Which is better community or page. Pro Internet Marketing Tools: Content, Context, SEO


Before creating a VKontakte community, you probably thought more than once about what to choose: a group or a public page. How important are the differences between them and what are their advantages?

Some, in pursuit of fashion, create public pages indiscriminately, without fully understanding their differences from the group, while others, on the contrary, are more conservative and prefer to work with groups that are more familiar to them, since they have already studied their functionality quite well. But do not rush to choose the type of community on the principle of ease of design and inviting friends. In fact, the choice should depend on the subject and goals of your future community: whether it's an online store or a page with humor.
It is important not only to understand the technical differences between a group and a public page, but also the very meaning of the existence of these two types of community.
Public page- is the official platform for a brand, organization, individual or a specific topic. First of all, it is intended to promote this very brand or personality. The information in the public page is official, compared to the information provided in the groups. In fact, a public page can be compared to an online magazine in which users can learn useful information for themselves. The main difference between a public page and a group is that a public page does not carry explicit commercial goals for making money on its users. Of course, there is commercial interest, but no one reports it openly.

Group is a community where people can communicate with each other, exchange ideas and suggestions. This type of community is the most studied, since it appeared from the very beginning of the existence of Contact and their functionality developed along with the development of the social network. And, therefore, when creating a new community, many, without hesitation, choose a group in the old fashioned way, being afraid of the lack of the function of inviting friends on the public page. But let's not rush.

Let's take a look in detail:
Creating a public page and group
When creating a group or a public page, we see fundamental differences in the preliminary settings.
Public page. When creating an official page, we are offered 4 different types, which are slightly different from each other. When you click Create page, we will go to the settings window of the created community.

Group. When creating a group, we immediately see a window with the settings for this group, that is, it turns out that we created it in one click.

Access to the information

Public page Any user of the Contact, as well as an ordinary Internet user who does not have an account in his social network, can freely view all the materials of the public page. Public pages are not aimed at hiding information from readers, but, on the contrary, do everything possible to attract subscribers.

Group. An open group, in principle, is no different from a public group in terms of access to information. It is also indexed by search queries and is visible to an unregistered user. If the group is closed, then only members of this community can access the information. The user applies to join the group, which will be approved or not at the discretion of the moderators.

community wall

Group. As I said, the group is more user friendly and it gives users the opportunity to write messages on the wall themselves. This option is customizable, if desired, the group wall can be made open (everyone can write), limited (can only leave a comment) or closed (can only view the wall).

Public page You probably already noticed that the public page does not have the "invite friends" function.
There is an option to tell friends. This is actually a very efficient and effective method of promotion compared to intrusive invitations from friends. People subscribe to your community voluntarily because they are interested in the information posted on your public page. And if they especially liked your post, they will definitely share it with their friends. The most important thing is to attract the user with quality content.
Another common method for promoting a page is through a sponsored post on other popular communities. The method requires the investment of funds, or the mutual exchange of posts (by agreement)
With a well-designed company, you can use paid placement, but before paying money to the first community you come across, study a little of the “VKontakte market” and the principles of money circulation within this social network. I recommend watching Alena Lenskaya's video seminars. You can find them for free on YouTube.
Another paid method is to place an advertisement on VKontakte. Targeted advertising will help your target audience to find your page and tell their friends about it.
On the pages of users, the public page is placed more profitably, in terms of location, it is located in the menu on the left "Interesting pages", this is one big plus for promotion.

Group. Promotion of the group at first glance seems easier. But is it really so? In order to see the list of groups, on the user page you need to click on “Show detailed information” scrolling through the wall to the “Groups” list and this is a big minus, since users can hide the “List of groups” vicissitudes settings then the groups will not be displayed on the page.
But from the group you can send invitations to friends, if you have enough friends, it will be easy to recruit the first 100-200 participants. Remember that you can invite no more than 40 people to the group per day.
If you plan to invite more people using this option, then before that you need to add new friends to your personal page.

The differences between a public page and a group are easily visible to the "naked eye" in their design. Let's look at what visual opportunities these two types of communities provide us with. For convenience, I took a screenshot of an empty public and group so that we can easily see their differences. Please note that before that I activated all the elements of the group and the public page in the settings.

What are the differences?

Section Latest news
This is where one of the main differences between a group and a public page lies, since the public page does not have this element. This is considered by many to be a great advantage, as a group menu is created in the Breaking News section. But I don’t think at all that the presence of a menu in the info block will be decisive when choosing the type of community, especially since it is hidden by default in order to see the menu in the “Latest News” section and each time you have to open it.
It is possible to create a pinned post with a link to the internal menu - it is the same for both the group and the public page.
I will reveal the secret in a public page, yet it is possible to create a wiki page in a workaround, details here.

Events, places
These elements are only available on the public page, but by turning on the smarts, they can also be added to the group - by creating an event and a photo with a location and adding them to the group's link block. Although, without a doubt, by the presence of this functionality, the public page outperforms the group.

The documents
And this element is only for the group. Here you can store files of doc, ppt, rtf, jpg format, etc. But here you can also trick yourself by creating a document on a wiki page and adding a link and a block of links of public pages to it.

Displaying a community on a user's personal page
Public page A subscription to public pages is displayed on the main page of the user account in the section Interesting pages, which is very effective in terms of promoting this type of community (this section cannot be hidden).

Group. All user groups are displayed almost at the very bottom of the Detailed information block, which is automatically hidden, and to see it, you need to click on it. You can also add a group to bookmarks, but getting to the bookmarks is not so easy. In addition, the user can hide the list of groups with the privacy settings.
Users' ability to post their information

Deleting Users

Public pageHere you can only blacklist the user. From viewing information in your community, you will not be able to limit it, you will only limit the ability to add comments.

Group.In a user group, you can both blacklist and delete. Moreover, if this is a closed group, then your information will no longer be available to the remote user.

Community wall post author selection
Let's consider such an opportunity as the choice of the author when creating a message on the community wall. Please note that this feature is only available if you are a moderator.
Public page When posting on a wall, the post is always posted on behalf of the community, i.e. next to her will always be a community avatar. But you can mark your authorship by checking the Signature box when creating a post.

Group. When posting a post on a group wall, the user can choose from which person the post is posted. If you check the box On behalf of the group, then next to it there will be a group avatar, and if you tick the Signature box, then your name will appear under the published message, in the form of a link to your personal page. If you do not put any checkboxes at all, then your personal avatar will be next to the entry.

Let's summarize:
A public page is a more news community that is aimed at providing information to users, and with the help of a group, it is effective to create an online store, promote any product or service.

Before using any platform, you need to figure out how best to do it. Many Internet entrepreneurs try to use groups or public pages on VK,

Group or public page - that is the question. Let's answer the question.

Groups have existed since the dawn of contact. This is probably why they are still jumping around (they are public pages). And almost everyone who comes to social networks to achieve their goals tends to create a group.

Of course, nothing prevents you from immediately creating a group and public and leading them together. But this will confuse users a little, so it's better to focus on one thing. You just need to know what it is first.

I’ll make a reservation right away that if you work in the B 2B (business to business) segment, you can consider Facebook - the audience there is more “business”, and the competition is still less. But VKontakte, with skillful use, is capable of much.

So what are the differences between a group and a public? Let's go in order.

What is the best group?

The Vkontakte group fully justifies its name - it is suitable for groups of people. Man, by nature, wants to be part of a community. Some do not recognize this, considering themselves anarchists. But anarchists are exactly the same group. It's even ironic.

A community (it's a group) can be driven by some common goals or interests - music (jazz lovers) or politics (people who hold similar views). Therefore, it is better to choose it for those who want to achieve close contact with the audience.

The group is best suited for:

What is better than public?

There are not as many public pages as there are groups, but this does not mean that they are less effective. In fact, most entrepreneurs need to create not a community, but a public page.

Publics are well suited for companies, celebrities, products, and bands. That is, if you want toothpaste or a cafe, you need to create a public.

Public is best suited for:

  • Directions of traffic to the site. Because the group is a more independent cell. Group members may never go to the site, even if every post contains a link to it.
  • Advertising sales.
  • Sale of information courses. But here the situation is the same as with stores - if you have a website that sells, create a public. If sales will be only in VK - group.

Promotion of VK groups and public pages

We figured out the goals, now let's look at the progress. For some, it may seem that it is harder to promote a public than a group, because you cannot invite friends to a public. Therefore, you will not be able to get some initial number of subscribers by simply throwing invitations to all your contacts.

But that doesn't mean it's impossible to move forward. For example, the public VKontakte page is fully open. That is, absolutely anyone can see everything that is on the public page. And in groups, some albums or features may be limited.

In addition, any VK user can hide the groups in which he is a member. Therefore, no one obliges him to tell his friends about you or invite someone to the group. But publics (they are displayed in the "Interesting pages" column) cannot be hidden. Therefore, there are more chances that someone will subscribe to a public page after seeing it from a friend.

Otherwise, the methods of promotion are similar - advertising, interesting posts, contests, and so on. Best of all, of course, word of mouth works. There are no fundamental differences - what is suitable for a group is also suitable for public.

But there is one “but” - the groups are somewhat better ranked in the search results. So you should take this into account.

Functionality of public pages and groups

If you have not yet decided which is better - a public page or a group - then let's take a closer look at the functionality of publics and groups. In groups, each member can access some part of the group. That is, any user, if allowed in the settings, can add entries, photos, videos or audio recordings. Because of this, the audience of groups is more involved in the process.

In public, the opposite is true - only administrators can add entries and everything else. Regular subscribers can only comment and like. And even if the administrator wants to write a post, it will be sent on behalf of the public (you can leave a signature).

Another aspect is privacy. Although those who are going to promote do not think about any privacy, because it is better for them when information about them pops up wherever possible.

Public pages (that's why they are public) are open to absolutely everyone. Groups can be closed. That is, users will be able to view or add information to them only if they receive an invitation from a group member.

Public (public page):

  • can be open, closed and private;
  • discussions, community photos and audio recordings are at the top;
  • it is forbidden create events;
  • there is a block "latest news";
  • allows you to store documents;
  • works great inviting friends to a group;
  • a link to the group is located at each subscriber under basic information;

Our choice

In one of our projects on teaching the tools of thinking and working with beliefs, the time has come to work with the VKontakte audience. And the question “Which is better to create - a group or a page?” stood up in front of us. The target audience is self-development fans who have hit the bar of their income and cannot break it; or achieve growth, but roll back, losing the heights gained with difficulty.

Set goals:

  • more than 10,000 group members in 6 months;
  • access to sales in excess of 100,000 rubles per month in 6 months;
  • receive more than 10 reviews from course/training participants per week;
  • increase the number of clicks on affiliate links by 500+ people per month.

To achieve our goals, we decided to create a group. At the same time, once again check in practice which techniques and tools work and which do not.

The next article in the series is . In it, we count the frequency of keywords, analyze competitors, generate a list of options and accept one of them.

Summing up

If you are awakened in the middle of the night and asked: “Group or public page?”, You will be able to accurately navigate in a particular situation. There is no universal solution. Therefore, you should always think before you act.

In any case, you can 30 days to change community type (change public to group or vice versa), so you can test and determine what is better public or group in practice.

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What is better group or public page?


Hello dear readers!

Did you know that all your efforts to gain popularity on social networks can be in vain? It is possible that you are the one who is wasting time and money trying to find new customers for your business!

And all why?

Yes, because they chose an unsuitable halo for themselves. This is exactly what I would like to tell you about: about the habitats of organizations, companies, musical groups, hobby groups, etc. in a world called the Internet.

Let's figure it out together, which is better a group or a public page?

In contact with

It is not surprising that first we will talk about the most popular social network in Russia. The Vkontakte social network is an excellent platform for advertising and finding new potential customers, as well as for meeting interesting people.

Vkontakte is becoming more and more popular every day, it is used not only by citizens of Russia. In addition to individuals, a huge number of online stores, beauty salons and training centers have special accounts in this network in addition to their own websites.

And absolutely everyone is faced with a number of questions:

  • What is a group and a public page?
  • What are the features of their creation and use?
  • What is better than a group or a public page in VKontakte?

What's happened?

First of all, it is worth understanding what a group in Vkontakte is and what a public page is.

Group is a place where people with certain interests can communicate with each other. This is such a circle of interests. Many choose this particular form of existence of their store/salon/studio because they are simply used to it. Groups have existed since the birth of Vkontakte, for many they are already like family.

Public page– this is a completely different matter. It was the publics that were created to promote the brand. The information posted in them is official, all content is dedicated to a specific person or organization.

Creation and use

Already from the definition, the answer to the question: what is better for sales, a group or a public page, suggests itself. It becomes clear that a group and a public are two completely different things, they are created differently and the whole process of their maintenance is also different.

Public page

Before you create a public page, you need to decide what exactly you will promote. You can choose from four options:

  • place or small company;
  • company, organization or website;
  • interesting person or team;
  • work or product.

After the choice is made, you can proceed to the design and direct creation of the public.

Its important feature is that absolutely all public information is available to absolutely everyone. Even people who do not have a Vkontakte account will be able to see the content of the page.

Information on the public wall is posted only on behalf of the administration, on behalf of the organization itself, although subscribers can offer their own news.

Despite the fact that you will not be able to invite your friends to the public, there are many effective ways to find an audience.

You can "tell your friends" about a public page or pay to advertise your public on another public page.

You can also take advantage of targeted advertising that will bring you real interested potential customers.

Thanks to this little explanation, it is easy to guess what is best for an online store, for example , a group or a public page, and what is more suitable for a club of beginner poets.


A group on VKontakte is created in one click. You do not need to choose between different types of groups, you immediately proceed to its direct creation.

As in the case of a public page, information in the group can be seen by every user on the Internet, but only if you want it. Your group can be closed and only a few can be members. In this case, only subscribers will see the information available in the group.

Unlike a public, a message on the wall of such a community can be left by all users, with certain settings.

In addition, moderation is carried out not on behalf of the group, but on behalf of each of the admins individually. That is, in this case, we observe a more personal communication.

You can invite friends to the group, but imposing with your community is not always appropriate. In addition, each contact user can hide the list of groups they belong to, which makes community promotion difficult.

What to choose?

What is the best way to create a VKontakte group or a public page? To answer this question, you need to understand what you actually want?

If your goal is to create a cozy place where people with similar interests will gather, then a group is what you need. But for finding customers, a public page is better suited (opinion).


If you want to find clients or just interesting people from other countries, you just need to use Facebook and decide for yourself what is the best Facebook group or page.

What's happened?

Facebook group- everything is simple here!

As in VKontakte, they are created solely for communication. People with certain interests share their experience, impressions and thoughts.

Page on Facebook is a public open space. It contains information about a specific person, team or company. It is on the page that it is most convenient to place information about the brand.

Creation and use


The group has a number of additional features that the page lacks.

For example, if you have a Facebook group, you can send out letters and invitations to events in bulk, but not more than 5,000 participants. This limitation makes it impossible for groups with a large number of subscribers to use the feature.

And if your goal is several tens of thousands of people, then this function is unlikely to seem tempting to you.

The group cannot use applications, which is a significant disadvantage.

However, as an administrator of the group, you will be able to control its members.

The group can be: open, closed and secret. You will decide who exactly will become a member of your community.


A huge advantage of a page over a group is the ability to use applications. They will make a huge number of possibilities available to you. But you, unfortunately, cannot invite someone to participate in a certain event from the page.

But, as the owner of the page, you will get the opportunity to use advertising widgets, groups cannot do this. All information presented on the page is available to absolutely all Internet users.

What to choose?

And again we return to the question of your goal. Do you want many, many clients? Then create a page. Otherwise, a group will suit you.


Many people ask themselves: what is the best group or page in Odnoklassniki?

In this social network, unfortunately, there is an opportunity to create only your own group. AND page in Odnoklassniki, this is, first of all, a personal account. As in VKontakte, it is intended for personal use and for posting personal information.

It is in groups that people find important information for themselves, share ideas and thoughts, or choose goods / services.

How to unwind?


A page in Odnoklassniki can be promoted in different ways. For example, you can increase the number of friends and classes manually. Add people you don't know yourself as friends and hope they like your posts.

Of course, you can wind them up, but in this case your “success” will be very shaky and empty. After all, “inanimate” people are winding up, who definitely won’t buy anything from you.

You can also use various applications for promotion. For example, put a lot of classes for different users and wait for them to go to your page.

By the way, one of the main advantages of Odnoklassniki is a class that combines the usual like and repost.


As in VKontakte, you can simply invite your friends to the group. This is the easiest way to gain an audience, but you should understand that not everyone will want to join the group and the number of your friends is not infinite.

In addition, you will not be able to invite more than 30 people per day. You will also be able to pay for your reposts in other groups, which will bring you a lot of new subscribers.

What to choose?

Group only!

A page can be the starting point for promoting your business. But she's not as comfortable as a group. If you want to find like-minded people, you need a group. Just at the very beginning of its creation, you should indicate that this group is for communication.

On this, perhaps, I will finish and say goodbye.

I really hope that I was able to help you with the choice.

I have a lot more interesting and useful information for you, but I will share it next time.

So stay connected! 😉

VKontakte is one of the most popular Runet sites today. This resource was created to bring together people who have similar interests. Let's try to figure out how the page differs from the VKontakte group. The need for this article is ripe, because at the moment most sources already contain outdated information - the network is developing very quickly, one change follows another. So let's go!


Pages "In contact" also called business cards, where the user tells about himself and according to the information provided, he can be found by friends and acquaintances. Moreover, by creating a public page "VKontakte", you can share company news, brand novelties, products, thereby attracting an audience from the social network, interacting with it.

Groups "VKontakte" are formed on various topics and unite like-minded people. In this case, the group can be created simply for communication. However, most of the creators of VKontakte groups aim to advertise a product or service and make money on it - and there is nothing wrong with that, right? The group is the very first interesting feature of social networks. The number of groups is constantly growing, so the VKontakte management introduced the pages. Groups appeared much earlier than pages.

Feature Comparison

The main difference is that the pages are available to everyone, including those who are not registered on the social network. The group can be closed from other users.

Design. It can be changed only for groups, for example, by issuing the “News” block. The pages can only change the logo, and the design is unified. The page interface is subjectively a little more convenient than that of groups.

Main difference

Each Vkontakte user under his profile photo can see the "Interesting Pages" menu. It is there that the five most frequently visited pages are displayed. If the page created by you is in such a Top among users with the largest number of friends, then, accordingly, there will be an opportunity to receive additional traffic to the page. Groups don't have that option.

Findings site

  1. The groups came before
  2. The page is visible to everyone, and the group can be made private
  3. In groups, you can change individual design elements using wiki markup
  4. Pages show up in the interesting pages menu, but groups don't.

Hello friends!

Initially, VKontakte itself allows us to choose 3 community options: a group, public or event:

So what to choose? I will make a reservation right away that for any events or events it is better to choose an event, and if you actively want to promote in VK, then it is better to choose a public one. For what reason I will tell below!

Vkontakte community

Groups have some differences from publics and I suggest you consider them:

1) Groups can be made public, private or private.

Open groups can be viewed by all users, it is possible to get into a closed one only after the approval of the administrator (for this you need to apply to participate in the group). A closed group is not visible to other users (only the avatar, name and description are visible). A private group cannot be found in the VK search and can only be accessed after an administrator invitation.

2) Members can post messages on the wall. For most projects, this allows easy communication between group members, but it also increases the risk of spam messages on the group wall.

3) You can invite friends to the group. Previously, this method was very actively used to promote VKontakte.

4) In a group, you can put discussions immediately under the description or the pinned post/menu.

These are the properties that groups have. Now let's move on to publics.

Publics VKontakte

1) Publics are present in the “Interesting pages” block on the users page. This allows you to receive additional traffic to the public if it is interesting and you have a large audience that often reads your public.

2) All content is immediately below the pinned post. That is, the main focus here is on the content.

3) In public, only administrators can leave messages on the wall. Other participants can only offer their posts through the "Suggest news" button

Events VKontakte

As for events, they are ideal for any events, conferences, concerts. The main feature of events is binding to a date. Accordingly, they can be seen at the top in the list of my groups.

Events are somewhat similar to groups and can be used as an additional source of attention to your projects. Occasionally, events are the main event ticket sales.

Let's sum up all of the above.

If you are planning an event, meeting or event, then choose the format of the event for promotion.

In other cases, be guided by such points: is it necessary that subscribers be able to leave posts on the wall? Is the function of inviting friends necessary and are discussions important?

In any case, my advice is: if you plan to give a unique and, plus you want to receive additional traffic, then choose public and you won’t lose.

I hope I have clarified important points when choosing the VKontakte community format. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer in the comments.

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