What not to do at the funeral of a relative. Signs and superstitions Folk signs and superstitions


Key Signs at a Funeral. Is it necessary to comply? Superstition. Folk and church signs. What to do if you do not listen to signs?

Signs at a funeral - the experience of millennia

In the life of every person there is a place to be death. Burying a person is a very unpleasant and sad procedure. Almost everyone is afraid of the onset of death, because when it comes, the unknown awaits a person ahead. Most likely, in connection with this, funerals are surrounded on all sides by signs, superstitions, and funeral rules. They are an integral part of the burial of the deceased.

For more than one millennium, there are a large number of rules and traditions that must be observed by the relatives of the deceased. Old people even say that those who do not adhere to superstitions will face a huge misfortune in the near future. For this reason, all the rules that we will tell in our article should be impeccably followed.

Superstition before burial

Nowadays, there are a large number of organizations that deal with the burial of a deceased person and perform all organizational issues. However, the main part is naturally placed on the shoulders of the relatives of the deceased. Relatives are obliged to take into account even the smallest nuances.

Signs They say that in no case should a deceased person be left alone in the house. All the time before burial, one of the relatives must always be with him. There are many reasons for this. All things of the deceased contain the strongest magical power. Leaving the deceased alone in the apartment, any ill-wisher can steal the thing of the deceased and then use it to induce damage, the evil eye, or some other bad ritual.

Church signs

Priests believe that the soul of a deceased person needs prayer help. During the entire burial ceremony, prayers are required to be read near the coffin of a dead person. The relatives of the deceased must not forget about this sign.

From the point of view of the church, leaving one deceased is a huge disrespect for a loved one. There is another sign for which reason the deceased should not be himself. People who go to the next world have slightly opened eyelids. If a dead man's eyes are opened and his gaze falls on someone, then that person will not live long.

Folk omens

    Be sure to immediately after the person died, curtain all the mirrors that are in the house with a cloth. They say that if they are not covered, then the soul of the deceased will enter the mirror world and will not be able to get out of there. Having failed to leave this world, the soul will constantly come and frighten its loved ones. You can remove the fabric from the mirrors after forty days, since during these days the soul can come to the native walls.

    Chairs or a bench on which the coffin was located in the house must be turned upside down. This should be done as soon as the deceased is taken to the cemetery. The sign says that otherwise the soul can return.

    Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to put photographs of living people in the coffin of the deceased.

    Before burying the deceased, it must be washed. At the time of washing, place a glass of water by the window. The body is washed by acquaintances, and the soul is cleansed by itself from the glass. The water from which the deceased was washed is poured out in a deserted place, and the items that were involved in this procedure are placed in the coffin.

    It is strictly forbidden to wash and carry the coffin to pregnant girls and blood relatives. It is believed that the deceased will think that in this house they rejoice at his death. These procedures should be performed by comrades or acquaintances. A handkerchief or towel is tied to their hand as a sign of gratitude from the deceased.

    If the deceased's hands or feet remain warm after death, expect another death. However, to prevent this from happening, appease the deceased, put bread and salt next to him.

    Do not try to sweep or wash the floors when there is a dead person in the house. It is believed that if this is done, then the inhabitants of this house will also “swept out” to the cemetery after the deceased. Wet cleaning is carried out immediately after the body of the deceased is carried to the burial place. Be sure to discard all cleaning items.

    Relatives in the coffin should put the deceased: a handkerchief, a crutch, glasses and other vital things that a person used during his lifetime. A handkerchief is needed for the deceased at the hour of judgment to wipe drops of sweat.

    All belongings of a deceased person cannot be thrown into the trash can. Collect his belongings and distribute them to poor people or take them to the temple. But do this only after the expiration of forty days.

    The hands and feet of the deceased are bound before they are placed in the coffin. This is done so that the dead person does not get up and start to instill fear in his relatives. In the cemetery, before burial, the limbs are untied. So that these ropes are not stolen, relatives ask a well-known woman or man to watch them. This is due to the fact that magicians cause damage with the help of these ropes.

    Animals should not be allowed into the apartment where the deceased is located, as they will not allow the soul to calmly leave for the next world. If the cat jumped into the coffin to the dead - expect trouble.

    According to signs, it is forbidden to step on the towel during the funeral, on which the coffin is placed. No items may be taken from the cemetery.

    When you get home, don't forget to wash your hands well with soap.

    According to all signs, in front of the front door of the house where the dead lies, they put a spruce branch, so that people who came to say goodbye to the deceased do not carry death on their soles.

    You can’t spend the night in the same room - this is a very bad omen.

    The deceased should be covered with a special veil - "cover".

    Do not try to watch the funeral through the window. By doing so, you attract death to yourself. It is believed that the soul during the funeral ceremony is next to the body. She does not feel comfortable because of the people watching from the windows. The soul can become angry and take the person looking out of the window to the next world with it.

The deceased is carried to the cemetery

    It is considered a bad omen when the day of the funeral is postponed. After all, everything has its time!

    Do not cross the road in front of the coffin with the deceased person. This is a bad omen - soon the person who crossed the road may be in the place of the deceased.

    If, when lowering the coffin into the grave, it turns out to be very deep - this is a bad sign, it is possible that another death will soon occur in the family.

    If the lid of the coffin was forgotten in a hurry at home, death is already approaching. To protect yourself and your relatives, try to prevent this.

    Almost every person knows that before burial, everyone who came to say goodbye to the deceased is obliged to throw a piece of earth into the grave. This is done in order to close the door of the dead to our world.

    Within the walls of the house, do not try to nail the lid of the coffin, this action is performed only in the cemetery. Otherwise, everyone who does this will face a quick death.

    At the moment when the coffin is taken out, it should be controlled so that no one dares to look out the window. Since this action can return death to the walls of the house.

    Inviting death is considered - if a person at the time of the funeral ceremony turns back.

    If at the time of digging the grave there are remains from the old burial in the ground, this is a good sign that will entail a good afterlife for the deceased.

    In order to have something to buy a place in the afterlife, be sure to throw a few coins before lowering the deceased into the grave.

Weather at the time of burial

If it rains on the day of burial, this is a very good sign.. The soul of the deceased will not look for a place in the next world for long, and the soul will quickly calm down. Strange as it may seem, but this is the only positive sign that can happen at a funeral.

A very large number of prohibitions are associated with this sad event, which in no case are recommended to be ignored. The most important rule for pregnant women at a funeral ceremony is that she should never follow the hearse. A pregnant woman may have a miscarriage if she still decides to attend the burial.

One of the important points is that all those who come to say goodbye to the deceased must be dressed in black clothes. Our ancestors are sure that the black color of clothes will help to hide from death.

Bad omen - the coffin fell

This is the worst thing that can happen at a funeral.. If, nevertheless, this happened, the old people say that death should be expected within the next ninety days. But there is one way in which you can try to fix everything and dodge the deadly consequences.

In order for everything to fall into place, the next day after the funeral, all relatives need to get together and bake pancakes. The most important thing is that everyone participates in this process. Then the whole family goes to the cemetery. Each of those present is looking for three graves with his name and reads the words of the prayer "Our Father" at each.

After the cemetery, head to the church - give alms and distribute all the baked pancakes. Absolute silence must be observed during the entire process.

Superstitions, omens and beliefs have evolved over many millennia. All signs were tested by experience. People listened to their feelings and throughout the years acted as their heart tells them to.

If you look, then in fact all the signs that relate to the funeral ceremony are not so terrible, as people say about them. You just need to listen to these signs and do everything as mature people recommend. If it suddenly happened that, due to your inexperience, you violated any of the superstitions, do not be upset, ask for forgiveness from the deceased person and from the Most High Lord.

To believe all the signs that are associated with the funeral or not is a private matter for each person. Most importantly, just do not forget that we will all end up in the next world, and there we will have to answer for all our sins.

Signs and rituals are present not only in a person's life, but also at the time of his burial. If they are not observed, this can lead to a number of serious consequences, ranging from illness to death, so it is important to know what to do after the funeral and during the ceremony.

What does it mean if a funeral procession met along the way?

There are several signs and rules that must be observed when meeting a procession on your way:

What to do before the funeral?

The most important belief that must be strictly observed is that the deceased cannot be left alone in the house or even just in the room. There are many explanations for this:

There are other signs that can portend bad events, and you need to pay attention to them. For example, if the legs of the deceased remain warm all the time, this may be a harbinger of the imminent death of another family member. To prevent this from happening, the dead man must be appeased - put a pinch of salt and bread in his coffin.

You can’t clean the house when there is a coffin with a dead person in it - this way you can attract another death. And vice versa - after sending to the cemetery, one person should remain in the housing, who will restore order there and “sweep” it.

While the coffin with the deceased is in the house, it is recommended to remove all animals. The barking of a dog can frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat jumping into a coffin will attract misfortune.

When buying attributes for a funeral, it is not recommended to take change from the seller if they give it in change, because. coins symbolize tears. There is also a way to avoid other deaths for the coming year - just put a piece of bread sprinkled with salt under the table.

When laying a dead man in a coffin, one should tie his hands and feet with ropes, and untie them before lowering them into the grave. It is believed that thanks to the connected limbs, he will not be able to scare living people and move around the room.

After burial, the ropes should be burned. If you just throw them away and catch the eye of a black witch, she can use them to perform magical rituals, and obviously not good ones.

What not to do before a funeral

What else not to do at a funeral:

It is not recommended to postpone the date of the funeral, as well as to hold them before noon, go around the coffin from the side of the feet of the deceased, visit the graves of other deceased relatives on the day of burial, cry too much for the deceased. Within a day after the event, you should not go on a visit, and all 40 days his close relatives need to observe mourning for the deceased.

Signs at a funeral

There are several rules that must be observed before and during the funeral:

It is important to remember that it is highly undesirable for pregnant girls and children under 3 years old to attend the funeral. The fact is that their aura is too weak, and they will be vulnerable to the spirits of deceased people, which can cause misfortune and poor health.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, you should kiss him on the forehead, and not on the lips, and after the funeral, only your personal belongings are allowed to be taken away. Heading to the cemetery gate, you do not need to look back.

Weather on the day of the funeral - superstition

Particular attention should be paid to the weather on the day of the funeral. It characterizes not only the personal qualities of the deceased during his lifetime, but also what will happen to his soul after entering the afterlife:

A bad omen is the situation when one of the mourners fell at the funeral. For this person, the current year will be difficult and you need to pay attention to your health.

If the coffin fell, this does not bode well, but it is not worth scolding those who did not hold it or accidentally knocked it over. Instead, it is better to come home and thoroughly wash your hands from the hands to the very elbows, and after that or the next day go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

Raven in the cemetery: why?

Ravens are considered a symbol of evil and the underworld, so they usually live in every cemetery. Some people do not attach any importance to this, while others are still guided by some signs:

  • The crow sits on the roof of the church and croaks - reports the imminent appearance of the deceased. It is impossible to understand who exactly this applies to, so you should not pay special attention to the situation.
  • The raven sat on the tombstone - reports the sudden death of the priest of this parish.
  • The bird sat on the cross and clearly points with its tail to a specific house, which means that soon death will happen in this house.
  • The crow perched on the coffin. Perhaps the soul of another relative is present in the body of the bird, who thus came to say goodbye to the deceased.

Compliance with certain rules at a funeral allows you to adequately repose the body and soul of the deceased, and special signs on this day can tell you what events to expect and how to protect yourself from misfortune and troubles.

If everything is carried out in accordance with the established canons, this will allow the soul of the deceased to rest and more favorably experience Judgment Day for him, as well as provide himself with protection from the evil spirits of the afterlife.

How the clairvoyant woman Nina helps to change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will get a chance to get rich unexpectedly in July, and 2 signs will have a very hard time. You can go through the horoscope on the official website

The death of a loved one is a relatively sudden phenomenon, because in most cases no one expects it. When this happens, many people are often resentful and lost, not expecting such a turn of events. That is why it is so important to know in advance about some principles and norms of behavior when he is in the house, so as not to aggravate the already unenviable situation of his relatives and relatives.

It is believed that a person tying knots on rags at the moment when the coffin with the deceased is taken out of the house brings damage to the family of the deceased!

How to behave in the house with the deceased

In the house, the deceased, one should not talk loudly and, moreover, laugh.

Relatives of the deceased should curtain all the mirrors, since it is believed that the mirror is an otherworldly portal in which the soul of the deceased, who is at that moment in the house, can get lost. In principle, there is a more sensible thing for this: one should close the mirrors only so that it does not distract anyone. In addition, it is not pleasant when the coffin with the deceased is reflected in the mirror.

Mourning begins immediately after and is accompanied by robes of dark or black tones. Do not wear light-coloured clothing during this time. Everyone determines for himself how long he needs to be in a state of mourning. This time has no clear boundaries.

Being in the house with the deceased, it is necessary to remove all silver jewelry and things from him. If the deceased was a believer, then he should be put on his neck.

You should not put a glass of water (or vodka) covered with a piece of bread near the portrait of the deceased. According to legend, the soul of the deceased will never come to this glass, but only demons will come.

Relatives of the deceased should wash his body only during daylight hours. The water used for washing must be poured into a specially dug hole in a place where people do not go.

While in the house, you do not need to arrange laundry. This is considered a bad omen. Also, you should not allow someone to sit on while the coffin with him is in the house.

If someone is afraid to be in the house with the deceased, he should be advised to overcome his fear by holding the legs of the deceased for a while.

Everyone who came to say goodbye to the deceased must take off their hats before entering the house.

The coffin with the deceased, as well as the lid from the coffin, cannot be carried to the relatives of the deceased. It is believed that in this way it is possible to provoke another grief in the family.

Sooner or later, each of us becomes a participant in a difficult but necessary funeral ceremony. Regardless of whether you are a close relative of the deceased or your presence is just a tribute to the rules of decency, you need to cope with emotions and behave correctly at the funeral. If you know the basic rules of funeral etiquette in advance, it will be easier for you to choose the optimal behavior model later.

Below are some mandatory rules:

  1. Wardrobe. Of course, a funeral is not an event where smart clothes are appropriate. Give preference to dark tones. Women must be covered. Carry a few clean handkerchiefs with you.

  2. Conversations. In all places of the funeral procession, loud or excited conversations are not allowed, and even more so - laughter is strictly forbidden. It is not correct to comment or criticize the deceased, his relatives or the nuances of organizing a funeral.

  3. Help. If you notice that someone is on the verge of an emotional breakdown, suggest. Sometimes it is enough to provide; or vice versa - bring to the conversation and provoke tears. In some cases, you can get medical help in time. Sometimes there is a need for physical removal of the body of the deceased, the lid of the coffin, etc.

  4. Tolerance. Relatives and close circle of the deceased may behave overly emotionally at the funeral. Sometimes breakdowns into sobs, and even screams are possible. This should not cause a negative reaction from other guests. If it is difficult for you to restrain emotions yourself, it is better for them to go out in a secluded place or wait for the completion of a public farewell ceremony

  5. Wake. Don't show up to a memorial service without an invitation. Also, do not need to take with you to the funeral. In the memorial hall, you can’t take the place left for the deceased (as a rule, this is a place with clean cutlery, a knife and fork lying on a glass of water, on top of which lies bread). Alcohol is not allowed at funerals.

  6. Honor the memory of the deceased. Memories, condolences, mournful speeches and appeals are expressed in a civil farewell ceremony, to or directly to close relatives.

In whatever status you are present at the funeral - do not lose your temper. Wisdom and patience to you!

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Popular beliefs explain the smile of the deceased in the coffin in different ways. Some people say that this portends trouble, others, on the contrary, consider the smile on the face of a deceased person a good sign. In any case, this phenomenon is quite rare and unusual.

Why is he smiling

Pathologists do not see anything supernatural in the smile of the deceased. It is believed that some people have pinched facial nerves and death cramps, frozen on the face, relatives take for a smile. It is sometimes very difficult for make-up artists to give the deceased a peaceful look, so sometimes the expression on the face of the deceased can inspire truly mystical horror.

By the way, enterprising employees of funeral agencies already offer such a service, which is called: "Creating a smile on the face of the deceased." For an additional fee, a smiling relative will lie down, bringing peace to the souls of inconsolable relatives like: “Everything is fine with me, I feel good there.” When creating a smile, the pathologist uses 33 muscles on the face of the deceased. The smile is recreated literally in detail. For this purpose, intravital photographs of the deceased are used. Make-up artists use Botox, braces, air makeup and muscle bonding. Apparently, relatives feel calmer, seeing a smiling loved one.

True, sometimes the services of specialists are not required - everything happens by itself. And the sinister grin of some of the dead scares all the people present at the farewell ceremony.

Why the dead man smiles in the coffin: a mystical version

There is a popular belief that says that if the deceased smiles in the coffin, then this portends six more deaths in the family. Why exactly six is ​​unclear. However, it is worth noting that earlier families in Russia were large. Women gave birth at 10–15. Infant mortality was high, and it was easy to die from the common cold. In short, life expectancy and the level of medicine in those days left much to be desired. If six people die in a modern family, then, most likely, there will simply be no one left.

I can say as a very close relative of the man lying in the coffin with a half smile: No one died after this funeral. Five years have passed and everyone is alive, so you should not take such signs to heart and wait for inevitable death.

However, it is also worth noting that there is an alternative interpretation, which is no less common among the people. It is believed that if the deceased smiles in the coffin, then he has already managed to fulfill everything that was intended for him in earthly life and goes to God with a clear conscience and an open heart. In favor of such an interpretation is an incredible incident that occurred on July 1, 2009, when Father Joseph of Vatopedi, one of the most famous elders of our time, the author of many spiritual books, died.

An incredible event happened - an hour and a half after his death, he smiled. The most surprising thing is that the elder experienced heart problems and died with a serious expression on his face, and an hour and a half later, the monks were surprised to find a reverent smile on his face, which by no means resembles involuntary muscle contraction.

No one has figured out the nature of this phenomenon yet. In some cases, stories about facial muscle contraction do not stand up to scrutiny. In addition, many relatives noticed a phenomenon that is really impossible to explain. While the deceased lies in the coffin, there may be a smile or a smirk on his face, which disappears without a trace at the moment when the lid is about to be closed.

Should I be afraid

It all depends on what feelings relatives and close people experienced during the funeral, when they looked at the smiling dead. For me, it made me happy. I looked at the peaceful face of a loved one and sincerely believed that all the torment was over, and he had found the long-awaited peace.

If someone was frightened by the smile of a dead man, and then he began to dream or often appear in a dream, then you need to go to church and talk with your spiritual mentor.

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Funerals are a sad but inevitable reality. Death has always been incomprehensible, frightened by its inevitability, the inability to predict what is there, beyond its threshold? Perhaps that is why the funeral rite, perhaps more than all the others, is surrounded by a halo of signs, rules, superstitions. People tried to distance themselves from the deceased, to save the lives of other family members. This childishly unsophisticated faith, the desire to eliminate the frightening unknown has remained to this day. Signs, superstitions have become almost mandatory rules for the ritual.

The first requirement is to close the mirrors where there is a dead person. It is believed that the soul can go to the mirror, stay to live there. She will frighten her relatives, she will not be able to leave this world.

According to another version, if the deceased is reflected in the mirror, then he will “double”, take one of his friends or relatives.

Funeral signs suggest that it is imperative to close the eyes of the deceased. Previously, this was done with the help of copper nickels, today they use large coins. The open eyes of the deceased, our ancestors believed, looked out among those present for the one who would die next.

Seeing off the deceased, you should definitely put a few coins, a handkerchief, a comb with him. This set, as was previously thought, will help to overcome the long path to paradise, pay for the road, appear before the Almighty in a decent form.

But photographs of the living cannot be put in a coffin. Otherwise, they too will be buried.

The deceased person was necessarily washed to cleanse the body. The soul is cleansed by itself, for this you need to put a glass of water on the windowsill. It will be a bath for the soul.

Signs at a funeral forbid pregnant women or close relatives from washing the body of the deceased. Carry out the coffin, too, must not blood relatives. Otherwise, the deceased will decide that his death is welcome. It's better if it's just friends or acquaintances. Their hand, as a sign of gratitude from the deceased, is tied with a new towel, sometimes with a handkerchief.

Where they say goodbye to the deceased, it is not recommended to wash or sweep the floor. It was believed that the living would die in this way, "swept out" for the dead. This must be done immediately after the domino is carried out of the house. Turn the table where the domina stood, and throw away the bed, the dead man.

Signs at a funeral advise how to deal with things, property of the deceased. It is not recommended to touch them for up to forty days, and after the soul passes, all things must be quickly distributed to those in need, taken to the cathedral, church.

Almost all signs at a funeral are aimed at protecting others from damage that evil people can inflict using funeral props.

Before laying the deceased in the coffin, his hands and feet are tied. Quite understandable from a modern point of view, the rite was considered a way that did not allow the dead to get up, walk the earth, frighten the living. Before closing the lid of the coffin, and then lowering it into the grave, the legs and hands are untied.

These ropes can be used to death, so witches or black healers always try to steal the ropes. In order to prevent this from happening, they put a special observer. Usually this is an elderly woman who is well acquainted with the rites.

Signs and superstitions at the funeral prescribe how to behave during the ceremony. You can not step on the towels where the coffin is installed, bring any objects, flowers from the cemetery. When returning home, be sure to rinse your hands.

You can’t cross the road in front of the dead: you will die very soon.

It is necessary to commemorate the deceased on the day of the funeral, on the ninth and fortieth days, on the anniversary.

Signs at the funeral evolved over the centuries. They contained a sound grain of intuitive experience. People, not knowing or not being able to find an explanation for the laws of nature, instinctively felt how to behave in difficult situations, developed a line of behavior, enshrined in signs and rituals.

The funeral rite is one of the key moments of existence, important both for the souls of the deceased and for the relatives of the deceased. Signs at funerals have long been known, which allow you to know in advance about some future events.

The main folk signs at the funeral

Tradition strictly regulated the course of the funeral rite. The main signs at the funeral, which our ancestors believed in and followed:
Always looked at the weather. If the sun is shining, then the deceased was a good person. Rain at the funeral speaks of not the best qualities of the dead man.
Take care of pregnant women. Women in position should avoid any hassle associated with burial. They were not allowed to look at the deceased and attend the funeral and burial. If the pregnant woman nevertheless decided to come to the funeral, she had to leave the house before they began to take out the coffin. These superstitions are associated with the desire to preserve the fetus: it was believed that the deceased could take the soul of an unborn child.
They protected the children. They were treated with the same trepidation as pregnant women. The little ones were not allowed to attend the funeral and were watched closely until the completion of all the rites. Children could, while playing, drink water intended for the deceased, put something in his coffin, or take some thing of the deceased for themselves. Any of these actions can provoke a serious illness or death, therefore, the behavior of younger relatives was controlled very carefully.
They were in mourning. The traditional term is a year. At this time, close relatives of the deceased were not allowed to marry. A funeral before a wedding is one of the worst signs. Its authenticity was confirmed to some extent by the last Russian tsar: Nicholas II married Alexandra Feodorovna a week after his father's funeral. Everyone knows the sad and bloody history of this family.
They believed in the power of church holidays. One of the few good signs says: a person who died or was buried on the day of a religious holiday automatically goes to heaven.
Superstitions and omens at funerals are common today. In many ways, they are justified, as they are associated with long-term observations of people.

What signs at the funeral speak of new deaths

Grieving relatives may be faced with the need to organize a funeral again: often another rushes to the next world after one dead person. They say about this such signs of imminent death:
Someone accidentally crossed the path of the funeral procession. This person is waiting for death for the same reason as the current dead man. As a "lightweight" version of a negative prediction, the development of a cancerous tumor is called.
Relatives forgot to put an ax under the coffin. A similar custom is associated with the desire to cut off death from the house, to scare it. If this is not done, then very soon she will again “visit” and take another person with her.
Relatives forgot to untie the ropes that bind the limbs of the deceased.
A dead man can drag the whole family to the next world.
The ordered coffin or dug grave was too wide for the deceased. This means that the dead person leaves room for the "new".
The eyes of the dead man open: he looks after himself a mate. The legs of the deceased remain warm until the very funeral. The sign portends a new death.
The coffin fell. The incident points to deaths in the family within three years.
The dead man fell out of the coffin. Someone else will die soon.
The coffin lid fell (or was forgotten at home in the confusion). One should expect a quick death of one of the relatives.
The grave has collapsed. If the earth crumbled from the south side, death will come for a man, from the north - for a woman, from the east - for an old man, from the west - for a child.
Someone tripped or fell during the funeral. To his imminent death. In a short period of time, two died in one house. Death loves a trinity and will soon take someone third. The funeral fell on New Year's Eve. December 31 is an unfavorable date for such an undertaking: next year, at least one person per month will be sent to the next world.
Buried on Sunday. The sign says that over the next week it will be necessary to carry out the funeral ritual three more times.
The funeral was postponed, no matter the reason. Within a month, another death will occur in the family or in close circle (and according to some sources, even two or three). According to legend, the dead man, delaying the funeral, is simply waiting for the next dead person.
Folk signs at funerals warn people against putting their photo or personal item "as a keepsake" in the coffin. Thus, a person runs the risk of going to the world of the dead much earlier than expected.
The same applies to dressing the deceased in his clothes. After saying goodbye to the deceased, it is advisable to touch his shoes and say: “Farewell! When the time comes, we will come to you, but you don’t follow us.” You need to leave the coffin without looking back. Signs at a funeral in magic: what ordinary people don’t know about
If the average person perceives farewell to the deceased as a sad event, then sorcerers rejoice at the opportunity to “get rich”. Many signs about funerals are based on fear of magicians and witches: relatives tried to do everything to prevent such people from stealing funeral paraphernalia.

Of particular value are:

a rope that tied the hands and feet of the deceased;
water and soap used to wash the deceased;
coins for the eyes;
measure from the coffin;
candle stub left over from the funeral service.
All this is used to induce the strongest damage. Therefore, it is recommended to pour water into a specially dug hole away from the house, and soap should also be thrown there. The comb and measure are usually placed in the coffin. The dead cannot be left alone in the house. This is partly due to the desire of witches and sorcerers to put a personal item, biomaterial or photograph of their victim in the coffin: in this way damage to death is done. For the same reason, strangers should not be allowed near the coffin in the cemetery, especially if it seems that they are plotting something.

Suspicious behavior indicative of magical work being done includes:

Please lie down on the bed of the deceased.
The desire to go behind the coffin backwards.
Tying knots on a cord or rag during the removal of the deceased.
Throwing fresh flowers at the feet of people walking behind the coffin.
Placement on the lips of the deceased needles crosswise.
Folk omens are closely connected with the idea of ​​magic.
Many modern people do not believe that a sorcerer can do harm by manipulating any object. But there are a lot of cases confirming the effectiveness of black spells. For example, a popular way to permanently get rid of an unwanted person is to put his photograph in the mouth of the deceased. It is necessary to carefully observe what is happening, not letting grief cover your eyes and hide someone's negative activity. Basically, bad omens are common at funerals. This is connected not only with the natural fear of death, but also with the fear of the dead: the one who was nearby recently has now become a representative of another world. Following traditions allows a person to survive parting with a loved one as comfortably as possible.

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