, the Chinese network is full of other jokes about Russians: “it’s not blood that flows in the veins of Russians, but vodka”, “Russian girls fight like boxers”, “at a scientific conference of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one mathematician did not agree with Kolmogorov and he beat him…”

© RIA Novosti, Konstantin Rodikov

They have bears, they can drink vodka, fearless and aggressive, self-confident - these are the characteristic features of Russians who are popular among Chinese Internet users. We really like to call the Russians a "fighting people", but why do we use this expression only in relation to them? It seems as if there is no way to check this.

We found a few Russian students who study abroad in order to get the opinion of the Russian people themselves about this formulation. They said that only the Chinese call them a "fighting nation".

In China, this expression has already become a figurative name for Russians.

The expression "fighting nation" originates in the Japanese manga Dragon Ball: the plot features a naturally aggressive race of warriors called the Saiyans. The more wars they wage, the stronger and braver they become. They have an excellent appetite, and being on the verge of death, they begin to actively fight again, and their combat power increases dramatically. Because of their aggression, many Saiyans die in the war.

We will never be able to find out who first called the Russians a “fighting people,” but in Chinese Internet culture, “Russian people” and “fighting nation” have long become synonymous. We make fun of the Russians because this image is built through the news feeds - the Russians do business firmly, always act decisively. In addition to laughter, it makes people gasp in surprise.

Russians keep bears at home

The bear is a very ferocious animal, but photographs are circulating on the net in which Russians seem to take bears for ordinary pets, forcing them to do such things, after which the bears lose their authority and the image of a wild and dangerous beast.

© RIA Novosti, Igor Ageenko

On July 15 Beijing time, Russia beat Saudi Arabia 5-0 in the very first match of the World Cup. At the end of the match, a lot of football fans took to the streets to celebrate the victory. Among them was a fan who was driving a bear playing the trumpet.

Russian aviation makes the heart beat faster

American actor Leonardo DiCaprio has already mentioned on The Ellen DeGeneres Show about the scariest moment in his life - flying with Aeroflot. Leonardo said: “I was flying to Russia, and the engine of the plane exploded. In the porthole, I saw that it literally turned into a fireball. There are only Russians on board. It seemed that I had already died, because at the same time everyone was silent, and I was the only one tearing up - everyone just turned to me. The stewardess simply said that we seemed to be having a “little problem.” Finally, a Russian came up and asked what the problem was. She replied that we were just left without an engine. Then the Russian asked how many engines the plane had. two - left alone," the stewardess replied. After that, it took the crew 45 minutes to drain the oil and make an emergency landing. More than a hundred ambulances were waiting for us at the airport.”


How did the Russians become a "warlike people"?

Beiqing Net 06/27/2018

British investigation: why Russians don't smile

InoTWIT 09.06.2018

The intelligentsia in Russia ordered to live long

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Instead of vodka, Russian men swing and walrus


What does Russian smile mean

Nautilus 06/28/2018
After an excerpt from this interview was circulated online, people were amazed at the psychological resilience of the "fighting nation".

There is still a lot of evidence of the "coolness" of Russian aviation. Aeroflot is known for always arriving on time, no matter how bad the weather.

In October 2014, the air in Beijing was very polluted, and in the evening after sunset at the Beijing Capital International Airport, not a single plane could land, they all decided to land at other airports around Beijing. And only one Russian SU200 aircraft decided to cope with the Beijing smog. At night, he flew through Inner Mongolia, waiting for the wind to disperse the smog, and at 2:09 successfully landed at the capital's airport.

This happened more than once. On December 20, 2016, Beijing was again covered in smog. For 3 and a half hours, not a single plane landed at the Beijing airport because of him. Only an Aeroflot airliner landed.

The representative of the "fighting nation" - Putin

President Putin can be called a representative of the "fighting people", his style in business is firm and adamant.

Putin said that America does not have the right to dictate to Russia what to do: "In 2003, when US Secretary of State Powell, showing evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, took out a test tube with a substance of unknown origin - there was washing powder inside."

Putin, speaking of terrorists: “We will pursue terrorists everywhere. At the airport - at the airport. So, you’ll excuse me, we’ll catch them in the toilet - we’ll soak them in the toilet, in the end. ”

© RIA Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky

Above were stories about Russians as a "fighting people" that are popular on the net. How do Russians themselves relate to such a name? Three Russian students shared their views with us.
Russian students: "It seems that only the Chinese call us a warlike people."

1. Respondent: Natalia, PhD, first year of study

“I don’t quite understand why the Chinese call us a ‘fighting nation’.

I came from Moscow. I first visited China in 2006, and I heard the expression "fighting people" a few years ago. My Chinese friends may also sometimes use this expression in relation to me, but I do not quite understand why the Chinese call us a "fighting nation". Then it seemed because we are not afraid of the cold, and our planes fly very cool.

The network says that we raise bears at home - this also happens. For example, some people find bear cubs in the forest and then feed them at home. They also say that in winter we are not afraid of the cold - this is also probably true. They say that the Russians are very good at fighting - of course, there are people who are really good at this, it's just ordinary self-defense. As for alcohol, I think the Chinese drink a lot more than the Russians. They can drink without snacking until they are drunk.

I can agree with such wording as "fighting nation", as long as the Chinese like it. I do not think that they put any negative meaning into this expression, but I myself would not call myself that way. The examples that the Chinese give as proof of this expression are just our way of life, which has nothing to do with war.

2. Respondent: Vika, PhD, second year of study

“Bears do not walk the streets of Russia”

I've been studying in China for three years, and it seems that only the Chinese call us a "fighting nation" - other foreigners can't say that. When I first heard this, this opinion seemed curious to me. But to this day, I don't understand why they call us that.

We can't raise bears in the house. The famous Russian poet of the 19th century - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - wrote one story in which the nobles really kept a bear at home. But this was the nobility of the 19th century, modern Russian people cannot keep bears at home, I have never heard of such a thing. There are still photos on the Internet where a Russian “walks” a bear through the streets. When I was little, a beverage company made an advertisement showing bears walking the streets of Russia. After a while, I made a friend from the UK, and it turned out that many Britons really believe that in Russia, bears can just walk the streets.

There are rumors on the Internet about how powerful Aeroflot is - I also heard this. Last year, when the smog was especially strong, only the Russian company did not cancel the flight and landed, we also felt very cool. I was returning home on an Aeroflot plane because the ticket price was right. I myself am very afraid of shaking on the plane, but on the Aeroflot plane I felt safe.

A lot of foreigners believe that vodka for Russians is like boiling water for the Chinese. I think this is the biggest stereotype about Russians. When they hear that I am Russian, foreigners immediately say that I must be able to drink. But this is not true at all! Now young people in Russia, who, like me, are in their 20s, mostly do not drink vodka. Vodka is too strong. Sometimes I can drink red wine. My dad and grandfather rarely drink vodka either: they might have a couple of shots at a wedding or a birthday, but they don't drink it every day. In some remote rural areas of Russia, the economic situation is very bad. Young people do not work and drink every day - we have this, but I think that this problem is slowly being solved.

As for the people who say we eat raw meat, that's not true at all. I remember the first time I went to China: in my first year, I went to study with classmates in Shanghai for a month. One day we went to eat Hogo ( Hogo, hot pot or Chinese samovar are all possible names for a cooking method where food is boiled in a cauldron right at the dining table. per.), and after the waitress brought all the products, we did not know at all how it was all to be eaten. At the time, someone said, "You know Russians like to eat raw chicken and vegetables, what's the deal?" We can only eat raw vegetables in a salad, and we eat them especially often in the summer.

Also, not every person in Russia has a weapon, much less than, for example, in the United States. If you want to have weapons in Russia, then you need to pass a special exam, then prove that you do not have any mental illness, then you need to get a special license issued by certain government agencies, and only then you can go buy weapons. Most ordinary people do not have weapons at home.

A lot of people say that we are not afraid of the cold. In fact, Russian apartments have central heating, so short sleeves can be worn indoors. There are people who deliberately douse themselves with cold water in winter to harden themselves, but all these photos circulating on the Internet are still an exaggeration. Usually we just wash ourselves under a slightly cool shower. There are many more photos of Russian people swimming in the ice hole in winter. This is the religious tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church. After Christmas, we bathe in the hole on the day of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, thus imitating him.

© RIA Novosti, Pavel Lisitsyn Winter swimmers from the Polar Bear walrus club jogging before swimming in the hole

I believe that Russians can be called a "fighting nation". From a historical point of view, Russia has gone through many wars, and now the economic situation is unstable. “Our life is not sweet,” the Russians say, but we have no way out, we have to survive. Everyone maintains an optimistic mood.

3. Respondent: Aichin, PhD, second year

“Wrestling is part of our mentality”

I have been living in China for 5 years, first I got my master's degree, now I'm getting my PhD. I first saw the term "warrior people" in my news feed. My Chinese friends also ask me from time to time what I think about this expression and how I understand its meaning.

I have nothing against the name "fighting nation", there is no bad meaning in this expression. There are a lot of funny photos and videos about Russians on the Internet that do not show our way of life at all, just as they do not show the "combat" side of the Russian people. There is also a lot of the same funny information about China and other states on the Russian Internet, but it cannot reflect the real situation in the country. It's the same with the video about Russia.

It seems to me that Russians who drink vodka and are not afraid of the cold have nothing to do with war or combat. The meaning of the expression "fighting nation" should be deeper. It shows that Russian people are courageous and resolute from birth, and under any circumstances firmly go to the end. I believe that the Russian soldiers who defeated the Nazis in World War II are the best example of a “fighting people”.

In the 1990s, Russian society was in a state of chaos. My parents had very low salaries, and in order to feed the family, there was no other way out but to work several jobs. I was raised by my grandparents. Grandfather got up very early every day to stand in a very long line and get milk for me. Despite the fact that there was complete confusion in society, everyone tried to survive.

© RIA Novosti, Dmitriev

Now the manifestation of “war” for Russian youth is different from what it was before. My parents went through a lot, their fighting spirit was shaped by circumstances. Our generation is like that too. There is one saying in Russia: the generation of the 90s is not afraid of anything, because we were born in the most terrible time. I hope that the spirit of the "fighting nation" will continue, because I feel that this is a very important part of the Russian mentality.

But why do we like to call Russians a “fighting nation” so much?

Perhaps Russian students do not understand why we study their way of life with such pleasure and do not discuss the real embodiment of the “combatant” side of the Russian people.

In fact, we ourselves discuss the phrase "fighting nation" very often, and in most cases we don't care if it really represents Russia. Most people who are interested in learning about some funny events in Russia read such news to have fun. In addition, a significant part of the people like to call Russians "fighting people" because of the perception of Russians as straightforward, simple, and self-confident people.
Even though Russians don't think these stories circulating on the internet can show the real Russia, they still joke about these stereotypes.


Dan Soder 08/10/2016 In Russia, the series “How I Became Russian” was once filmed, telling about an American journalist who was sent to work in Russia. At first, the main character was very uncomfortable in Russia, but after he experienced a number of difficulties related to cultural differences between Russia and the United States, he finally fell in love with Russia. In this series, Russians sneer at their love of alcohol, bribery, selfishness and selflessness - "a sober person in Russia is afraid to drive a car." In appearance they are smug, rude and serious. Or maybe they just hide their kindness and optimism?

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

the article was written in 2005. Its author is a certain “keyidayisi”, and I saw it on several sites:
http://www.china-hero.org/duoxi.htm&e=7249 , http://www.centralnation.com/strategy/emigration.html , I think many others have it too.

我对俄罗斯有一种天然的仇恨!我是一个东北青年,从小就被家里大人告之,‘不可再淘气,老毛子要来了!’我当时就想,这老毛子是一种什么怪物呢?长大后我 知道了,它就是苏联,就是俄罗斯。那时它是多么强大啊!看那时地图,在亚欧大陆,它的土地是黑 呼呼的一大片,就压在我们中国的上面。如果没有它,中国的地方也够大啊,可是和它一比,我们的土地实在是小啊!我常常看着地图,看着苏联,一种敌视,一种 仇恨,在我的心里深深植下。
Hello everybody. I'm here for the first time and want to express my thoughts. I'd be happy to put together a plan of action.
In relation to Russia, I have an innate hatred! I myself am a young man from the Northeast of China, from an early age my elders told me at home “not a hooligan, otherwise the “Russo ***s *” will come. **s "? When I grew up, I found out that they were Soviet, that is, Russians. Then the USSR was so strong. Looking at the then map, one could see a black spot of its territory on the entire Eurasian continent, which crushed our China from above. If only it no, China would have seemed so big, however, in comparison with the USSR, our land was actually small.I often looked at the map, looked at the USSR, and hostility with hatred settled deep in my soul.

我承认,这种仇恨也是一种妒忌,这老毛子是那么的强大,国土是如此的辽阔,军力是如此的雄厚,简直是不可撼动,为何它们有,我们没有呢?也是一种不 服气,老毛子能做到的,何我们做不到呢?你凭什么就比我强啊!更是那历史上触目惊心的土地大丧送!那海参崴、 伯力、库页岛、外兴安、贝加尔湖。。。那时也许当地没有多少汉人,可那也轮不到俄国人去占啊!
I admit that this hatred is also a kind of envy: these Russians are so strong, they have so much land, such an impressive, simply unshakable army. Why do they have it all and we don't? It's also a kind of stubbornness: if the Russo***s can, can't we? Why are you stronger than me?! This is also grief for a piece of land lost in the course of history, striking the imagination with its size! Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin, the Stanovoye Upland, Baikal... perhaps there were almost no Chinese there then, but this does not mean that the Russians had the right to occupy this land!

是当时的历史条件所限吗?是国力真就如此之弱吗?就那么不足千人的沙俄兵就能成这么大的事?这太不公平了!这是先人犯下的大错!几千年战史的中国, 就在这迷糊之中吃了大亏。可是,蒙古是不该丢的啊,国内当时那么多军队,苏俄又刚刚成立,张大帅打了二次直奉 大战,却不派一个师去外蒙,我们中国人是该好好反思一下了。反思我们的精神、我们的民族意识。。
Then the historical conditions were like this? Or was China really that weak? But for a detachment of soldiers of tsarist Russia to be able to accomplish such a great deed of less than a thousand people - this is extremely unfair! This is a huge mistake made by our ancestors! China, with its military history of several thousand years, suffered great damage in that confusion. But Mongolia definitely should not have been left. Then in China there was such a large army, and the USSR had just been created. Marshal Zhang got involved in a civil war twice, but did not send an army to Mongolia - we Chinese need to think about this carefully! Reflect on our mentality and people's self-consciousness ...

The good thing is that we know that our country is a great country. That in us, in youth, there is an ardor ignited by a five-thousand-year-old civilization. That there is a generation of our leaders who gave us the "atomic bomb of a mighty spirit." The great helmsman Chairman Mao taught us: “There are no difficult things in this world, you just need to decide to take them on! Let the east wind blow, let the drums of war rumble, let's see who is afraid of whom in this world! Don't be afraid of the southern tiger (USA), but protect yourself from the northern bear (USSR)."

如今 , 北面 熊已 轰然 倒下 , 不 是 防 它 的 了。 领土 问题 是 资源 问题 , 更 是 尊严 问题。 北极熊 占 了 我们 资源 , 伤 了 中国 的 尊严。 个 说 , , , , , , , , , HI 和 你 是 邻居 , 上辈 人 了 你 家 菜园 , 我 家 地方 又 大 , 人口 又 , 孩子们 在 有 花 有 的 院子 里 尽情 玩闹 骑车 、 赛马。 而 你 人口 , 地方 地方 地方 地方 地方 地方 地方 地方 , HI 小,孩子们经常会问你,为何他们家有那么大的地方呢?我就不信,这时人会没有仇恨,没有耻辱!俄国人直接占了我们150多万平 方公里的土地,蒙古又是 150 多万 平方公里。 这里 有 财富 、 多少 资源 、 美景 、 多少 森林 、 河流 、 珍 动物! 整整 300 万 平方公里!!!!!
Today, the northern bear fell to the ground with a loud crash - protection from it is no longer a problem. Questions of territory are questions of resources, and most importantly, a question of honor. The polar bear not only occupied our resources, but also caused an insult to Chinese honor. To give an example: suppose you and I are neighbors. My ancestors occupied your garden, and now I have a large plot, there are few people - children can play in the garden with herbs and flowers, ride a bicycle and ride a horse. You have a lot of mouths in your family, but not enough land - children often ask you: “why do they have so much land?” I do not believe that in such a situation hatred will not arise, there will be no shame for humiliation. The Russians have occupied over 1.5 million sq. km. of our land, Mongolia, is also more than 1.5 million square meters. km. How much riches there are, how many resources, beauties, forests, rivers, rare animals! On all these 3 million sq. km!

以色列人 和 阿拉伯人 为了 那么 几 公里 的 打 的 不 可 开交 , 的 理由 仅 是 他们 的 祖先 祖先 2000 多 年 前 是 那里 主人! 对比 , 有 什么 理由 放弃 这 多 的 的? 为了 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 HI to
The Israelis and the Arabs, because of several kilometers of land, grappled in such a way that you can’t divorce. The Jews have only an argument that their ancestors were masters of this land 2000 years ago. In comparison, why should we leave such large lands? To be in alliance with the Russians? For the sake of a few Russian planes? Because Russia has nuclear weapons? Or because one less problem is better than one more problem? We have no reason for this!

实际上很多国人已经对这片土地生疏了,淡漠了,这是多么让人悲伤啊!更多的国人是只看到了中俄暂时的战略伙伴,俄国的强大核武装,根本就不去想那北方的故土了。难到就真的无法恢复中国人在远东的主权了吗?难到在当​前形式下真的不能有所做为吗?我们该做些什 么?
In fact, many of our people have already moved away from this land and lost interest in it - and this is so bitter! Even more of our people see only that temporarily China and Russia are strategic partners, that Russia has a powerful nuclear weapon, and therefore do not even want to think about their native land in the north. Is there really no way to restore the sovereign rights of the Chinese in the Far East? Is there really nothing we could do under these conditions? What should we do?

港 、 澳 回归 的 根本 原因 那里 大多数 居民 是 中国人 东北 东北 没有 变成 是 因为 汉族 人口 绝大多数 , 统一 台湾 的 理由 是 那里 是。 西藏 闹 独立 因为 那里 汉人 少 少 少 少 HI , 新疆 永远 也 独立 不 了 因为 当地 汉人 已 第一 大 民族。 而 远东 没有 从前 苏 是 因为 那里 是 俄国人。 我们 怀念 的 块 土地 有 多少 俄国人 呢? 整个 东西伯利亚 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 万 东西伯利亚 1000 平方公里 的 土地 上 只 有 有 1000 万! 那里 按 新疆 的 人口 密度 也 该 一亿 人口。 这 就 是 的 希望 , 也 是 我们 努力 原因。 这 种 的 结果 是 中国人 在 当地 立足 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , HI 成为当地居民的多数,最终 成为那里实际的主人!
The main reason for the return of Hong Kong and Macau is that the majority of those living there are Chinese. Our northeast did not become the Manchurian State because the overwhelming majority there are Chinese. The reason for the unification of Taiwan is the same - the Chinese live there. In Tibet, they advocate independence because there are too few Chinese. And Xinjiang will never become independent because the Chinese have already become the most numerous nationality there. The Far East did not separate from the USSR because there were Russians there. On the land that we are thinking about, how many Russians are there? On 10 million sq. km. Eastern Siberia has only 10 million people! If you look at the population density of Xinjiang, then there should be 100 million. This is our hope and the reason for our efforts. The result of these efforts should be that the Chinese will first gain a foothold there, then become the majority of the local population, and, in the end, the real masters!

美洲是白种人的!澳洲是白种人的!我们没有抢到,可是我们的亚洲老家却也被白种人占了一大片!难到我们亚洲地方够多够大?难到我们东方文明不如西方 文明?西方之所以有黄祸论,就是因为他们的‘白祸’已经把我们祸害完了!如今,我们不说要分裂俄国远 东的大话,我们只要成为当地居民的一份子,只是在一定程度上恢复中华民族在远东的利益,这于情于理有何不可!
In America - the white race, in Australia - also the white race. We did not snatch anything from anyone, and in our native Asia a large piece turned out to be occupied by the white race! Is there really enough land for everyone in our Asia? Is our Eastern culture worse than Western? The “yellow threat” that the West is talking about exists because their “white threat” has already done us a lot of damage. At the moment, we will not make loud speeches about the need to split off the Far East from Russia, we just need to become part of its inhabitants and restore, to some extent, the interests of the Chinese nation in this region. What is impossible from an emotional and rational point of view in this?

按照物理学中的渗透原理,中国一方人口密度大,俄国一方人口密度小,中国人口自然流入俄方是一种正常现象,可是这十多年来,真正在俄罗斯定居的中国 人的确是很少,具体数量我想能以千来计算就不错了,这主要是因为俄国的经济不佳、治安不好、和俄国不是传统移 民国家等原因,可是既使这样,在前苏解体后的十年左右时间里,俄罗斯政客们及其支持下的新闻媒体,仍然时而不时的放出中国威胁论,中国移民威胁等论调!危 言耸听地说在远东有几百万中国人。可以说这十多年的时间里,如果有政府的支持引导,在远东—的确会有上百万华人移民存在,当地会半中国化,当地经济政治文 化会与中国建立密切的割不断的联系,当地经济会与中国共同繁荣,甚至成为俄国经济发展的一个主要动力,这是个双赢的结局。其结果反而会加强中俄战略伙伴关 系!只是在俄国方面,有一些被迫和无奈的 意味。
According to the physical laws of filtration, China has a significant population density, while in Russia this density is low. Thus, the outflow of Chinese to Russia is a normal phenomenon. However, over the past ten years, too few Chinese have truly settled in Russia. I think that if you count the real numbers in thousands, you can't go wrong.

事实上是:这十多年的时间过去了,中国并没有这样做,可是俄国人就此成为我们的朋友了吗?一直到现在,我们一直是俄国人口诛笔伐的最大移民威胁。可 见,既使我们不这样做,在俄国人眼里,我们仍然是威胁。其威胁要大于美国。我们真要是这样做了,俄国人反而会 无奈地接受事实,中国和俄国会走的更近。
In fact, over the past ten years or so, China has not done that. However, does this mean that the Russians have become our friends? Until now, both verbally and in writing, the Russians commemorate us as the biggest threat to themselves. As you can see, even if we don't do that, we are still a threat to the Russians, even more so than the US. But if we do so, then the Russians will have no choice but to accept the current state of affairs. And then China and Russia will become even closer to each other.

正是现时的形势决定了只能用移民的办法。热战不但美、俄打不了,中俄之间也打不了,硬碰硬是不行的,这是问题的根本。中国不能用核弹打俄国,但是一 样道理,俄国也不可能用核弹打移民!那么俄国人当然会对移民这一招有所防,它如何防呢?是全面禁止中国人入境 ?是全面中止中、俄贸易?是大量驱走华人?现在中、俄是暂时的战略伙伴,双方都是互为利用,移民不到一个‘点’时。双方是不会撒破面皮的。而且只是以民间 的方式进行,政府间还照打交道。不会影响中国面向海洋发展,不会影响中国在亚、太与美、日对抗 ,不会影响统一台湾。
The present situation shows that in fact we can only use the immigration method. There will be no war between the US and Russia, nor between China and Russia - we can't hit each other, and this is the root of the problem. China can't use nukes to fight Russia, but Russia can't use nukes to fight settlers either! It is clear that the Russians will put all possible obstacles in the way of the settlers, but what can they do? Completely ban the entry of Chinese into Russia? Completely stop Sino-Russian trade? Expel Chinese in large numbers? At the moment, China and Russia are temporary strategic partners and act in the name of mutual interests, so the “hour” of immigration has not yet come, since both sides cannot “lose face”. But still, if such actions are carried out as spontaneously popular, and normal relations are continued at the government level, this will not affect the confrontation with the United States and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and unification with Taiwan.

When will the “hour” of immigration come, and what will it be like? This is not yet determined and depends on our efforts. It is necessary that the Russians never find out when it came, so that they can never make decisions, and then “it will be too late to drink Borjomi”! Even if we just make them "half kidney failure", it's already better than nothing!

Is it worth it to worsen relations between China and Russia because of immigration? But sooner or later it will happen! Strong neighbors of different races and cultures, having gone through good and bad relationships, suspecting each other - can they remain friends for a long time? The future, of course, is not known, but is it possible, because of this so-called friendship, which, moreover, will not last long, to miss such a huge chance?

Now we still have this chance, because Russia is already greatly weakened, its entire economy does not reach the fourth part of China's, and the population is extremely poor. So the Chinese, although not very rich, have enough economic potential to survive in the Far East. And even more so, since now the Chinese in the Far East are making money from the Russians, the costs of resettlement are low, which makes mass immigration possible.

那么俄国的有关移民法律呢?俄国是联邦国家,远东各共和国、州、地区都是有立法权和司法权的主权实体,只要有熟知远东游戏规则的移民公司导向,移民 的法律地位是可以解决的。当然,也要在从少到多的移民过程中慢慢找到最好的确定身份的办法。当有了一定数量长 期居住的华人侨民时,就会演变成一个当地群体争取权益的斗争。也就是说在开始阶段,能符合当地法律的就尽量符合,有了一定力量时,就不能完全听凭俄国人的 一纸律令,因为这其实是一场战争!
Does Russia have immigration laws? Russia is a federal state. In the Far East, each of the republics, districts and districts has full-fledged bodies with legislative and judicial power. If only immigration will be carried out by a company that knows the rules of the game in the Far East, then the problem of the legal status of immigrants can be solved. Of course, in the process of increasing immigration from small to large numbers, one must gradually look for the best way to resolve the issue of their status. At the moment when a certain number of permanently residing Chinese settlers is reached there, this will result in a struggle for the rights and interests of this group of people in this territory. This means that at the initial stage it is necessary to comply with local laws as much as possible, and when a certain force has accumulated, we will not have to completely obey the decrees of the Russians, because, in fact, we will be on the battlefield!

首先, 成立 我们 的 '东 印度 公司', 也 是 是 '东西伯利亚 公司 公司 建议 建议 用名 , 是 有 目的 的 民间 组织 现在 是 组建 阶段 , 要 的 事 事 我 的 想法 : 宣 宣 宣 宣 宣 宣 宣 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 传 联络 同志。 做事 要 有 才行 , 我们 要 做 这样 的 大 事 事 我们 做 事 是 会 让 后人 写 在 历史 上 的 的] 需要 一些 人 一 个 , 这些 人 必须 是 我们 的 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想 理想A 到 一 起来 , 并 能 为 个 理想 矢志不渝 地 , 奉献 一切 , 不惜 牺牲。 全 中国 中国 亿 人 , 有 有 有 个人 加盟 我们 的 核心 是 一 有 力量 的。。。 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 体 HIP
First, we need to found our "East India Company" (I recommend calling it the "East Siberian Company") - this will be a people's organization with political goals. At the current, initial stage, the main thing, in my opinion, is to do this: 1) Engage in propaganda and the search for comrades. Our business needs talented people. For such a great accomplishment (and our deeds will be recorded by descendants in history), people are needed who will create its core. These people must go together towards a common goal, must swear to fight hard for it, give everything and, without hesitation, sacrifice themselves. There are 1.3 billion people in our country, if there are 13 people who unite, then our core will become such a strong organization.

二、进入远东地区。我们要在远东立足,在今天中、俄不敌对状态下,是不能激起国人政治热情的,也先不要去想得到政府的支持,必须要有自已的经济能 力,经济行为也可掩盖我们的真实目的。钱从何处来?我们一起想办法,我说东西伯利亚公司可以下设多种分公司:移 民公司,中俄贸易公司,及在远东城乡的饭店、农庄等,只要我们团结一致,在远东立足是不成问题的。
2) Penetrate the Far East. We need to gain a foothold in the Far East. In conditions when China and Russia do not oppose each other, one cannot appeal to the political feelings of our fellow citizens and one should not think about obtaining support from the government. We need to have our own economic power, and besides, economic actions will hide our true goals. Where will we get money from? I propose to think about it together, in my opinion, a large number of different branches can be established at Vostochno-Sibirskaya: an immigration company, a Chinese-Russian trading company, as well as Chinese restaurants, farms, etc. If we are united, then gaining a foothold in the Far East will not be a problem.

3) Long-term plans. After we have some base in the Far East, bribe the traitors among the Russians, unite the various tribes of the yellow race, then we will begin immigration to the Far East in full force (it is enough to set up propaganda in the right way and then, with the help of economic benefits, attract a large number of Chinese won't be a problem). When there will be a large number of our people living on a permanent basis, with an organization under our supervision, it is enough to have a convenient moment when we can start writing various articles. And then we will definitely get the support of the Motherland!

The above is my thoughts on the matter. For our common cause, I have already begun to contact interested people. As for how we should continue this undertaking, all those interested in the Far East should be thinking and worrying, as well as pointing out shortcomings and mistakes.

说说远东的国人现状: 中国人在俄国多为过客,为了挣钱曾经如潮水一般多,现已潮落,真正定居者很少,只能以几千计,也散在各个角落。现在远东地区也就是赤塔、伊尔库次克、布 市、有数千中国商人。这些人是否定居还不一定。中国人和俄罗斯通婚的事不少,绝大多数是中国男人找俄国女 人。
Let's also say a few words about the current situation of our compatriots in the Far East - the Chinese in Russia are mostly just temporary guests. At one time, to earn money, there was an influx of Chinese, but now the tide has come. There are very few truly permanent residents, maybe several thousand, moreover scattered in different corners. Now in the Far East, only in Chita, Irkutsk, Blagoveshchensk, there are several thousand Chinese merchants. Whether they will last long is debatable. There are many marriages between Chinese and Russians, mostly Chinese men are looking for Russian women.

另 : 在 远东 有 相当 数量 少数 民族 , 大约 雅库特 人 人 人 30 多 万 布里亚特 人 人 40 多 、 朝鲜 人 人 人 多 万。 这 说明 不 会 白种 人 的 海洋 我 我。。。。。。。。。。。 在 远东 所 见 , 当地 不 种族 问题。 在 俄罗斯 其实 也 很 很 简单 简单 简单 出境 费用 也 不 高 由于 中 俄 两 国 很多 很多 互补 互补 可以 当地 取得 经济 上 ​​发展。 低起点 的话 的话 先 先 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 出境, 在 当地 为 中国 公司 做 事, 或 加入 当地 中国 商人 之中 之中, 生存 不 是 问题, 一 年 可 赚 赚 10 来 万 元 然后 可 定居。 起点 起点 可以 直接 在 远东。。。。。 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司A
And yet, in the Far East there is a certain number of Asian national minorities, more than 300 thousand Yakuts, more than 400 thousand Buryats, more than 100 thousand Koreans. And this means that we will not perish in the ocean of white people. From what I've seen in the Far East, there are no racial issues. It is actually quite simple to rise in Russia, the cost of going there is not high, and since there is a commodity deficit between the two countries, which is satisfied on both sides, it is possible to develop economically well there. If we talk about a modest start, then you can first go there, then work on the spot for a Chinese company or join the ranks of Chinese merchants - in general, surviving is not a problem, but you can earn a hundred thousand yuan in a year. Well, then you can think about permanent residence. And for a strong start, you can immediately open a company in the Far East.

关于如何取得在俄罗斯永久定居权,在这方面参考《俄联邦外国公民法律地位法》是如何规定的。常期居住在俄的中国人,多为以下几种:一,持中国护照, 定期在当地签证,每年交一定费用,类似暂住费。二,在当地学校留学。三,在当地注册的中资公司人员。四,和俄 国人通婚的。 五,花钱在当地买定居权的。六,少量土生华人。
On how to obtain a permanent residence permit in Russia, you need to look at what the “Russian Federal Law on Legal Status” says. The Chinese living in Russia for a long time are mainly divided into several types. The first is with a Chinese passport and visas for a certain period. Every year they pay a certain fee, something like a temporary residence fee. The second is students in local educational institutions. The third is employees of companies with Chinese capital registered in this territory. Four are married to Russians. Fifth - redeemed the right to permanent residence. The sixth is a small number of Chinese born there.

目前国内尚无专办移民俄罗斯的公司,本人虽是势单力微,可是热情高涨,一切都在探索中。召一切有条件的国人,有血性的中国男儿,了解俄国的志士,熟 知俄语的同学,浪迹过远东的同胞,大家行动起来,到远东去!去生存,去扎根,去发展,去找寻我们民族的荣誉! 我看这样做是大有希望啊!其实,就是希望很小,我们也应该付出最大的努力,我们必竟去做了,不管成与不成,成多大事,我们是为了祖国的光荣而战斗过的!中 国的后人是会记住我们的!
At present, there is no company in our country that would organize immigration to Russia. Although I have only one person at my disposal, I am very enthusiastic and have devoted myself entirely to investigating this issue. I call on all fellow citizens who have financial means, all just and brave Chinese men, all highly moral people with knowledge of Russia, all comrades who know the Russian language well, all compatriots who once visited the Far East - let's all move together to Far East! Let's move there to live there, to put down roots, to develop there, to gain the glory of our people there! I think if we do this, then we have great hopes for success! Even if hope were very small, we should still put all our efforts into doing so. It doesn't matter whether we succeed or not, or how far we succeed, because we will leave, fighting for the glory of our homeland! Future generations of Chinese people will remember us! Let's encourage each other for the greater glory of the Chinese people!

In Russia, the opinion of Europeans about Russians has long been treated with increased attention and jealousy. And it has always been very ambiguous.

One of the most famous approaches is the so-called "diaper theory" by the British anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer. He believed that the basis of the Russian character is the manner of tight swaddling of babies, who are only briefly released to play, wash, change clothes. The child strives to make the most of the short time of freedom. As a result, a personality is formed, prone to bright flashes of manic activity and long periods of depressive passivity. Gorer imposed the same pattern of behavior on the social life of Russia: long-suffering followed by revolutions.

Gorer's theory was born on the wave of post-war interest in Russia, in the future it was repeatedly tried to enrich and ennoble. On the whole, in the West, there is a view of Russians as strong, but undisciplined people who need to obey authority, emotionally unstable, warm and humane, dependent on the social environment.

Naturally, Western researchers, consciously or unconsciously, compare the "Russian type" with European or American ones. View from other positions gives a slightly different result. Given Russia's recent political pivot towards China, it's interesting to see how Russians are perceived in China.

One of the interesting works on this topic is an article by Jin Hua, a postgraduate student of Harbin University of Heilongjiang, "Russian national character through the eyes of the Chinese," written on the basis of sociological surveys, the opinions of Chinese scientists, and the author's own observations. The article turned out not only about the national character, but also about some features of social life in Russia.

Jin Hua first cites data from opinion polls conducted among the Chinese during the Year of Russia in China (2007). In particular, to the question "Do you consider Russia a close and friendly country for you?" the answers were distributed as follows: 6.24% - "very close and friendly"; 36.47% - "close and friendly"; 46.9% - "usual, no closer and friendlier than others"; 4.1% - "not close and not friendly"; 1.75% - "absolutely not close and not friendly"; 4.54% - "I find it difficult to answer."

The reasons why some of the respondents chose the answers "not close and not friendly" are interesting - this is "the aggression of tsarist Russia against China" (meaning the suppression of anti-European uprisings in China by the combined forces of Europe, Russia, the USA and Japan at the beginning of the 20th century), "Russia's potential danger to China", "lack of business opportunities under certain rules", "contempt for the Chinese by the Russians", "the inefficiency with which the Russians do business".

It can be assumed that in the current geopolitical conditions, the results of the polls would show a more friendly disposition of the Chinese towards the Russians.

At the same time, Jin Hua notes, many Chinese feel that the Russians treat them more "disdainfully" than, for example, the Europeans. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that many low-skilled and uncultured workers and small traders came to Russia from China, who had a strong influence on the formation of the image of the Chinese. And one more observation of Jin Hua: Russians treat foreigners in many ways as they themselves allow. The Chinese "pioneers" failed to put themselves high - and now we have to reap the benefits ...

By the way, in relation to Russians and Chinese towards Europeans, Jin Hua notes some common features: “It is known that Russians, like the Chinese, consider themselves the best people in the world. For too long, the culture of Russia, like China, was traditional, opposed to the West, hence both Russian and Chinese feelings of superiority over Westerners, both Russians and Chinese consider Westerners, such as Americans, supposedly "stupid". But both Russian and Chinese civilizations, each in its own time, were forced to resort to Western values, Western technologies, Western things, Western customs.Therefore, Western civilization acquired a new content both in the eyes of Russians and in the eyes of the Chinese: Western people from "heretics" or "barbarians" suddenly turned into wise teachers There is a dissonance both in the minds of Russians and in the minds of the Chinese: "on the one hand, they are worse than us, but on the other hand, they are better developed, and we learn from them."

Jin Hua writes that in Russia there is a far greater difference between the views and behavior of the "common people" and the intelligentsia than in China. The Russian intelligentsia, in her opinion, are people who do not have prejudices and prejudices, highly cultured and pleasant in all respects.

However, she highlights some common features of the Russian character.

Jin Hua brings to the fore "great latent creative forces and natural abilities." Some Chinese even perceive it as a source of danger. “Faced with difficulties or injustice, the Russians usually do not retreat, but they can enter into an argument and fight, stubbornly insisting on their own. If the Chinese require efforts for this, then the Russians take strength from somewhere inside themselves and can instantly turn into real warriors "We all remember the example of Pavel Korchagin. Russians behave in much the same way in life."

Another feature of Russians that catches the eye of the Chinese is their emotionality. Jin Hua quotes Chinese researcher Zhang Jie: "While communicating with many Russians, we eventually got the impression that their emotionality contains a great upsurge and a great decline, great joy and great sorrow. And this gave rise to all kinds of bewilderment. How is it possible that these Russians, in the course of a conversation with you, are able to raise a cry, then suddenly lower their tone? How to agree on a business with them, because they say one thing or another? How to make them complete things at the appointed time, Is it that hard for them?"

Noting that the Chinese work harder than the Russians, Jin Hua expresses the opinion that the Russians work better.

In general, we can conclude that the Chinese see in the Russians a kind of hidden potential, the nature of which is not entirely clear to them. However, the origins of this potential are also mysterious for the people of Russia themselves...

Another aspect is the "deep messianic complex". The Chinese believe that Russians are more religious compared to them, their national character is largely formed on the basis of Orthodoxy.

The Chinese are surprised by the attitude in Russia towards the underworld. The criminal subculture, which occupies a significant place, for example, in Russian songs, is a completely unusual phenomenon for the Chinese. Like a series of endless crime news, plots, feature films. "The central news of Russian television reports in detail about the deaths of famous thieves, and even earlier than the news from the government. When we go to Russia, we are instructed in detail that we should not go out into the street at night. Almost every Russian store has a security guard in military uniform, sometimes with a weapon.In the history of China, there were also periods when there was high crime, but it was a time of very low standard of living.Now, when the standard of living of the Chinese is rising, there are fewer thieves.The standard of living in Russia is not lower, than in China, but for some reason this fact does not affect the decrease in crime," writes Jin Hua.

In general, Russia for the Chinese is a country in which one must be very careful. In China, there is even the term "three fears" (三怕 san pa), which are waiting for them in Russia - these are the police, border control and skinheads.

As Jin Hua notes, the Russian police are much tougher than the Chinese and often discriminate against Chinese citizens. “My Chinese colleagues and I in Russia have had to deal with this more than once, when Russian police officers checked documents for no reason. There were cases when the police tried to take a large fine from one of my colleagues because he crossed the street in the wrong place, but he was saved by a good knowledge of the Russian language. And the other, who knew the language worse, was fined for throwing a cigarette past the trash, although the Russians themselves do this all the time. It's all terrible. But, on the other hand, in Russia, fortunately, there are no some specific Chinese crimes, such as stealing children. My colleagues and I, visiting Russian friends, were surprised that they let their six-year-old child go out unsupervised."

In the field of trade, Jin Hua also sees differences: cheap Chinese goods often fail to sell - a low price for Russians is an indicator of low quality, and Russians are more demanding in this regard than the Chinese. In the process of trade, the Russians, according to the Chinese, behave tougher and demand maximum concessions from the seller, sometimes in a rude manner. The Chinese see the aggressive drive to bring down the price as evidence of greed.

At the same time, they acknowledge that in personal communication, Russians are capable of being very generous. “When meeting Russians, they will not immediately invite you to visit, but if they invite you, they will show phenomenal hospitality,” Jin Hua notes.

The Chinese, unlike Europeans, consider Russians to be clean. "Very clean in public places, like dorms. If Russians think you litter or look untidy, they immediately start looking at you sideways and reprehensibly, and sometimes unceremoniously tell you about it."

Also, according to the Chinese, Russians are very democratic. "Postgraduate students talk with their supervisors on an equal footing and can argue with them passionately. The people have the opportunity to communicate with the leadership very closely. Once we took part in the flower-laying ceremony on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, which is celebrated in Russia on June 22 (the start date of the Patriotic War). After the ceremony, we saw how ordinary people surrounded one person and everyone could talk with him for a long time on an equal footing. Our Russian colleagues told us that this person is the mayor of Vladivostok."

Summing up, Jin Hua defines the Russian character as, on the one hand, firm and stern, and on the other, cheerful and mischievous. In her opinion, Russians have a "complex of ice and snow": love for winter sports and fun in the cold testifies to the ability to indulge in fun, forgetting about the cold, wind and other hardships.


My comment
In general, the article is quite objective. At the same time, of course, it is ridiculous to read about the naive ideas of a Chinese woman about our intelligentsia, if by it we mean our kreakles. It seems that the author from Russians communicated with them, so they told her about the deep difference between good intelligentsia and uncultured people.

You can also add that a popular nickname for Russians is 战斗民族 (zhandou minzu) which literally means "fighting people" or "warrior people". Because the first thing Russians are associated with in the minds of the Chinese is a military theme, unshaven men in padded jackets and camouflage with Kalash, on tanks, in the cold with vodka and other Hollywood trash. Only if for Americans this is a potential threat from Mordor, then for the soft-minded Chinese, this is all very cool and hardcore. The Chinese really, in a sense, admire Russian prowess and machismo, Russians are such exemplary "tough men" with madness and courage.

In addition to common Chinese stereotypes about Russians, Russian women are beautiful when they are young, but after 30 they become fat. The myth is caused, I think, by Russian shuttle women in the 90s and Russian tourists "over 40", who really, for the most part, cannot boast of the beauty of the figure.

Another stereotype is that Russians drink a lot. There are no comments here.

The Chinese also respect Putin. He sees them as a macho man in a square. Of all the world leaders, they probably respect him the most after their Xi Jingping. You can find books about Putin in bookstores, photo-toads of Putin with a naked torso and a rifle are circulating on social networks. When I say that I am from Russia, they immediately say “Russia is Putin, Putin is cool, I love Putin!” and thumbs up. And then they are very surprised that Russians like me can treat Putin differently.

The majority of the population knows little about Russia as a country. They know that it is very cold in Russia. That there is a lot of wild snow-covered land and few people. That there are a lot of weapons and that the machos already described above live there and quickly get fat after 30 beauties.

Since food is very important for the Chinese, they also believe that in Russia everyone eats only bread, potatoes, meat, barbecue and vodka. This means that the kitchen is very poor and everyone eats poorly there.

In general, of course, the Chinese are currently looking down on Russia. The reason for this is the collapse of the USSR and the subsequent collapse. Nevertheless, they now see Russia as an ally.

Alexey Popov
For Chinese cell CB

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