What is better, truth or compassion based on the play At the Bottom (Gorky Maxim). Which is better: truth or compassion? (According to the drama M


Which is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed?

Reflections on the pages of M. Gorky's play “At the Bottom”

What is truth? Truth (in my understanding) is the absolute truth, that is, the truth that is the same for all cases and for all people. I don't think this can be true. Even the fact, it would seem, is an obvious unambiguous event, different people perceive differently. So, for example, the news of death can be understood as news of another, new life. Often the truth cannot be absolute, the same for everyone, because the words are ambiguous, because the meaning of the same word is understood differently. Therefore, I would not talk about truth - an unattainable concept - but about the truth, which is designed for the "average" person. The juxtaposition of truth and compassion lends the word "truth" a certain harshness. The truth is the harsh and cruel truth. Souls are wounded by the truth and therefore need compassion.

It cannot be said that the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” are a more or less homogeneous mass of people - impersonal, spineless. Each of the characters feels, dreams, hopes or remembers. More precisely, they carry something precious and secret inside themselves, but since the world in which they live is heartless and cruel, they are forced to hide all their dreams as far as possible. Although the dream, which would be at least some proof in the harsh real life, could help weak people - Nastya, Anna, Actor. They - these weak people - are overwhelmed by the hopelessness of real life. And in order to live, only to live, they need a saving and wise lie about the “righteous land”. As long as people believe and strive for the best, they will find the strength and desire to live. Even the most pathetic of them, even those who have lost their name, can be cured by pity and compassion and even partly resurrected. If only the people around knew about it! Maybe then, out of self-deception, even a weak person would build for himself a better, acceptable life for him? But those around them do not think about it, they expose the dream, and the person ... “went home - and strangled himself! ..”

Is it worth it to blame the old man for lying, who is the only one of the inhabitants of the rooming house who thinks not about himself, not about money, not about drinking, but about people? He tries to caress (“To caress a person is never harmful”), he inspires hope with calmness and pity. It was he, in the end, who changed all the people, all the inhabitants of the rooming house ... Yes, the Actor hanged himself. But not only Luke is guilty of this, but also those who did not regret, but cut to the heart with the truth.

There is some stereotype about the truth. It is often assumed that the truth is always good. Of course, it is valuable if you always live the truth, reality, but then dreams are impossible, and after them - a different vision of the world, poetry in the broadest sense of the word. It is a special view of life that gives birth to the beautiful, serves as the basis of art, which in the end also becomes a part of life.

How do stronger people perceive compassion? Here is Bubnov, for example. Bubnov, in my opinion, is the toughest and most cynical of all the inhabitants of the rooming house. Bubnov “mumbles” all the time, stating naked, heavy truths: “no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased”, he does not need a conscience, he is “not rich” ... Vasilisa Bubnov, without hesitation, calmly calls Vasilisa Bubnov a fierce woman, but in inserts in the middle of the conversation that the threads are rotten. Usually no one specifically talks to Bubnov, but from time to time he inserts his remarks into a variety of dialogues. And the same Bubnov, Luka's main opponent, dull and cynical, in the final treats everyone with vodka, growls, shouts, offers to “take the soul away”! And only the drunken, generous and talkative Bubnov, according to Alyoshka, "looks like a man." It can be seen that Luka also touched Bubnov with kindness, showed him that life is not in the despondency of everyday melancholy, but in something more cheerful, encouraging - in dreams. And Bubnov dreams!

The appearance of Luka rallied the “strong” inhabitants of the rooming house (Satin, Klesch, Bubnov in the first place), even a whole general conversation arose. Luka is a man who sympathized, pitied and loved, managed to influence everyone. Even the Actor remembered his favorite poems and his name.

Human feelings and dreams, his inner world is dearest and most valuable, because a dream does not limit, a dream develops. The truth does not give hope, the truth does not believe in God, and without faith in God, without hope, there is no future.

“Which is better: truth or compassion?”
(Based on Gorky's play "At the Bottom")

She, really, maybe swoon for you ...
In my opinion - bring down the whole truth as it is!

Which is better: truth or compassion, truth or lies for good? Many philosophers, thinkers, literary critics, writers have tried and will try to answer this question. And each of us at least once in his life thought about this dilemma. But no definitive answer has been found so far.
The question of which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lies for good, is very difficult. Therefore, the attitude to the truth is different for all people.
This is very clearly manifested in A. M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom", a kind of kaleidoscope of destinies, hopes and human characters.
The most ardent supporter of the "lie for good" is the wanderer Luke. In contrast to public opinion, the elder believes that “it is not necessary to stun a person with a “butt” of truth” (N. Zhegalov). He says that sometimes it is necessary to lie for the good: “... it’s true, it’s not always for a person’s illness ... you can’t always cure the soul with the truth ...”. Self-deception helps a person to more easily endure the difficulties of life (recall Luke's story about a poor peasant who cherished faith in the "righteous land", his consoling words that the elder spoke to the dying Anna and which facilitated her death). At first glance, in such an attitude towards lies and truth, one can see the contradiction of Luke's beliefs with the biblical commandment: "Thou shalt not lie." However, this contradiction is imaginary. It must be remembered that many biblical truths and laws cannot be considered absolute (the Lord himself warned his people about this).
The "Book of Books" deals with the lies that can harm people, denigrate their souls. But a lie that gives hope, encourages a person to live and believe in the best, even if the world around is mired in immorality, has a beneficial effect on the human soul. And the bitter truth, plunging into despondency, leaving no hope for the best, is evil for a person, because it contradicts another equally important biblical commandment: "Do not harm your neighbor."
It should be noted that Luke, despite his confidence in the need for "lying for good", does not deny the need to speak the sometimes bitter truth. Expressing his attitude to the atmosphere of mutual deafness and ignorance reigning in the rooming house, the elder says: “I will look at you, brothers - your life - oh-oh! ..”. He denounces the rude and self-contained roommates, revealing to them a dark picture of their life. A person with great life experience, Luka understands that such an atmosphere of existence prevails in many other parts of the country. With sadness in his voice, he says: “Eheh ... gentlemen people! And what will happen to you?..” The striving for the best, the pure does not prevent the wanderer from seeing the hopelessness of the mournful human life: “We don’t pity the living ... we can’t pity ourselves ... we can’t ... where is it!”.
Such a diverse attitude of Luke to truth and lies is explained by his life position: "... people live for the best ...". Where truth helps a person achieve a desired goal, it is necessary. But if the same truth makes a person step back, it is necessary to discard it and cherish hope for the best, no matter how illusory it may be.
The stay of an old man in the midst of the overnight stays has a beneficial effect on their souls, Satin, who treated life indifferently and even contemptuously, becomes an ardent defender of the truth, calls on the hostels to strive for a better life: “Man! It's great! It sounds… proud! Human!". Despite the revolutionary pathos of his speeches, we see that Satin respects the old man, defends his beliefs and views on life: "The old man is not a charlatan!" But the eloquent speaker develops these convictions, bringing them to their highest point: "Lie is the religion of slaves and masters ... Truth is the god of a free man!" If Luka can be called a "humble liberal", then Satina is an "irreconcilable revolutionary."
Tick, who once screamed in despair: “... why do I need it - really?”, Begins to look at her differently: “... we must live - according to the law ... according to the Gospel ...". "Gospel" in Greek means "good news", "hope". And therefore, to live according to the Gospel means to live with hope in the heart.
Even the usually indifferent Baron is changing: “Ah… for some reason I was born… huh?”.
Similar questions are asked by other bed-seekers who have been reborn under the influence of Luke. They are full of hope for the future, they believe in the blessed truth. But the oppressive atmosphere of the rooming house crushes them with another truth - the truth about the hopelessness and hopelessness of life. And, weak in character, they cannot break out of their prison.
A lie can also be understood as many human dreams and hopes. And in the modern world, they are a support for a person, a source that feeds his weak spiritual forces. And therefore Luke's humane position seems to me the most correct, for the elder, with his speeches, ignites the sparks of life in us, forcing us, in spite of everything, to believe in the best, making our earthly journey.

“Which is better truth or compassion?


1) Introduction. The famous play by Gorky.

2) The inhabitants of the rooming house.

3) Comforter Luke.

4) Satin and his famous monologue. Revealing Luke.

5) The third disputing party is Bubnov.

6) So what is better - truth or compassion?

a) Bubnov - Luka.

c) compassion

7) Conclusion.

The play by M. Gorky “At the bottom”.

In the nine hundred years, a severe economic crisis erupted in Russia.

After each crop failure, masses of ruined peasants roamed the country in search of work. And factories and plants were closed. Thousands of workers and peasants found themselves homeless and without means of subsistence. Under the influence of the most severe economic oppression, a huge number of tramps appear who sink to the “bottom” of life.

Taking advantage of the hopeless situation of impoverished people, enterprising owners of dark slums found a way to benefit from their stinking basements, turning them into rooming houses where the unemployed, beggars, vagrants, thieves and other “former people” found shelter.

Written in 1902, the play depicted the lives of these people. Gorky's play is an innovative literary work. Gorky himself wrote about his play “It was the result of my almost twenty years of observation of the world of “former people”, among which I include not only wanderers, inhabitants of rooming houses and, in general, “lumpen proletarians”, but also some of the intellectuals, “demagnetized”, disappointed, insulted and humiliated by failures in life. I felt and understood very early that these people are incurable.

But the play not only completed the theme of tramps, but also resolved the new revolutionary demands that were put before the masses during the period of intense class struggle between the pre-revolutionary era.

The topic of bosyatstvo at that time worried not only Gorky. Heroes, for example, Dostoevsky, too, "have nowhere else to go." This topic was also touched upon by: Gogol, Gilyarovsky. The heroes of Dostoevsky and Gorky have many similarities: this is the same world of drunkards, thieves, prostitutes and pimps. Only he is shown even more terribly and realistically by Gorky. This is the second dramatic work by Gorky the playwright after The Petty Bourgeois (1900-1901). At first, the author wanted to name the play “The Bottom”, “At the Bottom of Life”, “The Nochlezhka”, “Without the Sun”. In Gorky's play, the audience saw for the first time the unfamiliar world of outcasts. Such a harsh, merciless truth about the life of the social lower classes, about their hopeless fate, the world dramaturgy has not yet known. Gorky in this play showed terrifying pictures of Russian reality, the vices of the capitalist system, the inhuman conditions of bourgeois Russia, the "lead abominations of life." The writer in this play opposed the self-proclaimed "prophets" who arrogate to themselves the right to decide what share of the truth should be told to the "crowd" and what should not. The play sounds like an appeal to the people themselves to seek truth and justice. “We get only the amount of truth that we can achieve,” - this is how the wonderful German writer Bertolt Brecht developed Gorky's idea. This play, like "The Petty Bourgeois" caused fears in the authorities. The authorities feared demonstrations in honor of Gorky. It was allowed to be staged only because they considered it boring and were sure that the performance would fail, where instead of a “beautiful life” there were dirt, darkness and poor, embittered people on the stage.

Censorship crippled the play for a long time. She especially objected to the role of the bailiff. The troubles, however, were crowned with partial success: a telegram came from St. Petersburg, from the censorship: “The bailiff can be released without words.” But the audience was already clear about the role of the authorities in the existence of the bottom.

Plehve, Minister of the Interior, objected to the production. “If there was a sufficient reason, I would not have thought for a minute to exile Gorky to Siberia,” he said and ordered that the production of the play should no longer be allowed.

"At the bottom" was an unprecedented success. The advanced reader and viewer correctly understood the revolutionary meaning of the play: the system that turns people into residents of Kostylev's rooming house must be destroyed. The auditorium, according to Kachalov, accepted the play violently and enthusiastically as a play - a petrel, which foreshadowed the coming storms and called for storms.

The success of the performance is largely due to the magnificent production of the Moscow Art Theater directed by K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, as well as the wonderful performance of the artists - I. M. Moskvin (Luka), V. I. Kachalov (Baron), K. S. Stanislavsky (Satin), V. V. Luzhsky (Bubnov) and others. In the season of 1902 - 1903, the performances "Petty Bourgeois" and "At the Bottom" accounted for more than half of all the performances of the Moscow Art Theater.

The play was created over eighty years ago. And all these years it has not ceased to cause controversy. This can be explained by the many problems posed by the author, problems that at different stages of historical development acquire new relevance. This is due to the complexity and inconsistency of the author's position. The fact that the complex, philosophically ambiguous ideas of the writer were artificially simplified, turned into slogans adopted by the official propaganda of recent years, influenced the fate of the work, its perception. Words: “Man… that sounds proud!” often became poster inscriptions, almost as common as “Glory to the CPSU! ”, and the children memorized Sateen’s monologue by heart, however, they corrected it beforehand, throwing out some of the hero’s remarks (“Let's drink for a man, Baron!”). Today, I want to re-read the play “At the Bottom”, having an unbiased look at its characters, carefully thinking about their words and peering at their actions.

It's good when a book you read leaves a mark on your soul. And if it is bright, we suddenly think about what meaning this work has for us, what it has given us. The famous words of Satin, spoken at the dawn of the twentieth century, determined the creative line of the writer. He loved people, so his imagination, permeated with a wonderful dream of a great vocation of man, gave rise to such amazing images as Danko. But he also spoke with a passionate, ardent protest against everything that belittled a person.

The play is a formidable indictment of the system, which gives rise to bunkhouses, in which the best human qualities perish - intelligence (Satin), talent (Actor), will (Tick).

And before Gorky, “humiliated and insulted”, people of the bottom, tramps appeared on the stage. Playwrights and actors aroused the viewer's pity for them, philanthropic calls to help fallen people. Gorky stated something else in the play: pity humiliates a person, one must not pity people, but help them, change the very order of life that gives rise to the bottom.

But in the play we have before us not only a picture of the life of destitute, unfortunate people. “At the bottom” is not so much a domestic, as a philosophical play, a play-reflection. The characters reflect on life, the truth, the author reflects, forcing the reader and viewer to reflect. In the center of the play is not only human destinies, but a clash of ideas, a dispute about a person, about the meaning of life. The core of this dispute is the problem of truth and lies, the perception of life as it really is, with all its hopelessness and truth for the characters - people of the “bottom”, or life with illusions, in whatever diverse and bizarre forms they may represent.

What a person needs: “Lie is the religion of slaves and masters… Truth is the god of a free man!” is the main theme of the play. Gorky himself pointed out what the main problem of the play was: “The main question that I wanted to pose is what is it - which is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed? Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using a lie, like Luke?” This phrase of Gorky was placed in the title of my essay. Behind this phrase of the author is a deep philosophical thought. More precisely, the question is: what is better - truth or compassion, truth or lies for salvation. Perhaps this question is as complex as life itself. Many generations struggled to resolve it. Nevertheless, we will try to find an answer to the question posed.

The action of the play “At the Bottom” takes place in a gloomy, semi-dark basement, similar to a cave, with a vaulted, low ceiling that presses on people with its stone weight, where it is dark, there is no space and it is difficult to breathe. The situation in this basement is also wretched: instead of chairs, there are dirty stumps of wood, a rough-hewn table, and bunks along the walls. The gloomy life of the Kostylevo rooming house is depicted by Gorky as the embodiment of social evil. The heroes of the play live in poverty, filth and poverty. In a damp basement huddle people thrown out of life due to the conditions prevailing in society. And in this oppressive, gloomy and unpromising environment, thieves, cheaters, beggars, hungry, crippled, humiliated and insulted, thrown out of life gathered. The heroes are different in their habits, life behavior, past fate, but they are equally hungry, exhausted and useless: the former aristocrat Baron, the drunken Actor, the former intellectual Satin, the artisan locksmith Kleshch, the fallen woman Nastya, the thief Vaska. They have nothing, everything is taken away, lost, erased and trampled into the mud. People of the most diverse character and social status gathered here. Each of them is endowed with its own individual features. Worker Mite, living in the hope of a return to honest work. Ashes, longing for the right life. An actor absorbed in memories of his former glory, Nastya, passionately yearning for real, great love. All of them deserve a better fate. The more tragic their situation now. The people living in this basement are tragic victims of an ugly and cruel order in which a person ceases to be a person and is doomed to drag out a miserable existence. Gorky does not give a detailed account of the biographies of the heroes of the play, but the many features that he reproduces perfectly reveal the author's intention. In a few words, the tragedy of Anna's life fate is drawn. “I don't remember when I was full,” she says. “I was shaking over every piece of bread ... I was trembling all my life ... I was tormented ... as if I couldn’t eat more than another ... I went all my life in rags ... my whole unhappy life ...” The worker Klesh speaks of the hopelessness of his share: “There is no work ... there is no strength ... That's the truth ! No shelter, no shelter! You need to breathe… That's the truth!” A motley gallery of characters are victims of the capitalist order even here, at the very bottom of life, completely exhausted and destitute, they serve as an object of exploitation, even here the owners, petty-bourgeois owners, did not stop at any crime and are trying to squeeze a few pennies out of them. All the actors are sharply divided into two main groups: the bums-bedroomers and the owners of the rooming house, petty proprietors, petty bourgeois. The figure of the owner of the rooming house Kostylev, one of the "masters of life", causes disgust. Hypocritical and cowardly, he seeks to cover up his predatory desires with unctuous religious speeches. Just as disgusting is his wife Vasilisa with her immorality. She has the same greed, cruelty as an owner-philistine, making her way to her well-being at any cost. It has its own inexorable wolf laws.

Which is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed? Reflections on the pages of M. Gorky's play “At the Bottom”
What is truth? Truth (in my understanding) is the absolute truth, that is, the truth that is the same for all cases and for all people. I don't think this can be true. Even the fact, it would seem, is an obvious unambiguous event, different people perceive differently. So, for example, the news of death can be understood as news of another, new life. Often the truth cannot be absolute, the same for everyone, because the words are ambiguous, because the meaning of the same word is understood differently. Therefore, I would not talk about truth - an unattainable concept - but about the truth, which is designed for the "average" person.
The juxtaposition of truth and compassion lends the word "truth" a certain harshness. The truth is the harsh and cruel truth. Souls are wounded by the truth and therefore need compassion.
It cannot be said that the heroes of the play “At the Bottom” are a more or less homogeneous mass of people - impersonal, spineless. Each of the characters feels, dreams, hopes or remembers. More precisely, they carry something precious and secret inside themselves, but since the world in which they live is heartless and cruel, they are forced to hide all their dreams as far as possible. Although the dream, which would be at least some proof in the harsh real life, could help weak people - Nastya, Anna, Actor. They - these weak people - are overwhelmed by the hopelessness of real life. And in order to live, only to live, they need a saving and wise lie about the “righteous land”. As long as people believe and strive for the best, they will find the strength and desire to live. Even the most pathetic of them, even those who have lost their name, can be cured by pity and compassion and even partly resurrected. If only the people around knew about it! Maybe then, out of self-deception, even a weak person would build for himself a better, acceptable life for him? But those around them do not think about it, they expose the dream, and the person ... “went home - and strangled himself! ..”
Is it worth it to blame the old man for lying, who is the only one of the inhabitants of the rooming house who thinks not about himself, not about money, not about drinking, but about people? He tries to caress (“To caress a person is never harmful”), he inspires hope with calm
and pity. It was he, in the end, who changed all the people, all the inhabitants of the rooming house ... Yes, the Actor hanged himself. But not only Luke is guilty of this, but also those who did not regret, but cut to the heart with the truth.
There is some stereotype about the truth. Often considered
,that the truth is always good. Of course, it is valuable if you always live the truth, reality, but then dreams are impossible, and after them - a different vision of the world, poetry in the broadest sense of the word. It is a special view of life that gives birth to the beautiful, serves as the basis of art, which in the end also becomes a part of life.
How do stronger people perceive compassion? Here is Bubnov, for example. Bubnov, in my opinion, is the toughest and most cynical of all the inhabitants of the rooming house. Bubnov “mumbles” all the time, stating naked, heavy truths: “no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased”, he does not need a conscience, he is “not rich” ... Vasilisa Bubnov, without hesitation, calmly calls Vasilisa Bubnov a fierce woman, but in inserts in the middle of the conversation that the threads are rotten. Usually no one specifically talks to Bubnov, but from time to time he inserts his remarks into a variety of dialogues. And the same Bubnov, Luka's main opponent, dull and cynical, in the final treats everyone with vodka, growls, shouts, offers to “take the soul away”! And only the drunken, generous and talkative Bubnov, according to Alyoshka, "looks like a man." It can be seen that Luka also touched Bubnov with kindness, showed him that life is not in the despondency of everyday melancholy, but in something more cheerful, encouraging - in dreams. And Bubnov dreams!
The appearance of Luka rallied the “strong” inhabitants of the rooming house (Satin, Klesch, Bubnov in the first place), even a whole general conversation arose. Luka is a man who sympathized, pitied and loved, managed to influence everyone. Even the Actor remembered his favorite poems and his name.
Human feelings and dreams, his inner world is dearest and most valuable, because a dream does not limit, a dream develops. The truth does not give hope, the truth does not believe in God, and without faith in God, without hope, there is no future.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Which is better - truth or compassion? What is more needed? Reflections on the pages of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom""

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  • About the offer. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence (without division into types) - Offer 2 class

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Which is better, truth or compassion? Reflections on the pages of the play "At the bottom" What is truth? Truth (in my understanding) is the absolute truth, that is, the truth that is the same for all cases and for all people. I don't think this can be true. Even the fact, it would seem, is an obvious unambiguous event, different people perceive differently. So, for example, the news of death can be understood as news of another, new life.

Often the truth cannot be absolute, the same for everyone, because the words are ambiguous, because the meaning of the same word is understood differently. Therefore, I would not talk about truth - an unattainable concept - but about the truth, which is designed for the "average" person. The juxtaposition of truth and compassion lends the word "truth" a certain harshness. The truth is the harsh and cruel truth. Souls are wounded by the truth and therefore need compassion. It cannot be said that the heroes of the play "At the Bottom" are a more or less homogeneous mass of people - impersonal, spineless. Each of the characters feels, dreams, hopes or remembers. More precisely, they carry something precious and secret inside themselves, but since the world in which they live is heartless and cruel, they are forced to hide all their dreams as far as possible. Although the dream, which would be at least some proof in the harsh real life, could help weak people - Nastya, Anna, Actor.

They - these weak people - are overwhelmed by the hopelessness of real life. And in order to live, only to live, they need a saving and wise lie about the "righteous land". As long as people believe and strive for the best, they will find the strength and desire to live. Even the most pathetic of them, even those who have lost their name, can be cured by pity and compassion and even partly resurrected. If only the people around knew about it! Maybe then, out of self-deception, even a weak person would build for himself a better, acceptable life for him? But those around them do not think about it, they expose the dream, and the person ...

“went home and hung himself!..” Is it worth blaming the old man for lying, who is the only one of the inhabitants of the rooming house who thinks not about himself, not about money, not about drinking, but about people? He tries to caress (“To caress a person is never harmful”), he inspires hope with calmness and pity. It was he, in the end, who changed all the people, all the inhabitants of the rooming house ... Yes, the Actor hanged himself. But not only Luke is guilty of this, but also those who did not regret, but cut to the heart with the truth. There is some stereotype about the truth. It is often assumed that the truth is always good.

Of course, it is valuable if you always live the truth, reality, but then dreams are impossible, and after them - a different vision of the world, poetry in the broadest sense of the word. It is a special view of life that gives birth to the beautiful, serves as the basis of art, which in the end also becomes a part of life. How do stronger people perceive compassion? Here is Bubnov, for example. Bubnov, in my opinion, is the toughest and most cynical of all the inhabitants of the rooming house. Bubnov "mumbles" all the time, stating naked, heavy truths: "no matter how you paint yourself, everything will be erased", he does not need a conscience, he is "not rich" ... Vasilisa Bubnov, without hesitation, calmly calls Vasilisa Bubnov a fierce woman, but in inserts in the middle of the conversation that the threads are rotten. Usually no one specifically talks to Bubnov, but from time to time he inserts his remarks into a variety of dialogues.

And the same Bubnov, Luka's main opponent, dull and cynical, in the final treats everyone with vodka, growls, shouts, offers to "take the soul"! And only the drunken, generous and talkative Bubnov, according to Alyoshka, "looks like a man." It can be seen that Luka also touched Bubnov with kindness, showed him that life is not in the despondency of everyday melancholy, but in something more cheerful, encouraging - in dreams. And Bubnov dreams! The appearance of Luka rallied the "strong" inhabitants of the rooming house (Satin, Klesch, Bubnov in the first place), there was even a solid general conversation. Luka is a man who sympathized, pitied and loved, managed to influence everyone. Even the Actor remembered his favorite poems and his name. Human feelings and dreams, his inner world is dearest and most valuable, because a dream does not limit, a dream develops.

The truth does not give hope, the truth does not believe in God, and without faith in God, without hope, there is no future.

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